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still recognize and understand each other’s dialects.(回归课本P13)
观察思考 Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal. 让这些人站成一排,看看证人能否从中把罪犯认 出来。 I recognized him though we were apart for
Unit 2
English around the world 基础落实
1.He stopped in front of the mirror to put
his tie straight .
2.She went on a long sea v oyage . 3.After a few years,she was sent back to her
(be) in command of掌握,控制
(2)command sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事 command that...(should) do...命令„„
(1)军队由国王直接统率。 The army is under the king’s command . (2)她精通法语。 She has a good command of the French
6.Traditionally,miners requested(要求) higher
wages than other workers. 7.Reading is one of the best ways of enlarging your vocabulary (词汇量). 8.She was fluent (流利的) in English,French,
to help her out.
(2)We all agreed to his request that he to Dalian for sightseeing. A.went B.were going

D.shall go
Although many Americans move a lot,they
(2)request sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事
request that sb.(should) do sth.请求„„ request sth.from/of sb.向某人请求某物 It is requested that...据要求„„
即学即用 (1) B A.On her request,Tom went out immediately B.At C.Till D.In C
Everyone recognized him to be a lawful heir
of the money.
大家都承认他是那笔钱的合法继承人。 归纳总结 recognize v.辨认出;承认。 (1)recognize sb./sth.by/from...根据„„认出
7. at the end of 在„„末端,在„„末期 8. even if 即使,尽管,但是 9. a large number of 许多,大量 10. without a second thought 不假思索
1.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.以英语为母语的人,即使所讲
部) the economic basis经济基础 (3)on the basis of根据„„;以„„为基础
即学即用 (1)他把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 He based his hopes on the good news we had yesterday. (2)这部小说是以事实为根据的。 The novel is based on fact.
问句叫双重疑问句。根据疑问词是否作主语,这种 句式可分为以下两种情况:
(1)作主语的疑问代词+do you think/believe/ suppose/imagine/guess/say/consider/suggest+
(2)不作主语的疑问词+do you think/believe/ suppose/imagine/guess/say/consider/suggest+ 主语+谓语+其他。 4.It is not easy for a Chinese person to
考点提炼 本句中的even if相当于 even though , 意为“ 即使,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。even if/though所引导的让步状语从句可用现在时代替 将来时。
2.Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.如今学英语的中
be recognized to be/as...被认作„„/被认为 是„„ It is recognized that...人们公认„„ (2)recognition n.认识;认出 out of/beyond recognition认不出来
他命令士兵们进攻。 I never promised to obey her commands.
Mr.Smith has a good command of spoken English. 史密斯先生对英语口语掌握得很好。
Fra Baidu bibliotek
归纳总结 command v. & n.命令;指挥;掌握;博得 。 (1)at sb.’s command听某人支配 under one’s command由„„指挥 under the command of sb.在„„指挥之下 have (a) command of掌握;精通(尤指语言) take command of控制
1. come up 走近,上来,被提出 2. be based on 以„„为基础 3. at present 现在,目前 4. make use of 利用,使用 5. play a part/role in 扮演„„角色;参与, 在„„中起作用
6. more than 不仅,多于
重点单词 1.base
It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.(回归课本P10) 观察思考 This book is based on a true story. 这本书讲的是一个真实的故事。 They decided to base the new company in York. 他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克郡。 What are you basing this theory on? 你这种理论的根据是什么?
归纳总结 request v. & n.请求;要求。
(1)make (a) request for...请求;要求„„
at sb.’s request=at the request of sb.应某 人之要求 by request (of)照需要;依照请求;应邀 on request一经要求
n ative country.
4.It turned out that one of the children I thought was a girl was a ctually a boy.
5.Of the phrases “go crazy” and “go nuts”,the latter is used less frequently.
时,要用“It is/was+adj.+of sb.+to ” do... 句型。此类形容词常见的有:kind,nice,clever,
wrong,right,foolish,wise,stupid,rude,careless, brave,polite等。在这种句型中,sb.可以作句子的主 语。
5.This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected
Can you find the following command and request from Reading?(回归课本P12)
He commanded the soldiers to attack. =He commanded that the soldiers (should)
国人在快速增多。 考点提炼
本句的主语是the number of(„„的数 量/数目),故谓语动词用 单数 。 3.Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?你认为世界各地的人们为
什么都要学英语呢? 考点提炼 本句中do you think是 插入语 ,这种疑
to speak excellent English.这是因为在早些
时候,人们期望电台节目中的新闻播音员英语说 得很棒。 考点提炼 this/that is because...意为 “ 这/那是因为„„ ”,because...在句子中
作表语,because引导一个表示 原因 的句子。
that is why...后面跟的是表示 结果 的句子, 译为“那是„„的原因”。
In English you use a command or a request when you want someone to do something. (回归课本P12) 观察思考 She refused all the requests for an interview. 她拒绝了所有要求采访的请求。 They have made an urgent request for international help. 他们迫切要求国际社会的援助。 I requested that he (should) leave at once. 我要求他马上离开。
归纳总结 base v.以„„为根据;把(总部等)设在 。 be based on...以„„为根据 (1) the base for „„的根据地 (2)base与basis的区别: 二者都有“基础”的意思。base所指的“基础”是 具体的;basis所指的“基础”是抽象的。
the base of a building建筑物的根基(基础,底
speak English as well as a native English
speaker.对中国人来说,想把英语说得像英国人 一样好,并不是件容易的事。
to speak English as well as a native English
speaker 。该句是句式“It is/was+adj.(+for sb.) +to do...”的具体应用,for sb.表示不定式to do...的动作是由谁发出的。 当作表语的形容词是表示不定式逻辑主语的特征,即 形容词用来描述不定式行为发出者的性格、品行等
and German.
9.It is important to recognize(承认) how little we know about this disease. 10.“I’m not eating it,” Maria said,with an
expression (表情) of disgust on her face.