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书面表达:假期快到了,如果你有机会出国旅游, 你会去哪个国家或城市呢?请谈谈你的旅游计划。 要求表达连贯,语言得体,书写工整,不少于5句话 或不少于40个单词。 Summer holiday is coming…….
分析题目要求: 1. 选择一个国外的国家或城市。 2. 旅游计划(一般将来时或表示计划的句子I plan to…) (1)How(交通方式) I will go there by plane. (2)How long (逗留多久) I will stay there for 1 week. (3)What to do (做什么) I will visit the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
2.《复习册》P32. 7
小练笔:How to stay healthy?(你认为怎样保持健康?)(可 以用到的提示词:First…Second…Third…Finally…要求:不 少于40个单词,5个句子。)
1. 参照六上Unit6课文的观点 2. 用上表示顺序的连接词:First…Second…Third…Finally
How to stay healthy?
We can do some simple things to stay healthy. First, get plenty of sleep. We should sleep at least 8 hours each night, so we will feel good for the next day. Second, keep a good diet. Eat more vegetables and less meat. Third, take plenty of exercise. We can run for 1 hour every day. Finally, the most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy. We should always keep a smile on the face.
3. 要注意邀请函的格式和礼貌用语。
Dear Janet, I would like to invite you to a reading party at my home. I
hope that all my friends will come together and have fun. I think you will love it.
1. 与本学期第二次单元测验小作文题目相像,可以参 考。
2. 在文章中要回答两个问题: 你的偶像是谁?
My idol is ………… 他/她有哪些让你喜欢的地方? (就是要写你偶像做过的事情)
My idol
My idol is Dr Sun Yatsen. He’s a very famous and important person in Chinese history. He was a great leader. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better. He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him. What a great man!
2. 至少要写到题目要求的四个方面:appearance外 貌(It has… /It is …/It looks like …), live居住 (It lives in …),food食物(It eats…/It likes eating…),abilities能力(It can …/It’s good at …).
小练笔:根据提示词给你的好朋友写一封邀请函。 提示词:reading party, at 10 on Saturday morning, at home
1. 邀请函的格式参考五下Unit6或《复习册》P35.4
2. 根据提示词,邀请函要包括:人物(你的好朋 友),事情(reading party),时间(at 10 on Saturday morning),地点(at home)。
十二、书面表达。(一个话题,要求表 意正确,时态恰当,语句通顺,书写规 范。不少于40个单词。)
• 5分 • 根据给出的情景,用对时态,人称,单复数等 • 注意评分标准(一句正确给1分,满分为止。)
1.《复习册》P22. 8
以“My idol(偶像)”为题,根据以下提示,写一段话, 不少于50个单词。
The party will begin at 10 on Saturday morning. But please arrive at 9:45 a.m..
If you are coming, please call me. Look forward to seeing you.
Yours, Xiaoling
4.《复习册》P39. 4
根据思维导图的提示,用英文描述你喜欢的一种动物,不少 于40词。
Appearance? (外观)
Animals ……
Food?Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
4.《复习册》P39. 4
根据思维导图的提示,用英文描述你喜欢的一种动 物,不少于40词。
1. 写你喜欢的一种动物:My favourtie animal is the …
My favourite animal
My favourite animal is the kangaroo. It usually has brown or grey hair. It has a small head. It has two strong back leg. It lives in Australia and it can jump very far. It usually puts its baby in the bag. It is lovely. I like kangaroos.