话题九 科普知识与现代技术

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6 . It goes without saying that modern technology brings us convenience and comfort in life. 毫无疑问,现代科技给我们的生活带来方便和舒适。 7.If we know little about the universe, how can we know our earth and its changes better? 假若我们对宇宙了解甚少的话, 我们如何能更好地理解我们的 地球以及它的变化呢? 8.Microblog can provide a platform to show our talent and release our pressure, thus making it more and more popular with high school students. 微博能给我们提供一个展示我们的才能、释放压力的平台,因 此使它越来越受中学生的欢迎。
15.lead to/contribute to/result in/bring about 16.negative effect 17.shop on the Internet 18.stand out 19.scientific breakthrough 20.side effects
负面影响 网购 杰出 科学突破 副作用
随着科技的发展,通讯越来越方便快捷,几乎每个高中生 都有自己的微信号,可以用微信和自己的朋友聊天,向老师请 教问题,交流思想。但有的同学花了太多的时间用微信和朋友 聊天,还有的同学甚至有几百个好友。请你就以上现象进行分 析,并发表自己的看法。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
[佳句改写] (1)根据句①仿写句子 We are looking for the person to whom the book belongs. 我们正在寻找这本书的主人。 (2)根据句②仿写句子
making ______ them a They began to build their dreams, eventually _______ reality _________.
1.accelerate vt. 2.accessible adj. 3.advantage n. 4.artificial adj. 5.automatic adj. 6.breakthrough n. 7.brilliant adj. 8.click v. 9.convenience n. 加速 易接近的,可得到的 优势 人造的 自动的 重大进展,突破 巧妙的,使人印象深刻的,技艺高的 点击 方便;便利 标准,准则,原则
38.process n.&vt. 39.produce vt. product n. production n. 40.profit n.
过程,加工,处理 生产;制造 产品,制品 生产;制造 利润,收益
[第五组] 41.progress n.&vi. 前进;进步,进展
42.provide vt. 43.replace vt. 44.research n.&v. 45.revolution n. 46.science n. scientific adj. scientist n. 47.significance n. 48.simplify vt. 49.software n. 50.spacecraft n. 提供 取代 研究,调查 革命 科学,自然科学 科学的 科学家 意义,重要性 使简化,使简易 软件 宇宙飞船
51.standard n. adj. 52.succeed vi. success n. successful adj. 53.support vt.&n. 54.suppose vt. 55.system n. systematic adj. 56.technical adj. technique n. technology n. 标准 标准的 成功 成功 成功的,有成就的 支持,赞助 猜想,假定,料想 体系;系统 系统的,有条理的 技术的,工艺的 技术;技巧 技术
However, some students have spent too much time chatting with their WeChat friends.②What's worse, some students have hundreds of WeChat friends, eating up almost all their spare time, even their study time. I do think that WeChat can bring us much convenience and benefit, but what we should do is use it properly and reasonably.We should limit our time on it and devote ourselves to our study.
21.hopeful adj. 22.intelligent adj. 23.introduce vt. introduction n. 24.invent vt. invention n. inventor n. 25.material n. adj. 有希望的;有前途的 智能的 介绍 引进,介绍 发明,创造 发明,创造 发明者,创造者 材料,原料 物质上的;实际的
21.potential ability 22.surf the Internet 23.watch over 24.with the development of ... 25.change one's life
潜能 上网浏览信息 看守;监视 随着……的发展 改变某人的生活
1 . (2018· 天 津 高 考 书 面 表 达 )The World Adolescent Robotics Competition will be held in Tianjin at the end of July in order to promote the development of robotics. 为了促进机器人技术的发展, 世界青少年机器人技能竞赛将于 7 月底在天津举行。 2.In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past. 在过去的几十年间,医疗技术的进步已经使得人们比过去活的 时间更长成为可能。
[范文必背] Βιβλιοθήκη Baiduith the development of science and technology,
communication has become increasingly convenient.People can communicate with their friends or relatives freely in different ways.Among them chatting on the WeChat is the most popular.①Almost every senior high student has their own WeChat number, with which they can chat with their friends, ask their teachers to help them solve their puzzles and exchange their thoughts.
被用来 从……获益 可以利用的 领先 实现 追随时尚 对……有好的影响 提高人类的生活质量 信息产品 在科学领域
11.in storage 12.longdistance educational system 13.live a/an ...life 14.living standard
储存 远程教育系统 过……的生活 生活水平 导致
3.With the development of the Internet, many individuals favour online shopping because it is more convenient and can save shoppers' time. 随着互联网的发展,很多人喜欢网上购物,因为它更方便而 且能节省时间。 4 . People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities. 人们相信,拥有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会。 5.With the help of the computer, it will be possible for humans to work at home. 在电脑的帮助下,人们在家办公将会是件可行的事。
10.criterion (pl. criteria) n.
11.demand vt.& n. 12.digital adj. 13.download v. 14.drawback n. 15.electronic adj. 16.engine n. engineer n. 17.experiment n.&v. 18.explore vt. 19.function n.&v. fundamental adj. 20.guarantee vt.&n. 要求 数字的,数码的 下载 缺点,不利条件 电子的 发动机,引擎 工程师;技师 实验 探索 作用,功能,运转 十分重大的,根本的 保证,担保
57.telescope n. 58.transform v. 59.update vt. 60.universal adj. 61.virus n.
望远镜 改造,改革,变换,改变 更新,使现代化 普遍的 病毒
1.be used for 2.benefit from ... 3.be available 4.be in the lead 5.come true 6.follow the fashion 7.have a good effect on 8.improve the quality of life for humans 9.information products 10.in the field of science
26.microcomputer n. microscope n. microwave n. 27.mix v. mixture n. 28.mobile adj. 29.modem n. 30.modern adj.
微机 显微镜 微波 混合,搅拌 混合物 移动的 调制解调器 现代的
31.patent n. 32.personally adv. 33.potential adj. 34.predict v. 35.print vt. printer n. printing n. 36.privilege n. 37.procedure n. 专利权,专利证书 就个人而言 潜在的,可能的 预言,预告,预报 印刷 打印机 印刷,印刷术 特权,特殊待遇 程序,手续