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My light of life, my fire of desire, my sin, my soul.


Whenever I look back on my youth, those days are like white snowflakes on a snowstorm morning, blown away by the gale.


I am thinking now of European bison and angels, of the secret of lasting paint, of prophetic sonnets, of the sanctuary of art.


My heart will burst with the pain of love.


I love you, I am a monster, but I love you. I am despicable, cruel, and so on. But I love you, I love you!

6 、我们不仅生活在思想的世界中,而且也生活在物质的世界中。

We live not only in the world of thought, but also in the world of matter.


So I thought to myself, how can those loyal little people forget everything, everything, when our old lovers still cherish every inch of their beauty.


Because what I hate most in the world is group activities, which seem to mix hairy and naked people together in an increasing number of ordinary ways, bathing collectively.


You can laugh at me and threaten to get out of court, but I will still shout out my truth until I suffocate and pinch me half to death.

10 、当时我耳边响起一片儿童的欢笑声,令我心灰意冷的不是身边没有洛丽塔,而是笑声里没有她。

At that time, there was a laughter of children in my ears. It

was not the absence of Lolita beside me but the absence of

her in my laughter that frustrated me.

11 、我抚摸着我胸骨上的一块刺痛,那就是她披着秀发的头曾有一两次靠在我的心房的地方。

I stroked a sting in my sternum, where her hair had once

or twice leaned against my atrium.

12 、人性中的道德感是一种义务,而我们则必须赋予灵魂以美感。

Morality in human nature is an obligation, and we must give the soul

a sense of beauty.

13 、我正在想到欧洲的野牛和天使,颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。这便是我想到的,我能够和你共享的永恒,我的洛丽塔。

I am thinking of the bison and angels of Europe, the secret of lasting paint, the sonnet of the prophet, the refuge of art. That's what I think, the eternity I can share with you, my Lolita.

14 、我在想野牛和天使,在想颜料持久的秘密,预言家的十四行诗,艺术的避难所。

I'm thinking about buffalo and angels, the secret of lasting paint, the sonnet of the prophet, the refuge of art.

15 、然而,我却是瘦高个、骨节宽粗、长满绵羊般胸毛的亨伯特•



But I am Humbert Humbert, a tall, thick-boned, sheep-like breast, with dark eyebrows and a strange accent. Behind his elegant young man's smile, there lurks a sewage-gutter-like rotten devil.

16 、她会年老色衰,但我不在乎。只要见她一面,万般柔情仍会涌上心头。

She's going to get old, but I don't care. As long as you meet her, all kinds of tenderness will still come to mind.


Are all girls in this age group sexy? Of course not. Otherwise, those of us who are familiar with the Tao, those of us lonely travelers, and those of us who are addicted to lust and greed, would not have gone mad long ago.


I love you, I am a monster, but I love you.


He tore my heart, and you just tore my life apart.
