



1.abroad 到国外 go abroad

board 板 on board

2. across 介词,表面穿过 walk across the road

cross动词 cross the road

through介词,空间穿过 go through the window

past介词,经过 walk past the post office

pass动词 pass the test

3. alive 活着的 I am still alive.

live 现场直播 is covered live

居住 live in the city

lively 活泼的 make his class lively and interesting

living make a living/ a living room

4. lonely孤独 feel lonely

孤零零 a lonely house

alone独自 live alone

along沿着 walk along the street

5. asleep睡着的 fall asleep

sleepy困倦的feel sleepy

6. fall落下,倒 fall down

fell :fall的过去式 (fall—fell---fallen)

feel 觉得 feel sleepy/tired---过去式felt

7. badly---worse

Jim acted badly, but Tom did worse.


He plays football well and his father does better.

8. bor ing, interesting, exciting, tiring…修饰物 an interesting story bor ed, interested, excited, tired…修饰人 feel bored

9. borrow 借进(以句子主语为参照物)

May I borrow your pen


Could you lend me some money


How long can I keep the magazine

10. both两者都 Both of his parents are workers.

all三者以上都 All of my classmates are from China.

neither两者都不 Neither of my hands is clean.

none没有一个(三者及以上)None of the four apples is/are red. nothing什么都没有There’s nothing in the fridge.

11. care:take care of

careful 形,仔细的be careful with fire

carefully 副,仔细地 listen carefully

careless 形,粗心的 a careless student

carelessly 副,粗心地drive carelessly

carelessness名,粗心 Your carelessness led to the mistake.

12. take带走(以说话者为中心)remember to take a raincoat

bring带来(以说话者为中心)bring your book here

carry拿,无方向 Could you help me carry the books

13. close 动词,关闭close the door

形,亲密的 my closest friend

closed 形,关着的 keep the door closed

14. closely副,密切地 work closely with us

15. brave形,勇敢的

He is brave enough to save the old man.


have the courage to tell him the bad news


face the difficulties bravely

16. dead 形,死的 have been dead

die 动,死亡 die of hunger

death名,死亡 the death of his pet makes him so sad.

17. especially副,尤其 He is good at all subjects, especially maths. specially副,专门 The pen is specially designed for the boy.

special形,特殊的 a special day

18. except除了

All the students except Tom will go for a school trip.

expect 期待

You are expected to bring it back when you return.

19. excited形,激动的,修饰人feel excited

exciting形,激动人心的,修饰物 an exciting film

excitedly副,修饰人 shouted excitedly

excitement名shout with excitement

little一些,修饰不可数名词 a little money

a few一些,修饰可数名词 a few trees

little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词There’s little water in the glass, is it few几乎没有,修饰可数名词 so few students

形成 form a good reading habit


22.France 法国/ French 法语

German 德国的/ Germany 德国

23.hard努力 work hard

hardly几乎不 The boy hardly does his homework.

24. healthy健康的 keep healthy

health健康it’s good for your health

healthily 健康地 eat healthily

25. if 如果主将从现If he comes, I’ll call you.

是否I don’t know if he will come here.


I wonder whether he’ll come or not.

weather 天气

What will the weather be like tomorrow


The list includes the names of many famous writers.

including 介词

They have many pets, including three cats.

27. invent动词发明 Edison invented a lot of things.

invention名词发明 The invention made much difference to humans. inventor 名词发明者 Edison was a great inventor.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/a118171268.html,st 上一个的 last year;

最后的 make her last apperance

动词,持续 The meeting will last one and a half hours. lasting 形,持久的 a lasting value

29. lie名词,谎言 tell a lie

动词,说谎 He is always lying to us.

动词,位于Japan lies to the east of China.

动词,躺,平放 He likes lying on the grass.



名,运气 good luck

lucky 形,幸运的a lucky number

luckily 副,幸运的是 Luckily, we got better marks.


31.noise名,噪音Don’t make any noise.

noisy 形,吵闹的 much too noisy

noisily副,吵闹地 talk noisily

32. noise 噪音

sound 声音We sat listening to the sound of the waves

听起来The music sounds beautiful.

voice 嗓音 The singer has a sweet voice.

33. provide 提供

provide a chance for the boy=provide the boy with a chance

offer :offer a chance to the boy=offer the boy a chance

34. other别的,加名词 other students

another另一个I don’t like the pair of shoes, would you like to show me another pair

the other 两个中的另一个,常用one…the other Here is a shoe, where’s the other one

others= other+名词

35. over/ under年龄的上下

above/ below温度,楼层的上下

36. peace名词,和平 love peace

peaceful形,宁静的 a peaceful village


we hope to solve the problem peacefully.

37. pleasure名,乐意。对方请求帮助—With pleasure. 帮助后对方感谢—My pleasure./ It’s my pleasure.

pleasant 形,修饰物 a pleasant trip

pleased形,修饰人 I am pleased with the robot.

38. pollute动,污染 The water will be polluted if you do that.

polluted形,被污染的 Our planet is becoming more and more polluted and crowded.

pollution 名,污染 noise pollution

39. quiet 安静的 keep quiet

quite相当 quite quiet

40. receive收到

accept 接受

I received a valuable gift but I didn’t accept it because of its value.

41. realize 实现,主语为人

I am sure you will realize your dream.

come true 实现,主语为物

I hope your dream will come true.

升起,及物动词,后面必须跟宾语raise your hand/ raise the national flag( raise—raised—raised)

rise不及物动词,后面不可以跟宾语 the sun rises, the price rises, the water level rises( rise—rose---risen)

43. sad 形,悲伤的 too sad to say a word

sadness名,悲伤 share your joy and sadness

sadly 副,遗憾的是 Sadly, few people were saved.

44. safe 形,安全的 a safe place

safety 名,安全 Safety comes first.

safely 副,安全地 The plane landed safely.

save 动,挽救 save money, save his life

45. satisfied形,满意的

I am not satisfied with the machine at all.

satisfy 动,满足 satisfy your need


search for(目标)The police are searching the city for the murderer.

47. serve动,服务 serve the old couple politely

service名 I will never forget its good service./ be in service

48. smile名,微笑 wear a big smile on her face

动 smile at me kindly


Her smiling eyes make her loved by all the people.

49. succeed 动,成功

At last, he succeeded in winning the first prize.

success 名,成功

It turned out that her speech was a big success.

successful 形,成功的

I’m sure that you’ll be successful.

successfully 副,成功地

At last, he won the first prize successfully.


How long does it take you to fly to Chengdu

spend 花费时间或金钱,主语为人

He spent 10,000 yuan on the bike.

cost 花费金钱,主语为物

The flat cost me 1,000,000 yuan.

pay 花费金钱,主语为人

They pay 100 yuan for the shoes.

51. though虽然I take my medicine, though I do not like it.

thought想的过去式 I've thought about it for some time.

想法Her thought isn’t the same as mine.

through (从空间)通过the light shines through the sharp teeth

52. wide形,宽的 The river is 300 metres wide.

副,充分地 open his eyes wide

widely 副,广泛地 English is widely used all over the world.

53. hope希望hope to do;实现的可能性大;不可用hope sb. to do, 可改用hope 从句结构 I hope to go to college.

My father hopes that I can go to college.

wish 希望,可用wish sb. to do;实现的可能性不大,所以从句用虚拟语气I wish I could get rid of the habit of smoking.

名,担忧 share your worries with me

动,担忧Don’t worry about your exams.

worried形,担心的I am so worried about his health that I can’t sleep well.

55. have sb. do sth.让某人做某事,类似于make sb. do:

Will you like to have him call you back

have sth done请人做

Her father had the book punished.

have sth to do有……要做

I have too much homework to do today. have done sth做了某事

I have finished all my homework now.


精心整理 仁爱版初中英语单词分类记忆 一、学习用品(school[sku:l]things) Pen 钢笔[pen] Pencil 铅笔 [['pens?l]['pens?l]['pens?l]['pens?l]['pens?l]['pens?l]['pens?l]] pencil-case 铅笔盒['pens ?l-keis] ruler 尺子['ru:l ?] schoolbag 书包['sku:lb?ɡ] eraser 橡皮[i 'reiz ?] crayon 蜡笔['krei ?n] sharpener 卷笔刀 story-book 故事书['st ?:ri-buk] notebook 笔记本['n ?utbuk] Chinesebook 语文书 duck 鸭[d ?k] rabbit 兔['r?bit] horse 马[h ?:s] elephant 大象['elif ?nt] ant 蚂蚁[?nt] fish 鱼[fi ?] bird 鸟[b ?:d] eagle 鹰['i:ɡl] beaver 海狸['bi:v ?] snake 蛇[sneik] mouse 老鼠[maus,mauz] squirrel 松鼠['skw ?:r ?l,'skwi-,'skw ?-] lion 狮子['lai ?n] tiger 老虎['tai ɡ?] fox 狐狸[f ?ks] zebra 斑马['zi:br ?] deer 鹿[di ?] giraffe 长颈鹿[d ?i'r ɑ:f] goose 鹅[ɡu:s] hen 母鸡[hen] turkey 火鸡['t ?:ki] lamb 小羊[l?m] sheep 绵羊[?ip] goat 山羊[ɡ?ut]


1. abroad 到国外go abroad board 板on board 2. across介词,表面穿过walk across the road cross动词cross the road through介词,空间穿过go through the window past介词,经过walk past the post office pass动词pass the test 3. alive活着的I am still alive. live现场直播is covered live 居住live in the city lively活泼的make his class lively and interesting living make a living/ a living room 4. lonely孤独feel lonely 孤零零a lonely house alone独自live alone along沿着walk along the street 5. asleep睡着的fall asleep sleepy困倦的feel sleepy

6. fall 落下,倒fall down fell:fall的过去式(fall—fell---fallen) feel觉得feel sleepy/tired---过去式felt 7. badly—worse Jim acted badly, but Tom did worse. well—better He plays football well and his father does better. 8. bor ing, interesting, exciting, tiring…修饰物an interesting story bor ed, interested, excited, tired…修饰人feel bored 9. borrow借进(以句子主语为参照物) May I borrow your pen? lend借出(以句子主语为参照物) Could you lend me some money? keep借一段时间 How long can I keep the magazine? 10. both两者都Both of his parents are workers. all三者以上都All of my classmates are from China.


中考英语高频词汇汇总 A 动词:accept接受 achieve 实现 advise 建议 afford 支付得起 answer 回答 appear 出现 add 添加 act 行动 allow 允许 agree 同意 arrive到达 ask 问 appreciate 欣赏 argue争论 名词:advice建议 activity 活动 address 地址 age 年龄 air空气 attention注意 accident事故 形容词:able能够的 awful可怕的 active活跃度 afraid恐惧的 alive活着的 amazing 令人惊异的 angry 生气的 asleep睡着的 anxious 焦虑的 actually实际的 alike 相同的 alone 孤独的 代词:any 任何的 anybody 任何人 anymore 不再 anyone 任何人 anything任何事 anytime 任何时间 anywhere任何地方 B 动词:beat打败 begin开始 believe相信 borrow 借来 bring 带来 break 打破 build 建筑burn 燃烧 buy 买 bother 打扰 名词: bank 银行 breakfast早餐 bread 面包 business 商业 形容词:beautiful美丽的 blind 盲的 boring无聊的 born 天生的 bright 明亮的 brave勇敢的 busy 忙

的 C 动词:care 关心,在乎 call打电话 carry扛 catch 抓住 cause 导致 celebrate庆祝 change改变 chat 聊天 check 检查 choose 选择 clean 打扫 clear清除 climb攀爬 close 关 come 来collect收集 communicate 交流 compare比较 consider考虑 continue 继续control 控制connect 连接 cook 煮 copy 复制 cost 花费 count 有价值,数 cover覆盖 cry 哭 create 创造 cross 横过 cut切 名词: capital首都 cancer癌症 care小心 century世纪 chance机会 child 小孩 children小孩(复) choice 选择 city 城市 clothes 衣服 cloud云朵 collection收集 college大学 communication 交流 competition 比赛 contest比赛 conversation对白 corner 拐角 country国家 countryside乡村 courage勇气 culture文化 course 课程 custom风俗 形容词:careful小心点 careless 粗心的 certain确定的 cheap 便宜的 clean干净的 clear 干净的 clever聪明的 close 关着的 cloudy 多运动 colorful 多彩的 comfortable舒服的 common 共同的 confident 自信的 confusing令人困惑的 convenient 方便


●few、a few、little、a little的区别和联系: few / a few用来修饰可数名词,few表示否定意义,没有,几乎没有; a few表示有肯定意思,有几个。例如: He has few friends here, he feels lonely. 他这里没朋友,他感觉寂寞。 There are a few eggs in the basket.篮子里有几个鸡蛋。 little / a little用来修饰不可数名词,little表示否定意思,没有,几乎没有。 a little 表示肯定意思,有一点儿。例如: There is little ink in my bottle, can you give me a little ink? 我的瓶子里没有墨水了,你能给我点儿墨水吗? [问] 1. My father has many books, but he has_____ English books. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few Answer 2. The twins can speak only ___ French. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little Answer [析] 1. few 与little 作形容词用,都表示“几乎没有”,相当于一个否定词。具体区别: (1) few 后面跟复数可数名词。 e.g. few books few students (2) little 后面跟单数不可数名词。 e.g. little water little food e.g. He has few friends. 他没有几个朋友。 They has little money. 他们没有什麽钱 2. a few 与 a little 都表示肯定的意思,指“有一点,有一些”。具体区别: (1) a few 后加可数名词复数 (2)a little 后加不可数名词单数。 e.g. I'm going to buy a few bananas. I can speak only a little Chinese. 3. a little 与little 也可以用作副词,表示“有点”“稍稍” 表示“很少”  e.g. ----Can you speak English? ----Yes, but only a little. This book is a little more difficult than that one. (可修饰形容词比较级) She slept little last night. 昨天晚上,她没有怎么睡觉。 ●very与much very与much表示“很”,“非常”。 不能用very来作修饰词,只能用much来作修饰词 very用于修饰形容词或副词的原级; much用于修饰形容词或副词的比较级,修饰动词要用much或very much. She said she was much better than before. 她说她比过去好多了。 I like English very much. 我非常喜欢英语。


重点单词的用法 1.help v. / n. ---- adj.helpful 1)v. Help sb. (to) do sth. = help sb. with sth. 2)Thanks for your _________. Thanks for _________ me. Can you help me ______ my English? Here is a dictionary. It’s ________ for you to learn English. 2.want v. = would like 1)want to do sth. 2) Want sb. To do sth. 3) Want sth. 3.like v. / n. / prep.----- dislike 1)v. like sb. / sth. like to do sth. = like doing sth. 2)n. Likes and dislikes 3)prep. be like sound like, look like What’s the weather like? What do you look like? 4.enjoy v. enjoy doing sth. finish doing sth. have fun = have a good time doing sth. practice doing sth. spend time / money doing sth. 5.watch / hear / see / find / feel sb. doing sth. watch monkeys climbing around see a snake sleeping near the fire feel things moving 6.go camping / shopping / skating / swimming / boating / go to the movie = go to the cinema go to the countryside go the museum go to the supermarket go to the beach go to school go to work go to bed go to sleep go home 7.put on put up cut up cut down wake up pick up blow out 属于动词和副词构成的短语,要求宾语是_________词时,必须放在动词和副词之间,如果是名词,则位置可__________, 可__________. 1) Here are two apples. Please _______. A. cut it up B. cut them up C. cut up them 2) Every morning, my mother _____. A. wakes me up B. wakes up me C. woke me up 8.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. Teach sb. Sth. = teach sth. To sb. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. For sb. make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. 9.make 1) V. 制作,做make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. make dinner be made of 2)v. 使,让make sb. do sth. make sb. + adj. keep sb. / sth. +adj 3) make friends with sb. Make soup make the bed make a wish


初中形近词意近词辨析 1. public publish polish punish 2. custom costume customer customs 3. alive live living lively 4. dead dying die death deadly 5. attend attention 6. base basis basic 7. believe sb. believe in sb. 8. beside besides 9. near next to 10. bury burial 11. case cage 12. choose choice chose chosen 13. compete complete compare competitor competition 14. celebrate congratulate 15. connect contact sign (a) contract 16. courage encourage discourage courageous 17. create v. adj. n. 18. dessert n. ________ desert n. _______ v. ________ 19. direct adj. ________ v. _______ directly direction director 20. appear appearance disappear disappearance 21. down adj. _______ drown v. _________ dawn n. ________ 22. effort effect affect 23. influence effect affect side effects 24. electronic electric 25. enter enter for entrance 26. change chance take a chance exchange 27. fame famous 28. general gentle gently 29. get used to doing used to do be used to do 30. graduate gradual 31. greet great grateful 32. guard guide 33. produce product 34. treat cure heal 35. save safe safety safely 36. breathe breath bath bathe 37. manage to do succeed in doing 38. proof evidence 39. explain explanation 40. volunteer voluntary 41. traffic transportation 42. case condition


中考阅读及完型高频词汇总结 act v.行动,表演 achieve vt. 完成;达到vi. 达到目的accept vt./ vt. 接受;承认;容纳同意;admire vi./vt. 钦佩;赞美 affect vt.影响,感动 afford vt. 给予,提供;买得起agreement n.协定,协议,同意 aim n.目标,目的 allow vt.允许,准许 amazing a.令人吃惊的 ambulance n.救护车,野战医院 amount n.总数,数量,总和 appear vi. 出现;似乎;显得;appearance n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面application n.请求,申请,施用 against prep. 反对,违反;靠;倚;防备 adj. 对立的;不利的 article n.文章,条款,物品 ashamed adj. 羞愧的 at least 至少,最低限度 athletic a.运动的;竞技的 average n.平均数a.平均的 avoid vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除 battle n.战役,斗争vi.作战 backward(s) adj. 向后的;反向的; adv. 相反地;向后地forward(s) ? basic adj. 基本的;基础的n. 基础;要素beat vt. 打;打败vi. 打;打败;拍打benefit n. 利益,好处 vt. 有益于,对…有益vi. 受益blame vt.责备,把…归咎于 blind a.瞎的,盲目的 bomb v.轰炸n. 炸弹 bother v.打扰 breathe v.呼吸 bully n. / v.欺负 cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼 cancel v.取消 cancer n.癌,癌症 cause n.原因,理由 casual(ly) adj. 偶然的;随便的;非正式的 celebration n.庆祝,祝贺 certain adj. 确信的;有把握的pron. 某些; 某几个 chain n.链,链条,项圈 challenge n.挑战 cheer v.欢呼 close adj.亲密的 comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的 command vt.命令,指挥,控制 common a.普通的,共同的 community n.社区 communicate vi. /vt. 通讯,传达;交流communication ? compare vt.比较,对照 complain v.抱怨,投诉 complaint n.抱怨,控告 complete v. 完成adj.完整的 confuse vt. 使混乱;使困惑 confused ? confident adj. 自信的;确信的 unconfident ? confidence? connect vt.连接,联系 contain vt. / vi.包含;容纳;控制; 含有 contact n.v. 接触,联系 continue vt.继续 control vt.控制,克制n.控制 consider vt. 认为;考虑;细想;把…当作 concentrate vi./ vt. 集中;浓缩;全神贯注 n. 浓缩液;浓缩,精选


初中英语重点单词 A actress 女演员address 地址afternoon 下午answer 答案 April 四月 around 环绕 August 八月accessory 装饰品activity积极的airport机场 animal 动物apartment 公寓 arrive到达 article文章 assistant店员Australia大洋州awful极坏的achievement成绩active活动 alive活着的although即使American美国amount 数量 angry 生气 another 另一个aquarium 水族馆athlete 运动员athletic 健壮的autograph 签名accident 事故advantage 优点against 反对 agent 代理商 album 相册 amazing 惊奇的amusement 娱乐场annoyed 恼怒的anywhere 任何地方asleep 入睡attendant 出席者Australian 澳大利亚人Autumn 秋季awake 醒者的 achieve 完成 active 活动的 actually 实际上 adjustable 可调整的 advertisement 广告 afford 负担 afraid 害怕 aloud 大声的 ancestor 祖先 announce 宣告 anxious 焦虑的 anyway 任何方式 appear 出现 appointment 约会 appreciate 感激 attempt 尝试 attention 注意 attitude 态度 author 作者 award 奖金 B because 因为 birthday照顾 biology生物 boring无聊的 breakfast早饭 brother兄弟 beach海滩 beautiful美丽的 bedroom卧室 beginning开始 behind在—后面 bowl碗 bridge桥 brown棕色的 build建筑 babysit照顾 balance平衡 balanced平衡的 believe相信 bicycle自行车 boil煮 borrow借 butter黄油 bathroom浴室 behave行为 behavior举止 besides除---之外 border边境 bored无聊的 brave勇敢 bright明亮的 building建筑物 battery电池 beside在---附近 biscuit饼干 blind盲的 bother使恼怒 business商业 C carrot 萝卜 clothes衣服 collection收集 computer电脑 contest竞争 conversation交谈 cousin表兄 cabbage白菜 camera照相机 captain首都 central中心的 children儿童 colorful多彩的 corner角落 culture文化 calendar日历 champion冠军 chemistry化学 cinema电影院 comfortable舒适的 common共同的 communicate交际 competition比赛 concert音乐会 countryside乡村 creative有创造力的 capitan队长


2016中考英语:重点单词短语用法大总结 ◆1.cost/take/spend/pay花费 花费时间做某事:It takes sb sometime to do sth.=sb spend sometime(in)doing sth.=sb spend some time on sth.  某人花钱买某物: sb spend some money on sth . = sb pay some money for sth . = sth cost sb . some money . ※ spend 和 pay 主语都是人, cost 主语是物。 ※ spent 还可以指“度过”→ How did you spend your weekend ? The sweater ________ me 90 yuan . =I_______ 90 yuan for the sweater .=I _____ 90 yuan on the sweater . He spent lots of money ________ the mobile phone . It ________ her 20 minutes to go home everyday . = He ________ 20 minutes ________ home every day . ◆2 . thanks for为…而感谢 ⑴ ______inviting me to your birthday party . thanks to 多亏/由于 ⑵______ your help.I got good grades . ◆3 . 感叹句:多么… what + 名词 how + 形容词 / 副词 ⑴. ______ bad weather !⑵. ______ hard he works ! ⑶. ______ fresh vegetables ! ⑷. ______ cute a monkey it is ! ◆4 . 因为、由于: because( 连词 ) +从句: ( 表示原因 ) because of(介词短语) + 名词(短语 )= thanks to ⑴ I didn’t go to school ______ I had a headache . He was late for class ______ the bad weather. He can’t come _____ he is ill . Many people have a cold _____ the cold weather . ※because和 so不能同时连用 . ◆5 . 来自: be from = come from


初中英语首字母高频词汇汇总 A开头单词高频 副词:句中: already also almost always 句尾:again accurately altogether alone 连词: after and as although 介词: around among across along about above after against as 动词:得到:achieve/get/gain/receive afford (afford to do) agree answer allow appear award 代词: a. anything anybody all another any b. both c. everybody/everything/either/each s. somebody/something n. nothing/nobody/neither/none o. others other one(s) 名词: ability B开头单词高频 连词:but because before 介词:besides beside/next to below behind before between 动词:begin/start become believe blow book break borrow 形容词:beautiful/pretty brave brief better/best busy 聪明:bright/clever/smart/wise C 开头单词高频 动词:change sth to sth choose to do sth confuse called catch/know/understand cause sb./sth. to do check v./n. close continue correct v. 纠正complete/finish complain connect…to/with compare…with…cost control 形容词: careful(carefully) careless correct common crazy cheap convenient confident clear comfortable cold clever 一定的:certain/sure be ……to do 一定去做某事 正确:right true correct real 名词:chance choice corner culture/custom hobby/habit D开头单词高频 动词:decide dislike/hate develop discover drive(驱赶) discuss disappear 毁坏,破坏damage/destroy/hurt/wound 形容词:different(difference)difficult dull/boring dishonest deaf dangerous developing--developed 名词:make a decision/suggestion dream/ambition duty diet day danger darkness 介词: during E开头单词高频 副词:even/ever exactly easily everywhere enough especially 形容词:early/earlier easy elder empty excited expensive else(what/who…else anything/nothing else)好的:excellent/perfect/nice/fine/good/great/wonderful 动词: 解释,回答:explain/answer/say/suggest 检查:examine/check enjoy encourage sb. to do end n./v. escape希望:expect/wish/hope 介词:except 名词:end everything/body


初中英语重点单词 A actress 女演员address 地址afternoon 下午answer 答案April 四月around 环绕August 八月accessory 装饰品activity积极的airport机场animal 动物apartment 公寓arrive到达article文章assistant店员Australia大洋州awful极坏的achievement成绩active活动alive活着的although即使American美国amount 数量angry 生气another 另一个aquarium 水族馆athlete 运动员athletic 健壮的autograph 签名accident 事故advantage 优点against 反对agent 代理商album 相册amazing 惊奇的amusement 娱乐场annoyed 恼怒的anywhere 任何地方asleep 入睡attendant 出席者Australian 澳大利亚人Autumn 秋季awake 醒者的achieve 完成active 活动的actually 实际上adjustable 可调整的advertisement 广告afford 负担 afraid 害怕 aloud 大声的ancestor 祖先announce 宣告anxious 焦虑的anyway 任何方式 appear 出现appointment 约会appreciate 感激attempt 尝试attention 注意attitude 态度author 作者 award 奖金 B because 因为birthday照顾biology生物boring无聊的breakfast早饭brother兄弟beach海滩beautiful美丽的


说明: 1.词汇前标有▲是理解词汇,其余是掌握词汇。 2.部分可根据构词法推出的副词和名词不单列。 3.基数词和序数词未单列完全。 A above prep. 在…上面 a. 上面的 ad. 在…之上 ▲accept vt.接受,同意,承担(责任等) accident n. 事故,意外的事 ▲across prep. 横过,穿过 ▲act n. 法令,条例 v. (戏)表演(角色),行动,做事▲active a. 积极的;活跃的;勤奋的 ▲activity n. 活动;行动 ▲advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 agree v. 同意,应允 ▲alive a. 活着的,存在的 ▲allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前,和…在一起,一同 prep. 沿着,顺着 another a. 再一,另一,别的,不同的 pron. 另一个 answer n. 回答,答复,回信,答案 v. 回答,答复,回信,(作出)答 案 ▲appear vi. 出现 ▲area n. 地区,区域,面积,方面 arm n. 臂,支架,(美)武器,武力 v. 以…装备,武装起来 ▲asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡 ▲attention n. 注意,(口令)立正! August n. 八月 Australia n. 澳洲,澳大利亚 ▲Australian a. 澳大利亚的n. 澳大利亚人 B basket n. 篮子 basketball n. 篮球 ▲beach n. 海滨,海滩 ▲bear n. 熊 v. 承受,负担,承担,忍受,容忍beat v.(beat, beaten)敲打,跳动,打赢 n. (音乐)节拍 beautiful a. 美的,美丽的,美观的 ▲beef n. 牛肉 begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手 ▲believe v. 相信,认为 birthday n. 生日 ▲blind a. 瞎的 blow (blew, blown) v. 吹,刮风,吹气▲boring a. 乏味的,无聊的 borrow v. (向别人)借用,借 bottle n. 瓶子 ▲bowl n. 碗 break (broke, broken) v. 打破(断,碎), 损坏,撕开 n. 间歇 breakfast n. 早餐 brown n & a. 棕色,棕色的 brush v & n. 刷,擦,刷子 build (built, built) v. 建筑,造business n. (本分)工作,职业,职责, 生意,交易,事业 ▲butter n. 黄油,奶油 C ▲camera n. 照相机,摄象机 ▲cancer n. 癌 ▲candy n. 糖果 ▲cap n. (无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子,(瓶子的)盖,(钢笔等的)笔套 ▲capital n. 首都,省会,大写,资本careful a. 小心的,仔细的,谨慎的carry v. 拿,搬,抬,背,抱,运等catch (caught, caught) v. 接住,捉住, 赶上,染上(疾病) ▲cause n. 原因,起因 v. 促使,引起,使发生 ▲CD n. 光盘(compact disk 的缩写)centre(美center) n. 中心,中央 ▲century n. 世纪,百年 ▲certain a. 一定的pron. 某几个,某些certainly ad. 当然 ▲chance n. 机会,可能性


9 年级英语重点短语初中英语重点单词短 语 在欧美地区,很多高中是从九年到十二年的,因此 学生在九年是适高中的第一年。下面是X 大家整理的 9 年英重点短,供大家参! 9 年英重点短:Unit1 1.by working with friends 2.make flashcards 3.ask ? for 4.make vocabulary lists 5.work /study with a group 6.learn a lot that way 7.improve one's speaking skill 8.practice conversations with friends 9.join an English club 10.the best way to do sth 11.specific suggestions 12.not at all 13. get excited about? 14.make mistakes 15.make up (conversation)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/a118171268.html,ter on 17.It doesn't matter 18.get the pronunciation right 19.find a pen pal 20.get much writing practice 21.have a partner to practice English with https://www.360docs.net/doc/a118171268.html,ugh at sb 23.take notes 24.be afraid to do sth 25.be afraid of sth 26.begin with 27.end up doing sth =finish doing 28.end up with sth 29.too ? to do sth 30.enjoy doing sth 31.around the world 32.deal with 33.be angry with 34.Time goes by 35.good friendship 36. regard?as? /have? as? /look on?as?/treat ?as?


学霸收藏初中英语核心单词汇总(打印版) 一. 冠词(3个) 1. a 一个(件/只……) 2. an 一个(件/只……) 3. the 这;这个;那;那个 二. 连词(24个) 1. after 在……以后 2. and 和;又 3. as 像……一样;如同;因为 4. because 因为 5. before 在……之前 6. but 但是 7. if 如果;假使;是否;是不是 8. neither 也不 9. nor 也不 10. or 或者;还是;否则 11. since 从……以来;……以后 12. that 既然,由于(引导宾语从句等) 13. though 虽然 14. till 直到;直到……为止 15. until 直到;直到……为止 16. when 当……的时候 17. whether 是否 18. while 在/当……的时候;和……同时 19. than 比 20. so 因此;所以 21. both…and… 两个都;既……又…… 22. not only…but also… 不但……而且…… 23. either…or… 或者……或者……;不是……就是…… 24. neither…nor… 既不……也不…… 三. 介词(37个) 1. about 在各处;四处;关于 2. after 在……之后;在……后面 3. along 沿着;顺着 4. as 作为;当作 5. among 在……中间;在(三者或三者以上)之间 6. at (表示地点/位置)在;(表示时间)在……时(刻);(表示动作的目标和方向) 7. before 在……前面;在……以前 8. behind 在……后面 9. below 在……下面 10. beside 在……旁边;靠近 11. between 在(两者) 之间;在……中间 12. by 在……旁边;靠近;(指时间)不迟于;(用于被动语态) 被(表示方法、手段) 用; 由(指交通工具等) 乘 13. down 沿着(街道、河流)而下 14. during 在……的期间;在……过程中 15. except 除……之外 16. for (表示方向)往;(表示所属) ……的;(说明目的或用途) 为… 17. from (表示起点) 从;(表示开始的时候)从……起;(表示距离)距;(表示来源) 来自 18. in front of 在……前面 19. into (表示动作的方向)到……内;(表示情况和结果的变化)变成 20. in (表示位置)在…里/内/中;在…(时间);穿;戴在…(情况/状况)中;使用(语言) 21. like 像 22. near 在……附近;靠近 24. off (表示脱离)离开 23. of (表示所属关系)…的;表示数量)…的;(表示其中)…的 25. on 在……上面;在……时刻;关于 26. over 在……上方(以上);越过;遍及 27. past (指时间)过;走过某处 28. since 自从…以来 29. through 穿过;通过;从开始到结束 30. till 直到……为止 31. until 直到……为止 32. up 在/向……上面 33. to (表示方向) 到,向;(表示间接关系) 给; (表示钟点) 在……之前 34. with (表示具有) 带有;(表示手段或方法)用;(表示伴随) 与…一道;和…一起


初中英语同义词辨析 英语学习过程中经常遇到同义、近义词的辨析,这是英语学习的难点之一,也是中考考点之一,现在把自己整理的一些初中常见的同义近义词的辨析放在这里,和朋友们交流,也供学生朋友选择学习。1、talk tell speak say speak 和talk 通常用作不及物动词,都有“说话”之意。在会议上发言用speak,名词为speech; 随便漫谈用talk,其名词还是talk; tell表示“讲述”或“告诉”; say表示“说”;例如: can we speak about plans for the holidays? 我们谈谈假期的打算好吗? the patient is too weak to speak. 病人太衰弱了,不能说话。 my father was talking with my teacher when i got home yesterday。昨天我到家时我父亲正在和我的老师谈话。 i always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep. 女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。 it‘s impossible to tell who will win the next election. 下届选举谁能获胜无法预知。 she said nothing to me about it.

关于这一点,她什么也没有对我讲。 *speak 当及物动词用时,宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词。如: does anyone speak english here? 这儿有人会说英语吗? 2、good well nice good 形容词,好的,合适的,新鲜的,擅长的。 well 作形容词时,指"(身体)健康的”;还可用作副词,修饰动词。nice形容词,美好的,令人愉快的,可爱的,特指取悦感官的事物。she is good at english.她擅长英语。 this cake tastes good.这蛋糕好吃。 his mother is very well.他妈妈很健康。 she is a nice little girl.她是个可爱的小姑娘。 3、look see watch read 看 look通常为不及物动词,强调“看”的动作,指“认真看”,强调看的对象时,后须接介词at才能带宾语,即look at。 see是及物动词侧重于看的结果“看见,看到” watch 作动词,意为“观看,注视”,多指观看运动着的事物,如电视、比赛、表演等。 read 主要强调“读,阅读,朗读”,汉语中常译成“看”,多指看书、报、杂志。 look!the man is coming!看!那个男的来了。 look at the map .看这张地图。 can you see the dog over there?你能看见那儿的狗吗?
