雅思A类大作文真题范文:寻找地外生命是否有意义 2018-02-10: India

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Some people want government should spent money looking for life on other planet however others think it is waste of public money when there are so many problems on earth, government should solve it.

Discuss both views.


People have differing views with regard to the areas where the public money should be invested in. Some people argue the government should spend money on searching alien lives on other planets so that human beings may find alternative planets to live in the future. Others, however, oppose this view and believe there are more important concerns on Earth waiting to be addressed.

Supports believe that not only people’s everyday life but also the future of human race will therefore benefit from launching alien projects. It is a fact that practical technology has been advanced through space exploration. For instance, there are many inventions including pace makers and smoke detectors, which are lifesavers in people’s everyday life, are the by-products of space research. In addition, find a new planet with lives may ease people’s concern about energy depletion. Due to the significance of the growing vehicle numbers and the expansion of urbanisation, today’s demand for energy has increased on an unprecedented scale.

However, the opponents argue that the government should have more important concerns to mitigate the problems on Earth. There still are many people in many areas of the world who are suffering from disease, hunger and extreme poverty. The government has its moral obligation to prioritise the public money to be spent on freeing these people from suffering. By providing them a safety net, those people in need can be able to receive basic medical treatment, better education and more job opportunities.

In conclusion, while many people can benefit from the outcomes from alien life searching, more people can have a better life if the government can invest money in combating poverty. Therefore, I believe the government should give the financial prioritises to address the problems on the earth.


The expenditure on space programs to search for life on other planets should be increased, according to some people, while others consider it is wastage of money as there are other serious issues to be addressed on earth. In my opinion, although priority should be given to immediate problems, a portion of budget should be invested in future safety i.e. space exploration.

To begin with, searching life on other space bodies could be a contingent plan in the worst case because of increasing risk to life on earth. The necessary resources for life, such as air and water, are completely exploited that puts us on the risk of extinction if proper actions are not taken on time. Moreover, it is crystal clear by
