























ABB电磁流量计--调校规程ABB电磁流量计----调校规程ABB电磁流量计------调校规程厂家:德国ABB公司经销商:河北承德科海( 东胜 )公司型号:COPA-XE1-MAzzjfjG-XE一、表头外形外部EPROMM表头磁感应器DATA键 C/CE键STEP键ENTER键【表头说明:】1、 ABB电磁流量计有三个功能键:DATA键;STEP键;C/CE键;其中DATA键与STEP键同时按下,为ENTER键。

2、 STEP键------向上键,表示菜单页的正向滚动;3、 DATA键------向下键,表示菜单页的反向滚动;4、 ENTER键----回车键,与实际中所使用回车有很大的区别;此处我们使用时,多是为了确认所有已执行过的组态,而切换至运行画面,或切换至组态画面。


5、 Prog Profection ( 程序保护 ) -----按(ENTER键),输入程序保护代码,关闭程序保护即可对参数进行修改。


二、调校过程1、在ABB旋进、涡街流量计、电磁流量计中,如果想要进行累积量清零或对空管时的零点进行调整等高级设置,则需要特殊操作,具体如下:a、在参数prog level层,按enter进入,出现locked(在正常情况下,此项应处于锁定状态,按enter键解除锁定;同时,按上、下翻页键,找到此参数(prog level)的第三项,即servers项,按enter,此时,出现enter code(进入口令),- 1 -ABB电磁流量计----调校规程按enter,出现进入输入项,输入4000,确认即可解除servers保护,这样,就可以解除程序保护(prog project),程序菜单中会多出很多选项,其中之一是累积量允许清零了,进行累积清零操作即可)若在空管情况下,流量计仍然有瞬时流量值,说明流量计的零点有了飘移,修b、正操作如下:把一个万用表串联入流量计回路,测量在空管时的电流值(eg:4.1mA),在进行完a操作(即解除了servers保护情况下)后,上、下翻页,找到adject 4mA选项,按enter进入参数,此时,表显示4mA(输出4mA)再按enter进入下一层,显示4mA(当回路电流为4mA时,我们就是要修正此值) ,按enter进入,表头显示、要求输入(即我们要多少时,表头的输出为4mA),我们把此时的回路电流(4.1mA)当作新的零点值输入,并确认,则新的回路电流变为4.0mA。

ABB WaterMaster 精确废水流量测量设备介绍说明书

ABB WaterMaster 精确废水流量测量设备介绍说明书

—A B B M E A SU R EM ENT & A N A LY TI C S | A PPLI C ATI O N DE SCR I P TI O NAchieving accurate wastewater flow measurement Gaining an enhanced overview of wastewater flows using ABB’s WaterMasterImproving wastewatermeasurement and reducing the riskof excess discharges throughaccurate flowmeteringMeasurement made easy—IntroductionMeasurement of wastewater flows is needed to helpmaintain compliance with increasingly stringentlegislation aimed at minimizing the impact ofhuman activities on the environment. Whether formeasuring industrial or domestic waste flows, theuse of flowmeters to help gather discharge data canplay a vital role in helping to keep wastewateremissions within the prescribed limits.In cases where an industrial site, business or otherheavy water user discharges large quantities ofwastewater to a public water treatment works,accurate flowmetering is especially desirable toensure that the emitter is correctly billed for theamount of water discharged.—The applicationIn most cases, the point at which wastewater flowsare measured is the pumping station, which relayswastewater from industrial sites and/or domesticsewer networks from treatment at one or morewastewater treatment plants. For the reasonsstated before, as well as the need to make sure thatwater treatment works are not overloaded withexcessive quanitities of wastewater, it is necessaryto measure the quantities of water being pumped asclosely as possible.One way of measuring these quantities is toestimate the flow by multiplying the volume ofwater that flows each time the pump is started bythe number of pump starts over a set period oftime. This gives an approximate total volume figurefor a known period which can then be used toestimate the flow.Another, more precise way, is to use a flowmeter toprovide an exact and continuous measurement ofthe volume of water that flows through awastewater distribution system.—Gaining an enhancedoverview of wastewaterflows using ABB’sWaterMaster2ACCU R ATE WA S TE WATE R F LOW M E A S U R E M E NT | WATER M A S TER| A D/FLOW/006–EN R E V. A—The challengeThere are two main challenges that users face whenselecting a flowmeter for measuring wastewater. The firstchallenge is the choice of the right flowmeter for the job.There are various options available, each offering their owndistinct set of advantages and drawbacks depending on thecharacteristics of the application, including the ability tohandle high velocity flows of particulates and suspendedsolids as well as the overall installation space available.The ability to handle high velocity flows where solids may bepresent, rules out many conventional flowmeteringtechnologies. Differential pressure meters such as orificeplates and flow nozzles, for example, could become clogged.Mechanical meters are also unsuitable. With moving partssubject to wear and tear, these meters can quickly sufferreduced accuracy, leading to either under or over-registration of flows. Furthermore, the need for mechanical meters to be periodically tested, recalibrated and repaired means that they have to be removed, requiring users either to replace the meter with a temporary device or cease measurement until the meter is refitted back into the line. Ultrasonic flowmeters also suffer various drawbacks which can make them unsuitable. Transit time meters in particular can struggle to handle flows with high levels of particulate matter, requiring a strainer to be fitted. Both transit time and Doppler meters can also be affected by velocity profile distortions, requiring from 10 to 40 upstream diameters, depending on the severity of the disturbance. The turndown of ultrasonic meters is also limited within an ideal range of 20:1 to 40:1. Ultrasonic meters can also be difficult to install and set up, especially where high accuracy is required.As a further consideration, there may also be the need for data from the meter to be accessed from a central location, particularly on large, dispersed sites or where the meter is situated in a hard to reach location.Adding flowmeters to pumping installations can help to provide a more precise measurement of waste water flows.—A solutionElectromagnetic flowmeters offer a good alternative for water distribution applications. Compared to other flowmeter types, electromagnetic flowmeters offer greatly enhanced accuracy and repeatability throughout their operational life, with uncertainty of ±1 % reading or better. With no moving parts, they do not suffer from problems with wear and tear, minimizing maintenance and require no upstream strainers to filter sediment. A choice of flow primary linings affords further protection against coating and high sediment flows, with users able to choose from a variety of materials, including ceramic linings for particularly abrasive flows.The ability of electromagnetic flowmeters to better handle distorted velocity profiles also reduces the amount of piping upstream and downstream of the meter.Modern electromagnetic flowmeters are also capable of being buried, eliminating the need for the construction of costly installation chambers.Available in sizes from 10 to 2400 mm (3/8 to 96 in), ABB’s WaterMaster electromagnetic flowmeter is ideally suited to wastewater flow measurement applications.A key feature is the WaterMaster’s revolutionary octagonal sensor design. By improving the flow profile, the octagonal design minimizes the upstream and downstream pipe lengths required from the point of installation, greatly reducing the cost of fitting the meters into new or existingpipelines.3 ACCU R ATE WA S TE WATE R F LOW M E A S U R E M E NT | WATER M A S TER| A D/FLOW/006–EN R E V. AABB’s WaterMaster electromagnetic flowmeter enables operators to gain an enhanced overview of their wastewater flows.The WaterMaster also features on-board verification capability. Called VeriMaster, it assures operators of the performance of the meter through constant self-checking. When coupled with ABB’s VeriMaster software tool, it enables operators to produce a printed verification certificate for regulatory compliance.The effects of signal noise are also minimized by the WaterMaster’s use of advanced Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology. This enables the WaterMaster’s transmitter to separate the real signal from the noise, thereby providing high quality outputs especially in harsh environments involving vibration, hydraulic noise and temperature fluctuation.All WaterMaster sensors have a rugged, robust construction to ensure a long, maintenance-free life even under the most difficult conditions experienced in water and waste water applications. The sensors are inherently submersible (IP68, NEMA 6P) as standard, ensuring suitability for installation in chambers and metering pits which are liable to flooding.All sizes of the WaterMaster are buriable and are straightforward to install, with installation merely involving excavating to the underground pipe, installing the sensor and wiring the factory pre-potted cabling to the transmitter and then backfilling the hole. Operation has been simplified by the use of ABB’s universal Human Machine Interface (HMI), which has now been extended across its range of instrumentation products. Based on Windows™ technology, the HMI simplifies operation, maintenance and training, reducing cost of ownership and providing a consistent user experience. Data can also be accessed remotely via HART™, Profibus DP™ and Modbus™ communications.Installation is further simplified by the WaterMaster’s ‘Fit and Flow’ data storage feature. On initial installation, the selfconfiguration sequence automatically replicates into the transmitter all calibration factors, meter size and serial numbers as well as customer site-specific settings. This eliminates the opportunity for errors and leads to increased speed of start-up.Measurement integrity is ensured by redundant storage of data in both the sensor and transmitter memory, which is continually updated during all operations. The on-board sensor memory eliminates the possible problems associated with pluggable data memory modules.WaterMaster is proven to be robust and reliable, with unmatched diagnostic capabilities providing the right information to keep the process up and running. Alarms and warnings are classified in accordance with NAMUR NE107.The meter is also verified to OIML R49 type ‘P’ requirements to ensure the highest accuracy and long term performance of the system by continuously self-checking the sensor and transmitter in the field.All ABB flow meters are designed and manufactured in accordance with international quality procedures (ISO 9001) and are calibrated on nationally-traceable calibration rigs to provide the end-user with complete assurance of both quality and performance. Acknowledgments• HART is a registered trademark of the FieldComm Group • Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric USA Inc.• PROFIBUS is a registered trademark of PROFIBUSorganization.A D /F L O W /006-E N R e v . A 02.2019—ABB LimitedMeasurement & Analytics Oldends Lane StonehouseGloucestershire GL10 3TA UKTel: +44 (0)1453 826 661Fax: +44 (0)1453 829 671Email: **********************.com ABB Inc.Measurement & Analytics 125 E. County Line Road Warminster PA 18974USATel: +1 215 674 6000Fax: +1 215 674 7183ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.Measurement & Analytics No. 4528, Kangxin Highway Pudong New District Shanghai, 201319,P.R. ChinaPhone: +86 (0)21 6105 6666Fax: +86 (0)21 6105 6677Email:****************************.com /measurement—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.©ABB 2019All rights reserved.。























ABB流量计操作说明XE电磁流量计设置步骤:(1)通电后,按”#”,进入总菜单,按”▼”或”▲”翻页翻到” prog.protectionon”按住”▲”3秒钟进入,然后按”▼”或”▲”选择,”off”,再按住”▲”3秒确认.(2)按”▼”或”▲”翻到”cede number ****”, 按住”▲”3秒,输入:4000,再翻到”prog prot code 0”,输入4000.(3)按”▼”或”▲”翻到”submenu primary”,按住”▲”3秒进入,确认管径,CZ、CS的值,如管径不对应传感器,按“#”返回上一层菜单后,按”▼”或”▲”翻到重新出现“submenu primary”,进入后出现“metersize ***mm **in”按住”▲”3秒进入,在右下角出现“***mm**in_”,再按”▼”或”▲”修改为相应的口径。


(4)修改口径后,再按”▼”或”▲”翻到“store data in extomal EEPROM”按住”▲”3秒进入,出现“YES?”就再按住”▲”3秒进行确认保存。

(5)修改单位、量程,翻页翻到”submenu unit”,按住”▲”3秒进入,选择所需单位,按“#”返回上一层菜单,然后翻到“RANGE **** m3/h”,按”▼”或”▲”选择所需的量程,然后按”▲”3秒确认。

按“#”返回上一层菜单,再按”▼”或”▲”翻到“store data in extomal EEPROM”按住”▲”3秒进入,出现“YES?”就再按住”▲”3秒进行确认保存。

(6)按”▼”或”▲”翻页到”submenu detectore pipe”,空管检测,按住”▲”3秒进入,出现“detextore pipe on/off”将其改为“ON”,然后按”▼”翻到“Adiust Detertorepipe”空管检测调整。

按住”▲”3秒进入, 然后按”▼”或”▲”修改其数值“Adiust2000:,改为2000左右,然后按”▲”3秒确认。

ABB FLO SERIES 流量计算机 说明书

ABB FLO SERIES 流量计算机 说明书
6. 松开端子块紧固螺钉,插入连线,然后重新拧紧。在连线已连接好的 情况下重新安装端子块。
1. 要延长电池组的寿命,在安装前应给电池充满电。使用太阳能电
池板的系统无法给电池充满电。此外,快速充电(太阳能电池板不提 供此功能)可以提高电池的寿命。(请参见下面的提示) 2. 将电池组插入电池舱并令其尺寸长的那一部分朝外。
Totalflow • 提供的材料 •

客户提供的材 •

一个太阳能电池板和缆线 两个 U 形螺和紧固五金件 一个太阳能电池板支架 束线带 一个 9 英寸或更长的 2 英寸直径的管的延长部分 一个 2 英寸轴环
注:如果管子足够长而没有延长部分,则无需执行第 1 步和第 2 步。
13. 配置 µFLO:使用 PCCU32 或 FS/2 中的 "Entry Mode"(输入模式)设置日期/时间、ID、位置和 AGA 设置。
14. 在 "Calibration Mode"(校准模式)中,为静态压力、差动压力和温度验证寄存器。 (仅限 PCCU32)
15. 在 "Calibration Mode"(校准模式)模式中,选择 "RTD Installed"(RTD 已安装),取消选取 "Use Fixed TF"(使用固定 TF),并且如果使用温度标准则调整 "RTD Bias"( RTD 偏差)。
1. 确认 "Memory Backup"(存储器备用锂电池)为 "Enabled"(启用),并且 J1 的上部两个针脚(1 和 2)上有跳线。J1 就在紧下方以及 RTD 连接器的稍微左一点。(请参见图 5)



质量流量计操作说明显示器由一个液晶显示器(可选背光),用以显示过程变量;一个流量计工作状态LED指示灯,用以指示流量计的工作状态;两个光敏按键<Scroll>和<Select>以及一个按键响应指示LED 灯,通过这两个光敏按键可以完成基本组态及获取报警。


3.3 组态过程变量的测量单位1、同时按SCROLL(左)键和SELECT(右)键4秒以上,(下面的指示灯持续闪烁),直至看到see Alarm为止。


2、按左键(SCROLL)翻页到OFF-LINE MAINT, 再按右键(SELECT)进入菜单。





3、按左键翻到OFF-LINE CONFIG,再按右键(SELECT)进入。



找到MFLOW UNIT进入(按右键);选择所需的测量单位,如t/H。

其它单位,如VFLOW UNIT(体积单位),DENS UNIT(密度单位),其修改方法同上。



3.4 组态变送器的毫安输出1、同时按SCROLL(左)键和SELECT(右)键4秒以上(下面的指示灯持续闪烁),直至看到see Alarm为止。


2、按左键(SCROLL)翻到OFF-LINE MAINT 菜单,再按右键(SELECT)进入菜单。




COP(A 一体)电磁流量计和 MAG(分体)电磁流量计的安装 A、传感器的安装 1、流量计必须满管测量,安装位置一定要保证流量计满管。 2、安装时的前后直管段要求 XE/XEM:经验值前3D后2D。流量管道变径前5D后2D。参比条件前10D后5D。前方装有泵、阀门、 二度弯头时,前置直管段 10D以上。二种介质混合时,前置直管段 30D以上。
11 量正常,无
电流输出。 检查到上位机的电流信号。
上位机与流 12 量计显示不
13 流量显示偏
小 用户是否使用自己的电缆线
14 流量显示不 分体传感器与转换器是否错位

15 量显示,且 电流输出波
现场流量计无显示 累积量不动
显示屏是否有故障 调整脉冲转换因子
26、 流量指示不定期偏小 输出线上有干扰
27、 转换器不停地热启动
29、 30、 31、 32、 33、
转换器显示版本号 重新存储数据或更 换转换器
流量计装得太高, 有 倒流现象
一、安装和接线 二、开机使用 三、按键操作调试 四、常见故障处理 五、服务信息

开 始
按装传感器和 转换器正确

ABB 电磁流量计

ABB 电磁流量计











了解1986/08/27的废料排放法(A bfG.11, 特殊废料)。




因此在测量危险材料后这些空穴可能被压制(见危险材料法- GefStoffV)。


对于仪表本体大于14” DN350,排液孔位于室底部。




内容:页1. 仪表和转换器的协调1.1 适用性1.2 协调型号1.3 使用说明1.4 规格页1.5 仪表本体设计概论1.6 功能描述2. 装配和安装2.1 检查2.2 流量计本体安装要求2.2.1 流量计本体安装2.2.1.1 保护等级 IP68 的安装2.2.2 高温设计的安装2.2.3 大尺寸管线的安装3. 流量计可替代的部件3.1 更换部件表:模块盒 10DX3121/31223.2 更换部件表:铝连接盒≤12” DN3004. 使用说明的有关安全章节4.1 接地4.1.1 在管线上应用负极腐蚀保护(CCP)的安装和接地4.1.1.1 应用负极腐蚀保护电压管线内部绝缘4.1.1.2 混合系统: CCP和接地保护的管线4.1.2 供电的连接4.1.2.1 供电和信号线的连接4.1.2.2 信号线解释4.1.3 连接图4.1.4 连接区域5. 起动5.1 流量计本体的初步检查5.2 保养6. 使用转换器的流量计本体的测试和错误查找1. 仪表和转换器的协调!您是使用一直流脉冲流量计系统。

ABB ProcessMaster电磁流量计说明书

ABB ProcessMaster电磁流量计说明书

—A B B M E A SU R EM ENT & A N A LY TI C S | PRO DUC T G U I DEProcessMaster electromagnetic flowmeterThe perfect fit for the oil and gas industryABB has responded to the oil andgas industry’s need for a rugged,reliable electromagnetic flowmeterMeasurement made easyExpertise in measurement technologyABB’s high pressure electromagnetic flowmeters are reliable, accurate and easily maintained. Customers worldwide have benefited from our application-oriented know-how and comprehensive service.To learn more about our extensive portfolio, visit /measurement.Designed specifically for oil and gas We have added a two-tier, high-pressure version to our comprehensive range of electro-magnetic ProcessMaster flowmeters. It is available with either weld neck or slip-on flanges with RTJ and raised face connections.There are differences between X-Ray and dye penetrant test. For weld neck design we offer both dye penetrant and X-Ray tests; for slip-on design we offer only dye penetrant test.A Slip-on flangeB Fillet weld (outside)C Fillet weld (inside)D Pipe Applications• Slurries such as drilling mud• Mixtures of fluids such as oil/water plus sand or produced water plus sand• Injection fluids including sand and chemical additives for lubrication and corrision prevention • Sludge or sludge-like wastewater from produced water treatment• Operating conditions such as high pressure or entrained gas in the fluid• Harsh environmental conditions such as heat, moisture or vibration and explosive or corrosiveatmospheresA Weld neck flangeB Butt weldC Pipe—ProcessMaster flowmeters – perfect for the oil and gas industryP G /F L O W /011–E N R e v . A 03.2020—We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction,disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – isforbidden without prior written consent of ABB. ©ABB 2018All rights reserved—ABB LimitedMeasurement & Analytics Oldends Lane, Stonehouse Gloucestershire, GL10 3TA, UK Tel: +44 (0)1453 826 661Email:**********************.com/flowRobust design for long lifeThe ProcessMaster flow sensor is designed for reliability in the demanding operating conditions found in oil and gas industry applications.• Long lasting sensor lining materials withstand abrasion and corrosion, resulting in longer sensor service life and minimal maintenance requirements• No additional pressure drop caused by protrusions into the pipe• Optional self-cleaning measuring electrodes prevent issues caused by build-up of deposits• Double sealed measuring electrodes minimize the risk of leakage and enhance reliability• Optional all-316 stainless steel construction for corrosive offshore atmosphere• Optional fully-welded sensor made from 316 material• Protection of internal sensor components against moisture and vibration with potted Ex sensorRange of certificates and test reports• 3.1 material certificates and/or PMI certificates • Certificates for non-destructive testing, X-Ray and/or dye penetration test• Welder qualifications and procedures •Hydrostic pressure testingFEP630 hIgh pressure magnetic flowmeter SpecificationAccuracyStandard: 0.4 % of rate Enhanced: 0.2 % of rate Nominal size range DN 25 to 400 (1 to 18 in)Nominal pressure ASME CL 600 to 2500Lining Hard rubber, ETFEElectrodesStainless steel, Hastelloy C Process connection Steel, stainless steel IP ratingIP67, IP68Fluid temperature –25 to 130 °C (–13 to 266 °F)Power supply 100 to 230 V AC, 24 V AC/DC I/OsCurrent, pulse status output Communication *HART protocol, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus Sensor housing materialStainless steel 316Transmitter housing materialStainless steel Wetted parts material Option for NACE Ex approvals ATEX/IEC Zone 1.2, FM/cFM Cl1 Div.1, Cl1 Div.2Marine approval DNV VerificationScanMaster* AcknowledgementsHART is a registered trademark of FieldComm Group, Austin, Texas, USA.PROFIBUS is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS andPROFINET International (PI).FEP610 hIgh pressure magnetic flowmeter。



ABB质量流量计中文说明书发布时间:10-04-08 来源:点击量:33792 字段选择:大中小操作手册D184B111U02科里奥利质量流量计FCM2000可同时测量质量流量、密度和温度标准软件D699G001U01 A.3x产品名称FCM2000操作手册零件号. D184B111U02发行日期: 11/04版本: 01制造商:ABB Automation Products GmbHDransfelder Str. 237079 G&ouml;ttingen, Germany电话: +49 (0) 55 19 05- 0传真: +49 (0) 55 19 05- 777&copy; Copyright 2004 by ABB Automation Products GmbH We reserve the right to technical amendments.本文档有版权保护.本文档中的信息仅用于帮助用户对设备进行安全有效的操作.没有版权所有者的书面批准不得全部或部分复制其内容.2 FCM2000 D184B111U021 基本安全信息和使用方法1 基本安全信息和使用方法1.1 基本安全信息1.1.1 仪表安全标准&#1048698; 本仪表符合压力设备规范以及最新技术的安全要求。



&#1048698; 请注意关于防暴设计的仪表启动的特别信息,在本手册第七章。

&#1048698; 仪表符合EN61326/NAMUR NE21 的电磁兼容(EMC)要求及低电压指示。

&#1048698; 对于尺寸直到DN100(4”)的科里奥利质量流量计有防水外壳可选项,流量计传感器的最大工作压力为PS=40bar(外壳的爆炸压力为PS>60bar)。



ABB电磁流量计--调校规程ABB电磁流量计----调校规程ABB电磁流量计------调校规程厂家:德国ABB公司经销商:河北承德科海(东胜)公司型号:C0PA-XE1-MAzzjfjG-XE一、表头外形外部EPR0MM表头磁感应器DATA键C/CE 键STEP键ENTEF键【表头说明:】1、ABB电磁流量计有三个功能键:DATA键;STEP键;C/CE键;其中DATA 键与STEP键同时按下,为ENTER键。



5、Prog Protection ( 程序保护)----- 按(ENTER键),输入程序保护代码,关闭程序保护即可对参数进行修改。

程序保护代码的出厂黙认设置为“0”; 所有操作进行完后,应打开程序保护,对参数进行保护。

二、调校过程1、在ABB旋进、涡街流量计、电磁流量计中,如果想要进行累积量清零或对空管时的零点进行调整等高级设置,则需要特殊操作,具体如下:a、在参数prog level 层,按enter 进入,出现locked( 在正常情况下,此项应处于锁定状态,按enter 键解除锁定; 同时,按上、下翻页键,找到此参数(prog level) 的第三项,即servers 项,按enter ,此时,出现enter code( 进入口令),- 1 -ABB电磁流量计----调校规程按enter ,出现进入输入项,输入4000,确认即可解除servers 保护,这样,就可以解除程序保护(prog project), 程序菜单中会多出很多选项,其中之一是累积量允许清零了,进行累积清零操作即可) 若在空管情况下,流量计仍然有瞬时流量值,说明流量计的零点有了飘移,修b、正操作如下: 把一个万用表串联入流量计回路,测量在空管时的电流值(eg:4.1mA) ,在进行完a 操作( 即解除了servers 保护情况下) 后,上、下翻页,找到adject 4mA 选项,按enter进入参数,此时,表显示4mA输出4mA) 再按enter进入下一层,显示4mA当回路电流为4mA寸,我们就是要修正此值),按enter进入,表头显示、要求输入(即我们要多少时,表头的输出为4mA),我们把此时的回路电流(4.1mA)当作新的零点值输入,并确认,贝U 新的回路电流变为4.0mA。






转换器键盘,分按键和磁感键两种按键功能描述:C/CE 用于在操作模式与菜单之间切换STE P↓是两个箭头键中的一个,用于向前滚动菜单DATA↑是两个箭头键中的一个,用于向后滚动菜单,当该键长按3秒左右后,显示器闪烁表示进入该级菜单或子菜单,相当于ENTER功能。

图中“3 Sensers for magnet slick operation”所指示的为磁感键位置,并一一与按钮键功能对应,用ABB配用的磁感笔进行操作,该操作避免现场开表盖操作而达到现场防爆功能。


按键C/CE进行切换界面切换后显示随机参数,按STE P↓OR DATA↑对参数进行选择。


显示为程序保护开启状态,长按DATA↑键待屏幕显示闪烁后,ON位置出现光标闪烁,表示可以对其进行选择修改,单按DATA↑OR STE P↓将保护改为OFF显示为程序保护关闭状态,可以对其他参数进行修改,以上操作为要进行参数修改时的基本操作过程。












ABB 电磁流量计 说明书

ABB 电磁流量计 说明书





电磁流量计1 安全 (2)1.1 电气安全 (2)1.2 标识 (2)1.3 健康和安全 (3)2 引言 (4)2.1 质量控制 (4)3 机械安装 (5)3.1 打开包装 (5)3.2 安装条件 (5)3.3 尺寸 (10)3.3.1变送器尺寸 (10)3.3.2传感器尺寸 (11)4 电气安装 (16)4.1 接地 (16)4.2 分体型变送器/传感器设置 (18)4.3 变送器接线 (19)4.4 电缆准备(分体型) (21)4.5 变送器/传感器电缆连接 (21)4.5.1 传感器电缆的连接及推荐的电缆长度 (22)4.5.2 环境保护 (23)4.6 输出连接 (24)4.6.1 频率输出 (24)4.6.2 报警输出 (25)4.6.3 电流输出(4-20 mA)— HART(FEX100)型 (25)4.6.4 RS485通讯— PROFIBUS(FEX1000-DP)型 (26)4.6.5 测试点功能使用 (26)4.7 电源连接 (27)4.7.1 AC电源 (27)4.7.2 DC(及低压AC)电源 (28)4.7.3 DIP跳线开关设置 (29)4.8 重新装配电子单元模块和表盖 (29)5 启动及操作 (31)5.1 菜单及参数导航 (31)5.2 启动屏幕 (32)5.3 安全级别及密码访问 (34)5.3.1 默认密码 (34)5.3.2 输入密码 (35)5.4 Easy Setup (36)6 WaterMaster流量测量性能 (37)6.1 WaterMaster流量测量性能– m3/h (37)6.2 WaterMaster流量测量性能– gal/min (39)7 规格—传感器 (41)8 规格—变送器 (43)1 安全本手册中的信息仅用于帮助我们的用户高效地使用本公司生产的设备。

ABB 电磁流量计中文说明书

ABB 电磁流量计中文说明书
2.1 综述 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 可重复性,响应时间 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 变送器 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 2.4 流量计口径,流量范围 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

ABB MagMasterTM电磁流量计使用指南

ABB MagMasterTM电磁流量计使用指南

Electromagnetic FlowmetersMagMaster TMInstruction Manual –BOOK 5 Fault FindingIM/MM/BK5_6ABBThe CompanyWe are an established world force in the design and manufacture of instrumentation for industrial process control, flow measurement, gas and liquid analysis and environmental applications.As a part of ABB, a world leader in process automation technology, we offer customers application expertise, service and support worldwide.We are committed to teamwork, high quality manufacturing, advanced technology and unrivalled service and support.The quality, accuracy and performance of the Company’s products result from over 100 years experience, combined with a continuous program of innovative design and development to incorporate the latest technology.The UKAS Calibration Laboratory No. 0255 is just one of the ten flow calibration plants operated by the Company and is indicative of our dedication to quality and accuracy.Use of InstructionsEN ISO 9001:2000Cert. No. Q 05907EN 29001 (ISO 9001)Lenno, Italy – Cert. No. 9/90AStonehouse, U.K.CONTENTS PageBOOK 5FAULT FINDINGSection Page SAFETY MEASURES (1)1INTRODUCTION (1)2FAULT FINDING (2)2.1Alarms (2)2.2Test Mode (2)2.3Fault Finding Flow Chart.................................3A very powerful test mode, especially useful during commissioning and plant fault finding, enables all external devices connected to the MagMaster to be tested over the full range of flow rates.This mode can be used regardless of flow conditions in the sensor, or even with the sensor disconnected, and does not require the use of additional equipment.1INTRODUCTIONSAFETY MEASURESMESURES DE SÉCURITÉ12FAULT FINDING2.1AlarmsThe transmitter has built in diagnostics with alarm indication which interrupts the transmitter local display. A data terminal connected to the transmitter will display these alarms in ‘Read Alm’ parameter; ‘16’ from Main Menu (see Warning in next column).The table below shows possible alarm indications and Fig. 2.1 Fault Finding Flow Chart indicates checking procedures to find the problems causing the alarms.For method of interrogating the local display see Startup Section in Book 4.Table 2.1Possible Alarm IndicationsDisplay AlarmMtSnsr Empty SensorHi High flowLo Low flowAnlg Analogue over rangePls Pulse frequency limitedCoil Sensor Coil open circuit19, 20, 21See Fault Finding Flow Chart2FAULT FINDING 2.3Fault Finding Flow Chart3NOTES 4PRODUCTS & CUSTOMER SUPPORTProductsAutomation Systems•for the following industries:–Chemical & Pharmaceutical–Food & Beverage–Manufacturing–Metals and Minerals–Oil, Gas & Petrochemical–Pulp and PaperDrives and Motors•AC and DC Drives, AC and DC Machines, AC motors to 1kV •Drive systems•Force Measurement•Servo DrivesControllers & Recorders•Single and Multi-loop Controllers•Circular Chart , Strip Chart and Paperless Recorders •Paperless Recorders•Process IndicatorsFlexible Automation•Industrial Robots and Robot SystemsFlow Measurement•Electromagnetic Flowmeters•Mass Flow Meters•Turbine Flowmeters•Flow ElementsMarine Systems & Turbochargers•Electrical Systems•Marine Equipment•Offshore Retrofit and RefurbishmentProcess Analytics•Process Gas Analysis•Systems IntegrationTransmitters•Pressure•Temperature•Level•Interface ModulesValves, Actuators and Positioners•Control Valves•Actuators•PositionersWater, Gas & Industrial Analytics Instrumentation•pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen transmitters and sensors•ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silica, sodium, chloride, fluoride, dissolved oxygen and hydrazine analyzers.•Zirconia oxygen analyzers, katharometers, hydrogen purity and purge-gas monitors, thermal conductivity.Customer SupportWe provide a comprehensive after sales service via a Worldwide Service Organization. Contact one of the following offices for details on your nearest Service and Repair Centre. United KingdomABB LimitedTel: +44 (0)1453 826661Fax: +44 (0)1453 829671United States of AmericaABB Inc.Tel: +1 (0) 755 883 4366Fax: +1 (0) 755 883 4373Client WarrantyPrior to installation, the equipment referred to in this manual must be stored in a clean, dry environment, in accordance with the Company's published specification.Periodic checks must be made on the equipment's condition. In the event of a failure under warranty, the following documentation must be provided as substantiation:1.A listing evidencing process operation and alarm logs at timeof failure.2.Copies of all storage, installation, operating and maintenancerecords relating to the alleged faulty unit.I M /M M /B K 5I s s u e 6ABB LimitedOldends Lane, Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3TA UKTel:+44 (0)1453 826661Fax:+44 (0)1453 829671ABB Inc.125 E. County Line Road Warminster PA 18974USATel:+1 215 674 6000Fax:+1 215 674 7183ABB has Sales & Customer Supportexpertise in over 100 countries worldwide The Company’s policy is one of continuous product improvement and the right is reserved to modify theinformation contained herein without notice.Printed in UK (03.04)© ABB 2004。

ABB AquaMaster 电磁流量计产品指南说明书

ABB AquaMaster 电磁流量计产品指南说明书

Anytime, anywhere flow measurementABB’s AquaMaster electromagnetic flowmeter – the most versatile flowmeter availableIntroductionMeasuring potable water has been one of the biggest challenges for the water industry. The need to measure not only water flows but also leakage demands the highest levels of accuracy and availability. Added to this is the cost of installing the meters. Traditionally, installing more meters has meant having to build costly installation chambers, incurring costs in construction and in purchasing and maintaining additional ancillary equipment such as isolation valves and bypass lines.With the requirement to monitor flow as widely as possible, there is also an increased need for meters to be installed in remote locations. This brings its own challenges in terms of maintenance and data collection, as well as powering the devices where electronic meters are used.T h e ApplicationThe growing realization of the need to manage and conserve potable water supplies is leading to an expanding demand for metering in a growing range of applications. These include:– Leakage management– District metering (DMAs)– Clean water applications– Abstraction– Water distribution and network management– IrrigationThe need to ensure that large-scale users are accurately billed for the water they use has also seen a demand for equipment capable of delivering the highest levels of accuracy for use inrevenue management applications.Maximize measurement flexibility through anytime, anywhere access to flow dataMeasurement made easyAnytime, anywhere flow measurementABB’s AquaMaster electromagnetic flowmeter – the most versatile flowmeter availableThe ChallengeGiven the size of water distribution networks, it is inevitable that some losses will occur during transit. These have to be accurately accounted for in order to gain the best possible estimate of water flows. When it comes to the type of flowmeter used, the accuracy of the measurement can be affected by various factors, including age, overall condition and the flowmeter technology being employed.Deposits accumulating in the pipeline can also lead to reduced accuracy, as well as increasing the risk ofunder-reading.Where mechanical meters are used, there is also the added likelihood of deteriorating accuracy caused by wear and tear. This will affect not only the water balance but also the estimation of leakage within the distribution system.Whichever meter type is used, regular verification of accuracy will be needed to help minimize the impact of any errors, which can bring its own challenges. The need for mechanical meters to be periodically tested, recalibrated and repaired, for example, means that they have to be removed, requiring users either to replace the meter with a temporary device or cease measurement until the meter is refitted back intothe line.Ultrasonic flowmeters, which use ultrasonic sound waves to help ascertain the velocity and volume of water passing through the pipe, also suffer various drawbacks. Transit time meters in particular can struggle to handle flows with high levels of particulate matter, requiring a strainer to be fitted.Both transit time and Doppler meters can also be affected by velocity profile distortions, requiring from 10 to 40 upstream diameters, depending on the severity of the disturbance.The turndown of ultrasonic meters is also limited within an ideal range of 20:1 to 40:1. Ultrasonic meters can also be difficult to install and set up, especially where high accuracy is required.The SolutionModern buriable electromagnetic flowmeters are helping to transform the cost and practicality of installation. With no need for chambers or connected equipment, such flowmeters offer a simple, low cost solution that can be installed in virtually any location. The need for meters to be excavated and/or removed from the line is also being met by the arrival of in situ verification technologies.New possibilities in communicating with an installed meter have also been opened up with developments in GSM-SMS technology. When used with a flowmeter, this technology can be used to provide operators with immediate access to a host of flow data, eliminating the time, cost and potential errors traditionally associated with the manual collection of flowmeter information.Remote programming via SMS allows alterations to be made to the configuration of the instrument after installation, such as changing the power mode of the meter for the purposes of achieving enhanced performance. It enhances maintenance by offering performance and condition monitoring throughout the equipment’s life, with options such as programming the meter to send an alarm out in case of problems.The ability to install meters in remote areas is also being further expanded by developments in renewable power technologies. Enabling the meters to draw power from solar and/or wind, these technologies eliminate the need for either mains or battery power.2 PG/FLOW/007–EN | Anytime, anywhere flow measurement | ABB’s AquaMaster electromagnetic flowmeter – the most versatile flowmeter availableAnytime, anywhere flow measurement | ABB’s AquaMaster electromagnetic flowmeter – the most versatile flowmeter available | PG/FLOW/007–EN 3What can ABB offerABB’s AquaMaster 3 flowmeter is ideal for watermeasurement applications in virtually any location. The AquaMaster 3 offers a choice of mains and battery power options, as well as a renewable power version which can draw power from either solar or wind-powered energy sources.A simple DC (6-21V) connection can be hooked up to sources as small as a 5W solar panel or 60W equivalent wind supply. When coupled with its use of super capacitor energy storage technology, this feature totally eliminates the need for either mains or battery power.By using electrostatic energy storage, super capacitors offer a reliable alternative to conventional battery technology.Unlike batteries, which experience a chemical reaction when-ever energy is stored or discharged, super capacitors can withstand thousands of charging cycles with no degradation.In the mains-power mode, the SuperCap technologymaintains continuous measurement and alarms reporting via SMS for up to seven days in the event of a power failure. This is expanded to up to three weeks for the renewable power mode, with the SuperCap also acting to power the meter during the night.A new development in the battery-only version of the AquaMaster 3 is the additional option of high poweredbatteries, offering an extended operating life of up to 10 years in standard applications and improved performance in harsh applications above 45°C. Where the battery is utilized, the SuperCap enables the battery to be replaced without loss of logger contents.Installing the AquaMaster 3 is made simple by its use of ABB’s ‘fit and flow’ intelligent installation technology.With this technology, all aspects of an installation are stored within the sensor, including the site settings, calibration factors and any serial numbers usually required duringinstallation, maintenance or replacement. When connected to a transmitter, all of this information is automaticallyuploaded from the sensor, greatly simplifying the installation and commissioning process.As a further assurance of a robust metering regime andlifelong accuracy, ABB also offers users its CalMaster2 in situ verification service for the AquaMaster 3. Performed by an ABB service engineer, this service verifies a meter’s current operational status and also predicts any potential futurefaults. Users are issued with traditional calibration verification certificate complete with an uncertainty statement.ABB has extensive experience in the design, manufacture and lifelong support of electromagnetic flowmeters for water, wastewater and process applications.For more information, visit /measurement orcontact your nearest ABB representative.Fig. 1: ABB’s AquaMaster 3 flowmeter is ideal for water measurement application in virtually any locationP G /F L O W /007–E N 06.2014Contact usNoteWe reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or pos-sible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utili-zation of its contents - in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.Copyright© 2014 ABB All rights reserved 3KX1234567ABB LimitedProcess Automation Oldends Lane StonehouseGloucestershire GL10 3TA UKTel: +44 (0)1453 826661Fax: +44 (0)1453 829671ABB Inc.Process Automation125 E. County Line Road Warminster PA 18974USA Tel: +1 215 674 6000Fax: +1 215 674 7183Watch thevideo Find out more。

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标题:ABB质量流量计中文说明书说明:操作手册D184B111U02科里奥利质量流量计FCM2000可同时测量质量流量、密度和温度标准软件D699G001U01 A.3x产品名称FCM2000操作手册零件号. D184B111U02发行日期: 11/04版本: 01制造商:ABB Automation Products GmbH Dransfelder Str. 237079 Göttingen, Germany电话: +49 (0) 55 19 05- 0传真: +49 (0) 55 19 05- 777© Copyright 2004 by ABB Automation Products GmbHWe reserve the right to technical amendments.本文档有版权保护.本文档中的信息仅用于帮助用户对设备进行安全有效的操作.没有版权所有者的书面批准不得全部或部分复制其内容.2 FCM2000 D184B111U021 基本安全信息和使用方法1 基本安全信息和使用方法1.1 基本安全信息1.1.1 仪表安全标准&#1048698; 本仪表符合压力设备规范以及最新技术的安全要求。



&#1048698; 请注意关于防暴设计的仪表启动的特别信息,在本手册第七章。

&#1048698; 仪表符合EN61326/NAMUR NE21 的电磁兼容(EM C)要求及低电压指示。

&#1048698; 对于尺寸直到DN100(4”)的科里奥利质量流量计有防水外壳可选项,流量计传感器的最大工作压力为PS=40bar(外壳的爆炸压力为PS>60ba r)。


&#1048698; 当供电中断发生时,仪表参数存储在一个FRAM (包括最新的累积值)中。


1.1.2 使用方法本仪表用于:&#1048698; 传输液体和气体(包括不稳定气体)&#1048698; 直接测量流体的质量流量&#1048698; 测量流体的体积流量(由质量流量和密度间接计算)&#1048698; 测量流体密度&#1048698; 测量流体温度规定的使用方法包括:&#1048698; 在技术指标的限制范围内安装。

&#1048698; 注意并遵守允许的流体信息。

&#1048698; 注意并遵守操作手册中的信息。

&#1048698; 注意并遵守附属文档中的信息(数据表,图标,尺寸图等)。

禁止对仪表的下列下列使用方法:&#1048698; 作为管道中的弹性补偿元件使用,例如用于补偿管道错位,管路震动及管路膨胀等。

&#1048698; 作为攀爬支撑物,例如安装时。

&#1048698; 作为外部负载的支撑,例如支撑管路等。

&#1048698; 去除材料,如在外壳上钻孔,或增加材料,如喷涂(在铭牌上)、焊接等。

&#1048698; 维修、更改、扩展以及使用备件都只能按照操作手册中的说明进行。

除非维修是有ABB 授权的工厂实行。

扩展作业必须经ABB 认证。




D184B111U02 FCM2000 71 基本安全信息和使用方法1.1.3 规格限制仪表的使用范围绝不可超出铭牌以及操作手册中规定的限制。

下列限制必须遵守:&#1048698; 流体的允许压力和允许温度可在附属文档中查到。


&#1048698; 不可超过规定的最大和最小操作温度。

&#1048698; 不可超过规定的环境温度范围。

&#1048698; 外壳保护等级符合EN60529 IP67。

1.1.4 允许介质&#1048698; 只有根据技术信息或用户的使用经验能够确认的介质才可以被测量,并且接触介质的部件(过程连接、测量管道)对介质的抗化学和物理能力不会在仪表的使用寿命中受到负面影响。

&#1048698; 具有未知特性的介质只有在用户执行定期检查以确保流量计的安全系数没有受到影响的条件下才可进行测量。

1.1.5 安全标志、符号、类型、铭牌以及CE-标志所有安全、符合以及铭牌和类型铭牌都应保持可读,不得损坏或遗失注意下列陈述:警告!表示存在风险或者危险的信息,可能导致严重的或者致命的人员伤害。

小心! 表示危险情况的信息,如不纠正可能造成人员或财产损失。






附加代码提供了质量保证系统的认证工具和相应的规范信息:-符合电磁兼容规范 89/366/EWG-符合低电压规范73/23/EWG-符合压力设备规范(PED/DGRL)79/23/EG如果存在下列条件,压力设备的铭牌上将不添加CE-标志:-最大允许压力(PS)低于0.5Bar-存在最小压力风险(仪表尺寸<DN25[1"]),不需要认证程序-仪表在水或污水处理厂中作为水表使用。


8 FCM2000 D184B111U021 基本安全信息和使用方法1.1.6 铭牌规格铭牌安装在流量计传感器上。

有两种不同的铭牌,区别在于CE-标志,这取决于压力设备的尺寸(>DN25[1”]或≤DN25[1”])(可见Art.3 Par. 3 PED/DGRL 97/23/EG):a) 压力设备尺寸>DN25[1”]铭牌包括下列规格:CE-标志(认证机构的标志编号),证明仪表(压力设备)符合PED/DGRL的要求。






b) 压力设备尺寸≤DN25[1”]本铭牌包括铭牌a)中的大部分内容,除了以下区别:根据PED/DGRL中第3章第3节,压力设备上没有CE- 标志。



c) 标准转换器典型铭牌订单号完整型号电源电压最大功率流量计尺寸和防护等级过程连接和压力等级流量计管道材料标定因子标定精度最大流速允许的介质温度D184B111U02 FCM2000 91 基本安全信息和使用方法d)带有ATEX-认证的转换器典型铭牌ATEX-认证ATEX-温度等级订单号完整型号电源电压和最大功率流量计尺寸和防护等级环境温度过程连接和压力等级流量计管道材料和标定因子标定精度最大流速和TAG-号码e)带有FM-认证的转换器典型铭牌FM-认证订单号完整型号流量计尺寸防护等级环境温度电源电压和最大功率过程连接和压力等级流量计管道材料和标定因子标定精度最大流速和TAG-号码1.1.7 人员资质&#1048698; 只有经系统操作员培训并授权的人员才可进行仪表的电气安装、开车以及维护。


1.1.8 用户责任&#1048698; 在测量腐蚀性或磨损性介质之前,操作员必须评估接触液体部件的抗腐蚀与抗磨损能力。

ABB 原意为其选择的介质提供评估帮助,但不承担任何责任。

&#1048698; 遵守关于电子设备的安装、功能测试、修理和维护的国家标准。

10 FCM2000 D184B111U021 基本安全信息和使用方法1.1.9 运输中可能的风险仪表运输到安装地点(尤其是超过50Kg的仪表)过程中注意:&#1048698; 重心可能偏移。

&#1048698; 仪表可能撞到的障碍物。

&#1048698; 保护性的运输项目(例如开口处的密封螺栓)。

1.1.10安装中可能的风险在安装之前确认:&#1048698; 流动方向与方向指示一致。

&#1048698; 仪表安装无应力(平行轴对称配对法兰),使用适合操作条件的垫圈。

&#1048698; 确保要求的前后直管段长度。

&#1048698; 流量计前后的管道得到可靠支撑。

1.1.11 电气安装中可能的风险&#1048698; 电子连接只能由有资质的人员根据接线图完成。

&#1048698; 要遵守操作手册中关于电子连接的信息,否则可能会影响电子保护等级。

&#1048698; 流量计系统要接地。

&#1048698; 电源的连接必须要符合相应的国家和国际标准。


仪表的防护等级为IP67 。




1.1.12 在Ex-区域使用可能的风险在Ex-区域,电源、输入输入信号和接地有特殊要求。


1.1.13 操作中可能的风险&#1048698; 磨损性介质和/或气蚀可能引起承压部件的损坏。

&#1048698; 测量高温介质时,接触流量计表面可能会导致烫伤。

&#1048698; 侵蚀性介质可能导致腐蚀和/或磨损。


D184B111U02 FCM2000 111 基本安全信息和使用方法1.1.14 检查和维护中可能的风险&#1048698; 检查仪表前确认仪表和相邻管道以及储罐已减压。

&#1048698; 打开外壳盖子前确认切断电源。







