774 圆柱坐标型三自由度机械手设计及其控制

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摘 要

本设计中机械手可模仿人的动作功能,用以按固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具 的自动操作装置。它可代替人的繁重劳动以实现生产的机械化和自动化,能在有害环境 下操作以保护人身安全,因而广泛应用于机械制造、冶金、电子、轻工和原子能等部门。 机械手主要由手部、运动机构和控制系统三大部分组成。手部是用来抓持工件的部件, 根据被抓持物件的形状、尺寸、重量、材料和作业要求设计为夹持型。运动机构,使手 部完成各种转动、移动或复合运动来实现规定的动作,改变被抓持物件的位置和姿势。 运动机构的升降、伸缩、旋转等独立运动方式,称为机械手的自由度。为了抓取空间中 任意位置和方位的物体,需有3个自由度。



Robot arm to mimic certain actions of staff and functions, to capture a fixed procedure, carrying objects or operating tools, automation equipment. It can replace human labor in order to achieve the heavy mechanization and automation of production, can operate in hazardous environments to protect the personal safety, which is widely used in machine building, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and nuclear power sectors.Manipulator mainly by hand, sports bodies and the control system has three major components. Task of hand is holding the workpiece of the components, according to grasping objects by shape, size, weight, material and operational requirements of the various structural forms, such as clamp type, care support and the adsorption type, etc. . Sports organizations to accomplish a variety of hand rotation, move, or complex movement to achieve the required action to change the location of objects by grasping and posture. Sports organizations lifting, stretching and rotating the independence movement, is known as freedom manipulator. Crawl space to an arbitrary position and orientation of objects, the need for six degrees of freedom. Freedom is the mechanical design of the key parameters of hand. More freedom, greater flexibility of the manipulator, the more wide versatility。

Keywords: manipulator, design, hand, wrist, arm, body, structure


1 绪论 (1)

1.1 国内生产量 (1)

1.2 国内机械手区域市场分析 (1)

2 机械手总体设计方案 (2)

2.1 机械手组成 (2)

2.2 机械手的规格参数 (10)

3 机械手手部设计计算 (4)

3.1 手部设计基本要求 (4)

3.2 手部手部力学分析 (5)

3.3 夹紧力与驱动力计算 (5)

3.4 手爪夹持范围计算 (7)

3.5 手爪夹持精度的计算 (8)

4 珠丝杠螺母副的选型 (10)

4.1 提升机构滚珠丝杠副的计算及选型 (10)

4.2 伸缩机构滚珠丝杠副的计算及选型 (13)

5 蜗轮蜗杆传动的设计计算 (17)

5.1 面接触疲劳强度设计 (17)

5.2 蜗轮蜗杆的主要参数和几何尺寸设计 (18)

5.3 齿根弯曲疲劳强度的校核 (16)

5.4 精度等级公差和表面粗糙度的确定 (20)

6 电机的计算和选型 (21)

6.1 提升步进电机的计算及选型 (21)

6.2 伸缩步进电机的计算与选型 (25)

6.3 蜗轮蜗杆电机的计算及选型 (28)

8 机械手 PLC 控制系统设计 (29)

7.1 接近开关的工作原理及选型 (31)

7.2 限位开关的工作原理及选型 (30)

7.3 系统的结构功能和总体设计方案 (31)

7.4 PLC的选型及PLC外部接线图设计 (32)

7.5 PLC控制系统的软件设计.......................... 错误!未定义书签。结 论 .. (35)

参考文献 (36)

致谢 (37)

附件 (38)
