江苏省涟水中学2019-2020学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题+PDF版含答案 参考答案

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63.ideas64.to make65.trained







Suddenly,Mary caught sight of a black box under the chair where Linda put her bag.She went over and then opened the box to find Linda’s tape was just inside.At that time,she was in a dilemma,“This is my chance to defeat her.”But on a second thought,she changed her mind,“If I hide it,I will win the competition but I may lose something.”She placed it on the chair carefully,leaving a note saying“Take it easy,we are the best.”Soon,it’s her turn to come on the stage.

Hearing her name called,Mary walked on the stage with her heart beating faster and faster.She kept reminding herself,“I have been practicing for so long,and I will certainly make it.”But the serious pain in her arm came again when she was performing the most difficult spin.She fell down on the stage.At that moment, Linda came back in low spirits.To her surprise and relief she saw the tape and Mary’s note.With Mary’s kindness and encouragement,Linda finished her performance calmly and skillfully.Finally,Mary lost the game but she believed she had won everything.


Suddenly,Mary caught sight of a black box under the chair where Linda put her bag.She bent over to pick it up.“Linda’s music tape!”She cried out in surprise.“It must have rolled out of her bag,while she got changed here.”At this moment,an idea flashed through her mind,which made her rooted to the spot.“Without her music tape,Linda will surely lose;without this real competitor,I will definitely win.”At the thought of this,Mary shivered slightly.She was in a dilemma,wondering what to do next.“Do I really want to win so much?”She hesitated for a second and then hurried out to give the music tape to Linda,who was extremely anxious in the corridor.Linda was so grateful to Mary,and finished her dancing successfully.

Hearing her name called,Mary walked on the stage with her heart beating faster and faster.Nervous as she was,she stepped onto the stage with a big smile.She danced skillfully to the music and completed her most difficult spin smoothly.“Good,”she thougt to herself,“my injured arm is awesome today.”As the music ended, thunderous applause filled the stadium.With the final marks announced,Mary knew she achieved her goal and tears began to well up in her eyes.(Possible ending1)As she headed back to the dressing room,Linda came up to her cheerfully and held her hand tightly,“Congratulations!You’ve done an amazing performance!You win!”Mary smiled happily,“I win.”(Possible ending2)As she headed back to the dressing room,she thought about the music tape.“No one will know how close I really came to losing,”Mary said softly to herself.



M:Are those noodles done yet?I’m so hungry,I could eat raw eggs!

W:Me,too.But I’m afraid they’re still cooking.It feels like I’ve been waiting for this water to boil all day.

M:I think it just seems longer because we’re so hungry.


W:What are we doing in P.E.today,John?I hope it’s not track and field again.I’m a terrible runner.

M:Not all of track and field is running,you know.Why don’t you try some of the“field”events?There’s the long jump,the high jump…


W:I studied a little French when I was younger,and I know that Spanish has some similarities,so it shouldn’t be too difficult.At least,that’s what I was thinking when I signed up for it.

M:It looks like we’ll be classmates.


W:What happened to this lamp,Steve?It looks like someone used it as a football.

M:I know.It fell off my desk last night.Do you think my parents will notice?
