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This type concentric butterfly valve can be installed between the flanges according to GB/T2506-1989 or JIS B 2220-2004,and the pipes according to CB*3075-87.
E-液压传动 Hydraulic Operated F-蜗轮蜗杆传动 Worm Gear Manual Operated
2. 公称压力 Normal Pressure
3. 公称通径 Normal Diameter
4. 公司标志及法兰连接形式 Name:HD531-对夹式 Wafer Type,HD5314- 法兰式 Flange Type,
This type of concentric butterfly valve can be used for industries of shipping, petroleum, chemical material metallurgy and food etc. This valve is made by SHANGHAI HUDONG MARINE VALVE MANUF. CO. Ltd.
地址:上海市浦东东高路 15 号 电话:021-68464091 传真:021-68463866 邮编:201208
movement or damage the disc or seat. 2. 中心蝶阀安装时法兰不需要加入垫片。
No gaskets are required as there have been molded O-rings on the face of the seat for concentric butterfly valve. 3. 蝶阀需保持垂直于管路安装。安装前确保蝶板已经打开一个角度(约 10°),放入对夹法兰之间,对中之后 穿好所有的连接螺栓,并用手拧紧,注意不要完全拧紧,然后小心地将蝶阀完全打开,并确认蝶板与管道内壁
Q (ZCuAl9Mn2)
名称 Parts
蝶板 Disc
材料 Material
青铜 Bronze
不锈钢 Stainless
代号 Code Name
名称 Parts
密封 圈 Seal Ring
材料 Material
B 10 250 HD531 -1- G Q N
12 3
4 567 8
(二)编制说明 Code Specification
1. 操纵方式 Manual Type : A-手柄传动 Lever Operated
B-螺旋副(手轮中心型)传动 Spiral Manual
C-气动传动 Pneumatic operated D-电动传动 Electric Operated
repeat a full close to full open rotation of the disc to ensure proper clearances. 4. 本公司生产的蝶阀适用于按照 GB/T2506-1989 标准及按照 JIS B 2220-2004 标准生产的法兰和按照 CB*3075-87 标准选用的无缝钢管。
一、 主要零件材质 Main Parts Material
名称 Parts
阀体 Body
材料 Material
球铁 Nodular
Cast Iron 铸钢 Cast Steel
青铜 Bronze
不锈钢 Stainless
代号 Code Name
QT (QT400-18)
G (ZG230-450)
To change the seal rubber of concentric butterfly valve, following these steps: first loose part 9 nut and take off part 10 gasket, then take part 8 operator, then take off part 13 nut, part 12 washer, part 11 key, and now take off part 3 stem, part 4 disc, finally the part 2 seal rubber ring can be taken off and changed. Notice: if find the part 11 key is loosed or has been broken when take off, the key should change a new one and when fix the key paint the sealant on.
7. 蝶板材料 Disc Material Code:Q-青铜 Bronze, Cr-不锈钢 Stainless Steel
8. 密封圈材料 Seal Ring Material Code:N-丁腈橡胶 NBR, F-氟橡胶 FPM, E-乙丙橡胶 EPDM
(三)密封圈材料适用说明 Seal Ring Material Specification
When fixed the butterfly, the pipe line should keep clear, if there are solid impurities on the butterfly valve seal rubber it may broke the seal ring. The broken seal ring may cause the valve leak. On the other hand, if the butterfly valve closed for a long time and the valve may open strictly, but after more times open and close, it will open smoothly. 2. 当密封圈不能保证正常的密封性能时,应该及时更换密封圈。密封圈的更换,必须将蝶阀从管路上拆卸下来。 对于不同形式的蝶阀,更换密封圈的方法有所不同。
The concentric butterfly valve diameter between DN800mm to DN1000mm we also can supply, if the custoBiblioteka Baiduer
五、 大口径(DN>800mm)中心蝶阀的选用
About Large Diameter Butterfly Valve (DN>800mm)
我公司现有中心蝶阀的口径系列从 DN80mm 到 DN1000mm,考虑到样本篇幅和实际使用情况,大于 DN800mm 的蝶阀未收录,客户需要口径 DN800mm 到 DN1000mm 的中心蝶阀请直接与经营科联系获取小样。
三、安装注意事项 General Installation:
1. 清洁管道及法兰,确保没有金属颗粒、铁屑及焊渣等可能损坏蝶板和密 封圈的垃圾。
Make sure the pipeline and pipe flange faces are clean. Any foreign such as pipe scale, mental chips, welding slang, welding rods, etc., can obstruct disc
1. 丁腈橡胶 N-NBR 适用介质:海水,淡水及原油、成品油。 适用温度:t≤70℃ NBR can be used for sea water, fresh water, air and oil temperature below 70℃.
2. 氟橡胶 F-FPM 适用介质:汽油及温度≤170℃的水,油及其它需要特别防腐要求的场合。 适用温度:t≤170℃ FPM can be used for fresh water, air and other anticorrosion situation temperature below 170℃.
中 心 衬 胶 蝶 阀 HD 531/HD5314/HD5318 系列综合说明
Marine Concentric Butterfly Valve General Specification
根据所采用的密封圈材质,本中心衬胶适用于-10℃至+170℃的淡水、海水、原油、成品油及含酸碱类 等各种介质管路中进行截流和流量调节。如有特殊要求,上海沪东造船阀门有限公司也能提供理想的产品。
with all flange bolts and hand-tighten, but do not tighten the bolts fully. Carefully open the disc to the full open
position, making sure the disc does no hit the adjacent pipe I.D. Now tight all flange bolts per specification. Finally
四、使用和维修 How to Usage and Maintenance
1. 在使用过程中,必须保持管路的清洁,不能有坚硬的杂物卡在密封副中,这样会造成密封面的泄漏和橡胶密 封的损坏。长时间不打开的蝶阀可能会有启闭较紧的现象,但经反复开闭,会减少过紧感。经过一定时间的使 用,蝶阀的密封圈会老化,包括不正确的适用介质,都会使密封性能会降低。
3. 乙丙橡胶 E-EPDM 适用介质:醇、酸、碱、氧化剂、制冷剂、洗涤剂、动植物油、酮和脂等极性化学品,但不耐汽油、苯及矿物油。 适用温度:t≤120℃ EPDM can be used for like ethanol, acid, alkali, oxidant, ketene etc, temperature below 120℃.
丁腈 橡胶 NBR
氟橡胶 FPM
乙丙 橡胶 EPDM
代号 Code Name
名称 Parts
阀杆 Stem
材料 Material
不锈钢 Stainless
代号 Code Name
Cr (1Cr17Ni2)
二、代号及编制说明 How to Order
(一)代号 Code
示例 Example:
HD5318-双法兰式 Double Flange Type
5. 法兰连接标准 Flange Connection Standard:1-ISO2084-1974, 2-JISB2220-2004
6. 阀体材料 Body Material Code:G-铸钢 Cast steel, Q-青铜 Bronze, Cr-不锈钢 Stainless Steel, QT-球铁 Nodular Cast Iron
When fixed the butterfly, the valve should keep upright. Check to see that the valve disc had been positioned to a partially open position, with about 10°open. Place the valve between the flanges, centre it, and the span the valve
If the seal ring can not wok efficiently, the seal rubber should be change. When change the seal rubber the butterfly valve should be disassembly. 3. 中心型蝶阀密封圈的更换方法:(见下图) 拆掉件件 5 驱动装置,拆掉件 8 螺母、7 销,抽出件 4 阀杆,取出件 3 蝶板,就可以更换密封圈件 2 了。然后, 以相反顺序将前面拆下的零件一一装配起来即可。须要注意的是,如果销子经过拆卸而过松,或拆卸时已损坏, 必须重新配新的销子,并在销子装配时涂上环氧树脂。