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>>553 host denies the sender. (拒绝发件人地址)\r\n
>>553 private list access denied. (列表访问拒绝)\r\n
>>553 relay check domain fail\r\n
>>553 relay check local fail. (本域用户必须通过验证)\r\n
>>552 message rejected by anti-spam engine.
>>553 fake router infomation.
>>554 Black mail address.
>>552 too many same size mails. (发送过多长度类似信件)\r\n
>>451 out of allow RCPT numbers. (超出 RCPT 允许上限)\r\n
>>450 out of memory. (内部错误)\r\n
>>551 auth error. (认证永久失败)\r\n
>>451 auth error. (认证临时失败)\r\n
>>451 domain auth support error\r\n
>>451 auth mode unsupported. (不支持的认证模式))\r\n
>>501 please say HELO/EHLO first\r\n
>>502 please say MAIL first\r\n
>>503 please say RCPT first\r\n
>>500 sequence error\r\n
>>500 syntax error\r\n
>>450 queue unavailable. (队列忙)\r\n
>>553 host denies relay. (拒绝中继)\r\n
>>552 mail from invalid. (发件人地址不合法)\r\n
>>552 looping message. (环回信件)\r\n
>>552 message is too long. (邮件大小超过限制)\r\n
>>554 attachment is too long. (单个附件大小超出限制)\r\n
>>554 sender is unvalidated. (发信人地址不合法)\r\n
>>450 mailbox unavailable. (邮箱暂时不可用)\r\n
>>550 mailbox unavailable. (邮箱不存在)\r\n
>>552 Virus found. (信件包含无法清除的病毒)\r\n
>>554 mail address invalid. (发件人地址不匹配)\r\n
>>556 remote ip check error. (发信ip与Mail From地址不一致)\r\n
>>555 helohost error.(helo 主机信息检查失败)\r\n
>>451 stray newline\r\n
>>551 line parse error(该行违背协议).\r\n
>>550 user is locked. (邮箱被锁)\r\n
>>450 database temporary error. (临时数据访问失败)\r\n
>>554 smtpport check error. (不是合法的邮件服务器)\r\n
>>554 rbl deny. (拒绝 RBL 中的邮件服务器)\r\n
>>554 openrelay check. (拒绝开放中继服务器)\r\n


Q:the server says:550 relaying mail to <> is not allowed
Q:The server says:550 <>... relaying denied
Q:the server says:550 5.7.1 relaying not permitted:

Q:The server says:550 <>:local user only
Q:The server says:550 <>:Invalid User
Q:The server says:550 Invalid recipient
A:使用,,和之类的Smtp服务器时,只能用自身的信箱发信,所以要在Outlook Express的“帐户属性”中的“个人信息”里面填写正确的邮件地址。

Q:the server says:551 delivery not allowed to non-local recipient
Q:The server says:553 Relay restriction.
Q:The server says:553 From <>, message blocked.
Q:The server says:553 sorry,you are not allow to use this SMTP to relay your eami
Q:The server says:553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts

的smtp服务器时,只能用自身的信箱发信,所以要在Outlook Express的“帐户属性”中的“个人信息”里面填写正确的邮件地址。

Q:The server says:505 client was not authenticated
Q:The server says:553 authentication is required to send mail as <>

Q:The server says:535 Error:authenticatin failed
Q:The server says:535 Authentication unsuccessful
Q:The server says:452 Insufficient system storage

Q:The server says:553 <>...domain name required
Q:The server says:550 Unable to relay for ...
A:多出现在用Wingate代理服务器发送邮件时。虽然在Wingate中“POP3 邮箱帐号”要使用“用户名#POP3地址”的格式,但在“帐户属性”中的“个人信息”中还是要填写一般的格式。

Q:The server says:553 mailbox name not allowed

Q:the server says:553 sorry, your envelop sender is in my badmailfrom list

Q:the server says:554 Transaction failed
Q:The server says:451 Requested action aborted,errno=28

Q:the server says:503 error:needmail command
Q:The server says:503 need mail before RCPT.
Q:The server says:503 Bad sequence of commands

Q:The Server says:501 syntax.helo hostname
Q:The server says:501 Invalid domain name
Q:The server says:502 unimplemented command
Q:the server says:503 5.0.0 polite people say HELO first
Q:The server says:533 relay restriction
Q:The server says:544 <>:Recipient address rejected: Relay access denied
