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ONESEMUS - 2 hours agoLook how much money they have still they will not give single paise to their workers extra or to the poor.Crony capitalism . This Government has all its blessings on them.

Reply 16 3 Flag查一查他们还有多少钱对员工一毛不拔,不愿意施舍穷人罪恶的资本主义啊Makhan Lal


Makhan Lal - 2 hours agoI comparison with Ambani's house it is nothing so I think Taparia should work hard for buying a better accomodation.But he should not lose hope. Reply 13 0 Flag跟阿巴尼的豪宅比起来,这个算什么啊Taparia 该努力了,买更豪的豪宅

[!--empirenews.page--]Budhu Budhu


Budhu Budhu - Mumbai - 1 hour agoPl cross check whether they have borrowed loan from any bank.

Reply 8 1 Flag查一查是否从银行贷了款Colorfulbandha


Colorfulbandha - Milkyway Galaxy - 2 hours agowhat would be monthly management charges for such apartments ?

Reply 8 1 Flag买这样的房子,月供要多少啊?Ankita Jain 378

Ankita - Dubai UAE - 52 mins agoCan't understand why they spend Crores on Sea facing apartments in India......anywhere in India the view is the same..... Dirtyy muddy sea, garbaged beaches and Slumm dwellers pisssing shittingg there..... Is that what you paid for.....?????? Hahaha....

Reply 7 2 Flag实在搞不明白,为什么要几千万去买看海的豪宅。在印度,哪儿的房子推开窗户都一样的景色肮脏的大海,垃圾满地的海滩,贫民窟居民在海边方便。花这么多钱,就为了看这些?哈哈Valliappan MR


Valliappan Mr - 1 hour agoMoney speaks!金钱万能!DSR 1642

DSR - 1 hour ago1.2 lakhs per sft ummm how many poor people can be fed with this money? Of course the buyer has earn money & has the right to spend it...

Reply 3 0 Flag每平方英尺120万卢比。有多少穷人买得起啊?当然,钱是买家自己赚的,爱怎么花是他们的事Laddu Prajapati


Laddu Prajapati - Venkatagiri - 1 hour agomoney can make many things

Reply 3 0 Flag有钱能做很多事情Maverick


Maverick - New York - 21 mins agoIf they donate just 1 square foot of money, a few poor starving families will survive for a year!!!

Reply 2 0 Flag少买一平方英尺,省出来的钱能让几个贫穷家庭过上一年!Melman const


Melman const - 39 mins agoWhich bank is giving loan? Hope later bank will not say NPA.

Reply 2 0 Flag哪家银行提供的贷款Rudolph Andrew Furtado


Rudolph - Mumbai - 1 hour agoThe uniqueness of Mumbai is that it is a city that showcases extreme wealth disparity and also the fact that people from all economic stratas of

society live harmoniously irrespective of wealth disparity. Mumbai is also one of the safest city's in the World and hence the super wealthy like living in Mumbai.

Reply 2 0 Flag孟买的独特性在于,她是一座彰显贫富差距

的城市。来自社会各阶层的人们和睦相处。孟买也是世界上治安最好的城市之一。所以富人喜欢定居孟买strategic speaking


strategic speaking - 1 hour agoAlso bought a property in Mumbai recently. I dont know why media didnt publish it. May be because of the negligible differences about the property. The area was 450 sqft instead of 4500 sqft. The name of the locality is 'Mubai Street' instead of Mubai. The price per SQFT 2.1 K instead of 1.2Lk. That''s all. I still cant understand why they havent published it yet!!..

Reply 2 0 Flag最近也在孟买买了一套房为什么媒体不报道。也许是相比起来微不足道吧我买的不是4500平方英尺的豪宅,而是450平方英尺的普通房子价格是每平方英尺2100

卢比,不是每平方英尺120万卢比就酱样子。为什么媒体不报道![!--empirenews.page--]Kurnal Madhyan


Kurnal Madhyan - Lucknow - 8 mins agoWhy the hell
