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1. In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend called

__critical realism____ appeared after the romantic poetry.

2. Critical realism found its fine expression in the form of


3. The English critical realists of the 19th century not only gave a

satirical portrayal of the bourgeoisies and all the ruling class, but also

showed profound sympathy for the __common people_______.

4. As the novel Martin Chuzzlewit describes, in the United States,

young Martin meets with all sorts of adventures and suffered many

hardships, the narration of which gives the author a good chance to

expose the social vices prevalent in that country, especially the

worship of _money_______.

5. The Victorian Age in English literature was largely an age of prose,

especially of the __novel_______.

6. The novel __martin chuzzlewit____________ attacks the worship of

money in England and America. In England the money motive was

concealed beneath the outward show of morality and so turned into

hypocrisy; while in America the cult of the dollar was openly

acknowledged and it led to shameless display of motives and actions

with money grubbing as the only objective.

7. The most important poet of the Victorian Age was _alfred

tennyson_______. Next to him were Robert Browning and his wife.

8. __charles dickens________ was the greatest representative of

English critical realism.

9. The novel __the pickwick papers________ deals with the adventures

of Mr. Pickwick, a retired old merchant, who is the founder and

chairman of the Pickwick Club.

10. The novel __nicholas nickleby_______ touches upon a burning

question of Dickens’s time: the education of children in the private


11. Of all of Dickens’s novels, __david copperfield_______ is regarded

as his masterpiece.

12. The novel Hard Time makes a fierce attack on the bourgeois system

of education and the bourgeois philosophy


13. In A Tale of Two Cities, the two cities are __paris and

london__________ in the time of revolution.

14. The Bronte sisters are Charlotte Bronte, _emily bronte________ and

Anne Bronte.

15. Charlotte Bronte’s masterpiece is _jane eyre_________.

16. Emily Bronte’s masterpiece is __wuthering heights________.

17. Thomas Hardy’s novels of character and environment, which are also

called __wessex novels_______, are of great significance.

18. Among Thomas Hardy’s novels, the best-known are _ tess of the

D’urbervilles__________ and Jude the Obscure.

19. Thomas Hardy’s novel ___jude the obscure_________ tells a story

about poor villager’s love affaires with a married school mistress

named Sue.

20. Tess is seduced by a squire named Alec before she marries the

clergyman’s son named ___angel clare__________.

21. In Victorian poetry, the “Brownings” refers to Robert Browning and

his wife _elizabeth barret________ Browning.

22. Maud is a long poem by _alfred tennyson________ in the form of


23. Tennyson’s Idylls of the King consist of 12 metrical tales telling the

stories of ___king arthur_______ and his knights.

24. In Memoriam is a collection of 131 short poems intended as a lament

for the death of his friend __Hallam_________.

25. _the ring and the book___________is Robert Browning’s

masterpiece which tells a horrible story of a man’s murder of his

beautiful young wife.


1. In the period of Victorian Age, a new literary trend call pre-

romanticism (critical realism)appeared, which flourished in the

forties and the early fifties. F

2. English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of

drama(novel). F

3. The Pickwick Papers(oliver twist), written in 1837-1838, tells a story

of an orphan boy, whose adventures provided a description of the

lower depths of London. F
