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Developpement de l’Enfant(伊甸园队列) IQR: Interquartile Range(四分位数间距) ROC: Receiver Operating Characteristic(受试者/接受者工作特征) SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(长处与困难问卷) WPPSI-III: Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–
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4. Previous evidence from a population of children born preterm showed that the 36-month ASQ predicted school difficulties at age 5.
2. To search for other child, maternal, and familyrelated factors associated with low IQ once the 36month ASQ score is taken into account and to determine whether such factors could interact in the relationship between the 36-month ASQ score and later IQ.
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Ages and Stages Questionnaire at 3 Years for Predicting IQ at 5–6 Years
PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 4 , X 20XX IF:6.476
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1. The identification of young children at risk for later suboptimal development is key to the design and implementation of early preventive or interventional strategies.
Third Edition(韦氏学龄前儿童智力量表,第3版)
EDEN: Etude des Determinants Pre-et Post-natals 惠珊精彩 作品惠 珊精彩 作品
du Developpement 惠珊精彩作品惠珊精彩作品 de l’Enfant
The EDEN mother–child cohort study aims to examine prenatal and postnatal determinants of child development, growth, and health.
2. Parental report instruments are designed to be used in primary care for firstline clinical screening of infant and preschool child development.
3. The Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) are the most commonly used questionnaires to identify young children at risk for developmental delay.
Yao xing,20XX-X-X
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Background Objectives Methods Results Discussion Strengths and limitations Conclusions Implications
Participants were recruited between 2003 and 2006 among pregnant women followed in Poitiers and Nancy university maternities.
Exclusion criteria were multiple pregnancies( 多 胎妊 娠), a known history of diabetes, non–French speakers or readers, or plans to move out of the study region in the next 3 years.
5.There is a gap in knowledge about the predictive value of early ASQ scores for later cognitive functioning, such as IQ, in the general pediatric population.
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Abbreviations 惠珊精彩作品惠珊精彩作品
ASQ: Ages & Stages Questionnaires(年龄与发育阶段问卷) CI: Confidence Interval(可信区间) EDEN: Etude des Determinants Pre-et Post-natals du
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1. To investigate the predictive value of the 36-month ASQ score for IQ at age 5 to 6 years in a large population-based cohort study.