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Lesson78 The Last One? 最后一支吗?Words checking 单词连线



nerve concentration suffer symptom v. 受苦,受害

v. 使镇定

v. 为……命名

n. 神经

n. 集中,专心

n. 症状







n. 脾气

n. 满意,满足

adv. 内疚地

adj. 巨大的

v. 力劝,怂恿

adj. 欣喜的

Ⅰ.Reading Comprehension

After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette. For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly. I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temper and an enormous appetite. My friends kept on offering me cigarettes and cigars. They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. After seven days of this I went to a party. Everybody around me was smoking and I felt extremely uncomfortable. When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction. My wife was delighted that things had returned to normal once more. Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking. He himself has done it lots of times!

1. What prompted the writer to give up smoking?

A. something he had read

B. His health

C. something he had heard

D. Something his wife said

2. What did his friends do during that week?

A.They gave him support

B. They stopped smoking too

B.They continued giving him cigarettes D. They never laughed at him.

3. How did the man’s wife feel when he smoked again?


B. happy

C. surprised

D. unconcerned


1. My wife was _________(delight) that things had returned to normal once more.

2. Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the ________(easy) thing in the world to give up smoking. He himself has done it lots of times!

3. I took one _________(guilty), lit it and smoked _________(satisfied).

4. For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered _________( terrible).

5. Everybody around me was smoking and I felt ________(extreme) uncomfortable.




1.(2016·四川高考)At dinner, we said to her, “Happy Mother’s Day!”Mom was grateful and moving.

2.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ) Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem.

3. (2016·全国卷)At one time, I even felt my parents couldn’t understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them.

4.(2015·全国卷Ⅱ) Mom said,“How nice to see you again!Dad and I were terrible worried.”

5.(2016·测试) I am deep moved by what he has done for me. I owe her a thousand thanks with her kindness.

6.(2016·全国卷乙) Instead,he hopes that his business will grow steady.

7.(2016测试) I f we are in danger, we must call the police immediate.


After ________ (read) an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I ________ (light) a cigarette to calm my nerves. I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this ________ (be) my last cigarette. For a whole week I _______(stop)smoke at all and during this time, my wife ________(suffer) terribly.

I _______(have) all the usual symptoms of someone giving up _________ (smoke): a bad temper and an enormous appetite. ….. Everybody around me was smoking and I ________ (feel) extremely uncomfortable. When my old friend Brian ________ (urge) me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear. I ________ (take) one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction. My wife ________(be)delighted that things had returned to normal once more. Anyway, as Brian …. done it lots of times!

Tips (小贴士):
