lecture 4 Shakespeare课件提纲

Unit Five: A Brief Introduction to ShakespeareTeaching Aims:1. Learn the life and the time of Shakespeare.2. Introduce the major literature achievements of Shakespeare3. Appreciate some frequently quotations from Shakespeare4. Some discussion on Shakespeare and his influence on the English language and literature1. Knowledge Quiz1.What nationality was Shakespeare? English2. In which town was Shakespeare born? Stratford3. When was Shakespeare born? 15644. When did he die? 16165. Shakespeare lived during the reign of which English monarchs?Queen Elizabeth I and King James I6. Which of these was not Shakespeare‟s plays?Shakespeare in Love7. What is Shakespeare most famous for? Writing plays8. Which of the following plays by Shakespeare is NOT a comedy ?Romeo and Juliet9. Which of the following plays does not belong to Shakespeare's great tragedies ? Romeo and Juliet10. The sentence "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare's ________ . sonnets(十四行诗)11. How many plays did Shakespeare wrote? Over 302. William Shakespeare’s lifeBorn in 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon at age 18 married Anne Hathaway three children, two daughters and a son moved to London in the late fifteen eighties.Besides a writer, Shakespeare was also a theater producer, a part owner of an acting company called the King's Men and an actor. In fifteen ninety-nine Shakespeare's company built its own theater called The Globe. Shakespeare's theater group also performed in other places such as Blackfriars Theater, or travel around the countryside to perform, sometimes performed at the palace of the English ruler Queen Elizabeth or, later, King James the First.3. William Shakespea re’s worksTragediesMacbeth 麦克白King Lear 李尔王Hamlet 哈姆雷特Othello 奥瑟罗Romeo and JulietTitus Andronicus 泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯Julius Caesar 裘力斯·凯撒Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克莉奥佩屈拉Coriolanus 科利奥兰纳斯Troilus and Cressida 特洛埃围城记Timon of Athens 雅典的泰门ComediesTwelfth Night or What You Will 第十二夜The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人As You Like It 皆大欢喜A Midsummer Night‘s Dream 仲夏夜之梦Much Ado About Nothing 无事生非Measure for Measure 一报还一报The Tempest 暴风雨Taming of the Shrew 驯悍记The Comedy of Errors 错中错All…s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属The Merry Wives of Windsor 温莎的风流娘们Love…s Labour‟s Lost 爱的徒劳Cymbeline 辛白林The Winter's Tale 冬天的故事The Tempest 暴风雨HistoriesHenry IV, part 1, 2 亨利四世(上下)Henry V 亨利五世Henry VI, part 1, 2, 3 亨利六世(上中下)Henry VIII 亨利八世King John 约翰王Richard II 理查二世Richard III 理查三世PoemsThe Rape of Lucrece 鲁克丽丝失贞记Venus and Adonis 维纳斯和阿多尼斯Sonnets (154)4. Characteristics of William Shakespeare’s plays plot construction characters language4.1 Plot ConstructionShakespeare's plays are well-known for their adroit plot construction.His work looked at common human themes, such as betrayal, murder, lust, power, ambition and love. These themes are as much a part of human nature today as they were all those years ago 4.2 CharactersShakespeare's major characters are individuals representing certain types and have their own personalities.Hamlet: 遇事犹豫不决,顾虑重重的人Romeo: 英俊潇洒的男子Cleopatra: 绝代佳人Shylock: 贪婪、残忍、不择手段守财奴Shakespeare succeeds in exploring the characters' inner mind. The soliloquies(独白)in his plays fully reveal the inner conflict of his characters.This soliloquy is taken from Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, Act III, Scene I.Hamlet,facing the dilemma of action & mind,is hesitating whether he should revenge for his father,which may bring him death,or he should suffer & hide his hatred for his uncle in his deep heart,which may secure his lifeBy asking “To be or no not to be”, Hamlet revealed his innermost thoughts to the audience. He is meant to contrast two universal individuals —the man of contemplation and the man of action. Hamlet analyzes everything too deeply and is thus prevented from taking any clear course. Hamlet's essential dilemma is one that has confronted men throughout the ages; and this confrontation —between duty and morality, courage and fear, right and wrong, life and death —will assuredly persist for all ages to come.Hamlet’s soliloquiesTo be, or not to be,--- that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them.To die: to sleep;No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish'dTo die, to sleep;To sleep: perchance to dream: aye, there's the rub;For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause: there's the respectThat makes calamity of so long life;For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,The insolence of office, and the spurnsThat patient merit of the unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin?who would fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death,The undiscover'd country from whose bournNo traveler returns, puzzles the will,And makes us rather bear those ills we haveThan fly to others that we know not of?Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pitch and momentWith this regard their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action.Words and Phrases:Slings:投石器By opposing end them: put an end to them by fighting against them rather than stoically enduring them.That flesh is heir to: which the human body has to takeDevoutly: sincerelyConsummation: the point at which sth. is made perfectPerchance: perhapsRub: difficulty or cause of troubleShuffle off one‟s mortal coil:(委婉语) to dieCalamity: misfortune, disasterContumely: contemptuous treatmentPang: sudden and sharp feeling of painDisprized: undervaluedInsolence: showing disrespectful rudenessSpurn: rejectQuietus: deathGrunt:呻吟Bourn: borderHue: shade of colorPitch: importanceAwry: away from the right courseTranslation:生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;要做到高贵,究竟该忍气吞声来容受狂暴的命运矢石交攻呢,还是该挺身反抗无边的苦恼,扫它个干净?死,就是睡眠——就这样;而如果睡眠就等于了结了心痛以及千百种身体要担受的皮痛肉痛,那该是天大的好事,正求之不得啊!死,就是睡眠;睡眠也许要做梦,这就麻烦了!我们一旦摆脱了尘世的牵缠在死的睡眠里还会做些什么梦,想到就不能不踌躇。

课题:莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)简介及作品分析授课对象:国高班高二学生教学目标:1.让学生对莎士比亚文学作品有初步的了解2.提高对文学作品的鉴赏水平,增强对戏剧的喜爱3.学会自我鉴赏戏剧的一些方法教学重点:1.莎士比亚的生平简介以及作品列表2.莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》的详细分析教学难点:莎士比亚的作品分析教学方法:多媒体教学教学过程:一、莎士比亚简介1、生平介绍:(1564-1616)是英国著名诗人和戏剧家。

4.Significance of Shakespeare‘s works
• Shakespeare is one of the founders of realism in world literature. He faithfully and vividly reflects, through a host of typical characters in his plays, the major social contradictions of his time.
• the character also bear this manifold quality. They are full-blooded people, representing all the complexities and implications of real life.
Thank you!
➢Leaving home for London to make living at about 22,doing as the groom (马夫 )
➢Starting writing plays at about 30 years old
➢5 years later, becoming “universal” shareholder(股东) of troupe((演员等的) 一团;一班 ).
William Shakespeare
-----The peak of Humanism
Main Contents
1.Shakespeare's literary position 2.Shakespeare's Legend life 3.Shakespeare's masterpiece 4. Significance of Shakespeare‘s
文学作品: 莎士比亚经典戏剧解读

文学作品: 莎士比亚经典戏剧解读一、介绍莎士比亚经典戏剧莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)是英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧家之一,他创作了许多经典的戏剧作品。
英国文学之莎士比亚的《哈姆莱特》Shakespeare27s Hamlet教学提纲

* “Hamlet” is the first of the great tragedies, is generally regarded as Shakespeare’s most popular play on the stage and can be reckoned as the summit of all Shakespeare’s works.
to reveal the power-seeking, the jostling for place, the hidden motives, the courteous superficialities that veil lust and guilt, to condemn the hypocrisy and treachery and general corruption.
“To be , or not to be—that is the question”: to live on in this world or to die; to suffer or to take action; to take action or to do nothing; to be:to exist. “in the mind to suffer”: passively to suffer “slings and arrows”: attacks. “to take arms against a sea of troubles”: to take up arms against troubles that sweep upon us like a sea. The “troubles” is pictured as advancing like some overwhelming tide.

大学教案莎士比亚教案标题:探索莎士比亚:大学级别英语课程教案目标:1. 通过学习莎士比亚的作品,提高学生的英语语言能力和文学素养。
2. 培养学生对莎士比亚戏剧的理解和欣赏能力。
3. 帮助学生发展批判性思维和分析能力。
教案时长:10周(每周2小时)教学资源:1. 莎士比亚戏剧文本(如《哈姆雷特》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等)2. 影音资料:莎士比亚戏剧的电影或舞台表演录像3. 学习材料:莎士比亚相关的研究文章、评论、学术论文等教学步骤:第一周:介绍莎士比亚及其时代(2小时)1. 通过PPT或讲座形式向学生介绍莎士比亚的生平、作品和对文学的贡献。
2. 解释莎士比亚时代的历史背景、社会环境和文化特点。
第二周:莎士比亚戏剧的基本元素(2小时)1. 分析莎士比亚戏剧的戏剧结构、角色塑造和主题。
2. 引导学生探讨莎士比亚戏剧中的语言运用和修辞手法。
第三周:解读莎士比亚的悲剧作品(2小时)1. 选取一部莎士比亚的悲剧作品,如《哈姆雷特》或《麦克白》。
2. 学生阅读戏剧文本,并结合相关的学术研究资料,讨论作品的主题、人物形象和情节发展。
第四周:解读莎士比亚的喜剧作品(2小时)1. 选取一部莎士比亚的喜剧作品,如《仲夏夜之梦》或《威尼斯商人》。
2. 学生阅读戏剧文本,并结合相关的学术研究资料,讨论作品的喜剧元素、幽默手法和情节发展。
第五周:莎士比亚的历史剧作品(2小时)1. 选取一部莎士比亚的历史剧作品,如《亨利五世》或《理查三世》。
2. 学生阅读戏剧文本,并结合相关的学术研究资料,讨论作品对历史事件和人物的再现。
第六周:莎士比亚的诗歌作品(2小时)1. 选取一些莎士比亚的诗歌作品,如 sonnet 18 或 sonnet 130。
2. 学生阅读诗歌文本,并分析莎士比亚的诗歌风格、意象和主题。
第七周:莎士比亚的影响与传承(2小时)1. 探讨莎士比亚对后世文学和戏剧的影响。
2. 分析莎士比亚作品在当代文化中的再创作和解读。

In light of Shakespeare's stature and the passage of nearly four centuries since his death, it is not surprising that hundreds of Shakespeare biographies have been written in all of the world's major languages. Scanning this panorama, most accounts of the Bard's life (and certainly the majority of modern studies) are contextual in the sense that they place the figure of Shakespeare against the rich tapestry of his "Age" or "Times" or "Society." This characteristic approach to Shakespeare biography is actually a matter of necessity, for without such fleshing out into historical, social, and literary settings, the skeletal character of what we know about Shakespeare from primary sources would make for slim and, ironically, boring books. As part of this embellishment process, serious scholars continue to mine for hard facts about the nature of Shakespeare's world. The interpretation of their meaning necessarily varies, often according to the particular school or ideology of the a ascribed to Shakespeare were actually written by others (Sir Francis Bacon, the poet Phillip Sidney among the candidates) has become even weaker over time. The current strong consensus is that while Shakespeare may have collaborated with another Elizabethan playwright in at least one instance (probably with John Fletcher on The Two Noble Kinsman), and that one or two of his plays were completed by someone else (possibly Fletcher on an original or revised version of Henry VIII), the works ascribed to Shakespeare are his.

莎士比亚的中英文介绍Introduction to ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare, often regarded as the greatest playwright in English literature, was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England in 1564. His works have had a profound impact on the world of literature and theatre, with his plays widely studied and performed to this day. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to Shakespeare's life and works, exploring his contributions to the literary world and his enduring legacy.生平概述 (Biography)Shakespeare was born into a middle-class family. Despite his humble origins, he received a solid education and showed a keen interest in literature from a young age. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, who bore him three children. In the late 1580s, he left his family and moved to London to pursue a career in the theatre.身世谜团 (Mystery Surrounding His Background)While much is known about Shakespeare's works, there remains a certain degree of mystery surrounding his personal life. Some scholars argue that the plays attributed to him were actually written by someone else or by a group of writers. However, the majority of literary experts agree that Shakespeare was indeed the author of the plays and sonnets attributed to him.文学贡献 (Literary Contributions)Shakespeare's literary contributions cannot be overstated. He wrote a total of 39 plays, consisting of comedies, tragedies, and histories, whichexplored a wide range of themes and emotions. Some of his most famous plays include "Romeo and Juliet," "Macbeth," "Hamlet," and "Othello." These works delve into the human condition, examining complex characters and presenting universal truths that continue to resonate with audiences today.Shakespeare's writing style was characterized by his mastery of language, his use of poetic devices such as iambic pentameter, and his ability to craft deeply moving and memorable dialogues. His plays employed a variety of literary techniques, including soliloquies, dramatic irony, and foreshadowing, which added depth and complexity to his storytelling.戏剧与剧院 (Drama and Theatres)During Shakespeare's time, theatre was a popular form of entertainment. His plays were performed at various venues, including the famous Globe Theatre, where he was a co-owner. The Globe Theatre provided a platform for Shakespeare to showcase his works to a wide audience, and his plays were enthusiastically received by both the nobility and the common people.莎士比亚的作品是根植于戏剧现场的,他的戏剧构思、人物塑造、情节发展等都与剧场环境密不可分。
莎士比亚 William Shakespeare 英文介绍 英美文学

William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He is the greatest of all English poets in English history. He has become landmarks in the history of world culture.William Shakespeare belongs to Renaissance. In England, the 16th century was a period of breaking up of feudal relations and the establishing of the foundation of capitalism. New social and economic condition brought about great changes in the development of science and art. The great changes influence the thought of human at that time. The creation of writing style has changed. Renaissance meaning from French word, meaning “rebirth”, “revival”. Now it is used to indicate the intellectual and literary movement over Europe from the 14th to the early 17th century. Humanism is the core and essence of the Renaissance. About humanism, man is the measure of all things. Man has ability to perfect themselves to develop the individual. Man should enjoy the present life. So many poets and novelists create their work from gods to man.William Shakespeare creates 154 sonnets, 37dramas and 2 long narrative poems. He has a great significance in English literature history. He represents the climax of the Renaissance. He is the one of the few writers who can be indispensable in the Europe literary history. He is most influential man of the letter since the Renaissance. He is the representative of the Renaissance. Besides he has the most command of vocabulary, so people call him a master of use of vocabulary.His writing style is a combination of realism and romantism. In his works of poem. Sonnet 18 is the most famous and influential poetry in the world. Sonnets are fourteen lines, and rhyming in different patterns. William Shakespeare creates his own rhyming patterns of sonnet. And we call it William Shakespeare’s patterns. The rhyme of William Shakespeare’s sonnet 18 is a b a b, c d c d, e f e f, g g. In this poetry, we can get the main theme of Renaissance, humanism. Shakespeare use many rhetorical devices. In the beginning, the first sentence, should I compare thee to a summer’s day use rhetorical question and simile to attract reader’s interest. ‘You are more lovely and gentle than summer’s day’. In the third sentence, the word darling full of emotional color, itpersonifies the buds. In the fourth sentence use metaphor compare lease to life time. Our life is too short, we should cherish our life time. The next sentence, sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, use rhetorical device, metaphor. And the next sentence use personification. In the seventh sentence, fair use rhetorical devices pun, it means beautiful person and the quality of beauty. In the last two sentence use parallelism to emphasize the emotion and the mood of this poetry. Summer’s day is too short, but your beauty can exist forever in my poetry.When I have read this poetry. I can get the wonderful use of rhetorical devices and vocabulary. He uses his master hand to describe the beauty of his friend. And his poetry, sonnet 18 represent a strong mood of his friendship, making me impressive.。

• 9部历史剧中除《约翰王》是写 13 世纪初 英国历史外 ,其他8部是内容相衔接的两个 4部曲 :《 亨利六世》上 、中、下篇与 《查理三世》;《理查二世》、《亨利四 世》(被称为最成功的历史剧)上、下篇 与《亨利五世》。这些历史剧概括了英国 历史上百余年间的动乱,塑造了一系列正、 反面君主形象,反映了莎士比亚反对封建 割据,拥护中央集权,谴责暴君暴政,要 求开明君主进行自上而下改革,建立和谐 社会关系的人文主义政治与道德理想。
• 由于一方面广泛借鉴古代戏剧、英国中世 纪戏剧以及欧洲新兴的文化艺术,一方面 深刻观察人生,了解社会,掌握时代的脉 搏,故使莎士比亚得以塑造出众多栩栩如 生的人物形象,描绘广阔的、五光十色的 社会生活图景,并使之以悲喜交融、富于 诗意和想象、寓统一于矛盾变化之中以及 富有人生哲理和批判精神等特点著称。一 般划分为三个时期。

12. Shakespeare was a _________________ for playmaster-hand (能手) writing. 13. Shakespeare’s one play contains one theme. F (…contains more than one theme)
That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing.
To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep.
5. Shakespeare’s sonnets are divided into three groups: Numbers 1—17, Numbers 18—126, and Numbers 127—154. T 6. Shakespeare’s sonnets are written for variety of virtues. T

What you will
• Hamlet • King L来自ar• Macbeth • Othello
As the first of the great tragedies,it is generally regarded as Shakespeare's most popular play on the stage.
△1588:started to write plays
△1990:The drama was becoming popular, so he worked in troupe as factotum at first, then as actor or director and finally as the stockholder.
Shakespeare (1564~ 1616) the Great Renaissance dramatist, poet, European Renaissance humanism literature synthesizer.
△1571:went to a good grammer school but had to learn Latin and Greek.During the six years,he got command of the basical writing skill and rich knowledge.
Chapter 4
William Shakespeare
—— Mengping Yang Xiaorong Liu
William Shakespeare

哦,那不是爱!爱是坚定的烽火, 凝视著狂涛而不动摇; 爱是向导迷航船只的明星, 高度可测,
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom:
英国 / 美国 导演: 约翰· 麦登 John Madden 主演: 约瑟夫· 法因斯(Joseph Fiennes) / 格温妮丝· 帕特洛 (Gwyneth Paltrow )
该片获得奥斯卡13项提名中 的7 项大奖,并在大大小小 的国际电影节上获取了总计 七十多个奖项。
故 居
1610年退出伦敦戏剧界, 回到家乡,1616年4月23日 在家乡病故,终年52岁。遗 体安葬在镇上圣三一教堂。 墓志铭写: “看在耶稣的份上,好 朋友, 切莫动底下的这抔黄土! 让我安息者上天保佑, 移我尸骨者永受诅咒。”
①教区记事录记载了莎士比亚的受洗日 ②莎翁留下来的几页手稿与其在别处的签名 一致 ③“大学才子”派格林写的小册子《一文不 值的才子》证明了莎士比亚的成就及影响 ④1623年,莎翁的好友编辑《莎士比亚戏剧 集》,收有36个剧本。本· 琼生在该书的序 诗中称莎士比亚是“时代的灵魂”,“他 不属于一个时代,而属于所有的世纪”。
扮演莎翁剧中人物 的演员参加纪念莎 翁诞辰的游行
英国人民不但每年都举行纪念活动,而且每隔一年 举行一次“莎士比亚戏剧节”。现在,“莎士比亚 戏剧节”不仅盛行于英国,而且逐渐超越了国界, 许多国家都举办类似的活动。

莎士比亚英文介绍教案Introduction to Shakespeare Teaching PlanI. Overview:A. IntroductionB. ObjectivesC. Target audienceII. Background information:A. Life and works of William ShakespeareB. Significance of studying ShakespeareC. Common challenges faced by studentsIII. Teaching strategies:A. Pre-reading activities:1. Brainstorming session2. Vocabulary building exercises3. Introduction to Elizabethan eraB. Reading activities:1. Selection of appropriate plays2. Reading techniques for Shakespearean language3. Close reading and analysis of key scenesC. Post-reading activities:1. Discussion and debate sessions2. Character analysis and role-playing3. Creative writing exercisesIV. Assessment methods:A. Formative assessment:1. Class participation and engagement2. Quizzes and short answer assessments3. Peer evaluationsB. Summative assessment:1. Essay assignments2. Presentations or performances3. Final test on understanding and analysis of Shakespeare's works V. Additional resources:A. Recommended films and adaptationsB. Online resources for further explorationC. Field trips to Shakespearean theater productionsVI. Conclusion:A. Recap of key points coveredB. Encouragement for students to continue exploring ShakespeareC. Feedback and evaluationIn this teaching plan, the objective is to introduce William Shakespeare and his works to a target audience. The plan includes various teaching strategies such as pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities to enhance students' understanding and appreciation of Shakespearean literature. Different assessment methods are suggested to evaluate students' progress, along with additional resources for further exploration. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of continuing to explore Shakespeare beyond the classroom.。
04 William Shakespeare 莎士比亚(英美文学)

6. Death and Burial at Stratford
– 1610 retired from theatre • Dies on April 23, 1616 at age 52 • In death, he leaves a final piece of verse as his epitaph: » Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbear » To dig the dust enclosed here. » Blessed be the man that spares these stones, » And cursed be he that moves my bones.
As You Like It
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
3. Third Period: Flourishing Period
• Tragedies are Shakespeare’s most popular and famous works. • Shakespeare used lots of soliloquies in his tragedies. • This category explores the faults/weaknesses of humans. • Great tragedies »Hamlet »Othello »King Lear »Macbeth
of Characters—Noble but flawed (Upper class)
VII. The Tragic History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
英国文学之莎士比亚的《哈姆莱特》Shakespeare27s Hamlet教学提纲

4) “There’s the respect /That makes calamity of so long life./For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, … /The insolence of office, and the spurns/That patient merit of th’ unworthy takes,/When he himself might his quietus make,/With a bare bodkin? ” :
Further explanation:
Hamlet is depressed and disillusioned when he hears his mother’s hasty marriage to his uncle and his father’s being murdering. He feels everyone and everything is tainted so that he is torn between emotions and the hesitant skepticism of his mind. It can reveal Hamlet’s personality—the complex deep conflict.
1. the vengeance of a son 2. to die suddenly 3. the wedding 4. to brood 5. ghost’s appearance 6. to pretend to be mad 7. to estrange himself from his friends 8. the performance of a play within a play 9. sent him to England 10. Ophelia's death. 11. a fencing match 12. to drink the poisoned wine 13. to kill Claudius
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Meaning: That is a question whether to live on in this world or to die, that is, to take action or to do nothing.
Shakespeare’s Language
Shakespeare wrote in “Early Modern English.”
EME was not very different from “Modern English,”
Shakespeare’s Language
A mix of old and very new Rural and urban words/images Understandable by the lowest peasant
human nature in all literature
appropriately as the greatest achievements of his dramatic artistry
his unforgettable tragic characters, such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth
chronicle plays )----a highly popular form
of drama in Shakespeare’s time.
Shakespeare’s Poetry
Venus and Adonis The Rape of Lucrece Sonnets
`A Lover's Complaint' The Passionate Pilgrim The Phoenix and The Turtle
罗密欧,罗密欧,你为什么是罗密欧?否定你的父亲放弃 你的姓氏.
Meaning: It is best not to lend (money) to others and not to borrow from others. When we lend sth, we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with the other person.
Well-known Comedies
The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦 Twelfth Night 第十二夜 As You Like It 皆大欢喜 All’s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属 Much Ado about Nothing 无事生非
and the highest noble
Thou=you(主格) Thy=your(物主代词) Thee=you(宾格)
Match the meaning with the quotation and the play.
Meaning: Empty words, not real thoughts or ideas from the heart.
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s Works
154 sonnets
2 long poems
37 plays
Comedies Tragedies History plays Tragi-comedies
among the most powerful studies of
“Words, words, only words, no matter
from the heart”
Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo ? Deny your father, and refuse your name…
Version In modern English
2 Henry VI 3 Henry VI 1 Henry VI Richard III Richard II
King John 1 Henry IV 2 Henry IV Henry V Henry VIII
His History Plays
History plays(sometimes known as
“Neither a borrower nor a lender be”
Uneasy lieຫໍສະໝຸດ the head that wears a crown.
Meaning: A person who has great responsibility, such as a king, is constantly worried and therefore doesn’t sleep soundly.
By means that are sometimes humiliating ( degrade ) , even painful, characters learn greater wisdom and emerge with a clearer view of reality.
Tragedies begin happily and end in misery. Comedies, on the other hand, begin in misery and end happily.
Four Great Tragedies
King Lear(1605)
His comediesHcIeSlebCrOateMhEuDmIaEnSsocial life even
as they expose human folly(stupid) .