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corporation [kɔːpə'reɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 公司;法人;社团;市政当局

public corporation公营公司;股份有限公司;上市公司international corporation跨国公司

Mitsubishi Corporation三菱商事


shell corporation空壳公司

private corporation私营公司;股份不上市的公司ransnational corporation 跨国公司

multinational corporation 跨国公司

import and export corporation [经]进出口公司corporation law [经]公司法

investment corporation 投资公司

international corporation 跨国公司

professional corporation 专业公司

federal deposit insurance corporation


finance corporation 贷款公司

private corporation 私营公司

business corporation 企业法人

corporation tax 公司所得税;企业增值税

trading corporation 贸易公司

international finance corporation 国际金融公司

british broadcasting corporation 英国广播公司(BBC)news corporation 新闻集团

public corporation 公营公司;市政机关

holding corporation 控股公司

词根:corporate adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的;社团的So it is no longer the obstacles to the corporation donation. 另外,该部分还以企业公民理论为依据,指出公司捐赠是公司权利和义务的结合体。

For the corporation of the molecular the weight-loss of the foils decreases largely and better inhibition effects can be obtained comparing using single component.

由于分子间的协同作用,与使用单组分相比铝箔的失重有了较大幅度的减少,可获得更好的缓蚀效果。cooperation [kəʊ,ɒpə'reɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 合作,协作

International Cooperation国际合作

economic cooperation经济合作

regional cooperation区域合作

bilateral cooperation双边合作

Investment Cooperation投资合作

Team cooperation团队合作

Strategic cooperation战略合作

Project Cooperation项目合作

in cooperation with 与…合作

technical cooperation 技术合作

mutual cooperation 相互合作

cooperation partner 合作伙伴

development cooperation 发展合作

promote cooperation 促进合作

tacit cooperation 配合默契

approaches to cooperation 合作方式

economic cooperation administration(美国)经济合作署cooperate adj.合作的;合作社的vi.合作,配合;协力cooperative 合作社

cooperator 合作者;合作社社员

cooperativity [生化] 协同(性);协调(性)

The success of our plan rests on your cooperation.


While in the past we stressed aid, now we stress economic cooperation.


He homed on a pointless quarrel when we discussed the plan of cooperation.在讨论我们双方的合作方案时,他把讨论引入了无谓的争吵。

In any private cooperation, there is a final line between what is good for management and what is good for shareholders.在任何一个私人企业里,总是有一条底线划分,怎样对管理有利,怎样对股东有利。

例:The U.N. had been cooperating with the State Department on a plan to find countries willing to take the refugees.联合国和美国国务院合作,制定计划来寻找愿意接纳难民的国家。

例:He agreed to cooperate with the police investigation.他同意配合警方调查。

例:The police underlined the importance of the public's cooperation in the hunt for the bombers.

