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Funny Words

1.Don't tell me it was a five-finger discount . 别跟我说那是顺手牵羊偷来的。

2.Old habits die hard, especially ones like this where we rarely think about it. 旧


3.That would be a white elephant to me. 那东西对我来说,又贵又没用。

4.She visits us once in a blue moon. 他难得来看我们一次。

5.United 2-0 Spurs (Anderson 76') Great move, concluding with a wonderful

one-two in which Welbeck backheels the ball back into the path of Anderson, who slots into the net from 12 yards. 马刺(安德森第76分钟)漂亮的跑位,在经过一次漂亮的撞墙配合后,维尔贝克脚后跟一磕传给中路的安德森,安德森12码处一蹴而就。

6.Playing the male lead of Marc Antony was her two-time husband Richard Burton,

a screen legend in his own right.而出演男主角马克·安东尼的是她两度结婚的

丈夫理查·波顿,他也有他自己的荧幕传奇。White day 良辰吉日

7.There are different types of lies, viz. a white lie, fabrication, a noble lie, a

lie-to-children, etc. 谎言有许多不同的种类。比方说:善意的谎言,动机高尚的谎言,对小孩说的谎话等等。

8.He was a green horn and was soon cheated out of the money that all he had. 他


9.The ladybird is on his bed. Kitty is not afraid. 这飘虫是在她床上。基蒂是不害


10.Morning Glory clouds are a specific and more unusual type of roll clouds.

