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摘要 根据近年来黄土高原地区实施植被生态修复的经验和黄土高原生态安全考察成果,论述植被生态修复的特点和功能,提出植被生态修复的核心内涵是将人为促进群落演替的人力与天然群落演替的自然力结合起来,实现区域生态系统整体恢复与局部快速恢复相结合的有效途径。黄土高原植被生态修复的目标是:区域内植物群落物种多样性平均增加10%~15%;地带性植被的代表种盖度在群落中占到20%~25%;植被总覆盖度75%~85%;水土流失强度有显著性减少。目前植被生态修复的关键问题是有关基础理论研究和技术措施积累不足,方法简单,效益不高。未来应采取正确生态修复思路,尽快解决生态修复中关键技术理论;科学规划,在典型地区黄龙森林区和安塞森林草原区建立示范点,实施综合的植被生态修复措施,建立法律保障体系,为黄土高原植被生态修复奠定基础。

关键词 生态修复;指导思想;目标;黄土高原

收稿日期:2008 11 24 修回日期:2009 04 01

项目名称:中国科学院西部行动计划课题 林草植被恢复与生态稳定性研究与示范 (KZC X2 XB2 05);国家 十一五 科技支

撑课题 植被优化配置与可持续建设技术 (2006BAD09B03);中国科学院百人计划项目(KZCX2 YW BR 02)第一作者简介:张文辉(1954!),教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:植物生态、生物多样性保护与利用。E mail:zwhckh@163.


Countermeasures and strategy to vegetation rehabilitation

in Loess Plateau,China

Zhang Wenhui 1

,Liu Guobin


(1.The Envi ronment and Ecol ogy Key Laboratory of of Educati on Mini stry in Wes t Chi na,Northwes t A &F University;

2.Soil and Water Cons ervation Ins titute of CAS and MWR:712100,Yangling,Shaanxi,Chi na)

Abstract According to the experience of vegetation rehabilitation and the result of ecological safety investigation in the Loess Plateau,the func tions and characters of vegetation rehabilitation had been explained,and the core content of ve getation rehabilitation combining the artificial power for promoting vegetation restoration with the natural power of plant community succession is shown in order to achieve that all area vegeta tion rehabilitation combing with part area vegetation rehabilitation quickly.The aims for the vegetation rehabilitation in the Loess Plateau are that biodiversity increase 10%-15%on average.The coverage of typical species of the geography belt should acheive 20%-25%.The total vegetation coverage should acheive 75%-85%.The soil erosion decrease evidently.At present,the disadvantage for vegetation rehabilitation is no enough research accumulation for technology and the theory of vegetation rehabilitation and ecological efficiency of rehabilitation is not ideal.In the future the key techno-theoretic problems should be solved as quickly as possible by the sketch ideas.The typical demonstration area for vegetation rehabilitation should be set up for comprehensive measurements for rehabilitation.The law and regulation system for vegetation rehabilitation should be formed for the Loess Plateau.

Key words ecological rehabilitation;leading ideas;aim;Loess Pla teau

2009年6月7(3):114 118中国水土保持科学

Science of Soil and Water Conservation Vol.7 No.3Jun.2009
