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28.What kind of festival is thi s Festival for the Dead?

A.A sad festival. B.A happy festival. C.A Chinese festival. D.A world festival.

29.Why is food laid out for the dead?

A.Because the dead don’t take any food with them.

B.Because the de ad haven’t eaten anything for a long time.

C.Because the living have too much food and they want to give the dead something to eat. D.Because the living think that the dead might be hungry when they come home.

48. 你确信这场火灾两天内将会被扑灭?

49. 为了保持健康,我别无选择只能放弃抽烟。

50. 她太胖了而不能穿过那扇门。

51. 我带你转转,以便你好了解一下你的新公司。

52. 我认为父母不必太为他们的孩子们担心。

六、阅读表达(共3小题;分值为1 +2 +3分,满分6分)

Last spring I was walking in a park. In front of me there was a mum and her 3-year-old daughter. The little girl was holding on to a string, which

had a balloon at the other end.

All of a sudden, a sharp gust (一阵风) of wind took the balloon from the little girl. I thought she would scream and cry.

But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon rise to the sky, she cheerfully shouted out, “Wow!”

I didn’t realize it at that moment. But that little girl t aught me something.

Later that day, I received a phone call from a person with news of a sudden problem.

I almost re plied with “Oh no, what should we do?” But remembering that little girl, I found myself saying: “Wow, that is interesting! How can I help you?”

One thing is for sure — life is always going to put us off balance with things we don’t expect. But how we act to them is our choice. We can choose to be discouraged or interested.

No matter what the situation is, a “Wow!” will always beat “Oh, no.”

So next time you m eet one of life’s unexpected gusts, remember that little girl and make it a “W ow!” experience. It always works.

53. Where was the little girl?

54. How did the little girl feel when her balloon was blown away?

55. Will you have an active mood when unexpected trouble comes up? Why or why not?

A Chil d or Two


一、单项填空 (每小题1分)

1 – 5 DDBCC 6 – 10 ABDDB 11– 15 ABBDC

二、完形填空 (每小题1分)

16 – 20 ACCBD 21 – 25 ABDDD

三、阅读理解 (每小题2分)

26 – 27 BD 28 – 30 ADD 31 – 33 ACC 34 – 37 ACBB

四、词汇检测 (每小题1分)

38. development 39. uglier 40. cancelled 41. lying 42. actresses’

43. disabled 44. shapes 45. none 46. especially 47. against

五、句子翻译 (每小题3分)

48. Are you the fire will be put out in two days?

49. I have no choice but to give up smoking in order to keep it[

50. She is too fat to go through the door.

51. I’ll show you around so that you can ge t to know your new company.

52. I don’t think it necessary for parents to worry too much about their children.

六、阅读表达 (53小题1分,54小题2分,55小题3分)

53. She was in a park.

54. She felt cheerfu l.

55. 略
