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内容摘要:本文建立一个模型来论证经济增长与产业集聚的正向关系。模型含有Krugman (1991)型劳动流动性、Venables(1996)式垂直联系以及Grossman-

Helpman(1991) 型内生增长。其中,R&D部门使用熟练工人开发中间产品的新种类且熟练工人间存在知识外部效应;中间产品部门使用专利与非熟练劳动生产每种中间产品;制成品部门则使用非熟练工人和中间产品的复合品生产制成品。本文证明∶(1) 生产与贸易的格局取决于中间产品与制成品的运输成本的比较;(2)经济增长与产业集聚相互加强: 熟练工人集聚于一地会提高该地R&D部门中每个熟练工人的生产率(因熟练工人之间存在知识外部效应) 因而提高中间产品种类的增长率以及该地熟练工人的工资, 该地的总支出因而增加。于是制成品的生产移往该地 (靠近大市场可以节约较大部分运输成本)。同样的原因, 中间品的生产也移向这里。这就导致了生产活动的集中;另一方面,生产活动集中于一地会降低该地制成品的价格从而导致向前看的熟练工人移到这里以便获得较大的终生效用,从而导致



关键词: 产业集聚;内生增长;冰山成本;中心-周边

JEL 分类: F12; F43; R12; R30


Agglomeration and growth with migration

and innovation in the intermediate goods sector


This paper examines the positive relationship between agglomeration and growth by presenting a model with Krugman-type (1991) labor mobility; Venables-type (1996) vertical linkage and Grossman-Helpman-type endogenous growth. Endogenous growth comes from R&D sector which uses skilled labor to create new varieties for intermediate goods sector and involves knowledge externalities among skilled workers. We show that

(1)The production and trade patterns depend on the comparison of transportation costs between intermediate goods and manufactured goods

(2)Growth and agglomeration reinforce each other: the agglomeration of the skilled in one region raises the productivity of each skilled in the region and thus the growth rate for the existence of knowledge externalities among the skilled; which in turn raises the wage rate of the skilled there and thus the

total expenditure of the region; then the production of manufactures moves there (closing to the larger market so as to save a larger part of transportation costs) and so does the production of intermediate goods. In this way, production activities agglomerate in the same region. On the other hand, the agglomeration of production activities in one region reduces the price level of the manufactured

good in the region and drives the forward-looking skilled workers to move there

for high lifetime utilities and thus raises the growth rate;

(3) The skilled always prefer the full-agglomeration-growth-path to the dispersion one; everyone is happy under full-agglomeration- growth-path if only

one region produces the manufactured good in equilibrium; otherwise the welfare levels of the unskilled under the full-agglomeration-growth-path Pareto-dominates the dispersion one only when the additional growth from agglomeration is large enough.

Key words: Agglomeration; Endogenous Growth; Iceberg Cost; Core-Periphery.

JEL Classification: F12; F43; R12; R30



究过. Martin and Ottaviano (1999) 把内生增长与内生的产业区位一体化; 他们分析了经

济增长如何影响企业生产场地的选择并进而影响经济活动的空间分布、以及企业生产场地的选择和经济活动的空间分布反过来又是如何影响作为增长源泉的技术进步的。Baldwin and Forslid (2000)将Romer的产品革新式增长引入到Krugman型中心-周边模型,其中长期增

长和产业区位被联合内生决定,产业集聚能促进两地的增长。Martin and Ottaviano (2001) 建立模型将 Venables 式垂直联系与含有水平差异产品的Grossman-Helpman-Romer(G-H-R)

型内生增长结合起来,他们证明经济增长与产业集聚是相互自加强的过程:一方面,经济活动积聚于一地会激发经济增长,因集聚会透过金钱外部效应(pecuniary externality)(由于


倾向于靠近这些部门生产。Yamamoto (2003) 虽也假定革新需投入制成品,但与Martin and Ottaviano (2001) 不同,他假定革新开发出中间产品而非最终产品的新种类。Fujita and Thisse (2002) 则假定革新需投入高技术劳动(而非制成品)并结合Krugman型中心-周边

模型与含有水平差异产品的G-H-R 型内生增长模型证明产业集聚能促进经济增长。


证产业集聚与经济增长之间的循环因果关系。不同于Fujita and Thisse (2002),本文强调过程革新,革新部门使用熟练劳动去开发中间产品的新种类, 增长源自于中间产品新种类的开发。本文能产生更多的分析结果:制成品与中间产品的运输成本的比较决定了制成品的生产和贸易格局;集聚与增长相互加强: 熟练工人集聚于一地会提高该地中间产品种类的增长率(因R&D部门熟练工人之间的相互作用产生知识外部效应), 从而提高该地熟练工人的工资, 该地的总支出因而增加。于是制成品的生产移往该地(靠近需求大的市场可以节约较大部分

运输成本)。同样的原因, 中间品的生产也移向那里。这就是说,R&D活动的集聚导致了增


产业集聚在促进增长的同时也会引起中心与周边之间的不平等。集聚一般会提高中心的利益但可能以牺牲周边的利益为代价。例如十八世纪末欧洲的增长起飞大约发生在南北差距突显的同时;过去二十年中国经济增长高腾的同时也伴随着沿海与内地间差距的拉大。在Martin and Ottaviano (1999)一文中,若产业中心的形成对革新率的正效应大得足以补偿

南方产业损失,则产业集聚既有利于中心也有利于周边。在Baldwin and Forslid (2000)一文中,产业集聚促进增长的效应能减轻周边地区因集聚所造成的静态福利损失。在Fujita and Thisse (2002)一文中,就北方熟练工人与南北双方非熟练工人的福利水平而言,在一
