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* 每位学员于课后须认真客观地填写教学评估表,并亲笔签名,然后由中方统一汇整,于课程结束三天内,将经中方负责人签字后的中英文版本的《学员意见反馈汇总表》Email并传真至美国北方大学中国项目管理中心。此表将作为中美双方的教学档案存档,并作为美方评定教授和改进教学的主要依据。请中方妥善保管学员填写的原始文件,以供中方与美方领导随时调阅。

Feedback of Students Survey

* This final course evaluation shall be based on the information provided by all surveyed students. Both English and Chinese versions shall be emailed and faxed with signature of the Chinese sponsors to Northern University China Management Center within three days after the completion of the courses. The final form will be filed for both sides, and be the major reference for the American counterpart to improve teaching. The Chinese sponsors shall keep the original files in good record as future reference for both Chinese and American program supervisors.
