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㈠it can also be used to indicate the things to happen in the future. Thus it means the things must be done according to the plan, arrangement or stipulation and commonly they are not changeable.(一般现在时表将来)

Eg: The train starts at 8:30. 火车将在8点半开

The plane leaves for New York at eight this evening.

We leave London at 10:00 next Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 13:00. We spend two hours in Paris and leave again at 15:00. We arrive in Rome at 19:30, and spend four hours in Rome.我们下周二10点离开伦敦13点到达巴黎。在巴黎待两个小时,15点离开。19点三十分到达罗马,在罗马待4个小时。

When does the film begin?

I’m in my office from eight to twelve tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Do you know what time the meeting is ?

注:这种用法主要用于表示位置转移的动词,come go leave start return arrive sail 以及begin end stop open close 这样的少数动词。

㈡In adverbial clauses of time and condition and in some adverbial clauses of concession, the present indefinite tense is often used to indicate the future tense.


He will be sad when he hear the bad news.

I shall stay here no matter whether you do so or not.

Even if you ask him again, he will not tell you.


A 在口语中,表示传达信息的动词say tell hear read forget write learn 等,此时说话重点不在动作发生的时间,而在动作的影响持续到说话的时刻。

I forget what happened.

I learn you are going to leave.

I see you’ve got a letter from Ann. What does she say?—She says she is coming to London next week.

B Quote the words of the historical figures, writers and books or newspapers

Marx says,“A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.”马克思说,外语是人生斗争的一种武器。

A notice at the end of the road warns people not to go any further.

C 用于生动地叙述往事,使往事历历在目(也称历史现在时)(vividly relate the past and make the past clearly visible.)

Eg:So she goes up to the policeman.“There’s a burglar in my house!”she says. “Are you sure of that?”asks the policeman. “Yes,”she says. So the policeman goes to her house and starts looking for the burglar. 于是她赶到警察那儿。“我屋子里有贼!”她说。“你肯定吗?”警察问。“肯定。”她说。于是警察赶往她家,找起那个贼来。

㈣用于新闻标题或小说章节标题,电影、戏剧等的情节介绍,图片说明,舞台说明,实况解说,操作示范等。(It is often used in news title or chapter title of novel, plot instruction of film and drama, caption, stage instruction, live commentary and demonstrative operation)

Peace Talks Fail(news title)

Earthquake rocks Wenchuan.汶川发生地震(news title)

Observe that I add water to the solution, which then turns red.注意观察,我把水加进溶液,溶液就会变成红色。(demonstrative operation)


①Want hope wonder think可用一般过去时表示说话人现在的感觉、想法,语气委婉。

Eg: Did you want me ? –Yes, I hoped you would give me a hand with painting. 你需要我吗?-- 是的,我希望你帮我油漆。

I wandered whether you would help me. 我不知道你是否愿意帮助我。


I knew that he would be sad when he heard the bad news.


