
Zootopia is a wonderful city. Each animal here has his own home. They live a peaceful life ----whether it is a big tiger or a little mouse, as long as you work hard, you can have some achievement. Rabbit Judy has wanted to be a policewoman since she was a child, despite all the animals around her feel it is impossible. In order to prove herself, she decides to solve a mystery case. With Nick’s help, she finds behind the case hidden a huge conspiracy. At last, Judy and Nick become a good partner.

Judy: Life is a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.
Judy: You’re under arrest.
Nicolas: For what? Hurting your feelings?


1ZOOTOPIA动物乌托邦2Fear, treachery, blood lust.恐惧,背叛,杀戮。
3Thousands of years ago these were the...几千年前这些是...4forces that ruled our world支配着我们的世界的力量5 A world where prey were scared of predators.一个猎物担心着捕食者的世界。
6And predators had an uncontrollable...捕食者有一个无法控制的...7biological urge to maim, and maul, and...生理上的冲动去伤害,残害,并且...8Awww!噢!9Blood! Blood! Blood!高血压!高血糖!高血脂!10And.. death!和..死!11Ahhh...唉唉......12Back then, the world was divided in two.在那时,世界分为二种。
13Vicious predator, or meek prey.凶猛的捕食者与脆弱的猎物。
14But over time, we evolved, and moved beyond or primitive savage ways.但随着时间的推移,我们进化了并抛弃了野蛮的性格。
15Now predator and prey live in harmony.现在捕食者与猎物和睦相处。
16And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities.而且所有的年轻的动物都有着各种的可能。
17Yeah, I don't have to cower in a a herd anymore.耶,我再也不用躲在洞穴里了。
18Instead, I can be an astronaut.取而代之,我可以当太空人。

《疯狂动物城》爆笑台词大全《疯狂动物城》爆笑台词大全《疯狂动物城》爆笑台词大全:1) 大牛局长:生活不是什么卡通歌舞剧,妞妞屁股唱首歌你的傻逼梦想就会实现。
醒醒吧亲!2) 兔子朱迪:今天又是崭新的一天!羚羊巴基:没错,但今天可能是更操蛋的一天!3) 兔子朱迪:等一下,听着!我知道你永远都不会原谅我。
4) 兔子朱迪:当我们解决了这件事,你再继续讨厌我吧。
5) 狐狸尼克:嘿,闪电,想不想听个笑话?兔子朱迪:不要啊!树懒闪电:想听……狐狸尼克:你怎么称呼有三个驼峰的骆驼?树懒闪电:我不……知道……也……狐狸尼克:怀孕的骆驼6) 我知道,你永远都不会原谅我。
7) 兔子朱迪:生活可能有一点乱糟糟,我们都会犯错误。
8) 朱迪:准备好把世界变得更美好了吗!9) 朱迪:长官,我不是什么吉祥物兔宝宝。
10) 伯格部长:光有志向是不够的,重要的是你的能力。
11) 朱迪:我们唯一要害怕的就是害怕本身。
12) 朱迪:现实生活可比墙上的标语复杂多了。
13) 朱迪:在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。
14) 尼克:天哪,我是第一次这么近距离跟羊接触!手感好好!15) 尼克:你觉得她睡觉的时候会数自己吗?16) 朱迪:人生不可能一帆风顺的。

Fear, treachery, blood lust.Thousands of years agothese were the...forces that ruled our worldA world where prey werescared of predators.And predators had an uncontrollable...biological urge to maim, and maul, and... Awww!Blood! Blood! Blood!Ahhh...Back then, the worldwas divided in two.Vicious predator,or meek prey.But over time, we evolved,and moved beyond or primitive savage ways. Now predator and preylive in harmony.And every young mammalhas multitudinous opportunities.Yeah, I don't have to cowerin a a herd anymore.Instead, I can be an astronaut.I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today I can hunt for tax exemptions.I'm gonna be an actuary.And I can make the world a better place.I am going to be...A police officer!Bunny cop? That is the moststupidest thing I ever heard!It may seem impossible to small minds.I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey.But, just 211 miles away,stands the great city of Zootopia.Where our ancestors first joinedtogether in peace.And declared that anyonecan be anything!Thank you and good night.Judy, you ever wonder how your momand me got to be so darn happy?NopeWell, we gave up on our dreams,and we settled. Right, Bon?Oh, yes. That's right, Stu.We settled hard.You see, that's the beautyof complacency, Jude.If you don't try anythingnew, you'll never fail.I like trying, actually.What your father means, hon, is that it's gonna be difficult, impossible even...- for you to become a police officer.- Right. There's never been a bunny cop.- No.- Bunnies don't do that.- Never.- Never.Well... Then I guessI'll have to be the first one.Because I am gonna makethe world a better place!Or, heck, you know. You wanna talkabout making the world a better place,no better way to do it thanbecoming a carrot farmer.Yes! Your dad, me,your 275 brothers and sisters.- We're changing the world.- Yeah.- One carrot at a time.- Amen to that.Carrot farming is a noble profession.You get it, honey?I mean, it's great to have dreams.Yeah, just as long as youdon't believe in them too much.Where the heck'd she go?Give me your tickets right now,or I'm gonna kick your meek little sheep butt. Ow! Cut it out, Gideon!Baah, baah!What are you gonna do, cry?- Hey! You heard her. Cut it out.- Nice costume, loser.What crazy world are you living inwhere you think a bunny could be a cop?- Kindly return my friend's tickets.- Come and get them. But watch out.Cause I'm a fox, and like you saidin your dumb little stage play,us predators used to eat prey.And that killer instinct's still in our denna.- Uh, I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced DNA. - Don't tell me what I know, Travis.You don't scare me, Gideon.Scared now?Look at her nose twitch,she is scared.Cry, little baby bunny!Cry... Ow...Oh, you don't knowwhen to quit, do you?Huh!I want you to remember this momentthe next time you think you will ever be... anything more than just astupid carrot-farming dumb bunny.- That looks bad.- Are you okay, Judy?Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.Here you go.- Wow, you got our tickets!- You're awesome, Judy.Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't knowwhat he's talking about!Well, he was rightabout one thing.I don't know when to quit.ZOOTOPIA POLICE ACADEMYListen up, cadets. Zootopia has 12unique ecosystems within its city limits. Tundratown, Sahara Square,Rainforest District, to name a few.You're gonna have to master all ofthem before you hit the streets.Or guess what?You'll be dead!Scorching sandstorm.You're dead, bunny bumpkin.One thousand foot fall.You're dead, carrot baby.Frigid ice wall.You're dead, farm girl.Enormous criminal.You're dead.Dead.Dead.Dead.Ohhh...!Filthy toilet.You're dead, fluffy butt.Just quit and go home, fuzzy bunny.- There's never been a bunny cop. Never. - Just a stupid carrot-farming dumb bunny. As mayor of Zootopia, I am proudto announce that my mammal inclusion... initiative, has produced its firstpolice academy graduate.Valedictorian of her class,ZPD's very first rabbit officer...Judy Hopps.Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge.- Oh, yes, yes!- Thank you.Judy, it is my great privilege to officially assign you to the heart of Zootopia... Precinct One.City Center.- Yeh!- Yeh!Congratulations Officer Hopps.I won't let you down.This has been my dreamsince I was a kid.You know, it's a real proudday for us little guys.Bellwether, make room, will you? Okay, Officer Hopps.Let's see those teeth!Officer Hopps, look here.- We're real proud of you, Judy.- Yeah, and scared too.- Yes.- Really, it's kind of a proud-scared combo.I mean, Zootopia.So far away, such a big city.Guys, I've been working for thismy whole life.We know. And we're just a littleexited for you, but terrified.The only thing we have tofear is fear itself.And also bears. We havebears to fear, too.- Say nothing on lions, and wolves.- Wolves?- Weasels.- You played cribbage with a weasel once? Yeah, he cheats likethere's no tomorrow.You know what?Pretty much all predators.- And Zootopia is full of them.- Oh, Stu.And foxes are the worst.Yeah, actually, your fatherdoes have a point there.It's in their biology.Remember what happened with Gideon Grey? When I was nine. Gideon Grey wasa jerk who happens to be a fox.I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks. Sure, yeah, we all do, absolutely.But just in case,we made you a littlecare package to take with you.- I put some snacks in there.- This is fox deterrent.- Yeah, it's safe to have that.- This is fox repellant.The deterrent and therepellant, that's all she needs.- Check this out!- Oh, for goodness sake!She has no need fora fox taser, Stu.Oh, come on.When is there not need a for a fox taser? Well, okay, look, I will take this...To make you stop talking.Terrific!Everyone wins!Arriving, Zootopia Express.Okay, gotta go.Bye!Mmm. I love you, guys.Love you, too.- Oh, cripes, here come the waterworks.- Oh, Stu. Pull it together.Bye everybody!Bye Judy, I love you!Bye!Bye!YOU ARE NOW LEA VING BUNNYBURROW.I'm Gazelle.Welcome to Zootopia.And welcome to the crime family house. Luxury apartments with charm. Complementary delousing once a month. Don't lose your key!Thank you.- Oh, hi! I'm Judy, your new neighbor!- Yeah? Well, we're loud.Don't expect us to apologize for it.Greasy walls.Rickety bed.Crazy neighbors.I love it!Come on!He bared his teeth first!- Excuse me!- Hmm?Down here!- Hi.- O... M... Goodness!They really did hire a bunny.Ho-whop! I gotta tell you,you're even cuter than I thought you'd be. Ooh, ah, you probably didn't know,but a bunny can call another bunny 'cute', but when other animalsdo it, that's a little...Ohhh. I am so sorry!Me, Benjamin Clawhauser.The guy everyone thinks is justa flabby donut-loving cop, stereotyping you. - Oh.- No, it's okay.Oh. You've actually got...there's a...- A what?- In your neck. The fold.- The... this...- Oh, there you went, you little dickens! Hehehe, I should get to roll call,so which way do I...- Oh, ball pen's over there to the left.- Great. Thank you!Oh... That poor little bunny's gonnaget eaten alive.Hey! Officer Hopps.You ready to make the world a better place? Attention!All right. All right.Everybody sit.I've got three itemson the docket.First, we need to acknowledgethe elephant in the room.Francine.Happy birthday.Oh.Number two. There are some new recruits with us I should introduce,but I'm not going to because...I don't care.Finally, we have 14 missing mammal cases. All predators. From a giant polar bearto a teensy little otter.And City Hall is right upmy tail to find them.This is priority number one. Assignments.Officers Grizzoli, Fragmire, Delgato.Your team take missing mammalsfrom the Rainforest District.Officers McHorn, Ryan Spitz, Wolfard. Your teams take Sahara Square.Officers Higgins, Snorlof, Trunkaby. Tundratown.And finally, our first bunny,Officer Hopps.Parking duty.Dismissed.Parking duty?Chief?Chief Bogo?Sir. You said there werefourteen missing mammal cases.- So?- So I can handle one.You probably forgot but, I wastop of my class at the academy.Didn't forget.Just don't care.Sir, I'm not justsome token bunny.Well then, writing a hundredtickets a day should be easy.A 100 tickets. I'm notgonna write 100 tickets.I'm gonna write 200 tickets.Before noon.(EXPIRED)(EXPIRED)Ah!Boom!Two hundred tickets before noon!Hey, watch where you're going, fox!Huh!Hmm.Where'd he go?Listen. I know what you're doing skulking around during daylight hours,but I don't want anytrouble in here. So hit the road!I'm not looking forany trouble either, sir...I simply wanna buy a Jumbo-Pop.For my little boy.You want the red,or the blue, pal?Oh.I'm such a...- Oh, come on, kid. Back up. Listen, buddy. - What?There aren't any fox ice cream jointsin your part of town?No, no. There are, there are.It's just, my boy,this goofy little stinker,he loves all things elephant.He wants to be onewhen he grows up.Isn't that adorable?Who the heck am I to crushhis little dreams, huh? Right?Look, you probably can't read, fox,but the sign says"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone!" So beat it.You're holding up the line.Hello.Excuse me.Hey, you're gonna have to wait yourturn like everyone else, meter maid.Actually, I'm an officer.Just have a quick question.Are your customersaware they're gettingsnot and mucus withtheir cookies and cream?What are you talking about?Well. I don't wannacause you any trouble,but I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class 3 health code violation. Which is kind of a big deal.Of course I could let you off witha warning if you were to glove those trunks and... I don't know...finish selling this...nice dad and his son a...What was it?A Jumbo-Pop.Please.A Jumbo-Pop.- $15.- Thank you so much. Thank you.Oh no, are you kidding me...I don't have my wallet!I'd lose my head if itweren't attached to my neck.That's the truth. Oh, boy.I'm sorry, pal.Gotta be about theworst birthday ever.Please don't be mad at me.Thanks anyway.Keep the change.Officer, I can't thank you enough.So kind. Really. Can I pay you back?Oh, no.My treat.It's just, you know it burns me up to see folks with such backward attitudes towards foxes.I just want to say you're a greatdad and just a real articulate fella.Oh.Well, that is high praise.It's rare that I findsomeone so non-patronizing.- Officer?- Hopps. Mr..?Wilde.Nick Wilde.And you, little guy. You wannabe an elephant when you grow up?You be an elephant.Because this is Zootopia.Anyone can be anything.Ahh.I tell him that all the time.All right, here you go.Two paws.Yeah. Oh, look at that smile,that's a happy birthday smile!All right, give her a littlebye-bye toot-toot.Toot-toot.- Bye, now!- Goodbye!Oh.Hey, little toot-toot..."ORGANIC" $2PAWPSICLE"ORGANIC " $2BANCOBROTHERSLEMMINGGet your Pawpsicles.Oh!- Lumber delivery.- What's with the color?The color?Uh... it's red wood.39, 40, there you go.Way to work that diaper, big guy.Hey. No kissbye-bye for daddy?You kiss me tomorrow,I'll bite your face off!Ciao.Well, I stood up for you,and you lied to me.You liar!It's called a hustle, Sweetheart.And I'm not the liar. He is.Hey!All right, Slick-Nick.You're under arrest.Really?For what?Gee, I don't know. How aboutselling food without a permit?Transporting undeclared commerce across lines? - False advertizing.- Permit. Receipt of declared commerce.And I didn't falselyadvertize anything. Take care.You told that mouse thepawpsicle sticks were redwood!That's right. Red wood.With a space in the middle.Wood that is red.You can't touch me, Carrots.I've been doing this since I was born.You're gonna wanna refrainfrom calling me Carrots.My bad. I just naturallyassumed you came...from some little carrot-choked Podunk.No?Uh, no. Podunk is in Deerbrooke countyand I grew up in Bunnyburrow.Okay.Tell me if this story sounds familiar.Naive little hick with goodgrades and big ideas decides'Hey, look at me, I'mgonna move to Zootopia...Where predators and prey livein harmony and sing Kumbaya!'Only to find, whoopsie,we don't all get along.And that dream of becoming a big city cop,double whoopsie, she's a meter maid.And whoopsie number three-sie,no one cares about her or her dreams.And soon enough those dreams die, and ourbunny sinks into emotional and literal squalorliving in a box under a bridge. Till finally she has no choice but to go back homewith that cute fuzzy wuzzy little tailbetween her legs to become...You're from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said?So how about a carrot farmer?That sound about right?Oh!Be careful now, or it won't justbe your dreams getting crushed.Hey, hey. No one tells me what I canor can't be. Especially not some...jerk who never had the guts to try to beanything more than a Pawpsicle hustler.All right, look.Everyone comes to Zootopia thinkingthey can be anything they want.Well, you can't.You can only be what you are.Sly fox.Dumb bunny.I'm not a dumb bunny.Right.And that's not wet cement.You'll never be a real cop.You're a cute meter maid, though.Maybe a supervisor one day.Hang in there.Mom & Dad- Oh, hey, it's my parents!- Oh, there she is! Hi, Sweetheart!Hey there, Jude the Dude.How was your first day on the force?- It was real great!- Yeah? Everything you ever hoped?Absolutely. And more.Everyone's so nice, and I feel like...- I'm really making a difference.- Wait a second. Holy cranks, Bon.- Look at that!- Oh, my sweet heaven!Judy, are you a meter maid?Oh, this.. No! Oh, no.This is just a temporary thing..- It's the safest job on the force!- She's not a real cop!- Our prayers have been answered!- Glorious day!Ho-ho, meter maid,meter maid, meter maid!- Dad! Dad!- Meter maid!You know what,it's been a really long day, I should...- You get some rest.- Those meters aren't gonna maid themselves. - Bye-bye.- Bye-bye.Hey, bunny!Turn down that depressing music!Leave the meter maid alone,didn't you hear her conversation?- She feels like a failure!- Oh, shut up!- You shut up!- You shut up!- You shut up!- Tomorrow is another day.Yeah, but it might be worse!I was 30 seconds over!Yeah, you're a real hero, lady.My mommy saysshe wishes you were dead.How glory are that my tax dollarspay your salary.I am a real cop.I am a real cop.Hey, you!Bunny!Sir, if you have a grievance you may contest recitation in traffic court.What are you talking about?! My shop!It was just robbed!Look, he's getting away! Well, are you a cop or not?Oh! Yes! Yes!Don't worry, sir, I got this!- Stop in the name of the law! - Catch me if ya' can, cottontail! Coming through!This is officer McHorn.We got a 10-31.I got dibs!Officer Hopps, I am in pursuit! Woo-hoo!LITTLERODENTIA- Ah!- Ahh!Ha ha ha.You!Hey!Hey, meter maid!Wait for the real cops!Stop!Ahhhh!Oh.Sorry! Coming through. Excuse me. Excuse me. Pardon. Yahhh!Bon voyage, flatfoot!Huh!- Hey! Stop right there!- Have a donut, coppa!Oh my god, did you see those leopard print jeggings?- Ah!- Ah!Oh!- I love your hair.- Thank you.Heheheheh.Come to papa!Okay. You're gonna haveto be patient and wait in line just like everyone else,Mrs. Otterton. Okay?- I popped the weasel!- Hopps!Abandoning your post. Inciting a scurry. Reckless endangerment of rodents...But, to be fair, you did stop a master criminal from stealing two dozen moldy onions. Mmm. Hate to disagree with you, sir,but those aren't onions.Those are pest riddance called Midnicampum holicithias.They're a class C botanical, sir.Well, I grew up in a family where plant husbandry was kind of a thing...- Shut your tiny mouth now!- Sir, I got the bad guy.That's my job.Your job is putting ticketson parked cars!Chief, Mrs. Otterton'shere to see you again.- Not now.- Okay, I just need to know if you want to... - take it this time she seems really upset...- Not now!Sir. I don't wannabe a meter maid,I wanna be a real cop.Do you think the mayorasked what I wanted...- when he assigned you to me?- But, sir...Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song, and your insipid dreams... magically come true!So let it go.Chief Bogo, please!Five minutes of your time, please.I'm sorry sir. I tried to stop her,she's super slippery.I gotta go sit down.Ma'am, as I've told you,we're doing everything we can.My husband has beenmissing for ten days.- His name is Emmitt Otterton.- Yes. I know.He's a florist.We have 2 beautiful children.He would never just disappear.Ma'am, our detectivesare very busy.Please. There's gotta be somebodyto find my Emmitt.- Mrs. Otterton.- I will find him.Oh. Thank you!Bless you, bless you, little bunny!Take this.Find my Emmitt.Bring him home to me and my babies. Please.Mrs. Otterton.Please wait out here.Of course.Oh, thank you both so much!One second.- You're fired.- What? Why?Insubordination! Now. I'm going to open this door, and you're goind to tell that Otter you're a former meter maid with delusionof grandeur, who will not be taking the case.I just heard Officer Hoppsis taking the case!Assistant Mayor Bellwether!The Mammal Inclusion Initiativeis really starting to pay off.Mayor Lionheart isjust gonna be so thrill!No, let's not tellthe mayor just yet.And I sent it, and it is done,so I did do that.All right, well, I'd saythe case is in good hands.Us little guys really need tostick together, right?- Like glue.- Good one.Just call me if you everneed anything. Okay?You've always got a friend atCity Hall, Judy. All right! Bye-bye! Thank you, ma'am!I will give you 48 hours.Yes!That's two days to find Emmitt Otterton. But.. You strike out, you resign.Okay. Deal.Splendid. Clawhauser will give youthe complete case file.Here you go.One missing otter.- That's it?- Yikes!That is the smallest case fileI've ever seen. Leads, none. Witnesses, none. And you're not in the computer system yet, so... Resources, none!Ha ha!Hoo, I hope you didn't stake yourcareer on cracking this one.Okay.Last known sighting.Can I just borrow?Thank you.- Pawpsicle?- The murder weapon!- 'Get your pawpsicle'...- Yeah! Cause that...What does that mean?It means I have a lead.- Hi! Hello! It's me again!- Hey! It's officer toot-toot.Hoo...No.Actually it's Officer Hopps,and I'm here to ask you somequestions about a case.What happened, meter maid?Did someone steal a traffic cone?It wasn't me.Hey, Carrots, you're gonna wake the baby.I gotta get to work.This is important, sir. I think yourten dollars worth of pawpsicles can wait. Ha! I make 200 bucksa day, fluff.365 days a year,since I was 12.- And time is money. Hop along.- Please just look at the picture.You sold Mr. Otterton that pawpsicle, right? - Do you know him?- I know everybody.And I also know that somewherethere's a toy store missing its stuffed animal, so why don't you get back to your box? Fine.Then we'll have to do this the hard way.- Did you just boot my stroller?- Nicholas Wilde, you are under arrest. Ha. For what? Hurtingyour feelings?Felony tax evasion.Yeah.. 200 dollars a day, 365 days a year, since you were 12...that's two decades, so times twenty, which is 1,460,000, I think.I mean, I am just a dumb bunny,but we are good at multiplying. Anyway, according to your tax forms,you reported, let me see here, zero! Unfortunately, lying on a federal formis a punishable offense.- 5 years jail time.- Well, it's my word against yours.'200 bucks a day, fluff,365 days a year, since I was twelve.' Actually it's yourword against yours.And if you want this penyou're going to help mefind this poor missing otter,or the only placeyou'll be selling pawpsiclesis the prison cafeteria.It's called a hustle, sweet heart.She hustled you.Ehahaha...She hustled you good!You're a cop now, Nick.You're gonna need one of these.Have fun working with the fuzz!Start talking.I don't know where he is,I only saw where he went.Great, let's go!It's not exactly a placefor a cute little bunny.- Don't call me cute, get in the car.- Okay. You're the boss.Hi.I'm...Hello? Hello?Hello?Hello!My name is...You know, I'm gonna hit thepause button right there.Cause we're all good onbunny scout cookies.Uh, no.I'm Officer Hopps, ZPD.I'm looking for a missing mammal...Emmitt Otterton. Right here.He may have frequented this establishment? Yeah, old Emmitt!Haven't seen him ina couple of weeks.But hey, you should talk to his yoga instructor.I'd be happy to take you back.Oh, thank you so much, I'd appericiatethat more than you can imagine, it'd be such...- Oh! You are naked..- Oh, for sure. We're a naturalist club!Yeah. In Zootopia anyone can be anything.These guys, they be naked.Nangi's just on the other sideof the pleasure pool.Oh boy. Does this make you uncomfortable? Because if so, there's no shame in calling it quits. Yes, there is.Boy, that's the spirit.Yeah, some mammals say the naturalist life is weird. But you know what I say is weird?Clothes on animals!Here we go!As you can see, Nangi is an elephant,so she'll totally remember everything.Hey, Nangi. These dudes have some questionsabout Emmitt the otter.- Who?- Eh.Emmitt Otterton. Been comingto your yoga class for like six years.I have no memoryof this beaver.He's an otter, actually.He was here a couple ofWednesdays ago. Remember?No.Yeah, he was wearing a greencable knit sweater vest,and a new pair of Quarterway slacks.Oh, and a Paisley tie, sweet Windsor knot.- Real tight. Remember that, Nangi?- No.Yeah, and we both walked him out, and he got into this big old white car with a silver trim.Needed a tune up. The third cylinderwasn't firing. Remeber that, Nangi?No.Eh. You didn't happen to catchthe licence plate number?- Did you?- Oh, for sure. It was 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.0-3. Wow, this is a lot of great info.Thank you.Told you Nangi has a mind like a steel trap.I wish I had a memory like an elephant.Well, I had a ball. You are welcome for the clue.And seeing as any moron can run a plate,I will take that penand bid you adieu.The plate.I can't run a plate.Oomf.I'm not in the system yet.- Give me the pen, please.- What was it you said?Any moron can run a plate?Gosh, if only there were a moron aroundwho were up to the task.Rabbit, I did what you asked.You can't keep meon the hook forever.Not forever. Well, I only have 36hours left to solve this case.So can you run the plate or not?Actually, I just remembered,I have a pal at the DMV.Flash is the fastest guy in there.You need something done, he's on it.I hope so. We are really fighting the clockand every minute counts.Wait.They're all sloths?You said this wasgoing to be quick!What, are you saying justbecause he's a slothhe can't be fast? I thought inZootopia anyone could be anything.Flash, Flash, Hundred Yard Dash!Buddy, it's nice to see you.Nice to... see you... too.Hey, Flash, I'd loveyou to meet my friend.Ah...Darlin, I've forgotten your name. Hmm. Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD.How are you?I am...doing... just..- Fine?- as well.. as.. I can.. be...- What...- Hang in there.- can I... do...- Well, I was hoping you could run a plate...- for you...- Well, I was hoping you could......today?Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry.- Sure... What's the... plate...- 2-9-T...- Number?- 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.- 2... 9...- T-H-D-0-3.- H-D-0-3.- H...- D-0-3.- D...- Mm-hm. 0-3.- 0...- 3!- Hey, Flash. Wanna hear a joke?- No!- Sure.- Mmm!What do you call athree-humped camel?I don't know.What do you call...- Three-humped camel.- a three-humped... camel?Pregnant.Ha ha ha ha...Ha ha. Yes, very funny, very funny!Can we please just focus on the task?- Hey...- Wait, wait!- Priscilla!- Oh, no!- Yes... Flash?- What... do..- No...- you call...A three-humped camel?- Pregnant! Okay! We got it! Please just... - - three... humped...- Here... you...- Yes! Yeah, yeah! Hurry, thank you!- 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.- ...go.It's registered toTundratown Limo Service.A limo took Otterton! Andthe limo's in Tundratown!It's in Tundratown!Way to hustle, bud. I love you.I owe you.Hurry! We gotta beat the rush hour and... It's night?!。

疯狂动物城——剧本好才是营销的王道“ 《疯狂动物城》全球票房突破10亿美元的背后,是耗时两年的剧本创作,是剧本十七次的推倒重来,才完成了这部零死角的电影。
B 故事影片的B故事,是朱迪与尼克的友情,虽然两人的结缔并没有消除,但朱迪抓到了尼克的把柄,尼克不得不帮助朱迪。

)(狐狸与兔边上场边聊天)兔: Not forever. Well, I only have 36 hours left to solve this case.So can you run the plate or not?不是永远。
所以你是能不能查到车牌?狐: Actually, I just remembered, I have a pal at the DMV. Flash is the fastest guy in there. You need something done. He’s on it.事实上, 我想起来我有个朋友在监理所工作。
兔: I hope so. We are really fighting the clock and every minute counts.太好了,因为我们得分秒必争,时间非常宝贵。
(来到车管所)兔: Wait. They're all sloths? You said this was going to be quick!等等,怎么都是,树獭? 你说这会很快的!狐: What, are you saying just because he's a sloth he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia anyone could be anything. Flash, Flash, Hundred Yard Dash! Buddy, it's nice to see you.你觉得他们是树懒所以就不能快了吗? 我认为动物城,每个人都有无限可能。
树: Nice to... see you... too.我也.........很高兴.......看到.....你。

生活娱乐类短视频剧本疯狂动物园探险生活娱乐类短视频剧本:疯狂动物园探险INT. 动物园 - 早晨音效:鸟儿的歌唱声和动物的叫声。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 企鹅馆镜头:企鹅馆。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 狮子区镜头:狮子区。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 猴子馆镜头:猴子馆。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 食肉动物区镜头:食肉动物区。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 草食动物区镜头:草食动物区。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 猛兽表演场镜头:猛兽表演场。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 海豚馆镜头:海豚馆。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 蛇类馆镜头:蛇类馆。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 鸟类区镜头:鸟类区。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 老虎馆镜头:老虎馆。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 医务室镜头:医务室。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 食品店镜头:食品店。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 游乐区镜头:游乐区。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 水上乐园镜头:水上乐园。
CUT TO:INT. 动物园 - 儿童乐园镜头:儿童乐园。

搞笑小品剧本疯狂动物园的搞笑日常搞笑小品剧本:疯狂动物园的搞笑日常角色及演员名单:园长 - 小明园长夫人 - 小红动物管理员 - 小刚猴子 - 小亮狮子 - 小伟大象 - 小华长颈鹿 - 小丽企鹅 - 小美场景1:动物园办公室(园长夫人正在和园长商量办公室的装修事宜)园长夫人:亲爱的,我想把我们的办公室装修得更有格调一些,你看怎么样?园长:好的,亲爱的。

疯狂动物城全本台词中英文对照以下是《疯狂动物城》的部分台词中英文对照:1. Judy Hopps: I am just a dumb bunny, but we are good at multiplying.朱迪·霍普斯:我只是一只笨兔子,但我们擅长繁殖。
2. Nick Wilde: You know, it's a hustle, sweetheart.尼克·怀尔德:亲爱的,你要知道,这就是一个骗局。
4. Chief Bogo: Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.博格警长:生活有点凌乱。
5. Judy Hopps: Try everything.朱迪·霍普斯:尝试一切。
6. Finnick: I'm telling you, Hops, they should have a separate line for strollers.芬尼克:我告诉你,霍普斯,他们应该为婴儿车开设一个单独的通道。
8. Nick Wilde: You know you love me.尼克·怀尔德:你知道你爱我。
9. Judy Hopps: I do.朱迪·霍普斯:是的。

Act 1:第一幕:朱迪从警校毕业,成为动物城警察部队的第一只兔子警官。
Judy takes on a missing mammals case and enlists the help of a sly fox named Nick Wilde. They uncover a conspiracy to turn predators against prey.朱迪接手了一个有关失踪物种的案件,她寻求狡猾的狐狸尼克·维尔德的帮助。
Act 2:第二幕:Judy and Nick work together to solve the case and win the trust of Zootopia's police force.朱迪和尼克一起努力解决案件,并赢得了动物城警察部队的信任。
They discover that the missing mammals are not actually missing, but are being kidnapped and held by a secret society called the "Night Howlers".他们发现失踪的动物实际上并没有失踪,而是被一个名为“夜嚎”的秘密组织绑架并囚禁着。
Judy and Nick find evidence that suggests that the predators who went savage were actually being drugged with a plant called the "night howler".朱迪和尼克找到了一些证据表明那些变得疯狂的捕食者实际上是被一种叫做“夜嚎”的植物药物所催化的。


疯狂动物城1-大象冰棒Characters: Judy, Nick, Elephant1, Elephant2, DriverJudy :Boom! Two hundred tickets before noon! 蹦!两百张罚单在中午之前!Driver:Hey, watch where you're going, fox!嘿,走路小心点,狐狸!Judy :Where'd he go?他哪儿去了?Elephant1:Listen. I know what you're doing skulking around during daylight hours,but I don't want any trouble in here. So hit the road!听着。
所以,请滚蛋!Nick :I'm not looking for any trouble either, sir... I simply wanna buy a Jumbo-Pop. For my little boy. You want the red, or the blue, pal? 我没有要找任何麻烦,先生...... 我只是想要买一个巨型冰棒。
你要红色的,还是蓝色的,伙计?Judy :Oh. I'm such a...哦。
我真是个......Elephant1: Oh, come on, kid. Back up. Listen, buddy. What? There aren't any fox ice cream joints in your part of town?哦,拜托,孩子。
什么?你们住的地方没有狐狸的冰淇淋店吗?Nick :No, no. There are, there are. It's just, my boy, this goofy little stinker, he loves all things elephant. He wants to be one when he grows up. Isn't that adorable? Who the heck am I to crush his little dreams, huh? Right?不不。

Fear, treachery, blood lust.Thousands of years agothese were the...forces that ruled our worldA world where prey werescared of predators.And predators had an uncontrollable...biological urge to maim, and maul, and... Awww!Blood! Blood! Blood!Ahhh...Back then, the worldwas divided in two.Vicious predator,or meek prey.But over time, we evolved,and moved beyond or primitive savage ways. Now predator and preylive in harmony.And every young mammalhas multitudinous opportunities.Yeah, I don't have to cowerin a a herd anymore.Instead, I can be an astronaut.I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore. Today I can hunt for tax exemptions.I'm gonna be an actuary.And I can make the world a better place.I am going to be...A police officer!Bunny cop? That is the moststupidest thing I ever heard!It may seem impossible to small minds.I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey.But, just 211 miles away,stands the great city of Zootopia.Where our ancestors first joinedtogether in peace.And declared that anyonecan be anything!Thank you and good night.Judy, you ever wonder how your momand me got to be so darn happy?NopeWell, we gave up on our dreams,and we settled. Right, Bon?Oh, yes. That's right, Stu.We settled hard.You see, that's the beautyof complacency, Jude.If you don't try anythingnew, you'll never fail.I like trying, actually.What your father means, hon, is that it's gonna be difficult, impossible even...- for you to become a police officer.- Right. There's never been a bunny cop.- No.- Bunnies don't do that.- Never.- Never.Well... Then I guessI'll have to be the first one.Because I am gonna makethe world a better place!Or, heck, you know. You wanna talkabout making the world a better place,no better way to do it thanbecoming a carrot farmer.Yes! Your dad, me,your 275 brothers and sisters.- We're changing the world.- Yeah.- One carrot at a time.- Amen to that.Carrot farming is a noble profession.You get it, honey?I mean, it's great to have dreams.Yeah, just as long as youdon't believe in them too much.Where the heck'd she go?Give me your tickets right now,or I'm gonna kick your meek little sheep butt. Ow! Cut it out, Gideon!Baah, baah!What are you gonna do, cry?- Hey! You heard her. Cut it out.- Nice costume, loser.What crazy world are you living inwhere you think a bunny could be a cop?- Kindly return my friend's tickets.- Come and get them. But watch out.Cause I'm a fox, and like you saidin your dumb little stage play,us predators used to eat prey.And that killer instinct's still in our denna.- Uh, I'm pretty much sure it's pronounced DNA. - Don't tell me what I know, Travis.You don't scare me, Gideon.Scared now?Look at her nose twitch,she is scared.Cry, little baby bunny!Cry... Ow...Oh, you don't knowwhen to quit, do you?Huh!I want you to remember this momentthe next time you think you will ever be... anything more than just astupid carrot-farming dumb bunny.- That looks bad.- Are you okay, Judy?Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.Here you go.- Wow, you got our tickets!- You're awesome, Judy.Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't knowwhat he's talking about!Well, he was rightabout one thing.I don't know when to quit.ZOOTOPIA POLICE ACADEMYListen up, cadets. Zootopia has 12unique ecosystems within its city limits. Tundratown, Sahara Square,Rainforest District, to name a few.You're gonna have to master all ofthem before you hit the streets.Or guess what?You'll be dead!。

She is the first bunny ever to join Zootopia’s police department. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the chance to crack a case. He is a charming, small-time, con-artist fox with a big mouth and a lot of opinions. But when a rabbit cop outsmarts him, he finds himself actually helping her solve a mystery.
[They locate Otterton and the missing predators at
Cliffside Asylum, witnessing Lionheart consulting about the predators; the pair escape with the evidence. Lionheart and those involved are arrested by the police, with Bellwether becoming the new Mayor.Judy then speaks at a press conference, but angers Nick by suggesting a biological cause for predator individuals turning "savage". Nick angrily leaves. Fear and protests against predators (10 percent of the population) spread across Zootopia, causing a guilt-ridden JuCK WILDE

Judy: SO can you run the plate or not?NIick: Actually,i just rememberd...i have a pal at the DMV. Flash is the fastest guy in there. If you need something done,he’s on it . Judy: i hope so. We are really fighting the clock...and every minute counts. Wait! They’re all sloths? You said this was going to bequick!NIick: Are you saying that because he’s a sloth...he can’t be fast? I thought in Zootopia, anyone could be anything.Flash,Flash,hunred-yard dash. Buddy,it’s nice to see you. Flash: Nice to ...see you...too..NIick: hey Flash, i’d love you to meet my friends. Hmm...Darling, i forght your name.Judy: Office Judy Hopps, ZPD, how are you?Flash: I am...doing ..just .....( Judy: Fine? ) as well ...as i can be ... Judy: What?NIick: Hang in thereFlash: can i do...( Judy: well, I was hoping you could run a ...) for you Judy: well, I was hoping you could ...( Flash: today )Judy: well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us . we are in a really big hurry.Flash: sure, what’s the plate..Judy: 29TFlash: number?Judy: …29THD03Flash: 2…9…Judy: HD03Flash: TJudy: HD03Flash: HJudy: D03Flash: DJudy: 嗯哼Judy: 03Flash: 0Judy: 3!NIick: Hey, Flash , want to hear a joke?Judy: No!Flash: sure!NIick: OK, what do you call a three humped camel? Flash: I don’t .....know. What ...do... you ...call...a .. Judy: three humped camelFlash:three humped camelNIick: PregnentFlash: Ha.... ha ...ha... haJudy: ..ha,ha! Yes , very funny ,very funny ,can we please just focus on the ...( Flash: Hey ...) W..Wait, wait, wait!! ( Flash: Priscilla !) Judy: oh no!Priscilla: yes flash ,Flash: what do..youJudy: a three humped camel ! pregnent!! okey ,great ,we got it ,three humped , please justFlash: Here.......you ....goJudy: yeah ... Hurry . thank you . 2-9-T-H-0-3 . it’s registered to tundratown limo service.. A limo took otterton , and thelimo’s in tundratown! It’s in Tundratown!NIick: way to hustle, bud . I love you. I own youJudy: Hurry up !we gotta beat the rush hour ,and...It’s night ?!。
文学历史军事艺术 - 疯狂动物城中英对照字幕台词剧本(PDF版)

一名 菩察 I
a police offi cer!
Bunny cop? q
That is t he most stupidest thing I ever heard.
也许有些目光短浅的人觉得这不太可能. ..
I t may seem impossible to small minds...
还有你的 275 个兄弟姐妹们
your 275 brothers and sisters.
- 我们在改变世界! - 是啊
- We're changi ng the wor Id! - Yeah.
-一步一个胡萝卜 - 可不是吗
- One carrot at a time. - Amen to that.
诘 把 我朋友们的票子还给他们
Kindly return my friend' s tickets.
Come and ,get them.
不过你得小心点我可是 一只狐狸
Bu t wat ch out , because I'm a fox...
and like you said in your dumb l i tt l e stage play
Don' t t e ll me what I know, Travis.
我才不 怕 你呢吉迪恩
You don' t scare me, Gideon.
你现在苦怕 了 吧?
You scat、ed no旷
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Fear,treachery,blood lust
Thousands of years ago these were the forces that rulled our world
A world where prey were scared of predators
And predators han an uncontrollable...
Biological urge to maim,and maul,and...
(ci viscous predator meek prey 举两个大牌子:凶残的食肉动物温顺的食草动物)But over time,we evolved
And moved beyond or primitive savage ways.
Now predator and prey live in harmony
And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities
Yeah,i don’t have to cower in a herd anymore
Instead i can be an astronaut
I don’t have to be a lonely hunter anymore
Today i can hunt for tax exempyions
I’m gonna be an actuary
And i can make the world a better place.
I an going to be
A police officer