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(1)If you don’t know the words, you can ------in the dictionary.( )

A. look them up

B. look them after

C. look for them

D. look at them

(2)What about ----a rest? OK. Let‘s go out and have a walk.( )

A.to take B .takes C .taking D .take


(3)Lisa played the piano very well in the school talent show. I think so. She practices -------it every day.( ) A. play B. playing C. to play D. plays

(4)The teacher asked me to read aloud ------ all the students could hear me.( )

A. so that

B. for

C. because

D. in order to

(5)It is raining hard, ---------the farmers are still working in the field. So they are.( )

A. and

B. but

C. so

(6)-----Mike didn’t win the race, he was still wearing a smile on his face.( )

A. if

B. since

C. Althongh

D. thongh


(7)She is so careful that she seldom makes ------in the tests.( )

A. plans

B. faces

C. mistakes

D. money

(8)You need to get away from the computer screen and connect-----people.( )

A. of

B. on

C. for

D. with


(9)More and more people care about the exploration of the natural resources, such as oil, coal, forests, water and so on.( )

A. 资源

B. 现象

C. 商品

(10)You shouldn’t have blamed Bill for that, for it wasn’t his fault. It ‘s Jim who broke the window.


B. 责备

C. 取笑



(1)On water festival people enjoy------water at each other.( )

A. throw

B. threw

C. to throw

D. throwing

(2) Hou Yi planned-------the medicine with his wife.

A. to drink

B. drinking

C. drinks

D. drank

(3)There are two important festivals in America,--------is Mother’s Day and------is Father’s Day.( )

A. one;another


C. one;the other

D. one;other

(4) I wonder ----june is good time to visit Hongkong.( )

A. that

B. whether

C. /

D. what if

(5) One is never--------old-----learn! Just learn something new every day!( )


(6)-------interesting work it is to teach the children!( )

A. what

B. what a

C. what an

D. how


(7)Finally, the poor girl agreed-------her mother and went with her uncle.( )

A. to leave

B. for leave

C. left

D. leaving

(8) The baby is old enough to---------.( )

A. dress himself

B. dressed himself

C. dresses herself

D. dress


(9)One day, elsa put a spell by mistake. The whole kingdom was forzen!( )

A. 拼写

B. 魔咒


(10)The stupid cat was hiding under the bad. I had to drive her out with a coat hanger!( )

A. 箱子

B. 盒子

C. 衣架

(11))Unlike most of the world, Easter falls in autumn in Australia.( )


B. arrives

C. autumn
