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摘要........................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................................................................................. I I

1 引言 (1)

2 开发工具与环境介绍 (3)

2.1 Visual Studio概述 (3)

2.2 Visual Studio发展历程 (3)

2.3 Visual Studio 2005特点 (4)

2.3.1集成 (5)

2.3.2扩展性 (6)

2.3.3 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System (7)

2.4 SQL Server 2005概述 (8)

3 系统概述 (9)

3.1系统需求分析 (9)

3.1.1功能要求 (9)

3.1.2性能要求 (9)

3.2系统概要设计 (9)

4系统详细设计 (11)

4.1系统数据库设计 (11)

4.2功能模块实现 (14)

4.2.1在线即时通讯系统应用程序的组成 (14)

4.2.2 用户登录和退出模块 (14)

4.2.3 好友的分组和管理 (17)

4.2.4 在线即时通讯平台 (21)

4.2.5一对一聊天 (21)

4.2.6 用户信息管理 (22)

5系统测试 (27)

5.1登录页面测试 (27)

5.2添加好友测试 (27)

5.3一对一聊天测试 (28)

5.4留言测试 (28)

5.5保存聊天记录 (28)

6 结束语 (30)

6.1毕业设计体会 (30)

6.2 未完成部分 (30)

6.2.1群聊功能 (30)

6.2.2文件传送功能 (30)

参考文献 (1)

致谢............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。附录............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


随着计算机应用技术的快速发展,网络也遍及到我们生活,为我们的学习和工作带来极大的方便。在WEB技术的日益成熟的今天,Browse/Server(简称B/S)结构已成为取代Client/Server(简称C/S)结构的一种全新技术。本系统主要讨论了基于WEB方式的在线即时通讯系统,又称为“WEB QQ”,用户可以以网页的形式实现聊天功能。本系统是在WINDOWS系统下,使用以及SQL Server 2005数据库共同实现的在线即时通讯工具。本系统提供以网页的形式让用户间一对一的聊天,同时将聊天记录以文本的方式保存到本地,用户在聊天之后能在系统管理里看到聊天记录。如果好友不在线,可以给好友留言。用户在系统管理里可以对自己的好友和分组进行管理,根据用户的昵称、ID、用户名来添加好友、修改和删除好友。

关键词: WEB开发;B/S;三层架构;即时通讯


With the rapid development of computer application technologies, networks have been pervasive in our daily life with providing convenience for out study and work.Today's WEB technologies have been increasingly mature and Browse / Server structure, as a new technology, has become a substitute for Client / Server structure. This paper mainly discusses how to design and implement a WEB-based Instant Messaging system which is also known as “WEB QQ”and allows users to chat in the webpages.The instant messaging system is implemented by employing both and SQL Server 2005 technologies under the WINDOWS platform.The system provides the functions of allowing users to chat one-to-one in the webpages and saving the chatting messages in a local text file so that users can retrieve them in the system.If friends are not online, users can also leave messages to friends. Users can also manage friends and groups such as adding, modifying and deleting friends according to the user's nickname, ID, or name.

Key words:WEB Development; B/S; Three-Tier Structure; Instant Messaging;
