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1 实际全损:Actual Total Loss

It means that the insured goods are totally suffered from loss or deteriorated, or th e goods cannot be restored after being damaged. It may also refer to the fact that the title of goods cannot be owned by the insurant or the vessel has missed for q uite a long time (half year for example) and with no information.

2 推定全损:Constructive Total Loss

It is an insurance loss where the expense of recovering or repairing the insured go ods would exceed their value after this expenditure had been incurred.

3 单独海损:Particular Average

It means that a particular cargo is damaged by any cause and the degree of dama ge does not reach a total loss, which shall be borne by the owner of this individual consignment. It always refers to any other accidents except General Average, i. e. the partial loss caused directly by perils.

4 共同海损:General Average

It refers to the loss which is the result of a sacrifice voluntarily made or an expens e incurred; for the sole purpose of saving a ship and its cargo in face of a commo n danger (e. g. jettison of cargo to lighten a ship in distress). If the action taken i s successful, each party to the adventure----all cargo owners and the vessel owner----bear the loss and expenses incurred based on the value of each shipment in prop ortion to the total value of cargo and vessel. The cargo owners whose goods are s afe and sound or uninsured in the marine perils must also contribute to pay for the loss and expenses.

5 平安险:Free from Particular Average

This is a very limited cover confining the insurer’s liability, strictly speaking, to only total loss of the insured cargo except where the carrying vessel or craft is grounde d, sunk or burnt, and only in such latter cases will partial loss of or damage to the cargo be answerable.

6 水渍险:With (Particular ) Average

It covers partial loss due to vile weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake and/ or flo od as well as the risks covered under Free from Particular Average condition as me 7 一切险:All Risks

All risks provide additional coverage besides the cover under Free from Particular Av erage and With (Particular) Average conditions. Contrary to its name, the clause dos e not protect against all risks. The more common perils it does cover are theft, pilf

erage, non-delivery, fresh water damage, contamination, breakage, and leakage. Inh erent vice, loss of market, and losses caused by delay are not covered.

8 清洁提单:Clean B/L

This is a B/L which bears no superimposed clause or notation(没有叠加的条款或批注)which declares a defective condition of the goods and/or the packaging(货物或包装有缺陷).


9 已装船提单:On Board B/L or Shipped B/L

It is a B/L acknowledging that the relative goods have been received on board for shipment on a specified vessel.

10 收妥备运提单:Received for shipment B/L

It refers to a B/L acknowledging the receipt of goods by a carrier for shipment on

a specified vessel.

11 直达提单:Direct B/L

It is issued by the carrier or his agent to the shipper when the goods are to be tr ansported from the port of loading direct to the port of destination. Buyers usually prefer to such B/Ls because transshipment increases the chance of cargo damage a nd loss. Sometimes an L/C prohibits transshipment of goods.

12 转船提单:Transshipment B/L

It is issued when there is no direct service between two ports, but when the ship owner is prepared to transship the goods at an intermediate port at the expense of his own. The intermediate port must be shown in the B/L.

13 联运提单:Through B/L

This B/L covering a shipment of goods by more than one mode of transportation. T he first carrier collects the freight for the whole voyage and is responsible for arran ging transshipment and forwarding of the goods at ports other than the port of des tination. This arrangement is advantageous to the shipper since otherwise he has to deal with the other individual carriers by himself.

14 租船提单:Charter Party B/L

When a businessman has a large amount of goods for shipment, he will charter a s hip to move the goods because it is more economical than consigning them by line rs. 银行不接受

15 班轮提单:Liner B/L

It is a bill issued by the carrier when the goods are transported by liner. 银行接受
