外研版2016-2017学年高中英语必修1- 课时作业13

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课时作业(十三)Module 5Ethnic Culture Section ⅡIntroduction & Reading—Language Points (本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!)


1.It was with the help of the local guide________the mountain climber was rescued.


2.Among the crises that face humans________(be) the lack of natural resources.


3.The judges gave no hint of________they thought,so I left the room really________(worry).


4.________(see) from the top of the tower,the south foot of the mountain is________sea of trees.


5.When I passed this afternoon,I saw a little boy was________(lie) on the grass,his hands________(cross) under his head.


6.This kind of plant is native________that region.


7.________(lose) in the forest for two days,the twins were finally found by the police.


8.Mrs Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital camera,________she?


9.—OK,I’ve had enough of it.I give up.

—You can’t run________from your responsibilities.


10.More and more people choose to shop on the Internet as it offers a(n)________(vary) of goods.


11.Most nurses are women,but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a________(minor).


12.China is a great country with history and________(diversity) cultures.



1.Our country____________________________(是很多少数民族的家园).

答案:is home to a variety of minorities

2.__________________________(是一个习俗)for Naxi women to wear blue blouses and trousers____________________(外面罩着蓝色或黑色的多褶围裙).

答案:It is a custom;covered by a blue or black apron

3.Their cultures are________________(各不相同的) and__________________________ (一代一代传承下来).

答案:diverse;have been passed from generation to generation

4.They have their own festivals,like the Water-Splashing Festival,___________ ___________ (四月份举办).

答案:which takes place in April

5.Naxi is a ethnic group__________________________________(女人管理社会并继承财产).

答案:in which women run the society and inherit the property

6.Their language__________________(已经使用) more than 1,000 years.

答案:has been in use for

7.I often__________________________(在大城市迷路) because of the varied tall buildings.

答案:get lost in big cities

8.I rushed into the classroom,______________________(脸上满是灰尘).

答案:my face covered with dust


Susannah was a shy but smart girl.She couldn’t see too well,and had worn glasses for years.__1__,some of her classmates had habitually picked on her and__2__her big glasses.Lewis even started calling her “Four Eyes”,and then,the nickname__3__.Soon everyone knew her as Suzy Four Eyes.She acted as if she didn’t mind,but in fact Susannah couldn’t__4__it.

One day,the class was going on a school outing.When he slipped,Lewis__5__at Susannah and both fell into a hole.They__6__in a very big dark cave.All that could be__7__was a single ray of light and some fallen branches.Susannah and Lewis__8__for help,but no one came.The next morning they still hadn’t been found.Lewis__9__to find a way out but in vain.He started feeling__10__.

It must have been noontime,__11__Susannah noticed that the ray of light from the hole many meters above was in a__12__line.Suddenly a(n)__13__occurred to ing her glasses as
