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S tag es of O peration al C ap ab ility S tag e 1 S tag e 2 S tag e 3 S tag e 4 E a c h pra c tic e a re a is a s s e s s e d a c ros s fou r o pe ra tion a l e le m e nts S trate gy D e m and P lanning S upp ly P lanning D e m and /S upp ly B alanc ing & D e c is io n Making S trate gy C om m o dity & P roc e s s Manag e m e nt S upp lie r D e ve lo pm e nt/Manage m e nt O rg anizatio n & I nfras truc ture Manufac turing S trate g y P rod uc tio n S c he duling Mate rial I s s ue , Mo ve & T rac king Manufac turing P ro c e s s C o ntro l E nable O rd e r E ntry & S c he d uling W are ho us ing , T rans po rtatio n & D e live ry I nvo ic ing & C as h C olle c tion S upp ly-C hain S trate gy S upp ly-C hain P e rform anc e Manage m e nt S upp ly-C hain P roc e s s e s S upp ly-C hain O rg anization
Supply-Chain Practice Maturity Model and Performance Assessment
Presented by: Bob Moncrieff, Director, PRTM Mark Stonich, Principal, PRTM
Date: NoveNT PRACTICES Supply Chain Practice Assessment Stage 4: CrossEnterprise Collaboration
Inventory Days of Supply Net Asset Turns
Stage 1: Stage 2: Internal Stage 3: External Functional Focus Integration Integration PLAN Strategy Demand Planning Supply Planning Demand/Supply Balancing & Decision-making SOURCE Strategy Commodity & Process Management Supplier Development / Management Organization & Infrastructure MAKE Manufacturing Strategy Production Scheduling Material Issue, Movement and Tracking Manufacturing Process Control DELIVER Enable Order Entry & Scheduling Warehousing, Transportation and Delivery Invoicing and Cash Collection OVERALL Supply Chain Strategy Supply Chain Performance Management Supply Chain Processes Supply Chain Organization = Best in Class = Median = ABC Co.
The Supply-Chain Maturity ModelSM
Companies progress through stages of The SupplyChain Maturity ModelSM
S upply C hain P erform anc e
Stage 1: Functional Focus
Major Opportunity
Your Org.
On-Time Delivery to Request %
68.8% 74.7% 11.0 42.0 9.0% 93.6 74.9 2.0
88.2% 95.0% 6.4 10.8 3.8% 42.7 37.7 10.8
Performance measurements highlight where improved capability will deliver value to the business
© Copyright 2001 The Performance Measurement Group, LLC 6903MV — 11/06/01

Identify joint business objectives and action plans Enforce common processes and data sharing Define, monitor, and react to performance metrics
Aligns participating companies’ business objectives and associated processes Results in realtime planning, decisionmaking, and execution of supply -chain responses to customer requirements
The Performance Measurement Group, LLC Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath
The purpose of today’s webcast is to:
Introduce PMG’s supply-chain Performance Scorecard & Maturity Model Present initial results of PMG’s inaugural Supply-Chain Practice and Information Technology Assessment Highlight preliminary findings of best-practice implementation and business performance correlation Review a real-world example of a practice and performance assessment that PRTM and PMG recently conducted Spur discussion, analysis, and action within your companies and industries
© Copyright 2001 The Performance Measurement Group, LLC 6903MV — 11/06/01
Supply-Chain Scorecard Background Introduction to PMG’s Supply-Chain Maturity Model Dominant and Emerging Practices Preliminary Findings — Discrete Electronics Equipment study Practice and Performance Assessment — Case Study 5 min 5 min 15 min 15 min 15 min
Stage 2: Internal Integration
Company-wide process and data model continuously measured at the company, process, and diagnostic levels Resources managed at both functional and cross-functional levels
F unc tiona l F oc us
Inte rna l Inte gra tion
E xte rna l Inte gra tion
C ros s E nte rpris e C olla bora tion
P lan
S ou rc e
D eliver
O verall

S tages of Operational C apability
© Copyright 2001 The Performance Measurement Group, LLC 6903MV — 11/06/01 6
The practices at each stage are defined in terms of the SCOR Model: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, and Overall
Stage 3: External Integration
Strategic partners throughout the global Supply Chain collaborate to:

Stage 4: Cross-Enterprise Collaboration
IT and eBusiness solutions enable a collaborative SupplyChain strategy that:
Discrete SupplyChain processes and data flows well documented and understood Resources managed at department level and performance measured at functional level
0% - 20% 20% - 40% 40% - 60% 60% - 80% 80% - 100%
Maturity frameworks define the enabling practices that will drive performance improvement
Key Perspectives Customerfacing Metrics:
© Copyright 2001 The Performance Measurement Group, LLC 6903MV — 11/06/01
The Supply-Chain Score Card consists of two elements
Supply Chain Performance Versus Comparison Population
87.1% 94.2% 8 10 3.9% 25.4 30 5.5
On-Time Delivery to Commit % Order Fulfillment Lead Time Upside Production Flexibility Internal-facing Metrics: Total Supply-Chain Management Cost Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time