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(3) Conceive the paper structure and experiment methods(构思文章结构和实验方法) (4) Conduct the experiment and write the paper(实验研究和 撰稿成文)
1.1.2 Paper submitting and publishing (投稿和发表)
3.6.1 Example analysis (致谢实例分析)
e.g.1 Acknowledgment We thank Prof. Mario Baldi for his contr百度文库butions to the initial development of FλS with tunable lasers. [Tunable LaserBased Design and Analysis for Fractional Lambda Switches (Viet-Thang Nguyen, Renato Lo Cigno, and Yoram Ofek), IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 56, N O . 6 , J U N E 2 0 0 8 : 9 5 7 - 9 6 6 ] 分析:这篇致谢行文简洁,作者仅对Prof. Mario Baldi在该领 域初始发展阶段的贡献做了感谢。
1.1 Process of paper writing and publishing (学术论文写作与发表流程)
1.1.1 Process of paper writing(论文写作过程)
(1) Selecting a topic(选题) Principles for selecting a topic: scientific; creative; feasible; practical
(2) Commonly used sentence patterns
We thank … for… We acknowledge … The authors are grateful for sth. by sb. The authors are grateful to sb. for sth. The authors would like to thank … for … The authors wish to make the acknowledgement of … The authors thank …for… Grateful acknowledgement is made to … Special gratitude is owed/ expressed/given to … Thanks to … for… Thanks are owed to … Special thanks go to… Sincere thanks are given to … Thanks must be given to … Thanks must be extended to …
Exercise for Chapter 1
3.6 Acknowledgment(致谢)
3.6.1 Example analysis (致谢实例分析) 3.6.2 Basic contents and commonly used sentence patterns of acknowledgements(致谢的基本内容和 常用句式)
3.6.2 Basic contents and commonly used sentence patterns of acknowledgements (致谢的基本内容和常用句式)
(1) 基本内容应包含: 感谢资助研究工作的科学基金、奖学金 基金、合同单位、支持的企业、组织或个人;协助完成研究工 作和提供便利条件的组织或个人;在研究工作中提出建议和提 供技术支持、实验材料等帮助的人;给予转载和引用权的资料、 图片、文献、研究思想和设想的所有者;给予宝贵意见的审稿 人和编辑;以及其他应感谢的组织和人。
(2) Structure of academic paper(学术论文的结构) 题名(Title)、摘要(Abstract)、关键词(Key Words)、引言 (Introduction)、正文(Body)、参考文献(Reference)和致谢 (Acknowledgement)、附录(Appendix)
e.g.2 Acknowledgment The authors are grateful for the constructive comments by anonymous reviewers, which improved the presentation of this paper. The authors would also like to thank Professor Rodney Kennedy, Mr. Ramtin Shams, and Dr. Pascal Vontobel for helpful discussions and for their valuable comments. [On Information Rates of Time-Varying Fading Channels Modeled as Finite-State Markov Channels (Parastoo Sadeghi, Senior Member, IEEE, and Predrag Rapajic, Senior Member), IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 56, NO. 8 , A U G U S T 2 0 0 8 : 1 2 6 8 - 1 2 7 8 ]
(2) APA (American Psychological Association)格式是社会科学领 域中的常用格式,在撰写心理学和社会学相关文章时可以使用这 种格式。与MLA不同的是,APA格式注重文献的出版时间和标题 而非作者。在此格式中,参考文献一词使用References,居中排 列,所有文献按照首字母顺序依次排列,双倍行距,第二行首字 母缩进,并在页面右上角加注页码和简化的文章标题。 e.g. Title Page # References Book Author, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Book Title. (Vols. Volume#(s)). In First Initial. Middle Initial. Editor Last Name (Ed.), Published City, Published State: Publisher. Web Document Author Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). In Web Document Title. (chap. Chapter/Section). Retrieved Month. Day, Year, from URL Address
1.3 Features and structure of academic paper (学术论文的特征与结构)
(1)Features of academic paper(学术论文的特征) Scientific(科学性), original(创新性), theoretical(理论 性), readable(可读性), practical(实用性)
1. Introduction
1.1 Process of paper writing and publishing(学术 论文写作与发表流程) 1.2 Functions of academic paper(学术论文的功能) 1.3 Features and structure of academic paper(学 术论文的特征与结构)
Works Cited Book Author Last Name, Author First Name. Book Title. ed. Editor First Name Editor Last Name. City Published: Publisher, Year. Website Author Last Name, Author First Name. Site Title. ed. Editor First Name Last Name. Publication Day Month. Year. Accessed Day Month. Year. <URL Address>.
分析:作者首先感谢了匿名审稿人,其次对提供有益讨论和 宝贵意见的Rodney Kennedy教授, Ramtin Shams先生,和 Pascal Vontobel博士表示感谢。
e.g. 3
Acknowledgments The authors thank David Hill and Marilee Burrell for preparing the mouse antisera to WAF1. This work was supported by the Preuss Foundation, the Clayton Fund, and National Institutes of Health grants CA-09071 and CA-43460. [WAF1, a potential mediator of p53 tumor suppression (El-Deiry W. S, Tokino T, Ve l c u l e s c u V. E , e t a l . ) C e l l , 1 9 9 3 , 7 3 ( 4 ) : 8 1 7 - 8 2 5 ] 分析:作者首先感谢了David Hill 和 Marilee Burrell在实验材料 准备方面的帮助,并给出了三种来源的4项基金资助信息。
(1) MLA (Modern Language Association)格式强调文献的作 者,即文献作者比文献的发表时间更为重要。在这种格式中, 参考文献一词通常使用 “works cited”,并居中安排,文献按 照字母顺序排列,双倍行距,各行之间不空行,每条文献的 第二行首字母要缩进。
Exercise for 3.6
3.7 References(参考书目)
Different formats of references: (1)MLA (Modern Language Association) (2)APA(American Psychological Association) (3)CMS(Chicago Manual of Style) (4)CSE(Council of Science Editors) (5)Vancouver Style (6)ACS (American Chemical Society) (7)AMA (American Medical Association)
Tip: Search for a proper journal and submit the paper
1.2 Function of academic paper (学术论文的功能)
Main functions: transmit technology; promote communication
(2) Collecting and analyzing materials(文献资料收集和分析) Try to collect all kinds of materials, including journals home and abroad, collection of papers, newspapers, scientific reports, academic works, theses, statistical materials, inventions, patents, etc. Through analyzing the materials collected the author can grasp the history, the current status and the future development of the research subject.