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面对这样的城市文脉, 安藤忠雄选择与外界隔 绝。这样,建筑的空间 怡人而具有内向性,完 全的聚焦在中间纯洁静 谧的水池空间。 Evidently closed-off from the world around it, the architectural space becomes intimate, inwardturning, completely folded back onto the clear, calm space of the pool.
这是安藤忠雄第一个在美国的作品。在这个项目中,他发现 他要面对的完全是一个城市的文脉,一个缺乏自然元素的芝 加哥社区环境。 In this, his first US project, however, the architect finds himself grappling with an entirely urban context, a Chicago neighborhood entirely void of natural elements.
水,在安藤忠雄的 眼中,静如平镜, 被赋予纯静的寓意。 水面在设计中的出 现,让静谧思考的 美得以升华。同时, 在这样类似典型的 日本式枯山水的空 间中,静谧的神圣 感得以扩大。
In the Chicago home, the elegant rectangular structure of the portal, parallel to the front of the building and markedly horizontal in nature, regularizes the forms of the pool, which is gently curved to accommodate an old beech tree.
芝加哥住宅全由几何体构成, 墙体都是垂直相交的。主体是 两个纯净的方形体是为了将自然的景色 融入建筑,一棵树就生长在这 里,仿佛与建筑成了密不可分 的整体
Entirely by the geometry of Chicago residential structure, the wall is vertical intersection. The main form of two square blocks of pure, connected by a rectangular corridor . The building appears only the one surface, which occurs at the concave surface of the natural landscape in order to integrate into the building, a tree to grow here, as if the building has become inextricably linked with the overall
芝加哥别墅中,与主体 建筑平行的开口墙体显 得十分优雅。这个自然 中的水平线使得柔曲的 弧形水池显得规整。依 着水池生长的毛榉树郁 郁葱葱,也可以透过这 个大洞把绿色侵入建筑 中。
围合的墙体将芝加哥世俗 的城市生活隔绝在外,中 心水池和围绕着它的树林 在内部创造出一种静谧纯 净的自然氛围。在水面的 烘托下,景长廊和主空间 凹进曲面将自然景色引入 室内,光与影的变化既柔 化了混凝土壁体形成的僵 硬空间,也将时间与空间 融为一体。.
Enclosed by the wall, the house is cut off from outside city life in Chicago . Around the pool , the trees of its quiet in the house create a pure natural environment. With the help of the pool water, the landscape view pours inside naturally. Changes in light and shadow not only soften the concrete to form the rigid wall space, time and space will also be incorporated as a body.
The presence of water, which the architect has always interpreted as a clear, undisturbed mirror, permits aesthetic development of the theme of the reflection, augmenting the typically Japanese magic sacredness of the architectural space.
根据这座私人住宅的各种需要,安藤忠雄835平米的 基地分成两部分,中间通过一个大而长的起居室相 连接。这种“U”形的平面布置使得安藤忠雄能够 把这样一池净水融入他的设计,与建筑相映生辉。
Ando decides upon an anomalous variation on the classic theme of the private residence, dividing the 835 square meters of space into two separate bodies connected by a large living room: the C shape thus formed allows him to incorporate a large pool of water into the design, and have the house face onto it.