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Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development has achieved the achievement be obvious to people, all have the corresponding development. With the development of economy, China's financial industry is grow sturdily. In recent years, construction of system reform and market economic system so that the people's living standards improve, the increasing income. However, with the deepening development of, also appeared a lot of problems. The influence of financial development gap of income of urban and rural residents. According to the index of the development of China's economic development, finance and the income of urban and rural residents increased, we discover not hard, not between the coordination between the three. First, the rapid growth of the economy and the financial industry boom makes the income of urban and rural residents has expanded situation. At present, the construction of a harmonious society is the objective that we must pay attention to this problem, in order to prevent the income of urban and rural residents further expand. Only as soon as possible to solve the problem, in order to make the economic development of fast and good.


Financial development; income gap between urban and rural residents,


绪论 (1)

(一)研究背景和意义 (1)

(二)国内外研究综述 (2)

1.国外研究情况 (2)

2.国内研究情况 (2)

(三)研究方法与思路 (3)

1.研究方法 (3)

2.研究思路 (3)

一、金融发展影响城乡收入差距的途径 (4)

(一)门槛效应 (4)

(二)逐利效应 (4)

(三)排斥效应 (4)

二、金融发展与城乡收入的现状分析 (5)

(一)金融发展现状分析 (5)

1.银行机构发展现状 (5)

2.保险机构发展现状 (5)

3.证券机构发展现状 (5)

(二)城乡居民收入现状分析 (7)

1.城乡居民收入的差别 (9)

2.城乡居民收入的分配差别 (9)

三、金融发展影响城乡收入差距的实证分析 (10)

(一)模型介绍 (10)

(二)变量选取与数据来源 (10)

(三)计量分析过程 (11)

1.数据描述统计性分析 (11)

2.回归检验 (12)

3.协整分析与VEC模型分析 (12)

(四)结论 (17)

四、金融发展影响城乡收入差距的原因分析 (18)

(一)影响城乡收入差距的金融因素 (18)

1.农村金融机构发展缓慢 (18)

2.农村中小企业信贷支持缺乏 (19)

(二)影响城乡收入差距的其他因素 (19)

1.保障制度的失衡 (19)

2.教育方面的失衡 (20)

五、缩小城乡收入差距的对策建议 (20)

(一)金融方面的对策和建议 (20)

1.加强中小企业信贷的支持 (20)

2.加大财政支农力度 (20)

3.深化农村金融改革 (21)

(二)其他方面的对策和建议 (21)

1.合理调整收入分配制度 (21)

2.加大财政支农力度 (21)

3.增加农民收入渠道 (21)

参考文献 (23)

致谢 (25)
