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1. Do you have pocket money from your parents? How do you spend it?

2. Do you agree that offering too much allowance to children may spoil them?

3. How can you make pocket money? (Where do you get your pocket


I usually get my pocket money from my parents. My father will give me some pocket money for my good school record, my mother will give me some pocket money after I help her to do some housework.

4. Are you good at saving money?

5. What would you do if you were a millionaire (百万富翁)?

6. Do your parents use credit cards?

7. Is money everything?

I don‟t think so .Because some things we can use money to buy it ,but some things we can‟t ,like health, friends ,love ,and so many things .So ,I don‟t think money is everything.

8. How do you think of the recent price?

just so so! Some things are very expensive now; our pool people can‟t buy it! And some things are very cheap now, we can buy it. But now, I think it isn‟t very stabilize.

9. Are you happy to buy anything for your parents or friends with your own


Yes ! I …m very happy to use my own money to buy anything, I think we need to buy some things to develop (发展)our friendship, and we need to buy some things to show filial(子女的)obedience(respect)to our parents. We buy things to our friends or parents, we must use our own money to buy it, and we mustn‟t use other people‟s money to buy it, because we use our own money that‟s our things!

10. Do you sometimes give money to charities?

Yes! I sometimes give charities some change, I think they really it(正好是所需的)to maintain their life. I think I do a good deed(行为)!

11. How much money do you parents spend on you every year?

About hundred thousands of! My mother always said that it is very expensive to bring up a child!

12. Which one do you think is more important, wealth or health?

I think health is more important for us. Because if we have a good body, we can find a job and get the money with the job, but if we have a very weak body, even if you have more and more money you get health again!

13. How do we use money reasonably? 我们如何合理的利用资金

14. Do you think it‟s necessary for student to learn how to manage money?

15. What can‟t be bought with money?

16. What‟s your opinion about money? / What does money mean to us? Money means a lot to us, because with money, we could do a lot of important things, for example, with money we could go to school to study, with money we could buy food and clothes, with money we could help the poor children to go back to school. But if we do n‟t have money, then we would have no clothes to wear, no food to drink, life will be very poor. So I think money is important to our life.

17. What role does money play in your life?

18. With enough money, what do you want to do must?

19. Do you think having a lot of money makes people happy?

I think that money is essential(必要的) to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can‟t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured(衡量) by money. It is a state of mind(心情). One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can‟t buy happiness.

20. Do you think having a lot of money means success?

Having a lot of money do not equal to(不等于) being successful. We can‟t just judge how successful a person is just by how much money he has. Many people are rich, but they earn money by bad things. A thief managed to steal a large amount of money, is him successful?

In my opinion, everyone can be successful. A student work his way to become the No.1 in his class, he is successful. A mother raised(抚养) an outstanding (优秀的)son, she is successful. When I managed to get though a difficulty, I‟m successful. Only people who can earn a lot of money are successful? Absolutely not!
