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Unit One
1. StrUggIe g。 battle
2. in timidati ng f. threate ning
3. racial c. eth nic
4. SCattered b. SeParated
5。 attach e. conn ect6。 trap h. CatCh
7。 Pan ic a. fear8. Un Steady d。Shaky
1. I heard his SCream and felt my blood f reeze With fear 。
2. Some teachers tend to StereOtyPe StUdents who are
from rural areas。
3. HiS first i nStinct WaS to CaIl 911 When he realized there WaS a burglar in his house.
4. The buildi ng C ollapsed duri ng the earthquake。 It Went all to PieCes.
5. We PrOmiSe that the PrOdUCtS will be d elivered on time。
1. AS She WaS about to walk into the elevator She noticed two men already aboard. 她正要走进电梯时,看到电梯里已经有两位
2. Her hesitatio n about jo ining them in the elevator WaS all
too obvious now. Her face WaS flushed。
3. The One who Said it had a little trouble getting the words out。 He WaS trying mightily to hold in a belly laugh . 说这话的人有点费力才把话说完,尽力忍住没有放声大笑.
How do you apologize to two PerfeCtIy respectable gen tleme n for behav ing as though they Were going to rob you?把两位绝对体面正派的绅士看作劫匪,如何请求他们的谅解?5。 The woman brushed herself off。 She pulled herself together and went dow nstairs for dinner With her husba nd。
1. Tom Long bid goodbye to everything in the garden (向花园里的一草一木道别)as he WePt tears。
2. She WaS CIear—headed (头脑清醒的)and never made a SPeCtaCIe of herself (从不出洋相)。
3. He looked at the funny—Iooki ng man,bit ing his lip (咬
4. GaZing at his clipboard, he murmured, It doesn ’ t look
Iike you ' re going to make it_ 看来你恐怕不行了)。”
5. PaniCCOnSUmed the SUrViVOrS (幸存者都无比惊恐 )after the
tragedy Of a disastrous Pla ne crash.
Unit two
1. CUrSe the en emies
2. embrace one ' S SuggeSti on
3. harbor evil inten ti ons
4. PreSe nt a bill
5. PrOteSt one 'S innocence
6. sail around the world
7. grudge the expenses 8. confiscate one ' S goods
1. Emerge ncy PerS onnel are on S ite attempting to rescue WOrkerS exposed to the pois onous gas.
2. ReCe ntly, the police con ducted a S ting OPeration in the COUntry targeti ng Un IiCe nsed electrical applia nce repair shops.
3. Her experie nce in the hotel WaS terrible: the room rates
Were expensive, the food WaS poor, the room atte ndants Were rude, and the bad Weather WaS the last S traw .
4. The real estate broker required a 10% d own Payment for the PUrChaSe of this house.
5. He lost all his WeaIth in the economic crisis; he killed
himself in d esperati on