第十七讲 阅读理解

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第wenku.baidu.com七讲 阅读理解
解题方法: 1.兼顾理解与速度两方面. ⑴ 把注意力集中在句子所表达的内容以及句子与句子之间的逻辑关系上; ⑵ 不要孤立地看句子或死抠个别词义. 2.不同体裁文章应选择不同阅读方法. ⑴ 记叙文----特别注意人物的特征,主要情节,事件发生的时间,地点及最后结局; ⑵ 说明文----抓住所说明事物的基本特点及作用,以及与有关事物的关系,差异,记住面积,重量,数 量,温度,距离等有关数字; ⑶ 议论文----首先掌握议论的主题,其次是作者的观点,论据﹙主要理由及事实﹚和最后结论. 3.阅读文章做路标,明确题型找考点,重叠原文定答案. 4.先看问题再读文章﹙暂不看四个选项﹚. 5.先易后难﹙往往是文章难问题容易﹚. 6.掌握必要的应试方法与技巧. ⑴ 目的明确----认知和获取文章内含的信息; ⑵ 方法得当----研读法,跳读法,略读法,查读法 ①研读法﹙study reading﹚----能够在一定程度上提高阅读理解的准确性但不能保证速度; ②跳读法﹙skipping﹚----能够提高阅读速度,缩短阅读时间但不能准确理解文中信息; ③略读法﹙skimming﹚----用2-3分钟将文章略读一遍,了解文章的体裁,题材和大概意思, 确定基本思路和思维框架.文章简单可直接回答问题,文章复杂可利用查读法进一步阅读; ④查读法﹙scanning﹚----理解文章的具体信息,找取具体细节,确定答案 a. 不必细读文章的各个部分,而按问题顺序依次查找; b. 一定要在原文中准确确定答案的出处; c. 答案的出处与正确选项中必有原词或同义/近义词复现; ⑤一定要将略读法和查读法相结合-----首读采用略读法,再读采用查读法.
⑶ 重点突出 ①侧重首句尾句,首段尾段----文章或段落的中心思想或主旨大意; 常用“主﹢系﹢表”结构----语气肯定,表述清晰,概念明确,句型简洁. 如:That is……, It is essential/important……, a case in point…… ②侧重语篇标志词----联结文章中句子与句子,段落与段落,把握文章脉落及逻辑关系; a.举例 如:引用/排比句/调查结果/实验结论/ for example/for instance/such as---这些段落或句子前后的句子往往是重要论点. b.比较 如:in addition to/as well as/together with/with/but/except/with the exception of/as…as…/just as…/than/while ----相比 之下,被比较的客体更为重要. c.转折 如:on the contrary, but, however, nonetheless, nevertheless, while, although, still, on the other hand, in fact, actually, yet, 破折号-----句子比较长,表述比较复杂,前后相比后句更重要. d.因果 如:because, since, as, so, therefore, with短语, without短语, and, result in, result from, be due to, owing to, in that, as a result of/that, consequently, reason, basic, derive from, stem from ﹙起源于﹚, 冒号, 破折号----句型严谨缜密, 逻辑性极强,长难句,结构复杂,往往是给果考因. e.递进 如:moreover/in addition/second and the more important f. 时间 g. 地点 h.目的 i. 条件 如:在宏观环境下的条件引导词----- if, as, when, once…… 在微观环境下的条件引导词----- determine, depend on/upon…… 往往是给主句,答条件. j. 结论 如:predict, predictable, conclude, conclusion, infer, imply, suggest, suggestion, assume …… k.表达强烈感情的词语 如:表示绝对含义-----must, have to, mustn’t, never, not…at all, none, all, any, every first/top﹢形容词的最高级形式,completely, entirely, totally, altogether, wholly, to the core, to death, even upon death 表示唯一性-----only, unique, exclusively, merely, barely …… 表示重要性-----necessary﹙必要的,必需的,必然的,不可避免的﹚, important﹙重要的,重大的﹚, essential﹙必要的,必不可少的,本质的,实质的﹚, imperative﹙紧急的,刻不容缓的﹚, vital ﹙生死攸关的,致命的﹚, advisable﹙可取的,适当的,合理的,贤明的﹚, sufficient ﹙充分的,足够的﹚,possible﹙可能的,潜在的,可能发生的﹚, key anxious﹙忧虑的,焦急的,渴望的,急切的﹚, urgent﹙紧急的,迫切的,强求的,催促的﹚, desirable﹙称心的,合意的﹚, reasonable ﹙通情达理的,公平合理的,合乎情理的﹚, 表示过分性-----too, extremely, excessively 倒装句 强调句----③侧重长句和难句----理论性强,思想内容复杂,文章更具说服力;
⑷题型熟悉 ①主旨大意题----文章或段落的主题思想,写作意图,标题等.常见的问题方式有: Which of the following is the main idea of the passage/paragraph? The main idea of the passage/paragraph is that ________. The major point discussed in the passage/paragraph ________. The best title for this passage/paragraph would be ________. The author’s purpose in writing the passage/paragraph is ________. The passage/paragraph is mainly about ________. 这类题多出现在议论文和说明文中,要超越对文字本身的理解,把握议论文和说明文文体的结构形式和推理过 程,准确找出主题/主旨句. a.首句主题/主旨句-----对有关论点做出总的陈述. A quick reading of newspaper leads us to one conclusion. Actual events are never told us in full detail. Newspaper only tell enough to satisfy those who finance them. If the newspapers told us what was actually going on in the would, people would be so upset that they might retrain from reading the paper. b.尾句主题/主旨句-----以列举事实开头,通过论证得出结论. A few years ago it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap, a division between young people and their elders. Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all. What had gone wrong? Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared? Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time. It is built into the fabric of our society. The main idea of the paragraph is _B_. A. that the generation gap suddenly appeared B. that the generation gap is a feature of the society C. that parents and children could not understand each other D. what the generation gap is c.首尾结合主题/主旨句-----开头提出问题,直述主题,通过论证,最后在强调重述主旨,前后照应. Good manners are important in all countries, but way of expressing good manners are different from country to country. Americans eat with knives and forks; Japanese eat with chopsticks. Americans say “Hi” when they meet; Japanese bow. Many Americans men open doors for women; Japanese men do not. On the surface, it appears that good manners in America are not good manners in Japan, and in a way this is true. But in any country, the only manners that are important are those involving one person’s behavior toward others and bad manners not to. It is only the way of behaving politely that differs from country to country.
测试目的:通过阅读获取信息.包括准确把握文中信息的能力,逻辑判断能力,语言分析能力和综合归纳 能力. 测试重点: 1. 确定文章或段落的中心思想或主旨大意; 2. 辨认与中心思想有关的事实与细节; 3. 依据上下文的语义推断出词语或句子的确切含义; 4. 在理解词语和句子的基础上,依据文章的语意结构,得出合乎逻辑的结论,进行合理的推论及综 合的概括. 日常训练重点: 1. 扩大阅读量,提高阅读理解能力和阅读速度; ⑴ 注意精读与泛读学习相结合; ⑵ 在精读文章的基础上扩大阅读量是提高英语阅读能力的有效手段; ⑶ 选择难度和长度适合自己实际英语水平的文章,从易到难逐步提高阅读层次. 2. 加强语言知识的学习与训练; ⑴ 词汇学习一定要与阅读密切联系; ⑵ 单词与短语只有放在具体的语言环境中才有意义; ⑶ 在英语语言的实际运用中,几乎绝大部分单词都是一词多义或一词多用; 3. 扩大知识面,增加背景知识; ⑴ 测试题材广泛----社会生活,人物传记,科普,史地,政治,经济等; ⑵ 应较多了解西方文化特别是英美文化; ⑶ 了解目前科技和社会发展状况. 4. 熟悉不同的文章体裁. ⑴ 议论文----阐明某种观点,包括论点,论据等; ⑵ 记叙文----讲述故事,包括时间,地点,人物,故事过程等; ⑶ 说明文----说明事物的情况或道理,经常以事物的内在关系或外部联系为主线; ⑷ 应用文----日常生活或工作中经常应用的文体如公文,书信,广告等.