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Interpretive Argument (IA, Kane 1992)
IA: Score interpretation and use
Descriptive interpretations—no particular use specified Decision-based interpretations
Evidence-based Validation (Weir 2005)
Test Taker Characteristic Context Validity Setting: task Demand: task • • • • Setting: administration • • Theory-based Validity Executive Processes • •
Evaluation via Hale Waihona Puke Baiducoring procedure
Generalization via reliability studies
Extrapolation to nontest behavior; Explanation in terms of a model
Relevance, associated values, consequences
(转引自McNamara & Roever, 2006: 25)
Assessment Argument (Mislevy et al. 2003)
Evidence-centered Design (ECD)
Evidence ( Observation) What the students say or do Test construction, administration, scoring, and reporting
第五章 测试效度及其 验证方法(二)
湖南师范大学外国语学院 邓杰 教授
整体效度观 测试辩论法 图尔明模型 测试辩论模型的逻辑错误及成因 累进辩论法 累进效度观
主要时期:20世纪80年代中期以后 基本观点:整体多维性 验证方法:理性辩论 辩论框架:图尔明模型
Validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses of tests.
整体概念:构念效度整体效度,即效度(不存在类别之分) 多维互补:之前不同类别的效度同一整体的不同维度(相互补充、 相互依存,为整体效度提供证据) 不再是测试本身固有的属性,而在于分数的解释和使用,包括分数 解释的合理性、使用决策的恰当性和使用后果的裨益性 不再是“有”或“无”的问题,而是“程度”问题 不再是单一指标,而是综合评判 不再是抽象数值,而是理性结论 无所谓效度系数之说 不再由公式计算,而应逻辑推理
1. An inductive summary of convergent and discriminant evidence that the test scores have a plausible meaning or construct interpretation, 2. An appraisal of the value implications of the test interpretation 3. A rationale and evidence for the relevance of the construct and the utility of the scores in particular applications 4. An appraisal of the potential social consequences of the proposed use and of the actual consequences when used
Principle ( Verification ) Statistical models; Probability-based reasoning Relevance of data, value of observations as evidence
Claim ( Inference) What the students know or can do Target knowledge, acquisition process, contextualized use
Validity … refers to the appropriateness, meaningfulness and usefulness of the specific inferences made form test scores.
Observed Score
Universal Score
Target Score (Inference)
Semantic inferences—claims about what the test scores mean
Policy inferences— claims about positive consequences of adopting decision rules
Validity Model (Messick 1988: 42)
TEST INTERPRETATION EVIDENTIAL BASIS CONSEQUENTIAL BASIS Construct validity Value implications TEST USE Construct validity + Relevance/utility Social consequences