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D. him D. No
D. I won’t
D. I may
1 --It’s her birthday next week. don’t tell -- Then___________ her about the surprise birthday. 2 – How can I get to People’s Hospital? turn --_____ along the street and ______ left at Go the lights.
祈使句的回答通常有两种形式, 祈使句的回答通常有两种形式,如果是肯定的 祈使句,使用…,I will;如果是否定的祈使句, 如果是否定的祈使句, 祈使句,使用 如果是否定的祈使句 使用…,I will not/ I won’t回答。 回答。 使用 回答 1. Please give my best wishes to your parents. Thanks, I will. 2. Remember to turn off the light. OK, I will. 3. Please don’t forget to turn off the light. Sure, I won’t. 4. Please don’t waste water. Sorry, I won’t.
Biblioteka Baidu
B 11. Let John finish the work all by himself, ____? A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. do we D 12. ---Let’s go home, shall we? --- _____. A. That’s right. B. That’s all C. That’s all right D. All right D 13.Please turn on the light, _____? A. are you B. shall we C. shall I D. will you C 14. Don’t tell him the fact now, _____? A. shall we B. shall you C. will you D. do you B 15.Let the children not make so much noise, ____? A. shall we B. will you C. shall I D. do you
Guessing Game
Turn left!
Guessing Game
Turn right!
Guessing Game
Go upstairs!
Guessing Game
Go downstairs!
Guessing Game
Don’t smoke! No smoking!
Guessing Game
Draw the conclusion (得出结论 得出结论) 得出结论
祈使句的结构如下: 祈使句的结构如下: 肯定: 肯定: (Please) + do sth. 否定: 否定: (Please) + Don’t do sth.
祈使句的句型: 祈使句的句型:
肯 定
Be quiet. 1.动词 动词+… 动词 Please have a seat. 2. Please+动词 动词… 动词 人名+动词 动词… David, pay attention. 3. 人名 动词 Don’t be afraid. Please do not make a noise. Alan, don’t be late.
16. ____ 6 and 4, and you will get ten. D A. Added B. Adding C. To add D. Add A 17.____ late again, or I’ll report it to your father. A. Don’t be B. You aren’t C. Can’t be D. Aren’t B 18.Don’t interrupt her when she is speaking, ___? A. won’t you B. will you C. shall we D. shan’t we 19. _____ get off the lorry until it stops. D A. Do B. Can’t C. / D. Don’t 20.Let’s not begin our supper until father comes C back, ____? A. will you B. won’t you C. shall we D. shan’t we
Turn left! Turn right! Please go upstairs! Go downstairs! Walk on the zebra crossing! Don’t smoke! Don’t play football! Don’t park your car! Don’t eat, please! Don’t pick the flowers!
Let’s do exercise.
1. Jim, _____ me a hand. A. gives B. is giving C. will give D. give 2. ____ careful, Jenny! There is a tree in front of you. A. Am B. / C. Be D. Was 3. Let's ____ our time. A. not waste B. no wasting C. not to waste D. no waste 4. —____ higher, and you will see the house. —OK. A. If you stand B. To stand C. When you stand D. Stand
D 6. _____ forget to write to me when you _____ get there next Tuesday. A. Don't; will B. Please; will C. Please; / D. Don't; / C 7. Please ___ do it. A. he B. he let C. let him D. him 8. ____ come in, please. B A. Will B. Do C. Won't D. Did B 9. _____ careful! A. Be do B. Do be C. Not D. Not do A 10. _____ let anyone open the door. A. Don't B. Will C. Not D. No
3 --We have to finish the work in two hours. not waste -- Then let’s__________ any time. Don’t make 4 --____________so much noise, please. -- Ok. Look 5 --_______out! There’s a car coming. -- Thanks.
在动词前面 加don’t否 否 定
否 定
是表示请求、命令、建议等句子, 祈使句 : 是表示请求、命令、建议等句子,通 常说话的对象是第二人称you, you常被省略。 常被省略。 常说话的对象是第二人称 常被省略 祈使句常见题型: 祈使句常见题型: 1.Let’s + (not)动词原形 … ) Eg. Let’s go home together./ let’s not talk in the class. 2. let’s …… , shall we? 反意疑问 3.Let sb …. , will you? 句 4.祈使句 , will you? 祈使句
Don’t park your car. No parking!
Guessing Game
Don’t eat! No food!
Guessing Game
Don’t play football!
Guessing Game
Don’t pick the flowers!
Read and observe(观察 观察) 观察
祈使句结构如下: 祈使句结构如下: 肯定: 肯定: (Please) + 否定: 否定: (Please) + Don’t
do sth. do sth.
DO,可以放在动词前,为加强语气用。 ,可以放在动词前,为加强语气用。 如:Do come in,please! Do listen to me ,please! Do open the door,please!
• 祈使句 无主语 只用动词就可以 祈使句,无主语 只用动词就可以. 无主语,只用动词就可以 • 表示请求或命令,加上 加上please表客 表示请求或命令 加上 表客 气。 • 如果变成否定句, Don’t开头是规 如果变成否定句, 开头是规 律。 • No talking!是警示,祈使句用法 是警示, 是警示 要牢记。 要牢记。
Let’s make a banana milk shake. Peel three bananas first. Cut up the bananas. / Cut them up. Put the bananas into the blender. Pour some yogurt into the blender. Mix up the bananas and the yogurt. / Mix them up. Turn on the blender. Add some milk to the bananas. Enjoy it, please.
5. Please ___ do it. A. he B. let him C. let he 6. _____ let anyone open the door. A. Don't B. Will C. Not 7. —Don’t be late again. —Sorry, ______. A. I may B. I must C. I will 8. —Call me when you get home. —OK, ____. A. I must B. I can C. I will
Let’s do more exercises.
Choose the correct answer.
1. —Call me when you get home. —OK, ____. C A. I must B. I can C. I will D. I may C 2. Jim, _____ me a hand. A. gives B. is giving C. give D. will give C 3. Let me ____ on duty today. A. am B. / C. be D. do A 4. Let's ____ our time. A. not waste B. no wasting C. not to waste D. no waste 5. —____ higher, and you will see the house. D — OK. A. If you stand B. To stand C. When you stand D. Stand