第二讲 非谓语动词归纳总结

第二讲 非谓语动词归纳总结
第二讲 非谓语动词归纳总结


1 to do

2 doing

3 ved

4 Absolute structure(独立主格)

To do

1 to do 作主语

To do something +…..

As I see it, to protect the environment is important.

To receive education is beneficial.

2 to do 作补语

It is… to do something…..

It is ….for somebody to do something…. 对于…来说做…事是….

It is vital for us to find out its causes and to offer some possible solutions.

Ever-accelerated 不断发展的

3 to do 作宾语

Something make it + adj + to do something….. …使得去做... Something make it + adj + for somebody to do something…The advanced medical technology has made it possible for

people to live longer than before.

Another demerit of the Internet is that has made it impossible for people to think critically for the reason that almost everything needed can be obtained from the Internet.

4 to do 作表语

Be to do something….

What we should do today is to do something.

5 to do 作定语(只可后置)

Ability to do something…

Opportunity to do something….

Ambition to do something…

n. for something to do something

6 to do 作状语

to do something…

in order to do something

for somebody to do something


To solve this serious problem people think up various solutions. As I see it, the three following ones are worth mentioning. The first one I want to present is that…..


Last of all…..

7 to do 作插入语(修饰主语,补充修饰,做评注性状语)

1) to begin with = to start with = in the first place


to conclude

to sum up

to summarize


to be frank

to be honest

to tell the truth


to make matters worse

to make things worse


It is a pity that…

Sad to say…


6) so to speak 打个比方,譬如说

7) to put it like this 这么说吧


to put it differently

In other wards


to be exact

to be precise

10) That is to say 也就是说

11) to illustrate 举例来说

12) not to mention something 更不用提(放在句尾)


to name just a few

to name but a few (放句尾)

and so on

14) It is no overstatement to say that…可以毫不夸张地说…

15) It is no exaggeration to say that…


1我想列出的第一点好处发展旅游业将会促进经济的发展。The first advantage I want to present is that to develop the International tourism will enhance the economic development. 2互联网的快速发展使得我们享受更好的生活成为一种可能。

The boom of the Internet has made it possible for people to enjoy better life.


English as a global language has made it impossible for the cultural diversity to develop.

4因此,我们今天所做到的一切应该是停止无畏的炫耀。Thus, what we should do today is to stop showing off.


To solve this problem, we should adopt feasible solutions.


It is no overstatement to say that Internet has revolutionized the way we live, work, study and play.


To be exact, we can never do without advertisements.


To be clear, the role of teachers and schools can not be replaced. 9总之,我支持后者。

To summarize, I take the side with the latter.


To make matters worse, due to their inexperience, youngsters can not tell right from wrong.


1 doing 作主语= to do 作主语

2 doing 作定语

1)前置= adj.

A crying boy.

Those holding (who hold) the latter view do believe that the International tourism is beneficial.

2)后置= 一个省略的定语从句

A boy crying.


Thought-provoking 引人深思

Enlightening 予人启迪的

Eye-catching 引人注目的

Eye-dazzling 令人眼晕的

Breath-taking 令人窒息的

Appealing 吸引人的,有感染力的

Earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的变化

Develop at an amazing rate 以一种惊人的速度发展Develop at an astonishing rate 以一种惊人的速度发展Fascinating 极好的,极棒的

Relaxing 使人放松的

Entertaining 令人娱乐的

Moving / Touching 感人的

Long-lasting / Ever-lasting 长久的,持久的

Far-reaching / profound impact on 深远的,长久的

Never-ending 永久的

Perplexing topic 令人困惑的

3 doing 作状语(只要主句主语是doing的逻辑主语,doing 就可以充当我们所知道的所有状语)=状语从句

1)If children spend too much time playing computer games, they may suffer from some psychological illnesses.

Spending too much time playing computer games, children may suffer from some psychological illnesses.

2) Studying with teachers, students can acquire more out of textbooks.

3) Technology is developing at an amazing rate, making it possible for people to live better

……, making possible for people to do something


4 doing 做插入语


adv + speaking = adv



Concerning = about 关于…


According to …, 按照,取决于,视….而定

According to a recent survey, 根据最新调查显示Speaking of…, 一谈到….

Talking of…, 一说到….

Judging by…,


Judging from…

Considering…, 考虑到…..


Considering the seriousness of this problem, we have no alternative but to take some effective measures. The first thing to be mentioned is that…

Another one is that…

The last one is that…


Taking all factors into account,

Taking all things into account,

Taking all factors into consideration,

Taking all things into consideration,


1 ved作表语= adj ….的

A man is not finished when he is defeated, he is finished when he quits. 一个人不会毁于失败而是毁于放弃

Better later than never. 迟到总比不到好

Yes to life, No to drugs. 珍惜生命,远离毒品。

2 ved做定语

前置= adj


Children (who are) encouraged to communicate with their peers will have more confidence.

Opportunity (which is) wasted will never come back.

3 ved做状语

Beaten by his father black and blue, Tom is crying his heart out. / laughing his head off. 痛哭欲绝/狂笑

Encouraged to take part-time jobs, children will adapt themselves to this competitive world better in the future.

4 ved作插入语


adv + put = adv + speaking = adv

Simply put, the cultural diversity is an unavoidable trend.


1) Compared with…, 与…相比

2) Compared to…, 把…比作…

3) Given…, = considering sth. 考虑到….

4) Granted, 诚然,


作状语名词+ doing / to do /ved / adj / prep

1 doing I walking along the street, a stone hit me.

2 to do I will marry Lucy, he to marry Lily.

3 ved Jack assassinated by Tom, Jerry is crying.

4 adj The weather hot, she stays at home.

5 prep He was killed, a nut in his mouth.

He went out, with an umbrella in his left hand.

The human race has entered a brand new epoch, the world witnessing many earth-shaking changes.

Truth is beauty, beauty being truth.

Life tough, struggle is only way out.



Taking all factors into account, we can safely draw a conclusion that the former carries more weight.


Educationally speaking, taking part-time jobs during the schooling may waste students’ precious studying time.

3自己学习孩子可以培养克服困难的勇气和独立思考的能力Studying alone, children can cultivate their courage to overcome difficulties and the ability to think independently.


Having entered an information-explosion epoch, we are facing various advertisements per day.


Compared with books, the Internet enjoys many obvious advantages such as high speed, great efficiency, easy accessibility, to name just a few.


Compared with the Internet, there is a face-to-face communication between teachers and students, thus it is more vivid, interactive and efficient.


Speaking of TV, many people think it is a curse rather than a blessing.


Students studying international news often have keen insight.


Simply put, people have different definitions of happiness.


We can see clearly that watching television will exert a far-reaching impact on children.

2020版 第3部分 层级2 第2讲 言简意赅的非谓语动词

第2讲言简意赅的非谓语动词 运用非谓语动词转换句子 1.All the people here like the novel. It is written by Tom. →All the people here like the novel written_by_Tom. 2.I feel quite sorry for that. I begin to think about what to do to help. →Feeling_quite_sorry_for_that,_I begin to think about what to do to help. 3.The boys were making the most of time. They wanted to finish the work earlier. →The boys were making the most of time in_order/so_as_to_finish_the _work_earlier. 4.When we are faced with difficulties, we need friends to give us comfort and help. →Faced_with_difficulties,_we need friends to give us comfort and help. 5.After we had practiced playing basketball for almost two months, we strongly desired to be the winner. →Having_practiced_playing_basketball for almost two months, we strongly desired to be the winner. 6.As the society develops rapidly, it's necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer. →With the society developing_rapidly,_it's necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer. 众所周知,作文中出现过多的简单句会让人觉得单调乏味,句子与句子之间的关系显得松散;而文章中过多地出现复合句又显得累赘,读起来费劲。恰当地运用非谓语动词对简单句和复合句进行转换,不仅句型多样,句子活泼,而且读起来结构紧凑,言简意明。 一、运用非谓语动词转换简单句 写作时,我们可以利用非谓语动词对两个简单句进行转换,使其成为较高级的表达方式。转换时可采用三步。


巧学妙记 1、巧记动词不定式基本用法口诀不定式有标记,to 与动原连一起。没有人称数变化,动词特点它具备。主宾定补表状语,唯独作谓不可以。not 加上不定式,否定结构要牢记。疑问词与不定式,构成短语有意义。仔细推敲多思考,准确判断有依据, to do sth not to do what / how/ when/ where... to do 2、巧记接不定式做宾语的动词我和我的爸爸妈妈W H W D E P P M M A 三个希望两答应( hope, wish, want, agree, promise ) 一个要求莫拒绝( demand, refuse ) 设法学会做决定( manage, learn, decide ) 不要假装在选择( pretend, choose ) 3、巧记接疑问词加to do 做宾语的常见动词学会忘记是有难处( learn, forget ) 想知道就别来劝阻( wonder, know, advise ) 展开讨论教人对付( show, discuss, teach ) 弄清楚才决定告诉( find out, decide, tell) 4、巧记既可以跟动名词也可以跟不定式的动词一旦开始莫后悔( begin, start, regret ) 爱憎分明要切记( like, love, hate, remember, forget ) 继续努力有打算( continue, try, mean ) 三个需要由你选( need, want, require, prefer ) 5、巧记后接省略to 的不定式 五看( see, watch, look at, notice ) 二听( listen to, hear ) 一感( feel ) 三让( let, make, have ) 一个help 两均可 6、巧记少数后面只能用动名词做宾语的动词喜欢考虑不可免( enjoy, consider, escape, avoid ) 停止放弃太冒险( stop, give up, risk ) 介意想象莫推延( mind, imagine, delay, put off ) 要求完成是期望( require, finish, look forward to ) 建议继续勤练习( suggest, go on, practise ) 不禁原谅要坚持( can't help, excuse, insist on) 继续注意使成功( keep on, mind, succeed in ) 非谓语动词作宾语 1.I don't allow __________________________________________ in my drawing room. I don't allow my family ______________________ at all. A.smoking ;to smoke B. to smoke ;smoking C. to smoke ;to smoke D. smoking ;smoking 2.Your clothes need .

2018高考英语复习试题:专题二第二讲 非谓语动词 随堂训练含解析

Ⅰ单句语法填空 1.(2017·湖北武昌区高三调考)The Yangtze River,________(know) in China as the Chang Jiang is the longest river in Asia and the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country. known 解析:主语the Yangtze River和know之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作后置定语,表被动。 2.(2017·浙江宁波九校联考)I like staying up late ____________ (watch) TV, surfing the Internet or doing something I’m fond of. watching 解析:逻辑主语I与watch之间为主动关系,表示伴随状态,故填现在分词watching。 3.(2017·玉溪一中第二次月考)You lose weight for a while, only ____________ (gain) back more weight when you stop your weight loss program. to gain 解析:“only+不定式”表示意想不到的结果。 4.(2017·太原一模)The unhappy mouse died soon in the water, and his dead body floated around on the surface, ____________ (fasten) to the foot of the frog. fastened 解析:考查非谓语动词。fasten和句子谓语floated之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词,且和其主语his dead body构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。 5.(2017·湖北八校第一次联考)No one can ignore the rich culture ____________ (date) back to ancient times changing into the modern age at a


非谓语动词做宾补的练习题 用单词的适当形式填空: 1.Listen! Do you hear someone ___________(call)for help? 2. I was sleeping when I heard my name ____________(shout) 3.He’d seen us ____________(sit) by the lake all those times. 4. To his surprise, Jack found his son ________(dress) as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. 5.You begin to understand how Chinese speakers have their thoughts ____________(organize), and how they understand things. 6. The patient was warned not __________(eat) oily food. 7.Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English ________________ (improve) in a short period. 8. The heartwarming story began in September last year when a woman asked the primary school in her neighborhood ____________(accept) her six-year-old son. 9.If you expect people ___________(give up) the habit of driving, we must give them another alternative(选择) 10.I like the film because it can make me_____________(laugh) 11.She kept me ____________(wait)over 10minutes. 12.with so many people_____________(look)at him,he felt very nervous. 13.with the problem__________(solve),the quality has been improved.


内容 基本要求 非谓语动词 1. 动词不定式 2. 动名词 新概念二 第十六课 真实条件句 非谓语动词 在句子中不是谓语的动词叫做非谓语动词,非谓语动词有三种形式,包括不定式,分词及动名词。 非谓语动词与谓语动词的不同点有: (1)非谓语动词可以有名词作用(如动词不定式和动名词),在句中做主语、宾语、表语。 (2)非谓语动词可以有形容词作用(如动词不定式和分词),在句中做定语、表语或宾语补足语。 (3)非谓语动词可以有副词作用(如动词不定式和分词),在句中作状语。 (4)谓语动词在句中作谓语,受主语的人称和数的限制;非谓语动词在句中不能单独作谓语,它不受主语的人称和数的限制。 非谓语动词用法: (一)动词不定式:(to )+do ,具有名词、形容词、副词的特征。 1. 不定式的形式: 否定式:not + (to) do (1)一般式:不定式的一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生或发生在谓语动词动作之后, 如:I'm glad to meet you. He seems to know a lot. (2)进行式:不定式的进行式所表示的动作与谓语动词动作同时发生。 如:The boy pretended to be working hard. He seems to be reading in his room. (3)完成式:不定式的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。 如:I regretted to have told a lie. I happened to have seen the film. 第二讲 非谓语动词(一) 本讲内容 语法考点

2. 不定式的句法功能: (1)作主语: 如:To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. 动词不定式短语作主语时,常用it作形式主语,真正的主语不定式置于句后,例如上面两句可用如下形式: 如:It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes. (2)作表语: 如:Her job is to clean the hall. (3)作宾语: 常与不定式做宾语连用的动词有:want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend, refuse, manage, help, agree, promise, prefer, 如果不定式(宾语)后面有宾语补足语,则用it作形式宾语,真正的宾语(不定式)后置,放在宾语补足语后面。 如:Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia. 动词不定式也可充当介词宾语。 如:I have no choice but to stay here. (4)作定语: 动词不定式作定语,放在所修饰的名词或代词后。与所修饰名词有如下关系。 如:I have a meeting to attend. (5)作状语: 如:He worked day and night to get the money. (6)不带to的不定式的用法 ①某些使役动词如:let, make, have, help等。 如:Let me destroy this paper. He won’t have us criticize his work. ②用于感知动词之后 不带to的不定式可以放在感知动词see, look at, notice, watch, hear, listen to, feel, smell之后。 如:I’d like to go and hear John Denver sing. I felt something touch my foot. ③ would better后用不带to的动词不定式。 如:You’d better stay at home. You’d better not do it again. ④用于疑问副词why引导的省略句中。 如:Why talk so much about it? Why not try again? ⑤两个并列不定式的第二个不定式的to通常省略。 由连词and, but, or连接的两个或两个以上并列不定式时,第一个不定式常用完整形式,但其后的不定式中的to通常省去。 如:I’d like to lie down and go to sleep. He could not choose but love her. 热身练习 单项选择。


Teaching Plan for Test Techniques For Nonfinite Verbs Class 27 Senior 3 Nong Zhiying I. Lesson type (课型): Grammar lesson, a review lesson. II. Teaching aims(教学目标): Enable students to understand and use the nonfinite verbs correctly in grammar filling and errors correction. III. Teaching focus(教学重点): 1. Enable students to judge the predicate verbs in a sentence. 2.Get students to master the steps of doing nonfinite verbs exercise. IV. Difficult points (教学难点): 1.How to make students understand and use nonfinite verbs correctly. 2.Develop students creativity to create their own ways to remember grammar rules. VI. Teaching aids(教具): A computer, a blackboard VII. Teaching methods (教学方法) : 1.Task-based teaching approach 2.Discussion 3.Exploration IX. Teaching procedures(教学过程):


第5讲非谓语动词作宾语的归纳 教学目标:在前面非谓语动词单项选择的基础上,进行理论和实践的提高,争取在综合能力上有所突破。 不定式、分词做宾语用法要点 一:下列动词只能用不定式做宾语,请牢记: decide to do , determine to do , learn to do ,want to do ,expect to do, hope to do , wish to do , refuse to do, manage to do, care to do , pretend to do , offer to do ,promise to do ,choose to do, plan to do , agree to do , ask to do , beg to do , help to do ,afford to do, strive to do, happen to do, wait to do …… 当我经过时,她假装没有看见我 我们约好在此见面。 二:下列动词只能用动名词做宾语,请牢记: Consider doing , suggest doing ,advise doing, look forward to doing, excuse doing, pardon doing, admit doing, delay doing, put off doing, fancy doing, avoid doing ,miss doing, keep doing, keep on doing, practise doing, deny doing, finish doing , enjoy doing , appreciate doing, forbid doing, imagine doing, risk doing , can’t help doing , mind doing, allow doing , permit doing, escape doing; Be used to doing, lead to doing, devote to doing , go back to doing, stick to doing ,object to doing, get down to doing, pay attention to doing, can’t stand doing, give up doing, feel like doing, insist on doing, thank you for doing, apologize for doing, be busy doing, have difficulty/trouble in doing, have a good time in doing, spend time in doing…… 他为了面试准备充分,因为他冒不起失去这个好机会的风险。 训练: 1.The squirrel was so lucky that it just missed ______________(catch) 2.I can hardly imagine Peter ______________(sail)across the ocean in five days. 3.I would appreciate your ___________(call) back this afternoon. 4.The discovery of the new evidence led to the thief ___________(catch) 三:下列动词或词组既可以跟动名词做宾语,也可以跟不定式做宾语,但意义上有区别,请注意:1.forget to do forget doing

第二讲 非谓语动词 考点一

第二讲非谓语动词 考点一辨别谓语和非谓语 (一)谓语动词的概念 谓语动词指的是在句子中可以单独作谓语的动词,主要由实意动词充当。另外,某些动词短语也可以是谓语动词。在英语中,动词按作用和功能主要分为两大类,一类是谓语动词,一类是非谓语动词。 助动词,情态动词不能单独作谓语,只能协助主要动词一起构成谓语动词,因此不在谓语动词的范畴。 Leaving it with me should be a good choice. Trust me. (leaving是动名词作主语,trust是谓语动词) Please do me a favor-invite my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight. (do是谓语;invite是谓语。考察祈使句的用法) (二)非谓语动词的概念 非谓语动词是指在句子中不是谓语的动词,主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词),即动词的非谓语形式。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的其他成分。 To learn a foreign language is difficult. His job is teaching. The door remained locked. 【对点演练】 1.用所给单词的正确形式填空 (1)Volunteering gives you a chance __________ (change) lives, including your own. (2)_____________ (Not know) what to do next, he asked me for advice. (3)The _________ (injure) man was rushed to hospital. 参考答案:(1)to change (2)Not knowing (3)injured 2.单句改错 (1)It’s very nice of you help me.

第二讲 非谓语动词.doc

第二讲非谓语动词 [思维导图] Ⅰ.谓语动词和非谓语动词 1.若提示词为动词,句中没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关系时,就该填谓语动词,此时要考虑时态、语态和主谓一致,有时还需考虑虚拟语气。 2.若提示词为动词,句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,就该填非谓语动词,就要确定是v.-ing形式,v.-ed形式,还是不定式。一般来说,v.-ing形式表示主动、进行;v.-ed形式表示被动、完成;不定式表示尚未发生的动作。Ⅱ.非谓语动词的用法 一、非谓语动词作状语 1.动词不定式作状语 (1)动词不定式作目的状语时,常位于句首或句中,形式上可用in order to do,so as to do,to do等,但so as to do不能置于句首。 In order to pass the exam,he worked hard. 为了通过考试,他努力学习。 (2)动词不定式作结果状语时常用于too...to do,enough to do,so/such...as to,only/just to do结构中。 He is such a good teacher as to be respected by all his students. 他是个如此好的老师,以至于受到他所有学生的尊敬。 He rushed to the station,only to find that the train had left. 他匆忙赶到火车站,却发现火车已经开走了。 (3)在be happy/glad/sorry/sad/surprised to do sth结构中作原因状语。 He was surprised to be informed of the news.


非谓语动词作宾语,宾补 1、动词+doing 动+宾 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事spend...doing sth. 花费…做某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做…imagine sb. doing sth. 想象…做某事can't help doing sth. 忍不住做某事feel like doing sth. 想要做某finish doing sth. 完成做某事practice doing sth. 练习做某事miss doing sth. 错过做某事suggest doing sth. 建议做某事keep (on) doing sth. 保持(继续)做某事mind doing sth. 介意做某事be worth doing sth. 值得做某事consider doing sth. 考虑做某事 2、介词+doing 介+宾 ( be good at doing sth 擅长做某事be interested in doing sth.对做某事感兴趣insist on doing 坚持做某事put off doing 推迟做某事 be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事thank sb. for doing sth. 谢谢某人做某事be tired of doing sth. 厌烦做某事be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事give up doing sth. 放弃做某事without doing sth. 没有做某事think about doing sth. 考虑做某事What / How about doing 做某事怎么样look forward to doing sth. (盼望)pay attention to doing sth. (注意)be used to doing sth. (习惯于)prefer doing sth to doing sth.(更喜欢)devote to doing sth (致力于)make a contribution to doing (做贡献) ~ 3、动词+to do 动+宾,不定式作宾语 decide to do sth. 决定做某事want ∕would like to do sth. 想做某事plan to do sth. 计划做某事need to do sth. 需要做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事afford to do 能做某事 be used to do 被用来做can’t wait to do 迫不及待地要做某事make up one’s mind to do 下决心做某事used to do 过去常常做某事 fail to do 失败做某事 4、常用带to 的不定式作宾语补足语 ask sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事tell sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 ^ expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事


1. 在感官动词(feel, listen to, hear, see, look at, watch, notice 等)和使役动词(make, let, have)后,要用不带 to 的不定式作宾补。但在这些动词的被动式(如果可以变为被动式的话)后用作主语补足语的不定式要带 to。 He made me work 12 hours a day. 他要我每天工作12小时。 I was made to work 12 hours a day. 每天要我工作12小时。 记忆方法:一感(feel)、二听(hear, listen to)、三让(let, have, make)、四看(see, look at, watch, notice)。 2. 在下列动词后用作宾语补足语的非谓语动词用不定式,即用于 vt. + sb / sth + to do sth 的形式:advise 建议 allow 允许 ask 叫,请 bear 忍受 beg 乞求 cause 导致 command 命令 encourage 鼓励 expect 期待 forbid 禁止 force 迫使 get 使 hate 讨厌 help 帮助 intend 想要 invite 邀请 leave 让 like 喜欢 mean 打算 need 需要 oblige 迫使 order 命令 permit 允许 persuade 说服 prefer 宁愿 request 请求 remind 提醒 teach 教 tell 告诉 trouble 麻烦 want 想要 warn 警告 wish 希望 wait for 等 would like 想要 would love 想要 would prefer 宁愿 注:(1) 在 help 后作宾补的不定式带不带 to 均可。 (2) 但 fear, excuse, refuse, insist, hope, suggest, agree, decide, demand, thank, arrange 等动词后不可接 sb to do sth。 3. 用非谓语动词作宾语补足语的常用结构: (1) have sb do sth使某人做某事 (2) have sb doing sth 使某人或某物处于做某事的状态中 (3) have sth done 请人做某事,遭受某事 (4) catch sb doing sth 抓住(碰上)某人在做某事 (5) feel sth / sb doing sth 感觉某人或某物在做某事 (6) find sb / sth doing sth 发现某人或某物在做某事 (7) keep sb / sth doing sth 使某人或某物不停地做某事 (8) start sb doing sth 使某人开始做某事 (9) send sb to do sth 派(叫)某人去做某事。如: (10) send sb / sth doing sth 使某人或某物迅速做某事 (11) leave sb to do sth 让某人去做某事 (12) leave sb doing sth 让某人做某事(处于做某事的状态中) (13) set sb to do sth 使某人做某事 (14) set sb (sth) doing sth 使某人或某物开始做某事 4. 非谓语动词作宾补的一个原则:当宾语与作宾补的动词在逻辑上是主动关系时,用不定式或现在分词;当宾语与作宾补的动词在逻辑上是被动关系时,用过去分词,或用不定式、现在分词的被动式.

第二讲 非谓语动词 考点三

第二讲非谓语动词 考点三作定语 (一)动名词作定语(表示被修饰的用途或性能) They are planning to build a new swimming pool here. 他们计划在这儿修一个新的游泳池。 (二)现在分词作定语 当被修饰的名词与分词之间为主动关系时,用现在分词;单个的现在分词作定语时,一般放在所修饰词前面 There is a sleeping boy under the tree. 树下有一个男孩儿正在睡觉。 (三)过去分词作定语 当被修饰的名词与分词之间为被动关系且表完成时,用过去分词;单个的过去分词作定语时往往置于被修饰词前,通常为及物动词的过去分词,表示被动意义和动作的完成 As a result, we are now an endangered species. 因此,我们现在是一个濒临灭绝的物种。 (四)不定式作后置定语 1.用来修饰被序数词、最高级或only等限定的中心词,与中心词为主谓关系 She likes to listen to Mr. Li’s lessons, so she is always the first to come and the last to leave. 她喜欢听李老师的课,因此她总是第一个到教室,最后一个离开。 2.当被修饰词为特定名词是用不定式,常见的名词有ability, chance, plan, promise, attempt等Volunteering gives you a chance to change lives, including your own. 志愿服务给你一个机会去改变生活,包括改变你自己的生活。 3.与所修饰的词之间可构成主谓、动宾或同位关系 He is the only person to know the secret.(主谓关系) Please give me something to eat. (动宾关系) Then they talked about the ways to improve their study. (同位关系) 点津 1.不定式表示未来 2.动名词作定语表示用途 3.现在分词表示主动和进行 4.过去分词表示被动和完成


非谓语动词作宾语的讲解和练习 定义:在句子中充当除谓语以外的各种句子成分的动词形式,叫做非谓语动词(the Non-Finite Verbs)。非谓语动词也是动词的一种,他们有着动词的其他特点,可以充当主语、宾语、状语等。非谓语动词与谓语动词是相对的概念。主要包括不定式、动名词和分词(现在分词和过去分词),即动词的非谓语形式。 一.动名词做宾语的口诀 : 即动词+v.ing 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想 避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏 禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡 难以忍受始反对,想要成功坚持忙 习惯放弃有困难,导致专心防道歉。 解析:(记住口诀中对应的动词,) 第一句包含的动词有:consider, suggest/advise, look forward to, excuse/pardon, 第二节包含的动词有:admit, delay/put off, fancy(想像,想要), 第三句包含的动词有:avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practice, 第四句句包含的动词有:deny(否认,拒绝), finish, enjoy/appreciate(欣赏), 第五句包含的动词有:forbid, imagine, risk(冒险) 第六句包含的动词有:can't help, mind, allow/permit, escape. 第七句包含的动词有:can't stand(难以忍受),set about 开始,着手,object to(反对), 第八句包含动词有:feel like(想要),succeed in (成功),stick to(坚持) ,insist on(坚持,强调,坚决要求),be busy (in)(忙于做某事)第九句包含的动词有:be used/accustomed to(习惯于…),give up(放弃), have difficulty/trouble (in), (做某事有困难) 第十句包含的动词有:lead to(导致), devote to(将…奉献给;把…专用于),prevent…… from……(预防,防止),apologize for(为…… 道歉), 此外,have a good/wonderful/hard time (in), spend time (in),thank you for, pay attention to, aim at 目的在于,旨在;瞄准;企图,accuse…of… 控告;谴责,get down to(开始认真处理,对待), etc. 二、通常只能接不定式作宾语的动词:(即:动词+to do) 记忆口诀如下: 同意提出做计划, 要求答应来帮忙。 准备决定遭拒绝, 敢于选择有希望。 不能做到莫假装, 设法做成决心坚。 agree (同意);offer (提出);intend,plan (打算,计划);demand,ask (要求);promise (答应);help (帮忙);prepare (准备);decide (决定);refuse (拒绝);dare (敢于);choose (选择);wish,hope,want,expect (希望,想要);fail ;(不能;忘记);pretend (假装);manage (设法);determine(决心)。 三.既能接不定式,又能接动词-ing 形式,但意思不同的动词或词组: 即“四'记’”“力争”“停后悔”。 “四记”指“记得、记住(remember)”;“忘记(forget)”“计划、打算(mean)”;“继续(go on,continue)” Remember to do , forget to do ,regret(后悔)to do 指还没有去做…事 Remember doing,forget doing ,regret doing指…..已经做了某事 “力争”指“try”;try to do 指接近全力去做…;try doing指尝试做… Mean to do 打算去做…Mean doing 意味着….. eg: Missing the train means waiting for another day. “停”“后悔”指stop与regret。Stop doing 指停止做此事….,stop to do 指停下来去做另一件事. 四.带to的不定式作宾补: 动词+sb to do 可以用带to的不定式作宾补的动词常用的有ask,tell,order,invite,beg,get(叫;请;说服),allow,wish,want,encourage,advise,warn 等。 I’ll get a friend to help you .我将交个朋友帮你的忙。 五. 不带to的不定式作宾补:即动词+sb +v. 动词不定式在使役动词(make,let,have)或感官动词(feel,listen to,hear,look at,see,watch,notice)之后作宾补时不定式需省去to。记“一感”(feel)、“二听”(listen to,hear)、“三让”(let,make,have)、“四看”(look at,see,watch,notice)。 eg:Please listen to me sing the song again. 非谓语动词作宾语


非谓语动词作宾语的练习 ( ) 1. She enjoys __________ light music. A. to hear B. hearing C. to listen to D. listening to ( ) 2. I expected __________ your friend, but my car broke down on the way. A. I’ll meet B. meeting C. to meeting D. to meet ( ) 3. I remember _____ France when I was young. A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. visited ( ) 4. I remember the house about an hour ago. A. to see him leave B. seeing him to leave C. seeing him leave D. to see him to leave ( ) 5. 1. I would appreciate __________ back this afternoon. A. you to call B. your calling C. you call D. you’re calling ( ) 6. He stopped_____ three years ago. Now he began __________ again. A. smoking, smoke B. to smoke, to smoke C.smoking, to smoke D. to smoke, smoking ( ) 7. Don’t this letter for me on your way to school. A. forget mailing B. forget mail C. forget to mail D. remember to mail ( ) 8. Don’t forget __________the lights when you go out. A. to turn on B. turning off C. to turn off D. turning on ( ) 9.. –Why not ______ us to work as volunteers visiting the old people’s caring house? –Good idea! A. joins B. to join C. join D. joining ( ) 10. I dislike __________to the movies by myself. I would like ________ with others. A.go, to go B. going, going C. to go , going D.going, to go ( ) 11. He likes a detective because he wants to protect the innocent. A. working as B. work for C. to work D. working ( ) 12-- You’re well-dressed today. -- Thank you. I want to a good impression the interviewer. A. give, on B. make, on C. make, to D. give, for ( ) 13. - Which sport do you like better, basketball or football? --I prefer basketball football. A. to play, to play B. play, than play C. playing, to playing D. to play, than play ( ) 14. Instead of _________ on a crowded bus, he prefers __________ a bicycle. A.ride, ride B. riding, to ride C. ride, to ride D. to ride, riding 15. Don’t forget_________(water) the flower when i am away . 16.You need ______( improve) your spoken English . 17.After the plane took off , he practiced___________(operate) the machine several time. 18.The speaker stopped ________(have) some water and then continue
