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1.certificate of origin原产地证

2.list of exhibitors 商品清单

3.certificate of company registration 企业注册证

4.make a badge 办证

mission 佣金

6.Receipt 发票

7.Could I have some information about your scope of business?

8.bank slip 银行水单


1.对外商介绍自己:I’m the …welcome to Guangzhou Trade Fair, can you help me fill out this questionnaire?

2. Information desk






4.You have to pay 300 yuan per person per day for the interpreter to get his/her badge. As for the interpretation fee. You have to negotiate with the interpreter depending on how well he/she can perform.If this interpreter cannot come up to your expectation, we can arrange another one for you.

5.Our interpreter can only accompany you within the complex, so if any problems arise outside , we are not responsible for that. Hope you can understand.

6.Which language do you need?


8.When do you need the interpreter?

9.The fee is up to your discussion with the interpreter.

10.We only provide the interpreter during the period of the Guangzhou Fair and in the assembly hall.


1.Please write down your name and passport number in the form if you are the first time to be here

2.维持秩序时说:Please be quiet and keep order one by one.

3.Business card


5.the first time or not the first time.







5.Welcome to attend the 104th Session of China Import and Export Fair.


1.May I have your card number please?

2.Loyal Buyer Counter is set gifts to our VIPs.

3.How many times have you been here?

4.If you have been here for twenty times or more, then you are our loyal buyer.

5.I can have a check for you.

6.Here is your coupon. This one is for free coffee; this one is for 20-minutes internet. And this is ticket to VIP lounge; you can have a rest in it.

7.I’m very sorry, the computer says you are not our loyal buyer yet.

8.I’m afraid that X (X<10) is not enough, at least ten years.

9. I’m sorry I can’t check how many times you have been here, I just can check whether you are our VIP or not.

10.I’m very sorry I can’t give you the coupon, I must do as the regulation says.

11.I’m sorry I can’t change the record, it’s beyond my ability, but I can tell your problem to somebody responsible.

12.Please go to the information desk for more help.

13.Thank you for your attendance.

14. VIP 贵宾

15.loyal buyers 长期客

16.coupon 优惠券


1.Go straight ahead, you can see when you reach a …

2.It's only about…… minutes' walk.

3.go straight ahead next to on your right/left

4.You’re welcome.

5. Where is … (product)?----------指路句型



1.This way,please.这边请。

2.Toilet 洗手间




1.A list of the delegation 与会名单

2.Invitation from the Canton Fair 广交会邀请函

3.The formal e-mail/document from the Chamber 商会的正式邮件/文件

4.Passport 护照

5.Passport photo 护照照片

6.Business card 名片





1.show room 展示厅

2.exhibit 展示、陈列

3.exhibitor 参展商

4.introduce ...to you 向您介绍...



回答:I will show you around NO.XX hall.



1.Do you have VIP card?

2.Wold you like a cup of coffee?

3.What can I do for you?


1.document 证件

2.plastic-off 过塑



1.订货单 Order

The company received a large order for computers.


2.订货 indent

I'll take them down in this indent book and give you a copy.


3.支付方式 payment

With regard to terms of payment, we regret unable to accept documents against payment.


4. 品牌 brand

Any particular brand?


I am sorry we do not carry that brand.


5. 琶洲会馆 Pazhou Iternational Exhibition Centre

6. 咨询台 information counter

Please go straight to the information counter and get morn help.

7. 接待区 Reception desk

Further information may be obtained from the reception desk.


8. 客户 client

She can't come to the telephone; she's serving a client.

不能来接电话, 她正在接待一位顾客。

9. 参展商 exhibitor

10. 展位 exhibition booth

You can consult your exhibition booth at the reception desk.

11. 展览品 displaying items

Sorry,we are out of stock of this displaying items.



Please take your time

13. 随便参观

Go right ahead, please.

14. 地铁站 Subway station

The nearest subway station is some distance from here.

15. 票务处 Ticket counter

16. 行李寄存处 baggage depositary

Visitors must put parcels and umbrellas to depositary.


17. 电子商务中心 e-commerce center

You can get more virtual information at the e-commerce center

18. 境外客商报到处:Overseas buyers registration

19. 境外客商报到处:Overseas buyers registration

20. 有贴客商:Invitation holders

21. 无帖客商: buyers without invitations

22. 购代表:purchasing agent

23. 国外永久居留证:valid overseas

24. 一年以上境外有效工作签证的中国护照:

A Chinese passport with the valid overseas employment visa valid for over one year

25. 外币兑换人民币 foreign currency exchange into RMB

26. 中国进出口商品交易会(又称广交会):

China Import and Export Fair(or Canton Fair)

27. 琶洲展馆: Pazhou Complex

28. 穆斯林礼拜室 Muslims worship room

29. 采购商证件 Buyers documents

30. 网上广交会 Conton fair online

31. VIP优惠券VIP coupon

32. 食品展区Food pavilion

33. 电子请帖E-invitation

34. 纸质请帖Paper invitation

35. 广交会中心展区Guangzhou Trade Fair Center Pavilion

36. 参展商会Exhibitors Association

原产地证:certificate of origin

37. 企业注册证:list of exhibitors certificate of company registration

38. 办证:make a badge

39. 佣金:commission

40. 发票 :Receipt

41. 银行水单:bank slip

42. 咨询台:Information desk

43. 证章:Badge

44. 票:fee

45. 口译者:interpreter

46. 展馆:complex

47. 通行证、护照:Passport

48. 买方:Buyer

49. 卖方:Supplier

50. 讲台:Platform

51. 目录:Catalog

52. 期客商:loyal buyers

53. 优惠券:coupon

54. 与会名单:A list of the delegation

55. 广交会邀请函:Invitation from the Canton Fair

56. 商会的正式邮件/文件:The formal e-mail/document from the Chamber

57. 护照:Passport

58. 护照照片:Passport photo

59. 名片:Business card



1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help you? /Anything I can do for you?

2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you.

3. It’s a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you.

4. Welcome to China.

5. We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay her


6. I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your fist visit to China?

7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag?


1. Is this your first time to China?

2. Do you travel to China on business often?

3. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China?

4. What line of business are you in?

5. What do you think about…? /What is your opinion?/What is your point of view?


1. Could you say that again, please?

2. Could you repeat that, please?

3. Could you write that down?
