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Unit 2 vocabulary & reading


考试时间:120 分钟

满分:100 分

Part 1 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)

(Each item: 1)

Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following passage(s) by selecting suitable

words/expressions from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words/expressions more than once.

Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.

"Doctor Samuels, What should I do about my daughter? I'm having trouble 1.

bar r i er

unt i l

i nf l uence

unl ess

i nst ead

ef f ect i ve

st uf f

per spect i ve

chal l engi ng

essent i al

com m uni cat i ng


deci de


r ef l ect with her. She comes in so late at night. I don't know what kinds of 2.

bar r i er

unt i l

i nf l uence

unl ess

i nst ead

ef f ect i ve

st uf f

per spect i ve

chal l engi ng

essent i al

com m uni cat i ng


deci de


r ef l ect she's getting into." Mrs. Frye seemed very 3.

bar r i er

unt i l

i nf l uence

unl ess

i nst ead

ef f ect i ve

st uf f

per spect i ve

chal l engi ng

essent i al

com m uni cat i ng


deci de


r ef l ect as she explained her situation.

The doctor sat silently for a minute and then commented. "Well, Mrs. Frye, 4.

bar r i er

unt i l

i nf l uence

unl ess

i nst ead

ef f ect i ve

st uf f

per spect i ve

chal l engi ng

essent i al

com m uni cat i ng


deci de


r ef l ect communication with your daughter is the most critical thing you can

work on. It is 5.bar r i er

unt i l

i nf l uence

unl ess

i nst ead

ef f ect i ve

st uf f

per spect i ve

chal l engi ng

essent i al

com m uni cat i ng


deci de


r ef l ect that you start by listening. The main 6.

bar r i er

unt i l

i nf l uence

unl ess

i nst ead

ef f ect i ve

st uf f

per spect i ve

chal l engi ng

essent i al

com m uni cat i ng


deci de


r ef l ect teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other."

Troubled, Mrs. Frye could not 7.bar r i er

unt i l

i nf l uence

unl ess

i nst ead

ef f ect i ve

st uf f

per spect i ve

chal l engi ng

essent i al

com m uni cat i ng


deci de


r ef l ect on what the doctor was saying.

Instead she burst out excitedly, "But what about drugs?"
