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1. preparations

2. vacation/holiday

3. attention

4. improved

5. enjoyable

6. dormitory

7. generation

8. punished

9. donated 10. charge


1.He spent most of his time surfing the Internet in the summer holiday/vacation.

2.What will you do with the waste paper?

3.He is more than a singer. He is also an actor.

4.The best way to protect the environment is to plant more trees.

5.I can’t wait to surprise the boys.


My name is Wang Lin. I was born n Nanchang, Jiangxi Province in May, 1983. I started school in 1987 when I was seven. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1990 to 1996. After that I went to No.2 Middle School of Nanchang and graduated in 2002. The main subjects I studied included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I am good at English and computer.

Last year I won the first prize in the school computer competition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.


1.一个令人愉快、令人兴奋的经历an enjoyable and exciting experience

2.对上课时间感到很满意子be very happy with the school hours

3.和某人在一起感觉很自在be at ease with sb.

4. 和某人讨论某事discuss sth. with sb.

5. 做某事的最好的办法the best way to do sth.

6. 赢得他人尊重earn respect from others

7. 听起来像我在中国的学校sound like my school in China

8. 为某事感谢某人thank sb. for sth.

9. 注意某事pay attention to sth.

10. 要求某人做某事require sb to do sth.

22. 在学期末at the end of term

11. 达到目标achieve one’s goals

12. 参加集会attend assembly

13. 获得高分achieve high grades

14. 在过去的一年里in the past year

15. 在午饭时间at lunchtime

16. 免费给某人发E-mail E-mail sb. for free

17. 放弃一些学科drop some subjects

18. 在学校的操场上玩play on the school field

19. 在树下休息relax under a tree

21.想起某人think of sb

20. 体验这种不同的生活方式experience this different way of life

23. 通常大小,正常规模the average size

24. 把某物捐献给某人donate sth. To sb.

25.查字典refer to the dictionary

26. 从大学毕业graduate from college

27. 住在某人隔壁live next door to sb

28. 有了做某事的兴趣develop an interest in doing sth.

29. 发现某人很难取悦find sb hard to please

30. 在这种情况下in this case

31. 不止一个答案more than one answer

32. 跟校长一起开会have a meeting with the headmaster

33. 做决定make decisions

34. 把……同……作比较compare … with …

35. 轮流take turns to do sth

36. 把某事通知某人inform sb. of sth.

37. 吸引读者注意catch the eye of the reader

38. 向某人朗读某物read sth. out loud to sb.

39. listen to sb. talking about sth.听某人谈某物

40. 提出自己的看法come up with your own ideas

Unit one 知识点复习


1.At _______ assembly, the headmaster wanted each of us to learn how to use ________ equipment in labs.

A. / ; /

B. the ; the

C. an; an

D. / ; an

2.Do you think _______ any need to read the passage word by word?

A. is there

B. there is

C. is it

D. it is

3.All the pupils in the primary school are __________ teachers.

A. at ease with

B. easy with

C. at ease to

D. easy to

4.________, let me introduce my friends to you, Mr. Smith.

A. In all

B. After all

C. Above all

D. First of all
