
the advertising messages with canny scheduling and placement, so that the messages are seen by, and will have an effect on, the people the advertisers face a basic choice: they can have their message seen or heard by many people fewer times, or by fewer people many times. This and other strategic decisions are made in light of tests of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
producing the ad message itself, including copy and
artwork, and by the 1920s agencies had come into
being that could plan and execute complete advertising
促销:promotional technique
说服力:persuasive power
推销能力:selling power
被宣传的商品:targeted goods
Advertising genius David Ogilvy, in his book Ogilvy on Advertising, says that on average, five times as

Translation of Abbreviations
Common abbreviations
Familiar with common abbreviations in business English, such as CEO, CFO, WTO, etc., and know their complete forms and meanings.
Maintain the original style
Business English translation is the process of transforming texts, contracts, reports, and other elements of the business field from one language to another. It requires translators to balance the expression habits of the target language and professional norms in the business field while maintaining the original meaning.
Translation of polysemy
Semantic analysis
Pay attention to the phenomenon of polysemy and determine the specific meaning based on the context.
Professional background
Refer to English Chinese dictionaries and professional dictionaries for comprehensive explanations and example sentences on polysemy.

4. The value of the pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar.
• We sell cheap quality goods.
• W我e方h已a按ve很m低的ad价e格y向ou贵a方n报o盘ff。er at a very competitive price.
基于安全性考虑,我们将为您开立一个新的交易账户,您的资金 将转入新账户,转账成功后将以电子邮件方式向您发送新账户明 细。
1. Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有苦有甜。
2. sleep deficit
词义的引申指的是在一个词所具有的原始意义的基础上, 根据上下文和逻辑关系进一步加以引申,选择适当确切的译 语词汇来表达,避免生搬硬套地逐字死译,这样才能使译语 更加通顺流畅。正如前文所述,英语词义对上下文的依赖性 强,可变性大,因此词义引申在英译汉中尤为重要。
3. The articles of our immediate interest are your “CHUNHUI” brand agricultural washing machines.
5. Due diligence should be done before finalizing any large investment or acquisition.
网络公司兼并造就了如此之多的年轻百万富翁,我们因此 面临一个新话题:风险资本。 (一般公司网址都有“dot and com”,所以此处具体引申为 “网络公司” 。) 2. All the wit and learning in the economic circle will be present at the seminar.
• We sell cheap quality goods.
• W我e方h已a按ve很m低的ad价e格y向ou贵a方n报o盘ff。er at a very competitive price.
基于安全性考虑,我们将为您开立一个新的交易账户,您的资金 将转入新账户,转账成功后将以电子邮件方式向您发送新账户明 细。
1. Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有苦有甜。
2. sleep deficit
词义的引申指的是在一个词所具有的原始意义的基础上, 根据上下文和逻辑关系进一步加以引申,选择适当确切的译 语词汇来表达,避免生搬硬套地逐字死译,这样才能使译语 更加通顺流畅。正如前文所述,英语词义对上下文的依赖性 强,可变性大,因此词义引申在英译汉中尤为重要。
3. The articles of our immediate interest are your “CHUNHUI” brand agricultural washing machines.
5. Due diligence should be done before finalizing any large investment or acquisition.
网络公司兼并造就了如此之多的年轻百万富翁,我们因此 面临一个新话题:风险资本。 (一般公司网址都有“dot and com”,所以此处具体引申为 “网络公司” 。) 2. All the wit and learning in the economic circle will be present at the seminar.

Fluency and Accuracy
AdapБайду номын сангаасation
Maintain fluent and accurate interpretation, ensuring that information is accurately conveyed from the source to the target language
Cultural Awareness
Advisor cultural differences and adjust language usage to avoid potential misunderstandings
Business Accommodating Interpretation Practice
Accuracy, consistency, clarity, and professionalism are essential characteristics of business English translation The translator should have a good command of both languages and a deep understanding of business concepts, terminologies, and cultural
02 Examples of Business English Translation
Contract translation
Translation of contract terms and conditions, including observations, rights, and responsibilities of both parties