
1.Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human natureand came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.2.Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance3.The goals of humanistic poetry are: skillful handling of conventions, force ofking1970uage, and, above all, the development of a rhetorical plan in which meter, rhyme, scheme, imagery and argument should all be combined to frame the emotional theme and throw it into high relief.4.Shakespeare’s sonnets are the only direct expression of the poet’s own feelings.5.Shakespeare’s history plays are mainly written under the principle that nationalunity under a mighty and just sovereign is a necessity.6.In his romantic comedies, Shakespeare takes an optimistic attitude toward loveand youth, and the romantic elements are brought into full play.7.The successful romantic tragedy is Romeo and Juliet, which eulogizes thefaithfulness of love and the spirit of pursuing happiness.8.Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies are: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth.They have some characteristics in common. Each portrays some noble hero.9.The most import works of his first group include The Advancement of Learning,Written in English; Novum Organum, an enlarged Latin version of The Advancement of Learning.10.One is the knowledge obtained from the Divine Revelation, the other is theknowledge from the workings of human mind.11.According to Bacon, man’s understanding consists of three parts: history to man’smemory, poetry to man’s imagination and creation, and philosophy to man’s reason.12.Bacon, as a humanist intellect, shows the new empirical attitudes toward truthabout nature and bravely challenges the medieval scholasticists.13.Bacon’s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulness.14.The mid-century was, however, predominated by a newly rising literaryform---the modern English novel, which, contrary to the traditional romance of aristocrats, gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people. 15.This urgency was provoked by two important revolutions: the French Revolutionof 1789-1794 and the English Industrial Revolution which happened more slowly, but with Astonishing consequences.16.The Romantic Movement, whether in England, Germany or France, expressed amore or less negative forward the existing social.17.The Romantics demonstrated a strong reaction against the dominant modes ofthinking of the 18th-century writers and philosophers. Where their predecessors saw man as a social animal, the Romantics saw him essentially as an individual in the solitary state.18.Thus, we can say that Romanticism actually constitutes a change of direction fromattention to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit.19.Wordsworth defines the poet as a “man speaking to men,”and poetry as “thespontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility.”20.The major theme of Jane’s novels is love and marriage toward which she holds ona practical idealism---love should be justified by reason and disciplined byself-control. She chooses to stay within the tiny field that she knows best. she has become a popular classic and has been admired for her wit, her common-sense, her insight into characters and social relationships.21.Gothic novel, a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late eighteenthcentury, its principal elements were violence, horror, and the supernatural.22.Shelley held a lifelong aversion to cruelty, injustice, authority, institutionalreligion and the formal shams of respectable society, condemning war, tyranny and exploitation.23.Her first novel, Sense and Sensibility, tells a story about two sisters and their loveaffairs: Pride and Prejudice, the most popular of her novels, deals with five Bennet sisters and search for suitable husbands; and Northanger Abbey.24.The works of Jane Austen, at once delightful and profound, are among thesupreme achievements of English literature. With trenchant observation and in meticulous detail, she presents the quiet, day-to-day country life of the upper-middle-class English.25.Because of her sensitivity to universal patterns of human behavior, Jane Austenhas brought the English novel, as an art of form, to its maturity, and she has been regarded by many critics as one of the greatest of all novelists.。

英美文学简明教程上册课文翻译1. England’s inhabitants are Celts. And it is conquered by Romans(罗马),Anglo Saxons (盎格鲁撒克逊人)and Normans (日耳曼). The Anglo-Saxons brought the Germanic language and culture to England,while Normans brought the Mediterranean civilization(地中海文明) , including Greek culture(古希腊文化),Rome law(罗马法律)and the Christian religion(基督教). It is the cultural influence of these two conquests that provided the source for the rise and growth of English literature.2. The old English literature(古英语文学)extends from about 450 to 1066,the year of the Norman conquest of England.3. The old English poetry(古英语诗) that has survived can be divided into two groups: The religious group and the secular one(宗教类和世俗类).4. Beowulf(贝尔武夫): a typical example of 0ld English poetry is regarded as the national epic(民族史诗) of the Anglo-Saxons. It is an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroic legends.翻译:1.英格兰的居民是凯尔特人。

(完整版)《英美文学》练习题库及答案I Of the four alternative answer, choose the one that would best complete the statement:1. Benjamin Franklin was born in the family of a small ___________ .A. LandlordB. merchantC. lawyerD. clergyman2. Ralph Waldo Emerson 'asdilneg reputation began with the publication of ___________ .A. EssaysB. NatureC. OversoulD. Self-Relience3. Ellen Poe was both a poet and a ____________________ .A. dramatistB. essayist C actor D. fiction writer.4. Nathaniel Hawthorne ' s view of man and human history originates in __________________ .A. PuritanismB. SocialismC. TranscendentalismD. naturalism5. Walt Whitman was born and brought up in a family of a _____________ .A. PeasantB. carpenterC. captainD. printer6. Mark Twain ' s first successful literary work is _____________________________ .A. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyB. Life on the MississippiC. The Adventure of Tom SawyerD. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn7. Closely related to Emily Dickinson ' s religious poetry are her poems concerning ________________A. ChildhoodB.youth and happinessC. lonelinessD. death and immortality8. Among the works of Dreiser, the bet known to the Chinese readers is _______________ .A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. Th FinancierD. The Titan9. Robert Frost ' s works mainly focus on the landscape and people in ___________________ .A. the WestB. American SouthC. New EnglandD. Mississippi10. Most of the plays Eugene O l w 'roNt e ilare ______________________ .A. comediesB. . romancesC. historical plays D tragedies11. Scott Fitzgerald is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the ____________________ .A. modern timeB. young AmericansC. Jazz AgeD. Guilded Age12. ____________________________ is Hemingway ' smasterpiece, which is about the old fishermanSantiago and his losing battle with a giant marlin.A. Farewell to ArmsB. For whom the Bell TollsC. The Sun Also RisesD. The Old Man and The Sea13. As a great fiction writer, William Faulker devotes most of his works to the description of the life and the people in the _______________________________ .A. American WestB. New England in AmericaC. American SouthD. American North14. When he was young, Benjamin Franklin became an apprentice in a ________________ .A. printing houseB. storeC. Tailor ' s shopD. factory15. Ralph Emerson was born in a family of a ___________________ .A. merchantB. businessmanC. clergymanD. writer16. Ellen Poe began his literary career by writing _________________ ;A. short storiesB. playsC. essaysD. poems17. According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, there is ________ in every hearer, which may remain latent, perhaps,英美文学》练习测试题库及答案本科through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity.A. evilB. virtueC. kindn essD. tragedy18. Whitman is radically innovative in term of form of his poetry. What he prefers for his new subjects and new feeli ngs is ____________ .A. bla nk verseB. free verseC. heroic coupletD. sonnet19. Mark Twain shaped the world ' s view of America and made a comb in ati on of serious literature and _______A. America n folk humorB. En glish folkloreC. America n traditi onal valuesD. funny jokes20. Altogether, Emily Dick inson wrote ____ poems, of which only sever n had appeared duri ng her lifetime.A. 1145B. 1775C. 897D. 78521. Theodore Dreiser is gen erally ack no wledged as one of America' s literaryA. realistsB. n aturalistsC. roma ntistsD. modernists 22. In Frost ' s poems, images and metaphors in his poems are drawn from ___________________A. the simple country lifeB. the urba n lifeC. the life on the seaD. the adve ntures and trips23. Scott Fitzgerald never spared an intimate touch in his fiction to deal with the bankruptcy of the24. Eugene O ' Neill is regarded as the founder of American _____________________ .A. poetryB. dramaC. ficti onD. literature25. _________________ is Hemingway ' s masterpiece, which tellsa story about the tragic love of a woundecAmerican soldier with a British nurse.C. For Whom the Bell Tolls 26. William Faulk ner was born ina family of a ______________________ .A. mercha ntB. colonelC. man agerD. doctor27. In his essays, ______ p ut forward his philosophy of the over soul, the importa nt of the In dividual and Nature.A. Natha niel HawthorneB. Washi ngton IrvingC. Mark Twai nD. Ralph Waldo Emers on28. The chief spokesma n of New En gla nd Transcenden talism is _______A. Natha niel HawthorneB. Ralph Waldo Emers onC. Henry David ThoreauD. Wash ington Irvi ng29. _____ l iterary world turns out to be a most disturbed, tormented and problematical one, which has much to do with his black” vision of life and human beings.A. Herma n Melville'sB. Washi ngton Irvi ng'sC. Nathaniel Hawthorne'sD. Walt Whitman s30. Most of the poems in ____ sing of the en-masse and the self as well.A. Leaves of GrassB. Drum TapsC. North of Bost onD. The Can tos31. In ____ , Whitma n airs his sorrow at Preside nt Lin colnsdeath.A. Cavalry Crossing a FordB. A Pact ”C. When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom 'dD. There was a Child Went Forth ”A. America n DreamB. ruli ng classes B. America n Capitalists D.America n bourgeoisieA. A Farewell to ArmsB. The Sun Also RisesD. In Our Time32.In ___ , Whitman's own early experience may well be identified with the childhood of a young growingAmerica.A. “A Pact”B. “Song of Myself ”C. “There was a Child Went Forth”D. “Cavalry Crossing a Ford”33.In _____ , Hawthorne sets out to prove that everyone possesses some evil secret.A. “The Custom-House”B. “Young Goodman Brown”C. “Rappaccini's Daughter”D. “The Birthmark"34. _____ is called by Hemingway the one from which“all modern American literature c omes”.A. The adventures of Huckleberry FinnB. The Adventures of Tom aSwyerC. The Gilded AgeD. Life on the Mississippi35. Theodore Dreiser's forgiving treatment of the career of his heroine in ____ also draws heavily upon thenaturalistic understanding of sexuality.A McTeague B. An American Tragedy C. Sister Carri e D. The Genius36. _____ is a great giant of American, whom H.L.Mencken considers “the true father of our nationalliterature.”A. Henry JamesB. Washington IrvingC. Mark TwainD. Theodore Dreiser37. _____ is usually regarded as a classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Innocents AbroadD. Life on the Mississippi38. _____ is described by Mark Twain as a boy with“a sound heart and a deformed conscienc”e.A. Tom SawyerB. Huckleberry FinnC. JimD.Tony39. _______ is considered to be Theodore Dreise'sr greatest work.A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. The FinancierD. The Titan40. The leading playwright of the modern period in American literature, if not the most successful in all hisexperiments, is ______A. Arthur MillerB. Tennessee WilliamC. George Bernard ShawD. Eugene O'Neil41. The well- known soliloquy by Hamlet “ T o be , or not to be ' shows hisA. hatred for his uncleB. love for lifeC. resolution of revengeD. inner- strife42. _______ is a play that concerns the problem of modern ma'sn identity.A. The Hairy ApeB. Long Day's Journey Into NightC. The Iceman ComethD. The Emperor Jones43.In a tragic sense, ______ is a representation of life as a struggle against unconquerable forces in whichonly a partial victory is possible.A. For Whom the Bell TollsB. In Our TimeC. The Old Man and the SeaD. A Farewell to Arms44. Faulkner once said that _________ is a story of “ lost innocence,'which proves itself to be andintensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past.A. The Sound and the FuryB. Light in AugustC. Go Down, MosesD. Absalom, Absalom! 45.In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner makes best use of the __________________________ devices in narration.A. RomanticB. RealisticC. GothicD. Modernist46. _____ is Hemingway's first true novel in which he depictsa vivid portrait of “The lost Generation.”A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmsC. In Our TimeD. For Whom the Bell Tolls47. The only dramatist ever to win a Nobel Prize was _________ .A. Bernard ShawB. Eugene O'NeilC. Richard Brinsley SheridanD. William Shakespeare48. __________________________ By means of “free verse,” believes that he has turned the poem into anopen field, an area of vitalpossibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.A. Emily DickinsonB. Walt WhitmanC. Robert FrostD. Ezra Pound49. An eccentric woman who refuses to accept the passageoftime, or the inevitable change and loss thataccompanies it may probably refer to ______ .A. Irene in The Man of PropertyB. Emily in A Rose for EmilyC. Catherine in Wuthering HeightsD. the widow Douglas in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn50. One source of evil that Nathaniel Hawthorne is concerned most is overreaching intellect. Which of the following stories is one of this kind?A. Rappaccini's DaughterB. Young Goodman BrownC. The Minister's Black VeilD. The Birthmark51. “In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel. ”This is the last sentence of __________ .A. Sister CarrieB. An American TragedyC. The GeniusD. Jane Eyre 52.In Walt Whitman's “There was a Child Went Forth”, the child refers to _________________________________________ .A. the poet himself as a childB. any American childC. the young AmericaD. one of the poet's neighbor53. The ______ techniques are used in some of Eugene O'Neil 's plays to highlight the theatrical effect of therupture between the two sides of an individual human being, the private and the public.A. naturalisticB. expressionisticC. stream-of-consciousnessD. metaphysical54. Which of the following is true as far as Emily Dickinson 's poetry is concerned? A. She seldom uses dashes.B. All her poems are about death or immorality.C. Her poems are very personal and meditativeD. Her poems usually have well-chosen titles. 55.In his poems, Whitman tends to use ___________________ .A. oral EnglishB. the King 's EnglishC. American EnglishD. old English56. As far as Nathaniel Hawthorne's art is concerned, which of the following statement is true? A. His The Scarlet Letter tells a love story.B. His art is deeply influenced by Puritanism because he was a puritan himself.C. Young Goodman Brownis a story about superstition.D. Ambiguity is one of the salient characteristics of his art.57. “I like to see it lap the Miles—And lick the Valleys up —And stop to feed itself at Tanks—And the n ---- ” (Emily Dick inson, “like to see it lap the Miles—)Here “it” refers to _____ .A. loveB. deathC. a flyD. the train58. Which of the following statements concerning Theodore Dreise'rs style is correct?A. Dreiser'sCowperwood trilogy includes The Financier, The Titan and The GeniusB. His novels have little detail descriptions of characters and events.C. His novels are written in refined language.D. His style is not polished but very serious.59. ____ has long been well known as a poet who can hardly be classified with the old or the new.A. Ezra PoundB. Robert Lee FrostC. T. S. EliotD. Emily Dickinson60. F. Scott Fitzgerald skillfully employs the device of having events observe by ___________ to his greatadvantage.。

文学翻译的考试题及答案文学翻译考试题及答案1. 将下列中文句子翻译成英文,并注意保持原句的文学韵味。
- 中文句子:月光洒在静谧的湖面上,犹如一层薄薄的银纱。
- 英文翻译:The moonlight sprinkles over the tranquil lake surface like a thin layer of silver gauze.2. 阅读以下英文段落,并将其翻译成中文,注意保留原文的修辞手法和情感色彩。
- 英文段落:In the soft glow of the setting sun, the meadow seemed to breathe with a life of its own, as if every blade of grass was a living, pulsating heart.- 中文翻译:在落日的柔和光辉中,草地似乎拥有了自己的生命,仿佛每一片草叶都是一颗跳动的心脏。
3. 选择下列任一文学作品中的一个片段,进行翻译,并简要分析其翻译难点。
- 选项A:《红楼梦》- 选项B:《百年孤独》- 翻译片段:(此处考生需自行选择并翻译相应的文学作品片段)- 分析:(此处考生需根据所选片段进行翻译难点分析)4. 将下列英文诗歌翻译成中文,并尝试保持其韵律和节奏。
- 英文诗歌:When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;- 中文翻译:当你老了,头发花白,睡意沉沉,倦坐在炉边,取下这本书,慢慢读,梦想你眼中曾有的柔情,和那深深的影子;5. 评析以下中文翻译片段的质量,并提出改进建议。

Part One:English Poetry1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18•Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer’s day? And who could `thee` be?Because summer’s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love.•What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why?Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May.•How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?Thee is more beautiful than summer.•What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal?Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal.•What figures of speech are used in this poem?Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on .•What is the theme of the poem?Love conquers all, Beauty lives on.2. Thomas Nashe Spring•Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images.There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!”The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people’s relationship.•Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem?In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ].3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning•What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die?Why does the speaker forbid mourning?No, it is about the lover s’separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife’s love is sacred, he didn’t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.In the first verse, the poet used virtuous men’s death metaphor for lovers’separation, in the third verse he used “moving of the earth” and “trepidation of the spheres” metaphor for lovers’ separation and the result of separation, in the last three verse he used stiff twin compasses’two legs metaphor for poet himself and his wife. All these metaphors show poet opinion that he will separate from his wife in peace, their love is a scared love, when they away from each other, they will not be hurt by the pain of the separation. He and his wife will not really separate. They care about each other and listen to the other one’s heart, their trust and loyalty makes their love perfect like the circle made by a twin compasses.4.William Blake The Tiger•What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger?The symbol of the Tiger is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholars have hypothesized that the Tiger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, the sublime, or vision itself. The list is almost infinite. The point is, the Ti ger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits the possibilities.Here are two major symbolisms:The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation.The tiger shows the force of French Revolution.•What paradox can you find in the poem?"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame, he is so kind a father. But it didn’t know god also create the tough tiger. He can also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings.5.Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose•How dose the narrator in the love song express his love?In stanza 1, the narrator presents two similes, the first comparing his love to a rose and the second comparing his love to a melody.In stanza 2, the narrator addresses the young lady as bonnie. In the last line of the stanza, he presents hyperbole, a figure of speech that exaggerates.In stanza 3, the man promises eternal love for her.In stanza 4, the poet vows to love her however far he may go.•Why is this poem so touching to the readers?Because this poem professes the poet’s true love for his beloved girl, and uses the mentioned above to touch the readers.6.William Wordsw orth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud•What does the poet see?He sees some daffodils.•What is the poet’s mood before he sees the daffodils?Vacant and pensive.•What is the poet’s mood after he sees the daffodils?He is very pleasant.•How does the magical change occur?Those daffodils show a fantastic picture to the poet, and the poet has been deeply affected by the scene, and his mood changes.•What is the theme of the poem? Or what does the poet want to tell you?It shows the beauty of nature, and the nature’s beauty uplifts the human spirit, and the harmony between human and nature.7.Robert Browning My Last Duchess• 1. In this poem, who and on what occasion is speaking to whom?The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.•What sort of person is the Duke’s last Duchess?She is kind, easy-going, innocent and lively.•And what became of her in the end?She became very upset and worrying. The duchess died under suspicious circumstances on April 21, 1561, just two years after he married her. She may have been poisoned.• 2. What sort of person is the Duke?He is outrageously arrogant, narrow-minded, selfish, hypocritical, cold-blooded, crucial, greedy and treacherous.8.Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain!•Q:Walt Whitman’s poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written in the form of an allegory. What is the overall connotative meaning in the poem?A: Ship’s implied meaning is America; My capta in’ implied meaning is Abraham Lincoln who leaded America to triumph in American Civil War then;our fearful trip’s implied meaning is American Civil War after which Lincoln was assassinated. In this poem author spoken highly of Lincoln’ contribution and expressed his sorrow for Lincoln’ death.9.Emily Dickinson (1)Success is counted sweetest (67)•According to the poem, who can understand success most? Do you agree or not with the poet’s view that “Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed”?The person who best understands the meaning of success is the person who fails•What sort of feelings does the poet show toward the victor and the defeated?The poet shows her awareness of the complicated truths of human desire.Success can be comprehended by someone who need it; the defeated, dying man understand victory more clearly than the victorious army does.(2)Because I could not stop for Death (712)•How many people are there in the carriage? And where are they going right now?There are three in the carriage, the Poet, Death, and Immortality.•Where did they pass? What can these places remind us of?They passed the school, the fields of Gazing grain, the Setting Sun. It reminds usof childhood, maturity and old age, the children are evident symbols of the beginning of things, the grain rip of the adulthood, and the sun setting of the rest of the days.•What is the poet’s attitude toward death and life implied in the poem?The poet’s attitude is that death is nothing to be forced since it is natural part of the endless cycle of nature, it’s only the beginning ;to die is to go on another journey, although death takes one away from the earthy world ;there is still something to look forward to when one dies, death means eternity.10.Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening•Why did the speaker stop?Literally he was fascinated by the beautiful night scene and stoped his horse to watch the woods fill up with the snow,it was also a little break for the long travel. But in fact,it's symbolism,the 'woods' stands for the nature,the 'village' stands for the human world, 'horse' for the animal world. The poem representsa moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almostaesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesome and restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.•Why did he later decide to go?As the last sentence said 'But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep.'His 'horse' shake the bell to ask if they should go,which is actually a symbol of vitality, urges him to go. He lives in the real life, and he has his own obligation "promise to keep',he hasn't achieve it, so he must go on his trip,leave the beautiful scene.Though the scene is so amazing,he has to have the real life.Though the real life is so hard,he must back to it,and reach his goal. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal.•What is your understanding of “promises to keep”?“The promise” could be an obligation or a goal. One cannot die before fulfilling one’s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as we usually do. People have their own dream or goal,it's also the duty for us to finish, we live for ourselves and we make life wonderful by keeping on reaching our goal,no regrets leaves as long as we have reached our goals. 11. Ezra Pound In a Station of the MetroPart Two: English Fiction12. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels●In this chapter, Swift describes the smallness of the Lilliputians. What doesthis “smallness” imply in the author’s satire of the aristocratic bourgeois society of the time?Key: The Lilliput scene depicted in the first volume of the novel is a microcosm of the British Empire. The perennial endless struggle between UK Tories and Whigs and external war are essentially just politicians intrigue in the section has nothing to do with the national economy and the people's livelihood. The “smallness” imply that …●What is the cause of the civil strife and war between Lilliput and theneighbouring empire of Blefuscu? What is the target of the author’s satire?(1)Key: The parties are divided as high-heeled party and low-heeled party accordingto the height of the heel. The relationship between parties is irreconcilable;Neighboring countries not only want to conquer and enslave the other, but also argue about trifles such as which head we should knock when we will eat eggs . (2) Key: The author uses irony and innuendo tactics to reflect the British social contradictions among first half of the 18th century, to criticize the British parliamentary politics and reactionary religious forces, to expose the corruption and evil of the ruling clique, and to criticize the hazards of a war of aggression and colonialism.13Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice1.Do you agree with the statement “it is truth universally acknowledged that a singleman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”? What is the relationship between money and marriage?Key: (1) I agree with this statement. In my view, a bachelor who has lots of money is supposed to have a wife to company him. The amount of money demonstrates the ability of a person. The beauties and the wits should come together.(2) First, the relationship between marriage and money is very close; we can say that the money is the basis of marriage. This is just from the material conditions of life. However, the amount of money can’t measure the quality of marriage. A determinant of marriage is the couple's feelings, and if the lack of the feelings, life is not a happy marriage even though has more money.2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her?Key: (1) Mrs. Bennet - a foolish, noisy woman whose only goal in life is to see her daughters married. Because of her low breeding and often unbecoming behavior, Mrs. Bennet often repels the very suitors whom she tries to attract for her daughters.(2) Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character, who is noisy and foolish. And Mrs. Bennet is totally obedient and submissive in her marriage. Mrs. Bennet is a self-centered woman with the attitude that what is good enough for her is good enough for her children.14. Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights1.What is the main plot of the whole novel? What causes the tragic ending of thelove between Heathcliff and Catherine? Would it have been possible, under the circumstances, for the victimized lovers to find a way out?Key: Novel’s theme is vengeance. Katherine's character flaws is the root causes of the tragedy, Heathcliff to lost love human distortion conducted a series of revenge activities, the capitalist society for the generation of tragedy provides fertile soil. If Heathcliff get marry with Katherine, they’ll be happiness.2.Is Heathcliff’s revenge upon the Earnshaw and Linton families justifiable? Whatis the author’s attitude toward Heathcliff, judging from the final futility of the revenge?Key: For the vengeance of the people is right .but it’s wrong in law. It’s love, but Heathcliff’s love is crazy.15. Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour•What kind of character is Louise Mallard?Key: Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character with strength and insight.•What are the themes of this short story?Key: It’s mainly about the awakening of feminine awareness and the fruitless struggle of women for freedom in a man-centered world. It is about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom.•What do “heart trouble” and “the open window” symbolize?Key: (1) heart trouble symbolizes(2) the open window symbolizes16. Earnest Hemingway Hills like White Elephants• 1. What is a “white elephant ” according to the dictionary definition? What does a “white elephant” symbolize in the story?(1) Key:a: a property requiring much care and expense and yielding littleprofitb : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value to othersc : something of little or no value(2)Key: The woman is pregnant, and the White Elephant is a hint of the body ofthe women. The fact that the two. This matter becomes a heavy burden for the two people.• 2. List the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting.How risky is it physically and emotionally?(1) evidence:1.'It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig,' the man said. 'It's not really anoperation at all.'2. 'I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It's just to let theair in.'3. 'They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.'4. 'I know we will. Yon don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.'5. 'But I know it's perfectly simple.'(2) Key:1. Do affect her health, result that the body is badly weakened and be reducedimmunity in the aspect of physical.2. Do be Frustrated, empty and depressed mood which leads to that she cannot be quiet in the aspect of emotion.• 3. Has Jig made up her mind to do the operation?Key: The question about whether to do an abortion, the article comes a stop suddenly at the end. So we can’t make sure whether Jig has made up her mind to do the operation.• 4. If the operation is something already decided on, then what upsets Jig?What is the real conflict between the couple?Key: (1) She worries that she could not get happiness as before with the man. She upsets that he would leave her for ever.(2) The real conflict between the couple is that whether the man likes thewomenfrom the deep heart and their attitudes towards life.• 5. What kind of girl is Jig? How is their relation like? Does the American love Jig?Key: (1) She is restless and confused and longing for the deeper love from the man.(2) There could be many situations: first, a married man compels his loverto have a abortion; second, as a bachelor, he worries the baby would make his life be complex and so on.(3) Because of the various situations, we could not make an accurateconclusion that the man loves Jig. However, on some degree the man loves the woman by analyzing the conversation between them.• 6. What is Hemingway’s style?Key: Hemingway’s style is laconic. The characteristic is reflected in thatWhen writing, he is very clear what kind of content could pit one against ten. It is both an immediate situation and also containing other deeper meanings, which can be informed in the way of exploring something by the readers.17.William Faulkner A Rose for Emily• 1. What is the meaning of the title?Key: A rose is a funeral flower. It’s author’s tribute to Emily, and also to south, Emily is the symbol. And it has an ironic meaning to this story.• 2. What kind of woman is Miss Emily?Key: She is embodiment of south, the old and traditional, also obstinate, resists to change anything ,a determined,dignified, valiant and literate woman.• 3. How did the townspeople think of her?Key: The townspeople had mixed feelings—she was “dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil”, and perverse. Also she was always expected to bring honor to the town and set a good example for the young.• 4. What is the symbolic meaning of Emily’s house?Key: Emily’s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of southern aristocracy, also represents alienation and death.• 5. What is special about the narration of this story?Key: The writing style of the novel is using flashbacks and narration interspersed with flashbacks. The author let us know the independent but closely related events skillfully under the premise of being not exposed the true intentions, which makes us draw attention to the development of the plot without boring.Part Three: English Drama18. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark• 1. Why does sleep appear to be so fearful for Hamlet even though it can put an end to the numerous headaches in our life?Key: As described in the text, Hamlet thinks that sleep is different from death. Death means the end of life, you may go to the unknown world and you can’t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet can’t realize his will. Sleep can’t end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks. He can’t revenge and get relief through this way. He is frightened bythe possible suffering in the long “dream”. He can’t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good or evil.• 2. Why would most people prefer to bear all the sufferings in life rather than choose death as a means to end them?Key: 1. As it goes that ‘Adversity makes growth’, by solving the problems we can acknowledge plenty of skills and overcome the sufferings in life. If we choose death as a means to end them, it is too passive for us to face the obstacles in life, which will lead to the failure in life.2. Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a weary life, butthat the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we don’t know.”People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.Romeo and Juliet•What does it mean when Juliet says “That which we call a rose / By my other name would smell as sweet”?Key:In Shakespeare's time, name on behalf of their family, and his family represents the social status. And personal just only on behalf of their inner identity.And Juliet says strongly reflects her humanist outlook on life and the concept of the ideal.19. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest1.How do you understand the title of the play? What is your impression ofGwendolen? What are the most striking traits in Lady Bracknell’s character? (1) Key: Here is a pun. It’s important to be a serious man. And the author wants to satirize the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.(2) Key: She advocates sincere, do be intelligent and friendly, and is able to forgive the mistakes of others. She do be a earnest person.(3) Key: Lady Bracknell embodies the stereotype of the Victorian English aristocrat woman. She belongs to aristocratic society and is a typical Victorian snob, who is arrogant, formal and concerned with money. She is interested only in a materialistic world.20. Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape1.Yank assumes more than once the posture of Rodin’s “The Thinker” in the play.What does it have to do with the play’s motif and tone? What are the major images and symbols employed in the play to dramatize the theme?(1) Key: 1. The themes of this article are modern man loses his sense of belonging under technological progress and humanity is in a predicament by creating a world he does not belong to.2. The Thinker is often painful, which demonstrates the profoundly tragic matter of modern people like Yank: he is thinking and looks forward to a better life, but he doesn’t find the answer. In O'Neill’s opinion, there exists no answer. Therefore, he is destined to be a loser.3. In summary, the description of his behavior makes the theme more significant.2.Why do you think the play is subtitled “A Comedy of Ancient and Modern Life inEight Scenes”?Key: 1. The hairy ape is a comedy of ancient and modern life which shows O'Neill's social concern for the oppressed industrial working class. It presents an extremely negative view of the state, of mechanized America, where the worker best adjusted to the system is a “hairy ape,” and where the “Capitalist class”is even more terribly dehumanized , for it has lost all connection with life , is simply “a procession of gaudy marionettes.”2. The play was created in 20th century when western people suffered unprecedented intellectual crisis. Human beings lost their absolute value, which made people fall into confusion and desperation. Besides, man’s des ire to emotions was ignored in the rapid development of technology. People put existence of individuality first at that time.3. N umerous obstacles and frustrations occur in the way of Yank’s seeking for his position, which reflects survival crisis of most modern people. The more people think about, the clearer people realize about freedom.(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。

一、Muliple choice1. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"This is the beginning line of Shakespeare's.A.songs B.PlaysediesD.Sonnets2.Which of the followings is not Shakespeare’s work?A.The merchant of VeniceB. Romeo and JulietC. King LearD. Of Truth3.___is regarded as the pioneer of English drama.A.William ShakespeareB.Christopher MarloweC.Edmund SpenserD.John Donne4. ___are Shakespeare's two narrative poems.A.Venus and AdonisB.The Two Noble KinsmenC.The Rape of lucreceD.The Winter's Tale5.English Renaissance Period was an age of____.A.prose and novelB.poetry and dramaC.essays and journalsD.ballads and songs6."Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"This is the beginning line of Shakespeare's______.A.songsB.playsediesD.sonnets7.Which play is not a comedy?A.A Midsummer Night'sB.The Merchant of VeniceC.Twelfth NightD.Romeo and JulietE.As You Like It8.In1847,the Bronte Sisters published the following famous novels except______.A.Jane EyreB.ShirleyC.Wuthering HeightsD.The Tenant of Wildfell Hall9.In_____'s hands,"dramatic monologue"reaches its maturity and perfection.A.Alfred TennysonB.Robert BrowningC.Williams ShakespeareD.George Eliot10.___is a natural medium for Hamlet to release his anguish.A.conversationB.speechC.soliloquyD.action11.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events EXCEPT_ ________.A.the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureB.the vast expansion of British colonies in North AmericaC.the new discoveries in geography and astrologyD.the religious reformation and the economic expansion12. William Shakespeare,Christopher Marlowe and____are the best representatives of the English humanists.A.Edmund SpenserB.Francis BaconC.John MiltonD.Thomas More13. ___is not a comedy.A.As You Like ItB.Romeo and JulietC.A Midsummer Night DreamD.The Twelfth Night14.Marlowe's____is a play based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for knowledge a nd finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.A. Dr.FaustusB.TamburlaineC.The Jew of MaltaD.Edward II15.All the following poets except___belong to the metaphysical school.A. DonneB.HerbertC.Marvellton16.The publication of___established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England t ranscendentalism.A.NatureB.Self-relianceC.The American ScholarD.The Over-soul17.American Romanticism started with the publication of___and ended with Leaves of Grass.A.The Sketch BookB.NatureC.The AlhambraD.Leatherstocking Tales18.Being a period of the great flowering of American literature,the___period is also called"the American Renaissance".A.PuritanB.RomanticC.RealisticD.modern19.The American___as a cultural heritage exerted great influence over American moral values a nd literature.A.democracyB.idealC.PuritanismD.Romanticism20.___is considered by H.L.Mencken as"the true father of our national literature."A.Ernest HemingwayB.Edgar Allan PoeC.Washington IrvingD.Mark Twain21.“It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good for-tune,m ust be in want of a wife.”The quoted part is taken from______.A.Jane Eyre B .Wuthering HeightsC.Pride and Prejudice D.Sense and Sensibility22.All of the following poems by William Wordsworth are masterpieces on nature EXCEPT___ _.A.“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”B.“An Evening Walk”C.“Tintern Abbey”D.“The Solitary Reaper”23.All of the following are stream–of- consciousness novels EXCEPT________. A.Pilgrimage B.Ulysses C.Mrs.Dalloway D.Tess of the D’Urbervilles24.Shakespeare’s four greatest tragedies are________.A.Romeo and Juliet,Othello,King Lear,HamletB.Hamlet,Othello,Macbeth,The Merchant of VeniceC.Hamlet,Othello,King Lear,MacbethD.Romeo and Juliet,The Merchant of Venice,Othello,Hamlet25.All of the following novels by Daniel Defoe are the first literary works devoted to the study o f problems of the lower-class people EXCEPT______.A.Robinson Crusoe B.Captain Singleton C.Moll Flanders D.Colonel Jack二、True or False1.English Renaissance is an age of essay and drama.2.Ode to the West Wind is Bysshe Shelley’s work.3.Jane Austin is the author of Pride and Prejudice.4.Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens.5.The leading figures of the naturalism at the turn of19th century are Thomas Hardy,John Galsworthy and Bernard Shaw.6.If Winters comes, can Spring be far behind? is from Ozymandias.7.Emily Dickinson is remembered as the“All American Writer”.8.The Civil War divides the American literature into romantic literature and realist literature.9.Mark Twain is the first American writer to discover an American language and Americanconsciousness.10.In the decade of the1910s,American literature achieved a new diversity and reached its greatest heights.三、1.Enlightenment2.Humanism3.Renaissance4.Allusion5.Byronic Hero1.选择DDBABDDDBCBDBADCABCDCDACA2.正误FTTTFFFTTF3.名词解释1.Enlightenment1>Enlightenment movement was a progressive philosophical and artistic movement which flouris hed in france and swept through western Europe in the18th century.2>the movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance from14th century to the mid-17th century.3>its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.4>it celebrated reason or rationality,equality and science.It advocated universal education.5>famous among the great enlighteners in england were those great writers like Alexander pope.J onathan swift.etc.2.Humanism1>Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.2>it emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life.Humanists voiced their beliefs that man was the center of the universe and man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of the present life,but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.3.Renaissance1>The word“Renaissance”means“rebirth”,it meant the reintroduction into westerm Europe of the full cultural heritage of Greece and Rome.2>the essence of the Renaissance is Humanism.Attitudes and feelings which had been characterist ic of the14th and15th centuries persisted well down into the era of Humanism and reformation.3>the real mainstream of the english Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama with william shakespe are being the leading dramatist.4.AllusionA reference to a person,a place,an event,or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to reco gnize and respond to.An allusion may be drawn from history,geography,literature,or religion.5.Byronic Hero1>Byronic hero refers to a proud,mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.2>with immense superiority in his passions and powers,this Byronic Hero would carry on his sho ulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society.And would rise single-handedly a gainst any kind of tyrannical rules either in government,in religion,or in moral principles with un conquerable wills and inexhaustible energies.3>Byrons chief contribution to English literature is his creation of the“Byronic Hero”。

一.选择题二.名词解释(5个)1.American TranscendentalismTranscendentalism was a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture, and philosophy that emerged in New England in the early to middle 19th century. It is sometimes called American Transcendentalism.•Emphasizing spirit and the Oversoul as the most important thing in the universe as a reaction against Newtonian concept of the universe, the direction that a mechanized, capitalist America was taking, and the popular tendency to get ahead in world affairs to the neglect of spiritual welfare.•Stressing the importance of the individual and individual' s capability for self-regeneration and self-perfection as a reaction against the Calvinist concept of human beings and the process of dehumanization that came in the wake of developing capitalism.•Offering a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God. Nature was alive, filled with God’s overwhelming presence, the garment of the Oversoul, exerting a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind.2.Metaphysical poetryA loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century, who shared an interest in metaphysical concerns and a common way of investigating them. The label "metaphysical" was given much later by Samuel Johnson in his Life of Cowley. These poets themselves did not form a school or start a movement; most of them did not even know or read each other.3.Byronic HeroThe Byronic hero is an idealised but flawed character exemplified in the life and writings of Lord Byron, characterised by his ex-lover Lady Caroline Lamb as being "mad, bad and dangerous to know".[1] The Byronic hero first appears in Byron's semi-autobiographical epic narrative poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812-18).4.The precursor of socialist movement visualizing a new social order based onthe regeneration of man and the virtue of love*5.Heroic coupletA heroic couplet is a tradtional form for English poetry, commonly used fo epicand narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentamater lines. The ryhme is always masculine. Use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Geoffery Chaucer.英雄双音句体指英诗的一种形式,通常用于史诗和叙事诗。

UK Unit 1 The COUNTRY1. Read the following statements carefully and then decide whether they are true or false. Puta “T” if you think the statement is true and an “F" if it is not。
1.The United Kingdom and Northern Island is located in northern Europe。
( F )英国和北爱尔兰坐落在北欧。
(注:北爱尔兰是英国的一部分,而英国位于西欧,即Western Europe,是一个岛国)2.The United Kingdom consists of four political divisions ---——— England, Scotland,Wales and Ireland. (F)英国包含四个政治分区,分别是英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和爱尔兰。
(注:爱尔兰是西欧的一个国家,此处应为“北爱尔兰"即Norther Island,这才是英国的一个地区。
)3.England is one of the two large islands in the British Isles. ( F )英格兰是不列颠群岛上的两个大岛屿之一.(注:不列颠群岛包括大不列颠岛、爱尔兰岛、马恩岛及附近的5 500多个小岛;英国全称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,有大不列颠岛上的英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和爱尔兰岛上的北爱尔兰组成.大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛才是不列颠群岛上的两个大岛屿,英格兰是大不列颠岛上的岛屿之一.)4.The British Isles are made up of three large islands and hundreds of small ones。

英美文学默认分类2010-05-02 16:15:36 阅读334 评论0 字号:大中小订阅0.英格兰和苏格兰民谣,叠句(refrain)和递增重复是主要特点。
多关于Robin Hood and his partners.Iambic tetrameterIambic trimetreIambic tetrameterIambic trimetre1.中古传奇文学:中世纪封建社会忠告贵族的骑士所经历的冒险生活和浪漫爱情,反应骑士阶层的思想情感。
主题: 冒险,爱情,宗教关于亚瑟王和圆桌骑士代表作sir Gawain and the green knight 用了alliteration2. Geoffrey Chaucer 英国诗歌之父the Canterbury Tale 英国中世纪第一部完美的现实主义作品。
3. Thomas More 英国早期人文主义者代表作Utopia 世界文学史上第一部空想社会主义小说,开创这里幻想小说的先河。
4. Edmund Spencer 英国杰出诗人代表作长诗The Faerie Queen 歌颂伊丽莎白女王,宣扬人文主义。
斯宾塞诗体5. Francis Bacon 17世纪英国杰出散文家第一部Essays : Of Studies Of Truth Of BeautyThe Advancement of Learning6. Shakespeare 人文主义杰出代表37部戏剧三个时期:1 : 以历史剧:Richard III,Henry IV喜剧:A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It,Twelfth Night2: 悲剧为主:四大悲剧3:浪漫主义传奇剧:Cymberline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest.157首sonnet 四,四,四,二编排:abab, cdcd, efef, gg.最后两句为总结性语句。

2. Alliteration:The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry..10. Anapest抑抑扬: It’s made up of two unstressed and one stressed syllables, with the two unstressed ones in front.12 Antithesis:(a figure of speech) The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words phrases, or sentences. An antithesis is often expressed in a balanced sentence, that is, a sentence in which identical or similar grammatical structure is used to express contrasting ideas.17.Assonance(半韵, 半谐音元音相同而辅音不同的韵, 如late与make): The repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in poetry. Assonance is often employed to please the ear or emphasize certain sounds.19. Autobiography(自传;自传文学): A person’s account of his or her own life. An autobiography is generally written in narrative form and includes some introspection.21.Ballad stanza (民谣体诗节): A type of four-line stanza. The first and third lines have four stressed words or syllables; the second and fourth lines have three stresses. Ballad meter is usually iambic. The number of unstressed syllables in each line may vary. The second and fourth lines rhyme.29.Classicism(古典主义): A movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism emphasizes the traditional and the universal, and places value on reason, clarity, balance, and order. Classicism, with its concern for reason and universal themes, is traditionallyopposed to Romanticism, whichis concerned with emotions andpersonal themes.32. Conceit(奇喻,妙喻): A kind of metaphorthat makes a comparison betweentwo startlingly different things. Aconceit may be a brief metaphor,but it usually provides theframework for an entire poem. Anespecially unusual and intellectualkind of conceit is themetaphysical conceit.35.Consonance: The repetition ofsimilar consonant sounds in themiddle or at the end of words.36.Couplet(双行体、双偶体): Twoconsecutive([kən'sekjutiv] 连续不断的;连贯的)lines of poetrythat rhyme. A heroic couplet is aniambic pentameter couplet.37Critical Realism:The criticalrealism of the 19th centuryflourished in the fouties and in thebeginning of fifties. The realistsfirst and foremost set themselvesthe task of criticizing capitalistsociety from a democraticviewpoint and delineated thecrying contradictions of bourgeoisreality. But they did not find away to eradicate(根除,根绝;消灭)social evils.42. Diction(措词): A writer’s choice of words,particularly for clarity,effectiveness, and precision.47.Enlightenment(启蒙主义):With the advent of the 18thcentury, in England, as in otherEuropean countries, there spranginto life a public movementknown as the Enlightenment. TheEnlightenment on the whole, wasan expression of struggle of thethen progressive class ofbourgeois against feudalism. Theinequality, stagnation, prejudicesand other survivals of feudalism.The attempt to place all branchesof science at the service ofmankind by connecting them withthe actual deeds and requirementsof the people.48Epic(史诗): Along narrative poem telling aboutthe deeds of a great hero andreflecting the values of the societyfrom which it originated. Manyepics were drawn from an oraltradition and were transmitted bysong and recitation before theywere written down.65.Foot(音步): It is a rhythmic unit, aspecific combination of stressedand unstressed syllables.67.FreeVerse(自由诗:不受格律约束的): V erse that has either nometrical pattern or an irregularpattern.69. Iamb(抑扬格): It isthe most commonly used foot inEnglish poetry, in which anunstressed syllable comes first,followed by a stressed syllable.70.Iambic pentameter(抑扬格五音步): A poetic line consisting offive verse feet, with each foot aniamb—that is, an unstressedsyllable followed by a stressedsyllable. Iambic pentameter is themost common verse line inEnglish poetry.71. Image(意象):We usually think with words,many of our thoughts come to usas pictures or imagined sensationsin our mind. Such imaginedpictures or sensations are calledimages.73.Imagism(意象派:1912年前后源于英美,主张主题和形式摆脱因袭之风): It’s apoetic movement of England andthe U.S. flourished from 1909 to1917.The movement insists on thecreation of images in poetry by“the direct treatment of the thing” and the economy of wording. The leaders of this movement were Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell. Lost Generation(迷惘的一代): This term has been used again and again to describe the people of the postwar years. It describes the Americans who remained in Paris as a colony of “expatriates” or exiles. It describes the writers like Hemingway who lived in semi poverty. It describes the Americans who returned to their native land with an intense awareness of living in an unfamiliar changing world. The young English and American expatriates, men and women, were caught in the war and cut off from the old values and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. They wandered pointlessly and restlessly, enjoying things like fishing, swimming, bullfight and beauties of nature, but they were aware all the while that the world is crazy and meaningless and futile. Their whole life is undercut and defeated.Meter(韵律): A generally regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry.Metonymy: A figure of speech in which something very closely associated with a thing is used to stand for or suggest the thing itself.Myth:A story, often about immortals and sometimes connected with religious rituals, that is intended to give meaning to the mysteries of the world. Myths make it possible for people to understand and deal with things that they cannot control and often cannot see. A body of relatedmyths that is accepted by a peopleis known as its mythology. Amythology tells a people what itis most concerned about.Narrative poem(叙事诗):Apoem that tells a story. One kindof narrative poem is the epic, along poem that sets forth theheroic ideals of a particularsociety.Onomatopoeia:The useof a word whose sound in somedegree imitates or suggests itsmeaning.Oxymoron:a figure ofspeech that combines opposite orcontradictory ideas or terms. Anoxymoron suggests a paradox, butit does so very briefly, usually intwo or three words.Paradox: Astatement that reveals a kind oftruth, although it seems at first tobe self-contradictory anduntrue.Parallelism:(a figure ofspeech) The use of phrases,clauses, or sentences that aresimilar or complementary instructure or in meaning.Parallelism is a form ofrepetition.Poetry: The mostdistinctive characteristic of poetryis form and music. Poetry isconcerned with not only what issaid but how it is said. Poetryevokes emotions rather thanexpress facts. Poetry meanshaving a poetic experience.Imagination is also an essentialquality of poetry. Poetry oftenleads us to new perceptions, newfeelings and experiences of whichwe have not previously beenaware.Psychological Realism(心理现实主义): It is the realisticwriting that probes deeply into thecomplexities of characters’thoughts and motivations. HenryJames is considered the founderof psychological realism. Hisnovel The Ambassadors isconsidered to be a masterpiece ofpsychological realism.Realism(现实主义): The attempt inliterature and art to represent lifeas it really is, withoutsentimentalizing or idealizing it.Realistic writing often depicts theeveryday life and speech ofordinary people. This has led,sometimes, to an emphasis onsordid details.Rhythm(节奏;韵律): It is one of the three basicelements of traditional poetry. It isthe arrangement of stressed andunstressed syllables into a pattern.Rhythm often gives a poem adistinct musical quality. Poetsalso use rhythm to echomeaning.Sonnet(十四行诗;商籁体): A fourteen-line lyric poem,usually written in rhymed iambicpentameter. A sonnet generallyexpresses a single theme oridea.Stanza(诗节): It’s astructural division of a poem,consisting of a series of verselines which usually comprise arecurring pattern of meter andthyme.2. Alliteration:The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry..10. Anapest抑抑扬: It’s made up of two unstressed and one stressed syllables, with the two unstressed ones in front.12 Antithesis:(a figure of speech) The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words phrases, or sentences. An antithesis is often expressed in a balanced sentence, that is, a sentence in which identical or similar grammatical structure is used to express contrasting ideas.17.Assonance(半韵, 半谐音元音相同而辅音不同的韵, 如late与make): The repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in poetry. Assonance is often employed to please the ear or emphasize certain sounds.19. Autobiography(自传;自传文学): A person’s account of his or her own life. An autobiography is generally written in narrative form and includes some introspection.21.Ballad stanza (民谣体诗节): A type of four-line stanza. The first and third lines have four stressed words or syllables; the second and fourth lines have three stresses. Ballad meter is usually iambic. The number of unstressed syllables in each line may vary. The second and fourth lines rhyme.29.Classicism(古典主义): A movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism emphasizes the traditional and the universal, and places value on reason, clarity, balance, and order. Classicism, with its concern for reason and universal themes, is traditionally opposed to Romanticism, which is concerned with emotions and personal themes.32. Conceit(奇喻,妙喻): A kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things. A conceit may be a brief metaphor, but it usually provides the framework for an entire poem. An especially unusual and intellectual kind of conceit is the metaphysical conceit.35. Consonance: The repetition of similar consonant sounds in the middle or at the end of words.36. Couplet(双行体、双偶体): Two consecutive([kən'sekjutiv] 连续不断的;连贯的)lines of poetry that rhyme. A heroic couplet is an iambic pentameter couplet.37 Critical Realism:The critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the fouties and in the beginning of fifties. The realists first and foremost set themselves the task of criticizing capitalist society from a democratic viewpoint and delineated the crying contradictions of bourgeois reality. But they did not find a way to eradicate(根除,根绝;消灭)social evils.42. Diction(措词): A writer’s choice of words, particularly for clarity, effectiveness, and precision.47. Enlightenment(启蒙主义): With the advent of the 18th century, in England, as in other European countries, there sprang into life a public movement known as the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment on the whole, was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class ofbourgeois against feudalism. The inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. The attempt to place all branches of science at the service of mankind by connecting them with the actual deeds and requirements of the people.48Epic(史诗): A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down.65.Foot(音步): It is a rhythmic unit, a specific combination of stressed and unstressed syllables.67.Free Verse(自由诗:不受格律约束的): V erse that has either no metrical pattern or an irregular pattern.69. Iamb(抑扬格): It is the most commonly used foot in English poetry, in which an unstressed syllable comes first, followed by a stressed syllable.70. Iambic pentameter(抑扬格五音步): A poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an iamb—that is, an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Iambic pentameter is the most common verse line in English poetry.71. Image(意象): We usually think with words, many of our thoughts come to us as pictures or imagined sensations in our mind. Such imagined pictures or sensations are called images.73.Imagism(意象派:1912年前后源于英美,主张主题和形式摆脱因袭之风): It’s a poetic movement of England and the U.S. flourished from 1909 to 1917.The movement insists on the creation of images in poetry by“the direct treatment of the thing”and the economy of wording. Theleaders of this movement wereEzra Pound and Amy Lowell.Lost Generation(迷惘的一代):This term has been used againand again to describe the peopleof the postwar years. It describesthe Americans who remained inParis as a colony of “expatriates”or exiles. It describes the writerslike Hemingway who lived insemi poverty. It describes theAmericans who returned to theirnative land with an intenseawareness of living in anunfamiliar changing world. Theyoung English and Americanexpatriates, men and women,were caught in the war and cut offfrom the old values and yetunable to come to terms with thenew era when civilization hadgone mad. They wanderedpointlessly and restlessly,enjoying things like fishing,swimming, bullfight and beautiesof nature, but they were aware allthe while that the world is crazyand meaningless and futile. Theirwhole life is undercut anddefeated.Meter(韵律): Agenerally regular pattern ofstressed and unstressed syllablesin poetry.Metonymy: A figure ofspeech in which something veryclosely associated with a thing isused to stand for or suggest thething itself.Myth:A story, oftenabout immortals and sometimesconnected with religious rituals,that is intended to give meaningto the mysteries of the world.Myths make it possible for peopleto understand and deal with thingsthat they cannot control and oftencannot see. A body of relatedmyths that is accepted by a peopleis known as its mythology. Amythology tells a people what itis most concerned about.Narrative poem(叙事诗):Apoem that tells a story. One kindof narrative poem is the epic, along poem that sets forth theheroic ideals of a particularsociety.Onomatopoeia:The useof a word whose sound in somedegree imitates or suggests itsmeaning.Oxymoron:a figure ofspeech that combines opposite orcontradictory ideas or terms. Anoxymoron suggests a paradox, butit does so very briefly, usually intwo or three words.Paradox: Astatement that reveals a kind oftruth, although it seems at first tobe self-contradictory anduntrue.Parallelism:(a figure ofspeech) The use of phrases,clauses, or sentences that aresimilar or complementary instructure or in meaning.Parallelism is a form ofrepetition.Poetry: The mostdistinctive characteristic of poetryis form and music. Poetry isconcerned with not only what issaid but how it is said. Poetryevokes emotions rather thanexpress facts. Poetry meanshaving a poetic experience.Imagination is also an essentialquality of poetry. Poetry oftenleads us to new perceptions, newfeelings and experiences of whichwe have not previously beenaware.Psychological Realism(心理现实主义): It is the realisticwriting that probes deeply into thecomplexities of characters’thoughts and motivations. Henry James is considered the founderof psychological realism. His novel The Ambassadors is considered to be a masterpiece of psychological realism.Realism (现实主义): The attempt in literature and art to represent life as it really is, without sentimentalizing or idealizing it. Realistic writing often depicts the everyday life and speech of ordinary people. This has led, sometimes, to an emphasis on sordid details.Rhythm(节奏;韵律): It is one of the three basic elements of traditional poetry. It is the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables into a pattern. Rhythm often gives a poem a distinct musical quality. Poets also use rhythm to echo meaning.Sonnet(十四行诗;商籁体): A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. A sonnet generally expresses a single theme or idea.Stanza(诗节): It’s a structural division of a poem, consisting of a series of verse lines which usually comprise a recurring pattern of meter and thyme.2. Alliteration:The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry..10. Anapest抑抑扬: It’s made up of two unstressed and one stressed syllables, with the two unstressed ones in front.12 Antithesis:(a figure of speech) The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words phrases, or sentences. An antithesis is often expressed in a balanced sentence, that is, a sentence in which identical or similar grammatical structure is used to express contrasting ideas.17.Assonance(半韵, 半谐音元音相同而辅音不同的韵, 如late与make): The repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in poetry. Assonance is often employed to please the ear or emphasize certain sounds.19. Autobiography(自传;自传文学): A person’s account of his or her own life. An autobiography is generally written in narrative form and includes some introspection.21.Ballad stanza (民谣体诗节): A type of four-line stanza. The first and third lines have four stressed words or syllables; the second and fourth lines have three stresses. Ballad meter is usually iambic. The number of unstressed syllables in each line may vary. The second and fourth lines rhyme.29.Classicism(古典主义): A movement or tendency in art, literature, or music that reflects the principles manifested in the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism emphasizes the traditional and the universal, and places value on reason, clarity,balance, and order. Classicism, with its concern for reason and universal themes, is traditionally opposed to Romanticism, which is concerned with emotions and personal themes.32. Conceit(奇喻,妙喻): A kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things. A conceit may be a brief metaphor, but it usually provides the framework for an entire poem. An especially unusual and intellectual kind of conceit is the metaphysical conceit.35. Consonance: The repetition of similar consonant sounds in the middle or at the end of words.36. Couplet(双行体、双偶体): Two consecutive([kən'sekjutiv] 连续不断的;连贯的)lines of poetry that rhyme. A heroic couplet is an iambic pentameter couplet.37 Critical Realism:The critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the fouties and in the beginning of fifties. The realists first and foremost set themselves the task of criticizing capitalist society from a democratic viewpoint and delineated the crying contradictions of bourgeois reality. But they did not find a way to eradicate(根除,根绝;消灭)social evils.42. Diction(措词): A writer’s choice of words, particularly for clarity, effectiveness, and precision.47. Enlightenment(启蒙主义): With the advent of the 18th century, in England, as in other European countries, there sprang into life a public movement known as the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment on the whole, was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class ofbourgeois against feudalism. Theinequality, stagnation, prejudicesand other survivals of feudalism.The attempt to place all branchesof science at the service ofmankind by connecting them withthe actual deeds and requirementsof the people.48Epic(史诗): Along narrative poem telling aboutthe deeds of a great hero andreflecting the values of the societyfrom which it originated. Manyepics were drawn from an oraltradition and were transmitted bysong and recitation before theywere written down.65.Foot(音步): It is a rhythmic unit, aspecific combination of stressedand unstressed syllables.67.FreeVerse(自由诗:不受格律约束的): V erse that has either nometrical pattern or an irregularpattern.69. Iamb(抑扬格): It isthe most commonly used foot inEnglish poetry, in which anunstressed syllable comes first,followed by a stressed syllable.70.Iambic pentameter(抑扬格五音步): A poetic line consisting offive verse feet, with each foot aniamb—that is, an unstressedsyllable followed by a stressedsyllable. Iambic pentameter is themost common verse line inEnglish poetry.71. Image(意象):We usually think with words,many of our thoughts come to usas pictures or imagined sensationsin our mind. Such imaginedpictures or sensations are calledimages.73.Imagism(意象派:1912年前后源于英美,主张主题和形式摆脱因袭之风): It’s apoetic movement of England andthe U.S. flourished from 1909 to1917.The movement insists on thecreation of images in poetry by“the direct treatment of the thing”and the economy of wording. Theleaders of this movement wereEzra Pound and Amy Lowell.Lost Generation(迷惘的一代):This term has been used againand again to describe the peopleof the postwar years. It describesthe Americans who remained inParis as a colony of “expatriates”or exiles. It describes the writerslike Hemingway who lived insemi poverty. It describes theAmericans who returned to theirnative land with an intenseawareness of living in anunfamiliar changing world. Theyoung English and Americanexpatriates, men and women,were caught in the war and cut offfrom the old values and yetunable to come to terms with thenew era when civilization hadgone mad. They wanderedpointlessly and restlessly,enjoying things like fishing,swimming, bullfight and beautiesof nature, but they were aware allthe while that the world is crazyand meaningless and futile. Theirwhole life is undercut anddefeated.Meter(韵律): Agenerally regular pattern ofstressed and unstressed syllablesin poetry.Metonymy: A figure ofspeech in which something veryclosely associated with a thing isused to stand for or suggest thething itself.Myth:A story, oftenabout immortals and sometimesconnected with religious rituals,that is intended to give meaningto the mysteries of the world.Myths make it possible for peopleto understand and deal with things that they cannot control and often cannot see. A body of related myths that is accepted by a people is known as its mythology. A mythology tells a people what it is most concerned about. Narrative poem(叙事诗):A poem that tells a story. One kind of narrative poem is the epic, a long poem that sets forth the heroic ideals of a particular society.Onomatopoeia:The use of a word whose sound in some degree imitates or suggests its meaning.Oxymoron:a figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory ideas or terms. An oxymoron suggests a paradox, but it does so very briefly, usually in two or three words.Paradox: A statement that reveals a kind of truth, although it seems at first to be self-contradictory and untrue.Parallelism:(a figure of speech) The use of phrases, clauses, or sentences that are similar or complementary in structure or in meaning. Parallelism is a form of repetition.Poetry: The most distinctive characteristic of poetry is form and music. Poetry is concerned with not only what is said but how it is said. Poetry evokes emotions rather than express facts. Poetry means having a poetic experience. Imagination is also an essential quality of poetry. Poetry often leads us to new perceptions, new feelings and experiences of which we have not previously been aware.Psychological Realism(心理现实主义): It is the realistic writing that probes deeply into the complexities of characters’ thoughts and motivations. Henry James is considered the founder of psychological realism. His novel The Ambassadors is considered to be a masterpiece of psychological realism.Realism (现实主义): The attempt in literature and art to represent life as it really is, without sentimentalizing or idealizing it. Realistic writing often depicts the everyday life and speech of ordinary people. This has led, sometimes, to an emphasis on sordid details.Rhythm(节奏;韵律): It is one of the three basic elements of traditional poetry. It is the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables into a pattern. Rhythm often gives a poem a distinct musical quality. Poets also use rhythm to echo meaning.Sonnet(十四行诗;商籁体): A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. A sonnet generally expresses a single theme or idea.Stanza(诗节): It’s a structural division of a poem, consisting of a series of verse lines which usually comprise a recurring pattern of meter and thyme.。

C.Such things will not be managed at this school.
She is an absolutely one-man wife.
A.This is of historic significance.
B.This has great historic significance.
Every one of us, except my poor hoodwinked grandmother, heard of the bad news.
B.By now, we had become very intimate. We made no distinction between each other’s things. We dug our chopsticks into each other’s bowls for choosing pieces of meat.

英美文学选读中文翻译及重点习题答案英国文学(AMERICAN LITERATURE)第五章现代时期(The Modern Period)一、背景知识(Background knowledge)1、历史背景(Historical background)(1)一般认为第一次世界大战是英国历史的分水岭,因为这场战争给英国社会的各个领域带来了急剧的变化。
2、文化背景(Cultural background)(1)19世纪后半期以及20世纪头几十年,欧洲自然科学和社会科学得到巨大的发展。

英美文学选读中文翻译及重点习题答案英国文学(AMERICAN LITERATURE)第一章文艺复兴时期(The Renaissance Period)二、背景知识(Background knowledge)1、历史文化背景(Historical and cultural background)(1)文艺复兴是从中世纪向近代过渡时期发生在欧洲许多国家的一场思想文化运动。
2、英国文艺复兴时期文学的特点(Features of English Renaissance literature)(1) 诗歌(Poetry)开创文艺复兴时期一代新的华丽诗风的两个最重要的人物是菲利普·悉尼爵士和埃德蒙·斯宾塞。

-Chapter I An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature & The Renaissance PeriodI. Choose the right answer:1. Dr. Faustus is a play based on the _____legend of a magician aspiring for ____ and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.A.British/ immoralityB.French/moneyC.German/knowledgeD.American/political power Answer: C (可参考课本P21)2. _____, is a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.A.The Wife’s ComplaintB.BeowulfC.The Dream of the RoodD.The SeafarerAnswer: B (可参考课本P1)3.It’s Chaucer alone who, for the first ti me in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English Society in his masterpiece__________.A.The Canterbury TalesB.The Legend of Good WomenC.Troilus and CriseydeD. The Romaunt of the Rose.Answer: A (可参考课本P4)4. The Essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was_____.A. Geographical explorationB. Religious reformationC. Publishing and translationD. Humanism. Answer: D (可参考课本P8)5. “Prince Arthur’s greatest mission is his search for Gloriana, with whom he has fallen in love througha love vision.”The two figures come from_____.A.Paradise LostB.Dr. FaustusC.The Faerie QueeneD.HamletAnswer: C (可参考课本P13)6.In “Sonnet 18”, Shakespeare_________________.A.Meditate on the destructive power of time and eternal beauty by poetry.B.Satirize human’s vanity.C.Predict the eternity of love.D.Eulogize the power of the beauty. Answer: A (P37)7. ____ gave new vigor to the blank verse with his “mighty lines”and make ’blank verse’ the principle vehicle of expression in drama.A.SurreyB.WyattC.MarloweD.SidneyAnswer: C (P21)8. Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies are the following works except____.A.HamletB.King LearC.Romeo and JulietD.OthelloAnswer: C (P33)9. The Renaissance refers to between 14th----mid-17th century, which was under the reign of Queen___and absolute monarchy in England reached its summit, and in which the ’real mainstream (真正的文学主流)’ was ____.A.Victoria/poetryB.Elizabeth/ dramaC.Mary/ novelD.James/ dramaAnswer: B (P11)10. In The Legend of Good Women, Chaucer used for the first time in English the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter, which is to be called later____.A.The Spenserian stanzaB.The heroic coupletC.The blank verseD.The free verseAnswer: B (P5)11. The Redcrosse Knight in “The Faerie Queene” stands for_____, and Una stands for_____.A.bravery/ chastityB.holiness/ truthC.error/ deliveryD.true gentleman/ lady.Answer: B (P16)12. Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the characteristics of Renaissance?A.Rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.B.Attempt to remove the old feudalist ideas in Medieval Europe.C.Exaltation of man’s pursuit of happiness in his life, and tolerance of man’s foibles.D.Praise of man’s efforts in soul delivery and personal salva tion.Answer: D (P7)13. “The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” is an example of ______.A.MetaphorB.SimileC.IronyD.PersonificationAnswer: A (P55)14. _____ introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.A.Anglos/ SaxonsB.Normans/ Anglo-SaxonsC.Greeks/ RomansD.Romans/ NormansAnswer: B (P11)15. It is ___ alone who, for the first time in English literature presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.A.Edmund SpenserB.Geoffrey ChaucerC.William ShakespeareD.John DonneAnswer: B (P4)16. The following belong to the characteristics of ’metaphysical poetry’ represented by ’John Donne’ except___.A.ConceitsB.Actual imagery and simple dictionC.Argumentative formD.Elegant styleAnswer: D (P63)17. Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from____.A.Greek MythologyB.Roman legendC.The Old TestamentD.The New TestamentAnswer: C (P73)18. In “Paradise Lost”, Satan says “We may with mo re successful hope resolve/ To wage by force or guile eternal war, / Irreconcilable to our grand Foe” What does the “Eternal war” mean?A.To remove God from his throneB.To burn the Heaven DownC.To corrupt God’s creation of man and woman-----Adam and EveD.To beguile into a snake to threaten man’s lifeAnswer: C (P71, 节选部分在P75)19. _____, the first of the great tragedies, is generally regarded as Shakespeare’s most popular play on the stage, for it has the qualities of a “blood-and-thunder” thriller and a ’philosophical exploration’ of life and death.A.The Merchant of VeniceB.HamletC.King LearD.The Winter’s TaleAnswer: B (P33)20. It was ___and ___ the two conquests that provided the source for the rise and growth of English literature.A.Anglos/ SaxonsB.Normans/ Anglo-SaxonsC.Romans/ NormansD.Greeks/ RomansAnswer: B (P1)21. Paradise Lost is ___’s masterpiece, which is an epic in 12 books, written in blank verse, about the heroic revolt of Satan against God’s authority.A.John DonneB.Christopher MarloweC.John MiltonD.Edmund SpenserAnswer: C (P71)22. The following description fit into Milton ’except’_____.A.a great revolutionary poet of the 17th centuryB.an outstanding political pamphleteerC.a great stylist and master of blank verseD.a kind of elegant and refine style.Answer: D (P70---73)23. _____is not written by John Milton.A.Samson AgonistesB.Paradise LostC.Paradise regainedD.TamburlaineAnswer: D (P71)24. Marlow’s greatest achievement is that he perfected the ’blank verse’, and he is regarded as ’the pioneer of English drama’, which of the following is not written by him?A.TamburlaineB.The Jew of MaltaC.The Passionate Shepherd to His LoveD.The Sun Rising Answer: D (P20)25. ____Essays is the first example of that genre in English literature, which has been recognized as an important landmark in the development of English prose.A.John Milton’sB.Francis Bacon’sC.Montaigne’sD.Thomas Gray’sAnswer: B (P58)26. _____Was known as “the poets’ poet”.A.William ShakespeareB.Edmund SpenserC.John DonneD.John MiltonAnswer: B (P15)27. “And we will make thee beds of roses / And a thousand fragrant posies/ A cap of flowers, and a kirtle/ Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle.” The above lines are probably taken from______.A.Spenser’s The Faerie QueeneB.John Donne’s The Sun RisingC.Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18D.Marlow’s The Passionate Shepherd to His Love.Answer: D (P28)28. Which of the following statement best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?A.The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature.B.The speaker satirizes human vanity.C.The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.D.The speaker meditates on man’s salvation. Answer: C (P37)II. Read the quoted part and answer the questions:1.“For herein Fortune shows he rself more kindThan is her custom. It is still her useTo let the wretched man outlive his wealth,To view with hollow eye and wrinkled browAn age of poverty; from which ling’ring penanceOf such misery doth she cut me off”因为命运在此已经对我眷顾有加了。

英美文学练习题15篇第一篇:英美文学练习题1练习题英国文学部分1.Anglo-Saxon conquest happened in the _15th_ century.2.Angles, Saxons and _jutes_ usually known as Anglo-Saxons are the first Englishman.3._Beowulf_ is the most important specimen of Old English literature and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language.4.The first known religious poet in England is _Caedmon_.5.Today Chaucer is acclaimed not only as “the father of English poetry”, but also as “the father of English fiction”.His masterpiece is _The Cabterbury Tales__.6.The Canterbury Tales contains in fact a general prologue and only __24_ tales, of which two are left unfinished.7.The _General Prologue_ provides a framework for the tales in The Canterbury Tales, and it comprises a group of vivid pictures of various medieval figures.8.The Canterbury Tales is Chaucer’s greatest work and the greater part of it was written in _heroic__ couplet.9.The pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales are on the way to the shrine of St.Thomas a Becket at a place named __Cabterbury__.10.Chaucer’s learning was wide in scope.He obtained a good knowledge of _Italin__, _Latin__, and __French____.11.____Troilus and Criseyde__ is Chaucer’s longest complete poem and his greatest artistic achievement.12.Chaucer’s earliest work of any length is his Romaunt_of the Rose__, a free translation of French poem names Roman de la Rose.13.The _Anglo-Saxon__ period witnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism.14.__Caedmon______ is known as the “Father of English song”15.The early inhabitants on the island now we call England were _Britons______, a tribe of Celts.From it the island got its name of Britain.16.In 1066, the Norman defeated the Anglo-Saxons at the battle of __Hastings_.17._Geoffery Chaucer__ is acclaimed not only as “the father of English poetry” but also as “the father of English fiction”.18.After the _Norman__ conquest, feudal system was established in English society.19.The Romances were usually composed for the noble, of the noble, and had nothing to do with the _common people___.T/F1.Beowulf reflects how people in the feudal(tribal)society fought against nature.F2.English poetry in the Anglo-Saxon period falls into two groups: religious and pagan.T3.Chaucer’s l anguage, now called old(medieval)English, is vivid and exact.He is the first great poet who wrote in the English language.F第二篇:英美文学Analysis of Robinson Crusoe2009级师范三班刘静Robinson Crusoe is written by Defoe(1660 ~ 1731), known as the father of English novel and the periodical literature.He is the father of the English novel and periodical literature, who was born in a family which was against the Anglican Protestant.His father is a businessman, doing business.His article influenced the later development of journal articles and newspaper.Because the speech, he was repeatedly arrested.At the age of 59 Defoe began writing fiction as a novelist, show remarkable ability.Robinson Crusoe Robinson is Defoe's first novel, is also one of the most famous novels.It is based on a British seaman on a deserted island alone for 4 years in exile records and creation.Robinson is the heroine of Defoe works inaccordance with their ideals and created the character, he killed out of doing business, living on a desert island for 28 years, overcome all sorts of unimaginable difficulties.He start empty-handed, develop the island, not only to their own survival, and create a new world.He was a pioneer in the image, a real asset class hero.In this figure embodies the western ocean civilization tradition, with the outward development of curiosity, desire to conquer and spirit of adventure, praised the strength quality and working spirit.The novel opens English realistic novel road.In this novel, there are so many about the Wonderful part, but two points impress: one is the author of the narrative language easy to understand.In front of the book, the author use a lot of space to introduce Robinson in the sea to sea before, whether does not listen to parents' guide, but follow the guidance of the soul, the careful psychological description, the author description most incisive.Two is a fascinating story, the protagonist of nearly thirty years of life vividly in front of us, let our eyes as if emerging from a young life.Robinson Crusoe is to let a person look after all that the most primitive, most of my books, not only because it is the wonderful, and it gives us the modern enlightenment.The most qualities I learn from Robinson Crusoe is not his hard-working and brave, but his amazing mental capacity.One can imagine, a single large living alone on a desert island life ten years, no one to accompany him, even the most basic, and a person simply talk for a while to do.The deserted island there is no house, no rice, can only rely on his own hard to create a piece of heaven and earth.The first nonwhite character to be given a realistic, individualized, and humane portrayal in the English novel, Friday has a huge literary and cultural importance.Recent rewritings of the Crusoe story, like J.M.Coet zee’s Foe and Michel Tournier’sFriday, emphasize the sad consequences of Crusoe’s failure to understand Friday and suggest how the tale might be told very differently from the native’s perspective.Besides his importance to our culture, Friday is a key figure within the context of the novel.Friday’s sincere questions to Crusoe about the devil, which Crusoe answers onlyindirectly and hesitantly, leave us wondering whether Crusoe’s knowledge of Christianity is superficial and sketchy in contrast to Friday’s fullunderstanding of his own god Benamuckee.In short, Friday’s exuberance and emotional directness often point out the wooden conventionality of Crusoe’s personality.Despite Friday’s subjugation, however, Crusoe appreciates Friday much more than he would a mere servant.Crusoe does not seem to value intimacy with humans much, but he does say that he loves Friday, which is aremarkable disclosure.Crusoe may bring Friday Christianity and clothing, but Friday brings Crusoe emotional warmth and a vitality of sp irit that Crusoe’s own European heart lacks.This novel shows that we need to believe ourselves, where there is a will, there is e our hands, then see a new world.What is more, we are not only live ourselves in the world, we need to care about others.Be brave, andnever lose hope.第三篇:英美文学《英美文学》复习方法一、找到《英美文学》的辅导书,例如《自考一本通》《自考直通车》等类型的汉语版辅导书。

Part one: English LiteratureChapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴1.Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。
2.the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is themeasure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。
3.Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human natureand came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。
4.Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the bestrepresentatives of the English humanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。
5.Wyatt introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.怀亚特将彼特拉克的十四行诗引进英国。

英美文学欣赏考题整理及答案Part One:English Poetry1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18•Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer’s day? And who could `thee` be?Because summer’s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty,love.•What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why?Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,themost beautiful season. It is like our May.•How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?Thee is more beautiful than summer.•What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal?Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal.•What figures of speech are used in this poem?Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on .•What is the theme of the poem?Love conquers all, Beauty lives on.2. Thomas Nashe Spring•Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressionsyou can get from those images.There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing,the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, theshepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fieldsbreathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!”The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,” impressions me mostbecause of the harmony of the people’s relationship.•Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem?In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tonestep ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θ consonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use ofphonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ]and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ].3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning•What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die?Why does the speaker forbid mourning?No, it is about the lover s’ separation. As the poem metaphors, the poetbelieved he and his wife’s love is sacred, he didn’t hope they cry whenIn the first verse, the poet used virtuous men’s death metaphor for lovers’separation, in the third verse he used “moving of the earth” and “trepidation of the spheres” metaphor for lovers’ separation and the result of separation, in the last three verse he used stiff twin compasses’ two legs metaphor for poethimself and his wife. All these metaphors show poet opinion that he willseparate from his wife in peace, their love is a scared love, when they awayfrom each other, they will not be hurt by the pain of the separation. He and his wife will not really separate. They care about each other and listen to the other one’s heart, their trust and loyalty makes their love perfect like the circle made by a twin compasses.4.William Blake The Tiger•What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger?The symbol of the Tiger is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholarshave hypothesized that the Tiger could be inspiration, the divine, artisticcreation, history, the sublime, or vision itself. The list is almost infinite. Thepoint is, the Ti ger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits thepossibilities. Here are two major symbolisms:The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation.The tiger shows the force of French Revolution.•What paradox can you find in the poem?"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame,he is so kind a father. But it didn’t know god also create the tough tiger. Hecan also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings.5.Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose•How dose the narrator in the love song express his love?In stanza 1, the narrator presents two similes, the first comparing his love to arose and the second comparing his love to a melody.In stanza 2, the narrator addresses the young lady as bonnie. In the last line ofthe stanza, he presents hyperbole, a figure of speech that exaggerates.In stanza 3, the man promises eternal love for her.In stanza 4, the poet vows to love her however far he may go.•Why is this poem so touching to the readers?Because this poem professes the poet’s true love for his beloved girl, and uses the mentioned above to touch the readers.6.William Wordsw orth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud•What does the poet see?He sees some daffodils.•What is the poet’s mood before he sees the daffodils?Vacant and pensive.•What is the poet’s mood after he sees the daffodils?He is very pleasant.•How does the magical change occur?Those daffodils show a fantastic picture to the poet, and the poet has beendeeply affected by the scene, and his mood changes.•What is the theme of the poem? Or what does the poet want to tell you?It shows the beauty of nature, and the nature’s beauty uplifts the human spirit,and the harmony between human and nature.7.Robert Browning My Last Duchess• 1. In this poem, who and on what occasion is speaking to whom?The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining anemissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.•What sort of person is the Duke’s last Duchess?She is kind, easy-going, innocent and lively.• And what became of her in the end?She became very upset and worrying. The duchess died under suspiciouscircumstances on April 21, 1561, just two years after he married her. She mayhave been poisoned.• 2. What sort of person is the Duke?He is outrageously arrogant, narrow-minded, selfish, hypocritical, cold-blooded, crucial, greedy and treacherous.8.Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain!•Q:Walt Whitman’s poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written in the form of an allegory. What is the overall connotative meaning in the poem?A: Ship’s implied meaning is America; M y captain’ implied meaning isAbraham Lincoln who leaded America to triumph in American Civil War then;our fearful trip’s implied meaning is American Civil War after which Lincolnwas assassinated. In this poem author spoken highly of Lincoln’ contributionand expressed his sorrow for Lincoln’ death.9.Emily Dickinson (1)Success is counted sweetest (67)•According to the poem, who can understand success most? Do you agree or not with the poet’s view that “Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’ersucceed”?The person who best understands the meaning of success is the person whofails•What sort of feelings does the poet show toward the victor and the defeated?The poet shows her awareness of the complicated truths of human desire.Success can be comprehended by someone who need it; the defeated, dyingman understand victory more clearly than the victorious army does.(2)Because I could not stop for Death (712)•How many people are there in the carriage? And where are they going right now?There are three in the carriage, the Poet, Death, and Immortality.•Where did they pass? What can these places remind us of?They passed the school, the fields of Gazing grain, the Setting Sun. It reminds us of childhood, maturity and old age, the children are evident symbols of thebeginning of things, the grain rip of the adulthood, and the sun setting of the rest of the days.•What is the poet’s attitude toward death and life implied in the poem?The poet’s attitude is that death is nothing to be forced since it is natural partof the endless cycle of nature, it’s only the beginning ;to die is to go onanother journey, although death takes one away from the earthy world ;there is still something to look forward to when one dies, death means eternity.10.Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening•Why did the speaker stop?Literally he was fascinated by the beautiful night scene and stoped his horse to watch the woods fill up with the snow,it was also a little break for the longtravel. But in fact,it's symbolism,the 'woods' stands for the nature,the 'village'stands for the human world, 'horse' for the animal world. The poem representsa moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almostaesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesomeand restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.•Why did he later decide to go?As the last sentence said 'But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep.'His 'horse' shake the bell to ask if they should go,which is actually a symbol of vitality, urges him to go. He lives in the real life, and he has his ownobligation "promise to keep',he hasn't achieve it, so he must go on histrip,leave the beautiful scene.Though the scene is so amazing,he has to havethe real life. Though the real life is so hard,he must back to it,and reach hisgoal. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal.•What is your understanding of “promises to keep”?“The promise” could be an obligation or a goal. One cannot die beforefulfilling one’s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as weusually do. People have their own dream or goal,it's also the duty for us tofinish, we live for ourselves and we make life wonderful by keeping onreaching our goal,no regrets leaves as long as we have reached our goals. 11. Ezra Pound In a Station of the MetroPart Two: English Fiction12. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s TravelsIn this chapter, Swift describes the smallness of the Lilliputians. What does this “smallness” imply in the author’s satire of the aristocratic bourgeoissociety of the time?Key: The Lilliput scene depicted in the first volume of the novel is a microcosm of the British Empire. The perennial endless struggle between UK Tories and Whigs and external war are essentially just politicians intrigue in the section has nothing to do with the national economy and the people's livelihood. The “smallness” imply that …What is the cause of the civil strife and war between Lilliput and the neighbouring empire of Blefuscu? What is the target of the author’s satire? (1)Key: The parties are divided as high-heeled party and low-heeled party accordingto the height of the heel. The relationship between parties is irreconcilable;Neighboring countries not only want to conquer and enslave the other, but also argue about trifles such as which head we should knock when we will eat eggs . (2) Key: The author uses irony and innuendo tactics to reflect the British social contradictions among first half of the 18th century, to criticize the British parliamentary politics and reactionary religious forces, to expose the corruption and evil of the ruling clique, and to criticize the hazards of a war of aggression and colonialism.13Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice1.Do you agree with the statement “it is truth universally acknowledged that a singleman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”? What is therelationship between money and marriage?Key: (1) I agree with this statement. In my view, a bachelor who has lots of money is supposed to have a wife to company him. The amount of money demonstrates the ability of a person. The beauties and the wits should come together.(2) First, the relationship between marriage and money is very close; we can say that the money is the basis of marriage. This is just from the material conditions of life. However, the amount of money can’t measure the quality of marriage. A determinant of marriage is the couple's feelings, and if the lack of the feelings, life is not a happy marriage even though has more money.2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her?Key: (1) Mrs. Bennet - a foolish, noisy woman whose only goal in life is to see her daughters married. Because of her low breeding and often unbecoming behavior, Mrs. Bennet often repels the very suitors whom she tries to attract for her daughters.(2) Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character, who is noisy and foolish. And Mrs. Bennet is totally obedient and submissive in her marriage. Mrs. Bennet is a self-centered woman with the attitude that what is good enough for her is good enough for her children.14. Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights1.What is the main plot of the whole novel? What causes the tragic ending of thelove between Heathcliff and Catherine? Would it have been possible, under the circumstances, for the victimized lovers to find a way out?Key: Novel’s theme is vengeance. Katherine's character flaws is the root causes of the tragedy, Heathcliff to lost love human distortion conducted a series of revenge activities, the capitalist society for the generation of tragedy provides fertile soil. If Heathcliff get marry with Katherine, they’ll be happiness.2.Is Heathcliff’s revenge upon the Earnshaw and Linton families justifiable? Whatis the author’s attitude toward Heathcliff, judging from the final futility of therevenge?Key: For the vengeance of the people is right .but it’s wrong in law. It’s love, but Heathcliff’s love is crazy.15. Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour•What kind of character is Louise Mallard?Key: Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character with strength and insight.• What are the themes of this short story?Key: It’s mainly about the awakening of feminine awareness and the fruitless struggle of women for freedom in a man-centered world. It is about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom.•What do “heart trouble” and “the open window” symbolize?Key: (1) heart trouble symbolizes(2) the open window symbolizes16. Earnest Hemingway Hills like White Elephants• 1. What is a “white elephant ” according to the dictionary definition? What does a “white elephant” symbolize in the story?(1) Key: a: a property requiring much care and expense and yielding littleprofitb : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value to othersc : something of little or no value(2)Key: The woman is pregnant, and the White Elephant is a hint of the body ofthe women. The fact that the two. This matter becomes a heavy burden for the two people.• 2. List the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting.How risky is it physically and emotionally?(1) evidence:1.'It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig,' the man said. 'It's not really anoperation at all.'2. 'I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It's just to let the airin.'3. 'They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.'4. 'I know we will. Yon don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.'5. 'But I know it's perfectly simple.'(2) Key:1. Do affect her health, result that the body is badly weakened and be reducedimmunity in the aspect of physical.2. Do be Frustrated, empty and depressed mood which leads to that she cannot be quiet in the aspect of emotion.• 3. Has Jig made up her mind to do the operation?Key: The question about whether to do an abortion, the article comes a stopsuddenly at the end. So we can’t make sure whether Jig has made up her mind to do the operation.• 4. If the operation is something already decided on, then what upsets Jig?What is the real conflict between the couple?Key: (1) She worries that she could not get happiness as before with the man. She upsets that he would leave her for ever.(2) The real conflict between the couple is that whether the man likes thewomen from the deep heart and their attitudes towards life.• 5. What kind of girl is Jig? How is their relation like? Does the American love Jig?Key: (1) She is restless and confused and longing for the deeper love from the man.(2) There could be many situations: first, a married man compels his loverto have a abortion; second, as a bachelor, he worries the baby would make his life be complex and so on.(3) Because of the various situations, we could not make an accurateconclusion that the man loves Jig. However, on some degree the man loves the woman by analyzing the conversation between them.• 6. What is Hemingway’s style?Key: Hemingway’s style is laconic. The characteristic is reflected in thatWhen writing, he is very clear what kind of content could pit one against ten. It is both an immediate situation and also containing other deeper meanings, which can be informed in the way of exploring something by the readers.17.William Faulkner A Rose for Emily• 1. What is the meaning of the title?Key: A rose is a funeral flower. It’s author’s tribute to Emily, and also to south, Emily is the symbol. And it has an ironic meaning to this story.• 2. What kind of woman is Miss Emily?Key: She is embodiment of south, the old and traditional, also obstinate, resists to change anything ,a determined,dignified, valiant and literate woman.• 3. How did the townspeople think of her?Key: The townspeople had mixed feelings— she was “dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil”, and perverse. Also she was always expected to bring honor to the town and set a good example for the young.• 4. What is the symbolic meaning of Emily’s house?Key: Emily’s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of southern aristocracy, also represents alienation and death.• 5. What is special about the narration of this story?Key: The writing style of the novel is using flashbacks and narration interspersed with flashbacks. The author let us know the independent but closely related eventsskillfully under the premise of being not exposed the true intentions, which makes us draw attention to the development of the plot without boring.Part Three: English Drama18. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark• 1. Why does sleep appear to be so fearful for Hamlet even though it can put an end to the numerous headaches in our life?Key: As described in the text, Hamlet thinks that sleep is different from death. Death mean s the end of life, you may go to the unknown world and you can’t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet can’t realize his will. Sleep can’t end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks. He can’t revenge and get relief through this way. He is frightened by the p ossible suffering in the long “dream”. He can’t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good or evil.• 2. Why would most people prefer to bear all the sufferings in life rather than choose death as a means to end them?Key: 1. As it goes that ‘Adversity makes growth’, by solving the problems we can acknowledge plenty of skills and overcome the sufferings in life. If we choose death as a means to end them, it is too passive for us to face the obstacles in life, which will lead to the failure in life.2. Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a weary life, butthat the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we don’t know.”People also are frightened by themyths in another world after death.Romeo and Juliet•What does it mean when Juliet says “That which we call a rose / By my other name would smell as sweet”?Key:In Shakespeare's time, name on behalf of their family, and his family represents the social status. And personal just only on behalf of their inner identity.And Juliet says strongly reflects her humanist outlook on life and the concept of the ideal.19. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest1.How do you understand the title of the play? What is your impression ofGwendolen? What are the most striking traits in Lady Bracknell’s character? (1) Key: Here is a pun. It’s important to be a serious man. And the author wants to satirize the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.(2) Key: She advocates sincere, do be intelligent and friendly, and is able to forgive the mistakes of others. She do be a earnest person.(3) Key: Lady Bracknell embodies the stereotype of the Victorian English aristocrat woman. She belongs to aristocratic society and is a typical Victorian snob, who is arrogant, formal and concerned with money. She is interested only in a materialistic world.20. Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape1.Yank assumes more than once the posture of Rodin’s “The Thinker” in the play.What does it have to do with the play’s motif and tone? What are the majorimages and symbols employed in the play to dramatize the theme?(1) Key: 1. The themes of this article are modern man loses his sense of belonging under technological progress and humanity is in a predicament by creating a world he does not belong to.2. The Thinker is often painful, which demonstrates the profoundly tragic matter of modern people like Yank: he is thinking and looks forward to a better life, but he doesn’t find the answer. In O'Neill’s opinion, there exists no answer. Therefore, he is destined to be a loser.3. In summary, the description of his behavior makes the theme more significant.2.Why do you think the play is subtitled “A Comedy of Ancient and Modern Life inEight Scenes”?Key: 1. The hairy ape is a comedy of ancient and modern life which shows O'Neill's social concern for the oppressed industrial working class. It presents an extremely negative view of the state, of mechanized America, where the worker best adjusted to the system is a “hairy ape,” and where the “Capitalist class” is even more terriblydehumanized , for it has lost all connection with life , is simply “a procession of gaudy marionettes.”2. The play was created in 20th century when western people suffered unprecedented intellectual crisis. Human beings lost their absolute value, which made people fall into confusion and desperation. B esides, man’s desire to emotions was ignored in the rapid development of technology. People put existence of individuality first at that time.3. N umerous obstacles and frustrations occur in the way of Yank’s seeking for his position, which reflects survival crisis of most modern people. The more people think about, the clearer people realize about freedom.。

1.Allegory (寓言)A tale in verse or prose in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities.寓言,讽喻:一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力。
2.Alliteration (头韵)Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words.头韵:在一组词的开头或重读音节中对相同辅音或不同元音的重复。
3.Allusion (典故)A reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects the reader to recognize and respond to.典故:作者对某些读者熟悉并能够作出反映的特定人物,地点,事件,文学作品的引用。
4.Analogy (类比)A comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them.类比:为了在两个事物之间找出差别而进行的比较。
5. Antagonist (反面主角)The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero or heroine of a narrative or drama.反面主角:叙事文学或戏剧中与男女主人公或英雄相对立的主要人物。
6. Antithesis (对仗)The balancing of two contrasting ideas, words, or sentences.对仗:两组相对的思想,言辞,词句的平衡。

1. The American economic system is, organized around a basically private-enterprise, market- oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.[参考译文] 美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。
2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. [参考译文] 因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求与商人试图最大化其利润的欲望和个人想最大化其收入效用的欲望相结合,一起决定了什么应该被制造,以及资源如何被用来制造它们。
3. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.[参考译文] 另一方面,如果大量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那么这就有可能增加卖方和制造商能提供的供给,而这也就会反过来降低价格并允许更多的消费者购买产品。

英美文学100题翻译1.the work that presented,for the first time in English literature,a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid character from all walks of life is Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales.在英国文学里提到的作品里,第一次全面逼真地刻画了中世纪英国社会,创造了一个来自各行各业的生动画面的作品是杰弗里·乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集。
2.Geoffrey Chaucer is regarded as the father of English poetry.乔叟被视为英文诗歌之父,3.The verse form of heroic couplet was introduced into English poetry and employed in the poem with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature by Geoffrey Chaucer. 在英国文学史上,第一次在英文诗中引入英雄对联诗体,真正方便和体现了诗的魅力,是有乔叟开始的。
4.The Canterbury Tales presents a whole gallery of vivid characters,the team of pilgrims,people from all walks of life,including 31 members altogether.坎特伯雷故事集呈现的是从各行各业的所有人的生动的人物形象,比如朝圣者的队伍,其中一共包括31名成员。
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1.the work that presented,for the first time in English literature,a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid character from all walks of life is Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales.在英国文学里提到的作品里,第一次全面逼真地刻画了中世纪英国社会,创造了一个来自各行各业的生动画面的作品是杰弗里·乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集。
2.Geoffrey Chaucer is regarded as the father of English poetry.乔叟被视为英文诗歌之父,3.The verse form of heroic couplet was introduced into English poetry and employed in the poem with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature by Geoffrey Chaucer. 在英国文学史上,第一次在英文诗中引入英雄对联诗体,真正方便和体现了诗的魅力,是有乔叟开始的。
4.The Canterbury Tales presents a whole gallery of vivid characters,the team of pilgrims,people from all walks of life,including 31 members altogether.坎特伯雷故事集呈现的是从各行各业的所有人的生动的人物形象,比如朝圣者的队伍,其中一共包括31名成员。
5.Generally,Renaissance refers to the intellectual movement during the period between 14th and mid-17th centuries,its essence was humanism.一般来说,文艺复兴时期指的是从14世纪到17世纪的智力运动,它的本质是人文精神。
6.English Renaissance Period was an age of poetry and drama.英国文艺复兴时期是诗歌和戏剧的时代。
7.William Shakespeare's writing is widely regarded as one of the three main sources of the English literature,while the other two are Greek and Roman myths and the Bible.威廉·莎士比亚的作品被广泛视为英国文献的三个主要来源之一,其他两个是希腊和罗马的神话和圣经。
8.William Shakespeare leaves a great body of literary work to the world,including 37 plays,154 sonnets and 2 narrative poems.威廉·莎士比亚留下了伟大的文学作品,包括37部戏剧,154首14行诗和2个叙事诗。
9.In reading Shakespeare,you must have come across the line”To be or not to be-that is the question”by Hamlet in Hamlet在阅读莎士比亚的哈姆雷特这篇文章时,你一定见到过Hamlet所说的“生存还是毁灭,这是个问题”。
10.“So long as men can breathe,or eyes can see./So long lives this ,and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare,Sonnet 18)The word “this”refers to poetry.“只要人类在呼吸,眼睛看得见/这诗就活着,使你的生命绵延。
”(莎士比亚十四行诗第18首)“this”是指诗歌11.Shakespeare’s four great tragedies include Hamlet,King Lear,Othello,and Macbeth,usually considered as some of the finest works in the English language.莎士比亚四大悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《李尔王》、《奥赛罗》、《麦克白》,通常被认为是英文作品中一些最优秀作品。
12.In Romeo and Juliet,Shakespeare’s humanism is evidently seen in his praise of human love and in his defiance of feudal discord.在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,莎士比亚的人文主义是在对人类的爱的赞美和对封建纷争的无视中体现出来的。
13.A sonnet is a poem of 14 ually in iambic pentameter with rhymes arranged according toa centain definite patterns.十四行诗是指有14行的诗歌。
14.Francis Bacon’s words,”Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested that is,some books are to be read in parts,others to be read,but not curiously,and some few to be read wholly,and with diligence and attention,”describes the importance of reading and difference ways to deal with different books as well.弗朗西斯·培根说过,“有一些书浅尝即可,有一些可囫囵吞枣,有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化,一些书是只阅读一部分,另一些可以读,但不要太挑剔。
15.The Glorious Revolution in 1688 meant the supremacy of Parliament ,the beginning of modern England and the triumph of the principle of politically liberty.1688年的光荣革命意味着议会至上,现代英国的开端和政治自由的原则的胜利。
16.Metaphysical poetry refers to the works of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne,with the general theme of carpe diem.形而上学的诗歌是指,随着及时行乐的普遍主题,在17世纪受约翰·多恩影响的作家所写的作品。
17、John Donne in his poem ‘The Flea’claim that killing the lover, the flea and thus committing sacrilege constitute ‘three sins’.约翰·邓恩在其诗作《跳蚤与爱情》中称杀死爱人、跳蚤和任性亵渎神灵乃是三大原罪。
18、Epic is a long verse narrative on a serious subject, told in a formal and elevated style, and centered on a heroic or quasi-divine figure on whose actions depends the fate of a tribe, nation or the human race.史诗属于一种记述重大历史事件的长篇韵文,格式通常正式、严肃,其中心往往围绕可以决定一个部落、民族甚至全人类命运的英雄,或者说已经几乎被尊崇成了神的人物。
十九、Enlightens believed that freedom, democracy, and reason are the primary values the society. 启蒙主义者认为社会的价值在于自由、平等和博爱。
20、In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe traces the growth of Robinson from a naïve and simple youth intoa mature and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his 28 years of living on an isolated island.笛福在其著作《鲁滨逊漂流记》中叙述了主人公鲁滨逊从一个天真的和简单的青年变成一个成熟的和坚强的人的故事,他在廿八年的孤岛生涯里创造了无数的奇迹。
21、In Robinson Crusoe, the hero Crusoe teaches a slave named Friday to speak English and believed in God and eat like a civilized man.在《鲁滨逊漂流记》中,英雄人物鲁滨逊教会了奴隶星期五讲英语、信上帝并像社会人那样吃饮等行为。
22、The revolutionary enthusiasm of the bourgeois revolution and the bitter hatred for the despotic ruler are best shown in the works of John Milton.约翰·弥尔顿的作品极好的展现了资产阶级的革命热忱和对独裁者满腔的阶级仇恨。