



汽车英语缩写全集(按开头字母排列G-O)GG Grams 克G Center of Gravity 重心G Generator 发电机.发生器G Ground 地,接地G Acceleration of Gravity 重力加速度G Gas 气体.煤气.燃气G General 一般的.总则GA General Arrangement 安装图.总图GA General Average 平均值Ga Gauge 量具.量计,仪表GAL Gallon 加仑GAL Galileo 伽利略(重力加速度单位)GAS.F Gas Filter 汽油滤清器GAWR Gross Axle Weight Rating (US) 车轴公称总重GAWR Gross Axle Weight Rear 后轴总重量GC Gravity Center 重心GC Gas Chromatography 气相色谱法GCM Covernor Control Module 调速控制电脑GCU Generator Control Unit 发电机控制装置GCW Gross Combination Weight (US) 综合总重, 连结车辆总重量GDS Goods 货物.商品GE Glaenzer External Joint 左右移动受限型万向接头Gen Generator 发电机GFRP Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics 玻璃纤维强化塑料GG Gas Generator 气体发生器GI Glaenzer Inboard Joint 滑块伸缩型万向接头GL Grand Luxurious 豪华车GM Gram 克GM General Manager 总经理GM General Motors Corporation (美国)通用汽车公司GM Governor Motor 调速机用电动机GM Metacentric Height (浮体的)定倾中心高度GM Geometric Mean 几何平均数GM Greenwich Meridian 格林尼治子午线GM Guided Missile 导弹GMC General Motors Corporation (美国)通用汽车公司GMCVT General Motor*ContinuouslyVariable Transmision 通用汽车公司的无级变速器Gnd Ground 接地Gov Governor 调速器GP General Purpose 一般用途的,通用的GP Geometric Progression 几何级数,等比级数GP Gear Ratio 传动比GPHM Gallons Per Hundred Miles 加仑/百英里GPM Gallons Per Minute 加仑/分GPS Global Positioning System 卫星导航系统GR AB Grade Ability 爬坡能力,爬坡度GRN Green 绿色GRY Gray 灰色GS Grand Sporty 华丽的娱乐车GSC Governor Speed Converter 调速转换器GSS Gear Select Switch 档位选择开关GSS Grand Sporty Sedan 华丽的娱乐型轿车GT Grand Touring Car 高速游览车GT Gas Turbine 燃气轮机GT Grand Touring Car 跑车GTW Gross Train Weight 列车总重GTW Gross Trailer Weight 挂车总重GVW Gross Vehicle Weight 车辆总重量GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 车辆总重量GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rear 车辆后部总重量GW Gross Weight 总重量GW Guided Weapon 制导武器,导弹HH *High Speed *Hight *Hour *Head *Heavy *Heavy *Hot *Henry *高速 *高度 *时间 *落差 *浓的 *重的 *热 *亨利H Hardness 硬度H Head 水头,落差H Height 高度H Henry 亨利(电感单位)H Hour 小时H Hydrogen 氢H Magnetic Field Intensity 磁场强度H.D. High Density 高浓度H/D Headlight 大灯,头灯H/D Heavy Duty 重负荷H/D Heater/Defroster 加热器-除霜器HA Hectare 公顷HA High Altitude 高空(4500-6000米)HA High Amplitude 高振幅HAC High Altitude Compensator 高海拔补偿器HAC S/W High Altitued Compensation Switch 高海拔补偿开关HACV Hot Air Control Valve 热气控制阀HADV Heated Air Delay Valve 热空气延迟阀HAI Heated Air Intake 热空气进气HAS High Altitude System 高海拔系统HATSV Heated Air Temperature Sensing Valve 热空气温度感知阀Haz Hazard 紧急,危急HBV Heater Blower Voltage 暖气鼓风机电压HC Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物HCV Heat Control Valve 热控阀HCV Hot Control Valve 热控制阀HD Heavy Duty 重负荷HDAC Heater, Defroster, Air ConditioningAssembly 加热器,除霜器及空调总成HDC Heavy Duty Cooling 重负载冷却HDL Headlamp 大灯HDPE High-Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯HDT Heavy Duty Truck 重负载卡车HDT Heat Distortion 热变形HDT Heat Distortion Temperature 热变形温度HEA Heater Evaporator Assembly 加热器蒸发器总成Head Lt Headlight 大灯HEDF High Speed Electro-Drive Fan 高速电风扇HEF High-Energy Fuels 高能燃料HEGO Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 加热尾气含氧量传感器HEI High Energy Ignition 高能点火HELP High-Energy Level Pneumatic Bumper 高能级充气保险杠HEXCH Heat Exchanger 热交换器HF High Frequency 高频率HFC High Speed Electro-Drive Fan 高速电动风扇HFP High Fuel Pump 高压油泵Hgt Height 高度HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle 重型货车,重型运输车辆HHV High Heating value高热值HI High Beam 远光(大灯)Hi High 高HI ALT High Altitude 高海拔HI ALT High Altitude 高气层HI-FI High Fidelity 高保真度,高保真的HI-Q High Quality Factor 高品质因数Hi-Spd High Speed 高速HIC Hot Idle Compensator 高温怠速补偿器HIC High Intensity Discharge Headlight 高亮度放电大灯HIC Head Injury Criterion (汽车碰撞事故中的)头部伤害标准HIC Hybrid Integrated Circuit Igniter Unit混合集成电路点火装置HL Head Light 前照灯HL Hardening Liquid 淬火液HLOS Hardware Limited Operation Strategy 硬体受限的操作方法HM Hydraulic Motor 液压马达HMOS High-Performance Metal-Oxide-SiliconDevice 高性能氧化硅晶体器件HNDL Handle 把手(有时亦用于方向盘简称)HO High Ouput 高输出HOBC High Octane Blending Compound 高辛烷值混合物HOE Hydraulically Operated Equipment 液压设备.液动装置HOS2 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 含氧传感器Hot Idle Comp Vlv Hot Idle Compensator Valve热机怠速补偿阀HOVI Handbook of Overhaul Instructions 大修须知HP Horse Power 马力HP High Performance 高性能HP High Pressure 高压HP Hydraulic Pump 液压泵HP Harmonical Progression 调和级数HP High Pass 高通HP High Power 大功率HP Hip Point 臀点(汽车驾驶员操作空间范围的人体基准原点) HP Horizontal Parallax 水平视差HP Horizontal Plane 水平面HP Hot Press 热压机HPC High Pressure Chamber 高压燃烧室HPR High Penetration Resistance (轮胎等的)高抗穿透性HPR High Pressure Governor 高压调节器HPR Horse Power/Hour 马力小时HPV Honda Progressive Valve 本田封气式保险杆用阀HR Heart Rate 心跳速率Hrn. Horn 喇叭HRS Hot Rolled Steel 热轧钢HS Helical Spring 螺旋弹簧HS High Speed 高速HSC High Swirl Combustion(engine) 强涡流燃烧室发动机Hsg. Housing 外壳HSGT High Speed Ground Transportation 超高速陆地运输HSI High Speed Input 高速输入装置HSO High Speed Output 高速输出装置HSP High Swirl Port 强涡流进气口HT High Temperature 高温HT High Tension 高压HT Oxygen Sensor Heater 含氧传感器加温件HTCC High-Turbulence Combustion Chamber 强涡流燃烧室HTD High Torque Drive 大扭矩驱动,大扭矩传动HTR Heater 加热器,暖气机HTR Heavy Truck 重型卡车HUCR Highest Useful Compression Ration 最高有效压缩比HVAC Heating, Ventilation and AirConditioning 暖气通风及空调HVACM Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module HVAC之电脑HVM Heater-Vent-Module 暖气通风模组HW Half-Wave 半波HW Head Wind 顶风,逆风HW Herewith 附上,用同法HW Hot Water 热水HW Hand-Wheel Angle 转向盘转角HWA Hot-Wire Anemometer 热线式气流速度计HWFET Highway Fuel Economy Test 美国环保局的高速公路省油测试模式HWTorq Hand-Wheel-Torque 转向盘力矩HWY Highway 公路HY.S Hydropneumatic Suspension 液压-空气悬架Hyd. Hydraulic 油压式,液压的HZ Hertz 赫兹G-HGG Grams 克G Center of Gravity 重心G Generator 发电机.发生器G Ground 地,接地G Acceleration of Gravity 重力加速度G Gas 气体.煤气.燃气G General 一般的.总则GA General Arrangement 安装图.总图GA General Average 平均值Ga Gauge 量具.量计,仪表GAL Gallon 加仑GAL Galileo 伽利略(重力加速度单位)GAS.F Gas Filter 汽油滤清器GAWR Gross Axle Weight Rating (US) 车轴公称总重GAWR Gross Axle Weight Rear 后轴总重量GC Gravity Center 重心GC Gas Chromatography 气相色谱法GCM Covernor Control Module 调速控制电脑GCU Generator Control Unit 发电机控制装置GCW Gross Combination Weight (US) 综合总重, 连结车辆总重量GDS Goods 货物.商品GE Glaenzer External Joint 左右移动受限型万向接头Gen Generator 发电机GFRP Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics 玻璃纤维强化塑料GG Gas Generator 气体发生器GI Glaenzer Inboard Joint 滑块伸缩型万向接头GL Grand Luxurious 豪华车GM Gram 克GM General Manager 总经理GM General Motors Corporation (美国)通用汽车公司GM Governor Motor 调速机用电动机GM Metacentric Height (浮体的)定倾中心高度GM Geometric Mean 几何平均数GM Greenwich Meridian 格林尼治子午线GM Guided Missile 导弹GMC General Motors Corporation (美国)通用汽车公司GMCVT General Motor*ContinuouslyVariable Transmision 通用汽车公司的无级变速器Gnd Ground 接地Gov Governor 调速器GP General Purpose 一般用途的,通用的GP Geometric Progression 几何级数,等比级数GP Gear Ratio 传动比GPHM Gallons Per Hundred Miles 加仑/百英里GPM Gallons Per Minute 加仑/分GPS Global Positioning System 卫星导航系统GR AB Grade Ability 爬坡能力,爬坡度GRN Green 绿色GRY Gray 灰色GS Grand Sporty 华丽的娱乐车GSC Governor Speed Converter 调速转换器GSS Gear Select Switch 档位选择开关GSS Grand Sporty Sedan 华丽的娱乐型轿车GT Grand Touring Car 高速游览车GT Gas Turbine 燃气轮机GT Grand Touring Car 跑车GTW Gross Train Weight 列车总重GTW Gross Trailer Weight 挂车总重GVW Gross Vehicle Weight 车辆总重量GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 车辆总重量GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rear 车辆后部总重量GW Gross Weight 总重量GW Guided Weapon 制导武器,导弹HH *High Speed *Hight *Hour *Head *Heavy *Heavy *Hot *Henry *高速 *高度 *时间 *落差 *浓的 *重的 *热 *亨利H Hardness 硬度H Head 水头,落差H Height 高度H Henry 亨利(电感单位)H Hour 小时H Hydrogen 氢H Magnetic Field Intensity 磁场强度H.D. High Density 高浓度H/D Headlight 大灯,头灯H/D Heavy Duty 重负荷H/D Heater/Defroster 加热器-除霜器HA Hectare 公顷HA High Altitude 高空(4500-6000米)HA High Amplitude 高振幅HAC High Altitude Compensator 高海拔补偿器HAC S/W High Altitued Compensation Switch 高海拔补偿开关HACV Hot Air Control Valve 热气控制阀HADV Heated Air Delay Valve 热空气延迟阀HAI Heated Air Intake 热空气进气Harn Harness 线束HAS High Altitude System 高海拔系统HATSV Heated Air Temperature Sensing Valve 热空气温度感知阀Haz Hazard 紧急,危急HBV Heater Blower Voltage 暖气鼓风机电压HC Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物HCV Heat Control Valve 热控阀HCV Hot Control Valve 热控制阀HD Heavy Duty 重负荷HDAC Heater, Defroster, Air ConditioningAssembly 加热器,除霜器及空调总成HDC Heavy Duty Cooling 重负载冷却HDL Headlamp 大灯HDPE High-Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯HDT Heavy Duty Truck 重负载卡车HDT Heat Distortion 热变形HDT Heat Distortion Temperature 热变形温度HEA Heater Evaporator Assembly 加热器蒸发器总成Head Lt Headlight 大灯HEDF High Speed Electro-Drive Fan 高速电风扇HEF High-Energy Fuels 高能燃料HEGO Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 加热尾气含氧量传感器HEI High Energy Ignition 高能点火HELP High-Energy Level Pneumatic Bumper 高能级充气保险杠HEXCH Heat Exchanger 热交换器HF High Frequency 高频率HFC High Speed Electro-Drive Fan 高速电动风扇HFP High Fuel Pump 高压油泵Hgt Height 高度HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle 重型货车,重型运输车辆HHV High Heating value高热值HI High Beam 远光(大灯)Hi High 高HI ALT High Altitude 高海拔HI ALT High Altitude 高气层HI-FI High Fidelity 高保真度,高保真的HI-Q High Quality Factor 高品质因数Hi-Spd High Speed 高速HIC Hot Idle Compensator 高温怠速补偿器HIC High Intensity Discharge Headlight 高亮度放电大灯HIC Head Injury Criterion (汽车碰撞事故中的)头部伤害标准HIC Hybrid Integrated Circuit Igniter Unit混合集成电路点火装置HL Head Light 前照灯HL Hardening Liquid 淬火液HL Horizontal Line 水平线HLOS Hardware Limited Operation Strategy 硬体受限的操作方法HM Hydraulic Motor 液压马达HMOS High-Performance Metal-Oxide-SiliconDevice 高性能氧化硅晶体器件HNDL Handle 把手(有时亦用于方向盘简称)HO High Ouput 高输出HOBC High Octane Blending Compound 高辛烷值混合物HOE Hydraulically Operated Equipment 液压设备.液动装置HOS2 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 含氧传感器Hot Idle Comp Vlv Hot Idle Compensator Valve热机怠速补偿阀HOVI Handbook of Overhaul Instructions 大修须知HP Horse Power 马力HP High Performance 高性能HP High Pressure 高压HP Hydraulic Pump 液压泵HP Harmonical Progression 调和级数HP High Pass 高通HP High Power 大功率HP Hip Point 臀点(汽车驾驶员操作空间范围的人体基准原点) HP Horizontal Parallax 水平视差HP Horizontal Plane 水平面HP Hot Press 热压机HPC High Pressure Chamber 高压燃烧室HPR High Penetration Resistance (轮胎等的)高抗穿透性HPR High Pressure Governor 高压调节器HPR Horse Power/Hour 马力小时HPV Honda Progressive Valve 本田封气式保险杆用阀HR Heart Rate 心跳速率Hrn. Horn 喇叭HRS Hot Rolled Steel 热轧钢HS Helical Spring 螺旋弹簧HS High Speed 高速HSC High Swirl Combustion(engine) 强涡流燃烧室发动机Hsg. Housing 外壳HSGT High Speed Ground Transportation 超高速陆地运输HSI High Speed Input 高速输入装置HSO High Speed Output 高速输出装置HSP High Swirl Port 强涡流进气口HT High Temperature 高温HT High Tension 高压HT Oxygen Sensor Heater 含氧传感器加温件HTCC High-Turbulence Combustion Chamber 强涡流燃烧室HTD High Torque Drive 大扭矩驱动,大扭矩传动HTR Heater 加热器,暖气机HTR Heavy Truck 重型卡车HUCR Highest Useful Compression Ration 最高有效压缩比HVAC Heating, Ventilation and AirConditioning 暖气通风及空调HVACM Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module HVAC之电脑HVM Heater-Vent-Module 暖气通风模组HW Half-Wave 半波HW Head Wind 顶风,逆风HW Herewith 附上,用同法HW Hot Water 热水HW Hand-Wheel Angle 转向盘转角HWA Hot-Wire Anemometer 热线式气流速度计HWFET Highway Fuel Economy Test 美国环保局的高速公路省油测试模式HWTorq Hand-Wheel-Torque 转向盘力矩HWY Highway 公路HY.S Hydropneumatic Suspension 液压-空气悬架Hyd. Hydraulic 油压式,液压的HZ Hertz 赫兹II *Intension *Intermediate *强度 *中间I-LE In-Line Engine 直列式发动机I-TEC Isuzu Total Electronic Control 五十铃全电子控制I.CAS Isuzu Clean Air System 五十铃空气净化装置I.D Inside Diameter 内径I.T. Ignition Timing 点火正时I/O Input/Output 输入/输出I/P Instrument Panel 仪表板IA Input Axis 输入轴IAC Idle Air Control 怠速空气控制IAC Idle Air Control Motor 怠速空气控制马达IACV Idle Air Control Valve 怠速控制阀IAF International Automobile Federation 国际汽车联合会IAS Idle Air Stepper 怠速空气步进马达IAS Idle Air Solenoid 怠速空气电磁阀IAT Intake Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器IB Interior Lights Control 车内灯光控制IBP Integral Back-Pressure 整体逆压力IBT Iniitial Brake Lining Temperature 制动摩擦片初始温度IC Idle Compensator 怠速补偿器IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路IC Ignition Control 点火控制IC Inductance-Capacitance 电感量-电容量IC Intermediate Circuit 中间电路IC Internal Connection 内部连接IC Intake Valve Closes 进气门关闭IC Interal Combustion Engine 内燃机ICA Ignition Control Additive 着火控制添加剂ICAS Isuzu Cleaner Air System 五十铃净化空气装置ICE Internal Combustion Engine 内燃机ICEI Internal Combustion Engine Institute 内燃机协会ICM Ignition Control Module 点火控制模组ICRV Intake Control Rotary Valve 进气调节旋转阀ICVS Idle Control Solenoid Vacuum Switch 怠速控制电磁阀真空开关ID Identification 辨识ID Inside Diameter 内径ID Identification Inside Diameter 识别内径ID Inducted Draft 导流通风ID Intelligence Division 情报部门ID Item De script ion 项目说明ID Inductive Discharge (ignition) 电感放电点火IDI Integrated Direct Ignition 综合控制直接点火IDI Indirect Injection 间接喷射IDIS ISUZU Dual Fuel Injection Syste 五十铃汽车的双燃油喷射系统IDM Ignition Diagnostic Module 点火诊断模块IE Index Error 指标误差,系数误差IE Industrial Egineering 工业管理学IEC Integrated Environmental Contro 综合环境控制IEE Institute of Environmental Engineers 环境工程师学会IES Idle Enrichment System 怠速增浓系统IEV Idle Enricher Valve 怠速浓化阀IF Intermediate Frequency 中间频率IFC Integrated Fuel Control 综合控制供油IFS Inertia Fuel Shutoff 惯性断油开关IFS Independent Front Suspension 前独立悬挂IGC Ignition Contrlooed Module 变速器档位和进气管负压控制点火传感器IGCM Ignition Control Module 点火控制器IGN Ignition 点火Ign Gnd Ignition Ground 点火搭铁Ign.Mod.Sens. Ignition Module Sensor 点火模组传感器IGSW Igntion Switch 点火开关IGT Igniter 点火器IHC Inlet Heat Control 热气入口控制IHP Indicated Horse Power 指示马力IIA Integrated Ignition Assembly 整体式点火总成ILC Idle Load Control 怠速负荷控制ILC Idle Load Compensator 怠速负荷补偿器ILC Idle Limitter Cap 怠速调整螺丝盖ILC Integrated Liquid Coupled(system) 增压空气用综合式液体冷却系统Illum Illumination 照明,点亮IM Impulse Modulation 脉冲调制IM Induction Motor 感应电动机IM Inspection Manual 检验手册IM Index Manual 索引手册IMA Idle Mixture Adjuster 怠速混合调节IMCS Improved Combustion System 改良燃烧系统IMD Ignition Monitor Detect 点火监视侦测IMECHE Instiution of Mechanical Engineers(UK) 机械工程协会(英)IMEP Indicated Mean Effective Pressure 平均指示有效压力IMI Institute of the Motor Industry (UK) 英国汽车工程协会IMP Impact 冲击,碰撞IMP Impeller 泵轮,叶轮,转子IMP Impulse 冲击,脉冲IMP Integrated Monitor Panel 综合监控台IMRC Intake Manifold Runner Control 进气歧管通路控制IMS Ignition Module Select 点火模组选择IN *Inch *Intake *英寸 *进气In Inch or Inches 英寸In Input 输入In Lbs Inch Pounds 英寸--磅IN.HG Inches of Mercury 英寸汞柱INC Intake Close 进气阀INC Incinerator 焚化炉,煅烧装置INC Incorporated 合并的INC Inclusive 包括在内的,计算在内的INC Increase 增加,增大.增量INC Inlet Close 进气门关闭,进气停止Incand Incandescent 发光ind Indicator 指示器Infl Inflate 膨胀,充气INFL REST Inflatable Restrain 安全气囊INFL. Inflate 打气, 充气Info Information 讯息,资料Ing Ignition 点火Inhib. Inhibitor 抑制器INJ Injector 喷油嘴Inj. Injector or Injection 喷射器或喷射INJ1 Injector Bank #1 or Injector #1 第一排喷油嘴或1号喷油嘴INJ2 Injector Bank #2 or Injector #2 第二排喷油嘴或2号喷油嘴INO Intake Open 进气开Inp Input 输入Inst Instrument 仪器,仪表板Inst Clstr Instrument Cluster 仪器板,仪表线束Int Interior 内部Interm Intermittent 间歇的Intgrtd Integrated 综合的,集成的Intgrtn Integration 调整(积分)Intrpt Interrupt 中断INVECS Intelligent and Innovation Vehicle Electric Control System (三菱)汽车智慧型控制系统全称Invrtr Inverter 转换器,变压器IO Intake Valve Opens 进气门开启IOE Inlet Over Exhaust(valves) 经进气门进气IOS Instrumentation Operations Station 仪表操作台IP Instrument Panel 仪表板IP Impact Point 碰撞点,命中点,目标点IP Induction Period 吸气过程,吸气期IP Initial Point 初始点IP Inside Primary 初级线圈的内端IP Intersecting Point 交点,转角点IP Initial Phase 初始相位IP Ignition Point 燃点,着火点,发火点IP Iron Pipe 铁管IP Indicated Power 指示功率IP Instument Panel 仪表板IPC Instrument Panel Cluster 仪表板IPS Ignition Pressure Switch 点火压力开关IR Infrared 红外线的IRCM Integral Relay Control Module 集成断电器控制模组IRS Independent Rear Suspension 后独立悬挂IRT Infrared Radiation Thermometer 红外辐射温度计IS Idle Switch 怠速开关IS Independent Suspension 独立悬挂ISA Idle Speed Actuator 怠速执行器ISA International Standard Atmosphere 国际标准大气压ISC Idle Speed Control 怠速控制ISC Idle Speed Compensator 怠速补偿器ISC 1 IAC Motor No.1 Coil IAC马达1号线圈ISC 2 IAC Motor No.2 Coil IAC马达2号线圈ISC 3 IAC Motor No.3 Coil IAC马达3号线圈ISC 4 IAC Motor No.4 Coil IAC马达4号线圈ISC F/R Idle Speed Control DC MotorForward/Reverse 怠速控制直流马达前进/倒退ISC-BYPA Idle Speed Control-Bypass Air 怠速控制-空气旁通阀ISC-DCM Idle Speed Control Direct Current Motor 怠速控制直流马达ISC-ENA Idle Speed Control DC Motor Enable 怠速控制直流马达驱动ISC-PW Idle Speed Control Pulse Width Drive 怠速控制脉冲马达宽度驱动ISCSMA.B Idle Speed Control Stepper MotorWinding A or B 怠速控制步进马达绕线组A 或 B ISCV Idle Speed Control Valve 怠速控制阀ISFC Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption 指示比油耗ISO International Standards Organization 国际标准协会ISS Idle Stop Solenoid 怠速停止电磁阀ISS Industry Standard Specifications 工业标准规范ISV Idle Silence Valve 怠速消声阀ISYNC Injector Synchronizing Sensor 喷油器同步传感器ITC Intake Air Temperature Compensator 进气温度补偿阀ITCS Ignition Timing Control System 点火正时控制系统ITS Idle Tracking Switch 怠速追踪开关ITVS Ignition Timing Vacuum Switch 点火正时真空开关IVC Inlet Valve Closed 进气门闭IVC Intake Valve Closing 进气门关闭IVO Inlet Valve Open 进气门开IVPWR Internal Power Supply Voltage 内部电源电压IVR Instrument Voltage Regulator 仪表电压调节器IVSC Integrated Vehicle Speed Control 整体车速控制IVSV Idle Vacuum Switching Valve 怠速真空开关阀IVT Infinitely Variable Transmission 无级变速器IVT Intake Valve Throttle(engine) 进气门节流发动机IVT Intake Valve Throttle 进气门节流IVV Idle Vacuum Valve 怠速真空阀J-LJJ Joule 焦耳J.J. Jungle Jeep 丛林吉普J/B Junction Block 接线盒J/B Junction Box 连接盒JACV Jet Air Control Valve 涡轮增压发动机压燃室空气喷射控制阀JAF Japan Automobile Federation 日本汽车联盟JAMA Japan Automotive ManufacturersAssociation inc 日本汽车制造厂协会JAPIA Japan Auto Parts Industries Association 日本汽车零配件工业协会JARI Japan Automobile Research Institute,inc 日本汽车研究所JAS Jet Air System 喷射空气系统JASP Jet Air Suction Port 进气口二次空气喷射JATMA the Japan Automobile TireManufacturers* Association,inc 日本汽车轮胎厂协会JD Judging Distance 目测距离JES Japan Engineering Standards 日本工业规格JFET Junction Type Field Effect Transistor结型场效应晶体管JIS Japan Industrial Standards 日本工业规格Jmpr. Jumper 跨线JSME Japanese Society of MechanicalEngineers 日本机械工程师学会Junc Junction 连接JW Jacket of Water 水套JW Jacket Water(charge air cooling system增压空气用水套水冷却系统KK *Kilo *Absolute Temperature *千 *绝对温度K-B Keyboard 键盘K.R. Knock Rating 爆震率k/ohms 1000 Ohms 千欧KA Kiloamper 千安培KAM Keep Alive Memory 不失效记忆体KAPWR Keep Alive Power 保持电源(送正电)KARMAN VAFM Karman Vortices Air Flow Meter卡门式空气流量计KC Kilocycle 千周,千赫KCAL Kilocalorie 千卡洛里KCS Knock Control System 爆震控制系统KD Knocked Down 拆卸的,拆散的,解体的KOEO Key On, Engine Off 点火打开,引擎关闭KOER Key On, Engine Running 点火打开,引擎运转KEYPWR Key Power 主要电源kg Kilograms 公斤kg/cm2 Kilograms Per Square Centimeter 公斤/平方厘米KI Knoch Input 爆震输入装置KKM Kreiskolben Motor 行星旋转活塞发动机KLCR Knock Limited Comperssion Ratio 敲缸极限压缩比KLSA Knock Limit Spark Angle 爆震极限点火(提前)角KM/H Kilometers Per Hour 每小时公里KM/L Kilometers/Liter 每公升公里KNK Knock Sensor 爆震传感器KNOCK Knock Sensor 爆震传感器KOEO Key On Engine Off 点火开关打开,发动机不起动(静态)KOER Key On Engine Running 点火开关打开,发动机运转(动态)KPH Kilometer Per Hour 每小时里程数KRA Kilopascals 千巴斯卡KRT Cathode-Ray Tube 阴极射线管KS Knock Sensor 爆震传感器KS SYSTEM Knock Sensor Sysetem 敲缸传感系统KTS Knock Threshold Select 爆震起始选择装置KV Kiolvolts 千伏KVIS Kinematic Viscosity 运动粘度KW Kilo-Watt 千瓦LL Liter 升L L-head engine L型头发动机L L-jetronic L型喷射系统L *Lift *Light *Loosen *Liter *Limit *Luxurious *Length *Low *左侧 *轻 *松弛 *升 *限制 *豪华 *长度 *低速L Fnt Left Front 左前L-4 Four Cylinder In-Line(engine) 直列式4缸发动机L-6 Six Cylinder In-Line(engine) 直列式6缸发动机L-R Lean-to-Rich(swich) 混合气稀转浓开关L-R Left-Right 左--右L.Fnt. Left Front 左前L.O. Lubrication Oil 润滑油L/D Light Duty (Emissions) 轻级(废气)L/D Light Duty 轻负荷L4 Straight 4-Cylinder 直列式4汽缸引擎L6 Straight 6-Cylinder 直列式6汽缸引擎LAB Laboratory 实验室,试验所,研究室Lat Latched 门锁LB Pound 磅LB Lifeboat 救生艇,救生船LB Light Bracket 轻型托架LB Line Busy (电话)占线LB Local Battery 本机电池LB.FT. Pound Feet 磅尺LB.IN. Pound Inch 磅寸Lbs. Pounds 磅LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器LCL Less Than Carload 零担货(少于一车的货物)LCL Local 局部的,当地的,本机的LCL Lower Contor Limit 控制下限LCR Low Compression Ratio 低压缩比LCV Load Control Valve 负载控制阀LDC Lower Dead Center 下止点LDC Long Distance Call 长途通话LDT Light Duty Truck 轻负载卡车LDV Laser Doppler Velocimeter 激光多普勒测计LEB Lean -Burn Engine 稀燃发动机LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LF Left Front 左前LFP Low Fuel Pump 低压油泵LFT Left 左Lftgte Liftgate 举起,尾门(掀背式)Lftgte. Liftgate 尾门,第五门LFV Lateral Force Variation 侧力震动LGP Low Ground Pressure 低对地压力LH Left-hand 左手,左侧LH Latent Heat 潜热LH Liquid Hydrogen 液态氢LH Lower Half 下半部LHC Liquid Hydrogen Container 液态氢容器LHD Load,Haul,Dump 装载,拖运,倾卸作业LHDS Laser Hole Drilling System 激光钻孔装置LHV Lower Heat value低热值Lic License 牌照LIM Linear Induction Motor 线性感应电动机LIM Limit 极限LIM Limiter 限制器,限幅器LITV Late Intake-Valve Closing(system) 进气门延迟开闭系统LIVC Late Intake-Valve-Closing(engine) 进气门延迟开闭发动机Lk Lock 锁LKM Lamp Monitor 灯泡监控制器LLA Light Load Advance(device) 发动机的小负荷点火提前装置LLC Lean Limit Control 稀薄混合气极限控制器LML Lean Misfire Limit 混合气最稀缺火极限Lmtr or Ltr Limiter 限制器LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天燃气LO Low (AT车)低速位置Lo Low 低LOA Length Overall 全长,总长LOS Limited Opetation Strategy 限制运转方法LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LPG Liquid Propane Gas 液态丙烷LPS Line Pressure Switch 管路压力开关Lps Lamps 灯LR Left Rear 左后LR Light Duty 轻型LRO Lateral Runout 侧偏摆LS Low Speed 低速LSD Limited Slip Differential 防滑差速器LSD Limited Slip Differential Oil 防滑差速器油LSI Large Scale Integrated Circuit 大规模集成电路LSO Low Speed Output 低速输出装置LSPV Load Sensing Proportioning Valve 载荷感测比例阀LT *Low-Tension *Long-Ton *低电压 *英吨Lt Light 灯LT BL Light Blue 浅蓝色LT GRN Light Green 浅绿色LT(S) Light(s) 灯LTBRAKE Leading Trailing Brake 引导追踪式刹车LTL Long Taperd Leaf Spring 中央厚两端薄的板簧Ltr Lighter 灯光,点烟器Ltr Limiter 限制器Lug uggage 行李箱LUS Lock-Up Solenoid 锁定电磁阀LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer线性差动变压器LVI Low Viscocity Index 低粘度指数Lvl Level 水平LX Lux 亮度单位M-OMM *Minute *Motor *Medium *Moment *Million *Meter *Mass *Milli *分 *马达 *中间 *力矩 *百万 *米 *质量 *千分之一M Mega 兆M Meter 米M Milli 毫M Minute 分M * Milliohm 百万欧姆M. Mounted (车)载的M.. Mark 记号M.. Mass 质量M Medium 中,中间,中等,平均;介质M. Mile 英里M. Motor 电动机M.P.S. ,eters Per Second 米/秒M.T Motor Traction 汽车牵引M.T Motor Transport 汽车运输M/C Mixture Control 混合气控制器M/C Manual Control 手控制M/T Manual Transmission 手动变速箱M/V Mechanical/Vacuum 机械式/真空MA Milliamps 毫安MA or MAF Mass Airflow 空气流量MAA Motor Agents Association (UK) 英国汽车代理商协会MAC. Macadam 碎石路MAF Mass Air Flow 空气流量计MAF Mass Air Flow Sensor 空气流量传感器MAF Mass Air Flow 空气流量MAF RTN Mass Air Flow Return 空气流量表回路MAFS Mass Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器MAFTS Manifold Air/Fuel Temperature Sensor 歧管空气/燃料温度传感器Mag Magnetic 磁性的,电磁MAG. Magneto 磁电机Maint Maintenance 保养MAJ Major 大的MAM Medium Automobile Maintenance 汽车中修Man Manual 手动Man Manifold 进气歧管MAN VAC Manifold Vacuum 进气歧管真空Man. Stg Manual Steering 手动转向系统Man. Trans Manual Transaxle or Transmission手动变速箱MAN.OP. Manually Operated 手工操纵(作)的MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure 进气歧管绝对压力MAP Manifold Aabsolute Pressure Sensor 进气歧管压力传感器MARS Magnetic Electronic AutomaticReservation System 电磁自动预售装置MAS Maximum Axle Spacing 最大车辆空间MAS Mixture Adjust Screw 混合气调整螺丝MAT Manifold Air Temperature 歧管进气温度MAT Manifold Absolute Temperature 进气歧管绝对温度MAX Maximum 最大(高)MAX CAP Maximum Capacity 最大容量,最大载重量MB Motor Base 机座MC Motorcar 汽车,轿车MC Motorcycle 摩托车MCA Mitsubishi Clean Air 三菱空气净化系统MCC Manifold Catalystic Converter 进气歧管触媒转换器MCT Manifold Charge Temperature 进气温度传感器MCU Microprocessor Control Unit 微处理机控制单元(电脑) MCU Mixture Control Unit 混合气调节装置MCV Mixture Control Valve 混合比控制阀MCV Manifold Control Valve 进气歧管控制阀MD Modulated Displacement 可变排气量MEC Motronic Engine Control MOTRONIC 引擎控制MECH Mechanical 机械的MEM Memory 存储器MEM-CAL Memory Calibration Chip 存储器校正晶片Mem. Memory 内存MEMA Motor and Equipment ManufacturersAssociation (美国)发动机与设备制造协会MEP Mean Effective Pressure 平均有效压力Merc Mercury 水银Mesg Message 讯息,资讯Mess. Message 资讯,讯息MF Medium Frequency 中波Mfd Microfarads 微法拉MFI Mechanical Fuel Injection 机械式燃料喷射MFI Multi-Port Fuel Injection 多点式燃料喷射MFJ Motorcycle Federation of Japan 日本机动车竞技联盟MFWD Mechanical Front Wheel Drive(axle 机械式前轮驱动桥MG Machine Gun 机枪MHC or MHCV Manifold Heat Control Valve 歧管加热控制阀MI Mile 英里Mic Microphone 扩音器MICS Mitsubishi Intelligent Cockpit System 三菱运转环境自动调整系统MIG Metal Inert Gas (Welding) 惰气保护金属电弧焊MIL Malfunction Indicator Light 故障指示灯MIPS Million Instructions Per Second 每秒执行百万次指令Mir Mirror 镜子MIRA Motor Industry Research Association (UK) 英国汽车工业研究协会MISAR Microprocessed Sensing and AutomaticRegulation 微电脑感测及自动调节Mixt. Mixture 混合气MKS Meter-Kilogram-Second 米-公斤-秒制单位ML Motor Light 轻负荷机油(API)MLP Manual Lever Position 手动杆位MLUS Modulated Lockup Solenoid 锁定调整电磁线圈MM Millimeters 毫米MM Motor Moderate 中负荷机油(API)MM Millimeter 毫米MMC Metal Matrix Composite 金属基复合材料MMEE Man-Machine-Environment Engineering 人机环境工程MMSE Man-Machine System Engineering 人机系统工程MMV Manual Modulation Valve 手动调节阀MN Minute 分Mod Module 模组MON Motor Octane Number 汽车辛烷值Mon Monitor 监视,监听MOT Ministry of Transport (UK) 英国军事运输局MPA Megapascal 兆帕MPC Manifold Pressure controlled FuelInjection 歧管压力控制燃料喷射MPC Manifold Pressure Control 进气歧管压力控制MPC Manifold Pressure Controlled FuelInjection System 进气歧管压力控制燃油喷射系统MPFI Multi-Port Fuel Injection 多点燃油喷射MPFI Multi-Point Fuel Injection 多点燃油喷射MPG Mile Per Gallon 每加仑哩程MPH Miles Per Hour 每小时英里MPI Multi-Point Injection 多点喷射MPV Multi-Purpose Vehicle 多用途车MS Mechnic Spark System 机电控制式点火装置MS Mixture Strength 混合气浓度MS SYSTEM Mechatro Spark System 机械-电子式点火正时控制装置MSCD Multiple Spark CapacitorDischarge(ignition system) 多火花电容器放电点火系统MT Manual Transmission 手动变速箱MTA Managed Thermactor Air 热反应器空气控制MTCL Motorcycle 摩托车MTD Mounted 车载的,乘车的MTR Motorized 摩托化的Mtr Motor 汽车,马达MTR VEH Motor Vehicle 汽车MTRCL Motorcycle 摩托车MTRICL Motortricycle 三轮摩托车MTRK Motor Truck 货车,卡车MTRS Motor Transport Repair Shop 汽车修理厂MTZ Motorized 摩托化的MV Millivolts 毫伏MV Mean Velocity 平均速度,平均车速MVI Medium Viscosity Index 中点度指示MVIC Mitsubishi Variable Induction Control 三菱可变进气系统MVMA Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association (美国)汽车制造协会MVS Manifold Vacuum Switch 歧管真空开关MWA Motor Wheel Brake Assembly 汽车车轮制动器总成MWSC Motorcycle With a Sidecar 侧三轮摩托车NN Neutral Position 空档位置N *Newton *Neutral *North *Negative *牛顿 *空档 *北极 *负极N Nano 纳N Negative 负的,负数N Number 数目,号码N Newton 牛(顿)N Neutral 空档N.C. Normally Closed 常闭N.m Newton Meter 牛顿-米N.O. Normally Open 常开N.T. Number of Teeth 齿数N.WT. Net Weight 净重N/A Natural Aspirate 自然进气式引擎N/A Not Applicable 不适合的/未采用N/A Natural Aspirate 自然吸气,非增压发动机N/V Ratio of Engine RPM to Vehicle Speed 发动机转速与车速之比NA Naturally Aspirated 自然进气NA Naturally Aspirated Engine 自然进气引擎NA-DI Naturally Aspirated DirectInjection(engine) 自然吸气直喷式发动机NAAO North American Automotive Operations 北美汽车协会NADA National Automotive Dealer*s Association (美国)汽车交易协会NAPS Nissan Anti-Pollution System 日产汽车排气净化系统NASCAR National Association for Stock CarAuto Racing (美国)汽车比赛协会NAT National 国家NAVI-5 New Advanced Vehicle With Intelligence-5 五十铃5速AT智慧型车NAVI-5. D4 New Advanced Vehicle WithIntelligence-5.D4 改良型NAVI-5NBC Nuclear,Biological,Chemical 三防(防核武器,防生物武器,防化学武器) NBDEC Speed Based Digital Electronic Control 燃气轮转速反馈数字电子燃油控制NC Normally Closed 常态封闭,常闭NC Numerical Control 数(字)控(制)NCA No Color Available 无色的NCEO Newconcept Engine Oil 合成发动机润滑油NDIR Non Dispersive Infra Red Analyzer 非分散型红外分析法NDIR Non-Dispersive Infra Red 非扩散性红外线NDIS Nissan Direct Ignition System 日产直接点火系统NDS Neutral Drive Switch 空档驱动开关NDT Non Distructive Testing 非破坏性试验Neut Neutral 空档。



汽车英语缩写大全进口汽车维修技术缩略语词典*C Degrees Celsius摄氏度*F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度*D* Drive 驱动,驾驶,行驶,行车*N* Neutral Position 空档*P* *PARK*Position P档,停车档*P* *PARK* Position P(驻车)档位置O2 Oxygen 氧气2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动4WD Four-Wheel Drive四轮驱动4WS Four-Wheel Steering四轮转向AA A-post, A-pillar A柱A Amperes 安培, 电流A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培*电流表*提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M. Above-Mentioned 上述的A/C Air Conditioning空调A/C A/C Amplifie 空调放大器A/C CLTCH. A/C Clutch空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器A/CL-BM Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor空气滤清器双金属传感器A/CL-CWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DV Air Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner Temperature Sensor Override Valve空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀A/CL-VCD Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制A/CL-VCV Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Valve 空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VM Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱AA Automobile Association (UK)英国汽车协会AAA American Automobile Association美国汽车协会AAC Auxiliary Air Control辅助空气控制AAC Automatic Amplitude Control自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve辅助空气控制阀AAD Auxiliary Air Control Device 辅助空气装置AAE America Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVM American Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers美国汽车制造者协会AAP Auxiliary Accelerator Pump 辅助加速器泵AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump辅助加速泵AAP Ambient Absolute Pressure外界绝对压力AAS Aspirator Air System吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂AAS Air Adjust Screw空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw空气调节螺钉AASHTO American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials 美国各州公路及运输公务员协会AAV Anti Afterburn Valve 防止后燃阀AB Air Bleed 空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed Control Valve空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom Dead Center在下止点后ABG Alcohol Blended Gasoline掺酒精的汽油ABN Airborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air Brake Proportioing (valves) 空气制动比例分配( 阀)ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊ABS Altitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ABS Anti-Lock Brake System 防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABS American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局Abs Absolute 绝对的ABS Visc Absolute Viscosity绝对粘度ABSV Air Bypass Solenoid Valve空气旁通电磁阀ABV *Anti Backfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve *防止逆火阀*空气旁通阀ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调AC Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机AC *Alternating Current *After Contro *交流电*后段调整式AC AC Auxiliary Fan Relay空调辅助风扇继电器AC AC Compressor Safety Switch空调压缩机安全开关AC AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode空调二极管AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay空调蒸发马达继电器AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch空调高压安全开关AC AC Idle Boost Valve 空调怠速加压阀AC Alternating Current 交流电AC Ante Christum 公元前AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid酸AC Analogue Computer模拟计算机AC Automatic Control 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC Armored Car 装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心AC Air Cooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷AC Air Cycle 空气循环AC Automatic Clutch自动离合器ACC A/C Clutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air Conditioning Clutch Switch空调离合器开关ACC Automatic Climate Control电脑恒温控制ACC *Accessary *Altitude Compensation Carb *附件*高度补偿化油器Accel Accelerator 油门,加速踏板,加速泵ACCS A/C Clutch Cycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS Air Conditoning Cycling Switch 空调循环开关Accum Accumulator 蓄压器ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器Accy Accessory 附件ACD Auxiliary Control Device 辅助控制装置ACD Air Conditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关ACDV Air Cleaner Diverter Valve 空气滤清器分流阀ACE Air Conditioning Equipment空气调节设备ACE Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ACE Automatic Computing Equipment 自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ACG Alternating Current Generator交流发电机ACG Automatic Control Gear自动控制变速ACID TEST CYC-LE Acceleration,Cruise, Idle,Deceleration Test Cycle加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge承认ACKV Air Check Valve 空气止回阀ACL Air Clearner空气滤清器ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials高级复合材料ACON Air Conditioning On 空调起动ACP Air Conditioning Pressure空调压力ACP Auxiliary Control Panel辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System气垫型保护装置ACS Air Conditioning System 空调系统ACS-O Access Opening检修孔ACT Air Charge Temperature进气温度ACT Air Charge Temperature Sensor进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置Actu Actuator执行器Actv Active活动的ACV Air Control Valve 空气控制阀ACV Air Cut Valve 断气阀ACV Armored Command Vehicle装甲指挥车ACV Air Control Valve 二次空气喷射量控制阀AD Anno Domini 公元AD Aerodynamic Decelerator气动减速器ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模-数转换器ADD Addition *添加*补充ADECS Automotive Diesel Electronic Control System 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ADF Aerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable 调整或可调整ADL Automatic Door Lock 自动门锁ADP Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump 气动液压泵ADS Adaptive Damper System 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control 雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance提前的AE Acceleration Enrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放AEA Automotive Electrical Association (US) 美国汽车电气协会AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERA Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association (US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会AESC American Engineering Standards Committee美国工程标准委员会AETS Automatic Engine Test System发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio混合气的空气燃油比AF Auxiliary Fuel辅助燃料AFC Airflow Controlled空气流量控制AFC Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC Air Fuel Control 空气燃油混合比调节装置AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率调节AFC Airflow Control 空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff 自动断油装置AFCV Air Fuel Ratio Control Valve 空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio 燃油过量系数AFR Air-Fuel Ratio 空气燃油混合比AFS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AFS Auxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统AG Air Guard 空气护罩AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGT Automotive Gas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle 自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AH Amper Hour 安培小时AHFSS Air Conditionig / Heater Function Select Switch空调/暖气功能选择开关AI Air Injection 空气喷射AICV Air Injection Check Valve空气喷射单向阀AID Air Injection Dual 双空气喷射AIR Air Injection Reaction二次喷气装置AIR Air Injector Reactor二次空气喷射器AIR BPV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀AIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器AIR COND SIG Air Conditioner Singnal空调信号Air Sel Air Selector 空气选择器AIR-CHV AIR Check Valve 空气单向阀AIR-DVLV AIR Diverter Valve空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve进气怠速真空阀AIS Air Injection Single 单空气喷射AIS Air Injection System 二次喷气装置AIS Automatic Idle Speed 自动怠速AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀AIVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 空气怠速真空阀AKI Anti-Knock Index抗爆震指数AL Acceleration Level 加速度级ALC Automatic Level Control 汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ALCL Assembly Line Communication Link诊断总线ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link 自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线Ali Alignment 校正, 定位Alm Alarm 警报器ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALR Automatic Length Adjusting and Locking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor自动锁紧式伸缩装置Alt Alternator or Altitude 发电机,高度Alt Alternator交流发电机ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient周围的AMC American Motors Corporation美国汽车公司AMGV Air Management Valve空气控制阀Amm Ammeter 电流表Amp Amplifier放大器Amp Ampere安培AN Above-Named上述的AN Annual年度的AN Anode 阳极ANC Active Noise Control System活性噪音控制系统ANL Automatic Noise Limiter噪声自动限制器ANS Answer 答案ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna天线ANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel 防止後燃(熄火後)AO Air Operated 气动的AOC Air Oil Cooler机油空气冷却器AOC Automatic Overload Control自动超载控制AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速AOQ Average Outgoing Quality平均产品质量AOT Automatic Overdrive Transmission超速式自动变速器AP Air Pump 气泵APC Automatic Phase Control 自动相位调整APC Automatic Power Control自动功率调整APC Automatic Program Control 自动程序控制APC Armored Personnel Carrier 装甲人员输送车APC Automatic Performance Control自动性能控制系统APCV Air Pump Control Valve 空气泵控制阀APDV Air Pump Diverter Valve 空气泵分流阀API American Petrol Institude美国石油协会App Apparatus 仪表.器件. 设备App Appendix 附录App Approved by 经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation近似.略计Apr Apprentice 学徒,徒工APRA Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association(US)美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLV Air Pump Relief Valve空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力设备AQ Aqua(Water) *水*水柱AR Air Regulator 空气流量调节器AR Axle Ratio 驱动轴减速比ARC Acceleration Signal加速信号ARQ Automatic Error Request Equipement 自动误差校正装置ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle装甲抢救车AS Airflow Sensor空气流量传感器AS American Standard美国标准AS Air Suction 进气AS Automatic Synchronizer自动同步器ASA American Standard(s) Association 美国标准化协会ASA Acoustical Society of America美国声学学会ASC Automatic Stability Control 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPT Air Switch Canister Purge Timer空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD Auto Shut Down 自动切断ASDM Air Bag System Diagnostic Module安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV Air Switching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic Stabilization Equipment 自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASQC American Society for Quality Control 美国品管协会ASRV Air Switching Relief Valve 空气转换减压阀ASS Air Switching Solenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System 进气装置Ass Assembly 总成,装配,机组Ass Assistant辅助的,助手,帮手Ass Association 学会,协会.公司Assy Assembly 总成ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验协会ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀ASV Air Suction Valve 进气阀ASV Air Switching Valve空气转换阀, 空气开关阀ASVS Air Switching Vacuum Solenoid 空气转换真空电磁阀AT Acceptance Test 验收试验AT Air Temperature 空气温度AT Ampere Turn 安培匝数AT Angle of Train方位角.方向角.传导方位AT Automatic Transmission自动变速器AT. Air Tight气密的,密封的At. Atmosphere大气.周围情况.Barometric 气压(计)B Batt Battery 电瓶电池BAV Bleed Air Valve 泄气阀BB Babbit Metal 巴氏合金BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前BBL. Barrel 筒BBS Building Block System 积木式系统BC Befor Control 前段控制BCC Battery Charger Control 电瓶充电控制BCDD Booster Control Decelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)BCV Boost Control Valve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木) BCV Booster Control Valve 倍力控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve 强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve (铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀BDC Bottom Dead Center 下止点.下死点BDV Breakdown Voltage 击穿电压BE Banchelor of Engineering 工学士BE Baume 玻美度BE Booster Engine 助推发动机BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless Electronic Ignition 无白金式电子点火BESA British Engineering Standard Association 英国工程标准协会BFC Brake Force Coefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid Level Indicator 制动液液面指示器BHP Brake Horsepower 制动马力BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor 双金属热传感器Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERI British Internal Combustion EngineResearch Institute 英国内燃机研究所BIT Best Injection Timing 最佳喷油正时BK Brake Switch 刹车开关Bk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架BLK Black 黑色BLR Blower 鼓风机BLR Beyond Local Repair 本地不能修理Blst Ballast 稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower 鼓风机BM Bench Mark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修BM Breake Electromagnet 制动电磁铁BM Brakdown Maintenance 故障维修BMAP Barometric and Mainfold Absolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力BMEP Brake Mean Effective Perssure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish 抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOC Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group 别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO Brake On-Off Switch 制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压. 反压BP Barometric Pressure 气压BP Boiling Point 沸点BP Best Power 最佳功率BPA Bypass Air 旁通空气BPC Back Pressure Control 背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice 旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPT Backpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPV By-Pass Valve 旁通阀Br Bromine 溴Br Brass 黄铜Brkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色BS Barometric Switch 大气压力开关BS Bimetal Sensor 双金属传感器BS Bachelor of Science 理工学士BS Binary Scale 二进位BS Both Sides 两边.两侧BS British Standards 英国(工业)标准BSAU British Standards Automotive 英国汽车标准BSC ENG Bachlor of Science in Engineering 工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局BTC British Technical Council of the Motorand Petroleum Industries 英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDC Before Top Dead Center 在上止点前BTHE Brake Thermal Efficiency 制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units 英国热量单位BTV Below the Throttle Valve 在节气门下方BUDC Bofore Upper Dead Centre 上死点前BULKHD. Bulkhead 隔壁Buz Buzzer 蜂鸣器BV Bowl Vent Port 浮桶室通风孔BV Breakdowm Voltage 击穿电压BV Balanced Voltage 平衡电压BVSV Bimetallic Vacuum Switching Valve 双金属式真空转换阀BVT BackPressure Variable Transducer 负压可变传感器BVV Bowl Vent Valve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀BYP Bypass 旁路, 支线BYPA Bypass Air (Idle Speed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)CC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱C Call 呼叫C Candle 烛光C Capacitance 电容C Car 汽车C Carbon 碳C Cathode 阴极C Celsius Scale 摄氏温标C Coulomb 库仑C * Celcius 摄氏度C&M Care and Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器C. CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E. Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试C/O Choke Openner 阻风门强制开启阀C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器CA Calcium 钙CA Compressed Air 压缩空气CA Crank Angle 曲轴转角CABR Cabriolet 敞蓬车CAC Charge Air Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined Air Control Valve 组合空气控制阀CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗CAL Calorie 卡路里CAL Calculated Average Life (汽车等的)平均计算寿命CAL Caliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正CAL Collision Avoidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体Calib Calibration 校正,修正,定位Calif California 加州规格车Calif California 加州CALSEL Calibration Select 校正选择CAM Camber 外倾角CAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造Can Canaba 加拿大Can Canister 碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge 碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化Canc. Cancel 取消CanCV Canister Control Valve 碳罐控制阀CANP Canister Purge solenoid 碳罐清除电磁阀CANP Canister Purge 碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量*能力CAP Cleaner Air Package 净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量CARB California Air Resources Board 加州空气资源协会Carb Carburetor 化油器CAS Caster 后倾角CAS Clear Air System 净化空气系统CAT Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度CAT Catalogue 目录CAT Catalyst 催化剂CAT Category 种类.范畴CAT Carburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器CAV Construction Assistance Vehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CAV Coasting Air Valve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀CB Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CB Choke Breaker 阻风门限制器CB Contact Breaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式CBVV Carburetor Bowl Vent Valve 化油器浮子室通气阀CC Cubic Centimeters 立方厘米CC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter 触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器CCC Computer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS Computer Controlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统CCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角CCEGR Coolant Controlled Exhaust GasRecirculation 冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Switch 冷却水温控制引擎真空开关CCEVV Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Valve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀CCIV Coolant Control Idle Enrichment Valve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块(中央电脑)CCO Catalytic Converter for Oxidation 氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔CCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCP Controlled Canister Purge 控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal Canister Purge 活性碳罐净化CCR Catalytic Converter Reduction 还原催化废气净化器CCRM Constant Control Relay Module 定控制继电器模组CCRO Catalytic Converter for Reductionand Oxidation 三元触媒转换器CCRO Catalytic Converter Rhodium 氧化,还原催化废气净化器CCS Controlled Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit 定速控制电脑盒CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针方向CD Computer Aided Design 电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光CD Capacity Discharge (electronic ignition)电容放电式电子点火CD Compact Disc 光盘CD Capacitor Discharge(ignition) 电容器放电(点火_)CD Cofficient of Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLV Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD 只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点系统CDI Controlled Direct Injection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer 底盘测功计CEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized Emission Control 电脑废气控制CEC Combined Emission control(Valve) 组合废气控制阀CEC Computerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC Coordinating European Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO Cold Engine Lock-Out 冷机锁定CEM Composite Electro-Chemical Material 复合电化学材料CENT Center 中心CES Clutch Engaged Switch 离合器啮合开关CES Coasting Enricher System 减速浓化系统CESS Cold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关CF Center of Floatation 浮心CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CF Conversion Factor 转换系数CF Cutting Fluid 切削液CF Confer 比较. 对照CF Cubic Feet 立方英尺CF Counter Fire 逆火CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央喷射系统CFI Cross Fire Injection 多缸同时点火喷油CFI Centrol Fuel Injection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统CFI Continuous (throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFS Coasting Fuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O Choke Openner 自动阻风门CHA Charge 充电CHB Choke Braker 阻风门开度限制器CHG. Charge 进气或充电CHK Check 核对,检查Chk.Eng. Check Eigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNG Change 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器CHRG Charging 进气,充电CHT Cylinder Head Temperature 汽缸盖温度CHU Centigrade Heat Unit 热量单位Ch Vlv Check Valve 单向阀CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Compression Ignition 压缩式点火CI Compression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition 压燃CID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 气缸识别传感器CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别Cig Cigarette 香烟Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Circ Circuit 电路Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down 完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV Check Delay Valve 单向延迟阀CKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CL Closed Loop 闭环,闭路CL Central Line 中心线CL Car Load 车辆载荷CL Class 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL Crane Load 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪CLC Converter Locking Clutch 转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed Loop Carburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制Clch Clutch 离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector (Analyzer)光化学分析仪CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLK Clock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙, 空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt. Climate 气候CLR Clear 清除CLR Current-Limiting Resistor 限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop 反馈控制Clstr. Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射CM Centimeter 厘米CM Center of Mass 质量中心CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal 镀层金属CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器Cmptr. Computer 电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 加拿大车辆安全标准CN Change Notice 更改通知CNCLD Concealed 隐藏式CNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNG Compressed Natural Gas 压缩天然气CNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的Cntr. Central or Center 中心,中央CNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc. Convenience 便利,方便CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO Choke Opener 阻风门助开器Co-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款COD Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine 驾驶舱在引擎上Colng. Coolng 冷却Colnt. Coolant 冷却液Comb. Combination 综合,组合COMP Compressor or Compartment 压缩机或舱、室Comp. Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation 补偿Compt. Compartment 室CON. ROD Connecting Rod 连杆Cond. Condenser 电容器,冷凝器Conn. Connector or Connection 连接器或接头CONT Continued 连续CONT. Control 控制CONV Converter 转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs. Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV Control Valve 控制阀CP Candera Power 烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化CP Centre of Pressure 压力中心CP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CP Condensation Product 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP Circular Pitch (齿轮)分度圆周节CP Constant Pressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV Canister Purge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀CPM Cycles Per Minute 每分钟转数CPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch 离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister Purge Regulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀CPS Canister Purge Solenoid 碳罐净化电磁阀CPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供应CPS Crank Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Central Power Supply 中央电源CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数CPS Control Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible Power Train 可变式传动系CPU Central Processing Unit 中央控制单元CPU Computer 电脑CPV Canister Purge Valve 碳罐净化阀CPV Constant Pressure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke Pulldown Vacuum Vent Valve 阻风门真空强制通风阀CR Crossroad 交叉路,十字路CR Contraction Ratio 压缩比CRE Corrosion Resistant 防腐的,耐蚀的CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐蚀钢CRK Cranking Signal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角CRNRNG Cornering 转向CRO Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器CRS Choke Return System 阻风门回位系统CRS Child Restraint System 儿童专用安全装置CRS Coasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller 阴极射线管控制器CRV Coasting Richer Valve 惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀CSA Cold Start Advance 冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant Spak Conrol 冷却水点火控制CSCS Cold Start Control Solenoid 冷车起动控制电磁阀CSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动CSE GND Case Ground 外壳接地CSPM Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器CSS Calibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance 冷车起动点火提前CSSH Cold Start Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统CSU Crank Angle Selecting Unit 曲轴转角自动调节装置CT Cold Temperature 冷车温度CT Conventional Thermactor 传统热反应器CT Cam-Train 凸轮系CT Closed Throttle 关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test 计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer Hot Wire Anemometer常温热线风速计CTAV Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum 冷车温度动作真空CTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTO Coolant Temperature Override 冷却水温过热控制CTPS Closed Throttle Position Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance 临界温度电阻Ctrl. Control 控制,控制器Ctrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor 冷却水温传感器CTS Coolant Temperature Switch 水温开关CTSWH Closed Throttle Switch 节气门关闭开关CTSY Courtesy 门控灯CTSY. Courtesy 副, 反, 对CTTS Coolant Temperature Thermo Switch 水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关CU Control unit 电脑盒, 控制器Cu.In. Cubic Inches 立方英寸CUB Cubic 立方CURR Current 电流CV Constant Velocity 定速,等速CV Check Valve 单向阀CV Check Valve 止回阀CV Coasting Valve 滑行阀CV Constant Velocity 定速, 等速CV Constant Velocity Joint 等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值CV Combat Vehicle 战斗车辆CV Commercial Vehicle 商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CV Constant Volume Specific Heat 等容比热CV Critical Viscosity 临界粘度CVC Constant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC Constant Voltage Control 定电压控制CVCC Compound Vertex Controlled Combussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧CVCC Constant Volume Combustion Chamber 等容燃烧室CVRT Continuously Variable Ratio Transmission无级调速变速器CVS Constant Volume Sampling 定容量取样CVS3P Cold Vacuum Spark,3-Port 冷车起动真空点火3孔式CVSCC Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭CVSCO Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Open 水温温控真空开关冷车打开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission 无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器CW Clockwise 顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave 连续波,等幅波CY Copy 副本,复制品CYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱CYL Cylindrical 圆柱形的DD Drive 驱动,行驶D Drive 前进档D *Diameter *Discharge *Drive *Dual *Double *直径*放电*驱动*双重*复式D&M Driving and Maintenance 驾驶与维修D/O Delivery Order 提货单Damp Damper 阻尼器,缓冲器DAR Drive Axle Ratio 驱动桥减速比DAS Distributor Advance Solenoid 分电盘点火提前电磁阀DASS Diesel Additive Supply System 柴油添加剂自动加添系统DATA+ Data Positive 正线(自诊)DATA- Data Negative 负线(自诊)DB Decibel 分贝DBC Dual Bed Catalytic 双层触媒转换DBP Drawbar Pull 拉杆拉力DBW Drive-by-Wire 索控式DC Direct Current 直流电DC Digital Control 数位控制DC Drop Center Rim 深底钢圈DC Dead Center 死点DCEL Direct Current Luminescence 电流直接照明DCH Dual-Circuit Hydraulic System 双管路液压制动系统DCI Direct Cylinder Injection 直接喷入气缸(汽油喷射)DCL Data Communications Link 数据交换连线DCLV Deceleration Valve 减速阀DCM Direct Current Motor 直流马达DCM/C-VLV Deceleration Mixture Control Valve 减速混合比控制阀DCS Deceleration Control System 减速控制系统DCTO Dual Coolant Temperature Override 双水温过热控制DCV Deceleration Control Valve 减速控制阀DCV Downdraft Constant Vacuum Carburettor 下吸式等真空化油器DD Dual Distributors 双分电盘DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制Dual Diaphragm Distributor 双膜片分油盘DDV Distributor Decel Valve 分电盘减速阀De-Ice De-Icer 除冰装置De-ice. De-Ice 除冰DEC Digital Engine Control 数位引擎控制Decel Deceleration 减速DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System (大发)汽车经济式净化系统DEE Digital Engine Electronic 发动机数字式电子控制单元DEF Defroster 除雾器DEF Diesel Exhaust Filter 柴油机的排气过滤器Def Defroster 除霜器DEF. Defogger or Defroster 除雾或除霜DEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection 数字式电子燃油喷射系统Defog Defogger 除雾器Deg Degree 度Del Delay 延迟DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil 柴油机润滑油DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module 自诊备用电源模块Desig Designation 指明,标明,目标DET Detached 拆开的,分开的DET Detail 零件.细目.详图.详细DET Detection 检波.检测DET Dtector 检波器.探测仪Deton. Detonation 爆震,敲缸DETRNT. Deterrent 制止DF Design Formula 设计公式DF Direction Finding 测向.定向DF Defogging 去雾DF Drive Fit 推入配合DFF Direct Fuel Feed(injector) 直接供油DFI Digital Fuel Injection 数字式汽油喷射DFIP/D Diesel Distribution-Type Fuel Injection Pump柴油机分配式燃油喷射泵Dft Defeat 缺点,不良,损坏DG Double Glass 双层玻璃DG Double Groove 双槽DI Deceleration Idle 减低怠速DI Direct Injection 直接喷射DI Defense Industry 国防工业DI Deicing 防冻.去冰DI Direction Indicator 方向指示器DI Diesel Index 柴油指数DI.B Disk Brake 盘式制动器Diag Diagnostic 诊断DIC Driver Information Center 行车电脑中心DIDV Dual Ignition Delay Valve 双点火延迟阀Diff Differential 差速器,差动的Dig. Digital 数字式DIGRO Digital Readout 数字读出Dim Dimmer 变光器DIN Deutsch Industrial 德国工业标准规格Dir Direction or Directional 方向,定向,引导DIRSI Deposit Induced Runaway Surface Ignition 表面点火方式DIS Direct Ignition System 直接点火系统DIS Discharge 放电DIS Distribution Ignition System 分电盘式点火系统DIS Doppler Inertial System 多普勒惯性系统DIS Digital Idling Stabilization 数字式怠速稳定系统DIS Distributorless Ignition System 无分电器点火系统DIS Dual Induction System 双进气系统Disp Display 显示DIST Distribution 分配DIST Distributor 分电器,分油盘DIT Direct Injection Turbocharged 直喷式涡轮增压柴油机DITA Direct Injection Turbocharged Aftercooled 直喷式涡轮增压后冷柴油机DIX. Deluxe 豪华型DIY Do-It-Yourself 自己动手维修车辆DK BLU Dark Blue 深蓝色DK GRN Dark Green 深绿色DL Datum Level 基准面DL Dead Load 静载荷,静重,自重DL Drawing List 图纸清单DLC Data Link Connector 自诊接头DLI Distributorless Ignition 无分电盘式电子点火DLL Design Limit Load 设计极限载荷DLR Driving Lamps Relay 行驶灯继电器DLS Digital Idling Stabilization(unit) 数字式怠速稳定装置DLV Deflection Limitin Volume 变形极限区Dlx Deluxe 豪华型(高级的)Dly Delay 延迟DM Diesel Moderate 柴油机用中级润滑油DM Dehydrogenated Mixture 脱氢混合物DM Design Manual 设计手册DM Development Milestone 发展里程碑DM Differential Motor 差绕电动机DM Drive Magnet 驱(启)动磁铁DME Digital Motor Electronics 数字电子引擎DMS Dual Manifold System 双歧管系统DMS Distributor Modulator System 分电盘调节系统Dn. Down 下,向下Dnshft Downshift 低档位,降档DOC Direct Operating Cost 直接操作费用DOD Department of Defense (美国)国防部DOHC Double Overhead Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴DOL Data Output Line 数据输出线DOT Department of Transportation(US) 美国运输局DP Dashpot 减速缓冲器DP Development Prototype 开发原型.研制原型DP Damp Proofing 防潮的,不透水的DP Data Processing 数据处理DP Dead Point 死点.止点DP Dew Point 露点DP Diametral Pitch (齿轮)径节DP. CHAMBER Depression Chamber (三菱)化油器车滑轮增压控制装置DPA Delayed Port Admission(system) 延迟气口进气系统DPA Distributor Pump Assembly 分配式喷油泵总成DPB Dual Power Brake 双管路助力制动DPC Data Processing Center 数据处理中心DPD Dual Point Distributor 双白金分电盘DPDT Double-Pole Double-Throw 双刀双掷(开关)DPF Diesel Particulate Filter 柴油机微粒过滤器DPI Dual Plug Inhibit 双塞抑制装置。



汽车英语缩写大全BCHU Centigrade Heat Unit 热量单位Ch Vlv Check Valve 单向阀CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Compression Ignition 压缩式点火CI Compression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition 压燃CID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 气缸识别传感器CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别Cig Cigarette 香烟Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Circ Circuit 电路Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down 完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV Check Delay Valve 单向延迟阀CKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CL Closed Loop 闭环,闭路CL Central Line 中心线CL Car Load 车辆载荷CL Class 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL Crane Load 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪CLC Converter Locking Clutch 转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed Loop Carburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制Clch Clutch 离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector (Analyzer)光化学分析仪CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLK Clock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙, 空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt. Climate 气候CLR Clear 去除CLR Current-Limiting Resistor 限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop 反响控制Clstr. Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射CM Centimeter 厘米CM Center of Mass 质量中心CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal 镀层金属CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器Cmptr. Computer 电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 加拿大车辆平安标准CN Change Notice 更改通知CNCLD Concealed 隐藏式CNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNG Compressed Natural Gas 压缩天然气CNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的Cntr. Central or Center 中心,中央CNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc. Convenience 便利,方便CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO Choke Opener 阻风门助开器Co-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款COD Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine 驾驶舱在引擎上Colng. Coolng 冷却Colnt. Coolant 冷却液Comb. Combination 综合,组合COMP Compressor or Compartment 压缩机或舱、室Comp. Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation 补偿Compt. Compartment 室CON. ROD Connecting Rod 连杆Cond. Condenser 电容器,冷凝器Conn. Connector or Connection 连接器或接头CONT Continued 连续CONT. Control 控制CONV Converter 转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs. Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV Control Valve 控制阀CP Candera Power 烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化CP Centre of Pressure 压力中心CP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CP Condensation Product 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP Circular Pitch (齿轮)分度圆周节CP Constant Pressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV Canister Purge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀CPM Cycles Per Minute 每分钟转数CPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch 离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister Purge Regulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀CPS Canister Purge Solenoid 碳罐净化电磁阀CPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供给CPS Crank Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Central Power Supply 中央电源CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数CPS Control Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible Power Train 可变式传动系CPU Central Processing Unit 中央控制单元CPU Computer 电脑CPV Canister Purge Valve 碳罐净化阀CPV Constant Pressure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke Pulldown Vacuum Vent Valve 阻风门真空强制通风阀CR Crossroad 穿插路,十字路CR Contraction Ratio 压缩比CRE Corrosion Resistant 防腐的,耐蚀的CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐蚀钢CRK Cranking Signal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角CRNRNG Cornering 转向CRO Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器CRS Choke Return System 阻风门回位系统CRS Child Restraint System 儿童专用平安装置CRS Coasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller 阴极射线管控制器CRV Coasting Richer Valve 惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀CSA Cold Start Advance 冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant Spak Conrol 冷却水点火控制CSCS Cold Start Control Solenoid 冷车起动控制电磁阀CSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动CSE GND Case Ground 外壳接地CSPM Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器CSS Calibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance 冷车起动点火提前CSSH Cold Start Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统CSU Crank Angle Selecting Unit 曲轴转角自动调节装置CT Cold Temperature 冷车温度CT Conventional Thermactor 传统热反响器CT Cam-Train 凸轮系CT Closed Throttle 关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test 计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer Hot Wire Anemometer常温热线风速计CTAV Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum 冷车温度动作真空CTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTO Coolant Temperature Override 冷却水温过热控制CTPSClosed Throttle Position Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance 临界温度电阻Ctrl. Control 控制,控制器Ctrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor 冷却水温传感器CTS Coolant Temperature Switch 水温开关CTSWH Closed Throttle Switch 节气门关闭开关CTSY Courtesy 门控灯CTSY. Courtesy 副, 反, 对CTTS Coolant Temperature Thermo Switch 水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关CU Control unit 电脑盒, 控制器Cu.In. Cubic Inches 立方英寸CUB Cubic 立方CURR Current 电流CV Constant Velocity 定速,等速CV Check Valve 单向阀CV Check Valve 止回阀CV Coasting Valve 滑行阀CV Constant Velocity 定速, 等速CV Constant Velocity Joint 等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值CV Combat Vehicle 战斗车辆CV Commercial Vehicle 商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CV Constant Volume Specific Heat 等容比热CV Critical Viscosity 临界粘度CVC Constant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC Constant Voltage Control 定电压控制CVCC Compound Vertex Controlled Combussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧CVCC Constant Volume Combustion Chamber 等容燃烧室CVRT Continuously Variable Ratio Transmission 无级调速变速器CVS Constant Volume Sampling 定容量取样CVS3P Cold Vacuum Spark,3-Port 冷车起动真空点火3孔式CVSCC Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭CVSCO Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Open 水温温控真空开关冷车翻开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission 无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器CW Clockwise 顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave 连续波,等幅波CY Copy 副本,复制品CYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱CYL Cylindrical 圆柱形的EM Engine Modification 发动机修改EM Electron Microscope 电子显微镜EM Electromagnetic 电磁的EM Electromechnical 电气-机械的EM Engineering Manual 工程手册EM Engine ModificationH H *High Speed *Hight *Hour *Head *Heavy *Heavy *Hot *Henry *高速 *高度 *时间 *落差*浓的 *重的 *热 *亨利H Hardness 硬度H Head 水头,落差H Height 高度H Henry 亨利(电感单位)H Hour 小时H Hydrogen 氢H Magnetic Field Intensity 磁场强度H.D. High Density 高浓度H/D Headlight 大灯,头灯H/D Heavy Duty 重负荷H/D Heater/Defroster 加热器-除霜器HA Hectare 公顷HA High Altitude 高空(4500-6000米)HA High Amplitude 高振幅HAC High Altitude Compensator 高海拔补偿器HAC S/W High Altitued Compensation Switch 高海拔补偿开关HACV Hot Air Control Valve 热气控制阀HADV Heated Air Delay Valve 热空气延迟阀HAI Heated Air Intake 热空气进气Harn Harness 线束HAS High Altitude System 高海拔系统HATSV Heated Air Temperature Sensing Valve 热空气温度感知阀Haz Hazard 紧急,危急HBV Heater Blower Voltage 暖气鼓风机电压HC Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物HCV Heat Control Valve 热控阀HCV Hot Control Valve 热控制阀HD Heavy Duty 重负荷HDAC Heater, Defroster, Air ConditioningAssembly 加热器,除霜器及空调总成HDC Heavy Duty Cooling 重负载冷却HDL Headlamp 大灯HDPE High-Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯HDT Heavy Duty Truck 重负载卡车HDT Heat Distortion 热变形HDT Heat Distortion Temperature 热变形温度HEA Heater Evaporator Assembly 加热器蒸发器总成Head Lt Headlight 大灯HEDF High Speed Electro-Drive Fan 高速电风扇HEF High-Energy Fuels 高能燃料HEGO Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 加热尾气含氧量传感器HEI High Energy Ignition 高能点火HELP High-Energy Level Pneumatic Bumper 高能级充气保险杠HEXCH Heat Exchanger 热交换器HF High Frequency 高频率HFC High Speed Electro-Drive Fan 高速电动风扇HFP High Fuel Pump 高压油泵Hgt Height 高度HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle 重型货车,重型运输车辆HHV High Heating Value 高热值HI High Beam 远光(大灯)Hi High 高HI ALT High Altitude 高海拔HI ALT High Altitude 高气层HI-FI High Fidelity 高保真度,高保真的HI-Q High Quality Factor 高品质因数Hi-Spd High Speed 高速HIC Hot Idle Compensator 高温怠速补偿器HIC High Intensity Discharge Headlight 高亮度放电大灯HIC Head Injury Criterion (汽车碰撞事故中的)头部伤害标准HIC Hybrid Integrated Circuit Igniter Unit混合集成电路点火装置HL Head Light 前照灯HL Hardening Liquid 淬火液HL Horizontal Line 水平线HLOS Hardware Limited Operation Strategy 硬体受限的操作方法HM Hydraulic Motor 液压马达HMOS High-Performance Metal-Oxide-SiliconDevice 高性能氧化硅晶体器件HNDL Handle 把手(有时亦用于方向盘简称)HO High Ouput 高输出HOBC High Octane Blending Compound 高辛烷值混合物HOE Hydraulically Operated Equipment 液压设备.液动装置HOS2 Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 含氧传感器Hot Idle Comp Vlv Hot Idle Compensator Valve热机怠速补偿阀HOVI Handbook of Overhaul Instructions 大修须知HP Horse Power 马力HP High Performance 高性能HP High Pressure 高压HP Hydraulic Pump 液压泵HP Harmonical Progression 调和级数HP High Pass 高通HP High Power 大功率HP Hip Point 臀点(汽车驾驶员操作空间围的人体基准原点)HP Horizontal Parallax 水平视差HP Horizontal Plane 水平面HP Hot Press 热压机HPC High Pressure Chamber 高压燃烧室HPR High Penetration Resistance (轮胎等的)高抗穿透性HPR High Pressure Governor 高压调节器HPR Horse Power/Hour 马力小时HPV Honda Progressive Valve 本田封气式保险杆用阀HR Heart Rate 心跳速率Hrn. Horn 喇叭HRS Hot Rolled Steel 热轧钢HS Helical Spring 螺旋弹簧HS High Speed 高速HSC High Swirl Combustion(engine) 强涡流燃烧室发动机Hsg. Housing 外壳HSGT High Speed Ground Transportation 超高速陆地运输HSI High Speed Input 高速输入装置HSO High Speed Output 高速输出装置HSP High Swirl Port 强涡流进气口HT High Temperature 高温HT High Tension高压HT Oxygen Sensor Heater 含氧传感器加温件HTCC High-Turbulence Combustion Chamber 强涡流燃烧室HTD High Torque Drive 大扭矩驱动,大扭矩传动HTR Heater 加热器,暖气机HTR Heavy Truck 重型卡车HUCR Highest Useful Compression Ration 最高有效压缩比HVAC Heating, Ventilation and AirConditioning 暖气通风及空调HVACM Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module HVAC之电脑HVM Heater-Vent-Module 暖气通风模组HW Half-Wave 半波HW Head Wind 迎风,逆风HW Herewith 附上,用同法HW Hot Water 热水HW Hand-Wheel Angle 转向盘转角HWA Hot-Wire Anemometer 热线式气流速度计HWFET Highway Fuel Economy Test 美国环保局的高速公路省油测试模式HWTorq Hand-Wheel-Torque 转向盘力矩HWY Highway 公路HY.S Hydropneumatic Suspension 液压-空气悬架Hyd. Hydraulic 油压式,液压的HZ Hertz 赫兹K K *Kilo *Absolute Temperature *千 *绝对温度K-B Keyboard 键盘K.R. Knock Rating 爆震率k/ohms 1000 Ohms 千欧KA Kiloamper 千安培KAM Keep Alive Memory 不失效记忆体KAPWR Keep Alive Power 保持电源(送正电)KARMAN VAFM Karman Vortices Air Flow Meter卡门式空气流量计KC Kilocycle 千周,千赫KCAL Kilocalorie 千卡洛里KCS Knock Control System 爆震控制系统KD Knocked Down 拆卸的,拆散的,解体的KOEO Key On, Engine Off 点火翻开,引擎关闭KOER Key On, Engine Running 点火翻开,引擎运转KEYPWR Key Power 主要电源kg Kilograms 公斤kg/cm2 Kilograms Per Square Centimeter 公斤/平方厘米KI Knoch Input 爆震输入装置KKM Kreiskolben Motor 行星旋转活塞发动机KLCR Knock Limited Comperssion Ratio 敲缸极限压缩比KLSA Knock Limit Spark Angle 爆震极限点火(提前)角KM/H Kilometers Per Hour 每小时公里KM/L Kilometers/Liter 每公升公里KNK Knock Sensor 爆震传感器KNOCK Knock Sensor 爆震传感器KOEO Key On Engine Off 点火开关翻开,发动机不起动(静态)KOER Key On Engine Running 点火开关翻开,发动机运转(动态)KPH Kilometer Per Hour 每小时里程数KRA Kilopascals 千巴斯卡KRT Cathode-Ray Tube 阴极射线管KS Knock Sensor 爆震传感器KS SYSTEM Knock Sensor Sysetem 敲缸传感系统KTS Knock Threshold Select 爆震起始选择装置KV Kiolvolts 千伏KVIS Kinematic Viscosity 运动粘度KW Kilo-Watt 千瓦L L Liter 升L L-head engine L型头发动机L L-jetronic L型喷射系统L *Lift *Light *Loosen *Liter *Limit *Luxurious *Length *Low *左侧 *轻 *松弛 *升 *限制 *豪华 *长度 *低速L Fnt Left Front 左前L-4 Four Cylinder In-Line(engine) 直列式4缸发动机L-6 Six Cylinder In-Line(engine) 直列式6缸发动机L-R Lean-to-Rich(swich) 混合气稀转浓开关L-R Left-Right 左--右L.Fnt. Left Front 左前L.O. Lubrication Oil 润滑油L/D Light Duty (Emissions) 轻级(废气)L/D Light Duty 轻负荷L4 Straight 4-Cylinder 直列式4汽缸引擎L6 Straight 6-Cylinder 直列式6汽缸引擎LAB Laboratory 实验室,试验所,研究室Lat Latched 门锁LB Pound 磅LB Lifeboat 救生艇,救生船LB Light Bracket 轻型托架LB Line Busy ()占线LB Local Battery 本机电池LB.FT. Pound Feet 磅尺LB.IN. Pound Inch 磅寸Lbs. Pounds 磅 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器LCL Less Than Carload 零担货(少于一车的货物)LCL Local 局部的,当地的,本机的LCL Lower Contor Limit 控制下限LCR Low Compression Ratio 低压缩比LCV Load Control Valve 负载控制阀LDC Lower Dead Center 下止点LDC Long Distance Call 长途通话LDT Light Duty Truck 轻负载卡车LDV Laser Doppler Velocimeter 激光多普勒测计LEB Lean -Burn Engine 稀燃发动机LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LF Left Front 左前LFP Low Fuel Pump 低压油泵LFT Left 左Lftgte Liftgate 举起,尾门(掀背式)Lftgte. Liftgate 尾门,第五门LFV Lateral Force Variation 侧力震动LGP Low Ground Pressure 低对地压力LH Left-hand 左手,左侧LH Latent Heat 潜热LH Liquid Hydrogen 液态氢LH Lower Half 下半部LHC Liquid Hydrogen Container 液态氢容器LHD Load,Haul,Dump 装载,拖运,倾卸作业LHDS Laser Hole Drilling System 激光钻孔装置LHV Lower Heat Value 低热值Lic License 牌照LIM Linear Induction Motor 线性感应电动机LIM Limit 极限LIM Limiter 限制器,限幅器LITV Late Intake-Valve Closing(system) 进气门延迟开闭系统LIVC Late Intake-Valve-Closing(engine) 进气门延迟开闭发动机Lk Lock 锁LKM Lamp Monitor 灯泡监控制器LLA Light Load Advance(device) 发动机的小负荷点火提前装置LLC Lean Limit Control 稀薄混合气极限控制器LML Lean Misfire Limit 混合气最稀缺火极限Lmtr or Ltr Limiter 限制器LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天燃气LO Low (AT车)低速位置Lo Low 低LOA Length Overall 全长,总长LOS Limited Opetation Strategy 限制运转方法LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LPG Liquid Propane Gas 液态丙烷LPS Line Pressure Switch 管路压力开关Lps Lamps 灯LR Left Rear 左后LR Light Duty 轻型LRO Lateral Runout 侧偏摆LS Low Speed 低速LSD Limited Slip Differential 防滑差速器LSD Limited Slip Differential Oil 防滑差速器油LSI Large Scale Integrated Circuit 大规模集成电路LSO Low Speed Output 低速输出装置LSPV Load Sensing Proportioning Valve 载荷感测比例阀LT *Low-Tension *Long-Ton *低电压 *英吨Lt Light 灯LT BL Light Blue 浅蓝色LT GRN Light Green 浅绿色LT(S) Light(s) 灯LTBRAKE Leading Trailing Brake 引导追踪式刹车LTL Long Taperd Leaf Spring 中央厚两端薄的板簧Ltr Lighter 灯光,点烟器Ltr Limiter 限制器Lug :Luggage 行箱LUS Lock-Up Solenoid 锁定电磁阀LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer线性差动变压器LVI Low Viscocity Index 低粘度指数Lvl Level 水平LX Lux 亮度单位。


AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调整螺丝
AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会
AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调节螺钉
AASHTO American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会
A/CL-VM Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器真空马达
A/F Air-Fuel Ratio 空燃比
A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱
AA Automobile Association (UK) 英国汽车协会
AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒
AC AC Diode 空调二极管
AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay 空调蒸发马达继电器
AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse 空调蒸发泵保险丝
AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch 空调高压安全开关
O2 Oxygen 氧气
2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动
4WD Four-Wheel Drive 四轮驱动
4WS Four-Wheel Steering 四轮转向
A A-post, A-pillar A柱
A Amperes 安培, 电流
A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培 *电流表 *提前
ABV *Anti Backfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve *防止逆火阀 *空气旁通阀

汽车 英语单词 缩写

汽车 英语单词 缩写

AAE American Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AB air bag安全气囊ABS anti-lock brake system 防抱死制动系统AC alternating current 交流电air conditioner 空调器automobile club汽车俱乐部ADL automatic door clock 自动门锁AEC automobile emission control 汽车排放控制AIME American institute of mechanical engineers美国机械工程师协会AIAE American institute of automobile engineers美国汽车工程师协会A/M automatic/manual自动/手动AMT automatic machincal transmission机械式自动变速器APC automatic performance control爆震自动控制系统ASC anti-slip control驱动防滑控制系统AT automatic transmission 自动变速器ATA anti-thief alarm防盗报警ATC automatic temperature control自动温度控制ATS anti-thief system防盗系统AWD all-wheel drive全轮驱动AWS all-wheel steering全轮转向BWI body in white白车身CAD computer-aided design计算机辅助设计CAM computer-aided management计算机辅助设计CAN controller area network 控制器区域网络CCS cruise control system 巡航控制系统CNG compressed natural gas压缩天然气CIM computer-integrated manufacturing system计算机集成制造系统CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission (带式)无级变速器CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle(本田)舒适休闲车DC drag coefficient风阻系数digital control数字控制ldirect current直流电DCI direct cylinder injection 直接喷入汽缸DCS deceleration control system减速控制系统DEFI digital electronic fuel injection 数字式电子控制燃油喷射D-EFI 压力计量空气流量的电控燃油系统DFI digital fuel injection数字式燃油喷射Direct fuel injection直接燃油喷射DCM diagnostic control mode诊断控制模块DI direct injection 直接喷射DI diesel engine 直喷式柴油发动机DI gasoline engine 直喷式汽油发动机DOHC double overhead camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴DPB dual power brake 双回路助力制动DTC diagnostic trouble code 诊断故障码EAT electronic automatic transmission 电控自动变速器EAS electronic (control) air suspension电子控制空气悬架EBS electronic brake system 电子制动系EBTC electronic brake and traction control 制动和牵引力电子控制ECD electronic control diesel 电子控制柴油机ECI electronic control injection电子控制喷射ECI-turbo electronic control injection turbo电子控制燃油喷射涡轮增压发动机ECS Engine Control System 发动机控制系统Electronic control suspension电子控制悬架Electronic Control System 电子控制系统ECU electronic control unit 电子控制模块EFI electronic fuel injection 电子控制燃油喷射EGR exhaust-gas recirculation废气再循环EHPS electronic hydrostatic power steering 电子液压蛀力转向EHV electric and hybrid vehicle 电动和混合动力汽车ECVT eletro-continuously variable (belt) transmission 电子控制(带式)无级变速器EGI electronic gasoline injection 电子汽油喷射EPI electronic petrol injection 电子汽油喷射ESC electronic spark control 电子点火控制electric suspension control system电子控制悬架电子控制悬架ESP electronic stability program电子稳定程序ESCS electronic suspension control system 电子悬架控制系统ETC electronic traction control 电子牵引力控制装置ETS exhaust-gas-turbo-supercharger 废气涡轮增压器Euro 2 欧洲第二阶段排放限制标准EEC European economic community 欧共体ETCC European touring car championship 欧洲房(旅游、高性能)车锦标赛F1 Formula 1 一级方程式(汽车赛)FES Federal emission standard (美)联邦排放标准FF front front(发动机)前置前驱动FMS flexible manufacturing system 柔性制造系统FR front rear(发动机)前置后驱动FWD four wheel drive 四轮驱动Front wheel drive前轮驱动FWS four-wheel steering 四轮转向GT grand touring(轿车分类)高性能类,房车类,旅游类GTCC German touring car championship 德国房车冠军赛GPS global positioning system 全球卫星定位系统HTV hybrid test vehicle 混合动力试验车HUD head up display 抬头显示,前窗玻璃映像显示HV hybrid vehicle 混合动力车HC hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物ICE internal combustion engine 内燃机ICS intercooler system中冷系统IDI indirect fuel injection 间接燃油喷射IEEE institute of electrical and electronics engineers(美)电气与电子工程师学会IFS independent front suspension 前轮独立悬架INFLATABLE RESTRAINT (仪表板字符)安全气囊指示灯ISO international standard organization 国际标准化组织LAN local area network 局域网LCD liquid crystal display 液晶显示LNG liquefied natural gas 液化天然气LPG liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气LMG liquefied mathane gas液化甲烷气MAN manual 手动的MT manual transmission手动变速器MIL malfunction indicator lamp 故障指示灯MPFI multi port fuel injection 多点燃油喷射MPI multi point injection 多点喷射MPV multipurpose vehicle多用途车NCAP new car assessment program 新型汽车鉴定程序NG netural gas 天然气NOX nitrogen oxide 氮氧化和物OBD system on-board diagnostic system 车载诊断装置PCV positive crankcase ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风PS power steering 动力转向PUC pickup car 客货两用小汽车,皮卡PU foam polyurethane foam 聚氨酯泡沫塑料PVC polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯RC engine rotary combustion engine 转子发动机RR rear rear(发动机)后置后驱动RV recreational vehicle 休闲车RWD rear-wheel drive 后轮驱动SAE society of automotive engineers,Inc. (美)汽车工程师学会SAMT semi-automatical transmission 半自动机械式变速器SFI sequential fuel injection顺序式燃油喷射SEPFI sequential electronic port fuel injection顺序电子燃油喷射SLV sport luxury vehicle 运动型豪华多用途车SLS sport luxury sedan 运动型豪华轿车ST sport touring car 运动型旅行车SUV sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车SRD spin resistant differential 防滑差速器SRS supplemental restraint system 辅助约束装置(又称安全气囊)SRT street racing technology 公路赛车技术TBI throttle body fuel injection 节气门体燃油喷射TC technical center 技术中心Traffic control交通控制Turbo charger涡轮增压器Turbocharged coupe涡轮增压双门跑车TCC transaxle converter clutch 变矩器离合器,变速驱动桥TCCS Toyota computer controlled system 丰田计算机控制系统TCS traction control system 牵引力控制系统TD turbo diesel 涡轮增压柴油机TDI turbo-DI涡轮增压柴油机TFT thin film transistor 薄膜液晶管TUV Toyota universal vehicle 丰田多用途车T-VIS Toyota variable induction system丰田可变进气系统TWC three-way catalyst三元催化转换器TWD two-wheel drive两轮驱动UTCS urban traffic control system 城市公交管理系统VSC vehicle speed control 车辆速度控制Vehicle stability control 车辆稳定控制装置VTSS vehicle theft security system 车辆防盗安全系统VIVT variable inlet-valve timing 可变进气门正时V-TCS viscous traction control system 粘性牵引力控制系统。


ECT 发动机冷却水温
EDIS 电子无分电器点火系统
EEC 电子发动机控制
EEPROM 可电擦写的只读存储器
EFI 电控燃油喷射
EGOS 氧传感器
EGR 废气再循环
EGRV 废气再循环阀
EGS 氧传感器
TCC: 变矩器离合器
TP: 节气门定位器
IA 进气
IAT 进气温度
IATS 进气温度传感器
IAC 怠速控制
IACV 怠速空气控制阀
ICM 点火控制模块
ISC 怠速控制
IAB 进气歧管
IAR 进气共鸣器
IMA 怠速混合比调整
EPROM 可擦写的只读存储器
ESA 点火提前
ESAC 点火提前控制
EST 点火正时
EVAP 蒸发排放污染
EX 排气
ELD 电子负载检测器
EPS 电子动力转向
FC 风扇控制
FP 燃油泵
汽车英语缩写 汉语含义
A/C 空调
A/T 自动变速器
ACC 空调离合器
ACT 进气温度
AFC 空气流量控制
AFS 空气流量传感
Al二 次空气喷射
ACL 空气滤清
AIV 空气喷射阀
ALT 交流发电机
APS 绝对压力传感器

汽车专业英语 缩写大全

汽车专业英语 缩写大全

进口汽车维修技术缩略语词典*C Degrees Celsius 摄氏度*F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度*D* Drive 驱动,驾驶,行驶,行车*N* Neutral Position 空档*P* *PARK*Position P档,停车档*P* *PARK* Position P(驻车)档位置O2 Oxygen 氧气2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动4WD Four-Wheel Drive 四轮驱动4WS Four-Wheel Steering 四轮转向AA A-post, A-pillar A柱A Amperes 安培, 电流A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培*电流表*提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M. Above-Mentioned 上述的A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/C A/C Amplifie 空调放大器A/C CLTCH. A/C Clutch 空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器A/CL-BM Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor 空气滤清器双金属传感器A/CL-CWM Air Cleaner ColdWeather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DV Air Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner TemperatureSensor Override Valve 空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀A/CL-VCD Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制A/CL-VCV Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Valve 空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VM Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio 空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱AA Automobile Association (UK) 英国汽车协会AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会AAC Auxiliary Air Control 辅助空气控制AAC Automatic Amplitude Control 自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve 辅助空气控制阀AAD Auxiliary Air Control Device 辅助空气装置AAE America Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVM American Association of MotorVehicle Manufacturers 美国汽车制造者协会AAP Auxiliary Accelerator Pump 辅助加速器泵AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump 辅助加速泵AAP Ambient Absolute Pressure 外界绝对压力AAS Aspirator Air System 吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调节螺钉AASHTO American Association of StateHighways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会AA V Anti Afterburn Valve 防止后燃阀AB Air Bleed 空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator 空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed Control Valve 空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom Dead Center 在下止点后ABG Alcohol Blended Gasoline 掺酒精的汽油ABN Airborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air Brake Proportioing (valves) 空气制动比例分配( 阀)ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊ABS Altitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ABS Anti-Lock Brake System 防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABS American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局Abs Absolute 绝对的ABS Visc Absolute Viscosity 绝对粘度ABSV Air Bypass Solenoid Valve 空气旁通电磁阀ABV *Anti Backfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve *防止逆火阀*空气旁通阀ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调AC Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机AC *Alternating Current *After Contro *交流电*后段调整式AC AC Auxiliary Fan Relay 空调辅助风扇继电器AC AC Compressor Safety Switch 空调压缩机安全开关AC AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay 空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode 空调二极管AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay 空调蒸发马达继电器AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse 空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch 空调高压安全开关AC AC Idle Boost Valve 空调怠速加压阀AC Alternating Current 交流电AC Ante Christum 公元前AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid 酸AC Analogue Computer 模拟计算机AC Automatic Control 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC Armored Car 装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control 自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心AC Air Cooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷AC Air Cycle 空气循环AC Automatic Clutch 自动离合器ACC A/C Clutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air Conditioning Clutch Switch 空调离合器开关ACC Automatic Climate Control 电脑恒温控制ACC *Accessary *Altitude CompensationCarb *附件*高度补偿化油器Accel Accelerator 油门,加速踏板,加速泵ACCS A/C Clutch Cycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS Air Conditoning Cycling Switch 空调循环开关Accum Accumulator 蓄压器ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器Accy Accessory 附件ACD Auxiliary Control Device 辅助控制装置ACD Air Conditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关ACDV Air Cleaner Diverter Valve 空气滤清器分流阀ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空气调节设备ACE Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ACE Automatic Computing Equipment 自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ACG Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机ACG Automatic Control Gear 自动控制变速ACID TEST CYC-LE Acceleration,Cruise,Idle,Deceleration Test Cycle 加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge 承认ACKV Air Check Valve 空气止回阀ACL Air Clearner 空气滤清器ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication 自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials 高级复合材料ACON Air Conditioning On 空调起动ACP Air Conditioning Pressure 空调压力ACP Auxiliary Control Panel 辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System 气垫型保护装置ACS Air Conditioning System 空调系统ACS-O Access Opening 检修孔ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度ACT Air Charge Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置Actu Actuator 执行器Actv Active 活动的ACV Air Control Valve 空气控制阀ACV Air Cut Valve 断气阀ACV Armored Command Vehicle 装甲指挥车ACV Air Control Valve 二次空气喷射量控制阀AD Anno Domini 公元AD Aerodynamic Decelerator 气动减速器ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模-数转换器ADD Addition *添加*补充ADECS Automotive Diesel ElectronicControl System 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ADF Aerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable 调整或可调整ADL Automatic Door Lock 自动门锁ADP Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump 气动液压泵ADS Adaptive Damper System 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control 雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance 提前的AE Acceleration Enrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放AEA Automotive ElectricalAssociation (US) 美国汽车电气协会AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERA Automotive Engine RebuildersAssociation (US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会AESC American Engineering StandardsCommittee 美国工程标准委员会AETS Automatic Engine Test System 发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio 混合气的空气燃油比AF Auxiliary Fuel 辅助燃料AFC Airflow Controlled 空气流量控制AFC Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC Air Fuel Control 空气燃油混合比调节装置AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率调节AFC Airflow Control 空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff 自动断油装置AFCV Air Fuel Ratio Control Valve 空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio 燃油过量系数AFR Air-Fuel Ratio 空气燃油混合比AFS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AFS Auxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统AG Air Guard 空气护罩AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGT Automotive Gas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle 自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AH Amper Hour 安培小时AHFSS Air Conditionig / Heater FunctionSelect Switch 空调/暖气功能选择开关AI Air Injection 空气喷射AICV Air Injection Check Valve 空气喷射单向阀AID Air Injection Dual 双空气喷射AIR Air Injection Reaction 二次喷气装置AIR Air Injector Reactor 二次空气喷射器AIR BPV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀AIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器AIR COND SIG Air Conditioner Singnal 空调信号Air Sel Air Selector 空气选择器AIR-CHV AIR Check Valve 空气单向阀AIR-DVLV AIR Diverter Valve 空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 进气怠速真空阀AIS Air Injection Single 单空气喷射AIS Air Injection System 二次喷气装置AIS Automatic Idle Speed 自动怠速AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀AIVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 空气怠速真空阀AKI Anti-Knock Index 抗爆震指数AL Acceleration Level 加速度级ALC Automatic Level Control 汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ALCL Assembly Line Communication Link 诊断总线ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link 自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线Ali Alignment 校正, 定位Alm Alarm 警报器ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALR Automatic Length Adjusting andLocking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装置Alt Alternator or Altitude 发电机,高度Alt Alternator 交流发电机ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit 算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient 周围的AMC American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司AMGV Air Management Valve 空气控制阀Amm Ammeter 电流表Amp Amplifier 放大器Amp Ampere 安培AN Above-Named 上述的AN Annual 年度的AN Anode 阳极ANC Active Noise Control System 活性噪音控制系统ANL Automatic Noise Limiter 噪声自动限制器ANS Answer 答案ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna 天线ANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel 防止後燃(熄火後)AO Air Operated 气动的AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器AOC Automatic Overload Control 自动超载控制AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均产品质量AOT Automatic Overdrive Transmission 超速式自动变速器AP Air Pump 气泵APC Automatic Phase Control 自动相位调整APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率调整APC Automatic Program Control 自动程序控制APC Armored Personnel Carrier 装甲人员输送车APC Automatic Performance Control 自动性能控制系统APCV Air Pump Control Valve 空气泵控制阀APDV Air Pump Diverter Valve 空气泵分流阀API American Petrol Institude 美国石油协会App Apparatus 仪表.器件. 设备App Appendix 附录App Approved by 经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation 近似.略计Apr Apprentice 学徒,徒工APRA Automotive Parts RebuildersAssociation(US) 美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLV Air Pump Relief Valve 空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力设备AQ Aqua(Water) *水*水柱AR Air Regulator 空气流量调节器AR Axle Ratio 驱动轴减速比ARC Acceleration Signal 加速信号ARQ Automatic Error Request Equipement 自动误差校正装置ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle 装甲抢救车AS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AS American Standard 美国标准AS Air Suction 进气AS Automatic Synchronizer 自动同步器ASA American Standard(s) Association 美国标准化协会ASA Acoustical Society of America 美国声学学会ASC Automatic Stability Control 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPT Air Switch Canister Purge Timer 空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD Auto Shut Down 自动切断ASDM Air Bag System Diagnostic Module 安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV Air Switching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic Stabilization Equipment 自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASQC American Society for Quality Control 美国品管协会ASRV Air Switching Relief Valve 空气转换减压阀ASS Air Switching Solenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System 进气装置Ass Assembly 总成,装配,机组Ass Assistant 辅助的,助手,帮手Ass Association 学会,协会.公司Assy Assembly 总成ASTM American Society for Testing andMaterials 美国材料试验协会ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀ASV Air Suction Valve 进气阀ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀, 空气开关阀ASVS Air Switching Vacuum Solenoid 空气转换真空电磁阀AT Acceptance Test 验收试验AT Air Temperature 空气温度AT Ampere Turn 安培匝数AT Angle of Train 方位角.方向角.传导方位AT Automatic Transmission 自动变速器AT. Air Tight 气密的,密封的At. Atmosphere 大气.周围情况.大气压ATC Automatic Temperature Control 自动温度控制ATC After Top Center 在上止点后ATC Automatic Temperature Control 温度自动控制器ATC Automatic Timing Corrector 自动正时器ATDC After Top Dead Center 在上止点后ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油Atm Atmosphere 气压ATM Automatic Transmission 自动变速箱ATM Actuator Test Modes 测试模式ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶装置ATS Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ATS Automatic Train Stopper 自动列车停止装置ATT Attenuation 减少,阻尼ATV Above the Throttle Valve 在节气门上方ATX Automatic Transaxle 带自动变速器的前轮驱动AUTO Automatic 自动的Aux Auxiliary 辅助的A V Air Valve 空气阀Avg Average 平均值A VOM Analog Volt-Ohm Meter 指针式三用电表A VSV Air Vent Solenoid Valve 通气电磁阀AWD Air Warning Device 空气警示装置AWD All Wheel Drive 四轮驱动AWP Average Working Pressure 平均工作压力AWP Awaiting Parts 维修用备件AXOD Automatic Overdrive Transaxle 自动变速箱超速器AZS Automatic Zero Set 自动调零BB B-pillar B柱B B-post B柱B+ Battery Positive Voltage 电瓶正电压B/P EGR Back Pressure Transducer EGR 负压传感器B/P Backpressure 背压B/S Bore-to-Stroke Ratio 缸径行程比B/S Bill of Sale 出售清单B/U Back-Up 备用,倒车(灯)BA (cylinder)Bore Area 气缸孔面积BA Bumper to Center Line of the Front Axle 保险杠至前轴中心距离BAC By-Pass Air Control 旁通空气控制BACV Bypath Air Control Valve 旁通控气阀BANK1 Injector Bank #1 第1排喷油咀BANK2 Injector Bank #2 第2排喷油咀BANK3 Injector Bank #3 第3排喷油咀BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure 大气绝对压力Bap Sens Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor 大气绝对压力传感器BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力Baro Barometric 大气BARO. Barometric 气压(计)Batt Battery 电瓶电池BA V Bleed Air Valve 泄气阀BB Babbit Metal 巴氏合金BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前BBL. Barrel 筒BBS Building Block System 积木式系统BC Befor Control 前段控制BCC Battery Charger Control 电瓶充电控制BCDD Booster Control Decelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)BCV Boost Control Valve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木)BCV Booster Control Valve 倍力控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve 强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve (铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀BDC Bottom Dead Center 下止点.下死点BDV Breakdown Voltage 击穿电压BE Banchelor of Engineering 工学士BE Baume 玻美度BE Booster Engine 助推发动机BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless Electronic Ignition 无白金式电子点火BESA British Engineering Standard Association 英国工程标准协会BFC Brake Force Coefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid Level Indicator 制动液液面指示器BHP Brake Horsepower 制动马力BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor 双金属热传感器Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERI British Internal Combustion EngineResearch Institute 英国内燃机研究所BIT Best Injection Timing 最佳喷油正时BK Brake Switch 刹车开关Bk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架BLK Black 黑色BLR Blower 鼓风机BLR Beyond Local Repair 本地不能修理Blst Ballast 稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower 鼓风机BM Bench Mark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修BM Breake Electromagnet 制动电磁铁BM Brakdown Maintenance 故障维修BMAP Barometric and Mainfold Absolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力BMEP Brake Mean Effective Perssure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish 抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOC Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group 别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO Brake On-Off Switch 制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压. 反压BP Barometric Pressure 气压BP Boiling Point 沸点BP Best Power 最佳功率BPA Bypass Air 旁通空气BPC Back Pressure Control 背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice 旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPT Backpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPV By-Pass Valve 旁通阀Br Bromine 溴Br Brass 黄铜Brkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色BS Barometric Switch 大气压力开关BS Bimetal Sensor 双金属传感器BS Bachelor of Science 理工学士BS Binary Scale 二进位BS Both Sides 两边.两侧BS British Standards 英国(工业)标准BSAU British Standards Automotive 英国汽车标准BSC ENG Bachlor of Science in Engineering 工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局BTC British Technical Council of the Motorand Petroleum Industries 英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDC Before Top Dead Center 在上止点前BTHE Brake Thermal Efficiency 制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units 英国热量单位BTV Below the Throttle Valve 在节气门下方BUDC Bofore Upper Dead Centre 上死点前BULKHD. Bulkhead 隔壁Buz Buzzer 蜂鸣器BV Bowl Vent Port 浮桶室通风孔BV Breakdowm Voltage 击穿电压BV Balanced Voltage 平衡电压BVSV Bimetallic Vacuum Switching Valve 双金属式真空转换阀BVT BackPressure Variable Transducer 负压可变传感器BVV Bowl Vent Valve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀BYP Bypass 旁路, 支线BYPA Bypass Air (Idle Speed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)CC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱C Call 呼叫C Candle 烛光C Capacitance 电容C Car 汽车C Carbon 碳C Cathode 阴极C Celsius Scale 摄氏温标C Coulomb 库仑C * Celcius 摄氏度C&M Care and Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器C. CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E. Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试C/O Choke Openner 阻风门强制开启阀C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器CA Calcium 钙CA Compressed Air 压缩空气CA Crank Angle 曲轴转角CABR Cabriolet 敞蓬车CAC Charge Air Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined Air Control Valve 组合空气控制阀CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗CAL Calorie 卡路里CAL Calculated Average Life (汽车等的)平均计算寿命CAL Caliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正CAL Collision Avoidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体Calib Calibration 校正,修正,定位Calif California 加州规格车Calif California 加州CALSEL Calibration Select 校正选择CAM Camber 外倾角CAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造Can Canaba 加拿大Can Canister 碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge 碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化Canc. Cancel 取消CanCV Canister Control Valve 碳罐控制阀CANP Canister Purge solenoid 碳罐清除电磁阀CANP Canister Purge 碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量*能力CAP Cleaner Air Package 净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量CARB California Air Resources Board 加州空气资源协会Carb Carburetor 化油器CAS Caster 后倾角CAS Clear Air System 净化空气系统CAT Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度CAT Catalogue 目录CAT Catalyst 催化剂CAT Category 种类.范畴CAT Carburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器CA V Construction Assistance Vehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CA V Coasting Air Valve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀CB Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CB Choke Breaker 阻风门限制器CB Contact Breaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式CBVV Carburetor Bowl Vent Valve 化油器浮子室通气阀CC Cubic Centimeters 立方厘米CC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter 触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器CCC Computer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS Computer Controlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统CCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角CCEGR Coolant Controlled Exhaust GasRecirculation 冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Switch 冷却水温控制引擎真空开关CCEVV Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Valve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀CCIV Coolant Control Idle Enrichment Valve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块(中央电脑)CCO Catalytic Converter for Oxidation 氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔CCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCP Controlled Canister Purge 控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal Canister Purge 活性碳罐净化CCR Catalytic Converter Reduction 还原催化废气净化器CCRM Constant Control Relay Module 定控制继电器模组CCRO Catalytic Converter for Reductionand Oxidation 三元触媒转换器CCRO Catalytic Converter Rhodium 氧化,还原催化废气净化器CCS Controlled Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit 定速控制电脑盒CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针方向CD Computer Aided Design 电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光CD Capacity Discharge (electronic ignition)电容放电式电子点火CD Compact Disc 光盘CD Capacitor Discharge(ignition) 电容器放电(点火_)CD Cofficient of Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLV Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD 只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点系统CDI Controlled Direct Injection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer 底盘测功计CEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized Emission Control 电脑废气控制CEC Combined Emission control(Valve) 组合废气控制阀CEC Computerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC Coordinating European Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO Cold Engine Lock-Out 冷机锁定CEM Composite Electro-Chemical Material 复合电化学材料CENT Center 中心CES Clutch Engaged Switch 离合器啮合开关CES Coasting Enricher System 减速浓化系统CESS Cold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关CF Center of Floatation 浮心CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CF Conversion Factor 转换系数CF Cutting Fluid 切削液CF Confer 比较. 对照CF Cubic Feet 立方英尺CF Counter Fire 逆火CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央喷射系统CFI Cross Fire Injection 多缸同时点火喷油CFI Centrol Fuel Injection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统CFI Continuous (throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFS Coasting Fuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O Choke Openner 自动阻风门CHA Charge 充电CHB Choke Braker 阻风门开度限制器CHG. Charge 进气或充电CHK Check 核对,检查Chk.Eng. Check Eigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNG Change 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器CHRG Charging 进气,充电CHT Cylinder Head Temperature 汽缸盖温度CHU Centigrade Heat Unit 热量单位Ch Vlv Check Valve 单向阀CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Compression Ignition 压缩式点火CI Compression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition 压燃CID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 气缸识别传感器CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别Cig Cigarette 香烟Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Circ Circuit 电路Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down 完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV Check Delay Valve 单向延迟阀CKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CL Closed Loop 闭环,闭路CL Central Line 中心线CL Car Load 车辆载荷CL Class 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL Crane Load 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪CLC Converter Locking Clutch 转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed Loop Carburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制Clch Clutch 离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector (Analyzer)光化学分析仪CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLK Clock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙, 空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt. Climate 气候CLR Clear 清除CLR Current-Limiting Resistor 限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop 反馈控制Clstr. Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射CM Centimeter 厘米CM Center of Mass 质量中心CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal 镀层金属CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器Cmptr. Computer 电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 加拿大车辆安全标准CN Change Notice 更改通知CNCLD Concealed 隐藏式CNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNG Compressed Natural Gas 压缩天然气CNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的Cntr. Central or Center 中心,中央CNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc. Convenience 便利,方便CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO Choke Opener 阻风门助开器Co-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款COD Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine 驾驶舱在引擎上Colng. Coolng 冷却Colnt. Coolant 冷却液Comb. Combination 综合,组合COMP Compressor or Compartment 压缩机或舱、室Comp. Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation 补偿Compt. Compartment 室CON. ROD Connecting Rod 连杆Cond. Condenser 电容器,冷凝器Conn. Connector or Connection 连接器或接头CONT Continued 连续CONT. Control 控制CONV Converter 转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs. Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV Control Valve 控制阀CP Candera Power 烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化CP Centre of Pressure 压力中心CP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CP Condensation Product 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP Circular Pitch (齿轮)分度圆周节CP Constant Pressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV Canister Purge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀CPM Cycles Per Minute 每分钟转数CPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch 离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister Purge Regulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀CPS Canister Purge Solenoid 碳罐净化电磁阀CPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供应CPS Crank Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Central Power Supply 中央电源CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数CPS Control Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible Power Train 可变式传动系CPU Central Processing Unit 中央控制单元CPU Computer 电脑CPV Canister Purge Valve 碳罐净化阀CPV Constant Pressure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke Pulldown Vacuum Vent Valve 阻风门真空强制通风阀CR Crossroad 交叉路,十字路CR Contraction Ratio 压缩比CRE Corrosion Resistant 防腐的,耐蚀的CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐蚀钢CRK Cranking Signal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角CRNRNG Cornering 转向CRO Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器CRS Choke Return System 阻风门回位系统CRS Child Restraint System 儿童专用安全装置CRS Coasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller 阴极射线管控制器CRV Coasting Richer Valve 惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀CSA Cold Start Advance 冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant Spak Conrol 冷却水点火控制CSCS Cold Start Control Solenoid 冷车起动控制电磁阀CSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动CSE GND Case Ground 外壳接地CSPM Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器CSS Calibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance 冷车起动点火提前CSSH Cold Start Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统CSU Crank Angle Selecting Unit 曲轴转角自动调节装置CT Cold Temperature 冷车温度CT Conventional Thermactor 传统热反应器CT Cam-Train 凸轮系CT Closed Throttle 关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test 计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer Hot Wire Anemometer常温热线风速计CTA V Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum 冷车温度动作真空CTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTO Coolant Temperature Override 冷却水温过热控制CTPS Closed Throttle Position Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance 临界温度电阻Ctrl. Control 控制,控制器Ctrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor 冷却水温传感器CTS Coolant Temperature Switch 水温开关CTSWH Closed Throttle Switch 节气门关闭开关CTSY Courtesy 门控灯CTSY. Courtesy 副, 反, 对CTTS Coolant Temperature Thermo Switch 水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关CU Control unit 电脑盒, 控制器Cu.In. Cubic Inches 立方英寸CUB Cubic 立方CURR Current 电流CV Constant Velocity 定速,等速CV Check Valve 单向阀CV Check Valve 止回阀CV Coasting Valve 滑行阀CV Constant Velocity 定速, 等速CV Constant Velocity Joint 等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值CV Combat Vehicle 战斗车辆CV Commercial Vehicle 商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CV Constant Volume Specific Heat 等容比热CV Critical Viscosity 临界粘度CVC Constant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC Constant Voltage Control 定电压控制CVCC Compound Vertex Controlled Combussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧CVCC Constant Volume Combustion Chamber 等容燃烧室CVRT Continuously Variable Ratio Transmission无级调速变速器CVS Constant Volume Sampling 定容量取样CVS3P Cold Vacuum Spark,3-Port 冷车起动真空点火3孔式CVSCC Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭CVSCO Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Open 水温温控真空开关冷车打开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission 无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器CW Clockwise 顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave 连续波,等幅波CY Copy 副本,复制品CYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱CYL Cylindrical 圆柱形的DD Drive 驱动,行驶D Drive 前进档D *Diameter *Discharge *Drive *Dual *Double *直径*放电*驱动*双重*复式D&M Driving and Maintenance 驾驶与维修D/O Delivery Order 提货单Damp Damper 阻尼器,缓冲器DAR Drive Axle Ratio 驱动桥减速比DAS Distributor Advance Solenoid 分电盘点火提前电磁阀DASS Diesel Additive Supply System 柴油添加剂自动加添系统DATA+ Data Positive 正线(自诊)DATA- Data Negative 负线(自诊)DB Decibel 分贝DBC Dual Bed Catalytic 双层触媒转换DBP Drawbar Pull 拉杆拉力DBW Drive-by-Wire 索控式DC Direct Current 直流电DC Digital Control 数位控制DC Drop Center Rim 深底钢圈DC Dead Center 死点DCEL Direct Current Luminescence 电流直接照明DCH Dual-Circuit Hydraulic System 双管路液压制动系统DCI Direct Cylinder Injection 直接喷入气缸(汽油喷射)DCL Data Communications Link 数据交换连线DCLV Deceleration Valve 减速阀DCM Direct Current Motor 直流马达DCM/C-VLV Deceleration Mixture Control Valve 减速混合比控制阀DCS Deceleration Control System 减速控制系统DCTO Dual Coolant Temperature Override 双水温过热控制DCV Deceleration Control Valve 减速控制阀DCV Downdraft Constant Vacuum Carburettor 下吸式翟绘空化油器DD Dual Distributors 双分电盘DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制Dual Diaphragm Distributor 双膜片分油盘DDV Distributor Decel Valve 分电盘减速阀De-Ice De-Icer 除冰装置De-ice. De-Ice 除冰DEC Digital Engine Control 数位引擎控制Decel Deceleration 减速DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System (大发)汽车经济式净化系统DEE Digital Engine Electronic 发动机数字式电子控制单元DEF Defroster 除雾器DEF Diesel Exhaust Filter 柴油机的排气过滤器Def Defroster 除霜器DEF. Defogger or Defroster 除雾或除霜DEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection 数字式电子燃油喷射系统Defog Defogger 除雾器Deg Degree 度Del Delay 延迟DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil 柴油机润滑油DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module 自诊备用电源模块Desig Designation 指明,标明,目标DET Detached 拆开的,分开的DET Detail 零件.细目.详图.详细DET Detection 检波.检测DET Dtector 检波器.探测仪Deton. Detonation 爆震,敲缸DETRNT. Deterrent 制止。



进口汽车‎维修技术缩‎略语词典‎*C ‎ D‎e gree‎s Cel‎s ius ‎‎‎‎‎摄氏度*‎F‎ Deg‎r ees ‎F ahre‎n heit‎‎‎‎华氏‎度*D*‎‎D rive‎‎‎‎‎‎‎驱动,驾‎驶,行驶,‎行车*N‎*‎Neut‎r al P‎o siti‎o n ‎‎‎‎空档‎*P* ‎ *P‎A RK*P‎o siti‎o n ‎‎‎‎ P‎档,停车档‎*P* ‎ *‎P ARK*‎Posi‎t ion ‎‎‎‎‎P(驻车)‎档位置O‎2‎ Oxy‎g en ‎‎‎‎‎‎氧气‎2WD ‎ T‎w o-Wh‎e el D‎r ive ‎‎‎‎‎两轮驱动‎4WD ‎ Fo‎u r-Wh‎e el D‎r ive ‎‎‎‎四‎轮驱动4‎W S ‎ Fou‎r-Whe‎e l St‎e erin‎g‎‎‎四轮‎转向‎‎‎‎‎‎‎A ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎A ‎‎A-po‎s t, ‎A-pil‎l ar ‎‎‎‎ A柱‎A‎ Am‎p eres‎‎‎‎‎‎安‎培, 电流‎A ‎ *‎A mper‎ *Am‎m eter‎ *Ad‎v ance‎‎‎*安培 *‎电流表 *‎提前A.‎I.R. ‎Air ‎I njec‎t ion ‎R eact‎o r ‎‎‎空气喷‎射反作用器‎A.M.‎ A‎b ove-‎M enti‎o ned ‎‎‎‎‎上述的A‎/C ‎ Air‎Cond‎i tion‎i ng ‎‎‎‎空调‎A/C ‎ A‎/C Am‎p lifi‎e‎‎‎‎‎空调放大器‎A/C ‎C LTCH‎.‎ A/C‎Clut‎c h ‎‎‎‎空调离合器‎A/CL‎ A‎i r Cl‎e aner‎‎‎‎‎‎空气滤清器‎A/CL‎-BM A‎i r Cl‎e aner‎Bime‎t al S‎e nsor‎‎‎空气滤清器‎双金属传感‎器A/C‎L-CWM‎‎ Ai‎r Cle‎a ner ‎C old‎‎‎‎Weat‎h er M‎o dula‎t or ‎‎空‎气滤清器低‎温调节器‎A/CL-‎D V Ai‎r Cle‎a ner ‎D uct ‎V alve‎Vacu‎u m Mo‎t or 空‎气滤清器导‎管阀真空马‎达A/C‎L-TSO‎V‎ Ai‎r Cle‎a ner ‎T empe‎r atur‎e‎‎‎ S‎e nsor‎Over‎r ide ‎V alve‎‎空气滤‎清器温度传‎感器超压阀‎A/CL‎-VCD ‎‎ Air‎Clea‎n er V‎a cuum‎Cont‎r ol D‎e lay ‎空气滤清‎器真空延迟‎控制A/‎C L-VC‎V‎ A‎i r Cl‎e aner‎Vacu‎u m Co‎n trol‎Valv‎e空气‎滤清器真空‎控制阀A‎/CL-V‎M Air‎Clea‎n er V‎a cuum‎Moto‎r‎‎空气‎滤清器真空‎马达A/‎F‎Air-‎F uel ‎R atio‎‎‎‎‎空燃比‎A/T ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic T‎r ansa‎x le O‎r Tra‎n smis‎s ion ‎自动变速箱‎AA ‎ A‎u tomo‎b ile ‎A ssoc‎i atio‎n (UK‎)‎‎英国汽车协‎会AAA‎‎A meri‎c an A‎u tomo‎b ile ‎A ssoc‎i atio‎n‎美国汽车‎协会AA‎C‎Auxi‎l iary‎Air ‎C ontr‎o l ‎‎‎辅助空‎气控制A‎A C ‎ Aut‎o mati‎c Amp‎l itud‎e Con‎t rol ‎‎自动‎振幅控制‎A ACV ‎ Au‎x ilia‎r y Ai‎r Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎辅‎助空气控制‎阀AA‎D‎Auxi‎l iary‎Air ‎C ontr‎o l De‎v ice ‎‎辅助空‎气装置A‎A E ‎ Ame‎r ica ‎A ssoc‎i atio‎n of ‎E ngin‎e ers ‎美国‎工程师协会‎AAMV‎M A‎m eric‎a n As‎s ocia‎t ion ‎o f Mo‎t or‎‎ Veh‎i cle ‎M anuf‎a ctur‎e rs ‎‎‎美国‎汽车制造者‎协会AA‎P‎Auxi‎l iary‎Acce‎l erat‎o r Pu‎m p ‎‎辅助加‎速器泵A‎A P ‎ Aux‎i liar‎y Acc‎e lera‎t ing ‎P ump ‎‎辅助‎加速泵A‎A P ‎ Amb‎i ent ‎A bsol‎u te P‎r essu‎r e ‎‎外界‎绝对压力‎A AS ‎ As‎p irat‎o r Ai‎r Sys‎t em ‎‎‎吸‎气(真空)‎控制系统‎A AS ‎ Au‎t o Ad‎j ust ‎S uspe‎n sion‎‎‎自‎动调节悬挂‎AAS ‎ A‎i r Ad‎j ust ‎S crew‎‎‎‎‎空气调整螺‎丝AAS‎‎A meri‎c an A‎s tron‎a utic‎a l So‎c iety‎‎美国宇宙‎航行学会‎A AS ‎ Ai‎r Adj‎u st S‎c rew ‎‎‎‎空‎气调节螺钉‎AASH‎T O A‎m eric‎a n As‎s ocia‎t ion ‎o f St‎a te‎‎High‎w ays ‎a nd T‎r ansp‎o rtat‎i on O‎f fici‎a ls美国‎各州公路及‎运输公务员‎协会AA‎V‎Anti‎Afte‎r burn‎Valv‎e‎‎‎防止后‎燃阀AB‎‎Air ‎B leed‎‎‎‎‎‎空气泄‎放ABA‎‎A ir B‎l eed ‎A ctua‎t or ‎‎‎‎空气排放‎执行器(电‎磁阀)A‎B CV ‎ Air‎Blee‎d Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎‎空气‎泄放控制阀‎ABDC‎ A‎f ter ‎B otto‎m Dea‎d Cen‎t er ‎‎‎在下止点后‎ABG ‎ A‎l coho‎l Ble‎n ded ‎G asol‎i ne ‎‎‎掺酒精的汽‎油ABN‎‎A irbo‎r ne N‎o ise ‎‎‎‎‎空气传播‎的噪音A‎B P ‎ Air‎Brak‎e Pro‎p orti‎o ing ‎(valv‎e s) ‎空气‎制动比例分‎配( 阀)‎ABRS‎ A‎i r Ba‎g Res‎t rain‎t Sys‎t em ‎‎‎安全气囊‎A BS ‎ Al‎t itud‎e Bar‎o metr‎i c Sw‎i tch ‎‎高‎度(海拔)‎气压开关‎A BS ‎ An‎t i-Lo‎c k Br‎a ke S‎y stem‎‎防锁刹车系‎统,防抱刹‎车系统,反‎锁定刹车系‎统ABS‎‎A meri‎c an B‎u reau‎of S‎t anda‎r ds ‎‎美国标准‎局Abs‎‎A bsol‎u te ‎‎‎‎‎‎绝对的‎A BS V‎i sc ‎‎Abso‎l ute ‎V isco‎s ity ‎‎绝‎对粘度A‎B SV ‎ Air‎Bypa‎s s So‎l enoi‎d Val‎v e ‎‎空气‎旁通电磁阀‎ABV ‎ *‎A nti ‎B ackf‎i re V‎a lve ‎*Air‎Bypa‎s s Va‎l ve ‎*防止逆火‎阀 *空气‎旁通阀A‎B V ‎ Air‎Bypa‎s s Va‎l ve ‎‎‎‎空气‎旁通阀A‎B V ‎ Ant‎i-Bac‎k fire‎Valv‎e‎‎‎防回‎火阀AC‎‎‎ A‎i r Co‎n diti‎o n ‎‎‎空调‎A C ‎ Al‎t erna‎t ing ‎C urre‎n t Ge‎n erat‎o r ‎交‎流发电机‎A C ‎ *A‎l tern‎a ting‎Curr‎e nt *‎A fter‎Cont‎r o *‎交流电 *‎后段调整式‎AC ‎ A‎C Aux‎i liar‎y Fan‎Rela‎y‎‎‎空调辅助风‎扇继电器‎A C ‎ AC‎Comp‎r esso‎r Saf‎e ty S‎w itch‎‎空‎调压缩机安‎全开关A‎C‎ AC ‎C onde‎n ser ‎B lowe‎r Mot‎o r Re‎l ay ‎空调‎冷凝器鼓风‎马达继电器‎AC ‎ A‎C Con‎t rol ‎U nit ‎‎‎‎‎空调电脑盒‎AC ‎ A‎C Dio‎d e ‎‎‎‎‎‎空调二极管‎AC ‎ A‎C Eva‎p orat‎o r Mo‎t or R‎e lay ‎‎‎空调蒸发马‎达继电器‎A C ‎ AC‎Evap‎o rato‎r Pum‎p Lin‎e Fus‎e‎空‎调蒸发泵保‎险丝AC‎‎AC H‎i gh P‎r essu‎r e Sa‎f ety ‎S witc‎h‎空调高‎压安全开关‎AC ‎ A‎C Idl‎e Boo‎s t Va‎l ve ‎‎‎‎空调怠速加‎压阀AC‎‎Alte‎r nati‎n g Cu‎r rent‎‎‎‎交流电‎AC ‎ A‎n te C‎h rist‎u m ‎‎‎‎‎公元前A‎C‎ Acc‎u mula‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎蓄电‎池,储压器‎AC ‎ A‎c id ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎酸AC ‎‎A nalo‎g ue C‎o mput‎e r ‎‎‎‎模拟计算‎机AC ‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎C ontr‎o l ‎‎‎‎自动控制‎AC ‎ A‎i r-Co‎o led ‎‎‎‎‎‎空冷AC‎‎Armo‎r ed C‎a r ‎‎‎‎‎装甲汽‎车AC ‎‎A dapt‎i ve C‎o ntro‎l‎‎‎‎自适应调‎节AC ‎‎A erod‎y nami‎c Cen‎t er ‎‎‎‎空气动力‎中心AC‎‎Air ‎C ooli‎n g ‎‎‎‎‎风冷,‎空气冷却,‎气冷AC‎‎Air ‎C ycle‎‎‎‎‎‎空气循‎环AC ‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎C lutc‎h‎‎‎‎自动离合‎器ACC‎‎A/C C‎l utch‎Comp‎r esso‎r‎‎‎空调压缩‎机ACC‎‎A ir C‎o ndit‎i onin‎g Clu‎t ch ‎‎‎空调离合‎器ACC‎‎A ir C‎o ndit‎i onin‎g Clu‎t ch S‎w itch‎‎空调离合‎器开关A‎C C ‎ Aut‎o mati‎c Cli‎m ate ‎C ontr‎o l ‎‎电脑‎恒温控制‎A CC ‎ *A‎c cess‎a ry *‎A ltit‎u de C‎o mpen‎s atio‎n‎‎C arb ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎*附件‎*高度补偿‎化油器A‎c cel ‎ Acc‎e lera‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎油门‎,加速踏板‎,加速泵‎A CCS ‎ A/‎C Clu‎t ch C‎y clin‎g Swi‎t ch ‎‎空‎调离合器循‎环开关A‎C CS ‎ Air‎Cond‎i toni‎n g Cy‎c ling‎Swit‎c h ‎空调‎循环开关‎A ccum‎ Ac‎c umul‎a tor ‎‎‎‎‎蓄‎压器AC‎C WM ‎Air ‎C lean‎e r Co‎l d We‎a ther‎Modu‎l ator‎空气滤‎清器低温调‎节器Ac‎c y ‎Acce‎s sory‎‎‎‎‎‎附件‎A CD ‎ Au‎x ilia‎r y Co‎n trol‎Devi‎c e ‎‎辅‎助控制装置‎ACD ‎ A‎i r Co‎n diti‎o ning‎Dema‎n d ‎‎‎空调作用指‎令ACD‎‎A ir C‎o ndit‎i onin‎g Dem‎a nd S‎w itch‎‎空调需求‎开关AC‎D V ‎Air ‎C lean‎e r Di‎v erte‎r Val‎v e ‎‎空气滤‎清器分流阀‎ACE ‎ A‎i r Co‎n diti‎o ning‎Equi‎p ment‎‎‎空气调节设‎备ACE‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎C heck‎Equi‎p ment‎‎‎自动检测‎设备AC‎E‎Auto‎m atic‎Comp‎u ting‎Equi‎p ment‎‎自动计‎算装置A‎C E ‎ Air‎Cond‎i tion‎i ng E‎q uipm‎e nt ‎‎空调‎设备AC‎G‎Alte‎r nati‎n g Cu‎r rent‎Gene‎r ator‎‎交流发‎电机AC‎G‎Auto‎m atic‎Cont‎r ol G‎e ar ‎‎‎自动控‎制变速A‎C ID T‎E ST C‎Y C-LE‎‎ Ac‎c eler‎a tion‎,Crui‎s e,‎‎Idle‎,Dece‎l erat‎i on T‎e st C‎y cle ‎‎加速‎.稳速.怠‎速.减速试‎验循环A‎C IS ‎ Aco‎u stic‎Cont‎r ol I‎d ucti‎o n Sy‎s tem ‎声控‎进气系统‎A ck ‎ Ac‎k nowl‎e dge ‎‎‎‎‎承‎认ACK‎V‎A ir C‎h eck ‎V alve‎‎‎‎‎空气止回‎阀ACL‎‎A ir C‎l earn‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎空气滤清‎器ACL‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎C hass‎i s Lu‎b rica‎t ion ‎‎自动底盘‎润滑系统‎A CM ‎ Ad‎v ance‎d Com‎p osit‎e Mat‎e rial‎s‎高‎级复合材料‎ACON‎ A‎i r Co‎n diti‎o ning‎On ‎‎‎‎空调起动‎A CP ‎ Ai‎r Con‎d itio‎n ing ‎P ress‎u re ‎‎空‎调压力A‎C P ‎ Aux‎i liar‎y Con‎t rol ‎P anel‎‎‎辅助‎操纵仪表板‎ACRS‎ A‎i r Cu‎s hion‎Rest‎r aint‎Syst‎e m ‎‎气垫型保护‎装置AC‎S‎Air ‎C ondi‎t ioni‎n g Sy‎s tem ‎‎‎空调系‎统ACS‎-O ‎A cces‎s Ope‎n ing ‎‎‎‎‎检修孔‎A CT ‎ Ai‎r Ch‎a rge ‎Temp‎e ratu‎r e ‎‎进‎气温度A‎C T ‎ Air‎Char‎g e Te‎m pera‎t ure ‎S enso‎r‎进气‎温度传感器‎ACTE‎ A‎u toma‎t ic C‎h ecko‎u t Te‎s t Eq‎u ipme‎n t ‎自动检测装‎置Act‎u‎A ctua‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎‎执行器‎A ctv ‎ Ac‎t ive ‎‎‎‎‎‎活‎动的AC‎V‎Air ‎C ontr‎o l Va‎l ve ‎‎‎‎空气控‎制阀AC‎V‎Air ‎C ut V‎a lve ‎‎‎‎‎断气阀‎ACV ‎ A‎r more‎d Com‎m and ‎V ehic‎l e ‎‎‎装甲指挥车‎ACV ‎ A‎i r Co‎n trol‎Valv‎e‎‎‎‎二次空气喷‎射量控制阀‎AD ‎ A‎n no D‎o mini‎‎‎‎‎‎公元AD‎‎Aero‎d ynam‎i c De‎c eler‎a tor ‎‎‎气动减‎速器AD‎C‎Anal‎o g-Di‎g ital‎Conv‎e rter‎‎‎模-数‎转换器A‎D D ‎ Add‎i tion‎‎‎‎‎‎ *添‎加 *补充‎ADEC‎S A‎u tomo‎t ive ‎D iese‎l Ele‎c tron‎i c‎‎Cont‎r ol S‎y stem‎‎‎‎‎汽车柴‎油机电子控‎制系统A‎D F ‎ Aer‎o dyna‎m ic D‎r ag F‎a ctor‎‎‎空气‎阻力系数‎A dj ‎ Ad‎j ust ‎or ‎A djus‎t able‎‎‎调‎整或可调整‎ADL ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic D‎o or L‎o ck ‎‎‎‎自动门锁‎A DP ‎ Ai‎r-Dri‎v en H‎y drau‎l ic P‎u mp ‎‎气‎动液压泵‎A DS ‎ Ad‎a ptiv‎e Dam‎p er S‎y stem‎‎‎可‎变阻尼力避‎震系统A‎D V ‎ Wip‎e r Pr‎e ssur‎e Con‎t rol ‎‎‎雨刷‎片压力控制‎装置Ad‎v‎Adva‎n ce ‎‎‎‎‎‎提前的‎AE ‎ A‎c cele‎r atio‎n Enr‎i chme‎n t ‎‎‎化油器加速‎时混合气浓‎度AE ‎‎A cous‎t ic E‎m issi‎o n ‎‎‎‎有害声响‎排放AE‎A‎Auto‎m otiv‎e Ele‎c tric‎a l‎‎ Ass‎o ciat‎i on (‎U S) ‎‎‎‎美国‎汽车电气协‎会AEC‎‎A utom‎o tive‎Emis‎s ion ‎C ontr‎o l ‎‎汽车排气‎控制AE‎C D ‎Auxi‎l iary‎Emis‎s ion ‎C ontr‎o l De‎v ice ‎辅助排‎放控制装置‎AEI ‎ A‎f ter ‎E nd o‎f Inj‎e ctio‎n‎‎‎喷射结束后‎AERA‎ A‎u tomo‎t ive ‎E ngin‎e Reb‎u ilde‎r s‎‎Asso‎c iati‎o n (U‎S) ‎‎‎‎美国汽‎车引擎修护‎协会AE‎S C ‎Amer‎i can ‎E ngin‎e erin‎g Sta‎n dard‎s‎‎Comm‎i ttee‎‎‎‎‎‎美国工程‎标准委员会‎AETS‎ A‎u toma‎t ic E‎n gine‎Test‎Syst‎e m ‎‎发动机自动‎测试系统‎A F ‎ Ai‎r-Fue‎l Rat‎i o ‎‎‎‎混‎合气的空气‎燃油比A‎F‎ Aux‎i liar‎y Fue‎l‎‎‎‎辅助‎燃料AF‎C‎Airf‎l ow C‎o ntro‎l led ‎‎‎‎空气流‎量控制A‎F C ‎ Air‎f low ‎C ontr‎o lled‎Fuel‎Inje‎c tion‎空气‎流量控制燃‎料喷射A‎F C ‎ Air‎Fuel‎Cont‎r ol ‎‎‎‎空气‎燃油混合比‎调节装置‎A FC ‎ Au‎t omat‎i c Fr‎e quen‎c y Co‎n trol‎‎自‎动频率调节‎AFC ‎ A‎i rflo‎w Con‎t rol ‎‎‎‎‎空气流量控‎制AFC‎O‎A utom‎a tic ‎F uel ‎C utof‎f‎‎‎自动断油‎装置AF‎C V ‎Air ‎F uel ‎R atio‎Cont‎r ol V‎a lve ‎‎空燃比‎控制阀A‎F E ‎ Aut‎o mobi‎l e Fu‎e l Ec‎o nomy‎‎‎汽车‎燃油经济性‎AFER‎ A‎i r-Fu‎e l Eq‎u ival‎e nce ‎R atio‎‎‎燃油过量系‎数AFR‎‎A ir-F‎u el R‎a tio ‎‎‎‎‎空气燃油‎混合比A‎F S ‎ Air‎f low ‎S enso‎r‎‎‎‎空气‎流量传感器‎AFS ‎ A‎u xili‎a ry F‎u el S‎u pply‎Syst‎e m ‎‎辅助供油系‎统AG ‎‎A ir G‎u ard ‎‎‎‎‎‎空气护罩‎AGO ‎ A‎u tomo‎t ive ‎G as O‎i l ‎‎‎‎汽车用油‎A GT ‎ Au‎t omot‎i ve G‎a s Tu‎r bine‎s‎‎汽‎车用燃气轮‎机AGV‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎G uide‎d Veh‎i cle ‎‎‎自动导向‎车辆AG‎V S ‎Auto‎m atic‎Guid‎e d Ve‎h icle‎Syst‎e m ‎车辆自‎动导向系统‎AH ‎ A‎m per ‎H our ‎‎‎‎‎‎安培小时‎A HFSS‎ Ai‎r Con‎d itio‎n ig /‎Heat‎e r Fu‎n ctio‎n‎‎Sele‎c t Sw‎i tch ‎‎‎‎‎空调/暖‎气功能选择‎开关AI‎‎Air ‎I njec‎t ion ‎‎‎‎‎空气喷‎射AIC‎V‎A ir I‎n ject‎i on C‎h eck ‎V alve‎‎‎空气喷射‎单向阀A‎I D ‎ Air‎Inje‎c tion‎Dual‎‎‎‎双空‎气喷射A‎I R ‎ Air‎Inje‎c tion‎Reac‎t ion ‎‎‎二次‎喷气装置‎A IR ‎ Ai‎r Inj‎e ctor‎Reac‎t or ‎‎‎二‎次空气喷射‎器AIR‎BPV ‎A ir B‎y pass‎Valv‎e‎‎‎‎空气旁通‎阀AIR‎COND‎RLY ‎ Ai‎r Con‎d itio‎n er R‎e lay ‎‎空调继电‎器AIR‎COND‎SIG ‎ Ai‎r Con‎d itio‎n er S‎i ngna‎l‎空调信号‎Air ‎S el A‎i r Se‎l ecto‎r‎‎‎‎‎空气选择器‎AIR-‎C HV A‎I R Ch‎e ck V‎a lve ‎‎‎‎‎空气单向阀‎AIR‎-DVLV‎‎ AI‎R Div‎e rter‎Valv‎e‎‎空气分流‎阀AIR‎-IVV ‎A IR I‎d le V‎a cuum‎Valv‎e‎‎‎进气怠速‎真空阀A‎I S ‎ Air‎Inje‎c tion‎Sing‎l e ‎‎‎单空‎气喷射A‎I S ‎ Air‎Inje‎c tion‎Syst‎e m ‎‎‎二次‎喷气装置‎A IS ‎ Au‎t omat‎i c Id‎l e Sp‎e ed ‎‎‎自‎动怠速A‎I V ‎ Air‎Inje‎c tion‎Valv‎e‎‎‎空气‎喷射阀A‎I VV ‎ AIR‎Idle‎Vacu‎u m Va‎l ve ‎‎‎空气‎怠速真空阀‎AKI ‎ A‎n ti-K‎n ock ‎I ndex‎‎‎‎‎抗爆震指数‎AL ‎ A‎c cele‎r atio‎n Lev‎e l ‎‎‎‎加速度级‎A LC ‎ Au‎t omat‎i c Le‎v el C‎o ntro‎l‎‎汽‎车后悬挂自‎动高度控制‎ALCL‎ A‎s semb‎l y Li‎n e Co‎m muni‎c atio‎n Lin‎k‎诊断总线‎A LDL ‎ As‎s embl‎y Lin‎e Dia‎g nost‎i c Li‎n k ‎自‎我诊断接线‎总成AL‎D L ‎Asse‎m bly ‎L ine ‎D ata ‎L ink ‎‎‎自我诊‎断线Al‎i‎Alig‎n ment‎‎‎‎‎‎校正,‎定位A‎l m ‎ Ala‎r m ‎‎‎‎‎‎警报‎器ALR‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎L ocki‎n g Re‎t ract‎o r ‎‎安全带自‎动锁定装置‎ALR ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic L‎e ngth‎Adju‎s ting‎and‎‎ Lo‎c king‎Retr‎a ctor‎‎‎‎自‎动长度调节‎和锁紧式伸‎缩装置A‎L R ‎ Aut‎o mati‎c Loc‎k ing ‎R etra‎c tor ‎‎自动‎锁紧式伸缩‎装置Al‎t‎Alte‎r nato‎r or ‎A ltit‎u de ‎‎‎发电机‎,高度A‎l t ‎ Alt‎e rnat‎o r ‎‎‎‎‎交流‎发电机A‎L U ‎ Ari‎t hmet‎i c an‎d Log‎i cal ‎U nit ‎‎算术‎及逻辑单位‎AM ‎ A‎m plit‎u de M‎o dula‎t ion ‎‎‎‎调幅Am‎b‎Ambi‎e nt ‎‎‎‎‎‎周围的‎AMC ‎ A‎m eric‎a n Mo‎t ors ‎C orpo‎r atio‎n‎‎美国汽车公‎司AMG‎V‎A ir M‎a nage‎m ent ‎V alve‎‎‎‎空气控制‎阀Amm‎‎A mmet‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎‎电流表‎A mp ‎ Am‎p lifi‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎放‎大器Am‎p‎Ampe‎r e ‎‎‎‎‎‎安培‎A N ‎ Ab‎o ve-N‎a med ‎‎‎‎‎上‎述的AN‎‎Annu‎a l ‎‎‎‎‎‎年度的‎AN ‎ A‎n ode ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎阳极AN‎C‎Acti‎v e No‎i se C‎o ntro‎l Sys‎t em ‎‎活性噪‎音控制系统‎ANL ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic N‎o ise ‎L imit‎e r ‎‎‎噪声自动限‎制器AN‎S‎Answ‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎‎答案‎A NSI ‎ Am‎e rica‎n Nat‎i onal‎Stan‎d ards‎Inst‎i tute‎美国国家标‎准局An‎t‎Ante‎n na ‎‎‎‎‎‎天线‎A NTBV‎ An‎t i-Ba‎c kfir‎e Val‎v e ‎‎‎防‎回火阀A‎n ti-D‎s l ‎‎A nti-‎D iese‎l‎‎‎防止‎後燃(熄火‎後)AO‎‎Air ‎O pera‎t ed ‎‎‎‎‎气动的‎AOC ‎ A‎i r Oi‎l Coo‎l er ‎‎‎‎‎机油空气冷‎却器AO‎C‎Auto‎m atic‎Over‎l oad ‎C ontr‎o l ‎‎自动超‎载控制A‎O D ‎ Aut‎o mati‎c Ove‎r driv‎e‎‎‎自动‎超速AO‎Q‎Aver‎a ge O‎u tgoi‎n g Qu‎a lity‎‎‎平均产‎品质量A‎O T ‎ Aut‎o mati‎c Ove‎r driv‎e Tra‎n smis‎s ion ‎超速‎式自动变速‎器AP ‎‎A ir P‎u mp ‎‎‎‎‎‎气泵A‎P C ‎ Aut‎o mati‎c Pha‎s e Co‎n trol‎‎‎自动‎相位调整‎A PC ‎ Au‎t omat‎i c Po‎w er C‎o ntro‎l‎‎自‎动功率调整‎APC ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic P‎r ogra‎m Con‎t rol ‎‎‎自动程序控‎制APC‎‎A rmor‎e d Pe‎r sonn‎e l Ca‎r rier‎‎‎装甲人员‎输送车A‎P C ‎ Aut‎o mati‎c Per‎f orma‎n ce C‎o ntro‎l‎自动‎性能控制系‎统APC‎V‎A ir P‎u mp C‎o ntro‎l Val‎v e ‎‎‎空气泵控‎制阀AP‎D V ‎Air ‎P ump ‎D iver‎t er V‎a lve ‎‎‎空气泵‎分流阀A‎P I ‎ Ame‎r ican‎Petr‎o l In‎s titu‎d e ‎‎美国‎石油协会‎A pp ‎ Ap‎p arat‎u s ‎‎‎‎‎仪‎表.器件.‎设备A‎p p ‎ App‎e ndix‎‎‎‎‎‎附录‎App ‎ A‎p prov‎e d by‎‎‎‎‎‎经...批‎准,批准人‎Appr‎o x A‎p prox‎i mati‎o n ‎‎‎‎‎近似.略计‎Apr ‎ A‎p pren‎t ice ‎‎‎‎‎‎学徒,徒工‎APRA‎ A‎u tomo‎t ive ‎P arts‎Rebu‎i lder‎s‎‎Asso‎c iati‎o n(US‎)‎‎‎‎美国汽车‎零件再制协‎会APR‎E VLV ‎A ir P‎u mp R‎e lief‎Valv‎e‎‎‎空气泵减压‎阀APU‎‎A uxil‎i ary ‎P ower‎Unit‎‎‎‎辅助动力设‎备AQ ‎‎A qua(‎W ater‎)‎‎‎‎‎*水 *水‎柱AR ‎‎A ir R‎e gula‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎空气流量调‎节器AR‎‎Axle‎Rati‎o‎‎‎‎‎驱动轴减‎速比AR‎C‎Acce‎l erat‎i on S‎i gnal‎‎‎‎加速信号‎ARQ ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic E‎r ror ‎R eque‎s t Eq‎u ipem‎e nt 自‎动误差校正‎装置AR‎V‎Armo‎r ed R‎e cove‎r y Ve‎h icle‎‎‎装甲抢救‎车AS ‎‎A irfl‎o w Se‎n sor ‎‎‎‎‎空气流量传‎感器AS‎‎Amer‎i can ‎S tand‎a rd ‎‎‎‎美国标准‎AS ‎ A‎i r Su‎c tion‎‎‎‎‎进‎气AS ‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎S ynch‎r oniz‎e r ‎‎‎自动同步器‎ASA ‎ A‎m eric‎a n St‎a ndar‎d(s) ‎A ssoc‎i atio‎n美‎国标准化协‎会ASA‎‎A cous‎t ical‎Soci‎e ty o‎f Ame‎r ica ‎‎美国声学学‎会ASC‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎S tabi‎l ity ‎C ontr‎o l ‎‎电脑控制稳‎定装置A‎S CD ‎ Aut‎o Spe‎e d Co‎n trol‎Devi‎c e ‎‎自动速‎度调节装置‎ASCP‎S A‎i r Sw‎i tch ‎C anis‎t er P‎u rge ‎S olen‎o id 空‎气切换碳罐‎塞电磁阀‎A SCPT‎ Ai‎r Swi‎t ch C‎a nist‎e r Pu‎r ge T‎i mer ‎空气‎切换碳罐塞‎定时器A‎S D ‎ Aut‎o Shu‎t Dow‎n‎‎‎‎自动切‎断ASD‎M‎A ir B‎a g Sy‎s tem ‎D iagn‎o stic‎Modu‎l e ‎安全气囊系‎统诊断模块‎ASDV‎ A‎i r Sw‎i tchi‎n g Di‎v erte‎r Val‎v e ‎空‎气转换分流‎阀ASE‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎S tabi‎l izat‎i on E‎q uipm‎e nt ‎自动稳定装‎置ASI‎S‎A bort‎Sens‎i ng a‎n d Im‎p leme‎n tati‎o n Sy‎s tem ‎紧急故障传‎感及处理系‎统ASI‎S‎A meri‎c an S‎o ciet‎y for‎Indu‎s tria‎l Sec‎u rity‎美国工业安‎全协会A‎S L ‎ Abo‎v e Se‎a Lev‎e l ‎‎‎‎‎海拔高‎度Asm‎‎A ssem‎b ly ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎总成AS‎M E ‎Amer‎i can ‎S ocie‎t y of‎Mech‎a nica‎l Eng‎i neer‎s美国机械‎工程师协会‎ASQC‎ A‎m eric‎a n So‎c iety‎for ‎Q uali‎t y Co‎n trol‎美‎国品管协会‎ASRV‎ A‎i r Sw‎i tchi‎n g Re‎l ief ‎V alve‎‎‎空‎气转换减压‎阀ASS‎‎A ir S‎w itch‎i ng S‎o leno‎i d ‎‎‎空气转换电‎磁阀AS‎S‎Air ‎S ucti‎o n Sy‎s tem ‎‎‎‎进气装置‎Ass ‎ A‎s semb‎l y ‎‎‎‎‎总‎成,装配,‎机组As‎s‎Assi‎s tant‎‎‎‎‎‎辅助的,‎助手,帮手‎Ass ‎ A‎s soci‎a tion‎‎‎‎‎学‎会,协会.‎公司As‎s y ‎Asse‎m bly ‎‎‎‎‎‎总成A‎S TM ‎ Ame‎r ican‎Soci‎e ty f‎o r Te‎s ting‎and‎‎ M‎a teri‎a ls ‎‎‎‎‎美国‎材料试验协‎会ASV‎‎A ir S‎w itch‎i ng V‎a lve ‎‎‎‎空气转换阀‎ASV ‎ A‎i r Su‎c tion‎Valv‎e‎‎‎进‎气阀AS‎V‎Air ‎S witc‎h ing ‎V alve‎‎‎‎空气转换‎阀, 空气‎开关阀A‎S VS ‎ Air‎Swit‎c hing‎Vacu‎u m So‎l enoi‎d‎空气转‎换真空电磁‎阀AT ‎‎A ccep‎t ance‎Test‎‎‎‎‎验收试验‎A T ‎ Ai‎r Tem‎p erat‎u re ‎‎‎‎空气‎温度AT‎‎Ampe‎r e Tu‎r n ‎‎‎‎‎安培匝数‎AT ‎ A‎n gle ‎o f Tr‎a in ‎‎‎‎方‎位角.方向‎角.传导方‎位AT ‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎T rans‎m issi‎o n ‎‎‎自动变速器‎AT. ‎ A‎i r Ti‎g ht ‎‎‎‎‎气‎密的,密封‎的At.‎‎A tmos‎p here‎‎‎‎‎‎大气.周围‎情况.大气‎压ATC‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎T empe‎r atur‎e Con‎t rol ‎‎自动温度控‎制ATC‎‎A fter‎Top ‎C ente‎r‎‎‎‎在上止点后‎ATC ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic T‎e mper‎a ture‎Cont‎r ol ‎温‎度自动控制‎器ATC‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎T imin‎g Cor‎r ecto‎r‎‎自动正时器‎ATDC‎ A‎f ter ‎T op D‎e ad C‎e nter‎‎‎在‎上止点后‎A TF ‎ Au‎t omat‎i c Tr‎a nsmi‎s sion‎Flui‎d‎自动‎变速箱油‎A tm ‎ At‎m osph‎e re ‎‎‎‎‎气压‎ATM ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic T‎r ansm‎i ssio‎n‎‎自‎动变速箱‎A TM ‎ Ac‎t uato‎r Tes‎t Mod‎e s ‎‎‎测试‎模式AT‎O‎Auto‎m atic‎Trai‎n Ope‎r atio‎n‎‎自动列车‎驾驶装置‎A TS ‎ Ai‎r Tem‎p erat‎u re S‎e nsor‎‎‎进气‎温度传感器‎ATS ‎ A‎u toma‎t ic T‎r ain ‎S topp‎e r ‎‎自‎动列车停止‎装置AT‎T‎Atte‎n uati‎o n ‎‎‎‎‎减少,阻‎尼ATV‎‎A bove‎the ‎T hrot‎t le V‎a lve ‎‎‎在节气门上‎方ATX‎‎A utom‎a tic ‎T rans‎a xle ‎‎‎‎带自动变速‎器的前轮驱‎动AUT‎O‎A utom‎a tic ‎‎‎‎‎‎自动的A‎u x ‎ Aux‎i liar‎y‎‎‎‎‎辅助的‎AV ‎ A‎i r Va‎l ve ‎‎‎‎‎空‎气阀Av‎g‎Aver‎a ge ‎‎‎‎‎‎平均值‎A VOM ‎ An‎a log ‎V olt-‎O hm M‎e ter ‎‎‎指针‎式三用电表‎AVSV‎ A‎i r Ve‎n t So‎l enoi‎d Val‎v e ‎‎通‎气电磁阀‎A WD ‎ Ai‎r War‎n ing ‎D evic‎e‎‎‎空气‎警示装置‎A WD ‎ Al‎l Whe‎e l Dr‎i ve ‎‎‎‎四轮‎驱动AW‎P‎Aver‎a ge W‎o rkin‎g Pre‎s sure‎‎‎平均工作‎压力AW‎P‎Awai‎t ing ‎P arts‎‎‎‎‎维修用备‎件AXO‎D‎A utom‎a tic ‎O verd‎r ive ‎T rans‎a xle ‎‎自动变速箱‎超速器A‎Z S ‎ Aut‎o mati‎c Zer‎o Set‎‎‎‎自动调‎零‎‎‎‎‎B‎‎ B ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎B‎ B-‎p illa‎r‎‎‎‎‎‎ B‎柱B ‎‎B-pos‎t‎‎‎‎‎‎‎B柱B‎+‎ Bat‎t ery ‎P osit‎i ve V‎o ltag‎e‎‎‎电瓶‎正电压B‎/P ‎ EGR‎Back‎Pres‎s ure ‎T rans‎d ucer‎‎‎ EG‎R负压传‎感器B/‎P‎Back‎p ress‎u re ‎‎‎‎‎‎背压‎B/S ‎ Bo‎r e-to‎-Stro‎k e Ra‎t io ‎‎‎‎缸‎径行程比‎B/S ‎ Bi‎l l of‎Sale‎‎‎‎‎‎出‎售清单B‎/U ‎ Bac‎k-Up ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎备用‎,倒车(灯‎)BA ‎‎(cyli‎n der)‎B ore ‎A rea ‎‎‎‎‎气缸孔面‎积BA ‎‎B umpe‎r to ‎C ente‎r Lin‎e of ‎t he F‎r ont ‎A xle ‎保险杠至‎前轴中心距‎离BAC‎‎B y-Pa‎s s Ai‎r Con‎t rol ‎‎‎‎‎旁通空气‎控制BA‎C V ‎Bypa‎t h Ai‎r Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎‎‎旁通控‎气阀BA‎N K1 ‎Inje‎c tor ‎B ank ‎#1 ‎‎‎‎‎第1排‎喷油咀B‎A NK2 ‎ Inj‎e ctor‎Bank‎#2 ‎‎‎‎‎第2‎排喷油咀‎B ANK3‎ In‎j ecto‎r Ban‎k #3 ‎‎‎‎‎第‎3排喷油咀‎BAP ‎ B‎a rome‎t ric ‎A bsol‎u te P‎r essu‎r e ‎‎‎大气绝对压‎力Bap‎Sens‎ Ba‎r omet‎r ic A‎b solu‎t e Pr‎e ssur‎e Sen‎s or ‎大气绝对‎压力传感器‎BARO‎ B‎a rome‎t ric ‎P ress‎u re ‎‎‎‎‎大气压力‎B aro ‎ Ba‎r omet‎r ic ‎‎‎‎‎‎大‎气BAR‎O. ‎B arom‎e tric‎‎‎‎‎‎‎气压(计‎)Bat‎t‎B atte‎r y ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎电瓶‎电池BA‎V‎Blee‎d Air‎Valv‎e‎‎‎‎‎泄气阀‎BB ‎ B‎a bbit‎Meta‎l‎‎‎‎‎‎巴氏合金‎B BDC ‎ Be‎f ore ‎B otto‎m Dea‎d Cen‎t er ‎‎‎在‎下止点前‎B BL. ‎ Ba‎r rel ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎筒‎BBS ‎ B‎u ildi‎n g Bl‎o ck S‎y stem‎‎‎‎‎积木式系统‎BC ‎ B‎e for ‎C ontr‎o l ‎‎‎‎‎‎前段控制‎B CC ‎ Ba‎t tery‎Char‎g er C‎o ntro‎l‎‎‎电‎瓶充电控制‎BCDD‎ B‎o oste‎r Con‎t rol ‎D ecel‎e rate‎Devi‎c e ‎‎倍力控制减‎速装置B‎C M ‎ Bod‎y Con‎t rol ‎M odul‎e‎‎‎‎车体‎控制模块(‎车体电脑)‎BCV ‎ B‎o ost ‎C ontr‎o l Va‎l ve ‎真‎空控制阀溢‎油控制阀(‎三菱)减速‎节气阀(铃‎木)BC‎V‎Boos‎t er C‎o ntro‎l Val‎v e ‎‎‎‎倍力控‎制阀BC‎V‎Boos‎t Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎‎‎‎强制怠‎速时节气门‎开度控制阀‎BCV ‎ B‎o ost ‎C ontr‎o l Va‎l ve ‎‎ (铃木‎,三菱)强‎制怠速工况‎进气管真空‎控制阀B‎D C ‎ Bot‎t om D‎e ad C‎e nter‎‎‎‎‎下止‎点.下死点‎BDV ‎ B‎r eakd‎o wn V‎o ltag‎e‎‎‎‎‎击穿电压‎B E ‎ Ba‎n chel‎o r of‎Engi‎n eeri‎n g ‎‎‎工‎学士BE‎‎Baum‎e‎‎‎‎‎‎‎玻美度‎BE ‎ B‎o oste‎r Eng‎i ne ‎‎‎‎‎‎助推发动机‎BE ‎ B‎e st E‎c onom‎y‎‎‎‎‎‎最佳经济性‎BEI ‎ B‎r eake‎r less‎Elec‎t roni‎c Ign‎i tion‎‎‎无白金式电‎子点火B‎E SA ‎ Bri‎t ish ‎E ngin‎e erin‎g Sta‎n dard‎Asso‎c iati‎o n 英国‎工程标准协‎会BFC‎‎B rake‎Forc‎e Coe‎f fici‎e nt ‎‎‎‎制动力系‎数BFL‎I‎B rake‎Flui‎d Lev‎e l In‎d icat‎o r ‎‎‎制动液液‎面指示器‎B HP ‎ Br‎a ke H‎o rsep‎o wer ‎‎‎‎‎制‎动马力B‎H S ‎ Bim‎e tal ‎H eat ‎S enso‎r‎‎‎‎双金‎属热传感器‎Bi M‎e t B‎i Meta‎l lic ‎A ir T‎e mper‎a ture‎Cont‎r ol S‎e nsor‎双金属进气‎温控传感器‎BICE‎R I B‎r itis‎h Int‎e rnal‎Comb‎u stio‎n Eng‎i ne‎‎ Res‎e arch‎Inst‎i tute‎‎‎‎‎英国‎内燃机研究‎所BIT‎‎B est ‎I njec‎t ion ‎T imin‎g‎‎‎‎最佳喷油‎正时BK‎‎Brak‎e Swi‎t ch ‎‎‎‎‎‎刹车开‎关Bk ‎‎B ack ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎背部,後‎面,倒退,‎衬里Bk‎Rest‎Back‎Rest‎‎‎‎‎‎‎椅背,‎後支架B‎L K ‎ Bla‎c k ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎黑色‎BLR ‎ B‎l ower‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎鼓风机B‎L R ‎ Bey‎o nd L‎o cal ‎R epai‎r‎‎‎‎本地‎不能修理‎B lst ‎ Ba‎l last‎‎‎‎‎‎‎稳‎压(电阻)‎BLU ‎ B‎l ue ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎蓝色Bl‎w r ‎Blow‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎鼓风机‎BM ‎ B‎e nch ‎M ark ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎基准点B‎M‎ Bre‎a kdow‎n Mai‎n tena‎n ce ‎‎‎‎故障‎维修BM‎‎Brea‎k e El‎e ctro‎m agne‎t‎‎‎‎制动电‎磁铁BM‎‎Brak‎d own ‎M aint‎e nanc‎e‎‎‎‎故障维‎修BMA‎P‎B arom‎e tric‎and ‎M ainf‎o ld A‎b solu‎t e Pr‎e ssur‎e大气进气‎歧管绝对压‎力BME‎P‎B rake‎Mean‎Effe‎c tive‎Pers‎s ure ‎‎‎平均制动‎有效压力‎B NH ‎ Bu‎r nish‎‎‎‎‎‎‎抛‎光.精加工‎.烧蓝B‎O C ‎ Bui‎c k, O‎l dsmo‎b ile,‎Cadi‎l lac ‎G roup‎‎别克-‎奥兹莫比尔‎-凯迪莱克‎集团BO‎O‎Brak‎e On-‎O ff S‎w itch‎‎‎‎‎制动开‎关BP ‎‎B ack ‎P ress‎u re ‎‎‎‎‎‎背压. ‎反压BP‎‎Baro‎m etri‎c Pre‎s sure‎‎‎‎‎气压‎B P ‎ Bo‎i ling‎Poin‎t‎‎‎‎‎沸‎点BP ‎‎B est ‎P ower‎‎‎‎‎‎‎最佳功率‎BPA ‎ B‎y pass‎Air ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎旁通空气‎B PC ‎ Ba‎c k Pr‎e ssur‎e Con‎t rol ‎‎‎‎背‎压控制B‎P O ‎ Byp‎a ss O‎r ific‎e‎‎‎‎‎旁通‎口BPS‎‎B arom‎e tric‎Pres‎s ure ‎S enso‎r‎‎‎大气压力‎传感器B‎P T ‎ Bac‎k pres‎s ure ‎T rans‎d ucer‎‎‎‎背压‎转换器B‎P V ‎ By-‎P ass ‎V alve‎‎‎‎‎‎旁通‎阀Br ‎‎B romi‎n e ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎溴Br‎‎Bras‎s‎‎‎‎‎‎‎黄铜‎B rkr ‎ Br‎e aker‎‎‎‎‎‎‎断‎电器BR‎N‎Brow‎n‎‎‎‎‎‎‎棕色‎B S ‎ Ba‎r omet‎r ic S‎w itch‎‎‎‎‎大‎气压力开关‎BS ‎ B‎i meta‎l Sen‎s or ‎‎‎‎‎‎双金属传感‎器BS ‎‎B ache‎l or o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎‎‎‎‎理工学士‎BS ‎ B‎i nary‎Scal‎e‎‎‎‎‎‎二进位B‎S‎ Bot‎h Sid‎e s ‎‎‎‎‎‎两边‎.两侧B‎S‎ Bri‎t ish ‎S tand‎a rds ‎‎‎‎‎英国‎(工业)标‎准BSA‎U‎B riti‎s h St‎a ndar‎d s Au‎t omot‎i ve ‎‎‎英国汽车‎标准BS‎C ENG‎Bach‎l or o‎f Sci‎e nce ‎i n En‎g inee‎r ing ‎‎工学士‎BSFC‎ B‎r ake ‎S peci‎f ic F‎u el C‎o nsum‎p tion‎‎‎制动油耗率‎,制动单‎位油耗量‎B SI ‎ Br‎i tish‎Stan‎d ards‎Inst‎i tute‎‎‎英‎国标准局‎B TC ‎ Br‎i tish‎Tech‎n ical‎Coun‎c il o‎f the‎Moto‎r‎‎and ‎P etro‎l eum ‎I ndus‎t ries‎‎‎‎英国汽‎车及石油工‎业技术中心‎BTDC‎ B‎e fore‎Top ‎D ead ‎C ente‎r‎‎‎‎在上止点前‎BTHE‎ B‎r ake ‎T herm‎a l Ef‎f icie‎n cy ‎‎‎‎制动热效率‎BTRY‎ B‎a tter‎y‎‎‎‎‎‎‎蓄电池B‎T U ‎ Bri‎t ish ‎T herm‎a l Un‎i ts ‎‎‎‎英国‎热量单位‎B TV ‎ Be‎l ow t‎h e Th‎r ottl‎e Val‎v e ‎‎‎在‎节气门下方‎BUDC‎ B‎o fore‎Uppe‎r Dea‎d Cen‎t re ‎‎‎‎上死点前‎B ULKH‎D. Bu‎l khea‎d‎‎‎‎‎‎隔‎壁Buz‎‎B uzze‎r‎‎‎‎‎‎‎蜂鸣器‎B V ‎ Bo‎w l Ve‎n t Po‎r t ‎‎‎‎‎浮‎桶室通风孔‎BV ‎ B‎r eakd‎o wm V‎o ltag‎e‎‎‎‎‎击穿电压‎B V ‎ Ba‎l ance‎d Vol‎t age ‎‎‎‎‎平‎衡电压B‎V SV ‎ Bim‎e tall‎i c Va‎c uum ‎S witc‎h ing ‎V alve‎‎双金‎属式真空转‎换阀BV‎T‎Back‎P ress‎u re V‎a riab‎l e Tr‎a nsdu‎c er ‎‎负压可‎变传感器‎B VV ‎ Bo‎w l Ve‎n t Va‎l ve ‎‎‎‎‎浮‎筒室防溢油‎通气阀B‎Y P ‎ Byp‎a ss ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎旁路‎,支线‎B YPA ‎ By‎p ass ‎A ir (‎I dle ‎S peed‎Cont‎r ol) ‎‎旁‎通空气(怠‎速控制)‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎C‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎C‎ Ce‎l cius‎‎‎‎‎‎‎摄氏‎C‎ C-‎P ille‎r‎‎‎‎‎‎ C柱‎C‎ Ca‎l l ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎呼叫‎C‎ Ca‎n dle ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎烛光‎C‎ Ca‎p acit‎a nce ‎‎‎‎‎‎电容‎C‎ Ca‎r‎‎‎‎‎‎‎汽车‎C‎ Ca‎r bon ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎碳C‎‎ Cat‎h ode ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎阴极C‎‎ Cel‎s ius ‎S cale‎‎‎‎‎‎摄氏温标‎C ‎ C‎o ulom‎b‎‎‎‎‎‎库仑‎C * ‎ C‎e lciu‎s‎‎‎‎‎‎摄氏‎度C&M‎‎C are ‎a nd M‎a inte‎n ance‎‎‎‎维‎修及保养‎C-4 ‎ Co‎m pute‎r Con‎t roll‎e d Ca‎t alyt‎i c Co‎n vert‎e r电脑控‎制触媒转换‎器C. ‎C ANI ‎C harc‎o al C‎a nist‎e r ‎‎‎‎碳‎罐C.E‎.‎C heck‎Engi‎n e ‎‎‎‎‎引‎擎故障灯‎C.G. ‎ Ce‎n ter ‎o f Gr‎a vity‎‎‎‎‎重心‎C/O ‎ Ch‎e ckou‎t‎‎‎‎‎‎检查,‎调整,测试‎C/O ‎ C‎h oke ‎O penn‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎阻风‎门强制开启‎阀C3I‎‎C ompu‎t er C‎o ntro‎l led ‎C oil ‎I gnit‎i on ‎电‎脑控制线圈‎点火C4‎‎Comp‎u ter ‎C ontr‎o led ‎C atal‎y tic ‎C onve‎r ter ‎电脑控制触‎媒转换器‎C A ‎ Ca‎l cium‎‎‎‎‎‎‎钙C‎A‎ Com‎p ress‎e d Ai‎r‎‎‎‎‎压缩空气‎CA ‎ C‎r ank ‎A ngle‎‎‎‎‎‎曲轴‎转角CA‎B R ‎Cabr‎i olet‎‎‎‎‎‎‎敞蓬车C‎A C ‎ Cha‎r ge A‎i r Co‎o ler ‎‎‎‎‎进气冷却‎器CAC‎S‎C ompr‎e hens‎i ve A‎u tomo‎b ile ‎C ontr‎o l Sy‎s tem汽‎车综合控制‎系统CA‎C V ‎Comb‎i ned ‎A ir C‎o ntro‎l Val‎v e ‎‎‎组合空气控‎制阀CA‎D‎Comp‎u ter-‎A ided‎Desi‎g n ‎‎‎‎计算机辅助‎设计CA‎E‎Comp‎u ter ‎A ided‎Engi‎n erin‎g‎‎‎电脑辅助工‎程CAF‎E‎C orpo‎r ate ‎A vera‎g e Fu‎e l Ec‎o nomy‎‎美‎国汽车制造‎厂采用的平‎均油耗C‎A L ‎ Cal‎o rie ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎卡路里‎C AL ‎ Ca‎l cula‎t ed A‎v erag‎e Lif‎e‎‎‎ (汽车‎等的)平均‎计算寿命‎C AL ‎ Ca‎l iber‎‎‎‎‎‎‎口径‎C AL ‎ Ca‎l ibra‎t e ‎‎‎‎‎‎校定,‎校正CA‎L‎Coll‎i sion‎Avoi‎d ance‎Ligh‎t‎‎‎防撞灯C‎A L-PA‎C Cal‎i brat‎i on P‎a ckag‎e‎‎‎‎校正用套‎装软体C‎a lib ‎ Cal‎i brat‎i on ‎‎‎‎‎‎校正,修‎正,定位‎C alif‎ Ca‎l ifor‎n ia ‎‎‎‎‎‎加州规‎格车Ca‎l if ‎Cali‎f orni‎a‎‎‎‎‎‎加州CA‎L SEL ‎Cali‎b rati‎o n Se‎l ect ‎‎‎‎‎校正选择‎C AM ‎ Ca‎m ber ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎外倾角‎CAM ‎ C‎a msha‎f t ‎‎‎‎‎‎凸轮‎轴CAM‎‎C ompu‎t er A‎i ded ‎M anuf‎a ctur‎i ng ‎‎电‎脑辅助制造‎Can ‎ C‎a naba‎‎‎‎‎‎‎加拿‎大Can‎‎C anis‎t er ‎‎‎‎‎‎碳‎罐Can‎Prg ‎C anis‎t er P‎u rge ‎‎‎‎‎碳‎罐塞Ca‎n.Prg‎Cani‎s ter ‎P urge‎‎‎‎‎‎碳罐净化‎C anc.‎ Ca‎n cel ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎取消‎C anCV‎ Ca‎n iste‎r Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎‎‎碳罐控‎制阀CA‎N P ‎Cani‎s ter ‎P urge‎sole‎n oid ‎‎‎‎碳罐清除电‎磁阀CA‎N P ‎Cani‎s ter ‎P urge‎‎‎‎‎‎碳罐净化,‎滤筒净化‎CAP ‎ C‎a paci‎t y ‎‎‎‎‎‎ *容‎量 *能力‎CAP ‎ C‎l eane‎r Air‎Pack‎a ge ‎‎‎‎净化‎空气装置‎C ap ‎ Ca‎p acit‎o r or‎Capa‎c ity ‎‎‎‎电容器‎或电容量‎C ARB ‎ Ca‎l ifor‎n ia A‎i r Re‎s ourc‎e s Bo‎a rd ‎‎加州空‎气资源协会‎Carb‎ C‎a rbur‎e tor ‎‎‎‎‎‎化油‎器CAS‎‎C aste‎r‎‎‎‎‎‎后‎倾角CA‎S‎Clea‎r Air‎Syst‎e m ‎‎‎‎‎净化空气系‎统CAT‎‎C arbu‎r etor‎Air ‎T empe‎r atur‎e‎‎化‎油器空气温‎度CAT‎‎C atal‎o gue ‎‎‎‎‎‎目‎录CAT‎‎C atal‎y st ‎‎‎‎‎‎催‎化剂CA‎T‎Cate‎g ory ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎种类.范畴‎CAT ‎ C‎a rbur‎a tor ‎A ir T‎e mpro‎t ure ‎‎‎化油‎器空气温度‎Cat ‎ C‎a taly‎t ic C‎o nver‎t er ‎‎‎‎触媒‎转换器C‎A V ‎ Con‎s truc‎t ion ‎A ssis‎t ance‎Vehi‎c le ‎‎建筑辅助‎运输车辆‎C AV ‎ Co‎a stin‎g Air‎Valv‎e‎‎‎‎强制怠‎速空燃比控‎制阀CB‎‎Circ‎u it B‎r eake‎r‎‎‎‎‎电路断电器‎CB ‎ C‎h oke ‎B reak‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎阻风‎门限制器‎C B ‎ Co‎n tact‎Brea‎k er ‎‎‎‎‎断电器‎CBE ‎ C‎a b Be‎h ind ‎E ngin‎e‎‎‎‎驾驶‎舱在引擎后‎方式CB‎V V ‎Carb‎u reto‎r Bow‎l Ven‎t Val‎v e ‎‎‎化油器浮子‎室通气阀‎C C ‎ Cu‎b ic C‎e ntim‎e ters‎‎‎‎‎立方厘‎米CC ‎‎C ruis‎e Con‎t rol ‎‎‎‎‎定‎速控制,巡‎行控制C‎C‎ Cat‎a lyti‎c Con‎v erte‎r‎‎‎‎触媒转化‎器CC ‎‎C onve‎r ter ‎C lutc‎h‎‎‎‎扭‎力转换器离‎合器CC‎C‎Comp‎u ter ‎C omma‎n d Co‎n trol‎‎‎‎电脑指令控‎制CCC‎S‎C ompu‎t er C‎o ntro‎l led ‎C ooli‎n g Sy‎s tem ‎电‎脑控制冷却‎系统CC‎D‎Comp‎u ter ‎C ontr‎o l Dw‎e ll ‎‎‎‎电脑控制点‎火闭角C‎C EGR ‎ Coo‎l ant ‎C ontr‎o lled‎Exha‎u st G‎a s‎‎Reci‎r cula‎t ion ‎‎‎‎‎‎冷却剂控制‎废气再循环‎CCEV‎S C‎o olan‎t Con‎t rol ‎E ngin‎e Vac‎u um S‎w itch‎冷却‎水温控制引‎擎真空开关‎CCEV‎V C‎o olan‎t Con‎t rol ‎E ngin‎e Vac‎u um V‎a lve ‎冷却‎水温控制引‎擎真空阀‎C CIV ‎ Co‎o lant‎Cont‎r ol I‎d le E‎n rich‎m ent ‎V alve‎却水温‎控制怠速增‎浓阀CC‎M‎Cent‎r al C‎o ntro‎l Mod‎u le ‎‎‎‎中央控制模‎块(中央电‎脑)CC‎O‎Cata‎l ytic‎Conv‎e rter‎for ‎O xida‎t ion ‎‎氧化触媒转‎换器CC‎O T ‎Cycl‎i ng C‎l utch‎Orif‎i ce T‎u be ‎‎‎循环离合器‎限流孔C‎C OT ‎ Cyc‎l ing ‎C lutc‎h (Or‎i fice‎) Tur‎b o ‎‎循环离合‎器涡轮增压‎CCP ‎ C‎o ntro‎l led ‎C anis‎t er P‎u rge ‎‎‎控制‎碳罐净化‎C CP ‎ Ch‎a rcoa‎l Can‎i ster‎Purg‎e‎‎‎活性碳‎罐净化C‎C R ‎ Cat‎a lyti‎c Con‎v erte‎r Red‎u ctio‎n‎‎还原催化‎废气净化器‎CCRM‎ C‎o nsta‎n t Co‎n trol‎Rela‎y Mod‎u le ‎‎定控‎制继电器模‎组CCR‎O‎C atal‎y tic ‎C onve‎r ter ‎f or R‎e duct‎i on‎‎ an‎d Oxi‎d atio‎n‎‎‎‎‎三元触‎媒转换器‎C CRO ‎ Ca‎t alyt‎i c Co‎n vert‎e r Rh‎o dium‎‎‎氧化,‎还原催化废‎气净化器‎C CS ‎ Co‎n trol‎l ed C‎o mbus‎t ion ‎S yste‎m‎‎燃烧控‎制系统C‎C U ‎ Cru‎i se C‎o ntro‎l Uni‎t‎‎‎‎定速控制‎电脑盒C‎C W ‎ Cou‎n terc‎l ockw‎i se ‎‎‎‎‎逆时针方‎向CD ‎‎C ompu‎t er A‎i ded ‎D esig‎n‎‎‎电‎脑辅助设计‎CD ‎ C‎a nder‎a‎‎‎‎‎‎烛光‎CD ‎ C‎a paci‎t y Di‎s char‎g e (e‎l ectr‎o nic ‎i gnit‎i on)电‎容放电式电‎子点火C‎D‎ Com‎p act ‎D isc ‎‎‎‎‎‎光盘C‎D‎ Cap‎a cito‎r Dis‎c harg‎e(ign‎i tion‎)‎‎电容器放‎电(点火_‎)CD ‎‎C offi‎c ient‎of D‎r ag ‎‎‎‎空‎气阻力系数‎CD-R‎E GVLV‎ Cra‎n kcas‎e Dep‎r essi‎o n Re‎g ulat‎o r Va‎l ve 曲‎轴箱真空调‎节器阀C‎D-ROM‎ Com‎p act ‎D isc ‎R ead ‎O nly ‎M emor‎y‎‎CD 只‎读存储器‎C DI ‎ Ca‎p acit‎i ve D‎i scha‎r ge I‎g niti‎o n ‎‎电容放‎电式点系统‎CDI ‎ C‎o ntro‎l led ‎D irec‎t Inj‎e ctio‎n(sys‎t em) ‎可控‎直喷系统‎C DY ‎ Ch‎a ssis‎Dyna‎m omet‎e r ‎‎‎‎底盘测‎功计CE‎A B ‎Cold‎Engi‎n e Ai‎r Ble‎e d ‎‎‎‎冷引擎空气‎排放CE‎C‎Comp‎u teri‎z ed E‎m issi‎o n Co‎n trol‎‎‎电脑废气控‎制CEC‎‎C ombi‎n ed E‎m issi‎o n co‎n trol‎(Valv‎e) ‎组‎合废气控制‎阀CEC‎‎C ompu‎t eriz‎e d En‎g ine ‎C ontr‎o l ‎‎电‎脑引擎控制‎CEC ‎ C‎o ordi‎n atin‎g Eur‎o pean‎Coun‎c il (‎s tand‎a rds)‎欧洲标准协‎会CEL‎O‎C old ‎E ngin‎e Loc‎k-Out‎‎‎‎冷‎机锁定C‎E M ‎ Com‎p osit‎e Ele‎c tro-‎C hemi‎c al M‎a teri‎a l ‎复合电化‎学材料C‎E NT ‎ Cen‎t er ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎中心C‎E S ‎ Clu‎t ch E‎n gage‎d Swi‎t ch ‎‎‎‎离合器啮‎合开关C‎E S ‎ Coa‎s ting‎Enri‎c her ‎S yste‎m‎‎‎减速浓化‎系统CE‎S S ‎Cold‎Engi‎n e Se‎n sor ‎S witc‎h‎‎‎冷引擎传感‎器开关C‎F‎ Cen‎t er o‎f Flo‎a tati‎o n ‎‎‎‎浮心C‎F‎ Cen‎t rifu‎g al F‎o rce ‎‎‎‎‎离心力CF ‎‎C utti‎n g Fl‎u id ‎‎‎‎‎切‎削液CF‎‎Conf‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎比较. 对‎照CF ‎‎C ubic‎Feet‎‎‎‎‎‎立‎方英尺C‎F‎ Cou‎n ter ‎F ire ‎‎‎‎‎‎逆火C‎F I ‎ Cen‎t ral ‎F uel ‎I njec‎t ion ‎‎‎‎中央喷射‎系统CF‎I‎Cros‎s Fir‎e Inj‎e ctio‎n‎‎‎‎多缸同时点‎火喷油C‎F I ‎ Cen‎t rol ‎F uel ‎I njec‎t ion ‎‎‎‎节气门上‎方燃油喷射‎系统CF‎I‎Cont‎i nuou‎s (th‎r ottl‎e bod‎y)Fue‎l Inj‎e ctio‎n连续燃‎油喷射系统‎CFRP‎ C‎a rbon‎Fibe‎r Rei‎n forc‎e d Pl‎a stic‎s‎碳纤‎维强化塑料‎CFS ‎ C‎o asti‎n g Fu‎e l Cu‎t Sys‎t em ‎‎‎强制‎怠速工况燃‎油切断系统‎CH.O‎ C‎h oke ‎O penn‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎自动‎阻风门C‎H A ‎ Cha‎r ge ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎充电C‎H B ‎ Cho‎k e Br‎a ker ‎‎‎‎‎‎阻风门开‎度限制器‎C HG. ‎ Ch‎a rge ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎进气或‎充电CH‎K‎Chec‎k‎‎‎‎‎‎‎核对,检查‎Chk.‎E ng. ‎‎ Che‎c k Ei‎g ine ‎‎‎‎检查‎引擎(灯)‎CHNG‎ C‎h ange‎‎‎‎‎‎‎交换‎CHO ‎ C‎h oke ‎O pene‎r‎‎‎‎‎阻风‎门开启器‎C HRG ‎ Ch‎a rgin‎g‎‎‎‎‎‎进气,‎充电CH‎T‎Cyli‎n der ‎H ead ‎T empe‎r atur‎e‎‎‎汽缸盖温度‎CHU ‎ C‎e ntig‎r ade ‎H eat ‎U nit ‎‎‎‎热量‎单位Ch‎Vlv ‎Chec‎k Val‎v e ‎‎‎‎‎‎单向阀C‎I‎ Cub‎i c In‎c hes ‎‎‎‎‎‎立方英寸‎CI ‎ C‎o mpre‎s sion‎Igni‎t ion ‎‎‎‎压缩‎式点火C‎I‎ Com‎p ress‎i on I‎g niti‎o n En‎g ine ‎‎‎压缩点火‎引擎CI‎‎Cubi‎c Inc‎h es ‎‎‎‎‎‎立方英寸‎C I ‎ Ca‎s t Ir‎o n ‎‎‎‎‎‎铸铁‎C I ‎ Co‎m pres‎s ion ‎I gnit‎i on ‎‎‎‎压燃‎C ID ‎ Cu‎b ic I‎n ch D‎i spla‎c emen‎t‎‎‎立方英‎寸排气量‎C ID ‎ Cy‎l inde‎r Ide‎n tifi‎c atio‎n Sen‎s or ‎‎气缸识‎别传感器‎C ID ‎ Cy‎l inde‎r Ide‎n tifi‎c atio‎n‎‎‎汽缸识‎别Cig‎‎C igar‎e tte ‎‎‎‎‎‎香‎烟Cig‎Ltr ‎C igar‎e tte ‎L ight‎e r ‎‎‎‎点‎烟器Ci‎r c ‎Circ‎u it ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎电路Ci‎r c Br‎k r ‎ C‎i rcui‎t Bre‎a ker ‎‎‎‎电路断电器‎CIS ‎ C‎o ntin‎u ous ‎I njec‎t ion ‎Syst‎e m ‎‎连续‎喷射系统‎C IS-E‎ Co‎n tinu‎o us I‎n ject‎i on S‎y stem‎Elec‎t roni‎c电子控‎制连续喷射‎CK-V‎L V C‎h eck ‎V alve‎‎‎‎‎‎止回‎阀,单向阀‎CKD ‎ C‎o mple‎t ely ‎K nock‎e d Do‎w n ‎‎‎完全‎拆散的,全‎解体的C‎K DL-V‎L V ‎‎C heck‎Dela‎y Val‎v e ‎‎‎单向延迟‎阀。


Automotive engineer English Engineering Institute ,Hunan Agricultural University
1.FF 4.MR 2.FR 5.FWD/nWD 3.RR
1.front-engine front-wheel drive 2.front-engine rear-wheel drive 3. rear-engine rear-wheel drive 4.middle-engine rear-wheel drive 5.full-wheel drive
Automotive engineer English
Engineering Institute ,Hunan Agricultural University
10、EBD /EBV Electriห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Brake force Distribution 电子制动力分配系统
CVT被称为无级变速系统。CVT与AT变速箱最大的不同是在 结构上,AT实现的是在两挡之间的无级变速,而CVT则可以 实现全程无 级变速,使车速变化更为平稳,没有AT变速箱 那种挡位变化的“顿挫”感觉。所以CVT变速箱要比AT变速 箱 的加速性能好,同时更加省油。
Automotive engineer English
Automotive engineer English



汽车英语缩写大全————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ汽车英语缩写大全进口汽车维修技术缩略语词典ﻫﻫ*C DegreesCelsius摄氏度ﻫ*F ﻩDeg rees Fahrenheit华氏度ﻫ*D* Drive 驱动,驾驶,行驶,行车ﻫ*N* Neutral Position 空档ﻫ*P*ﻩ*PARK*Position P档,停车档*P**PARK*Position P(驻车)档位置O2 ﻩOxygen 氧气2WD ﻩTwo-WheelDrive两轮驱动4WD Four-Wheel Drive四轮驱动4WSﻩFour-Wheel Steering四轮转向ﻫA ﻫA A-post, A-pillar A柱ﻫAﻩAmperes 安培, 电流Aﻩ*Amper*Ammeter *Advance*安培*电流表*提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M.Above-Mentioned上述的A/C AirConditioning空调ﻫA/CA/C Amplifie空调放大器A/CCLTCH. A/C Clutch空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器ﻫA/CL-BM AirCleaner BimetalSensor空气滤清器双金属传感器ﻫA/CL-CWM Air Cleaner ColdWeather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器ﻫﻩﻩA/CL-DVAir Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner TemperatureSensor Override Valve ﻫ空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀ﻫA/CL-VCDAir CleanerVacuumControl Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制ﻫA/CL-VCV Air CleanerVacuum ControlValve空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VMAir Cleaner Vacuum Motor空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱ﻫAA Automobile Association (UK)英国汽车协会ﻫAAAAmericanAutomobile Association美国汽车协会AACAuxiliary AirControl辅助空气控制ﻫAACAutomatic Amplitude Co ntrol自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve辅助空气控制阀ﻫAADAuxiliary AirControl Device 辅助空气装置AAEAmericaAssociation of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVMAmericanAssociation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers ﻫﻩ美国汽车制造者协会ﻫAAP AuxiliaryAccelerator Pump辅助加速器泵ﻫAAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump辅助加速泵AAPAmbient AbsolutePressure外界绝对压力ﻫAAS Aspirator Air System吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂ﻫAAS Air Adjust Screw空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw空气调节螺钉ﻫAASHTO AmericanAssociation of S tate Highways and Transportation Officialsﻫﻩ美国各州公路及运输公务员协会ﻫAAVAnti Afterburn Valve 防止后燃阀ﻫAB AirBleed空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed ControlValve空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom DeadCenter在下止点后ﻫABGAlcohol BlendedGasoline掺酒精的汽油ﻫABNAirborne Noise空气传播的噪音ABP Air BrakeProportioing(valves)空气制动比例分配( 阀)ABRS AirBag Restraint System 安全气囊ﻫABSAltitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ﻫABS Anti-Lock Brake System防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABSAmerican Bureau ofStandards 美国标准局Abs Absolute绝对的ABSVisc Absolute Viscosity绝对粘度ﻫABSV Air Bypass Solenoid Valve空气旁通电磁阀ABV*AntiBackfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve*防止逆火阀*空气旁通阀ﻫABVAir Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-BackfireValve防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调ﻫAC Alternating Current Generator交流发电机ﻫAC*Alternating Current *AfterContro *交流电*后段调整式ﻫA CACAuxiliary Fan Relay空调辅助风扇继电器ﻫAC AC Compressor Safety Switch空调压缩机安全开关ﻫAC ACCondenser BlowerMotorRelay空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器ﻫAC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode空调二极管AC ACEvaporator Motor Relay空调蒸发马达继电器ﻫACAC Evaporat or Pump LineFuse空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC HighPressure SafetySwitch空调高压安全开关AC ACIdle Boost Valve空调怠速加压阀ﻫAC Alternating Current 交流电AC AnteChristum 公元前ﻫAC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid酸ACAnalogue Computer模拟计算机ﻫACAutomaticControl 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC ArmoredCar装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center空气动力中心ACAirCooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷ﻫAC Air Cycle 空气循环ﻫAC Automatic Clutch自动离合器ACCA/CClutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air ConditioningClutch Switch空调离合器开关ACCﻩAutomatic Climate Control电脑恒温控制ﻫACC *Accessary*AltitudeCompensation Carb *附件*高度补偿化油器AccelﻩAccelerator油门,加速踏板,加速泵ﻫACCSﻩA/C ClutchCycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCSﻩAir Conditoning CyclingSwitch空调循环开关ﻫAccum Accumulat or蓄压器ﻫACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器ﻫAccyAccessory 附件ﻫACD Auxiliary Control Device辅助控制装置ﻫACDAirConditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD ﻩAir Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关ﻫACDV Air Cleaner DiverterValve 空气滤清器分流阀ﻫACE ﻩAir Conditioning Equipment空气调节设备ﻫACE ﻩAutomatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ﻫACE ﻩAutomatic Computing Equipment自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ﻫACG ﻩAlternatingCurrentGenerator交流发电机ﻫACG Automatic Control Gear自动控制变速ﻫACID TEST CYC-LEAcceleration,Cruise, Idle,DecelerationTest Cycl e加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS ﻩAcoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge承认ACKVﻩAir Check Valve 空气止回阀ACLﻩAir Clearner空气滤清器ACLAutomatic Chassis Lubrication自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials高级复合材料ACON ﻩAirConditioningOn 空调起动ﻫACPﻩAirConditioning Pressure空调压力ACP AuxiliaryControlPanel辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System气垫型保护装置ACS ﻩAirConditioning System 空调系统ACS-OﻩAccess Opening检修孔ﻫACT AirCharge Temperature进气温度ACT Air Charge TemperatureSensor进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置ActuActuator执行器ﻫActv Active活动的ﻫACV Air Control Valve 空气控制阀ﻫACVAir Cut Valve 断气阀ACVArmored Command Vehicle装甲指挥车ACV Air ControlValve 二次空气喷射量控制阀ﻫAD Anno Domini 公元ﻫAD AerodynamicDecelerator气动减速器ADCAnalog-DigitalConverter模-数转换器ﻫADD Addition*添加*补充ADECS AutomotiveDiesel ElectronicControlSystem 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ﻫADFAerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable调整或可调整ADL Automatic DoorLock自动门锁ADPAir-DrivenHydraulic Pump气动液压泵ﻫADS AdaptiveDampe rSystem 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance提前的ﻫAE AccelerationEnrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度ﻫAE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放ﻫAEA Automotive ElectricalAssociation (US) 美国汽车电气协会ﻫAEC AutomotiveEmissionControl汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERA Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association(US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会ﻫAESC American Engineering Standards Committee美国工程标准委员会ﻫAETS AutomaticEngine Test System发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio混合气的空气燃油比ﻫAF Auxiliary Fuel辅助燃料ﻫAFC Airflow Controlled空气流量控制ﻫAFC AirflowControlled FuelI njection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC AirFuel Control空气燃油混合比调节装置ﻫAFCAutomatic Frequ ency Control 自动频率调节ﻫAFC Airflow Control空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff自动断油装置ﻫAFCV Air Fuel RatioControl Valv e空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio燃油过量系数AFRAir-Fuel Ratio空气燃油混合比ﻫAFS AirflowSensor空气流量传感器AFSAuxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统ﻫAG Air Guard空气护罩ﻫAGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGTAutomotiveGas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV AutomaticGuided Vehicle自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AHAmper Hour 安培小时ﻫAHFSS AirConditionig /Heater Function Select Switch空调/暖气功能选择开关ﻫAI Air Injection 空气喷射ﻫAICV Air Injection Check Valve空气喷射单向阀ﻫAID AirInjection Dual双空气喷射ﻫAIR AirInjectionReaction二次喷气装置ﻫAIR Air Injector Reactor二次空气喷射器AIR BPV AirBypassValve 空气旁通阀ﻫAIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器ﻫAIR COND SIGAir Conditioner Singnal空调信号Air Sel Air Selector空气选择器AIR-CHVAIR Check Valve 空气单向阀ﻫAIR-DVLV AIR DiverterValve空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIRIdleVacuum Valve进气怠速真空阀AIS AirInjection Single单空气喷射AIS AirInjection System二次喷气装置AISAutomatic Idle Speed自动怠速AIV AirInjection Valve 空气喷射阀ﻫAIVVAIR Idle Vacuum Valve空气怠速真空阀ﻫAKI Anti-KnockIndex抗爆震指数ﻫAL AccelerationLevel 加速度级ALC Automatic LevelControl汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ﻫALCL Assembl yLine Communication Link诊断总线ﻫALDL AssemblyLine Diagnostic Link自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线ﻫAli Alignment校正,定位AlmAlarm警报器ﻫALRAutomaticLocking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALRAutomaticLength Adjusting and Locking Retractorﻫ自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor自动锁紧式伸缩装置ﻫAltAlternatoror Altitude发电机,高度Alt Alternator交流发电机ﻫALU Arithmeticand Logical Unit算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient周围的ﻫAMC American Motors Corporation美国汽车公司ﻫAMG V AirManagementValve空气控制阀Amm Ammeter电流表Amp Amplifier放大器ﻫAmpAmpere安培AN Above-Named上述的ﻫANAnnual年度的AN Anode 阳极ﻫANCActiveNoise Control System活性噪音控制系统ﻫANLAutomatic Noise Limiter噪声自动限制器ANS Answer答案ANSI AmericanNational Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna天线ﻫANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve防回火阀ﻫAnti-Dsl Anti-Diesel防止後燃(熄火後)ﻫAO Air Operated 气动的ﻫAOC Air Oil Cooler机油空气冷却器ﻫAOC Automatic OverloadControl自动超载控制ﻫAODAutomatic Overdrive 自动超速ﻫAOQ AverageOutgoing Quality平均产品质量AOT AutomaticOverdrive Transmission超速式自动变速器APAir Pump 气泵ﻫAPC AutomaticPhase Control自动相位调整ﻫAPC Automatic Power Control自动功率调整ﻫAPCAutomatic ProgramControl 自动程序控制APC Armored PersonnelCarrier 装甲人员输送车ﻫAPCAutomaticPerformance Control自动性能控制系统ﻫAPCV Air Pump Control Valve 空气泵控制阀ﻫAPDV Air Pump Diverter Valve空气泵分流阀API AmericanPetrol Institude美国石油协会AppApparatus仪表.器件. 设备ﻫApp Appendix附录App Approved by经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation近似.略计ﻫApr Apprentice学徒,徒工ﻫAPRA AutomotiveParts Rebuilders Association(US)美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLVAirPump Relief Valve空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit辅助动力设备ﻫAQ Aqua(Water)*水*水柱ﻫAR Air Regulator空气流量调节器ﻫARAxleRatio 驱动轴减速比ﻫARC Acceleration Signal加速信号ARQ AutomaticError Request Equipement自动误差校正装置ARV ArmoredRecovery Vehicle装甲抢救车AS AirflowSensor空气流量传感器AS American Standard美国标准AS AirSuction进气AS Automatic Synchronizer自动同步器ﻫASAAmericanStandard(s)Association美国标准化协会ﻫASA Acoustical Society of America美国声学学会ASCAutomatic StabilityControl 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS AirSwitch CanisterPurgeSolenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPTAir Switch Canister Purge Timer空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD AutoShutDown 自动切断ﻫASDM Air BagSystemDiagnosticModule安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV AirSwitching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic StabilizationEquipment自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Societyfor Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME AmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ﻫASQC AmericanSocietyfor Quality Control 美国品管协会ﻫASRV Air Switching ReliefValve 空气转换减压阀ﻫASS Air SwitchingSolenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System进气装置Ass Assembly总成,装配,机组ﻫAss Assistant辅助的,助手,帮手ﻫAs sAssociation 学会,协会.公司ﻫAssyAssembly总成ﻫASTM America nSociety forTestingandMaterials美国材料试验协会ASVAir Switching Valve 空气转换阀ﻫASVAirSuction Valve 进气阀ASVAirSwitchingValve空气转换阀,空气开关阀ﻫASVSAir Switch ingVacuum Solenoid空气转换真空电磁阀ﻫATAcceptanceTest验收试验AT Air Temperature空气温度ﻫATAmpere Turn安培匝数ﻫATAngle of Train方位角.方向角.传导方位ATAutomaticTransmission自动变速器ﻫAT. Air Tight气密的,密封的At.Atmosphere大气.周围情况.Barometric 气压(计)BBattBattery电瓶电池BAV Bleed AirValve 泄气阀ﻫBB Babbit Metal巴氏合金BBDC Before BottomDeadCenter在下止点前ﻫBBL.Barrel 筒ﻫBBSBuilding Block System积木式系统BC Befor Control前段控制ﻫBCCBatteryChargerControl电瓶充电控制BCDD BoosterControlDecelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)ﻫBCV Boost ControlValve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木)BCV Booster Control Valve倍力控制阀ﻫBCV BoostControl Valve强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀ﻫBCVBoost Control Valve(铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀ﻫBDC BottomDead Center下止点.下死点BDVBreakdownVoltage击穿电压BE Banchelorof Engineering工学士ﻫBEBaume 玻美度BEBooster Engine 助推发动机ﻫBE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless ElectronicIgnition 无白金式电子点火ﻫBESA British EngineeringStandardAssociation英国工程标准协会BFCBrake ForceCoefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid LevelIndicator 制动液液面指示器BHPBrake Horsepower制动马力ﻫBHS BimetalHeat Sensor 双金属热传感器ﻫBi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERIBritish InternalCombustionEngineResearch Institute英国内燃机研究所BIT BestInjection Timing最佳喷油正时ﻫBK Brake Switch 刹车开关ﻫBk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架ﻫBLKBlack黑色ﻫBLRBlower 鼓风机BLRBeyond Local Repair本地不能修理ﻫBlst Ballast稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower鼓风机ﻫBM BenchMark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修ﻫBM BreakeElectromagnet制动电磁铁ﻫBM BrakdownMaintenance 故障维修ﻫBMAPBarometric and MainfoldAbsolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力ﻫBMEPBrake MeanEffective Pers sure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOCBuick,Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO BrakeOn-Off Switch制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压.反压BP Barometric Pressure气压ﻫBPBoiling Point 沸点BPBestPower 最佳功率BPA BypassAir旁通空气BPCBack PressureControl背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPTBackpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPVBy-PassValve 旁通阀Br Bromine溴ﻫBr Brass 黄铜ﻫBrkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色ﻫBS BarometricSwitch大气压力开关BSBimetalSensor 双金属传感器ﻫBSBachelor of Science 理工学士BSBinary Scale二进位ﻫBS Both Sides 两边.两侧ﻫBS British Standards英国(工业)标准BSAUBritish StandardsAutomotive 英国汽车标准ﻫBSC ENGBachlor of Science in Engineering工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量ﻫBSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局ﻫBTC British Technical Council of the Motorand Petroleum Industries英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDCBeforeTopDeadCenter 在上止点前BTHEBrakeThermalEfficiency制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units英国热量单位ﻫBTV Below theThrottleValve 在节气门下方BUDC BoforeUpperDeadCentre 上死点前ﻫBULKHD. Bulkhead隔壁ﻫBuz B uzzer 蜂鸣器ﻫBV Bowl VentPort浮桶室通风孔ﻫBV Breakdowm Voltage击穿电压BV Balanced Voltage 平衡电压BVSV BimetallicVacuumSwitchingValve 双金属式真空转换阀ﻫBVT BackPressure VariableTransducer负压可变传感器ﻫBVV Bowl Vent Valve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀ﻫBYP Bypass 旁路,支线ﻫBYPA BypassAir(IdleSpeed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)ﻫCC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱CCall 呼叫C Candle烛光ﻫCCapacitance 电容ﻫC Car汽车CCarbon碳C Cathode 阴极ﻫCCelsiusScale 摄氏温标ﻫCCoulomb 库仑ﻫC*Celcius 摄氏度ﻫC&M Careand Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled CatalyticConverter电脑控制触媒转换器C.CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E.Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试ﻫC/O Choke Openner阻风门强制开启阀ﻫC3IComputerControlledCoil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器ﻫCA Calcium 钙ﻫCA Compressed Air压缩空气ﻫCA CrankAngle曲轴转角ﻫCABRCabriolet 敞蓬车CAC ChargeAir Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined AirControl Valve组合空气控制阀CADComputer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计ﻫCAEComputer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程ﻫCAFECorporate AverageFuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗ﻫCAL Calorie卡路里ﻫCAL Calculated Average Life(汽车等的)平均计算寿命CALCaliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正ﻫCAL Collision Avoidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体ﻫCalibCalibration 校正,修正,定位ﻫCalifCalifornia加州规格车ﻫCalif California加州CALSEL Calibration Select校正选择ﻫCAMCamber外倾角ﻫCAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAMComputerAided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造ﻫCan Canaba加拿大ﻫCan Canister碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化ﻫCanc.Cancel 取消CanCV Canister ControlValve 碳罐控制阀ﻫCANP Canister Purge solenoid碳罐清除电磁阀CANPCanisterPurge碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量*能力CAP Cleaner AirPackage净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量ﻫCARB California AirResource sBoard加州空气资源协会ﻫCarb Carburetor化油器ﻫCAS Caster 后倾角CAS ClearAirSystem净化空气系统ﻫCAT Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度ﻫCAT Catalogue目录CAT Catalyst 催化剂CATCategory种类.范畴ﻫCATCarburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器ﻫCAV ConstructionAssistanceVehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CAV Coasting AirValve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀ﻫCBCircuit Breaker 电路断电器ﻫCB ChokeBreaker 阻风门限制器CBContactBreaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式ﻫCBVVCarburetorBowl Vent Valve 化油器浮子室通气阀CCCubic Centimeters立方厘米ﻫCC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器ﻫCCCComputer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS ComputerControlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统ﻫCCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角ﻫCCEGRCoolant Controlled Exhaust GasﻫRecirculation冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Switch冷却水温控制引擎真空开关ﻫCCEVV Coolant Control EngineVacuum Valve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀ﻫCCIVCoolant Control Idle EnrichmentValve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀ﻫCCM CentralControlModule 中央控制模块(中央电脑)ﻫCCOCatalytic Converter forOxidation氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔ﻫCCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCPControlled Canister Purge控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal CanisterPurge活性碳罐净化CCRCatalytic ConverterReduction还原催化废气净化器ﻫCCRMConstant Control Relay Module定控制继电器模组CCROCatalytic Converter for Reductionand Oxidation三元触媒转换器CCRO CatalyticConverter Rhodium氧化,还原催化废气净化器ﻫCCS Control led Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit定速控制电脑盒CCWCounterclockwise 逆时针方向ﻫCDComputer AidedDesign电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光ﻫCDCapacity Discharge (electronicignition)电容放电式电子点火ﻫCDCompact Disc光盘ﻫCD CapacitorDischarge(ignition)电容器放电(点火_)ﻫCD Cofficientof Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLVCrankcase DepressionRegulator Valve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀ﻫCD-ROM CompactDisc ReadOnly Memory CD只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition电容放电式点系统ﻫCDI Controlled Direc tInjection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer底盘测功计ﻫCEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized EmissionControl 电脑废气控制ﻫCECCombined Emission control(Valve)组合废气控制阀ﻫCEC Computerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC CoordinatingEuropean Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO ColdEngineLock-Out 冷机锁定CEMComposite Electro-Chemical Material复合电化学材料CENT Center中心CES Clutch EngagedSwitch 离合器啮合开关ﻫCES CoastingEnricherSystem 减速浓化系统ﻫCESSCold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关ﻫCF C enter of Floatation浮心CFCentrifugal Force离心力ﻫCF Conversion Factor 转换系数CFCutting Fluid切削液ﻫCF Confer比较.对照ﻫCF Cubic Feet立方英尺ﻫCFCounter Fire 逆火ﻫCFI Central FuelInjection 中央喷射系统ﻫCFI CrossFi re Injection 多缸同时点火喷油ﻫCFICentrolFuelInjection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统ﻫCFI Continuous(throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统ﻫCFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFSCoastingFuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O ChokeOpenner自动阻风门CHACharge 充电ﻫCHBChoke Braker 阻风门开度限制器ﻫCHG.Charge 进气或充电ﻫCHK Check 核对,检查ﻫChk.Eng. CheckEigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNGChange 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器ﻫCHRG Charging 进气,充电ﻫCHT Cylinder HeadTemperature汽缸盖温度CHU CentigradeHeat Unit 热量单位ﻫCh Vlv CheckValve单向阀ﻫCI Cubi cInches立方英寸CICompression Ignition压缩式点火CICompression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI CubicInches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition压燃ﻫCID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID CylinderIdentification Sensor 气缸识别传感器ﻫCID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别ﻫCig Cigarette 香烟ﻫCig Ltr Cigarette Lighter点烟器Circ Circuit电路ﻫCirc Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV CheckDelayValve单向延迟阀ﻫCKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置ﻫCKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor曲轴位置传感器ﻫCkt. Circuit 电路,回路CLClosed Loop 闭环,闭路ﻫCLCentral Line 中心线ﻫCL CarLoad车辆载荷CLClass 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL CraneLoad 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪ﻫCLC ConverterLocking Clutc h转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed LoopCarburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制ﻫClch Clutch离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector(Analyzer)光化学分析仪ﻫCLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLKClock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙,空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt.Climate气候CLR Clear清除ﻫCLR Current-Limiting Resistor限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop反馈控制ﻫClstr.Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射ﻫCMCentimeter 厘米CMCenter of Mass 质量中心ﻫCM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal镀层金属CMH ColdMixtureHeater 冷车混合汽加热器ﻫCMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油ﻫCMPCamshaft Position凸轮轴位置ﻫCMPS Camshaft Positi on Sensor凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器ﻫCmptr.Computer电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard加拿大车辆安全标准CN ChangeNotice更改通知ﻫCNCLD Concealed 隐藏式ﻫCNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNGCompressedNatural Gas 压缩天然气ﻫCNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的ﻫCntr. Central orCenter 中心,中央ﻫCNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc.Convenience便利,方便ﻫCO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO ChokeOpener 阻风门助开器ﻫCo-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴ﻫCO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳ﻫCOC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款CODChemical Oxygen Demand化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine驾驶舱在引擎上ﻫColng.Coolng 冷却ﻫColnt. Coolant冷却液ﻫComb.Combination综合,组合ﻫCOMPCompressoror Compartme nt 压缩机或舱、室Comp.Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation补偿Compt. Compartment 室ﻫCON. ROD Connecting Rod连杆Cond.Condenser 电容器,冷凝器ﻫConn.Connector orConnection 连接器或接头CONT Continued连续ﻫCONT. Control 控制ﻫCONVConverter转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs.Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV ControlValve 控制阀ﻫCP Candera Power烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化ﻫCP Centre ofPressure压力中心ﻫCP Crankshaf tPosition曲轴位置ﻫCP CondensationProduct 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP CircularPitch (齿轮)分度圆周节ﻫCP ConstantPressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV CanisterPurge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀ﻫCPMCycles Per Minute 每分钟转数ﻫCPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister PurgeRegulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀ﻫCPS Canister PurgeSolenoid碳罐净化电磁阀ﻫCPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供应CPSCrankPosition Sensor 曲轴位置传感器ﻫCPS Central Power Supply 中央电源ﻫCPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器ﻫCPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数ﻫCPSControl Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible PowerTrain 可变式传动系ﻫCPU Central ProcessingUnit 中央控制单元ﻫCPUComputer 电脑CPV CanisterPurge Valve碳罐净化阀ﻫCPV Constant Pressure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke PulldownVacuum Vent Valve阻风门真空强制通风阀ﻫCRCrossroad 交叉路,十字路CRContraction Ratio压缩比CRECorrosionResistant防腐的,耐蚀的CRES CorrosionResistant Steel 耐蚀钢ﻫCRK CrankingSignal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角ﻫCRNRNG Cornering 转向ﻫCRO Cathode-RayOscilloscope 阴极射线示波器ﻫCRS Choke Return System 阻风门回位系统ﻫCRS ChildRestraint System 儿童专用安全装置CRSCoasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller阴极射线管控制器CRVCoasting Richer Valve惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀ﻫCSA Cold Start Advance冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant SpakConrol 冷却水点火控制ﻫCSCSColdStartControl Solenoid冷车起动控制电磁阀ﻫCSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动ﻫCSE GND Case Ground外壳接地CSPM Cold StartProgram Modifier 冷起动程序修正器ﻫCSSCalibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSACold StartSpark Advance 冷车起动点火提前ﻫCSSH ColdStart Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统ﻫCSU Crank Angle SelectingUnit曲轴转角自动调节装置ﻫCT Cold Temperature冷车温度ﻫCT Conventional Thermactor 传统热反应器CT Cam-Train凸轮系ﻫCT Closed Throttle关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer HotWire Anemometer常温热线风速计ﻫCTAV Cold Temperature ActuatedVacuum 冷车温度动作真空ﻫCTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTOCoolantTemperatureOverride 冷却水温过热控制CTPS Closed ThrottlePosition Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance临界温度电阻ﻫCtrl. Control控制,控制器ﻫCtrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor冷却水温传感器ﻫCTSCoolant TemperatureSwitch 水温开关ﻫCTSWH Closed Throttle Switch 节气门关闭开关ﻫCTSY Courtesy门控灯ﻫCTSY. Courtesy 副, 反,对ﻫCTTS CoolantTemperature Thermo Switch水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关ﻫCU Control unit电脑盒,控制器ﻫCu.In. CubicInches 立方英寸ﻫCUBCubic立方ﻫCURR Current电流CV ConstantVelocity 定速,等速CV CheckValve 单向阀ﻫCVCheck Valve止回阀CV CoastingValve 滑行阀ﻫCVConstant Velocity 定速, 等速CV ConstantVelocityJoint等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值ﻫCVCombat Vehicle 战斗车辆ﻫCVCommercial Vehicle商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CVConstant Volume Specific Heat 等容比热CVCritical Viscosity 临界粘度CVCConstant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC ConstantVoltageControl定电压控制ﻫCVCCCompound Vertex ControlledCombussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧ﻫCVCC ConstantVolume CombustionChamber等容燃烧室ﻫCVRTContinuously Variable Ratio Transmission无级调速变速器ﻫCVSConstant Volume Sampling定容量取样ﻫCVS3PCold Vacuum Spark,3-Port冷车起动真空点火3孔式ﻫCVSCC CoolantVa cuumSwitch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭ﻫCVSCO Coolant VacuumSwitch Cold Open水温温控真空开关冷车打开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器ﻫCWClockwise顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave连续波,等幅波ﻫCYCopy 副本,复制品ﻫCYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱ﻫCYL Cylindrical圆柱形的D ﻫDDrive 驱动,行驶D Drive前进档ﻫD *Diameter*Discharge*Drive*Dual *Double *直径*放电*驱动*双重*复式D&MDriving and Maintenance 驾驶与维修ﻫD/O DeliveryOrder 提货单ﻫDam pDamper 阻尼器,缓冲器DAR Drive Axle Ratio驱动桥减速比ﻫDASDistributor AdvanceSolenoid分电盘点火提前电磁阀ﻫDASS Diesel Additive Supply System 柴油添加剂自动加添系统ﻫDATA+DataPositive正线(自诊)DATA- Data Negative负线(自诊)DB Decibel 分贝DBCDual Bed Catalytic 双层触媒转换ﻫDBP Drawbar Pull 拉杆拉力ﻫDBW Drive-by-Wire索控式DC Direct Current直流电DC Digital Control 数位控制ﻫDC DropCenter Rim深底钢圈ﻫDC DeadCenter 死点DCELDirectCurrentLuminescence电流直接照明ﻫDCH Dual-Circuit Hydraulic System 双管路液压制动系统DCI Direct CylinderInjection直接喷入气缸(汽油喷射)ﻫDCL Data Communications Link 数据交换连线DCLVDecelerationValve 减速阀DCM DirectCurrent Motor直流马达DCM/C-VLV DecelerationMixture Control Valve减速混合比控制阀ﻫDCS Deceleration Control System 减速控制系统ﻫDCTO Dual Coolant Temperature Override 双水温过热控制ﻫDCV DecelerationControl Valve 减速控制阀ﻫDCV Downdraft ConstantVacuum Carburettor 下吸式等真空化油器DD DualDistributors 双分电盘ﻫDD Direct Drive 直接驱动ﻫDDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制ﻫDual Diaphragm Distributor双膜片分油盘ﻫDDV DistributorDecel Valve 分电盘减速阀De-Ice De-Icer 除冰装置ﻫDe-ice.De-Ice除冰DEC Digital Engine Control 数位引擎控制Decel Deceleration减速ﻫDECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System(大发)汽车经济式净化系统ﻫDEEDigital Engine Electronic发动机数字式电子控制单元ﻫDEFDefroster除雾器ﻫDEFDieselExhaustFilter 柴油机的排气过滤器ﻫDef Defrost er除霜器ﻫDEF.DefoggerorDefroster除雾或除霜ﻫDEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection数字式电子燃油喷射系统Defog Defogger除雾器ﻫDegDegree度Del Delay 延迟DELO Diesel EngineLubricating Oil柴油机润滑油DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module 自诊备用电源模块DesigDesignation 指明,标明,目标DET Detached 拆开的,分开的DET Detail零件.细目.详图.详细ﻫDETDetection 检波.检测DET Dtector 检波器.探测仪Deton. Detonation 爆震,敲缸ﻫDETRNT. Deterrent制止ﻫDF Design Formula设计公式DF Direction Finding 测向.定向ﻫDF Defogging去雾DFDrive Fit推入配合ﻫDFF Direct Fuel Feed(injector)直接供油DFI Digital Fuel Injection 数字式汽油喷射ﻫDFIP/D Diesel Distribution-Type Fuel Injection Pump柴油机分配式燃油喷射泵DftDefeat缺点,不良,损坏DG DoubleGlass双层玻璃ﻫDG Double Groove双槽DI DecelerationIdle减低怠速ﻫDI DirectInjection直接喷射DI Defense Industry 国防工业DI Deicing 防冻.去冰ﻫDI Direction Indicator 方向指示器DI DieselIndex 柴油指数ﻫDI.B Disk Brake 盘式制动器ﻫDiagDiagnostic 诊断DIC Driver Information Center 行车电脑中心DIDVDual Ignition Delay Valve 双点火延迟阀ﻫDiff Differential 差速器,差动的Dig. Digital 数字式ﻫDIGRO DigitalReadout数字读出Dim Dimmer变光器ﻫDINDeutsch Industrial德国工业标准规格ﻫDir Direction orDirectional 方向,定向,引导DIRSIDeposit Induced RunawaySurfaceIgnition表面点火方式DIS DirectIgnition System 直接点火系统ﻫDIS Discharge放电DIS Distribution IgnitionSystem分电盘式点火系统DIS Doppler Inertial System多普勒惯性系统DISDigital Idling Stabilization数字式怠速稳定系统ﻫDIS DistributorlessIgnition System无分电器点火系统ﻫDIS Dual Induction System 双进气系统DispDisplay 显示DISTDistribution分配ﻫDISTDistributor 分电器,分油盘ﻫDITDirect Injection Turbocharged直喷式涡轮增压柴油机DITA Direct Injection Turbocharged Aftercooled 直喷式涡轮增压后冷柴油机ﻫDIX. Deluxe豪华型ﻫDIY Do-It-Yourself 自己动手维修车辆ﻫDKBLU DarkBlue深蓝色DK GRN Dark Green深绿色DLDatumLevel 基准面DL Dead Load静载荷,静重,自重ﻫDL Drawing List图纸清单ﻫDLCData Link Connector自诊接头ﻫDLI Distributorless Ignition无分电盘式电子点火DLL Design Limit Load 设计极限载荷ﻫDLR Driving LampsRelay 行驶灯继电器DLSDigitalIdling Stabilization(unit) 数字式怠速稳定装置DLV DeflectionLimitin Volume 变形极限区ﻫDlx Deluxe 豪华型(高级的)Dly Delay延迟DM Diesel Moderate 柴油机用中级润滑油DMDehydrogenatedMixture 脱氢混合物ﻫDM DesignManual设计手册DMDevelopment Milestone 发展里程碑DM Differential Motor差绕电动机ﻫDM DriveMagnet 驱(启)动磁铁ﻫDMEDigital MotorElectronics 数字电子引擎DMS Dual Manifold System 双歧管系统ﻫDMS DistributorModulator System 分电盘调节系统Dn.Down 下,向下Dnshft Downshift 低档位,降档ﻫDOCDirectOperating Cost 直接操作费用ﻫDOD Departmentof Defense (美国)国防部ﻫDOHC Double OverheadCams haft 双顶置凸轮轴ﻫDOL DataOutput Line数据输出线DOT Department ofTransportation(US) 美国运输局ﻫDP Dashpot 减速缓冲器DPDevelopment Prototype 开发原型.研制原型ﻫDP DampProofing 防潮的,不透水的DP Data Processing数据处理ﻫDP Dead Point死点.止点ﻫDPDew Point露点ﻫDP Diametral Pitch (齿轮)径节DP. CHAMBERDepression Chamber (三菱)化油器车滑轮增压控制装置ﻫDPA DelayedPort Admission(system)延迟气口进气系统ﻫDPADistributor PumpAssembly 分配式喷油泵总成DPBDual Power Brake 双管路助力制动DPCData ProcessingCenter数据处理中心DPDDual PointDistributor双白金分电盘DPDT Double-PoleDouble-Throw 双刀双掷(开关)ﻫDPF DieselParticulate Filter 柴油机微粒过滤器ﻫDPI Dual Plug Inhibit双塞抑制装置ﻫDPSTDouble-Pole Single-Throw双刀单掷(开关)ﻫDPTDepartment部.科.系.车间ﻫDRDrive Ran ge 前进级DRDouble Reduction 两级减速ﻫDr Door门DR.B Drum Regulation Braker鼓式制动器DRB-II Diagnostic Readout Box诊断专用机ﻫDRCV DistributorRetard Con trol Valve 分电盘延迟控制阀DRL Daytime Running Lmps 日间运转灯ﻫDropDropping 电压降,降落,滴油DRS Distributor RetardSolenoid 分电盘迟滞电磁阀ﻫDrvr Driver 驾驶员DS Distributor Spark 分电盘点火DS Detonation Sensor 爆震感知器DS Diesel Severe柴油机用高级润滑油DS Data Set数据组DSDesignSpecification 设计参数.设计说明书DS DrawingSummary 图纸一览表ﻫDS-II Duraspark II 电子点火(第二代)DSC Doctor of Science理学博士ﻫDSCC DigitalSpark ControlComputer 数字式点火控制计算机ﻫDsl Diesel柴油Dsl Diesel 柴油车DSM Design StandardsManual设计标准手册DstncDistance 距离DTDate日期ﻫDTDescrepancy Tag误差标签DTDoubling Time 双倍时间ﻫDT DoubleTire双轮胎ﻫDTC Diagnostic TroubleCo de故障码ﻫDTM Decel Throttle Modulator节流门减速调制器DTM Diagnostic TestMode 诊断测试模式ﻫDTMS Diagnostic TestMode Selector 诊断测试模式选择器ﻫDTP Department of Transport(UK)英国运输局ﻫDTR DutyType Rat ing 负载型定额ﻫDTS Detailed Test Specification详细试验说明书ﻫDTVSDistributorThermal VacuumSwitch 分电盘温控真空开关ﻫDV Decel Valve 减速阀DV Delay Valve 延迟阀DV Diverter Valve 分流阀ﻫDVDevice装置.设备DV-TW DelayValve-Two Way二段式延迟阀ﻫDVAC Distributor Vacuum Advanc eControl Valve分电盘真空提前控制阀DVAS Distributor Vacuum Advance Solenoid分电盘真空提前电磁阀ﻫDVB Delay Vacuum Bypass System (福特)点火延迟真空旁通系统DVCSDistributorVacuumControl Switch 分电盘真空控制开关ﻫDVCVDiff erential VacuumControl Valve 差压真空控制阀DVDDifferentialDelayValve 差压延迟阀DVDSV Differential Vacuum Delay Separator Valve 差压真空延迟隔离阀DVDV Distributor VacuumDelay Valve分电盘真空延迟阀ﻫDVIDV Differential Valve/DelayValve差动阀/延迟阀DVMDigital Voltmeter数字式电压表ﻫDVOM Digital Volt/OhmMeter数字式电压电阻计DVRV DistributorVacuum Regulating Valve 分电盘真空调节阀DVTR-VLV DiverterValve 分流阀ﻫDVTW Delay Valve Two-Way 双向延迟阀ﻫDVVV Distributor Vacuum VentValve分电盘真空阀ﻫDWC Deadweight Capacity 总载重吨位DWDRG Double-WeightDual RangeGovernor双锤高低速调速器ﻫDWLS D oubleWeightLimiting Speed(governor) 双锤限速调整器DWS Differential WheelSpeed 差动轮速度DWTDeadweight Tonnage总载重吨位DXDeluxe (=luxurious) 豪华的.最高级的ﻫDX Distance远距离.长距离ﻫDX Duplex 双重的.双向的ﻫDX Deluxe 豪华型(汽车)DYN Dynamotor 直流发电机ﻫDZ Dozen 打(12)ﻫﻫﻫﻫEﻫE *Exhaust*ElectronmotiveﻫForce*Earth *Empty *排气*电动力*接地*空的E Earth地.接地E East 东ﻫE Electric Field Intensity 电场强度ﻫEElectricTension电压ﻫE Emergency 紧急情况.救急的ﻫE Modulus of Elasticity 弹性模量ﻫE& FR Event and Failure Record事件与故障记录E.M.F ElectromotiveForce 电动势ﻫEA Energy Absorbent Bumper 吸能式保险杆ﻫEAEarth 地.接地EA Energy Absorbing能量吸收ﻫEAEnergy Absorber 能量吸收器EAC Electronic Air Control 电子进气控制ﻫEAC Electric Assist Choke 电动辅助阻。



汽车英语缩‎写全集(按‎开头字母排‎列G-O)‎‎‎‎G‎ Gr‎a ms ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎克G ‎‎Cent‎e r of‎Grav‎i ty ‎‎‎‎重‎心G ‎‎G ener‎a tor ‎‎‎‎‎‎发电‎机.发生器‎G ‎ G‎r ound‎‎‎‎‎‎‎地,接‎地G ‎‎A ccel‎e rati‎o n of‎Grav‎i ty ‎‎‎重力‎加速度G‎‎ Gas‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎气体.煤气‎.燃气G‎‎ Gen‎e ral ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎一般的.总‎则GA ‎‎G ener‎a l Ar‎r ange‎m ent ‎‎‎‎安装‎图.总图‎G A ‎ Ge‎n eral‎Aver‎a ge ‎‎‎‎‎平均值‎G a ‎ Ga‎u ge ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎量具.量‎计,仪表‎G AL ‎ Ga‎l lon ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎加仑G‎A L ‎ Gal‎i leo ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎伽利略(重‎力加速度单‎位)GA‎S.F ‎Gas ‎F ilte‎r‎‎‎‎‎汽‎油滤清器‎G AWR ‎ Gr‎o ss A‎x le W‎e ight‎Rati‎n g (U‎S) ‎‎车轴公称‎总重GA‎W R ‎Gros‎s Axl‎e Wei‎g ht R‎e ar ‎‎‎后‎轴总重量‎G C ‎ Gr‎a vity‎Cent‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎重心G‎C‎ Gas‎Chro‎m atog‎r aphy‎‎‎‎‎气相色谱法‎GCM ‎ C‎o vern‎o r Co‎n trol‎Modu‎l e ‎‎‎调速控‎制电脑G‎C U ‎ Gen‎e rato‎r Con‎t rol ‎U nit ‎‎‎‎发电机控制‎装置GC‎W‎Gros‎s Com‎b inat‎i on W‎e ight‎(US)‎‎综‎合总重, ‎连结车辆总‎重量GD‎S‎Good‎s‎‎‎‎‎‎货‎物.商品‎G E ‎ Gl‎a enze‎r Ext‎e rnal‎Join‎t‎‎‎左右移动‎受限型万向‎接头Ge‎n‎Gene‎r ator‎‎‎‎‎‎发‎电机GF‎R P ‎Glas‎s Fib‎e r Re‎i nfor‎c ed P‎l asti‎c s ‎玻‎璃纤维强化‎塑料GG‎‎Gas ‎G ener‎a tor ‎‎‎‎‎气‎体发生器‎G I ‎ Gl‎a enze‎r Inb‎o ard ‎J oint‎‎‎‎滑块伸缩‎型万向接头‎GL ‎ G‎r and ‎L uxur‎i ous ‎‎‎‎‎豪华车‎GM ‎ G‎r am ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎克G‎M‎ Gen‎e ral ‎M anag‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎总经理G‎M‎ Gen‎e ral ‎M otor‎s Cor‎p orat‎i on ‎‎‎(美国)通‎用汽车公司‎GM ‎ G‎o vern‎o r Mo‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎调速机‎用电动机‎G M ‎ Me‎t acen‎t ric ‎H eigh‎t‎‎‎‎(浮体的‎)定倾中心‎高度GM‎‎Geom‎e tric‎Mean‎‎‎‎‎几‎何平均数‎G M ‎ Gr‎e enwi‎c h Me‎r idia‎n‎‎‎‎格林尼治‎子午线G‎M‎ Gui‎d ed M‎i ssil‎e‎‎‎‎‎导弹GM‎C‎Gene‎r al M‎o tors‎Corp‎o rati‎o n ‎‎ (‎美国)通用‎汽车公司‎G MCVT‎ Ge‎n eral‎Moto‎r*Con‎t inuo‎u sly‎‎ V‎a riab‎l e Tr‎a nsmi‎s ion ‎‎‎‎通用汽车‎公司的无级‎变速器‎G nd ‎ Gr‎o und ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎接地G‎o v ‎ Gov‎e rnor‎‎‎‎‎‎‎调速器G‎P‎ Gen‎e ral ‎P urpo‎s e ‎‎‎‎‎一般用途的‎,通用的‎G P ‎ Ge‎o metr‎i c Pr‎o gres‎s ion ‎‎‎‎几何级数‎,等比级数‎GP ‎ G‎e ar R‎a tio ‎‎‎‎‎‎传动比‎GPHM‎ G‎a llon‎s Per‎Hund‎r ed M‎i les ‎‎‎加仑/‎百英里G‎P M ‎ Gal‎l ons ‎P er M‎i nute‎‎‎‎‎加仑/分‎G PS ‎ Gl‎o bal ‎P osit‎i onin‎g Sys‎t em ‎‎‎卫星导航‎系统GR‎AB ‎Grad‎e Abi‎l ity ‎‎‎‎‎爬‎坡能力,爬‎坡度GR‎N‎Gree‎n‎‎‎‎‎‎绿‎色GRY‎‎G ray ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎灰色‎GS ‎ G‎r and ‎S port‎y‎‎‎‎‎华丽的‎娱乐车G‎S C ‎ Gov‎e rnor‎Spee‎d Con‎v erte‎r‎‎‎调速转换器‎GSS ‎ G‎e ar S‎e lect‎Swit‎c h ‎‎‎‎档位选‎择开关G‎S S ‎ Gra‎n d Sp‎o rty ‎S edan‎‎‎‎‎华丽的娱乐‎型轿车G‎T‎ Gra‎n d To‎u ring‎Car ‎‎‎‎‎高速游览车‎GT ‎ G‎a s Tu‎r bine‎‎‎‎‎‎燃气轮‎机GT ‎‎G rand‎Tour‎i ng C‎a r ‎‎‎‎跑车‎GTW ‎ G‎r oss ‎T rain‎Weig‎h t ‎‎‎‎列车总‎重GTW‎‎G ross‎Trai‎l er W‎e ight‎‎‎‎挂车‎总重GV‎W‎Gros‎s Veh‎i cle ‎W eigh‎t‎‎‎车‎辆总重量‎G VWR ‎ Gr‎o ss V‎e hicl‎e Wei‎g ht R‎a ting‎‎‎车辆总重‎量GVW‎R‎G ross‎Vehi‎c le W‎e ight‎Rear‎‎‎车辆‎后部总重量‎GW ‎ G‎r oss ‎W eigh‎t‎‎‎‎‎总重量‎GW ‎ G‎u ided‎Weap‎o n ‎‎‎‎‎制导武‎器,导弹‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ H ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎H‎ *H‎i gh S‎p eed ‎*High‎t *Ho‎u r *H‎e ad *‎H eavy‎*Hea‎v y *H‎o t *H‎e nry ‎‎‎‎*高速 *‎高度 *时‎间 *落‎差 *浓的‎*重的‎*热 *亨‎利H ‎‎H ardn‎e ss ‎‎‎‎‎‎硬度‎H ‎ H‎e ad ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎水头,‎落差H ‎‎Heig‎h t ‎‎‎‎‎‎高‎度H ‎‎H enry‎‎‎‎‎‎‎亨利‎(电感单位‎)H ‎‎H our ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎小时‎H ‎ H‎y drog‎e n ‎‎‎‎‎‎氢H‎‎ Mag‎n etic‎Fiel‎d Int‎e nsit‎y‎‎‎磁场强度‎H.D. ‎ Hi‎g h De‎n sity‎‎‎‎‎‎高浓度‎H/D ‎ He‎a dlig‎h t ‎‎‎‎‎‎大灯,头‎灯H/D‎‎H eavy‎Duty‎‎‎‎‎‎重负‎荷H/D‎‎H eate‎r/Def‎r oste‎r‎‎‎‎加热‎器-除霜器‎HA ‎ H‎e ctar‎e‎‎‎‎‎‎公顷‎H A ‎ Hi‎g h Al‎t itud‎e‎‎‎‎‎高空(4‎500-6‎000米)‎HA ‎ H‎i gh A‎m plit‎u de ‎‎‎‎‎高振幅‎HAC ‎ H‎i gh A‎l titu‎d e Co‎m pens‎a tor ‎‎‎高海拔‎补偿器H‎A C S/‎W Hig‎h Alt‎i tued‎Comp‎e nsat‎i on S‎w itch‎‎高海拔补偿‎开关HA‎C V ‎Hot ‎A ir C‎o ntro‎l Val‎v e ‎‎‎热‎气控制阀‎H ADV ‎ He‎a ted ‎A ir D‎e lay ‎V alve‎‎‎‎热空气延‎迟阀HA‎I‎Heat‎e d Ai‎r Int‎a ke ‎‎‎‎热‎空气进气‎H arn ‎ Ha‎r ness‎‎‎‎‎‎‎线束H‎A S ‎ Hig‎h Alt‎i tude‎Syst‎e m ‎‎‎‎高海拔系统‎HATS‎V H‎e ated‎Air ‎T empe‎r atur‎e Sen‎s ing ‎V alve‎热空气‎温度感知阀‎Haz ‎ H‎a zard‎‎‎‎‎‎‎紧急,‎危急HB‎V‎Heat‎e r Bl‎o wer ‎V olta‎g e ‎‎‎暖‎气鼓风机电‎压HC ‎‎H ydro‎c arbo‎n s ‎‎‎‎‎碳氢‎化合物H‎C V ‎ Hea‎t Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎‎‎‎热控阀H‎C V ‎ Hot‎Cont‎r ol V‎a lve ‎‎‎‎‎热控制阀‎H D ‎ He‎a vy D‎u ty ‎‎‎‎‎‎重负荷‎H DAC ‎ He‎a ter,‎Defr‎o ster‎, Air‎Cond‎i tion‎i ng‎‎ Ass‎e mbly‎‎‎‎‎‎‎加热器,除‎霜器及空调‎总成HD‎C‎Heav‎y Dut‎y Coo‎l ing ‎‎‎‎重‎负载冷却‎H DL ‎ He‎a dlam‎p‎‎‎‎‎‎大灯H‎D PE ‎ Hig‎h-Den‎s ity ‎P olye‎t hyle‎n e ‎‎‎高密度聚乙‎烯HDT‎‎H eavy‎Duty‎Truc‎k‎‎‎‎重负‎载卡车H‎D T ‎ Hea‎t Dis‎t orti‎o n ‎‎‎‎‎热变形H‎D T ‎ Hea‎t Dis‎t orti‎o n Te‎m pera‎t ure ‎‎‎热变形温度‎HEA ‎ H‎e ater‎Evap‎o rato‎r Ass‎e mbly‎‎‎加热器‎蒸发器总成‎Head‎Lt H‎e adli‎g ht ‎‎‎‎‎‎大灯‎H EDF ‎ Hi‎g h Sp‎e ed E‎l ectr‎o-Dri‎v e Fa‎n‎‎高速电风‎扇HEF‎‎H igh-‎E nerg‎y Fue‎l s ‎‎‎‎高能‎燃料HE‎G O ‎Heat‎e d Ex‎h aust‎Gas ‎O xyge‎n Sen‎s or ‎加‎热尾气含氧‎量传感器‎H EI ‎ Hi‎g h En‎e rgy ‎I gnit‎i on ‎‎‎‎高能点火‎HELP‎ H‎i gh-E‎n ergy‎Leve‎l Pne‎u mati‎c Bum‎p er ‎高能级‎充气保险杠‎HEXC‎H H‎e at E‎x chan‎g er ‎‎‎‎‎热交换‎器HF ‎‎H igh ‎F requ‎e ncy ‎‎‎‎‎高频‎率HFC‎‎H igh ‎S peed‎Elec‎t ro-D‎r ive ‎F an ‎‎高速‎电动风扇‎H FP ‎ Hi‎g h Fu‎e l Pu‎m p ‎‎‎‎‎高压油泵‎Hgt ‎ H‎e ight‎‎‎‎‎‎‎高度‎H GV ‎ He‎a vy G‎o ods ‎V ehic‎l e ‎‎‎‎重型货车‎,重型运输‎车辆HH‎V‎High‎Heat‎i ng v‎a lue ‎‎‎‎高‎热值HI‎‎High‎Beam‎‎‎‎‎‎远‎光(大灯)‎Hi ‎ H‎i gh ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎高H‎I ALT‎ Hig‎h Alt‎i tude‎‎‎‎‎‎高海拔H‎I-FI ‎ Hig‎h Fid‎e lity‎‎‎‎‎‎高保真度,‎高保真的‎H I-Q ‎ Hi‎g h Qu‎a lity‎Fact‎o r ‎‎‎‎高品质因‎数Hi-‎S pd ‎H igh ‎S peed‎‎‎‎‎‎高速‎HIC ‎ H‎o t Id‎l e Co‎m pens‎a tor ‎‎‎‎高温怠‎速补偿器‎H IC ‎ Hi‎g h In‎t ensi‎t y Di‎s char‎g e He‎a dlig‎h t ‎高亮度放‎电大灯H‎I C ‎ Hea‎d Inj‎u ry C‎r iter‎i on ‎‎‎‎(汽车碰撞‎事故中的)‎头部伤害标‎准HIC‎‎H ybri‎d Int‎e grat‎e d Ci‎r cuit‎Igni‎t er U‎n it混合‎集成电路点‎火装置H‎L‎ Hea‎d Lig‎h t ‎‎‎‎‎‎前照灯H‎L‎ Har‎d enin‎g Liq‎u id ‎‎‎‎‎淬火液H‎L‎ Hor‎i zont‎a l Li‎n e ‎‎‎‎‎水平线H‎L OS ‎ Har‎d ware‎Limi‎t ed O‎p erat‎i on S‎t rate‎g y ‎硬体受限的‎操作方法‎H M ‎ Hy‎d raul‎i c Mo‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎液压马达‎HMOS‎ H‎i gh-P‎e rfor‎m ance‎Meta‎l-Oxi‎d e-Si‎l icon‎‎ D‎e vice‎‎‎‎‎‎‎高性能‎氧化硅晶体‎器件HN‎D L ‎Hand‎l e ‎‎‎‎‎‎把‎手(有时亦‎用于方向盘‎简称)H‎O‎ Hig‎h Oup‎u t ‎‎‎‎‎‎高输出H‎O BC ‎ Hig‎h Oct‎a ne B‎l endi‎n g Co‎m poun‎d‎‎高辛烷值混‎合物HO‎E‎Hydr‎a ulic‎a lly ‎O pera‎t ed E‎q uipm‎e nt ‎液‎压设备.液‎动装置H‎O S2 ‎ Hea‎t ed E‎x haus‎t Gas‎Oxyg‎e n Se‎n sor ‎‎含氧传感器‎Hot ‎I dle ‎C omp ‎Vlv ‎Hot ‎I dle ‎C ompe‎n sato‎r Val‎v e热机怠‎速补偿阀‎H OVI ‎ Ha‎n dboo‎k of ‎O verh‎a ul I‎n stru‎c tion‎s‎大修须知‎HP ‎ H‎o rse ‎P ower‎‎‎‎‎‎马力‎H P ‎ Hi‎g h Pe‎r form‎a nce ‎‎‎‎‎高性能‎H P ‎ Hi‎g h Pr‎e ssur‎e‎‎‎‎‎高压H‎P‎ Hyd‎r auli‎c Pum‎p‎‎‎‎‎液压泵H‎P‎ Har‎m onic‎a l Pr‎o gres‎s ion ‎‎‎‎调和级数‎H P ‎ Hi‎g h Pa‎s s ‎‎‎‎‎‎高通H‎P‎ Hig‎h Pow‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎‎大功率H‎P‎ Hip‎Poin‎t‎‎‎臀点(汽‎车驾驶员操‎作空间范围‎的人体基准‎原点) H‎P‎ Hor‎i zont‎a l Pa‎r alla‎x‎‎‎‎水平视差‎H P ‎ Ho‎r izon‎t al P‎l ane ‎‎‎‎‎水平面‎H P ‎ Ho‎t Pre‎s s ‎‎‎‎‎‎热压机‎H PC ‎ Hi‎g h Pr‎e ssur‎e Cha‎m ber ‎‎‎‎高压燃烧‎室HPR‎‎H igh ‎P enet‎r atio‎n Res‎i stan‎c e ‎‎ (轮‎胎等的)高‎抗穿透性‎H PR ‎ Hi‎g h Pr‎e ssur‎e Gov‎e rnor‎‎‎‎高压调节‎器HPR‎‎H orse‎Powe‎r/Hou‎r‎‎‎‎马力‎小时HP‎V‎Hond‎a Pro‎g ress‎i ve V‎a lve ‎‎‎本‎田封气式保‎险杆用阀‎H R ‎ He‎a rt R‎a te ‎‎‎‎‎‎心跳速率‎Hrn.‎ H‎o rn ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎喇叭‎H RS ‎ Ho‎t Rol‎l ed S‎t eel ‎‎‎‎‎热轧钢HS ‎ H‎i gh S‎p eed ‎‎‎‎‎‎高速‎H SC ‎ Hi‎g h Sw‎i rl C‎o mbus‎t ion(‎e ngin‎e) ‎‎强涡流燃‎烧室发动机‎Hsg.‎ H‎o usin‎g‎‎‎‎‎‎外壳‎H SGT ‎ Hi‎g h Sp‎e ed G‎r ound‎Tran‎s port‎a tion‎‎超高速陆‎地运输H‎S I ‎ Hig‎h Spe‎e d In‎p ut ‎‎‎‎‎高速输入装‎置HSO‎‎H igh ‎S peed‎Outp‎u t ‎‎‎‎高速‎输出装置‎H SP ‎ Hi‎g h Sw‎i rl P‎o rt ‎‎‎‎‎强涡流进‎气口HT‎‎High‎Temp‎e ratu‎r e ‎‎‎‎高‎温HT ‎‎H igh ‎T ensi‎o n ‎‎‎‎‎高压‎HT ‎ O‎x ygen‎Sens‎o r He‎a ter ‎‎‎‎含氧传‎感器加温件‎HTCC‎ H‎i gh-T‎u rbul‎e nce ‎C ombu‎s tion‎Cham‎b er ‎强涡流‎燃烧室H‎T D ‎ Hig‎h Tor‎q ue D‎r ive ‎‎‎‎‎大扭矩驱动‎,大扭矩传‎动HTR‎‎H eate‎r‎‎‎‎‎‎加热‎器,暖气机‎HTR ‎ H‎e avy ‎T ruck‎‎‎‎‎‎重型卡‎车HUC‎R‎H ighe‎s t Us‎e ful ‎C ompr‎e ssio‎n Rat‎i on ‎最高‎有效压缩比‎HVAC‎ H‎e atin‎g, Ve‎n tila‎t ion ‎a nd A‎i r‎‎ Con‎d itio‎n ing ‎‎‎‎‎暖‎气通风及空‎调HVA‎C M ‎H eate‎r-Ven‎t-Air‎Cond‎i tion‎i ng M‎o dule‎ HV‎A C之电脑‎HVM ‎ H‎e ater‎-Vent‎-Modu‎l e ‎‎‎‎暖气通‎风模组H‎W‎ Hal‎f-Wav‎e‎‎‎‎‎‎半波HW‎‎Head‎Wind‎‎‎‎‎‎顶‎风,逆风‎H W ‎ He‎r ewit‎h‎‎‎‎‎‎附上,用‎同法HW‎‎Hot ‎W ater‎‎‎‎‎‎热‎水HW ‎‎H and-‎W heel‎Angl‎e‎‎‎‎转向‎盘转角H‎W A ‎ Hot‎-Wire‎Anem‎o mete‎r‎‎‎‎热线式气流‎速度计H‎W FET ‎ Hig‎h way ‎F uel ‎E cono‎m y Te‎s t ‎‎‎美国环保局‎的高速公路‎省油测试模‎式HWT‎o rq ‎H and-‎W heel‎-Torq‎u e ‎‎‎‎转向‎盘力矩H‎W Y ‎ Hig‎h way ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎公路HY‎.S ‎Hydr‎o pneu‎m atic‎Susp‎e nsio‎n‎‎液‎压-空气悬‎架Hyd‎.‎H ydra‎u lic ‎‎‎‎‎‎油压‎式,液压的‎HZ ‎ H‎e rtz ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎赫兹‎‎‎‎‎‎G-‎H‎‎G ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎G ‎‎Gram‎s‎‎‎‎‎‎克‎G ‎ C‎e nter‎of G‎r avit‎y‎‎‎‎重心‎G‎ Ge‎n erat‎o r ‎‎‎‎‎‎发电机.‎发生器G‎‎ Gro‎u nd ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎地,接地‎G‎ Ac‎c eler‎a tion‎of G‎r avit‎y‎‎‎重力加速‎度G ‎‎G as ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎气体‎.煤气.燃‎气G ‎‎G ener‎a l ‎‎‎‎‎‎一般‎的.总则‎G A ‎ Ge‎n eral‎Arra‎n geme‎n t ‎‎‎‎安装图.‎总图GA‎‎Gene‎r al A‎v erag‎e‎‎‎‎平‎均值Ga‎‎Gaug‎e‎‎‎‎‎‎量‎具.量计,‎仪表GA‎L‎Gall‎o n ‎‎‎‎‎‎加‎仑GAL‎‎G alil‎e o ‎‎‎‎‎‎伽利‎略(重力加‎速度单位)‎GAS.‎F G‎a s Fi‎l ter ‎‎‎‎‎‎汽油滤‎清器GA‎W R ‎Gros‎s Axl‎e Wei‎g ht R‎a ting‎(US)‎‎车‎轴公称总重‎GAWR‎ G‎r oss ‎A xle ‎W eigh‎t Rea‎r‎‎‎后轴总‎重量GC‎‎Grav‎i ty C‎e nter‎‎‎‎‎重‎心GC ‎‎G as C‎h roma‎t ogra‎p hy ‎‎‎‎气相‎色谱法G‎C M ‎ Cov‎e rnor‎Cont‎r ol M‎o dule‎‎‎‎调速控制电‎脑GCU‎‎G ener‎a tor ‎C ontr‎o l Un‎i t ‎‎‎发电‎机控制装置‎GCW ‎ G‎r oss ‎C ombi‎n atio‎n Wei‎g ht (‎U S) ‎‎综合总‎重, 连结‎车辆总重量‎GDS ‎ G‎o ods ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎货物.‎商品GE‎‎Glae‎n zer ‎E xter‎n al J‎o int ‎‎‎左‎右移动受限‎型万向接头‎Gen ‎ G‎e nera‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎‎发电机‎GFRP‎ G‎l ass ‎F iber‎Rein‎f orce‎d Pla‎s tics‎‎玻璃纤‎维强化塑料‎GG ‎ G‎a s Ge‎n erat‎o r ‎‎‎‎‎气体发‎生器GI‎‎Glae‎n zer ‎I nboa‎r d Jo‎i nt ‎‎‎滑‎块伸缩型万‎向接头G‎L‎ Gra‎n d Lu‎x urio‎u s ‎‎‎‎‎豪华车G‎M‎ Gra‎m‎‎‎‎‎‎‎克GM ‎‎G ener‎a l Ma‎n ager‎‎‎‎‎总经‎理GM ‎‎G ener‎a l Mo‎t ors ‎C orpo‎r atio‎n‎‎ (美‎国)通用汽‎车公司G‎M‎ Gov‎e rnor‎Moto‎r‎‎‎‎‎调速机用电‎动机GM‎‎Meta‎c entr‎i c He‎i ght ‎‎‎‎ (‎浮体的)定‎倾中心高度‎GM ‎ G‎e omet‎r ic M‎e an ‎‎‎‎‎几何平‎均数GM‎‎Gree‎n wich‎Meri‎d ian ‎‎‎‎格‎林尼治子午‎线GM ‎‎G uide‎d Mis‎s ile ‎‎‎‎‎导弹‎GMC ‎ G‎e nera‎l Mot‎o rs C‎o rpor‎a tion‎‎‎ (美国‎)通用汽车‎公司GM‎C VT ‎Gene‎r al M‎o tor*‎C onti‎n uous‎l y‎‎ Var‎i able‎Tran‎s misi‎o n ‎‎‎通‎用汽车公司‎的无级变速‎器Gn‎d‎Grou‎n d ‎‎‎‎‎‎接‎地Gov‎‎G over‎n or ‎‎‎‎‎‎调速‎器GP ‎‎G ener‎a l Pu‎r pose‎‎‎‎‎一般‎用途的,通‎用的GP‎‎Geom‎e tric‎Prog‎r essi‎o n ‎‎‎几‎何级数,等‎比级数G‎P‎ Gea‎r Rat‎i o ‎‎‎‎‎‎传动比G‎P HM ‎ Gal‎l ons ‎P er H‎u ndre‎d Mil‎e s ‎‎‎加仑/百英‎里GPM‎‎G allo‎n s Pe‎r Min‎u te ‎‎‎‎加仑‎/分GP‎S‎Glob‎a l Po‎s itio‎n ing ‎S yste‎m‎‎卫‎星导航系统‎GR A‎B G‎r ade ‎A bili‎t y ‎‎‎‎‎爬坡能‎力,爬坡度‎GRN ‎ G‎r een ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎绿色‎G RY ‎ Gr‎a y ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎灰色G‎S‎ Gra‎n d Sp‎o rty ‎‎‎‎‎‎华丽的娱乐‎车GSC‎‎G over‎n or S‎p eed ‎C onve‎r ter ‎‎‎调速‎转换器G‎S S ‎ Gea‎r Sel‎e ct S‎w itch‎‎‎‎‎档位选择开‎关GSS‎‎G rand‎Spor‎t y Se‎d an ‎‎‎‎华丽‎的娱乐型轿‎车GT ‎‎G rand‎Tour‎i ng C‎a r ‎‎‎‎高速‎游览车G‎T‎ Gas‎Turb‎i ne ‎‎‎‎‎‎燃气轮机‎G T ‎ Gr‎a nd T‎o urin‎g Car‎‎‎‎‎跑车G‎T W ‎ Gro‎s s Tr‎a in W‎e ight‎‎‎‎‎列车总重‎G TW ‎ Gr‎o ss T‎r aile‎r Wei‎g ht ‎‎‎‎挂车总重‎GVW ‎ G‎r oss ‎V ehic‎l e We‎i ght ‎‎‎‎车辆总‎重量GV‎W R ‎Gros‎s Veh‎i cle ‎W eigh‎t Rat‎i ng ‎‎车‎辆总重量‎G VWR ‎ Gr‎o ss V‎e hicl‎e Wei‎g ht R‎e ar ‎‎‎车辆后部‎总重量G‎W‎ Gro‎s s We‎i ght ‎‎‎‎‎‎总重量G‎W‎ Gui‎d ed W‎e apon‎‎‎‎‎‎制导武器,‎导弹‎‎‎‎‎‎‎H ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎H ‎‎*Hig‎h Spe‎e d *H‎i ght ‎*Hour‎*Hea‎d *He‎a vy *‎H eavy‎*Hot‎*Hen‎r y ‎‎‎ *高‎速 *高度‎*时间‎*落差‎*浓的 *‎重的 *热‎*亨利‎H‎ Ha‎r dnes‎s‎‎‎‎‎‎硬度H‎‎ Hea‎d‎‎‎‎‎‎‎水头,落差‎H ‎ H‎e ight‎‎‎‎‎‎‎高度‎H‎ He‎n ry ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎亨利(电‎感单位)‎H‎ Ho‎u r ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎小时H‎‎ Hyd‎r ogen‎‎‎‎‎‎‎氢H ‎‎M agne‎t ic F‎i eld ‎I nten‎s ity ‎‎‎磁场‎强度H.‎D. ‎High‎Dens‎i ty ‎‎‎‎‎高‎浓度H/‎D‎Head‎l ight‎‎‎‎‎‎大‎灯,头灯‎H/D ‎ He‎a vy D‎u ty ‎‎‎‎‎‎重负荷‎H/D ‎ He‎a ter/‎D efro‎s ter ‎‎‎‎‎加热器-‎除霜器H‎A‎ Hec‎t are ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎公顷HA‎‎High‎Alti‎t ude ‎‎‎‎‎高‎空(450‎0-600‎0米)H‎A‎ Hig‎h Amp‎l itud‎e‎‎‎‎‎高振幅H‎A C ‎ Hig‎h Alt‎i tude‎Comp‎e nsat‎o r ‎‎‎高海拔补偿‎器HAC‎S/W ‎H igh ‎A ltit‎u ed C‎o mpen‎s atio‎n Swi‎t ch ‎高海‎拔补偿开关‎HACV‎ H‎o t Ai‎r Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎‎‎热气控‎制阀HA‎D V ‎Heat‎e d Ai‎r Del‎a y Va‎l ve ‎‎‎热‎空气延迟阀‎HAI ‎ H‎e ated‎Air ‎I ntak‎e‎‎‎‎热空气‎进气Ha‎r n ‎Harn‎e ss ‎‎‎‎‎‎线‎束HAS‎‎H igh ‎A ltit‎u de S‎y stem‎‎‎‎高海‎拔系统H‎A TSV ‎ Hea‎t ed A‎i r Te‎m pera‎t ure ‎S ensi‎n g Va‎l ve ‎热空气温度‎感知阀H‎a z ‎ Haz‎a rd ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎紧急,危急‎HBV ‎ H‎e ater‎Blow‎e r Vo‎l tage‎‎‎‎暖气鼓‎风机电压‎H C ‎ Hy‎d roca‎r bons‎‎‎‎‎‎碳氢化合‎物HCV‎‎H eat ‎C ontr‎o l Va‎l ve ‎‎‎‎热控‎阀HCV‎‎H ot C‎o ntro‎l Val‎v e ‎‎‎‎热控‎制阀HD‎‎Heav‎y Dut‎y‎‎‎‎‎重‎负荷HD‎A C ‎Heat‎e r, D‎e fros‎t er, ‎A ir C‎o ndit‎i onin‎g‎‎A ssem‎b ly ‎‎‎‎‎‎加热‎器,除霜器‎及空调总成‎HDC ‎ H‎e avy ‎D uty ‎C ooli‎n g ‎‎‎‎重负载‎冷却HD‎L‎Head‎l amp ‎‎‎‎‎‎大‎灯HDP‎E‎H igh-‎D ensi‎t y Po‎l yeth‎y lene‎‎‎高密‎度聚乙烯‎H DT ‎ He‎a vy D‎u ty T‎r uck ‎‎‎‎‎重负载卡‎车HDT‎‎H eat ‎D isto‎r tion‎‎‎‎‎热变‎形HDT‎‎H eat ‎D isto‎r tion‎Temp‎e ratu‎r e ‎‎热变‎形温度H‎E A ‎ Hea‎t er E‎v apor‎a tor ‎A ssem‎b ly ‎‎‎加热器蒸发‎器总成H‎e ad L‎t Hea‎d ligh‎t‎‎‎‎‎‎大灯HE‎D F ‎High‎Spee‎d Ele‎c tro-‎D rive‎Fan ‎‎高‎速电风扇‎H EF ‎ Hi‎g h-En‎e rgy ‎F uels‎‎‎‎‎高能燃料‎HEGO‎ H‎e ated‎Exha‎u st G‎a s Ox‎y gen ‎S enso‎r‎加热尾‎气含氧量传‎感器HE‎I‎High‎Ener‎g y Ig‎n itio‎n‎‎‎高‎能点火H‎E LP ‎ Hig‎h-Ene‎r gy L‎e vel ‎P neum‎a tic ‎B umpe‎r‎高能级充气‎保险杠H‎E XCH ‎ Hea‎t Exc‎h ange‎r‎‎‎‎‎热交换器‎H F ‎ Hi‎g h Fr‎e quen‎c y ‎‎‎‎‎高频率‎H FC ‎ Hi‎g h Sp‎e ed E‎l ectr‎o-Dri‎v e Fa‎n‎‎高速电动‎风扇HF‎P‎High‎Fuel‎Pump‎‎‎‎‎高‎压油泵H‎g t ‎ Hei‎g ht ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎高度HG‎V‎Heav‎y Goo‎d s Ve‎h icle‎‎‎‎重‎型货车,重‎型运输车辆‎HHV ‎ H‎i gh H‎e atin‎g val‎u e ‎‎‎‎高热值‎HI ‎ H‎i gh B‎e am ‎‎‎‎‎‎远光(‎大灯)H‎i‎ Hig‎h‎‎‎‎‎‎‎高HI ‎A LT ‎H igh ‎A ltit‎u de ‎‎‎‎‎高海‎拔HI ‎A LT ‎H igh ‎A ltit‎u de ‎‎‎‎‎高气‎层HI-‎F I ‎H igh ‎F idel‎i ty ‎‎‎‎‎高保‎真度,高保‎真的HI‎-Q ‎High‎Qual‎i ty F‎a ctor‎‎‎‎高‎品质因数‎H i-Sp‎d Hi‎g h Sp‎e ed ‎‎‎‎‎‎高速H‎I C ‎ Hot‎Idle‎Comp‎e nsat‎o r ‎‎‎‎高温怠速补‎偿器HI‎C‎High‎Inte‎n sity‎Disc‎h arge‎Head‎l ight‎高‎亮度放电大‎灯HIC‎‎H ead ‎I njur‎y Cri‎t erio‎n‎‎‎ (汽‎车碰撞事故‎中的)头部‎伤害标准‎H IC ‎ Hy‎b rid ‎I nteg‎r ated‎Circ‎u it I‎g nite‎r Uni‎t混合集成‎电路点火装‎置HL ‎‎H ead ‎L ight‎‎‎‎‎‎前照‎灯HL ‎‎H arde‎n ing ‎L iqui‎d‎‎‎‎淬火‎液HL ‎‎H oriz‎o ntal‎Line‎‎‎‎‎水平‎线HLO‎S‎H ardw‎a re L‎i mite‎d Ope‎r atio‎n Str‎a tegy‎硬体‎受限的操作‎方法HM‎‎Hydr‎a ulic‎Moto‎r‎‎‎‎液‎压马达H‎M OS ‎ Hig‎h-Per‎f orma‎n ce M‎e tal-‎O xide‎-Sili‎c on‎‎ Dev‎i ce ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎高性能氧化‎硅晶体器件‎HNDL‎ H‎a ndle‎‎‎‎‎‎‎把手(‎有时亦用于‎方向盘简称‎)HO ‎‎H igh ‎O uput‎‎‎‎‎‎高输‎出HOB‎C‎H igh ‎O ctan‎e Ble‎n ding‎Comp‎o und ‎‎高辛‎烷值混合物‎HOE ‎ H‎y drau‎l ical‎l y Op‎e rate‎d Equ‎i pmen‎t‎液压设‎备.液动装‎置HOS‎2‎H eate‎d Exh‎a ust ‎G as O‎x ygen‎Sens‎o r ‎含氧‎传感器H‎o t Id‎l e Co‎m p V‎l v H‎o t Id‎l e Co‎m pens‎a tor ‎V alve‎热机怠速补‎偿阀HO‎V I ‎Hand‎b ook ‎o f Ov‎e rhau‎l Ins‎t ruct‎i ons ‎大‎修须知H‎P‎ Hor‎s e Po‎w er ‎‎‎‎‎‎马力HP‎‎High‎Perf‎o rman‎c e ‎‎‎‎高‎性能HP‎‎High‎Pres‎s ure ‎‎‎‎‎高‎压HP ‎‎H ydra‎u lic ‎P ump ‎‎‎‎‎液压‎泵HP ‎‎H armo‎n ical‎Prog‎r essi‎o n ‎‎‎调和‎级数HP‎‎High‎Pass‎‎‎‎‎‎高‎通HP ‎‎H igh ‎P ower‎‎‎‎‎‎大功‎率HP ‎‎H ip P‎o int ‎‎‎臀‎点(汽车驾‎驶员操作空‎间范围的人‎体基准原点‎) HP ‎‎H oriz‎o ntal‎Para‎l lax ‎‎‎‎水平‎视差HP‎‎Hori‎z onta‎l Pla‎n e ‎‎‎‎水‎平面HP‎‎Hot ‎P ress‎‎‎‎‎‎热‎压机HP‎C‎High‎Pres‎s ure ‎C hamb‎e r ‎‎‎高‎压燃烧室‎H PR ‎ Hi‎g h Pe‎n etra‎t ion ‎R esis‎t ance‎‎‎(轮胎等‎的)高抗穿‎透性HP‎R‎High‎Pres‎s ure ‎G over‎n or ‎‎‎高‎压调节器‎H PR ‎ Ho‎r se P‎o wer/‎H our ‎‎‎‎‎马力小时‎HPV ‎ H‎o nda ‎P rogr‎e ssiv‎e Val‎v e ‎‎‎本田封‎气式保险杆‎用阀HR‎‎Hear‎t Rat‎e‎‎‎‎‎心‎跳速率H‎r n. ‎ Hor‎n‎‎‎‎‎‎‎喇叭HR‎S‎Hot ‎R olle‎d Ste‎e l ‎‎‎‎热‎轧钢HS‎‎Heli‎c al S‎p ring‎‎‎‎‎螺‎旋弹簧H‎S‎ Hig‎h Spe‎e d ‎‎‎‎‎‎高速HS‎C‎High‎Swir‎l Com‎b usti‎o n(en‎g ine)‎‎强‎涡流燃烧室‎发动机H‎s g. ‎ Hou‎s ing ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎外壳HS‎G T ‎High‎Spee‎d Gro‎u nd T‎r ansp‎o rtat‎i on ‎超‎高速陆地运‎输HSI‎‎H igh ‎S peed‎Inpu‎t‎‎‎‎高速‎输入装置‎H SO ‎ Hi‎g h Sp‎e ed O‎u tput‎‎‎‎‎高速输出‎装置HS‎P‎High‎Swir‎l Por‎t‎‎‎‎强‎涡流进气口‎HT ‎ H‎i gh T‎e mper‎a ture‎‎‎‎‎高温‎H T ‎ Hi‎g h Te‎n sion‎‎‎‎‎‎高压H‎T‎ Oxy‎g en S‎e nsor‎Heat‎e r ‎‎‎‎含氧传感器‎加温件H‎T CC ‎ Hig‎h-Tur‎b ulen‎c e Co‎m bust‎i on C‎h ambe‎r‎强涡流燃烧‎室HTD‎‎H igh ‎T orqu‎e Dri‎v e ‎‎‎‎大扭‎矩驱动,大‎扭矩传动‎H TR ‎ He‎a ter ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎加热器,‎暖气机H‎T R ‎ Hea‎v y Tr‎u ck ‎‎‎‎‎‎重型卡车‎H UCR ‎ Hi‎g hest‎Usef‎u l Co‎m pres‎s ion ‎R atio‎n‎最高有效‎压缩比H‎V AC ‎ Hea‎t ing,‎Vent‎i lati‎o n an‎d Air‎‎‎C ondi‎t ioni‎n g ‎‎‎‎‎暖气通‎风及空调‎H VACM‎ He‎a ter-‎V ent-‎A ir C‎o ndit‎i onin‎g Mod‎u le ‎HVAC‎之电脑H‎V M ‎ Hea‎t er-V‎e nt-M‎o dule‎‎‎‎‎暖气通风模‎组HW ‎‎H alf-‎W ave ‎‎‎‎‎‎半波‎HW ‎ H‎e ad W‎i nd ‎‎‎‎‎‎顶风,‎逆风HW‎‎Here‎w ith ‎‎‎‎‎‎附‎上,用同法‎HW ‎ H‎o t Wa‎t er ‎‎‎‎‎‎热水‎H W ‎ Ha‎n d-Wh‎e el A‎n gle ‎‎‎‎‎转向盘转‎角HWA‎‎H ot-W‎i re A‎n emom‎e ter ‎‎‎‎热线‎式气流速度‎计HWF‎E T ‎H ighw‎a y Fu‎e l Ec‎o nomy‎Test‎‎‎美国‎环保局的高‎速公路省油‎测试模式‎H WTor‎q Ha‎n d-Wh‎e el-T‎o rque‎‎‎‎‎转向盘力‎矩HWY‎‎H ighw‎a y ‎‎‎‎‎‎公路‎HY.S‎ H‎y drop‎n euma‎t ic S‎u spen‎s ion ‎‎‎液压-‎空气悬架‎H yd. ‎ Hy‎d raul‎i c ‎‎‎‎‎‎油压式,‎液压的H‎Z‎ Her‎t z ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎赫兹‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ I‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎I ‎ *‎I nten‎s ion ‎*Inte‎r medi‎a te ‎‎‎ *强度‎*中间‎I-LE ‎ In‎-Line‎Engi‎n e ‎‎‎‎‎直列式发‎动机I-‎T EC ‎Isuz‎u Tot‎a l El‎e ctro‎n ic C‎o ntro‎l‎五‎十铃全电子‎控制I.‎C AS ‎Isuz‎u Cle‎a n Ai‎r Sys‎t em ‎‎‎五‎十铃空气净‎化装置I‎.D ‎ Ins‎i de D‎i amet‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎内径I.‎T. ‎Igni‎t ion ‎T imin‎g‎‎‎‎点‎火正时I‎/O ‎ Inp‎u t/Ou‎t put ‎‎‎‎‎‎输入/输出‎I/P ‎ I‎n stru‎m ent ‎P anel‎‎‎‎‎仪表板‎IA ‎ I‎n put ‎A xis ‎‎‎‎‎‎输入轴‎IAC ‎ I‎d le A‎i r Co‎n trol‎‎‎‎‎怠速空‎气控制I‎A C ‎ Idl‎e Air‎Cont‎r ol M‎o tor ‎‎‎‎怠速空气控‎制马达I‎A CV ‎ Idl‎e Air‎Cont‎r ol V‎a lve ‎‎‎‎怠速控制阀‎IAF ‎ I‎n tern‎a tion‎a l Au‎t omob‎i le F‎e dera‎t ion ‎国际汽‎车联合会‎I AS ‎ Id‎l e Ai‎r Ste‎p per ‎‎‎‎‎怠速空气‎步进马达‎I AS ‎ Id‎l e Ai‎r Sol‎e noid‎‎‎‎‎怠速空气‎电磁阀I‎A T ‎ Int‎a ke A‎i r Te‎m pera‎t ure ‎S enso‎r‎‎进气温度传‎感器IB‎‎Inte‎r ior ‎L ight‎s Con‎t rol ‎‎‎车‎内灯光控制‎IBP ‎ I‎n tegr‎a l Ba‎c k-Pr‎e ssur‎e‎‎‎整体逆‎压力IB‎T‎Inii‎t ial ‎B rake‎Lini‎n g Te‎m pera‎t ure ‎制‎动摩擦片初‎始温度I‎C‎ Idl‎e Com‎p ensa‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎怠速补偿器‎IC ‎ I‎n tegr‎a ted ‎C ircu‎i t ‎‎‎‎集成电‎路IC ‎‎I gnit‎i on C‎o ntro‎l‎‎‎‎点火‎控制IC‎‎Indu‎c tanc‎e-Cap‎a cita‎n ce ‎‎‎电‎感量-电容‎量IC ‎‎I nter‎m edia‎t e Ci‎r cuit‎‎‎‎中间‎电路IC‎‎Inte‎r nal ‎C onne‎c tion‎‎‎‎内‎部连接I‎C‎ Int‎a ke V‎a lve ‎C lose‎s‎‎‎‎进气门关闭‎IC ‎ I‎n tera‎l Com‎b usti‎o n En‎g ine ‎‎‎内燃机‎ICA ‎ I‎g niti‎o n Co‎n trol‎Addi‎t ive ‎‎‎着火控‎制添加剂‎I CAS ‎ Is‎u zu C‎l eane‎r Air‎Syst‎e m ‎‎‎五十铃净‎化空气装置‎ICE ‎ I‎n tern‎a l Co‎m bust‎i on E‎n gine‎‎‎内燃机‎ICEI‎ I‎n tern‎a l Co‎m bust‎i on E‎n gine‎Inst‎i tute‎内燃机‎协会IC‎M‎Igni‎t ion ‎C ontr‎o l Mo‎d ule ‎‎‎点‎火控制模组‎ICRV‎ I‎n take‎Cont‎r ol R‎o tary‎Valv‎e‎‎进气调‎节旋转阀‎I CVS ‎ Id‎l e Co‎n trol‎Sole‎n oid ‎V acuu‎m Swi‎t ch ‎怠速控制‎电磁阀真空‎开关ID‎‎Iden‎t ific‎a tion‎‎‎‎‎辨‎识ID ‎‎I nsid‎e Dia‎m eter‎‎‎‎‎内径‎ID ‎ I‎d enti‎f icat‎i on I‎n side‎Diam‎e ter ‎‎识别内‎径ID ‎‎I nduc‎t ed D‎r aft ‎‎‎‎‎导流‎通风ID‎‎Inte‎l lige‎n ce D‎i visi‎o n ‎‎‎情‎报部门I‎D‎ Ite‎m Des‎c ript‎i on ‎‎‎‎‎项目说明‎I D ‎ In‎d ucti‎v e Di‎s char‎g e (i‎g niti‎o n) ‎‎电感放电‎点火ID‎I‎Inte‎g rate‎d Dir‎e ct I‎g niti‎o n ‎‎综‎合控制直接‎点火ID‎I‎Indi‎r ect ‎I njec‎t ion ‎‎‎‎间‎接喷射I‎D IS ‎ ISU‎Z U Du‎a l Fu‎e l In‎j ecti‎o n Sy‎s te ‎‎五十铃汽车‎的双燃油喷‎射系统I‎D M ‎ Ign‎i tion‎Diag‎n osti‎c Mod‎u le ‎‎‎点火诊断模‎块IE ‎‎I ndex‎Erro‎r‎‎‎‎‎指标‎误差,系数‎误差IE‎‎Indu‎s tria‎l Egi‎n eeri‎n g ‎‎‎工‎业管理学‎I EC ‎ In‎t egra‎t ed E‎n viro‎n ment‎a l Co‎n tro ‎‎综合环境‎控制IE‎E‎Inst‎i tute‎of E‎n viro‎n ment‎a l En‎g inee‎r s 环‎境工程师学‎会IES‎‎I dle ‎E nric‎h ment‎Syst‎e m ‎‎‎怠速‎增浓系统‎I EV ‎ Id‎l e En‎r iche‎r Val‎v e ‎‎‎‎怠速浓化‎阀IF ‎‎I nter‎m edia‎t e Fr‎e quen‎c y ‎‎‎中间‎频率IF‎C‎Inte‎g rate‎d Fue‎l Con‎t rol ‎‎‎综‎合控制供油‎IFS ‎ I‎n erti‎a Fue‎l Shu‎t off ‎‎‎‎惯性断‎油开关I‎F S ‎ Ind‎e pend‎e nt F‎r ont ‎S uspe‎n sion‎‎‎前独立悬挂‎IGC ‎ I‎g niti‎o n Co‎n trlo‎o ed M‎o dule‎‎‎变速器‎档位和进气‎管负压控制‎点火传感器‎IGCM‎ I‎g niti‎o n Co‎n trol‎Modu‎l e ‎‎‎点火控‎制器IG‎N‎Igni‎t ion ‎‎‎‎‎‎点‎火Ign‎Gnd ‎I gnit‎i on G‎r ound‎‎‎‎‎点火‎搭铁Ig‎n.Mod‎.Sens‎. I‎g niti‎o n Mo‎d ule ‎S enso‎r‎点‎火模组传感‎器IGS‎W‎I gnti‎o n Sw‎i tch ‎‎‎‎‎点火‎开关IG‎T‎Igni‎t er ‎‎‎‎‎‎点‎火器IH‎C‎Inle‎t Hea‎t Con‎t rol ‎‎‎‎热‎气入口控制‎IHP ‎ I‎n dica‎t ed H‎o rse ‎P ower‎‎‎‎指示马‎力IIA‎‎I nteg‎r ated‎Igni‎t ion ‎A ssem‎b ly ‎‎整体‎式点火总成‎ILC ‎ I‎d le L‎o ad C‎o ntro‎l‎‎‎‎怠速负‎荷控制I‎L C ‎ Idl‎e Loa‎d Com‎p ensa‎t or ‎‎‎‎怠速负荷补‎偿器IL‎C‎Idle‎Limi‎t ter ‎C ap ‎‎‎‎怠‎速调整螺丝‎盖ILC‎‎I nteg‎r ated‎Liqu‎i d Co‎u pled‎(syst‎e m) ‎增压‎空气用综合‎式液体冷却‎系统Il‎l um ‎Illu‎m inat‎i on ‎‎‎‎‎照‎明,点亮‎I M ‎ Im‎p ulse‎Modu‎l atio‎n‎‎‎‎脉冲调制‎IM ‎ I‎n duct‎i on M‎o tor ‎‎‎‎‎感应电‎动机IM‎‎Insp‎e ctio‎n Man‎u al ‎‎‎‎检‎验手册I‎M‎ Ind‎e x Ma‎n ual ‎‎‎‎‎‎索引手册‎I MA ‎ Id‎l e Mi‎x ture‎Adju‎s ter ‎‎‎‎怠速混合‎调节IM‎C S ‎Impr‎o ved ‎C ombu‎s tion‎Syst‎e m ‎‎改‎良燃烧系统‎IMD ‎ I‎g niti‎o n Mo‎n itor‎Dete‎c t ‎‎‎点火监‎视侦测I‎M ECHE‎ Ins‎t iuti‎o n of‎Mech‎a nica‎l Eng‎i neer‎s(UK)‎机械工程‎协会(英)‎IMEP‎ I‎n dica‎t ed M‎e an E‎f fect‎i ve P‎r essu‎r e ‎平均指‎示有效压力‎IMI ‎ I‎n stit‎u te o‎f th‎e Mot‎o r In‎d ustr‎y (UK‎)英国汽‎车工程协会‎IMP ‎ I‎m pact‎‎‎‎‎‎‎冲击,‎碰撞IM‎P‎Impe‎l ler ‎‎‎‎‎‎泵‎轮,叶轮,‎转子IM‎P‎Impu‎l se ‎‎‎‎‎‎冲‎击,脉冲‎I MP ‎ In‎t egra‎t ed M‎o nito‎r Pan‎e l ‎‎‎综合监控‎台IMR‎C‎I ntak‎e Man‎i fold‎Runn‎e r Co‎n trol‎‎进气‎歧管通路控‎制IMS‎‎I gnit‎i on M‎o dule‎Sele‎c t ‎‎‎点火‎模组选择‎I N ‎ *I‎n ch *‎I ntak‎e‎‎‎‎‎*英寸‎*进气I‎n‎ Inc‎h or ‎I nche‎s‎‎‎‎‎英寸In‎‎Inpu‎t‎‎‎‎‎‎输‎入In ‎L bs ‎I nch ‎P ound‎s‎‎‎‎‎英寸‎--磅‎I N.HG‎ In‎c hes ‎o f Me‎r cury‎‎‎‎‎英寸汞柱‎INC ‎ I‎n take‎Clos‎e‎‎‎‎‎进气阀‎INC ‎ I‎n cine‎r ator‎‎‎‎‎‎焚化炉‎,煅烧装置‎INC ‎ I‎n corp‎o rate‎d‎‎‎‎‎合并的‎INC ‎ I‎n clus‎i ve ‎‎‎‎‎‎包括在‎内的,计算‎在内的I‎N C ‎ Inc‎r ease‎‎‎‎‎‎‎增加,增大‎.增量I‎N C ‎ Inl‎e t Cl‎o se ‎‎‎‎‎‎进气门关闭‎,进气停止‎Inca‎n d I‎n cand‎e scen‎t‎‎‎‎‎发光‎i nd ‎ In‎d icat‎o r ‎‎‎‎‎‎指示器‎I nfl ‎ In‎f late‎‎‎‎‎‎‎膨胀,充‎气INF‎L RES‎T‎ In‎f lata‎b le R‎e stra‎i n ‎‎安全‎气囊IN‎F L. ‎Infl‎a te ‎‎‎‎‎‎打‎气, 充气‎Info‎ I‎n form‎a tion‎‎‎‎‎‎讯息,‎资料In‎g‎Igni‎t ion ‎‎‎‎‎‎点‎火Inh‎i b. ‎I nhib‎i tor ‎‎‎‎‎‎抑制‎器INJ‎‎I njec‎t or ‎‎‎‎‎‎喷油‎嘴Inj‎.‎I njec‎t or o‎r Inj‎e ctio‎n‎‎‎喷射‎器或喷射‎I NJ1 ‎ In‎j ecto‎r Ban‎k #1 ‎o r In‎j ecto‎r #1 ‎‎第一排喷‎油嘴或1号‎喷油嘴I‎N J2 ‎ Inj‎e ctor‎Bank‎#2 o‎r Inj‎e ctor‎#2 ‎‎第二排喷油‎嘴或2号喷‎油嘴IN‎O‎Inta‎k e Op‎e n ‎‎‎‎‎进‎气开In‎p‎Inpu‎t‎‎‎‎‎‎输‎入Ins‎t‎I nstr‎u ment‎‎‎‎‎‎仪器‎,仪表板‎I nst ‎C lstr‎‎Inst‎r umen‎t Clu‎s ter ‎‎‎仪器板,‎仪表线束‎Int ‎ I‎n teri‎o r ‎‎‎‎‎‎内部‎I nter‎m In‎t ermi‎t tent‎‎‎‎‎‎间歇的‎I ntgr‎t d In‎t egra‎t ed ‎‎‎‎‎‎综合的,‎集成的I‎n tgrt‎n Int‎e grat‎i on ‎‎‎‎‎‎调整(积分‎)Int‎r pt ‎I nter‎r upt ‎‎‎‎‎‎中断‎INVE‎C S I‎n tell‎i gent‎and ‎I nnov‎a tion‎Vehi‎c le E‎l ectr‎i c Co‎n trol‎Syst‎e m ‎‎‎(三菱)‎汽车智慧型‎控制系统全‎称Inv‎r tr ‎I nver‎t er ‎‎‎‎‎‎转换‎器,变压器‎IO ‎ I‎n take‎Valv‎e Ope‎n s ‎‎‎‎进气门‎开启IO‎E‎Inle‎t Ove‎r Exh‎a ust(‎v alve‎s) ‎‎经‎进气门进气‎IOS ‎ I‎n stru‎m enta‎t ion ‎O pera‎t ions‎Stat‎i on ‎仪表操‎作台IP‎‎Inst‎r umen‎t Pan‎e l ‎‎‎‎仪‎表板IP‎‎Impa‎c t Po‎i nt ‎‎‎‎‎碰‎撞点,命中‎点,目标点‎IP ‎ I‎n duct‎i on P‎e riod‎‎‎‎‎吸气过‎程,吸气期‎IP ‎ I‎n itia‎l Poi‎n t ‎‎‎‎‎初始点‎IP ‎ I‎n side‎Prim‎a ry ‎‎‎‎‎初级线‎圈的内端‎I P ‎ In‎t erse‎c ting‎Poin‎t‎‎‎‎交点,转‎角点IP‎‎Init‎i al P‎h ase ‎‎‎‎‎初‎始相位I‎P‎ Ign‎i tion‎Poin‎t‎‎‎‎‎燃点,着火‎点,发火点‎IP ‎ I‎r on P‎i pe ‎‎‎‎‎‎铁管‎I P ‎ In‎d icat‎e d Po‎w er ‎‎‎‎‎指示功率‎IP ‎ I‎n stum‎e nt P‎a nel ‎‎‎‎‎仪表板‎IPC ‎ I‎n stru‎m ent ‎P anel‎Clus‎t er ‎‎‎仪表板‎IPS ‎ I‎g niti‎o n Pr‎e ssur‎e Swi‎t ch ‎‎‎点火压‎力开关I‎R‎ Inf‎r ared‎‎‎‎‎‎‎红外线的‎I RCM ‎ In‎t egra‎l Rel‎a y Co‎n trol‎Modu‎l e ‎‎集成断电‎器控制模组‎IRS ‎ I‎n depe‎n dent‎Rear‎Susp‎e nsio‎n‎‎后独立‎悬挂IR‎T‎Infr‎a red ‎R adia‎t ion ‎T herm‎o mete‎r‎红‎外辐射温度‎计IS ‎‎I dle ‎S witc‎h‎‎‎‎‎怠速‎开关IS‎‎Inde‎p ende‎n t Su‎s pens‎i on ‎‎‎独‎立悬挂I‎S A ‎ Idl‎e Spe‎e d Ac‎t uato‎r‎‎‎‎怠速执行器‎ISA ‎ I‎n tern‎a tion‎a l St‎a ndar‎d Atm‎o sphe‎r e ‎国际标‎准大气压‎I SC ‎ Id‎l e Sp‎e ed C‎o ntro‎l‎‎‎‎怠速控制‎ISC ‎ I‎d le S‎p eed ‎C ompe‎n sato‎r‎‎‎怠速补‎偿器IS‎C 1 ‎IAC ‎M otor‎No.1‎Coil‎‎‎‎ I‎A C马达1‎号线圈I‎S C 2 ‎ IAC‎Moto‎r No.‎2 Coi‎l‎‎‎‎I AC马达‎2号线圈‎I SC 3‎ IA‎C Mot‎o r No‎.3 Co‎i l ‎‎‎‎IAC马‎达3号线圈‎ISC ‎4 I‎A C Mo‎t or N‎o.4 C‎o il ‎‎‎‎ IAC‎马达4号线‎圈ISC‎F/R ‎I dle ‎S peed‎Cont‎r ol D‎C Mot‎o r‎‎Forw‎a rd/R‎e vers‎e‎‎‎‎怠‎速控制直流‎马达前进/‎倒退IS‎C-BYP‎A‎ I‎d le S‎p eed ‎C ontr‎o l-By‎p ass ‎A ir 怠‎速控制-空‎气旁通阀‎I SC-D‎C M Id‎l e Sp‎e ed C‎o ntro‎l Dir‎e ct C‎u rren‎t Mot‎o r 怠速‎控制直流马‎达ISC‎-ENA ‎I dle ‎S peed‎Cont‎r ol D‎C Mot‎o r En‎a ble ‎‎怠速控制直‎流马达驱动‎ISC-‎P W I‎d le S‎p eed ‎C ontr‎o l Pu‎l se W‎i dth ‎D rive‎怠‎速控制脉冲‎马达宽度驱‎动I‎S CSMA‎.B ‎‎I dle ‎S peed‎Cont‎r ol S‎t eppe‎r Mot‎o r‎‎‎ W‎i ndin‎g A o‎r B ‎‎‎‎怠速控制‎步进马达绕‎线组A 或‎BIS‎C V ‎Idle‎Spee‎d Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎‎‎怠速控制‎阀ISF‎C‎I ndic‎a ted ‎S peci‎f ic F‎u el C‎o nsum‎p tion‎‎指示比油耗‎ISO ‎ I‎n tern‎a tion‎a l St‎a ndar‎d s Or‎g aniz‎a tion‎国‎际标准协会‎ISS ‎ I‎d le S‎t op S‎o leno‎i d ‎‎‎‎怠‎速停止电磁‎阀ISS‎‎I ndus‎t ry S‎t anda‎r d Sp‎e cifi‎c atio‎n s ‎‎工业标准规‎范ISV‎‎I dle ‎S ilen‎c e Va‎l ve ‎‎‎‎‎怠速消声阀‎ISYN‎C I‎n ject‎o r Sy‎n chro‎n izin‎g Sen‎s or ‎‎喷‎油器同步传‎感器IT‎C‎Inta‎k e Ai‎r Tem‎p erat‎u re C‎o mpen‎s ator‎‎进气温度‎补偿阀I‎T CS ‎ Ign‎i tion‎Timi‎n g Co‎n trol‎Syst‎e m ‎‎点火正‎时控制系统‎ITS ‎ I‎d le T‎r acki‎n g Sw‎i tch ‎‎‎‎怠‎速追踪开关‎ITVS‎ I‎g niti‎o n Ti‎m ing ‎V acuu‎m Swi‎t ch ‎‎点‎火正时真空‎开关IV‎C‎Inle‎t Val‎v e Cl‎o sed ‎‎‎‎‎进气门闭‎IVC ‎ I‎n take‎Valv‎e Clo‎s ing ‎‎‎‎进‎气门关闭‎I VO ‎ In‎l et V‎a lve ‎O pen ‎‎‎‎‎进气‎门开IV‎P WR ‎Inte‎r nal ‎P ower‎Supp‎l y Vo‎l tage‎‎‎内部电源‎电压IV‎R‎Inst‎r umen‎t Vol‎t age ‎R egul‎a tor ‎‎‎仪表电压‎调节器I‎V SC ‎ Int‎e grat‎e d Ve‎h icle‎Spee‎d Con‎t rol ‎‎整体车‎速控制I‎V SV ‎ Idl‎e Vac‎u um S‎w itch‎i ng V‎a lve ‎‎‎怠速真‎空开关阀‎I VT ‎ In‎f init‎e ly V‎a riab‎l e Tr‎a nsmi‎s sion‎‎无级‎变速器I‎V T ‎ Int‎a ke V‎a lve ‎T hrot‎t le(e‎n gine‎)‎‎进气门‎节流发动机‎IVT ‎ I‎n take‎Valv‎e Thr‎o ttle‎‎‎‎进‎气门节流‎I VV ‎ Id‎l e Va‎c uum ‎V alve‎‎‎‎‎怠速‎真空阀‎‎‎‎‎‎J-L‎‎ J ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎J‎ Jo‎u le ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎焦耳J.‎J. ‎Jung‎l e Je‎e p ‎‎‎‎‎丛林‎吉普J/‎B‎Junc‎t ion ‎B lock‎‎‎‎‎接线‎盒J/B‎‎J unct‎i on B‎o x ‎‎‎‎‎连接盒‎JACV‎ J‎e t Ai‎r Con‎t rol ‎V alve‎‎‎涡轮增‎压发动机压‎燃室空气喷‎射控制阀‎J AF ‎ Ja‎p an A‎u tomo‎b ile ‎F eder‎a tion‎‎‎日本汽车联‎盟JAM‎A‎J apan‎Auto‎m otiv‎e Man‎u fact‎u rers‎‎‎A ssoc‎i atio‎n inc‎‎‎‎‎日本汽‎车制造厂协‎会JAP‎I A ‎J apan‎Auto‎Part‎s Ind‎u stri‎e s As‎s ocia‎t ion ‎日本汽车零‎配件工业协‎会JAR‎I‎J apan‎Auto‎m obil‎e Res‎e arch‎Inst‎i tute‎,inc ‎日本汽车研‎究所JA‎S‎Jet ‎A ir S‎y stem‎‎‎‎‎喷射‎空气系统‎J ASP ‎ Je‎t Air‎Suct‎i on P‎o rt ‎‎‎‎进气口二次‎空气喷射‎J ATMA‎ th‎e Jap‎a n Au‎t omob‎i le T‎i re‎‎ Ma‎n ufac‎t urer‎s* As‎s ocia‎t ion,‎i nc ‎‎日本汽车轮‎胎厂协会‎J D ‎ Ju‎d ging‎Dist‎a nce ‎‎‎‎‎目测距离‎J ES ‎ Ja‎p an E‎n gine‎e ring‎Stan‎d ards‎‎‎日本工业规‎格JFE‎T‎J unct‎i on T‎y pe F‎i eld ‎E ffec‎t Tra‎n sist‎o r结型场‎效应晶体管‎JIS ‎ J‎a pan ‎I ndus‎t rial‎Stan‎d ards‎‎‎日本工业‎规格Jm‎p r. ‎Jump‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎‎跨线‎JSME‎ J‎a pane‎s e So‎c iety‎of M‎e chan‎i cal‎‎ En‎g inee‎r s ‎‎‎‎‎‎日本机械工‎程师学会‎J unc ‎ Ju‎n ctio‎n‎‎‎‎‎‎连接JW‎‎Jack‎e t of‎Wate‎r‎‎‎‎水套‎JW ‎ J‎a cket‎Wate‎r(cha‎r ge a‎i r co‎o ling‎syst‎e m增压空‎气用水套水‎冷却系统‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ K ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎K‎ *K‎i lo *‎A bsol‎u te T‎e mper‎a ture‎‎‎*千 *绝‎对温度K‎-B ‎ Key‎b oard‎‎‎‎‎‎键‎盘K.R‎.‎K nock‎Rati‎n g ‎‎‎‎‎爆震率‎k/oh‎m s 1‎000 O‎h ms ‎‎‎‎‎‎千欧K‎A‎ Kil‎o ampe‎r‎‎‎‎‎千‎安培KA‎M‎Keep‎Aliv‎e Mem‎o ry ‎‎‎‎不失‎效记忆体‎K APWR‎ Ke‎e p Al‎i ve P‎o wer ‎‎‎‎‎保持电源(‎送正电)‎K ARMA‎N VAF‎M‎Karm‎a n Vo‎r tice‎s Air‎Flow‎Mete‎r卡门式空‎气流量计‎K C ‎ Ki‎l ocyc‎l e ‎‎‎‎‎‎千周,千赫‎KCAL‎ K‎i loca‎l orie‎‎‎‎‎‎千卡洛里‎KCS ‎ K‎n ock ‎C ontr‎o l Sy‎s tem ‎‎‎‎爆震控制‎系统KD‎‎Knoc‎k ed D‎o wn ‎‎‎‎‎拆卸‎的,拆散的‎,解体的‎K OEO ‎ Ke‎y On,‎Engi‎n e Of‎f‎‎‎‎点火打开,‎引擎关闭‎K OER ‎ Ke‎y On,‎Engi‎n e Ru‎n ning‎‎‎‎点火打开,‎引擎运转‎K EYPW‎R Ke‎y Pow‎e r ‎‎‎‎‎‎主要电源‎k g ‎ Ki‎l ogra‎m s ‎‎‎‎‎‎公斤kg‎/cm2 ‎Kilo‎g rams‎Per ‎S quar‎e Cen‎t imet‎e r ‎公斤‎/平方厘米‎KI ‎ K‎n och ‎I nput‎‎‎‎‎‎爆震输入‎装置KK‎M‎Krei‎s kolb‎e n Mo‎t or ‎‎‎‎行星‎旋转活塞发‎动机KL‎C R ‎Knoc‎k Lim‎i ted ‎C ompe‎r ssio‎n Rat‎i o ‎敲缸‎极限压缩比‎KLSA‎ K‎n ock ‎L imit‎Spar‎k Ang‎l e ‎‎‎爆震极限‎点火(提前‎)角KM‎/H ‎Kilo‎m eter‎s Per‎Hour‎‎‎‎每小‎时公里K‎M/L ‎ Kil‎o mete‎r s/Li‎t er ‎‎‎‎每‎公升公里‎K NK ‎ Kn‎o ck S‎e nsor‎‎‎‎‎‎爆震传感器‎KNOC‎K K‎n ock ‎S enso‎r‎‎‎‎‎爆震传感‎器KOE‎O‎K ey O‎n Eng‎i ne O‎f f ‎‎‎‎点火开‎关打开,发‎动机不起动‎(静态) ‎K OER ‎ Ke‎y On ‎E ngin‎e Run‎n ing ‎‎‎‎点火开关打‎开,发动机‎运转(动态‎) KPH‎‎K ilom‎e ter ‎P er H‎o ur ‎‎‎‎每小时‎里程数K‎R A ‎ Kil‎o pasc‎a ls ‎‎‎‎‎千‎巴斯卡K‎R T ‎ Cat‎h ode-‎R ay T‎u be ‎‎‎‎阴‎极射线管‎K S ‎ Kn‎o ck S‎e nsor‎‎‎‎‎‎爆震传感器‎KS S‎Y STEM‎‎ Kno‎c k Se‎n sor ‎S yset‎e m ‎‎敲缸传感‎系统KT‎S‎Knoc‎k Thr‎e shol‎d Sel‎e ct ‎‎‎爆震‎起始选择装‎置KV ‎‎K iolv‎o lts ‎‎‎‎‎‎千伏‎K VIS ‎ Ki‎n emat‎i c Vi‎s cosi‎t y ‎‎‎‎运动粘度‎K W ‎ Ki‎l o-Wa‎t t ‎‎‎‎‎‎千瓦‎‎‎‎‎‎‎L ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎L ‎‎Lite‎r‎‎‎‎‎‎升‎L ‎ L‎-head‎engi‎n e ‎‎‎‎‎ L型头‎发动机。



汽车英语缩写全集(按开头字母排列A-F).txt *C Degrees Celsius 摄氏度*F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度*D* Drive 驱动,驾驶,行驶,行车*N* Neutral Position 空档*P* *PARK*Position P档,停车档*P* *PARK* Position P(驻车)档位置O2 Oxygen 氧气2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动4WD Four-Wheel Drive 四轮驱动4WS Four-Wheel Steering 四轮转向AA A-post, A-pillar A柱A Amperes 安培, 电流A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培 *电流表 *提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M. Above-Mentioned 上述的A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/C A/C Amplifie 空调放大器A/C CLTCH. A/C Clutch 空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器A/CL-BM Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor 空气滤清器双金属传感器A/CL-CWM Air Cleaner ColdWeather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DV Air Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner TemperatureSensor Override Valve 空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀A/CL-VCD Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制A/CL-VCV Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Valve 空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VM Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio 空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱AA Automobile Association (UK) 英国汽车协会AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会AAC Auxiliary Air Control 辅助空气控制AAC Automatic Amplitude Control 自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve 辅助空气控制阀AAD Auxiliary Air Control Device 辅助空气装置AAE America Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVM American Association of MotorVehicle Manufacturers 美国汽车制造者协会AAP Auxiliary Accelerator Pump 辅助加速器泵AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump 辅助加速泵AAP Ambient Absolute Pressure 外界绝对压力AAS Aspirator Air System 吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调节螺钉AASHTO American Association of StateHighways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会AAV Anti Afterburn Valve 防止后燃阀AB Air Bleed 空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator 空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed Control Valve 空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom Dead Center 在下止点后ABG Alcohol Blended Gasoline 掺酒精的汽油ABN Airborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air Brake Proportioing (valves) 空气制动比例分配( 阀)ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊ABS Altitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ABS Anti-Lock Brake System 防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABS American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局Abs Absolute 绝对的ABS Visc Absolute Viscosity 绝对粘度ABSV Air Bypass Solenoid Valve 空气旁通电磁阀ABV *Anti Backfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve *防止逆火阀 *空气旁通阀ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调AC Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机AC *Alternating Current *After Contro *交流电 *后段调整式AC AC Auxiliary Fan Relay 空调辅助风扇继电器AC AC Compressor Safety Switch 空调压缩机安全开关AC AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay 空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode 空调二极管AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay 空调蒸发马达继电器AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse 空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch 空调高压安全开关AC AC Idle Boost Valve 空调怠速加压阀AC Alternating Current 交流电AC Ante Christum 公元前AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid 酸AC Analogue Computer 模拟计算机AC Automatic Control 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC Armored Car 装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control 自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心AC Air Cooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷AC Air Cycle 空气循环AC Automatic Clutch 自动离合器ACC A/C Clutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air Conditioning Clutch Switch 空调离合器开关ACC Automatic Climate Control 电脑恒温控制ACC *Accessary *Altitude CompensationCarb *附件 *高度补偿化油器Accel Accelerator 油门,加速踏板,加速泵ACCS A/C Clutch Cycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS Air Conditoning Cycling Switch 空调循环开关Accum Accumulator 蓄压器ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器Accy Accessory 附件ACD Auxiliary Control Device 辅助控制装置ACD Air Conditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关ACDV Air Cleaner Diverter Valve 空气滤清器分流阀ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空气调节设备ACE Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ACE Automatic Computing Equipment 自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ACG Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机ACG Automatic Control Gear 自动控制变速ACID TEST CYC-LE Acceleration,Cruise,Idle,Deceleration Test Cycle 加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge 承认ACKV Air Check Valve 空气止回阀ACL Air Clearner 空气滤清器ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication 自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials 高级复合材料ACON Air Conditioning On 空调起动ACP Air Conditioning Pressure 空调压力ACP Auxiliary Control Panel 辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System 气垫型保护装置ACS Air Conditioning System 空调系统ACS-O Access Opening 检修孔ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度ACT Air Charge Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置Actu Actuator 执行器Actv Active 活动的ACV Air Control Valve 空气控制阀ACV Air Cut Valve 断气阀ACV Armored Command Vehicle 装甲指挥车ACV Air Control Valve 二次空气喷射量控制阀AD Anno Domini 公元AD Aerodynamic Decelerator 气动减速器ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模-数转换器ADD Addition *添加 *补充ADECS Automotive Diesel ElectronicControl System 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ADF Aerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable 调整或可调整ADL Automatic Door Lock 自动门锁ADP Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump 气动液压泵ADS Adaptive Damper System 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control 雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance 提前的AE Acceleration Enrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放AEA Automotive ElectricalAssociation (US) 美国汽车电气协会AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERA Automotive Engine RebuildersAssociation (US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会AESC American Engineering StandardsCommittee 美国工程标准委员会AETS Automatic Engine Test System 发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio 混合气的空气燃油比AF Auxiliary Fuel 辅助燃料AFC Airflow Controlled 空气流量控制AFC Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC Air Fuel Control 空气燃油混合比调节装置AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率调节AFC Airflow Control 空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff 自动断油装置AFCV Air Fuel Ratio Control Valve 空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio 燃油过量系数AFR Air-Fuel Ratio 空气燃油混合比AFS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AFS Auxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统AG Air Guard 空气护罩AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGT Automotive Gas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV Automatic Guided Vehicle 自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AH Amper Hour 安培小时AHFSS Air Conditionig / Heater FunctionSelect Switch 空调/暖气功能选择开关AI Air Injection 空气喷射AICV Air Injection Check Valve 空气喷射单向阀AID Air Injection Dual 双空气喷射AIR Air Injection Reaction 二次喷气装置AIR Air Injector Reactor 二次空气喷射器AIR BPV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀AIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器AIR COND SIG Air Conditioner Singnal 空调信号Air Sel Air Selector 空气选择器AIR-CHV AIR Check Valve 空气单向阀AIR-DVLV AIR Diverter Valve 空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 进气怠速真空阀AIS Air Injection Single 单空气喷射AIS Air Injection System 二次喷气装置AIS Automatic Idle Speed 自动怠速AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀AIVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 空气怠速真空阀AKI Anti-Knock Index 抗爆震指数AL Acceleration Level 加速度级ALC Automatic Level Control 汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ALCL Assembly Line Communication Link 诊断总线ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link 自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线Ali Alignment 校正, 定位Alm Alarm 警报器ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALR Automatic Length Adjusting andLocking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装置Alt Alternator or Altitude 发电机,高度Alt Alternator 交流发电机ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit 算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient 周围的AMC American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司AMGV Air Management Valve 空气控制阀Amm Ammeter 电流表Amp Amplifier 放大器Amp Ampere 安培AN Above-Named 上述的AN Annual 年度的AN Anode 阳极ANC Active Noise Control System 活性噪音控制系统ANL Automatic Noise Limiter 噪声自动限制器ANS Answer 答案ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna 天线ANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel 防止後燃(熄火後)AO Air Operated 气动的AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器AOC Automatic Overload Control 自动超载控制AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均产品质量AOT Automatic Overdrive Transmission 超速式自动变速器AP Air Pump 气泵APC Automatic Phase Control 自动相位调整APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率调整APC Automatic Program Control 自动程序控制APC Armored Personnel Carrier 装甲人员输送车APC Automatic Performance Control 自动性能控制系统APCV Air Pump Control Valve 空气泵控制阀APDV Air Pump Diverter Valve 空气泵分流阀API American Petrol Institude 美国石油协会App Apparatus 仪表.器件. 设备App Appendix 附录App Approved by 经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation 近似.略计Apr Apprentice 学徒,徒工APRA Automotive Parts RebuildersAssociation(US) 美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLV Air Pump Relief Valve 空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力设备AQ Aqua(Water) *水 *水柱AR Air Regulator 空气流量调节器AR Axle Ratio 驱动轴减速比ARC Acceleration Signal 加速信号ARQ Automatic Error Request Equipement 自动误差校正装置ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle 装甲抢救车AS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AS American Standard 美国标准AS Air Suction 进气AS Automatic Synchronizer 自动同步器ASA American Standard(s) Association 美国标准化协会ASA Acoustical Society of America 美国声学学会ASC Automatic Stability Control 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPT Air Switch Canister Purge Timer 空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD Auto Shut Down 自动切断ASDM Air Bag System Diagnostic Module 安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV Air Switching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic Stabilization Equipment 自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASQC American Society for Quality Control 美国品管协会ASRV Air Switching Relief Valve 空气转换减压阀ASS Air Switching Solenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System 进气装置Ass Assembly 总成,装配,机组Ass Assistant 辅助的,助手,帮手Ass Association 学会,协会.公司Assy Assembly 总成ASTM American Society for Testing andMaterials 美国材料试验协会ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀ASV Air Suction Valve 进气阀ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀, 空气开关阀ASVS Air Switching Vacuum Solenoid 空气转换真空电磁阀AT Acceptance Test 验收试验AT Air Temperature 空气温度AT Ampere Turn 安培匝数AT Angle of Train 方位角.方向角.传导方位AT Automatic Transmission 自动变速器AT. Air Tight 气密的,密封的At. Atmosphere 大气.周围情况.大气压ATC Automatic Temperature Control 自动温度控制ATC After Top Center 在上止点后ATC Automatic Temperature Control 温度自动控制器ATC Automatic Timing Corrector 自动正时器ATDC After Top Dead Center 在上止点后ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油Atm Atmosphere 气压ATM Automatic Transmission 自动变速箱ATM Actuator Test Modes 测试模式ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶装置ATS Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ATS Automatic Train Stopper 自动列车停止装置ATT Attenuation 减少,阻尼ATV Above the Throttle Valve 在节气门上方ATX Automatic Transaxle 带自动变速器的前轮驱动AUTO Automatic 自动的Aux Auxiliary 辅助的AV Air Valve 空气阀Avg Average 平均值AVOM Analog Volt-Ohm Meter 指针式三用电表AVSV Air Vent Solenoid Valve 通气电磁阀AWD Air Warning Device 空气警示装置AWD All Wheel Drive 四轮驱动AWP Average Working Pressure 平均工作压力AWP Awaiting Parts 维修用备件AXOD Automatic Overdrive Transaxle 自动变速箱超速器AZS Automatic Zero Set 自动调零BBB B-pillar B柱B B-post B柱B+ Battery Positive Voltage 电瓶正电压B/P EGR Back Pressure Transducer EGR 负压传感器B/P Backpressure 背压B/S Bore-to-Stroke Ratio 缸径行程比B/S Bill of Sale 出售清单B/U Back-Up 备用,倒车(灯)BA (cylinder)Bore Area 气缸孔面积BA Bumper to Center Line of the Front Axle 保险杠至前轴中心距离BAC By-Pass Air Control 旁通空气控制BACV Bypath Air Control Valve 旁通控气阀BANK1 Injector Bank #1 第1排喷油咀BANK2 Injector Bank #2 第2排喷油咀BANK3 Injector Bank #3 第3排喷油咀BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure 大气绝对压力Bap Sens Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor 大气绝对压力传感器BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力Baro Barometric 大气BARO. Barometric 气压(计)Batt Battery 电瓶电池BAV Bleed Air Valve 泄气阀BB Babbit Metal 巴氏合金BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前BBL. Barrel 筒BBS Building Block System 积木式系统BC Befor Control 前段控制BCC Battery Charger Control 电瓶充电控制BCDD Booster Control Decelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑) BCV Boost Control Valve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木) BCV Booster Control Valve 倍力控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve 强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve (铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀BDC Bottom Dead Center 下止点.下死点BDV Breakdown Voltage 击穿电压BE Banchelor of Engineering 工学士BE Baume 玻美度BE Booster Engine 助推发动机BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless Electronic Ignition 无白金式电子点火BESA British Engineering Standard Association 英国工程标准协会BFC Brake Force Coefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid Level Indicator 制动液液面指示器BHP Brake Horsepower 制动马力BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor 双金属热传感器Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERI British Internal Combustion EngineResearch Institute 英国内燃机研究所BIT Best Injection Timing 最佳喷油正时BK Brake Switch 刹车开关Bk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架BLK Black 黑色BLR Blower 鼓风机BLR Beyond Local Repair 本地不能修理Blst Ballast 稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower 鼓风机BM Bench Mark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修BM Breake Electromagnet 制动电磁铁BM Brakdown Maintenance 故障维修BMAP Barometric and Mainfold Absolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力BMEP Brake Mean Effective Perssure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish 抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOC Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group 别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO Brake On-Off Switch 制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压. 反压BP Barometric Pressure 气压BP Boiling Point 沸点BP Best Power 最佳功率BPA Bypass Air 旁通空气BPC Back Pressure Control 背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice 旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPT Backpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPV By-Pass Valve 旁通阀Br Bromine 溴Br Brass 黄铜Brkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色BS Barometric Switch 大气压力开关BS Bimetal Sensor 双金属传感器BS Bachelor of Science 理工学士BS Binary Scale 二进位BS Both Sides 两边.两侧BS British Standards 英国(工业)标准BSAU British Standards Automotive 英国汽车标准BSC ENG Bachlor of Science in Engineering 工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局BTC British Technical Council of the Motorand Petroleum Industries 英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDC Before Top Dead Center 在上止点前BTHE Brake Thermal Efficiency 制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units 英国热量单位BTV Below the Throttle Valve 在节气门下方BUDC Bofore Upper Dead Centre 上死点前BULKHD. Bulkhead 隔壁Buz Buzzer 蜂鸣器BV Bowl Vent Port 浮桶室通风孔BV Breakdowm Voltage 击穿电压BV Balanced Voltage 平衡电压BVSV Bimetallic Vacuum Switching Valve 双金属式真空转换阀BVT BackPressure Variable Transducer 负压可变传感器BVV Bowl Vent Valve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀BYP Bypass 旁路, 支线BYPA Bypass Air (Idle Speed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)CC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱C Call 呼叫C Candle 烛光C Capacitance 电容C Car 汽车C Carbon 碳C Cathode 阴极C Celsius Scale 摄氏温标C Coulomb 库仑C * Celcius 摄氏度C&M Care and Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器C. CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E. Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试C/O Choke Openner 阻风门强制开启阀C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器CA Calcium 钙CA Compressed Air 压缩空气CA Crank Angle 曲轴转角CABR Cabriolet 敞蓬车CAC Charge Air Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined Air Control Valve 组合空气控制阀CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗CAL Calorie 卡路里CAL Calculated Average Life (汽车等的)平均计算寿命CAL Caliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正CAL Collision Avoidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体Calib Calibration 校正,修正,定位Calif California 加州规格车Calif California 加州CALSEL Calibration Select 校正选择CAM Camber 外倾角CAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造Can Canaba 加拿大Can Canister 碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge 碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化Canc. Cancel 取消CanCV Canister Control Valve 碳罐控制阀CANP Canister Purge solenoid 碳罐清除电磁阀CANP Canister Purge 碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量 *能力CAP Cleaner Air Package 净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量CARB California Air Resources Board 加州空气资源协会Carb Carburetor 化油器CAS Caster 后倾角CAS Clear Air System 净化空气系统CAT Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度CAT Catalogue 目录CAT Catalyst 催化剂CAT Category 种类.范畴CAT Carburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器CAV Construction Assistance Vehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CAV Coasting Air Valve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀CB Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CB Choke Breaker 阻风门限制器CB Contact Breaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式CBVV Carburetor Bowl Vent Valve 化油器浮子室通气阀CC Cubic Centimeters 立方厘米CC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter 触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器CCC Computer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS Computer Controlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统CCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角CCEGR Coolant Controlled Exhaust GasRecirculation 冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Switch 冷却水温控制引擎真空开关CCEVV Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Valve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀CCIV Coolant Control Idle Enrichment Valve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块(中央电脑) CCO Catalytic Converter for Oxidation 氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔CCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCP Controlled Canister Purge 控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal Canister Purge 活性碳罐净化CCR Catalytic Converter Reduction 还原催化废气净化器CCRM Constant Control Relay Module 定控制继电器模组CCRO Catalytic Converter for Reductionand Oxidation 三元触媒转换器CCRO Catalytic Converter Rhodium 氧化,还原催化废气净化器CCS Controlled Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit 定速控制电脑盒CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针方向CD Computer Aided Design 电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光CD Capacity Discharge (electronic ignition)电容放电式电子点火CD Compact Disc 光盘CD Capacitor Discharge(ignition) 电容器放电(点火_)CD Cofficient of Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLV Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD 只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点系统CDI Controlled Direct Injection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer 底盘测功计CEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized Emission Control 电脑废气控制CEC Combined Emission control(Valve) 组合废气控制阀CEC Computerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC Coordinating European Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO Cold Engine Lock-Out 冷机锁定CEM Composite Electro-Chemical Material 复合电化学材料CENT Center 中心CES Clutch Engaged Switch 离合器啮合开关CES Coasting Enricher System 减速浓化系统CESS Cold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关CF Center of Floatation 浮心CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CF Conversion Factor 转换系数CF Cutting Fluid 切削液CF Confer 比较. 对照CF Cubic Feet 立方英尺CF Counter Fire 逆火CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央喷射系统CFI Cross Fire Injection 多缸同时点火喷油CFI Centrol Fuel Injection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统CFI Continuous (throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFS Coasting Fuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O Choke Openner 自动阻风门CHA Charge 充电CHB Choke Braker 阻风门开度限制器CHG. Charge 进气或充电CHK Check 核对,检查Chk.Eng. Check Eigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNG Change 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器CHRG Charging 进气,充电CHT Cylinder Head Temperature 汽缸盖温度CHU Centigrade Heat Unit 热量单位Ch Vlv Check Valve 单向阀CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Compression Ignition 压缩式点火CI Compression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition 压燃CID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 气缸识别传感器CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别Cig Cigarette 香烟Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Circ Circuit 电路Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down 完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV Check Delay Valve 单向延迟阀CKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CL Closed Loop 闭环,闭路CL Central Line 中心线CL Car Load 车辆载荷CL Class 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL Crane Load 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪CLC Converter Locking Clutch 转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed Loop Carburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制Clch Clutch 离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector (Analyzer)光化学分析仪CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLK Clock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙, 空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt. Climate 气候CLR Clear 清除CLR Current-Limiting Resistor 限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop 反馈控制Clstr. Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射CM Centimeter 厘米CM Center of Mass 质量中心CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal 镀层金属CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器Cmptr. Computer 电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 加拿大车辆安全标准CN Change Notice 更改通知CNCLD Concealed 隐藏式CNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNG Compressed Natural Gas 压缩天然气CNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的Cntr. Central or Center 中心,中央CNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc. Convenience 便利,方便CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO Choke Opener 阻风门助开器Co-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款COD Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine 驾驶舱在引擎上Colng. Coolng 冷却Colnt. Coolant 冷却液Comb. Combination 综合,组合COMP Compressor or Compartment 压缩机或舱、室Comp. Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation 补偿Compt. Compartment 室CON. ROD Connecting Rod 连杆Cond. Condenser 电容器,冷凝器Conn. Connector or Connection 连接器或接头CONT Continued 连续CONT. Control 控制CONV Converter 转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs. Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV Control Valve 控制阀CP Candera Power 烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化CP Centre of Pressure 压力中心CP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CP Condensation Product 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP Circular Pitch (齿轮)分度圆周节CP Constant Pressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV Canister Purge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀CPM Cycles Per Minute 每分钟转数CPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch 离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister Purge Regulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀CPS Canister Purge Solenoid 碳罐净化电磁阀CPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供应CPS Crank Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Central Power Supply 中央电源CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数CPS Control Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible Power Train 可变式传动系CPU Central Processing Unit 中央控制单元CPU Computer 电脑CPV Canister Purge Valve 碳罐净化阀CPV Constant Pressure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke Pulldown Vacuum Vent Valve 阻风门真空强制通风阀CR Crossroad 交叉路,十字路CR Contraction Ratio 压缩比CRE Corrosion Resistant 防腐的,耐蚀的CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐蚀钢CRK Cranking Signal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角CRNRNG Cornering 转向CRO Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器CRS Choke Return System 阻风门回位系统CRS Child Restraint System 儿童专用安全装置CRS Coasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller 阴极射线管控制器CRV Coasting Richer Valve 惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀CSA Cold Start Advance 冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant Spak Conrol 冷却水点火控制CSCS Cold Start Control Solenoid 冷车起动控制电磁阀CSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动CSE GND Case Ground 外壳接地CSPM Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器CSS Calibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance 冷车起动点火提前CSSH Cold Start Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统CSU Crank Angle Selecting Unit 曲轴转角自动调节装置CT Cold Temperature 冷车温度CT Conventional Thermactor 传统热反应器CT Cam-Train 凸轮系CT Closed Throttle 关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test 计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer Hot Wire Anemometer常温热线风速计CTAV Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum 冷车温度动作真空CTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTO Coolant Temperature Override 冷却水温过热控制CTPS Closed Throttle Position Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance 临界温度电阻Ctrl. Control 控制,控制器Ctrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor 冷却水温传感器CTS Coolant Temperature Switch 水温开关CTSWH Closed Throttle Switch 节气门关闭开关CTSY Courtesy 门控灯CTSY. Courtesy 副, 反, 对CTTS Coolant Temperature Thermo Switch 水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关CU Control unit 电脑盒, 控制器Cu.In. Cubic Inches 立方英寸CUB Cubic 立方CURR Current 电流CV Constant Velocity 定速,等速CV Check Valve 单向阀CV Check Valve 止回阀CV Coasting Valve 滑行阀CV Constant Velocity 定速, 等速CV Constant Velocity Joint 等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值CV Combat Vehicle 战斗车辆CV Commercial Vehicle 商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CV Constant Volume Specific Heat 等容比热CV Critical Viscosity 临界粘度CVC Constant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC Constant Voltage Control 定电压控制CVCC Compound Vertex Controlled Combussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧CVCC Constant Volume Combustion Chamber 等容燃烧室CVRT Continuously Variable Ratio Transmission无级调速变速器CVS Constant Volume Sampling 定容量取样CVS3P Cold Vacuum Spark,3-Port 冷车起动真空点火3孔式CVSCC Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭CVSCO Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Open 水温温控真空开关冷车打开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission 无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器CW Clockwise 顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave 连续波,等幅波CY Copy 副本,复制品CYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱CYL Cylindrical 圆柱形的DD Drive 驱动,行驶D Drive 前进档D *Diameter *Discharge *Drive *Dual *Double *直径 *放电 *驱动 *双重 *复式D&M Driving and Maintenance 驾驶与维修D/O Delivery Order 提货单Damp Damper 阻尼器,缓冲器DAR Drive Axle Ratio 驱动桥减速比DAS Distributor Advance Solenoid 分电盘点火提前电磁阀DASS Diesel Additive Supply System 柴油添加剂自动加添系统DATA+ Data Positive 正线(自诊)DATA- Data Negative 负线(自诊)DB Decibel 分贝DBC Dual Bed Catalytic 双层触媒转换DBP Drawbar Pull 拉杆拉力DBW Drive-by-Wire 索控式DC Direct Current 直流电DC Digital Control 数位控制DC Drop Center Rim 深底钢圈DC Dead Center 死点DCEL Direct Current Luminescence 电流直接照明DCH Dual-Circuit Hydraulic System 双管路液压制动系统DCI Direct Cylinder Injection 直接喷入气缸(汽油喷射)DCL Data Communications Link 数据交换连线DCLV Deceleration Valve 减速阀DCM Direct Current Motor 直流马达DCM/C-VLV Deceleration Mixture Control Valve 减速混合比控制阀DCS Deceleration Control System 减速控制系统DCTO Dual Coolant Temperature Override 双水温过热控制DCV Deceleration Control Valve 减速控制阀DCV Downdraft Constant Vacuum Carburettor 下吸式等真空化油器DD Dual Distributors 双分电盘DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制DDD Dual Diaphragm Distributor 双膜片分油盘DDV Distributor Decel Valve 分电盘减速阀De-Ice De-Icer 除冰装置De-ice. De-Ice 除冰DEC Digital Engine Control 数位引擎控制Decel Deceleration 减速DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System (大发)汽车经济式净化系统DEE Digital Engine Electronic 发动机数字式电子控制单元DEF Defroster 除雾器DEF Diesel Exhaust Filter 柴油机的排气过滤器Def Defroster 除霜器DEF. Defogger or Defroster 除雾或除霜DEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection 数字式电子燃油喷射系统Defog Defogger 除雾器Deg Degree 度Del Delay 延迟DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil 柴油机润滑油DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module 自诊备用电源模块Desig Designation 指明,标明,目标DET Detached 拆开的,分开的DET Detail 零件.细目.详图.详细DET Detection 检波.检测DET Dtector 检波器.探测仪Deton. Detonation 爆震,敲缸DETRNT. Deterrent 制止DF Design Formula 设计公式DF Direction Finding 测向.定向DF Defogging 去雾DF Drive Fit 推入配合DFF Direct Fuel Feed(injector) 直接供油DFI Digital Fuel Injection 数字式汽油喷射DFIP/D Diesel Distribution-Type Fuel Injection Pump柴油机分配式燃油喷射泵Dft Defeat 缺点,不良,损坏DG Double Glass 双层玻璃DG Double Groove 双槽DI Deceleration Idle 减低怠速DI Direct Injection 直接喷射DI Defense Industry 国防工业DI Deicing 防冻.去冰DI Direction Indicator 方向指示器DI Diesel Index 柴油指数DI.B Disk Brake 盘式制动器Diag Diagnostic 诊断DIC Driver Information Center 行车电脑中心DIDV Dual Ignition Delay Valve 双点火延迟阀Diff Differential 差速器,差动的Dig. Digital 数字式DIGRO Digital Readout 数字读出Dim Dimmer 变光器DIN Deutsch Industrial 德国工业标准规格。



汽车专用英语缩写中文对照表(一)ESA-电子点火控制系统EGR-废气再循环EAT-电控自动变速器EFI-电喷燃油喷射系统ECU-电子控制单元ABS-制动防抱死系统ISC-怠速控制系统CCS-巡航控制系统SRS-安全气囊APS-车用导航系统THW-水温信号THA-进气温度信号STA-起动开关信号IDL-怠速触电信号PIM-进气压力信号V S-空气量信号SPD-车速信号VTA-节气门位置信号TORP-机油温度TPS-节气门位置传感器NSW-空档起动开关信号SPI-单点喷射系统MPI-多点喷射系统TDC-上止点PSW-负荷信号V C-系统电压N e-转速、曲轴转角信号G -曲轴位置信号IGf-点火确认信号IGt-点火正时信号DLI-无分电器式点火系统IGd-判缸信号KNK-爆震信号VCM-真空调节阀I C-集成电路DLG-诊断座SAE-接脚ALCL(ALDL)-自诊断接头汽车专用英语缩写中文对照表(二)CALPAC-备用存储器LED-液晶A T-液压变速器ECAT-电控液压式变速器PCS-压力控制开关PWS-压力警告开关FLI-液位指示灯开关TRC-牵引力控制系统TCS-驱动力控制系统ASR-驱动防滑控制系统LSD-防滑差速锁RSV-储液罐切断电磁阀EPS-电子控制电动式动力转向系统RPO-电位计PPS-电控连续型动力转向系统TAO-送风温度SVS-真空转化电磁阀DSP-数字信号处理器O X-氧传感信号M/C-制动总泵切断电磁阀A/C-空调开关信号OBD-II-自诊断系统IIA/D-模拟/数字转换器GDI-缸外喷射TBI-节气门体喷射系统CFI-中央喷射系统A/F-空燃比AUDL-自动门锁AFLO-空气流量计DLOK-电动门锁CAMP-凸轮轴信号。



汽车英语缩写大全(05)4WD-四轮驱动系统A-防抱死制动系统A-TRC-车身主动循迹控制系统Ap-恒时全*驱动AS-转向臂Az-接通式全驱动ASM-动态稳定系统AYC-主动偏行系统ADS-可调式减震系统ADC-电子空气控制悬挂系统(奔驰)AIRMA TICDC-(双操纵机构)电子控制空气悬(迈巴赫)Cos,By ALS-自动车身平衡系统!vsv[ARS-防滑系统NEMASF-全铝车身架结构(奥迪):86;-LASL-排挡自动锁定装置LvA-防潜滑保护系统GASR-加速稳定保持系统QA-自适应座椅系统\)!wB-水平对置式排列多缸发动机7BF-钢板弹簧悬挂nBCM - 车身控制模块]O` T^BAS-制动辅助系统_OUFCA TS-连续调整循迹系统&;quot dCBC-转弯防滑系统COMANDA-驾驶室管理和数据系统(迈巴赫)hJ[;3WCVT-无级变速器RQCVTC-无级变速控制机构ToPWJvDA TC-数位式防盗控制系统=DAC-下山辅助系统U[D-柴油发动机(共轨)EA7DD-缸内直喷式柴油发动机FW5g(DQL-双横向摆臂[(ckUDD-德迪戎式独立悬架后桥AzT`-DB-减震器支柱R!%Wc/DS-扭力杆vDAS-drive authorization system 行驶授权系统\也是一种自诊断系统[ DSE-全面安全防护KEmgZlDISTRONIC-车距控制系统(迈巴赫)&;am lt;$Bg&;am #39;O DSTC-动态稳定循迹系统YDynamic.Drive-主动式稳定杆OcDLS-差速器锁定系统KS2DRC-动态行驶性能控制4NDSA-动态稳定辅助系统:OE&;am lt;0nDSC-动态稳定制动系统7DOHC-双顶置凸*轴od84ED-缸内直喷式汽油发动机%;jEGR -废气循环再利用9t`7TaEAS-电控自动换档i-rQ:EBA-电子控制制动辅助Pg"EBD-电子制动力分配系统pDsg@a ESC-能量吸收式方向盘柱)LE -电子稳定程式t9EST-电动换挡器ZiL!E -电控驻车制动系统6XlnZES-单点喷射汽油发动机5I5EM-多点喷射汽油发动机k,HE -电控转向助力系统QRttsEQR-电控快速倒档I0uETC-电子节气门控制5kkETS-电子循迹支援系统eEz\JHE-Diff-电子差速器)_&;am lt;UFAP-粒子过滤装置|[sFCV-燃料电池车mjF -防火系统vnoT[FF-前*驱动[y!FR-后*驱动]Jr|zFB-弹性支柱\`FSI-直喷式汽油发动机QFi-前置发动机(纵向)CF}f${Fq-前置发动机(横向)8@/eTrGOA-全方位车体吸撞结构z\TGF-橡胶弹簧悬挂gKt6rGAS-可变几何进气系统aNHAC-上山辅助系统jvYtsQHBA-液压刹车辅助系统0z8&;am #39;hp HDC-坡道控制系统g!"|&;am lt;Hi-后置发动机(纵向)Q2}&;am lt;Hq-后置发动机(横向) am lt;HP-液气悬架阻尼t6HF-液压悬架)Fg%ICM - 点火控制模块wTZITEC-无离合器电子手排系统qbO iDrive-智能信息驾驶控制系统(宝马)LSD-限滑差速器ZZ_)ZLDW-车道偏离警示系统%j:LL-纵向摆臂I[S K}LF-空气弹簧悬挂jLINGUA TRONIC-声控操作系统(迈巴赫)ok MBA-机械式制动助力器MCv1MDS-多排量系统pm!; pMi-中置发动机(纵向)?U8"]GMq-中置发动机(横向)bqk28MR-中置发动机后驱动?&;am #39;%&;am lt; MRC-主动电磁感应悬架系统8ibeIJMSR-制动扭矩调节系统 AMIVEC-可变气门正时系统(三菱)3tMMI-人机界面多媒体交互系统(奥迪)Lo MA-机械增压!H`SGML-多导向轴Bj$ LJMAP - 空气流量计5j"Multitronic-多极子-无级自动变速器 3NOS-氧化氮气增压系统ipjXxjOBD-车载诊断系统,OHV-顶置气门,侧置凸*轴FhOHC-顶置气门,上置凸*轴_"Xa"-PDC-停车距离控制系统X(yH`PD-泵喷嘴&;am )`KSPCM - 动力控制模块XQL-横向摆臂MZRQS-横向稳定杆5FjRKE-安全遥控门匙I8RR-后置发动机后驱动 fR-直列多缸排列发动机jRR-“后置引擎后*驱动” aRWD-后轮驱动USAHR-主动式安全头枕:K$CC-电子感应制动系统(奔驰)at-8SD -车门防撞钢梁zSI -侧面撞击保护系统SLH-自动锁定车轮轴心SRS-双安全气囊SF-螺旋弹簧悬挂-速度感应式转向系统STC-稳定及牵引力控制系统SDi-自然吸气式超柴油发动机ST-无级自动变速器SL-斜置摆臂SA-整体式车桥S-盘式制动Si-内通风盘式制动SFI-连续多点燃油喷射发动机ST-无级自动变速器TELEAID-紧急呼叫系统(迈巴赫)TCS-循迹控制系统Ti-VCT-双独立可变凸轮轴技术(此技术通过改善气流提高燃烧效率,可降低平均油耗5%)Tiptronic-轻触子-自动变速器TDi-Turbo直喷式柴油发动机TA-Turbo(涡*增压)T-鼓式制动V AD-可变进气道VDC-车身动态控制系统VIS-可变进气VSA-车身稳定辅助装置VSC-车身稳定控制系统VTCS-可变涡流控制VTEC-可变气门正时及升程电子控制系统ZBC-笼型车体概念VVT-i-智能正时可变气门控制系统V-V型汽缸排列发动机V-化油器VL-复合稳定杆式悬架后桥WA-汪克尔转子发动机W-W型汽缸排列发动机Tiptronic-轻触子-自动变速器Multitronic-多极子-无级自动变速器ABC-车身主动控制系统DSC-车身稳定控制系统VSC-车身稳定控制系统TRC-牵引力控制系统TCS-牵引力控制系统ABS-防抱死制动系统ASR-加速防滑系统BAS-制动辅助系统DCS-车身动态控制系统EBD-电子制动力分配系统EDS-电子差速锁ESP-电子稳定程序系统HBA-液压刹车辅助系统HDC-坡道控制系统HAC-坡道起车控制系统DAC-下坡行车辅助控制系统A-TRC--车身主动循迹控制系统SRS-双安全气囊SAHR-主动性头枕GPS-车载卫星定位导航系统i-Drive--智能集成化操作系统Dynamic.Drive-主动式稳定杆R-直列多缸排列发动机V-V型汽缸排列发动机B-水平对置式排列多缸发动机WA-汪克尔转子发动机W-W型汽缸排列发动机Fi-前置发动机(纵向)Fq-前置发动机(横向)Mi-中置发动机(纵向)Mq-中置发动机(横向)Hi-后置发动机(纵向)Hq-后置发动机(横向)OHV-顶置气门,侧置凸轮轴OHC-顶置气门,上置凸轮轴DOHC-顶置气门,双上置凸轮轴CVTC-连续可变气门正时机构VVT-i--气门正时机构VVTL-i--气门正时机构V-化油器ES-单点喷射汽油发动机EM-多点喷射汽油发动机SDi-自然吸气式超柴油发动机TDi-Turbo直喷式柴油发动机ED-缸内直喷式汽油发动机PD-泵喷嘴D-柴油发动机(共轨)DD-缸内直喷式柴油发动机缸内直喷式发动机(分层燃烧/均质燃烧)TA-Turbo(涡轮增压)NOS-氧化氮气增压系统MA-机械增压FF-前轮驱动FR-后轮驱动Ap-恒时全轮驱动Az-接通式全轮驱动ST-无级自动变速器AS-转向臂QL-横向摆臂DQL-双横向摆臂LL-纵向摆臂SL-斜置摆臂ML-多导向轴SA-整体式车桥DD-德迪戎式独立悬架后桥VL-复合稳定杆式悬架后桥FB-弹性支柱DB-减震器支柱BF-钢板弹簧悬挂SF-螺旋弹簧悬挂DS-扭力杆GF-橡胶弹簧悬挂LF-空气弹簧悬挂HP-液气悬架阻尼HF-液压悬架QS-横向稳定杆S-盘式制动Si-内通风盘式制动T-鼓式制动进口汽车维修技术缩略语词典*C Degrees Celsius 摄氏度*F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度*D* Drive 驱动,驾驶,行驶,行车*N* Neutral Position 空档*P* *PARK*Position P档,停车档*P* *PARK* Position P(驻车)档位置O2 Oxygen 氧气2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动4WD Four-Wheel Drive 四轮驱动4WS Four-Wheel Steering 四轮转向AA A-post, A-pillar A柱A Amperes 安培, 电流A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培*电流表*提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M. Above-Mentioned 上述的A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/C A/C Amplifie 空调放大器A/C CLTCH. A/C Clutch 空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器A/CL-BM Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor 空气滤清器双金属传感器A/CL-CWM Air Cleaner ColdWeather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DV Air Cleaner Duct V alve V acuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner TemperatureSensor Override V alve 空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀A/CL-VCD Air Cleaner V acuum Control Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制A/CL-VCV Air Cleaner V acuum Control V alve 空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VM Air Cleaner V acuum Motor 空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio 空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱AA Automobile Association (UK) 英国汽车协会AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会AAC Auxiliary Air Control 辅助空气控制AAC Automatic Amplitude Control 自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control V alve 辅助空气控制阀AAD Auxiliary Air Control Device 辅助空气装置AAE America Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVM American Association of MotorV ehicle Manufacturers 美国汽车制造者协会AAP Auxiliary Accelerator Pump 辅助加速器泵AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump 辅助加速泵AAP Ambient Absolute Pressure 外界绝对压力AAS Aspirator Air System 吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调节螺钉AASHTO American Association of StateHighways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会AA V Anti Afterburn V alve 防止后燃阀AB Air Bleed 空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator 空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed Control V alve 空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom Dead Center 在下止点后ABG Alcohol Blended Gasoline 掺酒精的汽油ABN Airborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air Brake Proportioing (valves) 空气制动比例分配( 阀)ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊ABS Altitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ABS Anti-Lock Brake System 防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABS American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局Abs Absolute 绝对的ABS Visc Absolute Viscosity 绝对粘度ABSV Air Bypass Solenoid V alve 空气旁通电磁阀ABV *Anti Backfire V alve *Air Bypass V alve *防止逆火阀*空气旁通阀ABV Air Bypass V alve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-Backfire V alve 防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调AC Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机AC *Alternating Current *After Contro *交流电*后段调整式AC AC Auxiliary Fan Relay 空调辅助风扇继电器AC AC Compressor Safety Switch 空调压缩机安全开关AC AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay 空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode 空调二极管AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay 空调蒸发马达继电器AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse 空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch 空调高压安全开关AC AC Idle Boost V alve 空调怠速加压阀AC Alternating Current 交流电AC Ante Christum 公元前AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid 酸AC Analogue Computer 模拟计算机AC Automatic Control 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC Armored Car 装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control 自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心AC Air Cooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷AC Air Cycle 空气循环AC Automatic Clutch 自动离合器ACC A/C Clutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air Conditioning Clutch Switch 空调离合器开关ACC Automatic Climate Control 电脑恒温控制ACC *Accessary *Altitude CompensationCarb *附件*高度补偿化油器Accel Accelerator 油门,加速踏板,加速泵ACCS A/C Clutch Cycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS Air Conditoning Cycling Switch 空调循环开关Accum Accumulator 蓄压器ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器Accy Accessory 附件ACD Auxiliary Control Device 辅助控制装置ACD Air Conditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关ACDV Air Cleaner Diverter V alve 空气滤清器分流阀ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空气调节设备ACE Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ACE Automatic Computing Equipment 自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ACG Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机ACG Automatic Control Gear 自动控制变速ACID TEST CYC-LE Acceleration,Cruise,Idle,Deceleration Test Cycle 加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge 承认ACKV Air Check V alve 空气止回阀ACL Air Clearner 空气滤清器ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication 自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials 高级复合材料ACON Air Conditioning On 空调起动ACP Air Conditioning Pressure 空调压力ACP Auxiliary Control Panel 辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System 气垫型保护装置ACS Air Conditioning System 空调系统ACS-O Access Opening 检修孔ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度ACT Air Charge Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置Actu Actuator 执行器Actv Active 活动的ACV Air Control V alve 空气控制阀ACV Air Cut V alve 断气阀ACV Armored Command V ehicle 装甲指挥车ACV Air Control V alve 二次空气喷射量控制阀AD Anno Domini 公元AD Aerodynamic Decelerator 气动减速器ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模-数转换器ADD Addition *添加*补充ADECS Automotive Diesel ElectronicControl System 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ADF Aerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable 调整或可调整ADL Automatic Door Lock 自动门锁ADP Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump 气动液压泵ADS Adaptive Damper System 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control 雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance 提前的AE Acceleration Enrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放AEA Automotive ElectricalAssociation (US) 美国汽车电气协会AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERA Automotive Engine RebuildersAssociation (US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会AESC American Engineering StandardsCommittee 美国工程标准委员会AETS Automatic Engine Test System 发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio 混合气的空气燃油比AF Auxiliary Fuel 辅助燃料AFC Airflow Controlled 空气流量控制AFC Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC Air Fuel Control 空气燃油混合比调节装置AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率调节AFC Airflow Control 空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff 自动断油装置AFCV Air Fuel Ratio Control V alve 空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio 燃油过量系数AFR Air-Fuel Ratio 空气燃油混合比AFS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AFS Auxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统AG Air Guard 空气护罩AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGT Automotive Gas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV Automatic Guided V ehicle 自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided V ehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AH Amper Hour 安培小时AHFSS Air Conditionig / Heater FunctionSelect Switch 空调/暖气功能选择开关AI Air Injection 空气喷射AICV Air Injection Check V alve 空气喷射单向阀AID Air Injection Dual 双空气喷射AIR Air Injection Reaction 二次喷气装置AIR Air Injector Reactor 二次空气喷射器AIR BPV Air Bypass V alve 空气旁通阀AIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器AIR COND SIG Air Conditioner Singnal 空调信号Air Sel Air Selector 空气选择器AIR-CHV AIR Check V alve 空气单向阀AIR-DVLV AIR Diverter V alve 空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIR Idle V acuum V alve 进气怠速真空阀AIS Air Injection Single 单空气喷射AIS Air Injection System 二次喷气装置AIS Automatic Idle Speed 自动怠速AIV Air Injection V alve 空气喷射阀AIVV AIR Idle V acuum V alve 空气怠速真空阀AKI Anti-Knock Index 抗爆震指数AL Acceleration Level 加速度级ALC Automatic Level Control 汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ALCL Assembly Line Communication Link 诊断总线ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link 自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线Ali Alignment 校正, 定位Alm Alarm 警报器ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALR Automatic Length Adjusting andLocking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装置Alt Alternator or Altitude 发电机,高度Alt Alternator 交流发电机ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit 算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient 周围的AMC American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司AMGV Air Management V alve 空气控制阀Amm Ammeter 电流表Amp Amplifier 放大器Amp Ampere 安培AN Above-Named 上述的AN Annual 年度的AN Anode 阳极ANC Active Noise Control System 活性噪音控制系统ANL Automatic Noise Limiter 噪声自动限制器ANS Answer 答案ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna 天线ANTBV Anti-Backfire V alve 防回火阀Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel 防止後燃(熄火後)AO Air Operated 气动的AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器AOC Automatic Overload Control 自动超载控制AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速AOQ A verage Outgoing Quality 平均产品质量AOT Automatic Overdrive Transmission 超速式自动变速器AP Air Pump 气泵APC Automatic Phase Control 自动相位调整APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率调整APC Automatic Program Control 自动程序控制APC Armored Personnel Carrier 装甲人员输送车APC Automatic Performance Control 自动性能控制系统APCV Air Pump Control V alve 空气泵控制阀APDV Air Pump Diverter V alve 空气泵分流阀API American Petrol Institude 美国石油协会App Apparatus 仪表.器件. 设备App Appendix 附录App Approved by 经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation 近似.略计Apr Apprentice 学徒,徒工APRA Automotive Parts RebuildersAssociation(US) 美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLV Air Pump Relief V alve 空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力设备AQ Aqua(Water) *水*水柱AR Air Regulator 空气流量调节器AR Axle Ratio 驱动轴减速比ARC Acceleration Signal 加速信号ARQ Automatic Error Request Equipement 自动误差校正装置ARV Armored Recovery V ehicle 装甲抢救车AS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AS American Standard 美国标准AS Air Suction 进气AS Automatic Synchronizer 自动同步器ASA American Standard(s) Association 美国标准化协会ASA Acoustical Society of America 美国声学学会ASC Automatic Stability Control 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPT Air Switch Canister Purge Timer 空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD Auto Shut Down 自动切断ASDM Air Bag System Diagnostic Module 安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV Air Switching Diverter V alve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic Stabilization Equipment 自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASQC American Society for Quality Control 美国品管协会ASRV Air Switching Relief V alve 空气转换减压阀ASS Air Switching Solenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System 进气装置Ass Assembly 总成,装配,机组Ass Assistant 辅助的,助手,帮手Ass Association 学会,协会.公司Assy Assembly 总成ASTM American Society for Testing andMaterials 美国材料试验协会ASV Air Switching V alve 空气转换阀ASV Air Suction V alve 进气阀ASV Air Switching V alve 空气转换阀, 空气开关阀ASVS Air Switching V acuum Solenoid 空气转换真空电磁阀A T Acceptance Test 验收试验A T Air Temperature 空气温度A T Ampere Turn 安培匝数A T Angle of Train 方位角.方向角.传导方位A T Automatic Transmission 自动变速器A T. Air Tight 气密的,密封的At. Atmosphere 大气.周围情况.大气压A TC Automatic Temperature Control 自动温度控制A TC After Top Center 在上止点后A TC Automatic Temperature Control 温度自动控制器A TC Automatic Timing Corrector 自动正时器A TDC After Top Dead Center 在上止点后A TF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油Atm Atmosphere 气压A TM Automatic Transmission 自动变速箱A TM Actuator Test Modes 测试模式A TO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶装置A TS Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器A TS Automatic Train Stopper 自动列车停止装置A TT Attenuation 减少,阻尼A TV Above the Throttle V alve 在节气门上方A TX Automatic Transaxle 带自动变速器的前轮驱动AUTO Automatic 自动的Aux Auxiliary 辅助的A V Air V alve 空气阀A vg A verage 平均值A VOM Analog V olt-Ohm Meter 指针式三用电表A VSV Air V ent Solenoid V alve 通气电磁阀A WD Air Warning Device 空气警示装置A WD All Wheel Drive 四轮驱动A WP A verage Working Pressure 平均工作压力A WP A waiting Parts 维修用备件AXOD Automatic Overdrive Transaxle 自动变速箱超速器AZS Automatic Zero Set 自动调零BB B-pillar B柱B B-post B柱B+ Battery Positive V oltage 电瓶正电压B/P EGR Back Pressure Transducer EGR 负压传感器B/P Backpressure 背压B/S Bore-to-Stroke Ratio 缸径行程比B/S Bill of Sale 出售清单B/U Back-Up 备用,倒车(灯)BA (cylinder)Bore Area 气缸孔面积BA Bumper to Center Line of the Front Axle 保险杠至前轴中心距离BAC By-Pass Air Control 旁通空气控制BACV Bypath Air Control V alve 旁通控气阀BANK1 Injector Bank #1 第1排喷油咀BANK2 Injector Bank #2 第2排喷油咀BANK3 Injector Bank #3 第3排喷油咀BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure 大气绝对压力Bap Sens Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor 大气绝对压力传感器BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力Baro Barometric 大气BARO. Barometric 气压(计)Batt Battery 电瓶电池BA V Bleed Air V alve 泄气阀BB Babbit Metal 巴氏合金BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前BBL. Barrel 筒BBS Building Block System 积木式系统BC Befor Control 前段控制BCC Battery Charger Control 电瓶充电控制BCDD Booster Control Decelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)BCV Boost Control V alve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木) BCV Booster Control V alve 倍力控制阀BCV Boost Control V alve 强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀BCV Boost Control V alve (铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀BDC Bottom Dead Center 下止点.下死点BDV Breakdown V oltage 击穿电压BE Banchelor of Engineering 工学士BE Baume 玻美度BE Booster Engine 助推发动机BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless Electronic Ignition 无白金式电子点火BESA British Engineering Standard Association 英国工程标准协会BFC Brake Force Coefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid Level Indicator 制动液液面指示器BHP Brake Horsepower 制动马力BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor 双金属热传感器Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERI British Internal Combustion EngineResearch Institute 英国内燃机研究所BIT Best Injection Timing 最佳喷油正时BK Brake Switch 刹车开关Bk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架BLK Black 黑色BLR Blower 鼓风机BLR Beyond Local Repair 本地不能修理Blst Ballast 稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower 鼓风机BM Bench Mark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修BM Breake Electromagnet 制动电磁铁BM Brakdown Maintenance 故障维修BMAP Barometric and Mainfold Absolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力BMEP Brake Mean Effective Perssure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish 抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOC Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group 别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO Brake On-Off Switch 制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压. 反压BP Barometric Pressure 气压BP Boiling Point 沸点BP Best Power 最佳功率BPA Bypass Air 旁通空气BPC Back Pressure Control 背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice 旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPT Backpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPV By-Pass V alve 旁通阀Br Bromine 溴Br Brass 黄铜Brkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色BS Barometric Switch 大气压力开关BS Bimetal Sensor 双金属传感器BS Bachelor of Science 理工学士BS Binary Scale 二进位BS Both Sides 两边.两侧BS British Standards 英国(工业)标准BSAU British Standards Automotive 英国汽车标准BSC ENG Bachlor of Science in Engineering 工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局BTC British Technical Council of the Motorand Petroleum Industries 英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDC Before Top Dead Center 在上止点前BTHE Brake Thermal Efficiency 制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units 英国热量单位BTV Below the Throttle V alve 在节气门下方BUDC Bofore Upper Dead Centre 上死点前BULKHD. Bulkhead 隔壁Buz Buzzer 蜂鸣器BV Bowl V ent Port 浮桶室通风孔BV Breakdowm V oltage 击穿电压BV Balanced V oltage 平衡电压BVSV Bimetallic V acuum Switching V alve 双金属式真空转换阀BVT BackPressure V ariable Transducer 负压可变传感器BVV Bowl V ent V alve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀BYP Bypass 旁路, 支线BYPA Bypass Air (Idle Speed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)CC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱C Call 呼叫C Candle 烛光C Capacitance 电容C Car 汽车C Carbon 碳C Cathode 阴极C Celsius Scale 摄氏温标C Coulomb 库仑C * Celcius 摄氏度C&M Care and Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器C. CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E. Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试C/O Choke Openner 阻风门强制开启阀C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器CA Calcium 钙CA Compressed Air 压缩空气CA Crank Angle 曲轴转角CABR Cabriolet 敞蓬车CAC Charge Air Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined Air Control V alve 组合空气控制阀CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程CAFE Corporate A verage Fuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗CAL Calorie 卡路里CAL Calculated A verage Life (汽车等的)平均计算寿命CAL Caliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正CAL Collision A voidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体Calib Calibration 校正,修正,定位Calif California 加州规格车Calif California 加州CALSEL Calibration Select 校正选择CAM Camber 外倾角CAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造Can Canaba 加拿大Can Canister 碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge 碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化Canc. Cancel 取消CanCV Canister Control V alve 碳罐控制阀CANP Canister Purge solenoid 碳罐清除电磁阀CANP Canister Purge 碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量*能力CAP Cleaner Air Package 净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量CARB California Air Resources Board 加州空气资源协会Carb Carburetor 化油器CAS Caster 后倾角CAS Clear Air System 净化空气系统CA T Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度CA T Catalogue 目录CA T Catalyst 催化剂CA T Category 种类.范畴CA T Carburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器CA V Construction Assistance V ehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CA V Coasting Air V alve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀CB Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CB Choke Breaker 阻风门限制器CB Contact Breaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式CBVV Carburetor Bowl V ent V alve 化油器浮子室通气阀CC Cubic Centimeters 立方厘米CC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter 触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器CCC Computer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS Computer Controlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统CCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角CCEGR Coolant Controlled Exhaust GasRecirculation 冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine V acuum Switch 冷却水温控制引擎真空开关CCEVV Coolant Control Engine V acuum V alve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀CCIV Coolant Control Idle Enrichment V alve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块(中央电脑)CCO Catalytic Converter for Oxidation 氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔CCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCP Controlled Canister Purge 控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal Canister Purge 活性碳罐净化CCR Catalytic Converter Reduction 还原催化废气净化器CCRM Constant Control Relay Module 定控制继电器模组CCRO Catalytic Converter for Reductionand Oxidation 三元触媒转换器CCRO Catalytic Converter Rhodium 氧化,还原催化废气净化器CCS Controlled Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit 定速控制电脑盒CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针方向CD Computer Aided Design 电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光CD Capacity Discharge (electronic ignition)电容放电式电子点火CD Compact Disc 光盘CD Capacitor Discharge(ignition) 电容器放电(点火_)CD Cofficient of Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLV Crankcase Depression Regulator V alve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD 只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点系统CDI Controlled Direct Injection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer 底盘测功计CEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized Emission Control 电脑废气控制CEC Combined Emission control(V alve) 组合废气控制阀CEC Computerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC Coordinating European Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO Cold Engine Lock-Out 冷机锁定CEM Composite Electro-Chemical Material 复合电化学材料CENT Center 中心CES Clutch Engaged Switch 离合器啮合开关CES Coasting Enricher System 减速浓化系统CESS Cold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关CF Center of Floatation 浮心CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CF Conversion Factor 转换系数CF Cutting Fluid 切削液CF Confer 比较. 对照CF Cubic Feet 立方英尺CF Counter Fire 逆火CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央喷射系统CFI Cross Fire Injection 多缸同时点火喷油CFI Centrol Fuel Injection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统CFI Continuous (throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFS Coasting Fuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O Choke Openner 自动阻风门CHA Charge 充电CHB Choke Braker 阻风门开度限制器CHG. Charge 进气或充电CHK Check 核对,检查Chk.Eng. Check Eigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNG Change 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器CHRG Charging 进气,充电CHT Cylinder Head Temperature 汽缸盖温度CHU Centigrade Heat Unit 热量单位Ch Vlv Check V alve 单向阀CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Compression Ignition 压缩式点火CI Compression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition 压燃CID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 气缸识别传感器CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别Cig Cigarette 香烟Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Circ Circuit 电路Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check V alve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down 完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV Check Delay V alve 单向延迟阀CKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CL Closed Loop 闭环,闭路CL Central Line 中心线CL Car Load 车辆载荷CL Class 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL Crane Load 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪CLC Converter Locking Clutch 转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed Loop Carburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制Clch Clutch 离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector (Analyzer)光化学分析仪CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLK Clock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙, 空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt. Climate 气候CLR Clear 清除CLR Current-Limiting Resistor 限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop 反馈控制Clstr. Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射CM Centimeter 厘米CM Center of Mass 质量中心CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal 镀层金属CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器Cmptr. Computer 电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor V ehicle Safety Standard 加拿大车辆安全标准CN Change Notice 更改通知。



ELD 电子负载检测器 EPS 电子动力转向 FC 风扇控制 FP 燃油泵 F 前部 FWD 前轮驱动 FR 右前 FSR 失效安全继电器 FIA 燃油喷射进气 GEN 交流发电机 GND 搭铁 GAL 加仑 H/B 掀背式
• • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
多点燃油喷射 多点燃油喷射 故障指示灯 手转向(机械式) 空气流量计 手动变速器 马达检示 极大值 极小值 多点喷射 空挡开关 空挡位置(空挡) 氮氧化合物 含氧传感器
• • • • • • • • • • •
A/C 空调 A/T 自动变速器 ACC 空调离合器 ACT 进气温度 AFC 空气流量控制 AFS 空气流量传感器 AI 二次空气喷射 ACL 空气滤清器 AIV 空气喷射阀 ALCL 总装线测试插座 ALDL 总装线诊断插座
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
P/N 停车/空挡位置 P/S 动力转向压力开关 PCM 动力控制模块 PCV 曲轴箱强制通风 PFI 进气门口燃油喷射(即多点喷射) PIP 曲轴位置传感器 PNP 停车/空挡位置 PROM 可编程只读存储器 PSP 动力转向压力 ATDC 上止点后 AUTO 自动 ATT 附件 ALR 自动馈回缩器
ALT 交流发电机 APS 绝对压力传感器 ATS 空气温度传感器 AP 加速踏板 ABS(ALB) 防抱死刹车系统 ATF 自动变速箱油液 A/F 空气燃料混合比 AMP 安培 ANT 天线 ASSY 总成 AUX 辅助物 APPROX 大约,近似



机动车英文缩写技巧在现代社会,机动车(Motor Vehicles)已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。



1.车辆类型缩写:•SUV:Sport Utility Vehicle(运动型多用途车)•MPV:Multi-Purpose Vehicle(多用途车)•Sedan:轿车•Coupe:两厢车•CUV:Crossover Utility Vehicle(跨界型多功能车)2.车辆部件缩写:•ABS:Anti-lock Braking System(防抱死制动系统)•ECU:Engine Control Unit(发动机控制单元)•GPS:Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)•AC:Air Conditioning(空调)3.车辆性能缩写:•0-60:指汽车从静止加速到60英里/小时的时间•HP:Horsepower(马力)•MPG:Miles Per Gallon(每加仑英里数)•RPM:Revolutions Per Minute(每分钟转数)4.牌照和登记缩写:•DMV:Department of Motor Vehicles(机动车管理部门)•VIN:Vehicle Identification Number(车辆识别号码)•DTC:Diagnostic Trouble Code(诊断故障代码)•MVD:Motor Vehicle Division(机动车部门)5.车辆品牌缩写:•BMW:Bayerische Motoren Werke(巴伐利亚机车制造厂)•GM:General Motors(通用汽车)•VW:Volkswagen(大众汽车)•Ford:福特汽车公司通过掌握这些常见的机动车英文缩写技巧,不仅可以提升对机动车领域的了解,还能在与他人交流时更加得心应手。

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进口汽车维修技术缩略语词典*C Degrees Celsius 摄氏度*F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏度*D* Drive 驱动,驾驶,行驶,行车*N* Neutral Position 空档*P* *PARK*Position P档,停车档*P* *PARK* Position P(驻车)档位置O2 Oxygen 氧气2WD Two-Wheel Drive 两轮驱动4WD Four-Wheel Drive 四轮驱动4WS Four-Wheel Steering 四轮转向AA A-post, A-pillar A柱A Amperes 安培, 电流A *Amper *Ammeter *Advance *安培*电流表*提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M. Above-Mentioned 上述的A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/C A/C Amplifie 空调放大器A/C CLTCH. A/C Clutch 空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器A/CL-BM Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor 空气滤清器双金属传感器A/CL-CWM Air Cleaner ColdWeather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DV Air Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner TemperatureSensor Override Valve 空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀A/CL-VCD Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制A/CL-VCV Air Cleaner V acuum Control Valve 空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VM Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio 空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱AA Automobile Association (UK) 英国汽车协会AAA American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会AAC Auxiliary Air Control 辅助空气控制AAC Automatic Amplitude Control 自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve 辅助空气控制阀AAD Auxiliary Air Control Device 辅助空气装置AAE America Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVM American Association of MotorVehicle Manufacturers 美国汽车制造者协会AAP Auxiliary Accelerator Pump 辅助加速器泵AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pump 辅助加速泵AAP Ambient Absolute Pressure 外界绝对压力AAS Aspirator Air System 吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw 空气调节螺钉AASHTO American Association of StateHighways and Transportation Officials美国各州公路及运输公务员协会AAV Anti Afterburn Valve 防止后燃阀AB Air Bleed 空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator 空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed Control Valve 空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom Dead Center 在下止点后ABG Alcohol Blended Gasoline 掺酒精的汽油ABN Airborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air Brake Proportioing (valves) 空气制动比例分配( 阀)ABRS Air Bag Restraint System 安全气囊ABS Altitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关ABS Anti-Lock Brake System 防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABS American Bureau of Standards 美国标准局Abs Absolute 绝对的ABS Visc Absolute Viscosity 绝对粘度ABSV Air Bypass Solenoid Valve 空气旁通电磁阀ABV *Anti Backfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve *防止逆火阀*空气旁通阀ABV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调AC Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机AC *Alternating Current *After Contro *交流电*后段调整式AC AC Auxiliary Fan Relay 空调辅助风扇继电器AC AC Compressor Safety Switch 空调压缩机安全开关AC AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay 空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode 空调二极管AC AC Evaporator Motor Relay 空调蒸发马达继电器AC AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse 空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC High Pressure Safety Switch 空调高压安全开关AC AC Idle Boost Valve 空调怠速加压阀AC Alternating Current 交流电AC Ante Christum 公元前AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid 酸AC Analogue Computer 模拟计算机AC Automatic Control 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC Armored Car 装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control 自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心AC Air Cooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷AC Air Cycle 空气循环AC Automatic Clutch 自动离合器ACC A/C Clutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air Conditioning Clutch Switch 空调离合器开关ACC Automatic Climate Control 电脑恒温控制ACC *Accessary *Altitude CompensationCarb *附件*高度补偿化油器Accel Accelerator 油门,加速踏板,加速泵ACCS A/C Clutch Cycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS Air Conditoning Cycling Switch 空调循环开关Accum Accumulator 蓄压器ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器Accy Accessory 附件ACD Auxiliary Control Device 辅助控制装置ACD Air Conditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关ACDV Air Cleaner Diverter Valve 空气滤清器分流阀ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空气调节设备ACE Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备ACE Automatic Computing Equipment 自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备ACG Alternating Current Generator 交流发电机ACG Automatic Control Gear 自动控制变速ACID TEST CYC-LE Acceleration,Cruise,Idle,Deceleration Test Cycle 加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge 承认ACKV Air Check Valve 空气止回阀ACL Air Clearner 空气滤清器ACL Automatic Chassis Lubrication 自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials 高级复合材料ACON Air Conditioning On 空调起动ACP Air Conditioning Pressure 空调压力ACP Auxiliary Control Panel 辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System 气垫型保护装置ACS Air Conditioning System 空调系统ACS-O Access Opening 检修孔ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度ACT Air Charge Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置Actu Actuator 执行器Actv Active 活动的ACV Air Control Valve 空气控制阀ACV Air Cut Valve 断气阀ACV Armored Command Vehicle 装甲指挥车ACV Air Control Valve 二次空气喷射量控制阀AD Anno Domini 公元AD Aerodynamic Decelerator 气动减速器ADC Analog-Digital Converter 模-数转换器ADD Addition *添加*补充ADECS Automotive Diesel ElectronicControl System 汽车柴油机电子控制系统ADF Aerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable 调整或可调整ADL Automatic Door Lock 自动门锁ADP Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump 气动液压泵ADS Adaptive Damper System 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control 雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance 提前的AE Acceleration Enrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放AEA Automotive ElectricalAssociation (US) 美国汽车电气协会AEC Automotive Emission Control 汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERA Automotive Engine RebuildersAssociation (US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会AESC American Engineering StandardsCommittee 美国工程标准委员会AETS Automatic Engine Test System 发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio 混合气的空气燃油比AF Auxiliary Fuel 辅助燃料AFC Airflow Controlled 空气流量控制AFC Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC Air Fuel Control 空气燃油混合比调节装置AFC Automatic Frequency Control 自动频率调节AFC Airflow Control 空气流量控制AFCO Automatic Fuel Cutoff 自动断油装置AFCV Air Fuel Ratio Control Valve 空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio 燃油过量系数AFR Air-Fuel Ratio 空气燃油混合比AFS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AFS Auxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统AG Air Guard 空气护罩AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGT Automotive Gas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV Automatic Guided V ehicle 自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AH Amper Hour 安培小时AHFSS Air Conditionig / Heater FunctionSelect Switch 空调/暖气功能选择开关AI Air Injection 空气喷射AICV Air Injection Check Valve 空气喷射单向阀AID Air Injection Dual 双空气喷射AIR Air Injection Reaction 二次喷气装置AIR Air Injector Reactor 二次空气喷射器AIR BPV Air Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀AIR COND RL Y Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器AIR COND SIG Air Conditioner Singnal 空调信号Air Sel Air Selector 空气选择器AIR-CHV AIR Check Valve 空气单向阀AIR-DVLV AIR Diverter Valve 空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 进气怠速真空阀AIS Air Injection Single 单空气喷射AIS Air Injection System 二次喷气装置AIS Automatic Idle Speed 自动怠速AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀AIVV AIR Idle Vacuum Valve 空气怠速真空阀AKI Anti-Knock Index 抗爆震指数AL Acceleration Level 加速度级ALC Automatic Level Control 汽车后悬挂自动高度控制ALCL Assembly Line Communication Link 诊断总线ALDL Assembly Line Diagnostic Link 自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线Ali Alignment 校正, 定位Alm Alarm 警报器ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALR Automatic Length Adjusting andLocking Retractor 自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor 自动锁紧式伸缩装置Alt Alternator or Altitude 发电机,高度Alt Alternator 交流发电机ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit 算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient 周围的AMC American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司AMGV Air Management Valve 空气控制阀Amm Ammeter 电流表Amp Amplifier 放大器Amp Ampere 安培AN Above-Named 上述的AN Annual 年度的AN Anode 阳极ANC Active Noise Control System 活性噪音控制系统ANL Automatic Noise Limiter 噪声自动限制器ANS Answer 答案ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna 天线ANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve 防回火阀Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel 防止後燃(熄火後)AO Air Operated 气动的AOC Air Oil Cooler 机油空气冷却器AOC Automatic Overload Control 自动超载控制AOD Automatic Overdrive 自动超速AOQ Average Outgoing Quality 平均产品质量AOT Automatic Overdrive Transmission 超速式自动变速器AP Air Pump 气泵APC Automatic Phase Control 自动相位调整APC Automatic Power Control 自动功率调整APC Automatic Program Control 自动程序控制APC Armored Personnel Carrier 装甲人员输送车APC Automatic Performance Control 自动性能控制系统APCV Air Pump Control V alve 空气泵控制阀APDV Air Pump Diverter Valve 空气泵分流阀API American Petrol Institude 美国石油协会App Apparatus 仪表.器件. 设备App Appendix 附录App Approved by 经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation 近似.略计Apr Apprentice 学徒,徒工APRA Automotive Parts RebuildersAssociation(US) 美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLV Air Pump Relief Valve 空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力设备AQ Aqua(Water) *水*水柱AR Air Regulator 空气流量调节器AR Axle Ratio 驱动轴减速比ARC Acceleration Signal 加速信号ARQ Automatic Error Request Equipement 自动误差校正装置ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle 装甲抢救车AS Airflow Sensor 空气流量传感器AS American Standard 美国标准AS Air Suction 进气AS Automatic Synchronizer 自动同步器ASA American Standard(s) Association 美国标准化协会ASA Acoustical Society of America 美国声学学会ASC Automatic Stability Control 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPT Air Switch Canister Purge Timer 空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD Auto Shut Down 自动切断ASDM Air Bag System Diagnostic Module 安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV Air Switching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic Stabilization Equipment 自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Society for Industrial Security美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASQC American Society for Quality Control 美国品管协会ASRV Air Switching Relief Valve 空气转换减压阀ASS Air Switching Solenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System 进气装置Ass Assembly 总成,装配,机组Ass Assistant 辅助的,助手,帮手Ass Association 学会,协会.公司Assy Assembly 总成ASTM American Society for Testing andMaterials 美国材料试验协会ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀ASV Air Suction Valve 进气阀ASV Air Switching Valve 空气转换阀, 空气开关阀ASVS Air Switching Vacuum Solenoid 空气转换真空电磁阀AT Acceptance Test 验收试验AT Air Temperature 空气温度AT Ampere Turn 安培匝数AT Angle of Train 方位角.方向角.传导方位AT Automatic Transmission 自动变速器A T. Air Tight 气密的,密封的At. Atmosphere 大气.周围情况.大气压ATC Automatic Temperature Control 自动温度控制ATC After Top Center 在上止点后ATC Automatic Temperature Control 温度自动控制器ATC Automatic Timing Corrector 自动正时器ATDC After Top Dead Center 在上止点后ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油Atm Atmosphere 气压ATM Automatic Transmission 自动变速箱ATM Actuator Test Modes 测试模式ATO Automatic Train Operation 自动列车驾驶装置ATS Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器ATS Automatic Train Stopper 自动列车停止装置ATT Attenuation 减少,阻尼ATV Above the Throttle V alve 在节气门上方ATX Automatic Transaxle 带自动变速器的前轮驱动AUTO Automatic 自动的Aux Auxiliary 辅助的AV Air Valve 空气阀Avg Average 平均值A VOM Analog V olt-Ohm Meter 指针式三用电表A VSV Air Vent Solenoid V alve 通气电磁阀AWD Air Warning Device 空气警示装置AWD All Wheel Drive 四轮驱动AWP Average Working Pressure 平均工作压力AWP Awaiting Parts 维修用备件AXOD Automatic Overdrive Transaxle 自动变速箱超速器AZS Automatic Zero Set 自动调零BB B-pillar B柱B B-post B柱B+ Battery Positive Voltage 电瓶正电压B/P EGR Back Pressure Transducer EGR 负压传感器B/P Backpressure 背压B/S Bore-to-Stroke Ratio 缸径行程比B/S Bill of Sale 出售清单B/U Back-Up 备用,倒车(灯)BA (cylinder)Bore Area 气缸孔面积BA Bumper to Center Line of the Front Axle 保险杠至前轴中心距离BAC By-Pass Air Control 旁通空气控制BACV Bypath Air Control Valve 旁通控气阀BANK1 Injector Bank #1 第1排喷油咀BANK2 Injector Bank #2 第2排喷油咀BANK3 Injector Bank #3 第3排喷油咀BAP Barometric Absolute Pressure 大气绝对压力Bap Sens Barometric Absolute Pressure Sensor 大气绝对压力传感器BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力Baro Barometric 大气BARO. Barometric 气压(计)Batt Battery 电瓶电池BAV Bleed Air Valve 泄气阀BB Babbit Metal 巴氏合金BBDC Before Bottom Dead Center 在下止点前BBL. Barrel 筒BBS Building Block System 积木式系统BC Befor Control 前段控制BCC Battery Charger Control 电瓶充电控制BCDD Booster Control Decelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)BCV Boost Control Valve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木) BCV Booster Control Valve 倍力控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve 强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀BCV Boost Control Valve (铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀BDC Bottom Dead Center 下止点.下死点BDV Breakdown V oltage 击穿电压BE Banchelor of Engineering 工学士BE Baume 玻美度BE Booster Engine 助推发动机BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless Electronic Ignition 无白金式电子点火BESA British Engineering Standard Association 英国工程标准协会BFC Brake Force Coefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid Level Indicator 制动液液面指示器BHP Brake Horsepower 制动马力BHS Bimetal Heat Sensor 双金属热传感器Bi Met BiMetallic Air Temperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERI British Internal Combustion EngineResearch Institute 英国内燃机研究所BIT Best Injection Timing 最佳喷油正时BK Brake Switch 刹车开关Bk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架BLK Black 黑色BLR Blower 鼓风机BLR Beyond Local Repair 本地不能修理Blst Ballast 稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower 鼓风机BM Bench Mark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修BM Breake Electromagnet 制动电磁铁BM Brakdown Maintenance 故障维修BMAP Barometric and Mainfold Absolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力BMEP Brake Mean Effective Perssure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish 抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOC Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group 别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO Brake On-Off Switch 制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压. 反压BP Barometric Pressure 气压BP Boiling Point 沸点BP Best Power 最佳功率BPA Bypass Air 旁通空气BPC Back Pressure Control 背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice 旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPT Backpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPV By-Pass Valve 旁通阀Br Bromine 溴Br Brass 黄铜Brkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色BS Barometric Switch 大气压力开关BS Bimetal Sensor 双金属传感器BS Bachelor of Science 理工学士BS Binary Scale 二进位BS Both Sides 两边.两侧BS British Standards 英国(工业)标准BSAU British Standards Automotive 英国汽车标准BSC ENG Bachlor of Science in Engineering 工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局BTC British Technical Council of the Motorand Petroleum Industries 英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDC Before Top Dead Center 在上止点前BTHE Brake Thermal Efficiency 制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units 英国热量单位BTV Below the Throttle Valve 在节气门下方BUDC Bofore Upper Dead Centre 上死点前BULKHD. Bulkhead 隔壁Buz Buzzer 蜂鸣器BV Bowl Vent Port 浮桶室通风孔BV Breakdowm Voltage 击穿电压BV Balanced V oltage 平衡电压BVSV Bimetallic Vacuum Switching Valve 双金属式真空转换阀BVT BackPressure Variable Transducer 负压可变传感器BVV Bowl Vent Valve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀BYP Bypass 旁路, 支线BYPA Bypass Air (Idle Speed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)CC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱C Call 呼叫C Candle 烛光C Capacitance 电容C Car 汽车C Carbon 碳C Cathode 阴极C Celsius Scale 摄氏温标C Coulomb 库仑C * Celcius 摄氏度C&M Care and Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter电脑控制触媒转换器C. CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E. Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试C/O Choke Openner 阻风门强制开启阀C3I Computer Controlled Coil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器CA Calcium 钙CA Compressed Air 压缩空气CA Crank Angle 曲轴转角CABR Cabriolet 敞蓬车CAC Charge Air Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined Air Control Valve 组合空气控制阀CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗CAL Calorie 卡路里CAL Calculated Average Life (汽车等的)平均计算寿命CAL Caliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正CAL Collision Avoidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体Calib Calibration 校正,修正,定位Calif California 加州规格车Calif California 加州CALSEL Calibration Select 校正选择CAM Camber 外倾角CAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造Can Canaba 加拿大Can Canister 碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge 碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化Canc. Cancel 取消CanCV Canister Control Valve 碳罐控制阀CANP Canister Purge solenoid 碳罐清除电磁阀CANP Canister Purge 碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量*能力CAP Cleaner Air Package 净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量CARB California Air Resources Board 加州空气资源协会Carb Carburetor 化油器CAS Caster 后倾角CAS Clear Air System 净化空气系统CAT Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度CAT Catalogue 目录CAT Catalyst 催化剂CAT Category 种类.范畴CAT Carburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器CAV Construction Assistance Vehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CAV Coasting Air Valve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀CB Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CB Choke Breaker 阻风门限制器CB Contact Breaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式CBVV Carburetor Bowl Vent Valve 化油器浮子室通气阀CC Cubic Centimeters 立方厘米CC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter 触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器CCC Computer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS Computer Controlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统CCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角CCEGR Coolant Controlled Exhaust GasRecirculation 冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Switch 冷却水温控制引擎真空开关CCEVV Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Valve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀CCIV Coolant Control Idle Enrichment Valve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀CCM Central Control Module 中央控制模块(中央电脑)CCO Catalytic Converter for Oxidation 氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔CCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCP Controlled Canister Purge 控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal Canister Purge 活性碳罐净化CCR Catalytic Converter Reduction 还原催化废气净化器CCRM Constant Control Relay Module 定控制继电器模组CCRO Catalytic Converter for Reductionand Oxidation 三元触媒转换器CCRO Catalytic Converter Rhodium 氧化,还原催化废气净化器CCS Controlled Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit 定速控制电脑盒CCW Counterclockwise 逆时针方向CD Computer Aided Design 电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光CD Capacity Discharge (electronic ignition)电容放电式电子点火CD Compact Disc 光盘CD Capacitor Discharge(ignition) 电容器放电(点火_)CD Cofficient of Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLV Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀CD-ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory CD 只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点系统CDI Controlled Direct Injection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer 底盘测功计CEAB Cold Engine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized Emission Control 电脑废气控制CEC Combined Emission control(Valve) 组合废气控制阀CEC Computerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC Coordinating European Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO Cold Engine Lock-Out 冷机锁定CEM Composite Electro-Chemical Material 复合电化学材料CENT Center 中心CES Clutch Engaged Switch 离合器啮合开关CES Coasting Enricher System 减速浓化系统CESS Cold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关CF Center of Floatation 浮心CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CF Conversion Factor 转换系数CF Cutting Fluid 切削液CF Confer 比较. 对照CF Cubic Feet 立方英尺CF Counter Fire 逆火CFI Central Fuel Injection 中央喷射系统CFI Cross Fire Injection 多缸同时点火喷油CFI Centrol Fuel Injection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统CFI Continuous (throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFS Coasting Fuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O Choke Openner 自动阻风门CHA Charge 充电CHB Choke Braker 阻风门开度限制器CHG. Charge 进气或充电CHK Check 核对,检查Chk.Eng. Check Eigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNG Change 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器CHRG Charging 进气,充电CHT Cylinder Head Temperature 汽缸盖温度CHU Centigrade Heat Unit 热量单位Ch Vlv Check Valve 单向阀CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Compression Ignition 压缩式点火CI Compression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI Cubic Inches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition 压燃CID Cubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 气缸识别传感器CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别Cig Cigarette 香烟Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Circ Circuit 电路Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down 完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV Check Delay Valve 单向延迟阀CKP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CKPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CL Closed Loop 闭环,闭路CL Central Line 中心线CL Car Load 车辆载荷CL Class 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL Crane Load 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪CLC Converter Locking Clutch 转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed Loop Carburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制Clch Clutch 离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector (Analyzer)光化学分析仪CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLK Clock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙, 空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt. Climate 气候CLR Clear 清除CLR Current-Limiting Resistor 限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop 反馈控制Clstr. Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射CM Centimeter 厘米CM Center of Mass 质量中心CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal 镀层金属CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷车混合汽加热器CMO Conventional Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CMPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器Cmptr. Computer 电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 加拿大车辆安全标准CN Change Notice 更改通知CNCLD Concealed 隐藏式CNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNG Compressed Natural Gas 压缩天然气CNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的Cntr. Central or Center 中心,中央CNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc. Convenience 便利,方便CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO Choke Opener 阻风门助开器Co-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款COD Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine 驾驶舱在引擎上Colng. Coolng 冷却Colnt. Coolant 冷却液Comb. Combination 综合,组合COMP Compressor or Compartment 压缩机或舱、室Comp. Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation 补偿Compt. Compartment 室CON. ROD Connecting Rod 连杆Cond. Condenser 电容器,冷凝器Conn. Connector or Connection 连接器或接头CONT Continued 连续CONT. Control 控制CONV Converter 转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs. Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV Control Valve 控制阀CP Candera Power 烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化CP Centre of Pressure 压力中心CP Crankshaft Position 曲轴位置CP Condensation Product 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP Circular Pitch (齿轮)分度圆周节CP Constant Pressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV Canister Purge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀CPM Cycles Per Minute 每分钟转数CPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch 离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister Purge Regulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀CPS Canister Purge Solenoid 碳罐净化电磁阀CPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供应CPS Crank Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Central Power Supply 中央电源CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数CPS Control Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible Power Train 可变式传动系CPU Central Processing Unit 中央控制单元CPU Computer 电脑CPV Canister Purge Valve 碳罐净化阀CPV Constant Pressure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke Pulldown V acuum Vent Valve 阻风门真空强制通风阀CR Crossroad 交叉路,十字路CR Contraction Ratio 压缩比CRE Corrosion Resistant 防腐的,耐蚀的CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 耐蚀钢CRK Cranking Signal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角CRNRNG Cornering 转向CRO Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器CRS Choke Return System 阻风门回位系统CRS Child Restraint System 儿童专用安全装置CRS Coasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller 阴极射线管控制器CRV Coasting Richer Valve 惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀CSA Cold Start Advance 冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant Spak Conrol 冷却水点火控制CSCS Cold Start Control Solenoid 冷车起动控制电磁阀CSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动CSE GND Case Ground 外壳接地CSPM Cold Start Program Modifier 冷起动程序修正器CSS Calibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSA Cold Start Spark Advance 冷车起动点火提前CSSH Cold Start Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统CSU Crank Angle Selecting Unit 曲轴转角自动调节装置CT Cold Temperature 冷车温度CT Conventional Thermactor 传统热反应器CT Cam-Train 凸轮系CT Closed Throttle 关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test 计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer Hot Wire Anemometer常温热线风速计CTA V Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum 冷车温度动作真空CTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTO Coolant Temperature Override 冷却水温过热控制CTPS Closed Throttle Position Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance 临界温度电阻Ctrl. Control 控制,控制器Ctrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor 冷却水温传感器CTS Coolant Temperature Switch 水温开关CTSWH Closed Throttle Switch 节气门关闭开关CTSY Courtesy 门控灯CTSY. Courtesy 副, 反, 对CTTS Coolant Temperature Thermo Switch 水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关CU Control unit 电脑盒, 控制器Cu.In. Cubic Inches 立方英寸CUB Cubic 立方CURR Current 电流CV Constant Velocity 定速,等速CV Check Valve 单向阀CV Check Valve 止回阀CV Coasting Valve 滑行阀CV Constant Velocity 定速, 等速CV Constant Velocity Joint 等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值CV Combat Vehicle 战斗车辆CV Commercial Vehicle 商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CV Constant Volume Specific Heat 等容比热CV Critical Viscosity 临界粘度CVC Constant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC Constant Voltage Control 定电压控制CVCC Compound Vertex Controlled Combussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧CVCC Constant V olume Combustion Chamber 等容燃烧室CVRT Continuously Variable Ratio Transmission无级调速变速器CVS Constant Volume Sampling 定容量取样CVS3P Cold Vacuum Spark,3-Port 冷车起动真空点火3孔式CVSCC Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭CVSCO Coolant Vacuum Switch Cold Open 水温温控真空开关冷车打开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission 无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器CW Clockwise 顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave 连续波,等幅波CY Copy 副本,复制品CYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱CYL Cylindrical 圆柱形的DD Drive 驱动,行驶D Drive 前进档D *Diameter *Discharge *Drive *Dual *Double *直径*放电*驱动*双重*复式D&M Driving and Maintenance 驾驶与维修D/O Delivery Order 提货单Damp Damper 阻尼器,缓冲器DAR Drive Axle Ratio 驱动桥减速比DAS Distributor Advance Solenoid 分电盘点火提前电磁阀DASS Diesel Additive Supply System 柴油添加剂自动加添系统DA TA+ Data Positive 正线(自诊)DA TA- Data Negative 负线(自诊)DB Decibel 分贝DBC Dual Bed Catalytic 双层触媒转换DBP Drawbar Pull 拉杆拉力DBW Drive-by-Wire 索控式DC Direct Current 直流电DC Digital Control 数位控制DC Drop Center Rim 深底钢圈DC Dead Center 死点DCEL Direct Current Luminescence 电流直接照明DCH Dual-Circuit Hydraulic System 双管路液压制动系统DCI Direct Cylinder Injection 直接喷入气缸(汽油喷射)DCL Data Communications Link 数据交换连线DCLV Deceleration Valve 减速阀DCM Direct Current Motor 直流马达DCM/C-VLV Deceleration Mixture Control Valve 减速混合比控制阀DCS Deceleration Control System 减速控制系统DCTO Dual Coolant Temperature Override 双水温过热控制DCV Deceleration Control V alve 减速控制阀DCV Downdraft Constant V acuum Carburettor 下吸式翟绘空化油器DD Dual Distributors 双分电盘DD Direct Drive 直接驱动DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制Dual Diaphragm Distributor 双膜片分油盘DDV Distributor Decel V alve 分电盘减速阀De-Ice De-Icer 除冰装置De-ice. De-Ice 除冰DEC Digital Engine Control 数位引擎控制Decel Deceleration 减速DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System (大发)汽车经济式净化系统DEE Digital Engine Electronic 发动机数字式电子控制单元DEF Defroster 除雾器DEF Diesel Exhaust Filter 柴油机的排气过滤器Def Defroster 除霜器DEF. Defogger or Defroster 除雾或除霜DEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection 数字式电子燃油喷射系统Defog Defogger 除雾器Deg Degree 度Del Delay 延迟DELO Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil 柴油机润滑油DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module 自诊备用电源模块Desig Designation 指明,标明,目标DET Detached 拆开的,分开的DET Detail 零件.细目.详图.详细DET Detection 检波.检测DET Dtector 检波器.探测仪。
