

堀场汇博隆(C)S48 300HMT流量计、流量控制器说明书

堀场汇博隆(C)S48 300HMT流量计、流量控制器说明书

气体质量流量控制器(流量计)S48 300/HMT使用说明书(Ver.2.0)北京堀场汇博隆精密仪器有限公司目录1、概述 (1)2、术语符号 (2)3、工作原理 (5)4、技术指标 (7)5、产品安装 (8)6、使用方法和操作步骤 (16)7、数字通讯功能使用方法和操作 (18)8、通讯协议编码格式 (20)9、警告和注意 (25)10、故障判断和处理 (28)附录一:通信指令集 (31)附录二:标定和不同气体的换算 (34)1、概述本产品为热式质量流量控制器,利用气流流过毛细管,改变毛细管温度分布,造成上下游温差方法,而测得气体质量流量。



1.1 使用范围质量流量控制器广泛应用于半导体制造、真空镀膜、分析、化工、环境等行业的气流测量与控制。

1.2 质量流量控制器和质量流量计质量流量控制器(Mass Flow Controller 缩写为MFC),具备流量测量和流量控制两种功能。

质量流量计(Mass Flow Meter 缩写为MFM),只有流量测量功能,不具备气流控制功能。

1.3 S48 300/HMT质量流量控制器的特点☆ S48 300/HMT型质量流量控制器是在引进HORIBA STEC技术基础上,结合国内需要而研制的一种数字式质量流量控制器产品,采用当今先进的32位ARM系列处理器做数字控制。


☆RS232/485串口, Modbus(RTU)开放协议。







ALICAT 流量计 流量控制器 简易操作指南说明书

ALICAT 流量计 流量控制器 简易操作指南说明书

针脚号DB15 DB15K DB9/DB9M 8针mini-DIN 6针工业接头 1 接地 不接 4-20mA 输出 4-20mA 输出 电源正 2 模拟输出 模拟输出 第2路模拟出 第2路模拟出 TX(+)发送 3 接地 不接 RX(-)接收 RX(-)接收 RX(-)接收 4 不接 不接 模拟输入 模拟输入 模拟输入 5 电源正 接地 TX(+)发送 TX(+)发送 接地 6 不接 不接 0-5V 输出 0-5V 输出 模拟输出 7 不接 电源正 电源正 电源正 8 模拟输入 模拟输入 接地 接地 9 接地 第2路模拟出 接地 10 接地 不接 11 第2路模拟出 接地 12 不接 接地 13 RX(-)接收 RX(-)接收 14 接地 TX(+)发送 15 TX(+)发送 接地ALICAT 流量计/流量控制器简易操作指南1.外观概览2.针脚定义流量方向比例阀 背光灯开关功能键 屏幕电源插孔通讯线接口NPT 螺纹接口安装螺孔8-32 UNC3.功能按键3.2屏幕背光灯:按屏幕下方红色ALICAT 商标 可打开/关闭屏幕背光灯。

3.3切换输入信号源:进入菜单Menu ,在Control – ADV Control – SETPT Source 中可切换数字信号控制或模拟信号控制。

Serial/Front Panel 即数字信号/面板控制,Analog 即模拟信号。

3.4切换控制对象:在Control – ADV Control – Loop Setup – Loop VAR 中可切换控制对象为质量流量、体积流量或压力。


3.5调节PID 增益:在Control – ADV Control – Loop Setup – Loop Gains 中可调节PID 增益值。

PID 值会影响控制器的稳定性和响应速度。







CS系列流量控制器/流量计连接电脑教程 (1)1.硬件设备 (2)1.1第一步确认供电正确 (2)1.2第二步确认连接线齐全 (3)1.3第三步安装数据通讯线(UT820E)驱动 (4)1.4第四步确认通讯端口 (8)2.单台连接 (11)3.多台连接 (11)3.1第一步设置地址、波特率 (11)3.2第二步串连接线 (13)3.3第三步设置控制软件 (14)1.硬件设备1.1第一步确认供电正确用电源连接线接通电源,正常情况下MFC电源指示灯为绿色。


如图1-2为我公司生产的34号连接线:一头6芯水晶头,一头DB9孔如果水晶头是6PIN(1—GND;3—485-;4---485+);水晶头是8PIN(1—GND;4—485-;5---485+);图1-2如图1-3为485-232通讯转换器图1-3整体连接如图1-4所示:图1-4方式二:如果计算机没有232通讯串口,可以用485转USB转接线,但是需要在计算机上添加485转USB的驱动,1.3第三步安装数据通讯线(UT820E)驱动安装步骤如下:图1-5是与我公司CS系列产品适配的485转USB转换线,即QCX-80号线图1-5a) 将485转USB转换线的一端连接到计算机的USB口,然后打开设备管理器。


继续按动 ESC 键退回主菜单,此时光标将重新回到批量字符上。按动右键将光标移动到系 数位置上,进行流量计探头 K 值系数的设定,并出现以下画面:
系 数--
[ESC]: 返回
3、K 值系数: 该系数表示的是流量计探头的 K 值系数,其具体参数需参照后面提供的流量计探头的 K 值表
1# 反馈 接点 输入
2# 反馈 接点 输入
3# 反馈 接点 输入
上排端 子为电 磁阀的 继电器 输出
1#通道 2#通道 3#通道
下排端 子为再 生信号 的继电 器输出
1#罐体 出水阀门 之电磁阀 220V/AC 1#JMA内部接线示意图
操作人员不得随意清除总累计流 量,如果特殊情况必 须要对总累计流量进行 清除时需向供应商寻 求技术支持。累计清零需要对各个回路进行清零。
6、强制: 其功能就是在剩余流量 还没有到达零 时,进行强制再 生信号输出,强 制再生信号结 束后,剩
余流量(批量)将恢复到设定值,强制分就地和远端两种。 就地强制可以在控制器上操作: 当在主菜单选择强制再生后,按动 ENTER 键则出现以下画面:
三、主要技术指标 ·流量传感器脉冲量输入:
A:SIGENT 探头,正弦波 频率范围 0-150Hz,探头(直流)电压幅度 4-12V B:JK-TT 探头,脉冲方波 频率范围 0-150Hz,探头(直流)电压幅度 6-12V ·采样周期:0.2 秒 ·批量值设定范围:1-9999t(吨) ·批量输出形式:继电器无源接点输出 ·外部信号及馈电输入:无源接点反馈信号(2 秒钟以上) ·传感器探头自带电缆:5 米 ·显示方式:背光液晶显示单元,使用寿命≥10 年 ·再生信号输出:(2-9999 秒可调),3 路继电器无源接点,触点容量,AC220V/2A ·控制电磁阀信号输出:3 路继电器无源接点 触点容量 AC220V/2A ·仪表电源:开关电源 100-265V/AC 功耗 5W ·使用环境:环境温度 4-60℃ 相对湿度 ≤85%RH ·与 JKA 多阀控制器专用配套 ·匹配反馈型多路阀:AUTUTROL 及 FLECK 等多路阀(需 450 控制器支持)








三、使用方法1. 安装:首先,将东星智能流量控制器安装在流体管道上,确保连接牢固。


2. 参数设置:通过操作面板或远程控制软件,设置流量控制器的工作参数,包括流量范围、阈值、控制方式等。

3. 校准:在使用前,需要对流量控制器进行校准,确保测量的准确性。


4. 启动:按下启动按钮,流量控制器开始工作。


5. 监测:通过流量控制器的显示屏或远程监测软件,可以实时监测流体的流量、压差等参数,并进行数据记录和分析。

6. 故障排除:如果流量控制器出现故障,可以通过故障代码和说明书进行排除,或者联系售后服务人员进行维修和更换。

四、注意事项1. 在安装和维护流量控制器时,务必断电并确保操作安全。

2. 请按照说明书正确操作流量控制器,避免误操作导致设备损坏或人身伤害。

3. 定期对流量控制器进行维护和保养,保持设备的正常工作状态。

4. 如果流量控制器出现故障或异常,应及时联系售后服务人员进行处理。

5. 请勿在潮湿、腐蚀性或易爆环境中使用流量控制器,以免引发安全事故。

6. 切勿对流量控制器进行私自改装或拆解,否则可能造成设备损坏和安全隐患。



堀场汇博隆S49 32MT流量计,流量控制器说明书

堀场汇博隆S49 32MT流量计,流量控制器说明书
的差值信号去驱动控制调节阀门,通过闭环,去控制流过通道的流量使之与设定 的流量相等。
分流器在主通道和毛细管间产生层流,控制输出的流量检测电压与流过通道 的流量成比例。
与之配套使用的 MT-50 系列流量显示仪备有±15V 直流电源,3 位半数字电 压表,设定电位器,外设、内设转换和三位阀控开关,调零等。为质量流量计或 控制器提供工作电源,设定控制和显示等功能。控制器的设定输入、流量输出信 号均为电压形式,量程范围为 0~+5V。质量流量控制器(流量计)与 MT-50 流量显 示仪连接后的工作原理如图 1 所示。
控制器一般与 MT-50,MT-51 或与之相兼容的流量显示仪连接。 如与 MT-51 数字式流量显示仪连接,则构成数字式流量显示控制。该数字式 流量显示仪提供 RS-232C 接口,或 RS-485 接口,Modbus 协议,无需附加 A/D,D/A 转换卡,而实现与计算机网络电气连接、以及与组态软件的连接。 如 S49 32/MT 流量控制器直接与计算机连接,则需要用户自行提供电源和 A/D,D/A 转换卡等。 控制操作一般在流量显示仪上进行。当设定与“内”设相连时,由流量显示 仪上的设定电位器控制流量。当与“外”设相连时,由用户另外提供的外部(0~ +5)V 电压控制流量。 在流量显示仪的显示面板上设置有三位阀门控制开关,当置“关闭”位时, 阀门关闭;当置“清洗”位时,阀门开到最大,以便气路清洗,或临时作为流量 计使用;当置于“阀控”时,则按设定电位器的数值自动控制流量。(参考流量 显示仪的使用说明书)
量。 S49 32/MT 质量流量控制器(流量计)主要应用领域: 半导体制造行业的气体流量控制; 分析仪器设备的气体计量与控制; 各种形式的真空镀膜设备; 环境检测与分析设备; 化工、石化、食品、冶金、光纤熔炼等行业气体流量检测和控制; 特种材料表面处理装置与燃烧控制; 混气配气系统和泄露探测系统等。

FMA-A2000系列电子流量计 控制器说明书

FMA-A2000系列电子流量计 控制器说明书

FMA-A2310FMA-A2323FMA-A2108FMA-A2300FMA-A2304 FMA-A2307FMA-A2309FMA-A2308D-1The FMA-A2000 Series electronic mass flow meters/controllers provide high performance, versatility, and state-of-the-art design in one compact package. The FMA-A2000 uses capillary-type thermal technology to directly measure mass flow of gases. No temperature, pressure, or square root corrections are required.The FMA-A2300/2400 Series comes with an LCD display, and all models have linear 0 to 5 Vdc and 4 to 20 mA output.The FMA-A2000 measures the mass flow rate of gases in 24 ranges from 0 to 100 SLM. For the complete listing, refer to the range table on pageD-20. The FMA-A2000 Series is compatible with most non-corrosive gases. The user is advised to check the wetted materials against gas compatibility.OMEGA’s mass flow controllers use an internal electromagnetic proportional valve to control the mass flow rate. A command signal can be supplied either by the internal setpoint pot or by a 0 to 5 Vdc external source.U ±1% AccuracyU Linear Analog Output U Low CostU Thermal TechnologyU For Flow Rates Up to 100 SLM U Power Supply IncludedFMA-A2000 SeriesGAS MASS FLOW METERS AND CONTROLLERSFor Clean GasesWith Optional Integral Display FMA-A2417 with display, shown smaller than actual size.FMA-A2117 without display,shown smaller than actual size.D-2SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy: ±1% of full scale including linearityRepeatability: ±0.15% full scale or betterTurndown Ratio: 100:1Response Time: 5 seconds Gas Ambient Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Temperature Coefficient:0.05% full scale per 1°C or better Pressure Coefficient:0.01% full scale per psi or betterMeters: 20 SLM: 20 psiPolyacetal: 316 SS:Leak Integrity:1 x10-6Wetted Parts:Standard: Optional:Connections: 1⁄41⁄4Control Signal:Control Valve:normally closed Output Signal:1000 Ω500 Ω 316 SS Body: Polyacetal:Input Power:M eters: Controller: Dimensions:Weight:with power supplyNIST calibration (5 data points).* Insert range code from table at top of page to complete model number.For optional 316 stainless steel body, add suffix “-SS ” to model number for additional cost (1⁄4" compression fittings standard). SS body standard on FMA-A22 and FMA-A24 controllers.Note: All controller flow ranges specified are for nitrogen or air at 20 psig; when used for other gases, a correlation factor is needed to determine the flow rate.** Specify gas, inlet/outlet pressure, temperature.For 10-point NIST calibration certificate, add suffix “-NIST10” to model number for additional cost.Ordering Examples: FMA-A2316, mass flow meter with display, calibrated for nitrogen at 20 psig inlet, room temperature for 0 to 45 SLM. ∆P: 5 to 20 psi.FMA-A2102-SS , 316 stainless steel body mass flowmeter without display, 0 to 50 SCCM.6Tubing and fittings of various materials and styles are available. Visit us online for details.more details.FMA-A2310FMA-A2323FMA-A2108FMA-A2300FMA-A2304 FMA-A2307FMA-A2309FMA-A2308。

西仪CS系列200-A,C,D型气体质量流量控制器 质量流量计使用手册说明书

西仪CS系列200-A,C,D型气体质量流量控制器 质量流量计使用手册说明书

REV. 2.7CS系列200-A,C,D型气体质量流量控制器/质量流量计使 用 手 册2015.12目录控制方式 (20)第一部分产品说明 3.21.1 声明 ................................................... 1 3.3 调零 (20)1.2使用须知 ............................................ 2 3.4 软启动 .. (20)1.3安全注意事项 .................................... 2 3.5 延迟 (21)1.4 概述 ................................................... 3 3.6 阀控制 .. (21)1.5 技术指标 ........................................... 4 3.7 阀类型 .. (21)1.6 标定 ................................................... 5 3.8 多气体多量程 .. (21)1.6.1 标准状况 ........................................ 5 3.9 累积流量 . (21)1.6.2 制造环境 ........................................ 5 3.10 报警 . (22)1.6.3 精度调节 ........................................ 5 3.11 LED指示灯 . (22)第二部分安装第四部分维护2.1 概述 ................................................... 6 4.1 概述 (23)2.2 打开包装 ........................................... 6 4.2 注意事项 . (23)2.3 机械安装 ........................................... 6 4.2.1介质使用要求 (23)2.3.1 概述 ................................................ 6 4.2.2 阀口密封问题 .. (23)2.3.2 安装 ................................................ 13第五部分故障诊断2.3.2.1 1/4″VCR接头安装方法............ 13 5.1 初步检查 . (24) 双卡套接头的安装方法 ............. 14 5.2 故障检查 . (24)2.4 电气安装 ........................................... 14第六部分保证和服务2.4.1 概述 ................................................ 14 6.1 七星电子有限保证 (25)2.4.2 连接 ................................................ 15 6.2 产品保证 . (25)2.4.3 电缆线选型表以及连接示例 ........ 17 6.3 服务 (26)2.5 工作检查 ........................................... 20 6.4 免责声明 . (27)第三部分功能介绍附录Ⅰ (28)3.1 概述 ................................................... 20附录Ⅱ (31)MASS FLOW CONTROLLER & MASS FLOW METER第1页 共30页气体质量流量控制器和质量流量计使 用 手 册第一部分 产品说明1.1声明《气体质量流量控制器和质量流量计使用手册》版权属于北京七星华创电子股份有限公司(以下简称“七星电子”)专有。



1、质量流量控制器和质量流量计使用说明书特点及应用领域质量流量控制器(M ass Flow Controller缩写为MFC)用于对气体的质量流量进行精密测量和控制。

质量流量计(M ass Flow Meter缩写为MFM),用于对气体的质量流量进行精密测量。

S49系列质量流量控制器和质量流量计特点:*采用主体不锈钢(316L)结构,与气体接触部分采用铁素体高耐腐蚀软磁不锈钢、VITON 、聚四氟乙烯等*适用于各种腐蚀性气体*气体流量不因温度、压力的变化而失准*高精度*重复性好*响应速度快、软启动、稳定可靠*低压降*工作压力范围宽(可以在高压或真空条件下工作)。






执行Q/XCHBY001-2003 企业标准3.主要技术指标质量流量计和质量流量控制器出厂通常用氮气(N2)标定。

质量流量的单位规定为: SCCM (标准毫升/分);SLM (标准升/分)标准状态规定为: 温度 --- 273.15K ( 0℃ );气压—101325 Pa (760mm Hg)F.S (Full Scale):表示满量程值表1 S49-33/MT型﹑S49-33M/MT型质量流量控制器技术指标表2.S49-33A/MT﹑S49-33BM/MT型质量流量计技术指标注意:S49系列质量流量控制器,质量流量计分不同的流量范围,供用户选择,也可根据用户提出流量定制。

MKS DELTA III流量比例控制器说明书

MKS DELTA III流量比例控制器说明书

Key Benefits•Accurately and repeatably control flow ratio providing for better process optimization•Digital control loop provides rapid response to channel set point independent of the gas mix•Uses standard web browser – no special software requiredFigure 2The DELTA III ratio controller provides control for three channels of flow. Above the device starts with flows of 25, 25 and 50% in channels Q1, Q2, and Q3, respectively. The flow then transitions to 33.3% in each channel followed by a transition to 10, 50 and 40% in each channel, respectively.PerformanceFull Scale Ranges (each channel nitrogen equivalent - Q)500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000 and 10000 sccmPercentage Accuracy (includes non-linearity, hysteresis,and non-repeatability)±2% set point (for flow ≥10% of channel Full Scale)Channel Flow Control Range0, 5 to 100% Full ScaleInput Ratio Range 0, 2 to 100% of total flow within flow channel control range Percentage Repeatability±0.3% of set pointResolution 0.02% of channel Full ScaleMaximum Operating Outlet Pressure 200 Torr at maximum flow rate through all channelsMaximum Allowable Outlet Pressure Differential(highest to lowest pressure channel)50 Torr with the same percentage flow through all channelsNormal Operating Pressure Differential <150 Torr @ 3K split 33.3%; Except, <450 Torr for 10K/10K Percentage Settling Time <3 seconds (typical dependent on downstream conductance matching) Maximum Inlet Pressure 150 psig (non-operational)Temperature CoefficientsZeroSpan • <0.05% Full Scale/°C (500 ppm)• <0.08% of Reading/°C (800 ppm)Warmup Time60 minutesNormal Operating Temperature10 to 60°CStorage Temperature-20 to 65°CStorage Humidity0 to 95% relative humidity, non-condensingTemperature Accuracy+2°CTemperature Resolution0.1°CCompliance CE (a n overall metal braided, shielded able, properly grounded at both ends, is required during use). MechanicalFittingsInletOutlet • Swagelok® 4 VCR®• Male (non-rotatable)• Male (non-rotatable)Leak IntegrityExternal (scc/sec He)Through Closed Valve • <1x10-10• <2% of Channel Full Scale at 500 Torr differential to <10 TorrWetted Materials316 S.S. VAR (equivalent to 316 S.S. SCQ for semiconductor quality);316 S.S., Inconel®, KM-45, PTFESurface Finish 5 microinch average RaWeight7.27 lbs (3300 g)Electrical Communications EtherCAT®Input Power Required+24 VDC ±10% (13 Watts)Connector 2 x RJ-45 (comm.) male, M8 male, 5 pin (power)Data Rate Switch/Selection No switchComm. Rate(s)100 MbpsMac ID Switches/Addresses 3 switches, 16 positionsNetwork Size Up to 4095 nodesVisual Indicators LED Power (green), LED Run (green), LED Error (red), LED Comm (green)The MKS DELTA III Flow Ratio Controller shall not be used with any gas mixture which will react with each other as gas reactions are likely to affect the device flow measurements and may damage the device.The MKS DELTA III Flow Ratio Controller uses thermal sensors which add heat energy to the gas (and gas mixture) which may cause the gas to decompose and a mixture to react. Please consult MKS Applications Engineering if this is a concern for the intended application of the device.For channels with "0%" set points, a downstream shut-off valve is required to assure no flow through the channel.MKS products provided subject to the US Export Regulations. Export, re-export, diversion or transfer contrary to US law (and local country law) is prohibited. DELTA ™ is a trademark of MKS Instruments, Inc. or a subsidiary of MKS Instruments, Inc. All other trademarks cited herein are the property of their respective owners.DELTA III EtherCAT - 08/23©2023 MKS Instruments, Inc.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Ordering Code: DLT3B0BBB8R11Code ConfigurationModelDELTA III 3-Channel Flow Ratio Controller DLT3B DLT3BReserved Reserved00Channel Full Scale Flow Ranges3 channel 500 sccm 1000 sccm 2000 sccm 3000 sccm 5000 sccm 10000 sccmAll channels must be the same and are N 2 equivalent.AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFFBBBInterface Electronics EtherCAT 88Fittings4 VCR male, non-rotatable on inlet and outlet R RFirmwareFirmware Revision1111Dimensional DrawingNote: Unless otherwise specified, dimensions are nominal values in inches (mm referenced).。

Teledyne Hastings 300 Metaline系列流量计及控制器说明书

Teledyne Hastings 300 Metaline系列流量计及控制器说明书

INSTRUMENTSDESIGN FEATURESTeledyne Hastings Instruments (THI) prod-ucts represent over 60 years of experience in the design and manufacture of mass flow products. The all-metal seal 300 Series Metaline is a culmination of this experi-ence with patented technologies that make these instruments the finest flowmeters and controllers available today.The THI Mass Flow 300 Metaline Series meters and controllers are designed to accu-rately measure mass flow without corrections or compensations for gas pressure and temperature. They are accurate to better than ±0.75% of full-scale for .005 to 10 slm and ±1.0% of full-scale for 10 to 25 slm. THI mass flow instruments do not require any periodic maintenance under normal operating conditions with clean gases. No damage will occur from the use of moderate overpressures (~500 psi) or overflows. Instruments are normally calibrated with the appropriate standard calibration gas (nitrogen), then a gas conversion factor (GCF) is used to adjust the output for the intended gas. Special calibrations for other gases, such as oxygen, helium and argon, are available upon special order.These products contain a number of features that set them apart from other available instruments: (1) They are inherently linear; no linearization circuitry is employed. Should recalibration in the field be desired (a cali-bration standard is required), the customer needs to simply set the zero and span points. (2) The output signal is linear for very large overflows and will not come back on scale when a flow an order of magnitude over the full scale flow rate is measured. (3) The HFM-300 incorporates a removable/replaceable sensor module.HFM-300HFC-302Power Supplies AvailableTeledyne Hastings Instruments reserves the right to change or modify the design of its equipment without any obligation to provide notification of change or intent to change.1See Product Manual for critical information on instrument accuracy and the use of GCFs (gas conversion factors). Stated accuracy is for nitrogen or other gas specific calibration and use with this gas only.Kalrez ® is a registered trademark of Dupont Dow Elastomers L.L.C.Swagelok ® is a registered trademark of Crawford Company.VCR ® is a registered trademark of Cajon Company.VCO ® is a registered trademark of Cajon Company.(4) The sensor tube is less likely to be clogged due to its large internal diameter (0.026"). (5) The low differential pressure drop across the flowmeter is ideal for leak detec-tion applications. (6) The unit has very fast settling times and low thermal drift.Optional FeaturesFittings–VCR, VCO and Swagelok ®High pressure rating (1000 psig)Cleaned for oxygen serviceAccessoriesPower supplies with integral Flow Totalizers & Alarm Set Points Interconnecting cables*Note: After changing components, instruments require recalibration to meet accuracy specifications.DESIGN FEATURES (cont)Models HFM-300 & HFC-302All dimensions shown are in inches [mm].Your Customer Service RepresentativeTelephone: (757) 723-6531 Toll Free: (800) 950-2468 Fax: (757) 723-3925World Wide Web: E-mail: *********************************P.O. Box 1436Hampton, VA 23661PB 150-10/05 © Teledyne 2005 All Rights Reserved.Typical instrument ordering/options number:Model No. Circuit Output FittingsPressureCalibration Board TypeHFM-3000101020101Order No.OptionsCircuit Board 01 Pinout H (Standard)02 Pinout U 03 Pinout M Output01 0-5 Volts (Standard)024-20mAOrder No.OptionsFittings 01 1/4" VCR ®02 1/4" Swagelok (Standard)03 1/8" Swagelok 04 1/4" VCO ® Pressure 01 500 psi (Standard)021000 psi (1500 proof)Selection ChartOrder No. OptionsPressure01 500 psi (Standard)02 1000 psi (1500 proof) Calibration Type 01 NIST 5 Point (Standard)02 NIST 10 Point 03 NIST 20 Point 04CurveTypical instrument ordering/options number:Model No. Circuit Output FittingsPressureCalibration Board TypeHFC-3020101020101Order No. OptionsCircuit Board 01 Pinout H (Standard)02 Pinout U 03 Pinout M Output01 0-5 Volts (Standard)02 4-20mA 03 I/O 4-20mA Fittings 01 1/4" VCR ®02 1/4" Swagelok (Standard)03 1/8" Swagelok 04 1/4" VCO ®05Threaded End CapSelection ChartRange InformationRange _____________________________Flow Units __________________________Gas _______________________________Standard Conditions* _________________*Referenced to standard temperature and pressure (0°C and 760 Torr, respectively).Range InformationRange _____________________________Flow Units __________________________Gas _______________________________Upstream Pressure ___________________Downstream Pressure _________________Is downstream pressure dependent on flow resistance? Y/N ___________________Standard Conditions* _________________*Referenced to standard temperature and pressure (0°C and 760 Torr, respectively).Order No. OptionsCalibration Type 01 NIST 5 Point (Standard)02 NIST 10 Point 03 NIST 20 Point 04 Curve。

CS 系列200型质量流量控制器 质量流量计 说明书

CS 系列200型质量流量控制器 质量流量计 说明书

CS系列200型质量流量控制器/质量流量计使 用 手 册目录调零 (12)第一部分产品说明 3.31.1 概述......................................1 3.4 软启动 (12)1.2 技术指标..................................1 3.5 延迟 (13)1.3 标定........................................3 3.6 阀控制 (13)1.3.1 标准状况...............................3 3.7 阀类型.. (13)1.3.2 制造环境................................3 3.8 多气体多量程.. (13)1.3.3 精度调节................................3 3.9 累积流量.. (14)第二部分安装 3.10 报警 (14)2.1 概述.......................................4 3.11 LED指示灯 (14)2.2 打开包装……………………………4第四部分维护2.3 机械安装.................................4 4.1 概述.. (14)2.3.1 概述 ....................................4 4.2 注意事项.. (15)2.3.2 安装.....................................7 4.2.1介质使用要求 (15) 1/4″VCR接头安装方法..........8 4.2.2 阀口密封问题 (15) 双卡套接头的安装方法………..8第五部分故障诊断2.4 电气安装.................................9 5.1 初步检查.. (15)2.4.1 概述.....................................9 5.2 故障检查.. (15)2.4.2 连接……………………………….9第六部分保证和服务2.5 工作检查.................................11 6.1 产品保证.. (17)第三部分功能介绍 6.2 服务 (18)3.1 概述 ......................................12附录Ⅰ. (19)3.2 控制方式.................................12附录Ⅱ. (21)第1页 共22页 MASS FLOW CONTROLLER & MASS FLOW METER质量流量控制器和质量流量计使 用 手 册第一部分 产品说明1.1概述质量流量控制器(MFC )和质量流量计(MFM )用于对气体的质量流量进行精密控制和测量。

FLEXI-FLOW Compact 操作手册说明书

FLEXI-FLOW Compact 操作手册说明书




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SMC 流量控制器用户手册说明书

SMC 流量控制器用户手册说明书

Instruction Manual Flow Controller for AirIN502-44-# / IN502-45-# seriesThe intended use of the flow controller is to monitor and display flow information with the optional connection to IO-Link communication.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.” They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations. *1)ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.• Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information. • Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.Warning• Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.• All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person in compliance with applicable national regulations.• This product is class A equipment intended for use in an industrial environment. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments due to conducted or radiated disturbances.• Refer to the operation manual on the SMC website (URL: https:// ) for more Safety instructions.• Special products (-X) might have specifications different from those shown in the specifications section. Contact SMC for specific drawings.Caution1. When selecting equipment, carefully consider the application, requiredspecifications, and operating conditions (fluid, pressure, flow rate, filtration, and environment), making sure not to exceed the specification range.2. This product is provided for normally typical forms of use in the manufacturing industry. As such, to use the product for applications that may affect the human body directly or indirectly such as caisson shield is not foreseen.3. When the product is used as an air blower for food, install an appropriate filter to eliminate foreign matter in compressed air for air blowing. (Refer to the following example of pneumatic circuit).4. Quality management relating to hygiene for food and medical treatment is not implemented for the product.The product is produced in same line that manufactures other product which uses other materials. In rare cases, some of these materials can be found as a residue. 5. Food grease used• Fluid contact parts: NSF H1 grade grease• Part other than fluid contact parts: NSF H1 grade grease or grease which is not NSF H1 grade6. The grease used in the solenoid valves built into the product is not food grease.Grease may drain out of the product from the solenoid valve EXH. If necessary, pipe it to the outside of the area.7. The product generates particles from the wear of sliding parts inside. When the product is used as an air blower, install an appropriate filter on the outlet of the product to prevent foreign matter from flowing to the downstream. Filters require regular inspection, replacement of the element, and maintenance referring to the operation manual.8. Flush the piping line before using the product for the first time and after it has been replaced. Also, if piping, etc., is to be connected, flush (air blow) before using the product for the first time in order to reduce the effects of the dust generated from the connection, etc. Flushing the line is also required to eliminate contamination resulting from the installation of piping lines. Therefore, be sure to flush the line before running the system.2 Specification2.1 IO-Link specifications (for models with IO-Link)3 Name and function of parts3.1ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS3 Name and function of parts (continued)3.2 DisplayPart DescriptionOperation LED LED is ON (orange) when OUT is ON.Main display(red/green)Displays the current controlled flow, setting modestatus, selected display units and error codes.UP buttonSelects the mode and increases the ON/OFF setvalue.SET buttonPress this button to change the mode and toconfirm settings.DOWN buttonChanges the sub display, selects the mode anddecreases the ON/OFF set value.Units display 1(red/green)LED turns ON when STD is selected for thereference condition.Units display 2(red/green)LED indicates the selected flow rate units.Sub display (left) Displays (orange) the display item label.Sub displayDisplays (orange) the display item, setting value,peak/bottom value, etc.IO-Link statusindicator lightDisplays OUT1 output communication status(SIO mode, start-up mode, Pre-operation mode,operation mode) and presence of communicationdata (for products with IO-Link only).•Refer to the operation manual on the SMC website(URL: https://) for more details of the IO-Linkstatus indicator light operation and display.4 Installation4.1 InstallationWarning•Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.•Use the product within the specified operating pressure andtemperature range.4.2 EnvironmentWarning•Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, saltwater, water or steam are present.•Do not use the product in an environment where the product is constantlyexposed to water or oil splashes.•Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.•Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.•Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specifications.•Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result intemperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.•Do not use in an area where electrical surges are generated.•Prevent foreign matter such as remnant of wires from entering theproduct4.3 Mounting•Never mount the product in a location where it will be used as afoothold.•Do not mount the product upside down.•Mount the product so that the fluid flows in the direction indicated bythe arrow on the side of the body.•If the EXH port of the solenoid valve may be exposed to water or dust,connect a fitting and tube (sold separately) and route the tube to a safeplace where it will not be affected by water or dust.4 Installation (continued)•Install the product using 4 screws suitable for the product, tightenedaccording to the required tightening torque.•Suitable screw: M5, Tightening torque: 3 N•m ±10%•Screws should be prepared by the user.Refer to the operation manual on the SMC website (URL:https://) for mounting hole details and outlinedimensions.4.4 PipingCaution•Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dustetc.•When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does notenter inside the port.•Tighten the piping to the correct tightening torque: 20 to 25 N•mIf the tightening torque is exceeded, the product can be damaged.If the tightening torque is insufficient, the connection threads andbrackets may become loose.•Confirm that there is no leakage after piping.•When attaching a fitting, the attachment should be held with a wrench.Holding other parts with a wrench may damage the product.5 Wiring5.1 WiringCaution•Connections should only be made with the power supply turned off.•Use a separate route for the product wiring. If wires and cables arerouted together with power or high voltage cables, malfunction mayresult due to noise.•If a commercially available switching power supply is used, be sure toground the frame ground (FG) terminal. If a switch-mode power supplyis connected for use, switching noise will be superimposed and theproduct will not be able to meet the specifications. In that case, inserta noise filter such as a line noise filter/ferrite between the switchingpower supply and the product, or change the switching power supplyto a series power supply.5 Wiring (continued)5.2 Connector installation / removal•Align the lead wire M12 connector with the connector key groove onthe controller, and insert it straight in. Turn the knurled part clockwise.Connection is complete when the knurled part is fully tightened. Checkthat the connection is not loose.•To unplug the connector, loosen the knurled part and pull it straight out.Connector pin layoutWhen used as a Switch output deviceNo. NameWirecolourFunction1 DC(+) Brown 24 VDC2 An IN White Analogue input3 DC(-) Blue 0 V4 OUT Black Switch output5 An OUT Grey Analogue outputWhen used as an IO-Link deviceNo. NameWirecolourFunction1 L(+) Brown 24 VDC2 An IN White Analogue input3 L(-) Blue 0 V4 C/Q BlackIO-Linkcommunication5N.C. /An OUTGreyN.C. or Analogueoutput.6 Outline of SettingsPower is suppliedRefer to the operation manual on the SMC website (URL:https://) for further Setting details.7 Initial Settings•Configure the reference condition, unit of pressure display, and switchoutput PNP/NPN switch.•Reference conditionStandard condition or normal condition can be selected for thestandard reference condition of flow rate.Standard condition: flow rate converted into volume at 20 °C and 101.3kPa (absolute pressure).Normal condition: flow rate converted into volume at 0 °C and 101.3kPa (absolute pressure).•Units selection functionThe flow rate display units selection function allows for selecting L/minor cfm (ft3/min) as the standard unit.The pressure units selection function allows for selecting kPa, MPa,kgf/cm2, bar, or psi as the standard unit.This setting is only available for models with the units selection function.•Switch output typeThe switch output function can be toggled between PNP and NPNoutput.8 Function Selection modeIn measurement mode, press the SET button for at least 1 second but nomore than 3 seconds to display [F 0].The mode in which [F□□] is displayed and changes to the respectivefunction settings are made is referred to as function selection mode.Press the SET button for 2 seconds or longer in function selection modeto return to measurement mode.Note: Some functions are not supported on models with specific productnumbers. [---] will be displayed on the sub display (right) for functions thatare not supported or cannot be selected due to other settings.8.1 Default settings•The factory default settings are as follows.If these settings are acceptable, retain for use.To change a setting, enter function selection mode.•[F 0] Reference condition, unit of pressure display, and switch outputPNP/NPN.Item Default settingReference condition Standard conditionFlow rate display unit L/minPressure display unit kPaSwitch output PNP/NPN switch PNP•[F 1] Setting of OUT1Item Description Default settingOutputmodeLimit deviation tolerance mode, erroroutput mode, or switch output off canbe selected.Limit deviationtolerancemodeReverseoutputSelects which switch output is used,Normal or Reverse.Normal outputLimitdeviationtoleranceSets the switch output on or off whenmeasured flow rate is within the limitdeviation tolerance of set flow rate.±2% F.S.ON delaytimeDelay time (rising) of switch outputcan be selected.0.00 sec.OFF delaytimeDelay time of (falling) switch outputcan be selected.0.00 sec.DisplaycolourSelect the display colour.Output ON:GreenOutput OFF:RedThe product code is displayed for approximately 3 seconds afterpower is supplied. Then, measurement mode is displayed.*: Switch operation starts within approx. 0.2 seconds after power is supplied.[Initial Settings]Set the reference condition, unit of pressure display, and switchoutput PNP/NPN switch.[Function Selection mode]Each function setting can bechanged.[Measurement mode]In this mode, flow rate control and display and switch operationsare performed in accordance with commanded flow rates.This is the basic mode; other modes should be selected for set-point changes and other function settings.[Other Settings]•Zero clear•Key lock• Other Function Settings9 Other Settings• Peak / Bottom value display • Zero clear• Key-lock functionRefer to the operation manual on the SMC website (URL: https:// ) for setting these functions. 10 IO-Link parameter setting• IODD fileIODD (I/O Device Description) is a definition file which provides all properties and parameters required for establishing functions and communication of the device.IODD includes the main IODD file and a set of image files such as vendor logo, device picture and device icon. The IODD file list is shown below.*1: "yyyymmdd" indicates the file preparation date. yyyy is the year, mm is the month and dd is the date.• The latest IODD file can be downloaded from the SMC website (https:// ).11 How to OrderRefer to the SMC website (URL: https:// ) for more How to Order details.12 Outline Dimensions (mm)Refer to the SMC website (URL: https:// ) for details of Outline dimensions.13.1 Error indicationIf the error cannot be reset after the above measures are taken, or errors other than the above are displayed, please contact SMC.14.1 General MaintenanceCaution• Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the product to malfunction and lead to equipment damage.• If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.• Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel.• Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released to atmosphere.• After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.• If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.• Do not make any modification to the product.• Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.• How to reset the product after a power cut or when the power has been unexpectedly removedThe settings for the product are retained in memory prior to the power loss or de-energizing of the product.The output condition is also recoverable to that prior to the power loss or de-energizing. However, this may change depending on the operating environment. Therefore, check the safety of the whole installation before operating the product.If the installation is using accurate control, wait until the product has warmed up (approximately 10 to 15 minutes) before operation.15 Limitations of Use15.1 Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance Requirements Refer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products.16 Product disposalThis product should not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check your local regulations and guidelines to dispose of this product correctly, in order to reduce the impact on human health and the environment.17 ContactsRefer to or www.smc.eu for your local distributor / importer.URL: https:// (Global) https://www.smc.eu (Europe) SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2022-2023 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved. Template DKP50047-F-085M。



D07 - 9E 型质量流量控制器D07- 9EM型质量流量计使 用 手 册版本2015. 12目录1. 使用须知................................... 1 6.2.1 开机预热.. (18)2. 用途和特点................................ 2 6.2.2 检查和调整零点. (18)3. 主要技术指标............................. 3 6.2.3 通气工作. (18)4. 结构和工作原理.......................... 5 6.2.4 关机. (18)4.1 结构....................................... 5 7. 注意事项.. (18)4.2 工作原理................................. 6 7.1 禁用流量介质 (18)5. 安装和接线 .............................8 7.2 使用腐蚀性气体问题 (18)5.1 外形及安装尺寸........................8 7.3 阀口密封问题 (19)5.2 气路接头形式...........................9 7.4 阀控操作注意 (19)5.3 连接电缆插头...........................11 7.5 安装位置问题 (19)5.4 与计算机信号的连接..................13 7.6 注意工作压差 (19)5.5 调零和外调零...........................15 7.7 标定和不同气体的换算 (19)6. 使用方法和操作步骤..................16 7.8 D07-9E, 9EM标准订单填写格式 (20)6.1 质量流量控制器的操作...............16 8. 故障判断和处理.. (23)6.1.1 开机操作...............................16 9. 保证、保修与服务.. (25)6.1.2 清洗功能...............................17 9.1 产品保证和保修.. (25)6.1.3 显示仪与计算机连接的操作.......17 9.2 保修对使用的要求.. (25)6.1.4 直接与计算机连接的操作..........17 9.3 服务.. (25)6.1.5 阀控功能...............................17 10. 附录 (26)6.1.6 关机操作...............................17 10.1 气体质量流量转换系数.. (26)6.2 质量流量计的操作....................18 10.2 转换系数使用说明.. (28)MASS FLOW CONTROLLER & MASS FLOW METER质量流量控制器和质量流量计使 用 手 册 1. 使用须知尊敬的用户,感谢您购买本公司生产的D07系列质量流量控制器/质量流量计产品。



TroubleshootingSpecifications / DimensionsRefer to the product catalogue or operation manual from SMC website(URL ) for more information about the product specifications and dimensions.Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2015 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved Akihabara UDX 15F , 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPAN Phone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL Refer to the operation manual from SMC website (URL ) for more information about troubleshooting.Reset operationTo reset the accumulated flow, press the and buttons simultaneously for 1 second or longer.To reset the peak/bottom value, press the and buttons simultaneously for 1 second or longer.Key lock functionTo use each of these functions, refer to the operation manual from SMC website (URL ) or contact SMC.MaintenancePF ※※-OMS0004How to reset the product after a power cut or when the power has been unexpectedly removedThe settings of the product are retained from before the power cut or de -energizing.The output condition also recovers to that before power cut or de -energizing, but maychange depending on the operating environment. Therefore, check the safety of the whole installation before operating the product.Function Setting∗2: This setting is only available for models with switch output for both OUT1 and OUT2.∗3: This setting is only available for models with the external input.∗4: This setting is only available for models with the analogue output.Displayed in turn∗: For models with switch outputs for both OUT1 and OUT2, [P_2] or [n_2] will be displayed too.Set as above.∗: If a mode other than Hysteresis Mode is selected, refer to the operation manual from SMC website (URL ) or contact SMC.∗: Note that the set value and hysteresis settings are limited by each other.<Operation>or The button is to increase and thebutton is to decrease the set value.Press the button increasing the set value.Press the button decreasing the set value.To change setting, refer to the operation manual from SMC website (URL ) or contact SMC.Function selection modebutton for 2 seconds or longer in function selection mode to return to Error indicationSafety InstructionsSafety InstructionsMounting and InstallationThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safety regulations.OperatorBody1324DisplayThank you for purchasing an SMC PFMC7 series Digital Flow Switch.Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure you understand its capabilities and limitations. Please keep this manual handy for future reference.Before UseDigital Flow SwitchPFMC7501/7102/7202Connector pin numbers(on the product)Refer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) for more detailed information.Mounting•Never mount the product in a place where it will be used as a mechanical support.•Mount the product so that the fluid flows in the direction indicated by the arrow on the side of the body.•The monitor with integrated display can be rotated. It can be positioned at 45° and 90°intervals, clockwise and anti -clockwise. Rotating the display with excessive force will damage the end stop.InstallationBracket mounting•Mount the bracket to the product using the mounting screws (2 pcs.).•Fasten the bracket mounting screws to a torque of0.5 to 0.7 Nm.•Mount the product with bracket using M4 screws (4 pcs.)or equivalent.•Screw is prepared by customer.Piping for the metal body•Tighten to the specified torque. Refer to the table below for the required torque values.•If the tightening torque is exceeded, the product can be broken.If the tightening torque is insufficient, the fitting may become loose.•Avoid any sealing tape getting inside the flow path.•Ensure there is no leakage after piping.•When mounting the fitting, a spanner should be used on the metal body of the fitting only.Holding other parts of the product with a spanner may damage the product.Specifically, make sure that the spanner does not damage the connector.Direct mounting•For direct mounting use M3 screws (2 pcs.) or equivalent.•Screws are prepared by customer.•Tightening torque is 0.5 to 0.7 Nm.•Refer to the dimension from SMC website(URL ) for mounting hole size.OUT sideIN sidePiping•Never mount the product upside down.•The straight piping length shall be 8 cm or longer.Otherwise, if a straight section of piping is not installed, the accuracy varies by approximately ±2%F.S.•Avoid sudden changes in the piping size on the IN side of the product.•Do not release the OUT side piping port of the product directly to the atmosphere without the piping connected.If the product is used with the piping port released to atmosphere, the accuracy may vary.WiringConnection•Connections should only be made with the power supply turned off.•Use a separate route for the product wiring and any power or high voltage wiring.Otherwise, malfunction may result due to noise.•Ensure that the FG terminal is connected to ground when using a commerciallyavailable switch -mode power supply. When a switch -mode power supply is connected to the product, switching noise will be superimposed and the product specification can no longer be met. This can be prevented by inserting a noise filter, such as a line noise filter and ferrite core, between the switch -mode power supply and the product or by using a series power supply instead of a switch -mode power supply.3142Connecting/Disconnecting•Align the lead wire connector with the connector key groove, and insert it straight in.When the knurled part is fully tightened. Check that the connection is not loose.•When removing the connector, unlock the knurled part and pull out the connector straight.Piping for the One -touch fitting•For the one -touch fitting, use tubing with a tube inside diameter of 9 mm or more.Accuracy can vary approximately ±2%F.S. when such tubing is not used.•Refer to the operation manual from SMC website (URL ) for more information about the tube.Connector pin numbers (lead wire)Flow Setting (set value only) of OUT1 · OUT23 step setting modeIn this mode, only the set values can be input, in just 3 steps.F l o w [L /m i n ][H_1]Switch ON Switch OFFSet value [P_1]Power is supplied∗: The outputs will continue to operate during setting.∗: If a button operation is not performed for 30 seconds during the setting, the display will flash (This is to prevent the setting from remaining incomplete if, for instance, an operator were to leave during setting).∗: 3 step setting mode and Function selection mode are reflected on each other.settingsWhen the flow exceeds the set value [P_1], the switch will be turned ON.When the flow falls below the set value by the amount of hysteresis [H_1] or more, the switch will turn OFF.If the operation shown in the diagram below is acceptable, then keep these settings.For more detailed settings, set each function in the function selection mode.NOTEThe direct current power supply used should be UL approved as follows.Circuit (class 2) of maximum 30 Vrms (42.4 V peak) or less, with UL 1310class 2 power supply unit or UL 1585 class 2 transformer.。



• Compact Design• High Resolution Analog (16 bit)• Touchscreen Interface • NEMA 4X Housing• DCS and Modbus Compatible •Universal Power SupplyDESCRIPTIONThe MVC5000 is a highly integrated process controller which adds decentralized automation to distributed flow control devices.The MVC ships factory programmed toautomatically control an open/close actuator or operate a dual variable PID loop. Both programs operate on industry standard 4-20mA, discrete, and Modbus RTU control signals.ASME Section I Power Actuated Relief Valve Configuration “PARV”In the “PARV” configuration, the MVC5000 operates as a sophisticated digital pressure switch. While continuously monitoring process pressure through a high precision ADC, the MVC5000 automatically operates a power actuated relief valve according to the user’s programmed set pressure and blow downcriteria. This configuration can be used to control ASME and non-ASME capacity certified PARVs. The PARV configuration also includes provisions for DCS and manual override.Custom ConfigurationsHundreds of other configurations may befactory programmed to meet the requirements of unique applications. Consult the factory for program options.FEATURES»High contrast OLED Touchscreen Display »16 bit Analog Channels (4-20mA I/O) »Modbus RTU»17 point DCS dry contact I/O »Auto/Man functionality »Local/Remote Control»Universal Isolated Power SupplyAPPLICATIONS»Power-Actuated Pressure Relief Valve »Flow Control »Process Controls »Process monitoring»Condition monitoringMVC5000 PARV Digital ControllerM I G H T YCONTROLLERM I G H T YCONTROLLERA-T Controls | MIGHTY MVC5000 PARV Digital Controller | MVC5000 S erieSTERMINALSParameter Power Terminal Control TerminalsWire Size14-22 AWG (18 AWG recommended)16-30 AWG (20 AWG recommended) Wire Voltage Rating600 V600 VVoltage Rating300 Vrms300 VrmsCurrent Rating25A8APitch 5.0 mm 3.5 mm Temperature-40 to 105°C-40 to 115°CScrew Torque 3.0 lb-in 2.0 lb-in DISCRETE I/OParameter Description Value Units Input Quantity Number of discrete inputs8ea. Output Quantity Number of discrete outputs6ea. Input Types Input hardware type24VDC Isolated Volts Output Types Output hardware type 4 x Relay , 2 x 24VDC SourcingInput Impedance Nominal impedance to ground 4.7kΩkΩDCS & RELAY SPECIFICATIONSParameter Description Value Units Switching Voltage Max. relay contact switching voltage250Vac, 220VDC @ 100W Volts Switching Current Max. relay contact switching current2A Amps Contacts Contact material Silver alloy with Gold Plating2A-T Controls | MIGHTY MVC5000 PARV Digital Controllers | ANALOG I/OParameter Description Value Units Input Quantity Number of analog inputs2ea. Output Quantity Number of analog outputs1ea. Input DynamicRange Maximum electrical signal range.4mA - 20mA mA Output DynamicRange Maximum electrical signal range.4mA - 20mA mA Input Resolution Smallest measurable analog increment.0.0015% of Full Scale% Output Resolution Smallest producible analog increment.0.0015% of Full Scale% ENVIRONMENTALParameter Description ValueMaterial Housing material Copper Free Aluminum or 316 Stainless Steel Temperature Operating temperature range-40°C to 80°CAltitude2,000 mHumidity Relative Humidity10% to 90% RH (Noncondensing) Note 110% to 85% RH (Noncondensing) Note 2 Ingress Protection Environmental rating NEMA 4X, IP66/68 for Outdoor Use NETWORKParameter Description ValueVirtual Layer Communication protocol Modbus RTUPhysical Layer Wired physical connection RS-485 (twisted pair, CAT5 or better) Role Device role Master or SlaveApplication Network implementation usage Remote Control Stationand General SCADANote 1: Rated at 25°CNote 2: 85% Rated at 40°CA-T Controls | MIGHTY MVC5000 PARV Digital Controllers | 3A-T Controls | MIGHTY MVC5000 PARV Digital Controllers | 4Mechanical DetailsLED IndicatorTouch ScreenPluggable Terminals Mounting Hole SATA ConnectorMagnetic Mount FusePower TerminalSATA ConnectorA-T Controls | MIGHTY MVC5000 PARV Digital Controllers | 5DimensionsALUMINUM ENCLOSURESTAINLESS STEELENCLOSUREALUMINUMSTAINLESSBill of MaterialsShown inAluminumEnclosure Front Window CoverDisplay ModuleMultipurpose IndicatorTouch ScreenMagnetic RetentionEnclosure BaseTerminal ModulePluggable TerminalA-T Controls | MIGHTY MVC5000 PARV Digital Controllers | 6NEMA 4X LOCAL PANEL The MVC-5000 optional NEMA 4X local stationprovides the operator with a local interface when controller access is limited. AUTO or OPEN mode via a local 3 position maintained switch. The center switch position allows for the absence of local command so that the DCS can take control of the device. In the event of a local/DCS command conflict, the following hierarchy applies:Controller HierarchyNON-ASMELocal Priority Mode• Local ON/OFF Button• Local Touchscreen• Local Switch Box• Remote DCS• Remote Control StationRemote Priority Mode• Local ON/OFF Button• Remote DCS• Remote Control Station• Local Touchscreen• Local Switch BoxASMELocal Priority Mode• Auto Mode Override on Pressure Trip• Local Touchscreen• Local Switch Box• Remote DCS• Remote Control StationRemote Priority Mode• Auto Mode Override on Pressure Trip• Remote DCS• Remote Control Station•Local Touchscreen OPERATOR STYLEIn addition to the pictured selector switch and indicators, the local panel may be configured with key lock switches, illuminated pushbuttons, potentiometers, or push buttons.The local panel connects to one of the MVC’s4 conduit hubs via an integral cable gland andseparately supplied flexible cable.A-T Controls | MIGHTY MVC5000 PARV Digital Controllers | 79955 International Blvd.Cincinnati, Ohio 45246P: 513 - 247 - 5465F : 513 - 247 - 5462********************How to OrderGEN 2 SUMMARYThe next generation MVC5000 controller builds on the success of generation 1 and improves in several key areas. Every new feature is motivated by field feedback and incremental improvement objectives. Improvements and changes from Gen 1 to Gen 2 are as follows:»Gen 2 is fully backward compatible with Gen 1»Extended Temperature Range: From -20C/52°C to -40/80°C»Wider Input Voltage Range: 100-240Vac to 85-264 / 120-370Vdc certified »Higher Power Relays: 60W to 100W»Improved Wiring Access: Terminals raised 1.25” »Short-Circuit Protection»IBR and ASME Sec. 1 Certified Compliance »Smaller Enclosure: 6” to 5”»Segregated Remote Panel and DCS Inputs (Remote panel and DCS may now operate simultaneously).»Units and ASME type are now touchscreen configurable »Improved Delivery。

七星电子流量计 CS200产品使用手册(A,C,D)(+profibus+0-20ma)(su)

七星电子流量计 CS200产品使用手册(A,C,D)(+profibus+0-20ma)(su)
第四部分 维护 4.1 概述 ...................................................... 23 4.2 注意事项 .............................................. 23 4.2.1 介质使用要求 .................................... 23 4.2.2 阀口密封问题 ................................... 23
第 1 页 共 30 页
1.2 使Leabharlann 须知尊敬的用户,感谢您购买本公司生产的 CS 系列气体质量流量控制器/质量流量计产品。 本手册详细叙述了正确、安全使用该系列产品的必要事项。
产品使用者,请务必认真参阅本手册并理解后使用,在使用过程中,请注意带有 标 志的文字及注意事项中包含的所有内容。
对于未按照使用手册使用造成的财产损失或人身伤害,本公司有权不承担责任。 本手册在您安装、维护及故障维修时必不可少,请妥善留存保管。
1.3 安全注意事项
下列注意事项请结合使用手册查看。未按照注意事项进行操作所产生的一切后果本公司 不予承担。
不要替换产品的任何零部件或者对仪器进行任何未授权的改动。在返厂进行重新标定或 维修的时候必须保证安全标签完好无损。
≤ 1sec
≤ 0.8sec
0.05~0.35MPa 流量规格≤10SLM 0.1~0.35MPa 10<流量规格≤30SLM 0.2~0.45MPa 30<流量规格≤50SLM
<0.02 MPa
零点: ≤±0.05% F.S/℃; 调节时: ≤±0.1% F.S/℃ 流量规格≤30SLM 调节时: ≤±0.2% F.S/℃ 流量规格>30SLM

bronkhorst 气体数字质量流量 压力控制器 IQ+FLOW 系列 说明书

bronkhorst 气体数字质量流量 压力控制器 IQ+FLOW 系列 说明书



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目录一流量控制装置功能简介 (3)二流量控制装置工作原理 (4)三流量控制装置型号编制 (6)四流量控制装置主要技术指标 (7)五流量控制装置安装要求 (9)六流量控制装置分体结构 (12)七流量控制器电控部分操作说明 (13)一、LZJH-1型流量自动控制器功能简介流量自动控制器是由流量仪表和流量调节器组成。

图1 安装示意图高压自动流量测控装置是工业自动化过程测控中重要执行元件,随着工业领域的自动化程度迅猛发展,正被越来越多的应用在工业生产领域中。



流量控制装置是集多功能为一体的控制装置,具有动态平衡,静态自锁功能,采用多级密封结构,, 适合应用在高压并且对于泄漏要求严格的场合,也可用于母液配比混合液体的场合,控制装置体积小、控制精度高、响应灵敏,特别适合对压力、流量、液位、温度生产过程的调节。


兼容多种信号输入方式:包括4~20mA、0~10KHz脉冲信号、RS485信号;同时具有多种输出信号方式:包括4~20mA电流信号和遵循标志MODBUS 通讯协议的RS485信号。






升降执行机构采用精密丝杆、铜质蜗轮,特种电机、先进的微处理器组成,确保了控制器阀门无泄漏,流量控制精度在0.15~0.45m3/h,流量控制范围为0.5 ~10m3/h,流量控制误差在±2%。





流量控制装置安装方式有水平和角式两种方式,而且具有多种规格,电源有采用220VAC 50Hz。





表1 流量控制装置型号例如:LZJH-1-40-X-RS-25说明:LZJH-1型智能流量控制装置,配通经(DN):40mm ,数字显示,RS485输出型电磁流量计, 额定工作压力25MPa 。

产品代号示例:LZJH-1和485通讯输出接口,额定工作压力25MPa 。

四、流量控制装置主要技术指标1)公称口径:25~50mm2)公称压力:10~35Mpa3)环境温度:-30~80°4)环境相对湿度:≤85%5)大气压:86~106kpa6)适用介质:水、含油污水7)介质温度:0~90°8)压力损失:<0.2Mpa9)防护等级:IP6510)供电电源单相AC220±20V 50HZ;11)测量准确度等级0.5级、1.0级、1.5级、2级12)全程开-关运行时间:30~150s13)电机功率:33~120W14)执行标准;上密封试验按GB/T13927-2008z执行。

阀门按ASME.B16.104idt FC170-2-2006VI级石油化工钢制管法兰GB/T9124-201015)主要零件材料及易损件阀杆采用40CrMoTi 热处理50-55HRc阀门采用1Cr13, 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti阀体采用WCA 30# 16Mn密封件,聚氨酯TPU CPU, 橡胶。

16)信号输入方式4~20mA电流信号、RS485信号、频率信号、双RS485信号17)信号输出方式4~20mA电流信号、RS485信号18)安装外形尺寸:图2 流量控制装置安装方式表2 各规格流量控制装置参数表五、流量控制装置安装要求图3 流量计和流量控制装置安装实物图(水平安装方式)5.1、流量测控器安装在电子流量计后方,尽可能接近,方便流量计与流量控制装置通讯接线,并要求便于进行流量设置操作,拆卸检修和无强电磁场干扰的管道位置。



5.2、安装时要使流量控制装置壳体上的箭头标志与介质流动方5 32195 145 26 42205 146 32.5 5025390 215 165 8 26 ≤640 520 660 32210 160 42 235 171.529.5向相一致,特别注意:最高工作压力不得超过流量控制装置额定工作压力,否则会出现高压液体泄漏的危险。





图4 整体管线的安装示意图5.5 手动部件。




流量控制装置应用于双管路母液配比场合时,具有根据母液管中“流量计A ”的流量,按预设定的比例调整“流量计B ”管路中清水流量的功能,其系统安装示意图如图5所示。

图5 双管路母液配比系统安装示意图5.7 90°角式法兰安装 90°角式卡箍安装5.8 对于新建管道,由于施工原因有可能带入管道内大量的石子、泥沙、麻丝和焊渣等杂质,会造成堵塞仪表芯子或损坏零部件的现象,所以在仪表使用前建议可利用旁通管道通水冲洗干净管道。

六、流量控制装置分体结构图图6 控制阀和流量计结构示意图七、流量控制器电控部分操作说明1、流量控制器的工作操作模式流量控制装置具有两种工作操作模式,自动模式AUTO和手动模式MANU。














单管路液体流量控制主显示界面(第一屏)双管路母液配比主显示界面(第一屏)AUTO MANU2012-04-15 12:12:18控制模式和实时时间(第二屏)控制器开机后,进入主显示界面。

主界面各参数介绍如下:流量:为流量计实测管道中的实时流量值;内控:为用户设置的预定的管道中的流量值;系数:母液配比应用中,用户设置的配比系数;AUTO:为用户选择控制器为自动模式,黑底白字表示当前的运行模式;MANU:为用户选择控制器为手动模式;2012-04-15 12:12:18:为实时时间;4、菜单介绍图7 流量控制器面板界面在主显示界面显示时,按下菜单/确认按钮后进入菜单密码界面,只有在此处输入有效的密码才能进入菜单完成相应参数的修改设置。









4.1 模式设置该功能设置自动控制器的工作运行模式,可采用控制器处理器自动控制方式,或采用用户手动控制方式。

