上海交通大学英语课件Exercise Two听力原文及答案

上海交通大学英语课件Exercise Two听力原文及答案
上海交通大学英语课件Exercise Two听力原文及答案

Exercise Two

Section 1. Compound Dictation

This is the VOA Special English Health Report.

Malaria kills about one million people a year and (1) sickens another 250 million. Most of the deaths are in young children in Africa. Malaria causes 20 percent of childhood deaths in Africa.

People become (2) infected when they are bitten by mosquitoes carrying the malaria parasite.

A new study estimates the (3) possibility of ending malaria in countries that have the form of the disease. Researchers found that this could be possible in most parts of the world within ten to 15 years.

What it would require, they say, is reducing the spread of malaria by 90 percent from 2007 rates.

An international team created (4) mathematical models and maps of areas where the disease is gone or almost gone. Andrew Tatem, an assistant professor at the University of Florida, led the study. Professor Tatem says a number of things have helped countries successfully fight malaria.

ANDREW TATEM: “ ... such as relatively low levels of malaria risk to start with, political (5) stability, a good health system and low levels of population movement bringing in (6) infections from elsewhere.”

The study says malaria could be eliminated if countries are serious about using proven control measures. These include (7) insecticides and bed nets.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation partly (8) financed the research. The study appears in the Lancet medical journal in a series of reports on eliminating malaria.

Other malaria experts writing in the Lancet expressed concern about giving too much attention to eliminating malaria. They say such a goal could take many years, if it is possible at all. The concern is that (9) resources for controlling malaria could be lost if the money is spent instead on trying to defeat it.(Please pause here for 40’’- 50’’)

Years of efforts to eliminate another disease, polio(小儿麻痹症), have largely succeeded. Now, the World Health Organization says (10) a new vaccine combination will help in the fight to end polio in countries where it is still found. (Please pause here for 40’’- 50’’)

That report, based on a study from India, also appears in the Lancet.

There are three kinds of polio virus. Vaccination campaigns normally use vaccines designed to protect against all three types.

But cases of the type two virus have not been seen in years. (11) And the new study confirmed that the type two vaccine reduces the effectiveness of the other vaccines when given together. (Please pause here for 40’’- 50’’)

To avoid that problem, the new combination contains vaccine only for the type one and type three polio viruses.

And that’s the VOA Special English Health Report. For more health news, go to https://www.360docs.net/doc/a11153505.html,. I’m Steve Ember.

Section 2. Note-taking

First important quality: _motivation__________

Type a) ______external_________________

Type b) ______integrative_______________

Second important quality: __personality______

Not necessarily extroverted but having confidence to make mistakes .

Third important quality: learning skills

Abilities include: a) __a good memory____

b) ___a good ear________

c) efficient revision

d) suitable organization

Fourth important quality: independence

Being independent of the teacher

Accepting responsibility for learning

Section 3. Short Answering Questions.

Colors and depression

Some colors that people see late at night could cause signs of the condition mental health experts call clinical depression. That was the finding of a study that builds on earlier study findings. They show that individuals who live or work in low levels of light overnight can develop clinical depression.

Doctors use the words clinical depression to describe severe form of depression. Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, low energy levels and thoughts of death or suicide.

In the new study, American investigators designed an experiment that exposed hamsters to different colors. The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and are active at night.

The animals were separated into 4 groups. One group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their nighttime period. Another group was placed in front of a blue light, a third group slept in front of a white light. While a fourth was put in front of a red light.

After four weeks, the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank. They found that the more depressed animals drank the least amount of water.

Randy Nelson heads the Department of Neuroscience at Ohio State University. He says animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed.

“What we saw is these animals didn’t show any sleep disruptions at all but they did have mucked up circadian clock genes and they did show depressive phenotypes whereas if they were in the dim red light, they did not.”

Randy Nelson notes that photosensitive cells in the retina, have little to do with eyesight. He says these cells send signals to the area of the brain that controls what has been called the natural sleep-wake cycle.

He says there’s a lot of blue in white light, this explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters see red light or darkness.

Mr Nelson has suggestions for people who work late at night, or those who like to stay up late.

“My recommendation is if you are just living a typical mostly active [life] during the day, mostly inactive at night, you want to limit exposure to TVs which are quite bluish in the light they give off and computer screens and things like that. You can get filtered glass, you can get filters on your computer screen and filters on your eReaders to put it more in the reddish light.”

The report on the effects of light on emotions was published in The Journal of Neuroscience Section 4. Listening & Translating

1. Car crashes are the top killer of American teenagers. Most of the crashes result from distracted driving -- not paying attention to the road. Ryan Didone was a fifteen-year-old passenger in a car that hit a tree. He was one of the nation’s more than thirty thousand victims of traffic crashes in two thousand eight. Nearly four thousand deaths, about twelve percent, involved drivers age fifteen to twenty. “It was an inexperienced, immature driver who felt that he was invincible (不可战胜的), driving at night with a carload of kids. He was distracted, he was going too fast, and it ended up causing one death and some serious trauma and tragedy for the rest of the community.”


2. Researcher Christianne Corbett says more boys than girls score very high on math tests in most countries. Two new studies have investigated why fewer females, compared to males, study and work in the so called STEM subjects in the United States. Those subjects are science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The researchers found that cultural and environmental factors make a difference.


3. Historians believe the Maya people of Central America first learned to farm cacao plants around two thousand years ago. The Maya took the cacao trees from the rainforests and grew them in their gardens. They cooked the cacao seeds, then crushed them into a soft paste. They mixed the paste with water and flavorful spices to make an unsweetened chocolate drink. The Maya poured the chocolate drink back and forth between two containers so that the liquid had a layer of bubbles, or foam.


4. During the months of May and June, colleges and universities across the United States hold graduation ceremonies. Many schools ask a special person to speak to students during the ceremony. (MICHELLE OBAMA says) “I have one more request to make of you. One more challenge. And that is keep going. Keep giving. Keep engaging. I’m asking you to take what you’ve learned here and embrace the full responsibilities that a degree from an institution like GW gives you.”


5. (BARACK OBAMA) And the faces in this stadium show a simple truth: America’s Army represents the full breadth of America’s experience. You come from every corner of our country -- from privilege and from poverty, from cities and small towns. You worship all of the great religions that enrich the life of our people. You include the vast diversity of race and ethnicity that is fundamental to our nation’s strength.



上海交通大学英语水平考试样题 Part II Integrated Reading (30%) Section 1 Banked Cloze (10%) Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Give your answers to the questions on your ANSWER SHEET. Attention:You need to change the forms of the words in the word bank where necessary. (注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理) A name might tell you something about a person's background. Names can be 1) __________ of class and race. Data show African Americans are far more likely than other 2) __________ groups to give their children uncommon names. White people tend to 3) ________ more familiar names that were formerly popular with more affluent white people. The new study purports to show a link between name and outcome of life: The more 4) _________ your name, the more likely you are to land in juvenile hall. That's because we know that boys with uncommon names are more likely to come from a socio-economically 5) _________ background, which means that they also are more likely to get involved with crime. Even the researchers readily admit that it's not a name alone that 6)_______ a child's outcome, but rather the circumstance underlying the name. The researchers first assigned a popularity score to boys' names, based on how often they showed up in birth records in an undisclosed state from 1987 to 1991. Michael, the No. 1 boy's name, had a Popular Name Index score of 100; names such as Malcolm and Preston had index scores of 1. The researchers then assessed names of young men born during that time who landed in the juvenile justice system. They found that only half had a rating higher than 11. By 7) __________, in the general population, half of the names scored higher than 20. "A 10% increase in the popularity of a name is associated with a 3.7% 8) _________ in the number of juvenile delinquents who have that name." Still, the study theorizes that teenagers named Malcolm might also 9) ___________ because their peers treat them differently or they just don't like their names. And since the study's release last week, the name-crime 10) ___________ has been written or talked about in major media outlets. Section 2 True or False Judgement & Sentence Completion (10%) Directions:In this part, you will find 7 statements and 3 incomplete sentences followed by the reading passage. For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Attention: For questions 1-7, one more point will be deducted if you do n’t answer


上海交通大学一九九九年硕士生入学考试试题 一、填空题(×28) 1、国际上常用油耗计算方法有两种,即以欧洲为代表的ECE和以美国为代表的EPA. 2、良好路面上行驶汽车所受的行驶阻力主要由、 、和四部分组成。 3、制动时汽车减速度行驶,避免车轮抱死的最小称为汽车在该制动强度时的 。 4、操纵稳定性是指弯道行驶汽车转向特性抗干扰能力,与其有关的主要运动参数包括 、和。 5、汽车动力性主要由三项指标来评定,它们是、 和。 6、因可在负实数、零或正实数上取值,弯道行驶汽车的横摆角速度增益对应三种不同的转向特性,即、以及。 7、制动全过程大致分为四个不同阶段,即、、 以及。 8、汽车加速时产生相应的惯性阻力,即由和两部分惯性力组成。 9、汽车拖带挂车的目的是提高燃油经济性,其原因有二:一是汽车发动机的 上升,二是汽车列车增加。 10、对汽车动力性和燃油经济性有重要影响的动力装置参数有两个,即 和。 二、论述题(3×5) 1、高速行驶汽车的轮胎会发生爆裂,试简述轮胎发生什么现象并说明原因? 2、装有防抱死制动系统(ABS)的汽车可避免制动时跑偏和侧滑,试说明其理论依据? 3、某汽车传动系统采用齿轮变速器,试说明各档位传动比的确定原则是什么? 4、某汽车装有非ABS的普通制动系统,试简述制动时制动距离与哪些因素有关? 5、加装液力变速器的汽车具有较理想的动力特性,试说明主要目的是什么?

三、是非题(错误×正确√,2×10) 1、汽车轮胎的侧滑刚度与车轮坐标系的选择有关。(×) 2、超速挡的应用可以降低汽车的负荷率。(×) 3、地面的制动力大小取决于汽车具有足够的制动器制动力。(×) 4、汽车稳态横摆角速度响应与行驶车速有关。(√) 5、不出现前轮或后轮抱死的制动强度必小于地面附着系数。(√) 6、同步附着系数ψ0与地面附着特性有关。(×) 7、未装有ABS的汽车在制动时发生侧滑是技术状况不良造成的。(×) 8、特征车速u ch是表征汽车过多转向量的一个参数。(×) 9、汽车的最高行驶车速对应发动机最高转速。(×) 10、汽车齿轮变速器的相邻两变速档速比之比基本上取为常数。(√) 四、某轿车按给定的速度变化曲线作 加速度行驶,欲根据汽油发动机万有 特性(见图)计算过程中的燃油消耗 量.已知:发动机功率P=30KW,初始车 速u0=10km,经过△t1=2秒(s)车速 达到40km/h,又经过△t24秒(s)车 速达到60km/h,再经过△t3=4秒(s) 车速已到达到90km/h,等速单位时间油 耗计算公式为Q t=Pb/γ),其中b 为燃油消耗率(g/kw·h)(由图中曲线 给出),汽油重度γ=7(N/L).(15分) a 五、某轿车沿水平硬路面公路高速行驶, A B C D 遇事后采取紧急制动。图示为该轿车制动 t 时的加速度,速度和距离的对应变化关系。 j max 试求: (1)制动反应阶段经过时刻t1,在AB

2016上海交通大学期末 高数试卷(A类)

2016级第一学期《高等数学》期末考试试卷 (A 类) 一、单项选择题(本题共15分,每小题3分) 1. 若3222lim 12 x ax bx x →∞++=+(其中,a b 为常数),则 ( ) (A )0a =,b ∈R ; (B )0a =,1b =; (C )a ∈R ,1b =; (D )a ∈R ,b ∈R 。 2. 若函数()f x 的一个原函数是(2)e x x -,则'(1)f x += ( ) (A )e x x ; (B )1e x x +; (C )1(1)e x x ++; (D )(1)e x x +。 3. 反常积分1 0ln[(1)]d x x x -? ( ) (A )2=-; (B )1=-; (C )0=; (D )发散。 4. 设OA a =和OB b =是两个不共线的非零向量,AOB ∠是向量a 与b 的夹角, 则AOB ∠的角平分线上的单位向量为 ( ) (A )||||||||||||a b a b a a b b a a b b ---; (B )||||||||||||a b a b a a b b a a b b +++; (C )||||||||||||b a a b b a a b b a a b ---; (D )||||||||||||b a a b b a a b b a a b +++。 5. 设函数()f x 为连续函数,对于两个命题: (I )若()00()(()())d d x u F x f t f t t u =--??,则()F x 为奇函数; (II )若()f x 为奇函数,则()3 0()()d d x y x G x f t t y =??为奇函数, 下列选项正确的是 ( ) (A )(I )和(II )均正确; (B )(I )和(II )均错误。 (C )仅(I )正确; (D )仅(II )正确; 二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分) 6. 已知函数()y f x =由参数方程3cos 2sin x t y t =??=? (0t <<π)所确定,则 ''()f x =___________________。 7. 一平面通过y 轴,且点)2,4,4(-到该平面的距离等于点)2,4,4(-到平面0z =的距离,则该平面方程是:_________________________。 8. 已知321e e x x y x =-,22e e x x y x =-,23e x y x =-是某二阶常系数非齐次线性微


SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT Department: School of Naval Architechture&Ocean Engineering Major: Naval Architechture&Ocean Engineering Name: abcd Course Credits Score Credits Score 1990-1991 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Military Theory Physical Education Englisn Advanced Mathematics General Physics Algorithmic Language Engineering Drawing Linear Algorithm Naval Architechture and Ocean Engineering Situation and Policy History of the C.P.C General Physics Lab Introduction Of World Ship Building Taste Of Art and Life 4 2 10 16.5 6 4 6 4 2 1 / / / / B A C C A B B C A A / / / / / 2 10 15 10 / / / / 1 6 6.5 2 3 / A C B A / / / / B B B B B 1991-1992 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Theoretical Mechanics Ship Structure Physical Education English Maxism Principle Engineering Mathemics Material Mechanics Situation and Policy Electronic Technique Electromic Circuit &Technology Lab Ship Drafting Fluid Mechanics CET-4 Machine Training Naval Practice 9 5 2 10 6 9.5 4 1 / / / / / 7 / A B A C B B C A / / / / / A / 5 / 2 10 6 / 10 1 9 4 5 11.5 / / 5 B / A C A / A B A B A B C / PASS 1992-1993Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Situation and Policy Fundamentals of Law Ship Statics Fundamentals of Machine Design Machine Design Principles of Microcomputer Ship structural Mechanics Foundament of Management Science Ship Ressitence Ship Reliability Professional English Ocean Energy Utility Socialist Construction of China Ship structural Mechanics Ship and Ocean Engineering Materials Shipbuilding Technique Shipbuilding Econmy Ship Propulsion Ship Dynamic Equipment Vehicle Electromechanical Equipment and Principle Submarine Strength Ship Equipment The Autocontrol Therory of Means of Delivery Structure Optimum Design Specialized Practice 1 3 5 10 2 6 6 6 4.5 4 4 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / A C B C C B C A B A C B / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1 / / / / / / / / / / / 6 4 3 7 5 6 4 2 4 3 3 3 10 B / / / / / / / / / / / B C A B B B B A A C C A PASS 1993-1994 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Ship Strength and Structure Design Regulation Design of Ship Structure Ship Maneuver and Oscilation Principle of Ship Design Ship Vibration Exercise of Principle of Ship Design Ship Group Techniques Computer-aided Ship Construction Prediction of Ship Manoeuvablility Ship Propeller Computing Ship Seakindliness Ship Characteristic Trial Research Situation and Policy Undergraduate Thesis 5 2 4.5 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 / A C C C C B C B B C C PASS A / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 27 / / / / / / / / / / / / / B Note: 1.The transformation rules are illustrated in the attached chart on the back of this paper. 2.There is two grades system in some test marks: Pass(above 60 or 通过) or Fail (below 60 or 未通过). 3.The score of University English is improved one level if he or she study English from band 2 or higher. Registrar:Archives , Shanghai Jiaotong University 11/08/2002


上海交通大学信息安全工程学院 第1 页,共6 页 《信息安全技术基础》考核试卷 说明: 答案请填写在专用的答题纸上,答案写在试卷上无效,考试结束后请将本试卷和答题纸同时上交给主考老师。 一、单项选择题(总计40 分) 说明:共40 道题目,每道题目只有一个正确答案,请选择正确答案,每小题1 分。 1.世界上公认的第一台电子计算机是________。 A.EDVAC B.APPLE C.ENIAC D.UNIVAC 2.一个计算机系统是由________组成。 A.主机和外部设备B.CPU 和I/O 设备 C.系统软件和应用软件D.硬件和软件 3.CPU 是指________。 A.运算器和控制器B.运算器和存储器 C.存储器和控制器D.计数器和运算器 4.软盘加上写保护后,对它可以进行的操作是________。 A.只能读盘,不能写盘B.既可读盘,又可写盘 C.只能写盘,不能读盘D.不能读盘,也不能写盘 5.具有多媒体功能的微型计算机系统中,常用的CD-ROM 是________。 A.只读型光盘B.半导体只读存储器 C.只读型硬盘D.只读型大容量软盘 6.操作系统用来________。 A.控制和管理系统资源B.实现系统要求 C.将原程序翻译成目标程序D.加快运算速度 7.某学校的工资管理程序属于________。 A.系统程序B.应用程序C.工具软件D.文字处理软件 8.在计算机技术中采用二进制,其主要原因是________。 A.由计算机电路所采用的器件决定的,计算机采用了具有两种稳定状态的二值电路 B.二进制数运算最简单 C.二进制数表示简单,学习容易 D.最早设计计算机的人随意决定的 9.局域网地理范围一般在________以内。 A.1km B.10km C.20km D.50km 10.下列密码系统分类不正确的是________。 A.非对称型密码体制和对称型密码体制 B.单向函数密码体制和双向函数密码体制 C.分组密码体制和序列密码体制 D.不可逆密码体制和双钥密码体制 11.描述数字信息的接受方能够准确的验证发送方身份的技术术语是______。 A.加密B.解密 C.对称加密D.数字签名 12.安全访问控制就是属于________安全。 A.企业级B.应用级 上海交通大学信息安全工程学院 第2 页,共6 页


A soldier,a communist Party of China,a JavaDevelopment Engineer,anda student,it’sme,my name is Zhang Kaiming.fromhunanprovince.When I retired fromthe army,I faced two difficult choices,going towork directly or continuing further education.I love academic learning and researching.And I have ever got Shanghai scholarship.But without learning for more than two years made melose the confidence tostart from the beginning.Ientered a technology company engaged in development until the appearance of the Enrollment Project for Master Degree Candidates of College Veterans.I decided to bet with my own life and give it a try.This is the reason why I am here.My Alma mater is University ofShanghai for Science and Technology where campus environment is very beautiful.It’salso the place where my dream starts.My major in undergraduate period is the Electronic Information Science and Technology---It’s a subject covering hardware and software knowledge. .Shanghai Jiao Tong University is a place where many students dreamof.therehas long history,profoundculture,strong learning atmosphere and the talents professors.Oncesome onetold me a joke.She said she had ever taken the postgraduate examination.When she thought about whether she should go to Shanghai Jiao Tong university or FudanUniversity,the result is that she thought too much,Becauseshe failed the exam.But now I want to tell her,it not a joke.We should have dreams,What if it will be true?


1、 2、 上海交通大学法学考研历年真题 20XX 年硕士研究生入学考试试题 331法学基础(1) 一、中国法制史部分 (一) 名词解释(20' 春秋决狱登闻鼓刺配《六法全书》 (二) 简答 1、 简述《大清新刑律》在形式和内容上的变化。 2、 简述孙中山的五权宪法思想( 7分) (三) 问答(15分) 试述中国古代礼”法”刑”的关系。 二、宪法学部分 (一) 名词解释(16分) 违宪审查 国体 国籍 民族区域自治 (二) 概念对比解释(18分) 1、 刚性宪法与柔性宪法 2、 公民权和人权 3、 宪法与宪政 (三) 简答题(16分) 1、 简述我国人民代表大会制度的性质和基本涵义 2、 简述我国公民的基本权利 (二) 简答(30分) 1、 法人机关的构成及其法理 2、 合同法上不安抗辩权的概念和效力 3、 缔约过失责任与违约责任、侵权责任的差异 333法学基础(2) 宪法学部分(同331) 法理学部分 名词解释(16分) 法理学法律意识法律创制 概念对比解释(18) 法的形式渊源和效力渊源 法的实施与适用 三、民法学部分 (一) 名词解释(20分) 代理权与代表 亲权与亲属权 准不动产 限定继承 建筑物区分所有权 1、 2、 3 、 4、 5、 (8分) 法的价值

3、 1 、 2、 大陆法系与普通法系 简 答(16) 简述法的物质制约性 简论社会主义法与人权 民事诉讼法学 名词解释(12) 诉 任意的当事人变更 诉前财产保全 /一、 简答(18分) 民事诉讼中的反诉的法律特征 民事送达行为的效力 论述 1、 2、 论述提起民事上诉的条件 20XX 年 331法学基础 宪法学(50分) 名词解释: 概念对比: 简答: 民法学 简答: 证明(举证)责任的倒置 人民代表大会制度 宪法的解释 诉愿权 国体与政体 基本权利与非基本权力 直接选举与间接选举 简述宪法保障制度 简述我国宪法对立法权的规定 (50分) 诉讼时效与除斥期间在适用对象等方面的区别 同一债权同时设定抵押担保与保证担保时的债权实现方式 甲与乙订立一份多媒体器材购销合同, 约定交货方式为代办托运。合同生效后,甲委 托丙运输公司将货物发运乙处。丙运输公司因工作急需而将待运的多媒体器材拆包使用 (打 算使用20天)。针对丙公司的行为,甲、乙可提出哪些权利请求?理由何在? 甲(19周岁)、乙(15周岁)二人在外面玩耍,见丙家的狗在门口静卧,甲教唆乙使 用石头朝那 条狗砸去,狗被砸急,跳起来将乙和行人丁咬伤。丁花去狂犬病疫苗费等医药费 用若干。问:甲、乙对丁的民事责任应如何承担?理由何在? 法理学(50分) 试述中国古代立法家 依法治国”的理论与现代法治理论的基本区别( 20) 论法律原则在法律创制与法律适用中的功能( 30) 刑法学(50分) 名词解释:刑法的空间效力 不作为特殊防卫共同正犯徇私枉法罪 简答: 犯罪客体与犯罪对象的区别 我国刑法规定的形式责任能力程度 被判处管制的犯罪分子,在执行期间,应当遵守哪些规定


2013年《网络空间安全与信息对抗高级研修班》专家师资介绍(排名不分先后) 李建华 博士,教授/博导。上海交通大学信息安全工程学院常务副院长、博导。信息内容分析技术国家工程实验室主任、国家网络与信息安全教育部工程研究中心主任、国家863计划现代交通技术领域专家,上海市网络信息安全管理协会会长。2001年起,先后担任国家863计划信息安全主题专家组首席/管理专家、国家863计划/十五攻关计划信息安全重大专项总体专家组成员、国家电子政务试点/示范工程总体组专家成员、中国电子政务标准总体组成员、全国信息安全标准化委员会成员、中国PKI论坛工作组副组长、国家保密局保密技术顾问专家组成员、教育部通信学科评议专家成员、上海市保密局保密技术专家委员会成员、上海市信息标准化技术委员会专家委员、国内核心期刊《通信技术》顾问等10余个重要学术兼职。近年来共主持/参加了30余项国家/省部级重大/重点项目,发表论文200余篇(EI/SCI 收录62篇),编著专著6本,申请技术发明专利近20项,制定标准、规范3项及软件版权5项,2013年获得上海市科技进步一等奖,2005年获得国家科技进步二等奖,2003年获上海市科技进步一等奖,2004年获上海市科技进步一等奖1项和二等奖2项,2001年获国防科技进步三等奖,获得国务院“政府特殊津贴”,在2004年入选新世纪“国家百千万人才工程”并被评为第二届上海青年科技英才,在2002年被评为上海市IT十大新锐。

潘理 博士,博导。上海鹏越惊虹公司技术总监,主要研究方向为网络安全管理、访问控制、网络安全分析与评估、云计算与社交网络安全等,致力于解决电子政务等国家重要信息系统网络与信息安全保障中的重大科技与工程问题,先后研制了一系列网络信息安全产品与系统平台。作为项目负责人承担了国家973计划、863计划、国家发改委专项、国家自然基金、国家部委任务等重点项目10余项。已发表论文60余篇,授权发明专利7项,软件著作权6项,出版专著和教材5部,获2004年上海市科技进步2等奖。2007年当选上海市青年科技启明星,2008年入选上海市人才发展基金,2013年当选上海市优秀技术带头人。 刘功申 博士,副教授。上海交通大学信息安全工程学院从事教学科研工作。主要研究方向是互联网络内容安全、恶意代码防范等。主讲本科生主干课程两门(操作系统-市精品课程、计算机病毒-校精品课程),研究生专业课程两门(内容安全技术、恶意代码防范技术)。指导过PRP项目多项,上海市大学生创新实践项目3项。独立编写3本教材,参与编写2本教材。曾获得过2009年晨星优秀青年教师一等奖、2010年度校级优秀教师三等奖、2010年度校级教学实践二等奖、2011年度校级优秀教材特等奖、2012年度上海市高等教育优秀教材一等奖。主持和参与自然基金项目5项;参与863项目2项,上海科委和经信


上海交通大学大学英语(一) 题目1 My father is leaving ______Shanghai tomorrow. 选择一项: a. to b. In c. Into d. For 题目2 Excuse me for breaking in, _______I have some news for you. 选择一项: a. yet b. so c. but d. and 题目3 ____ girl dressed _____ black is her sister Rose. 选择一项: a. The; in b. The; on c. A; on d. A; in 题目4 There’s lots of fruit_________ the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree.选择一项: a. on b. at c. in

d. under 题目5 The people in this city have planted ________ trees along both sides of the streets. 选择一项: a. a lot of b. a large amount of c. much d. a great deal of 题目6 They all go outing on such a warm spring day ______ Mark. He is busy with his lessons now. 选择一项: a. except b. beside c. besides d. except for 题目7 I'll have a cup of coffee and _____. 选择一项: a. two breads b. two pieces of breads c. two piece of breads d. two pieces of bread 题目8 The baby is hungry,but there's ____ milk in the bottle. 选择一项: a. few b. a few c. a little


2009年上海交大考博部分考试科目参考书目 部分考试科目参考书目 010船舶海洋与建筑工程学院 2201流体力学《水动力学基础》,刘岳元等,上海交大出版社 2202声学理论《声学基础理论》,何祚庸,国防工业出版社 2203高等工程力学(理力、材力、流力、数学物理方法)(四部分任选二部分做)《理论力学》,刘延柱等,高等教育出版社;《材料力学》,单祖辉,北京航空航天大学出版社;《流体力学》,吴望一,北京大学出版社;《数学物理方法》,梁昆淼,高等教育出版社 2204结构力学《结构力学教程》,龙驭球,高等教育出版社 3301船舶原理《船舶静力学》,盛振邦,上海交大出版社;《船舶推进》,王国强等,上海交大出版社;《船舶耐波性》,陶尧森,上海交大出版社;《船舶阻力》,邵世明,上海交大出版社 3302振动理论(I)《机械振动与噪声学》,赵玫等,科技出版社2004 3303海洋、河口、海岸动力学《河口海岸动力学》,赵公声等,人民交通出版社2000 3304高等流体力学《流体力学》,吴望一,北京大学出版社 3305弹性力学《弹性力学》上、下册(第二版),徐芝纶,高等教育出版社 3306振动理论(Ⅱ)《振动理论》,刘延柱等,高等教育出版社2002 3307钢筋混凝土结构《高等钢筋混凝土结构学》,赵国藩编,中国电力出版社 3308地基基础《土工原理与计算》(第二版),钱家欢、殷宗泽,水利电力出版社 3378船舶结构力学《船舶结构力学》,陈铁云、陈伯真,上海交大出版社 020机械与动力工程学院 2205计算方法《计算方法》,李信真,西北工业大学出版社 2206核反应堆工程《核反应堆工程设计》,邬国伟 3309工程热力学《工程热力学》(第三版),沈维道;《工程热力学学习辅导及习题解答》,童钧耕 3310传热学《传热学》(第三版),杨世铭 3311机械控制工程《现代控制理论》,刘豹;《现代控制理论》,于长官 3312机械振动《机械振动》,季文美 3313生产计划与控制《生产计划与控制》,潘尔顺,上海交通大学出版社 3314机械制造技术基础《机械制造技术基础》,翁世修等,上海交通大学出版社1999;《现代制造技术导论》,蔡建国等,上海交通大学出版社2000 3315现代机械设计《高等机械原理》,高等教育出版社1990 030电子信息与电气工程学院 2207信号与系统《信号与系统》,胡光锐,上海交大出版社 2208电子科学与技术概论《电子科学与技术导论》,李哲英,2006 2209信息处理与控制系统设计《线性系统理论》,郑大钟,清华大学出版社2002;或《数字图像处理》(第二版)《Digital Image Processing》Second Edition (英文版),R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods,电子工业出版社2002(从“线性系统理论”或“图像处理”中选考其一) 2210计算机科学与技术方法论《数理逻辑与集合论》,石纯一,清华大学出版社2000;《图论与代数结构》,戴一奇,清华大学出版社1995;《组合数学》,Richard A. Brualdi著,卢开澄等译,机械工业出版社2001 2211数字信号处理(I)《数字信号处理(上)》,邹理和;《数字信号处理(下)》,吴兆熊,国防工业出版社2212电力系统分析与电力电子技术《电力电子技术基础》,金如麟,机械工业出版社,或《电力系统分析(上册)》,诸骏伟,中国电力出版社1995;《电力系统分析(下册)》,夏道止,中国电力出版社1995 3316网络与通信《数字通信》(第四版),Proakis,电子出版社(必考,占30%):另按照专业加考70%:无线通信方向、信息安全方向,《数字通信》(第四版),Proakis,电子出版社;或光通信方向,《光纤通信


2017上海交通大学考研必读:各专业考试科目和复试要求介绍 根据教育部有关文件精神,结合我校实际情况,经校研究生招生领导小组研究决定,2007年硕士研究生入学考试复试基本分数线如下: 一、统考(不含医学院) 报考学科门类 报考专业代码 政治 英语 业务课1 业务课2 总分 哲学(01) 01 55 55 80 80 325 经济学(02) 02 55 60 90 90 365 法学(03) 03(不含法律硕士) 55 60 90 90 365 教育学(04) 04 55 55 180

325 文学(05) 05 55 60 90 90 360 历史学(06) 06 55 55 180 325 理学(07) 071010 55 55 85 85 340 其它 55 50 75 75 310 工学(08) 0809、0810、0811、0812 55 55 85 85 340 其它 55 55 80 80 325 农学(09) 09

55 55 80 80 325 医学(10) 1007 55 50 180 310 军事学(11) 11 55 55 85 85 340 管理学(12) 12(不含工商管理硕士) 55 60 90 90 365 二、统考(医学院) 考专业代码 报考学科门类 单科分 总分 政治 外国语 业务课1 (业务课2) 07 生物学 52 52 90(90) 330 1001、1002、1003、1004、1005、1006、 基础医学、临床医学、口腔医学、公共卫生与预防医学、中医学、中西医结合

50 50 180 310 1007 药学 52 52 200 320 107 公共管理 52 52 230 350 三、工商管理硕士(MBA) 1、英语≥60,综合能力≥120,总分≥205,直接进入复试; 2、英语≥50,综合能力≥100,205>总分≥188,并满足下列四个条件之一,由本人提出申请,经上海交通大学MBA复试资格审查小组审查批准,可以取得复试资格。 (1)从事管理工作三年以上且业绩突出者,请提交业绩报告和主管领导的推荐信; (2)在大、中型企业担任中层或中层以上管理职务者,请提交单位人事部门任命文件或相关证明,并对本人职务做详细描述; (3)获省市级以上奖励者,请提交奖励证书(奖状)复印件; (4)本人创业且公司拥有一定规模者,请提交公司最近一年的年审报表和营业执照复印件。 四、法律硕士 政治≥55,英语≥50,专业基础课≥85,专业综合≥85,总分≥330 五、单独考试(含强军计划) 政治≥50,英语≥45,业务课1≥70,业务课2≥70,总分≥300(教育学、医学专业的单独考试复试基本分数线为:政治≥50,英语≥45,业务课1≥140,总分≥300) 六、软件工程硕士

上海交通大学2015-1末 高数试卷(医科类)

2015级第一学期《高等数学》期末考试试卷 (高数医科类) 一、选择题(本题共15分,每小题3分) 1. 设()f x 有二阶连续的导数,2sin ()()'+=x f x f x e ,且(0)1=f ,则 ( ) (A )(0)f 是极小值; (B )(0)f 是极大值; (C )(0)f 不是极值; (D )(0,(0))f 是曲线()=y f x 的拐点。 2. 积分1 111||I dx x x -=?,29 20sin I xdx π=?,13211x x xe I dx e -=+?和242 sin I x xdx π π- =?中,值为0的是 ( ) (A )2I 、3I 和4I ; (B )1I 、2I 和3I ; (C )1I 和2I ; (D )2I 和3I 。 3. 设0 ()x f x =? ,2345()g x ax bx cx dx =+++。若当0x →时()f x 与()g x 是同阶无 穷小,则 ( ) (A )0a ≠ ; (B )0a =,0b ≠; (C )0a b ==,0c ≠; (D )0a b c ===。 4. 设()f x 和()g x 在(,)-∞+∞上可导,且()()-f x g x ; (B )0 lim ()lim ()→→


(一)设计要求及船体主要参数 设计要求: 航速:V=14.24 kn;排水量:Δ=16694 t 船体主参数: 船型:单桨、球首、球尾、流线型挂舵、中机型多用途远洋货船。 利用海军系数法,根据母型船主参数估算设计船体,如下: 单位母型船设计船 排水量Δt 20800 16694 设计水线长L WL m 144.20 134.01 垂线间长L PP m 140.00 130.01 型宽B m 21.80 20.26 型深H m 12.50 11.62 设计吃水T m 8.90 8.27 桨轴中心距基线Z P m 2.95 2.74 方形系数C B 0.743 0.725 (二)船舶阻力估算及有效马力预报 2.1 有效马力预报 母型船的有效功率数据如下: 航速Vm/kn 12 13 14 15 16 17 有效功率 P Em /hp 满载2036 2655 3406 4368 5533 7017 压载1779 2351 3007 3642 4369 5236

110%满 载 2239 2921 3747 4805 6086 7719 根据海军系数法对航速以及有效功率进行变换: 公式:V Vm =(? ?m )16 ; P E P E m =(? ?m )76 变换如下: V m (kn) 12 13 14 15 16 17 V(kn) 11.57 12.53 13.50 14.46 15.42 16.39 P Em (hp) 满载 2036 2655 3406 4368 5533 7017 压载 1779 2351 3007 3642 4369 5236 110%满载 2239 2921 3747 4805 6086 7719 P E (hp) 满载 1575.28 2054.21 2635.27 3379.58 4280.95 5429.14 压载 1376.44 1819.00 2326.56 2817.86 3380.35 4051.16 110%满载 1732.34 2260.02 2899.10 3717.69 4708.82 5972.29 根据以上数据可作出设计船的有效功率曲线如下: 从曲线上可读取,当V=14.24kn 时,对应的有效马力为=3194.82hp 。
