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— —M ia
•Brief introduction of Korea
Korea is the country to the east of China. While korea has its own history and culture, its close geographic proximity to(接 近) China and Japan meant that it is heavily influenced by the two major cultures. However, korean culture is still unique.
Unlike the japaneses, the korean language has no influence from the chinese styles. Being a small country, there are only two korean dialects, which permeate the north and south of korea (not the two countries). Amazingly, despite a large population, the koreans only have 5 distinct last names.
Korean cuisine (菜肴)is unique in taste and differs slightly from the chinese styles. Its famous kimchi(泡菜) which consists of fermented and seasoned vegetables is well-known through out the world.
S o u th K o re a h a s b e c o m e th e firs t la rg e s t fo re ig n in v e s to r in C h in a , w h ile C h in a is K o re a ‘s se c o n d -la rg e s t tra d in g n a tio n . In c re a s in g ly clo s e C h in a -R O K (中韩两国) e x c h a n g e s in th e e c o n o m ic a n d cu ltu ra l fie ld s , cre a tin g a w id e va rie ty o f e m p lo y m e n t o p p o rtu n itie s . T h e re a re m o re th a n 100,000 K o re a n co m p a n ie s , o n ly in Q in g d a o , th e re a re o v e r 5000 K o re a n e n te rp ris e s (韩资企业) S o , g o in g to th e K o re a co m p a n y ca n b e a g o o d ch o ic e .
Basic knowledge Culture Food humanity
Capital: Seoul (首尔) National day: August 15th National anthem :《爱国歌》
National flag:
(货币单位为"원",汉字写作 “圆 ”) Exchange rate
Listen and experience Situation of Korea study The employment
In recent years, Korea has become the first largest foreign investor in China, while China is Korea's second largest trading nation; cultural formation "Korean wave" of the cyclone. Double under the driving force of economic and cultural learning of the Korean boom also continues to heat up. Becoming more international, in order to adapt to the rapidly changing needs of society,
63 building (63大厦)
It consists of 60 floors above ground and 3 underground floors, 264 meters high, is the tallest building in Korea, is the symbol of Seoul.The entire building all use the dual-reflective glass(双重反 光玻璃), bright gorgeous in the sun like a golden pagoda (黄金 宝塔)
Jongmyo(宗庙) Jongmyo is a place dedicated to the Korean kings and princess tablets(神 位), it is the world‘s cultural heritage (世 界文化遗产)
Hale Waihona Puke many people no longer satisfied merely to master a language. The choice of multi-lingual, Korean has become the first choice of most people.
Chinese people have superiority(优势) on learning Korea — — 60% of Korean contains “Chinese Words“, and the pronunciation of which is much like the Chinese, 20% of" exotic "language is much like the English and Japanese, especially in English
National flower:Althea (木槿花)
National clothes:Hanbok (韩服)
Korean culture is very similar to the chineses in terms of dress codes and social class. However, due to its smaller size, korea focus far more on technology and services rather than agriculture and industries.
Leading rock (龙头岩)
Manjanggul (万丈窟)
Come up with lava from the Han and the formation of the lava caves, a total length of 13.4 kilometers, it was said as the world's first cave
Lotte World (乐天世界)
Lotte World is the world‘s largest indoor entertainment center, In addition to the Lotte World Adventure and Magic island on the lake, there are also the Folk Museum(民俗馆), a large hotel, movie theaters, an indoor pool, an indoor skating rink, bowling alley (保龄球场), membership of sports clubs
Teacher Translator
---Tourism translator
Korea company
Some famous Tourist attractions in Korea
Jeju Island (济州岛)
The famous fantasy island Jeju Island, is Korea‘s largest island, an area of 1825 square kilometers, about 100 km away from the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula. Due to the influence of the warm current flows through the offshore, Jeju Island’s climate is warm, subtropical climate features (亚热带气候特征), here is the important tourist resorts in South Korea.
Calligraphy video
The Korean language is spoken in the South, North Korea, about 50 million people speak this language. Korean grammatical structure is similar to Japanese. Despite many Chinese Loanwords(外来词) in Korean, and centuries, the Korean has been adulterated use of Chinese character and Korean character, but it doesn't have relationship with Chinese