








【总页数】7页(P15-21)【关键词】5自由度;磁悬浮轴承;转子系统;非线性动力学【作者】张钢;殷庆振;蒋德得;梁世颇【作者单位】上海大学机电工程与自动化学院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH133.3【相关文献】1.主动磁悬浮轴承-转子系统的非线性动力学研究 [J], 张钢;梁世颇;殷庆振;张彪;刘莹;刘汝卫2.大自由度的转子-滑动轴承系统非线性动力学分析(Ⅱ) [J],3.大自由度的转子—滑动轴承系统非线性动力学分析 [J], 李志刚;张直明4.磁悬浮转子-轴承碰摩系统的非线性动力学行为 [J], 徐璐;饶晓波;褚衍东5.大自由度的转子-滑动轴承系统非线性动力学分析(Ⅱ) [J], 李志刚;张直明因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



附录A英文原文Experimental and Numerica Studies on Nonlinear Dynam Behavior of Rotor System Supported by Ball BearingsBall bearings are important mechanical components in high-speed turbomachinery that is liable for severe vibration and noise due to the inherent nonlinearity of ball ing experiments and the numerical approach, the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a flexible rotor supported by ball bearings is investigated in this paper. An experimental ball bearing-rotor test rig is presented in order to investigate the nonlinear dynamic performance of the rotor systems, as the speed is beyond the first synchroresonance frequency. The finite element method and two-degree-of-freedom dynamic model of a ball bearing are employed for modeling the flexible rotor s ystem. The discrete model of a shaft is built with the aid of the finite element technique, and the ball bearing model includes the nonlinear effects of the Hertzian contact force, bearing internal clearance, and so on.The nonlinear unbalance response is observed by experimental and numerical analysis.All of the predicted results are in good agreement with experimental data, thus validating the proposed model. Numerical and experimental results show that the resonance frequency is provoked when the speed is about twice the synchroresonance frequency, while the subharmonic resonance occurs due to the nonlinearity of ball bearings and causes severe vibration and strong noise. The results show that the effect of a ball bearing on the dynamic behavior is noticeable in optimum design and failure diagnosis of high-speed turbomachinery. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4000586]Keywords: ball bearing, rotor, experiment, nonlinear vibrationA.1 IntroductionBall bearings are one of the essential and important components in sophisticated turbomachinery such as rocket turbopumps, aircraft jet engines, and so on. Because of the requirement of acquiring higher performance in the design and operation of ballbearings-rotor systems, accurate predictions of vibration characteristics of the systems, especially in the high rotational speed condition, have become increasingly important.Inherent nonlinearity of ball bearings is due to Hertzian contact forces and the internal clearance between the ball and the ring.Many researchers have devoted themselves to investigating the dynamiccharacteristics associated with ball bearings. Gustafsson et al. [1] studied the vibrations due to the varying compliance of ball bearings. Saito [2] investigated the effect of radial clearance in an unbalanced Jeffcott rotor supported by ball bearings using the numerical harmonic balance technique. Aktürk et al. [2] used a three-degree-of-freedom system to explore the radial and axial vibrations of a rigid shaft supported by a pair of angular contact ball bearings. Liew et al. [4] summarized four different dynamic models of ball bearings, viz., two or five degrees of freedom, with or without ball centrifugal force, which could be applied to determine the vibration response of ball bearing-rotor systems. Bai and Xu [5] presented a general dynamic model to predict dynamic properties of rotor systems supported by ball bearings. De Mul et al. [6] presented a five-degree-of-freedom (5DOF) model for the calculation of the equilibrium and associated load distribution in ball bearings. Mevel and Guyader [7] described different routes to chaos by varying a control parameter. Jang and Jeong [8] proposed an excitation model of ball bearing waviness to investigate the bearing vibration. Then, considering the centrifugal force and gyroscopic moment of ball, they developed an analytical method to calculate the characteristics of the ball bearing under the effect of waviness in Ref. [9]. Tiwari et al. [10,11] employed a two-degree-of-freedom model to analyze the nonlinear behaviors and stability associated with the internal clearance of a ball bearing.Harsha [12-14], taking into account different sources of nonlin-earity, investigated the nonlinear dynamic behavior of ball bearing-rotor systems. Gupta et al. [15] studied the nonlinear dynamic response of an unbalanced horizontal flexible rotor supported by a ball bearing. With the aid of the Floquet theory, Bai et al. [16] investigated the effects of axial preload on nonlinear dynamic characteristics of a flexible rotor supported by angular contact ball bearings. Using the harmonic balance method, Sinou [17]performed a numerical analysis to investigate the nonlinear unbalance response of a flexible rotor supported by ball bearings.In the abovementioned studies, main attention has been paid to the ball bearing modeling and the dynamic properties analysis according to simple bearing-rotor models. With theoretical analysis and experiment, Yamamoto et al. [18] studied a nonlinear forced oscillation at a major critical speed in a rotating shaft,which was supported by ball bearings with angular clearances.Ishida and Yamamoto [19] studied the forced oscillations of a rotating shaft with nonlinear spring characteristics and internal damping. They found that a self-excited oscillation appears in the wide range above the major critical speed. A dynamic model was derived, and experiments are carried out with a laboratory test rig for studying the misaligned effect of misaligned rotor-ball bearing systems in Ref. [20]. Tiwari et al. [21] presented an experimental analysis to study the effect of radial internal clearance of a ball bearing on the bearingstiffness of a rigid horizontal rotor. These experimental results validated theoretical results reported in their literatures [10,11]. Recently, Ishida et al. [22] investigated theoretically and experimentally the nonlinear forced vibrations and parametrically excited vibrations of an asymmetrical shaft supported by ball bearings. Mevel and Guyader [23] used an experimental test bench to confirm the predicted routes to chaos in their previous paper [7]. It is noticeable of lack of experiments on nonlinear dynamic behavior of flexible rotor systems supported by ball bearings. In Ref. [24], the finite element method was used to model a LH2 turbopump rotor system supported by ball bearings. Numerical results show that the subharmonic resonance, as well as synchroresonance, occurs in the start-up process. It is found that the subharmonic resonance is an important dynamic behavior and should be considered in engineering ball bearing-rotor system design. But, the experimental and numerical studies of the subharmonic resonance in ball bearing-rotor systems are very rare.With respect to the above, the present study is intended to cast light on the subharmonic resonance characteristics in ball bearing-rotor systems using experiments and numerical approach. An experiment on an offset-disk rotor supported by ball bearings is carried out, and the finite element method and two-degree-of-freedom model of a ball bearing are employed for modeling this rotor system. The predicted results are compared with the test data, and an investigation is conducted in the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the ball bearings-rotor system.2 Experimental InvestigationAn experimental rig is employed for studying the nonlinear dynamic behavior of ball bearing-rotor systems, as shown in Fig.1. The horizontal shaft is supported by two ball bearings at both ends, and the diskis mounted unsymmetrically. The shaft is coupled to a motor with a flexible coupling. The motor speed is controlled with a feedback controller, which gets the signals from an eddy current probe. Four eddy current probes, whose resolution is 0.5 m, are mounted close to the disk and bearing at the right end in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. The displacement signals, obtained with the help of probes, are input into an oscilloscope to describe the motion orbit, and a data acquisition and processing system were used to analyze the effects of ball bearings on the nonlinear dynamic behavior. The data acquisition and processing system utilizes a full period sampling as the data acquisition method. Its sampling rate is 500 kHz maximum, and sample size is 12 bits. The system provides eight channels for vibratory response acquisition and 1 channel for rotational speed acquisition. All channels are simultaneous.The limitation with the presented experimental setup is that the maximum attainable speed is 12,000 rpm. The first critical speed of the rotor system falls in the speed span, as the shaft is flexible and its fist synchroresonance frequency is near 66 Hz (3960rpm).Thus, the dynamic behavior can be studied as the speed is beyond twice the synchroresonance frequency.3 Rotor Dynamic ModelThe bearing-rotor system combines an offset-disk and two ball bearings, which support the rotor at both ends. The sketch map of the system is described in Fig. 2, where the frame oxyz is the inertial frame. The corresponding experiment assembly is shown in Fig. 3.3.1 Equations of Motion . Define ux and uy as the transverse deflections along the ox and oy directions, and x θ and y θ as the corresponding bending angles in the oxz and oyz planes, respectively. When x u 1, y u 1,x 1θ , and y 1θ denote the displacements of the ball bearing center location at the left end, the complex variables 1u and 1θ can be assumed asDenote the displacements of the disk center by 2u and 2θ, and the displacements of the ball bearing center location at the right end by 3u and 3θ. Using the finite element method, the equations of motion for the rotor system can be written as [25,26]where []M , []C , []K , and []G are the mass, damping, stiffness, and gyroscopic matrix of the rotor system, respectively, ω is the rotational speed, and {}u is the displacement vector{}g F and {}u F are the vectors of gravity load and unbalance forces.{}bF is the vector of nonlinear forces associated with ball bearings.3.2 Ball Bearing Forces. A ball bearing is depicted in a frame of axes oxyz in Fig.4. The contact deformation for the j-th rolling element j δis given aswhere i c and o c are the internal radial clearance between the inner,outer race, and rolling elements, respectively, in the direction of contact, and ubx and uby are the relative displacements of the inner and outer race along the x and y directions, respectively. As shown in Fig. 4, the angular location of the j-th rolling element j ϕ can be obtained fromWhere N , c ω, t , and 0ϕ are the number of rolling elements, cage angular velocity, time, and initial angular location, respectively. The cage angular velocity can be expressed as [27]where b D and p D are the ball diameter and bearing pitch diam- eter,respectively. α is the contact angle, which is concerned with the clearance and can be obtained as follows:Referring to Fig. 4, i r and o r are the inner and outer groove radius,respectively.If the contact deformation j δ is positive, the contact force could be calculated using the Hertzian contact theory; otherwise, no load is transmitted. The contact force j Q between the j-th ball and race can be expressed as follows:where b k is the contact stiffness that can be given bywhere bi k and bo k are the load-deflection constants between the inner and outer ball race, respectively[28]. Summing the contact forces for each rolling element, the total bearing reaction fb in a complex form is4 Experimental and Numerical AnalysisAs shown in Fig. 2, the experimental assembly and the finite element model used in the dynamic analysis represent the ball bearing-rotor system with the following geometrical properties:length between the disk center and left end bearing center mm L 1201=; length between the disk center and right end bearing center mm L 1202=; and the shaft diameter mm D 10=. In addition, the elastic shaft material is steel of density 37950m kg =ρ,Young’s modulus GPa E 211=, and Poisson’s ratio 3.0=v . The ball bearings at both ends are the same model, 7200AC, and its parameters are listed in Table 1.The unbalance load is acted wit h the aid of the mass fixed on the disk. By virtue of this act, the mass eccentricity of the disk can be definitely ascertained. As the mass eccentricity of the disk is 0.032 mm, the vibratory response at different rotational speed is determined via a numerical integration and Newton –Raphson iterations of the nonlinear differential equation (2). Note that the clearances used to simulate the bearings are measured ones. The horizontal and vertical displacements signals near the disk are acquired at different times, along with the increased rotational speed. Thus, the amplitudes of vibration at different speeds are determined according to the test data, and overall amplitudes are illustrated in Fig. 5, as the rotor system is run from 2000=ω rpm to 10,000 rpm. The prediction results compared with experimental data are shown in Fig. 5. It can be found that all of the predicted results are in good agreement with experimental data, thus validating the proposed model. The first predicted resonance peak—the so called forward critical speed in linear theory,located at3960=ω rpm, matches the experimental date near 3960=ω rpm quite well. Moreover, the other amplitude peak appearing in the rotational speedrange7700=ω rpm to 8100 rpm can be found in both experimental and numerical analysis results.The corresponding frequency value of this peak is just the frequency doubling of the system critical speed.The Floquet theory can be used for analyzing the stability and topological properties of the periodic solution of the ball bearingrotor system. If the gained Floquet multipliers are less than unity,the periodic solution of the system is stable. If at least one Floquet multiplier exists with the absolute value higher than unity, the periodic solution is unstable and the topological properties of response alter into nonperiodic motion [29]. The leading Floquet multipliers and its absolute value at 7600=ω rpm, 8029 rpm, and 8200 rpm are shown in Table 2. It is found that the leading Floquet multiplier of the system remains in the unit circle, which indicates a synchronous response, as the rotational speed is less than 7700 rpm. Stability analysis shows that the imaginary part of the two leading Floquet multipliers move in opposite directions along the real axis near 7700=ω rpm. When the speed exceeded 7700=ω rpm, the leading Floquet multiplier crosses the unit circle through -1, as shown in Table 2. The periodic solution loses stability and undergoes a period-doubling bifurcation to a period-2 response, which indicates that a subharmonicresonance occurs. The subharmonic resonance keeps on from 7700=ω rpm to 8100 rpm. At 8100=ω rpm, the leading Floquet multiplier moves inside the unit circle through -1. Imply that the subharmonic resonance vanishes and the synchronous response returns. The synchronous response then continues to exist forspeeds above 8100=ω rpm.The waterfall map of frequency spectrums comparisons for prediction and experiment results are illustrated in Fig. 6. It can be found that agreement between the prediction and the experimental data is remarkable. The frequency component 66.9 Hz, near the forward resonance frequency, emerges and its amplitude rises significant when the rotational speed is near 8029 rpm. It is shown that the resonance frequency is provoked when the speed is about twice the critical speed of the ball bearing-rotor system, and the subharmonic resonance occurs. The experimental and numerical analysis indicate that the representative nonlinear behavior and the subharmonic resonance arise from the nonlinearity of ball bearings, Hertzian contact forces, and internal clearance.The orbit and frequency spectrum at 8029=ω rpm are plotted in Fig. 7. Not only the prediction orbit but also the experiment results imply that the response is a period-2 motion, which is illustrated in Fig. 7(a). The predicted frequency components, consisting of 8.133=ω Hz (8029 rpm) and 9.662=ω Hz (4014rpm), coincide with experimental data. It indicates that the periodic response loses stability through a period-doubling bifurcation to a period-2 response. Thus, the subharmonic resonance occurs due to the effects of ball bearings. It can cause severe vibration and strong noise. Moreover, the subharmonic resonance could couple with other destabilizing effects on engineering rotor systems such as Alford forces, internal damping, and so on, and induce the rotor to lose stability and damage.5 ConclusionsAn experimental rig is employed to investigate the nonlinear dynamic behavior of ball bearing-rotor systems. The corresponding dynamic model is established wi th the finite element method and 2DOF dynamic model of a ball bearing, which includes the nonlinear effects of the Hertzian contact force and bearing internal clearance. All of the predicted results are in good agreement with experimental data, thus validating the proposed model. Numerical and experimental results show that the resonance frequency is provoked, and the subharmonic resonance occurs due to the nonlinearity of ball bearings when the speed is about twice the synchroresonance frequency. The subharmonic resonance cannot only cause severe vibration and strong noise, but also induce the rotor to lose stability and damage, once coupled with other destabilizing effects on high-speed turbomachinery such as Alford forces, internal damping, and so on. It is found that the effect of the Hertzian contact forces could also induce a subharmonic resonance, even if the internal clearance was not present. But, the response amplitude and subharmonic component of the rotor system without internal clearance are less than that with both Hertzian contact forces and internal clearance. Otherwise, the clearance may be unavoidable under high-speed operations, where the bearings are axially preloaded since the effect of unbalanced load is significant at high speed. Thus, the nonlinearity of ball bearings,Hertzian contact forces, and internal clearance should be taken into account in ball bearing-rotor system design and failure diagnosis.AcknowledgmentThe authors would like to acknowledgment the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10902080) and Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province(Grant Nos. SJ08A19 and 2009JQ1008).References[1] Gutafsson, O., and Tallian, T., 1963, “Resear ch Report on Study of the Vibration Characteristics of Bearings,” SKF Ind. Inc. 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也 : oo —d mte; 0l I el; I∞6 ; h o rtr 3 is jI m Ⅱ ] hg 埘 I m cas  ̄ r
0 前

轴承 中心间距为 , 绝对 坐标 系 O Y 相 对坐标 系 D , X Z. 建 立在 ̄-  ̄的动坐 标 系 _ 1【 为 转子 质心 . 为转 子 y - 1 , Y 几何 中心 , 轴承处几何 中心 D 、2 1 D 与 设在 轴 上 0至两
T eaa h Il rslo ts l蛐 eut h f i №
poie h ho ta bs o otln h ho c rv st eri l a d et ec ef cn oi ecat r r lgt i
0 mdd嘲 l o t s yt I a e fi s m. l fs e
( 哈 尔滨工业大学, 尔滨 100 ; 哈 尔滨汽轮机厂有限责任公 司, 尔滨 1 06 1 哈 51l 2 3 哈 5 4) o
摘要 : 对转 子 一轴 承系统的混 沌运动进行动 力学研 究 , 用非线性 油膜 力数据 库方法 获得椭 圆轴承 的非线性 油膜 采 力. 数值 计算得到 了系统在某些参数域 中的分叉图 、 轴心轨迹 、 相图 、o er P i a ̄映射、 n 时域 波形和频 谱图 , 直观 显示 了
对 转子 一轴 承系统 进行 非线 性动 力学分 析一直是 转子
动力学 研究 中的重要课题 。文献 [ 1 对具 有非稳态 油膜力的 刖性 J et转子 一轴承系统 的分 叉和 混沌特 性进行 了研究 ; dr t o
文献[3 2基于周期 解计算 的打靶法 和 F qe稳定 性理论 , l ut o 给
第 4卷 第 1 4 期



振 动 与 冲 击第27卷第9期JOURNAL OF V I B RATI O N AND SHOCKVol .27No .92008 机床主轴2滚动轴承系统非线性动力学分析基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划“973”项目(2005CB724101)和国家自然科学基金项目(10702040)资助收稿日期:2007-12-14 修改稿收到日期:2008-02-01第一作者张伟刚男,硕士生,1981年生张伟刚, 高尚晗, 龙新华, 孟 光(上海交通大学机械系统与振动国家重点实验室,上海 200240) 摘 要:通过对机床主轴2滚动轴承系统的研究,建立了一个基于Hertz 接触力模型的6自由度系统动力学微分方程,初步探讨在非平衡力作用下,具有负游隙的机床主轴-滚动轴承系统的非线性动态特性和稳定性。


关键词:滚动轴承;非线性动力学;游隙;稳定性中图分类号:O322;TH133 文献标识码:A 现代制造业对高速、高精度的要求使得我们有必要对机床主轴-轴承系统的非线性动态特性进行深入的分析和研究。



Ya ma mot o [1]通过研究滚动轴承游隙对Jeffcott 转子振动特性的影响,发现其振动幅度会随着轴承游隙的增加而降低;在此工作基础上,Ti w ari 等[2-5]研究了轴承游隙及变刚度对非平衡Jeffcott 转子非线性动态特性的影响;Sopanen 和M ikkola [6,7]对转子-轴承系统建立了一个6自由度的力学模型,通过对该系统动力学模型的研究,分析游隙对系统固有频率和振动响应的影响;在以上的研究中,转速皆假定为常数,L i ouli os和Ant oniadis [8]研究变转速对转子-轴承系统动态特性的影响,结果表明:即使转子转速发生很小的波动,也可能导致系统动态特性发生很大变化。



(2) 得到:
k s1 =

= k s1
k s2 =

式中:E s 是转子的弹性模量ꎻI s 是转子横截面积的惯性矩ꎮ
a2 b2
3E s I s
颈的质量ꎬ忽略轴的质量ꎬ只考虑轴的刚度ꎮ 简化后的内
MATLAB 中的 ODE45 求解器求解ꎬ单盘转子系统参数如
表 1 所示ꎮ
表 1 单盘转子系统参数
因为在动力学方程 中 很 难 表 述 图 4 所 示 的 碰 撞 模
转轴长度 l / m
转轴直径 / m
盘直径 / m
盘距左端距离 a / m
密度 / (kg / m )
系统的 Jeffcott 方程ꎮ 结果表明:随着轴承间隙的增大ꎬ临
研究了含径滚珠轴承支承水平 Jeffcott 转子的非线性不平
ꎮ 虽然上述两项研究仅涉及谐波响应分析ꎬ但
动和组合振动 [4-5] ꎮ ISHIDA Y 通过谐波平衡法( HBM) 分
如图 1 所示的偏执单盘转子系统ꎮ 在转子右端支承处ꎬ采
在非线性动力学建模过程中ꎬ引入如下假设:1) 轴承



( 2 )
在无量纲化 过程 中的 为油膜平均间隙,R为轴承半径, 为轴径长度 ,S o 为S mmefl数 , re d
叩 为润滑 动力粘度 , 为无量 纲转速 ,p 为无 量纲质量偏 心 , 为反映 了润滑油粘度 、轴承间隙 及长径 比等多种 因素影 响的一个综合参数。
动稳定 性的影响 。文 【 中介绍 了一种通过 变分原理得 到的有 限宽轴承 油膜力公式 ,此 方法具 7 1
有 较 深 的 数 学基 础 。
2 有 限 宽轴 承一 子 系 统 碰 摩 的非 线 性 动 力 学 模 型 转
对 于图 1 所示 的转子一 轴承结构 ,运用变分原理并经 过推 导得到的油膜力为
非 线性 动 力 学 现 象 ,为 解 决 实 际 工 程系 统 中遇 到 的 问题 ,如 故 障 诊 断 等 提 供 了一 定 的理 论 依 据 。 关键 词 :有 限 宽 轴 承一 子 :碰 摩 油 膜 力 :变 分 方 法 ; 非 线 性 动 力 学 转 中 图 分类 号 : 2 ; 03 2 TH13 3 文 献标 识 码 :A
m蕾= me O £ Q C S +厶 , m = me i £ 一mg Q Q s Q+ n
() 1
为使结果不受量纲影 响,从而具有更为普遍 的意义 ,按文【将方程() 8 ] 1 无量纲化 ,可 得 方 程() 1的无量纲形式为

鲁+c, : p . p 鲁+s 一. 。 s i 1 n 0
£ 为径 向位移, 和£ 分别为径 向速度和周 向速度 , 为油膜厚度 ,A 为长径 比,西 为姿态角 。
图1 中D为轴承 中心 ,0 为轴 径 中心 ,m为转子质量 之半 ,e 为转 子质量偏 心 ,Q 为轴径 的


偏心量作用下,具有发生不利于系统运行的分叉和 概周期运动的可能性,在该类转子设计和运行时要 使工作转速避开该类区域。
作者简介:张新江.1967年生.哈尔演工业大学能源学院动力机 械及工程专业博士研究生。
Analysis of nonlinear dynamics to
润滑油枯度,G=gl-/∞2为无量纲外载荷,r=oJr 为无量纲时间,e为偏心量,c为轴承半径间隙,L为
系统进行了分叉研究;G.Adiletta[2,31从理论和试验 两方面进行了较为详细的论述;S.Boel曲I卅则认为阶 梯轴承比普通圆柱轴承性能优越;刘恒【51用伪不动 点追踪法将该系统的周期解求解问题转化为标量函 数的寻优问题进行求解。本文的主要工作是研究一
庞加莱映射方法对其动力学特性随莱一参数变化时稳定性的改变进行了分析,计算结果表明,系统 具有发生倍周期分又及概周期运动的可能。用数值方法得到系统在某些参数域中的分又图,直观显 示了系蜿在某盛参数城中的运行状态。



【作者单位】长沙航空职业技术学院,湖南长沙 410124;长沙航空职业技术学院,湖南长沙 410124
1.具有不平衡-碰摩耦合故障的转子-滚动轴承系统非线性动力学研究 [J], 陈果
2.飞行器内碰摩转子模型的光滑处理及非线性研究 [J], 林富生;孟光
3.碰摩故障转子-滚动轴承耦合系统非线性动力学研究 [J], 李飞敏;陈果
4.转子与定子碰摩的非线性动力学研究 [J], 江俊;陈艳华
5.含裂纹-碰摩气浮转子系统非线性动力学研究 [J], 王海飞;刘美红;田槐艳;宋兆哲



滚动轴承-转子系统非线性动力响应分析陶海亮;潘波;高庆;郭宝亭;谭春青【摘要】采用有限元法建立了含转子不平衡-碰摩耦合故障的滚动轴承-转子系统的连续模型,考虑了转子的剪切效应、回转效应、转子几何参数等影响因素,对滚动轴承模型考虑了非线性赫兹接触及由滚动轴承支承刚度变化而产生的VC(Varying Compliance)振动.运用Newmark-β法获得了连续转子的系统响应,利用时域波形、分岔图、Poincare映射图和频谱图分析了该转子系统的非线性动力学行为.结果表明:由于不同参数的影响,转子碰摩系统具有丰富的非线性现象.本模型考虑了更多的影响因素,可为复杂转子的非线性设计、故障诊断提供更为准确合理的理论参考.【期刊名称】《燃气轮机技术》【年(卷),期】2013(026)001【总页数】6页(P15-20)【关键词】转子;滚动轴承;连续模型;非线性;分岔【作者】陶海亮;潘波;高庆;郭宝亭;谭春青【作者单位】中国科学院工程热物理研究所,北京100190;中国科学院轻型动力重点实验室,北京100190【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O322随着对旋转机械高转速、高效率的要求,转子与静子的间隙越来越小,使得转静碰摩成为转子动力学重要的研究方向[1]。










关键词:五自由度;磁悬浮轴承;转子系统;非线性;动力学Research On Nonlinear Dynamics Of Five-dof rRotor –Amb SystemAbstract: To study the nonlinear dynamical behaviors of Five-DOF AMB system, system’s non-linear dynamic characteristics was considered. System’s non-linear dynamics mathematical model was established,and used Taylor formula to transform it to non-linear form. The space state equations was given and analyzed by numerical method. Through Matlab programming, Poincare maps were given and Lyapunov index were calculated, and they were used to analyze the system’s dy namical behaviors. The result show that there existed bifurcation and chaos in the system when there were some definite parameters..Key words: Five-DOF AMB, Rotor system, Nonlinear, Dynamics0 引言主动磁悬浮轴承在工程中有着广泛的应用,但由于其大多数组成部分具有非线性特性,因而构成了一个非线性机电系统。





关键词:非线性振动;悬臂转子系统;迷宫密封;密封力;有限元中图分类号:0322;0347.6文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-4523(2020)02-0256-09DOI:10.16385/ki.issn.1004-4523.2020.02.005引言迷宫密封是普遍安装在现代航空发动机、汽轮机等旋转机械结构中的有效封严结构,它作为一种非接触式密封,具有结构简单、耗能小、使用寿命长、无需润滑等特点,其作用是减少轴端与各级问的流体泄漏损失。






















近几年,磁悬以下特点: 完全消除了 磨损、无需润滑和密封、耐环境强、发热少、功耗低、圆 周转速高、可对转子位置进行控制、轴承动态特性好以
关键词 磁悬浮转子 辅助轴承 碰摩 振动 混沌 中图分类号 O322 TH122 Abstract In order to investigate the transient nonlinear dynamic behavior in connection to the contract between the auxiliary bearing and magnetic rotor under high-speed rotation,bifurcation diagrams,time responses,Poincaré sections and phrase diagrams are synthetically employed in the present article based on the numerical integration method. Firstly,the respective effect of geometric coupling parameter α,proportional feedback gain P and derivative feedback gain D on the system is explored. Then,the impact of stiffness ratio K and Coulomb sliding friction coefficient μ on unbalanced parameter U are also discussed respectively. The results show that when the value of geometric coupling parameter α is large,it can lead to the offset of the rotor from the equilibrium position,corresponding to the rub-impact phenomenon of the rotating rotor and auxiliary bearing so that the equipment is disturbed by the abnormal vibration,however,either the large value of proportional feedback gain P or derivative feedback gain D can be in connection with the stable state of the system. In addition,the softly mounted auxiliary bearing is beneficial to the stability of the system,and the choice of unbalanced parameter U has a significant effect on the state of the system. Key words Magnetic rotor; Auxiliary bearing; Rub-impact; Vibration; Chaos Corresponding author: XU Lu,E-mail: xljtedu@ The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 11161027,11262009) ,and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education ( No. 20136204110001 ) , and the Lanzhou Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project( No. 2015-RC-3) . Manuscript received 20180209,in revised form 20180724.



动量轮滚动轴承-转子系统非线性动力响应分析朱玉鹏;朱川峰;谢鹏飞;于晓凯;杨茹萍【摘要】建立了考虑非线性轴承力的动量轮轴承-转子系统动力学方程,并采用Runge-Kutta数值方法对其求解.利用分岔图、Poincare映射图、幅值谱图依次分析了不同转速、等效阻尼、径向游隙状态下系统动力学响应特征.分析结果表明:滚动轴承-转子系统具有丰富的周期、拟周期以及混沌的响应形式.混沌响应中存在变柔度振动,且x方向较为剧烈.合理选择滚动轴承的参数组合,可使滚动轴承-转子系统处于较稳定的振动响应状态.【期刊名称】《河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(039)003【总页数】5页(P24-28)【关键词】滚动轴承-转子系统;非线性动力学;变柔度振动;振动响应【作者】朱玉鹏;朱川峰;谢鹏飞;于晓凯;杨茹萍【作者单位】河南科技大学土木工程学院,河南洛阳471023;洛阳轴研科技股份有限公司,河南洛阳471039;洛阳轴研科技股份有限公司,河南洛阳471039;洛阳轴研科技股份有限公司,河南洛阳471039;河南科技大学土木工程学院,河南洛阳471023【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH133.33;O3220 引言动量轮广泛应用于航天、航空等领域的惯性制导系统中,承载着飞行器姿态调整和轨迹变换的重要任务,其主要由4部分组件构成:轴承组件、电机组件、壳体组件和轮体组件[1]。


超长时间的高速运转及复杂受力导致轴承在工作过程中会出现一些异常振动,传统的线性理论无法合理解释这种现象的存在,越来越多的专家学者开始用非线性理论进行分析 [2]。








1.具有不平衡-碰摩耦合故障的转子-滚动轴承系统非线性动力学研究 [J], 陈果
2.非线性连续转子轴承系统碰摩故障动力学行为研究 [J], 李朝峰;李小彭;马辉;闻
3.碰摩故障转子-滚动轴承耦合系统非线性动力学研究 [J], 李飞敏;陈果
4.轴承座受冲击条件下转子系统碰摩动力学行为研究 [J], 贺少华;吴新跃
5.磁悬浮转子-轴承碰摩系统的非线性动力学行为 [J], 徐璐;饶晓波;褚衍东



三种非线性油膜力模型的分析比较1)王晋麟曹登庆2)王立刚黄文虎(哈尔滨工业大学航天学院,137 信箱,哈尔滨150001)摘要:本文分析比较了三种具有解析表达式的圆轴承非线性油膜力模型,对比了建立油膜力时,Reynolds 方程及其边界条件所采用的假设条件,并以200MW汽轮发电机低压转子为例,比较了不同油膜力模型对系统非线性行为的影响,并分析了产生各种差异的因素。

关键词:转子―轴承;汽轮机;非线性振动;油膜振荡中图分类号:TH133 O3220引言转子―轴承系统非线性动力学行为研究是转子动力学中较为活跃的一个领域。





















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