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弥留之间,回头看看自 己最初的梦想、、、
we should do something perhaps...
也许,我 们该改变 些什么 了、、、
I like sensation once luffy said . In order to achieve dream, even life either.
Gradually, we all grew up, but many things are not we expected. 渐渐地,我们都 长大了,可是许 多事并不是我们 想象的那样。
One day, we carry on a bag to search for the way of the dream.
生活使我们抛弃了纯真。我们 变得浑浑噩噩。每天都不知道 自己在忙什么。
we become old slowly.
父母亲渐渐老了,朋友 也渐行渐远。爱情也在 时间洪流里淡了。
Parents growing old, friend further away from it. Love also in time in the flow of light.
But we still nothing. Facing the pressures of life, we still can do little .
可是我们依旧一事无 成。面对着生活的压 力,我们还是无能为 力。
Between dying. Look at the original dream...
有一天,我们背上了行囊, 踏上了寻找梦想的路。
Survival is easy but life is not easy
Life so we abandoned innocence. We become empty-headed. Every day we don't know what's happening.
Remember when I was young, we have a lot of dream. That time, we hoΒιβλιοθήκη Baidue to grow up quickly, can do what you like.
还记得小时候,我 们拥有许多梦想。 那时候的我们希望 快快长大,可以做 自己喜欢的事。。。
我很喜欢路飞说过的一句话,为了 梦想,即使生命也无所谓了。
he stil in the fighting...
So. Any time don't give up your dream.
a coward or a hero. 英雄还是懦夫。
all is not over...To Be Continued 一切还未结束,待续、、、、、、