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1. Clear/pave/ope n/prepare the way for sth


Scie ntists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed explorati on of Mars.

2. Be a prime example of …


The melting ice caps is a prime example of the effects of globe warming.

3. Have a high opinion of sb/sth

Hold sb in high regard


This, however, is no indication that they have a particularly high opinion of the spiritual

contribution of women.

4. Have high hopes for sb/sth


Pare nts ofte n have high hopes for their childre n.

5. Be of the utmost importa nce/be of param ount importa nee


Wome n 'role as mothers is of param ount importa nee to society.

6. It is hard/difficult to overestimate sth


It is hard to overestimate the potential gains from this process.

7. See sth in a positive light


If the job seeker spends a year travelling after school, employers often see this in a positive light.

相反:See sth in a negative light:从负面角度看某事


1. Leave someth in g/much to be desired


相似:There is still room for improvement.

In spectors say health and safety procedures at the factory leave much to be desired.

2. Give sb/sth the thumbs dow n


Pla ns to build a house on the site have bee n give n the thumbs dow n by the Departme nt of the En viro nment.

3. To the detrime nt of sth


相似:be detrimental to sth.

4. Place/put sb at a disadva ntage


The face that he didn 'speak a foreign Ianguage put him at a distinet disadvantage.

5. Sth does n'tam ount to much


Although these proclamations (声明)look impressive on paper, they have not amounted to much in practice.


1. Weigh up the pros and cons of


We're just weigh ing up the pros and cons of moving to a bigger house.

2. opinion is widely divided as to whether …


Opin io n is divided as to whether programmers will welcome or reject such tools.

3. Sth/sb receive/meet with a mixed receptio n


Her last album has met with a mixed reception from fans.

4. On the minus side,…on the plus side


相似:on the debit side …on the credit side …

On the minus side, the job doesn 'pay well, but on the plus side, the work is easy.

5. Be a mixed bless ing


相似:be a double-edged sword/weapon

Work ing in a big city is a mixed bless in g. It is so convenient and comfortable there, but no ise polluti on and traffic con gesti on are two big headaches.

6. Be no differe nee from sb.sth


The publish ing bus in ess is no differe nt from any other bus in ess in this respect.

7. Be not in the same league


Her latest film is quite watchable but it 'not in the same league as her first two epics.

8. Pale into in sig ni fica nee whe n compared with

Pale into in sig ni fica nce in comparis on with


Today's econo mic problems pale in comparis on with those of the 1930s.

9. Have no parallel 无可匹敌

相似:sec ond to none

These beautiful Africa n churched have no parallel in Europe.
